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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 17, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: save america. cut spending, limit government, grow the economy. save america, and elizabeth macdonald, up next. liz: thank you, larry. good to be back and good to see you again. that was a great show. larry: thank you, liz. liz: sure, right now at this hour let's get to the latest on bud light. it is now desperately trying to stop a dramatic firestorm. okay right now let's get to the latest. bud light is trying to stop a dramatic firestorm. the boycott of bud light, it is real and it's growing, after its
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ad featuring transgender personality dylan mulvaney. now, bud light politico parent an higher bush losing billions of dollars in market value plus the new sound of bud light marketing chief literally insulting bud's customers and more americans are saying no to woke ceo's pandering and virtue signaling to social status. this is a big problem. we saw this happen at disney, coca cola, american airlines and now nike too. jeff flock is live with the story in pennsylvania. good to see you, jeff. reporter: liz, great to see you the good news is people are still drinking beer just maybe not as much as bud light. if you take a look at the impact you mentioned the loss of market cap. take a look at the stock chart over the course of the past month or so. market cap was about 132 billion when we started out but as you know big companies have market cap swings.
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the stock price went from 66.5 at the beginning of this controversy to now about 65 so about a buck and a half loss so not tremendous. the bigger lower classes is in sales. take a look at these numbers. the latest numbers on sales volume of sales, bud light down 7% in the last week for which we have data. the competitors, coors light up 10%. miller light up 17%. so that, perhaps, sparked this , which be the new ad from bud light, and anheiser bush pointing out that the company is very patriotic called the " shared spirit" and they say they are rooted in america and it's a story bigger than beer. no apology there for its hook-up with the social media transgender actress dylan mulvaney and there wasn't an apology either in the statement from the ceo and he's brendan whitworth. "we never intended to be part of
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a discussion that divides people we are in the business of bringing people together over a beer." i would point out, liz, that dylan mulvaney, the transgender actress, has 10 million follower s on tiktok so an higher bush trying to tap into a market that they didn't otherwise get into. she also has deals, by the way, with nike, kitchenair, and ulta beauty. no word on any boycotts there, but she's popular on the old tiktok. liz? liz: jeff, thank you so much. good to see you. joining us now, florida congressman kat cammack and utah congressman jason chaffetz. first, you congressman. social media is really reaction and lighting up bud light is going in the way of schlitz. >> it's interesting a poll a couple months ago showed 80% of consumers across country preferred that companies stay neutral. i thought that it was really a faux pas of sorts they did this
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and truly, you think about all of the hard working men and women employed by anheuser-bush who now you have them kind of stuck with this , this mess on their hands. it's really a shame, but, consumers, they vote not just at the ballot box but with their dollars and we're seeing that play out. liz: that's what's happening, right, congressman? the news too that budweiser ceo did not address reports that senior bud executives are kept in the dark about this , about this rollout, and bud is taking a hit. this is now, this boycott is spreading. it is real. >> yeah, it does have legs. for the budweiser leadership to say oh, we don't like to be involved and engaged in politics , does anybody believe that? why else would they do that? as soon as they got into trouble what go they do? rollout the clydes dale, the red , white and blue and wrap themselves around the flag. that's the anheuser-bush that i grew up, that i like, that you know, when they rolled out their commercial after 9/11, it helped
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bring the country together, but this ad campaign is all about being woke and they are going to go broke with that type of attitude toward it. it does push people apart. liz: you know, people are saying to what jason just said, people are saying just stay out of politics, cut it out. just sell your products. bud light, just sell your beer. let's listen to the bud light's new vice president a liz a gordon. she broke the cardinal rule and attacked the customer. watch her say the image of the company was just on this recent podcast. we want the congresswoman and jason to react to this. those customers have sustained the bud light brand for decades. watch. >> so i had this super clear mandate like we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand, and my what i brought to that was a belief in okay, what does evolve and
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elevate mean? it means inclusivity. it had been a brand of kind of out of touch humor. liz: i mean, out of touch, congresswoman? i mean, this , congresswoman, this is another swing and a miss for the woke agenda. remember this other cringey tone deaf ad from pepsi a few years back? kendall jenner giving pepsi to a cop during the blm protest. pepsi pulled that ad. your reaction, go ahead. >> exactly. it's more than a montra at this point. you go woke you go broke and i guess you can throw they in the camp of being fratty, because i used to enjoy a bud light but i guess that's how they consider their customers, just a bunch of frat boys. that's really sad. what we know though from whether it's netflix, whether it is help say, whether it's now anheuser-bush it doesn't matter. these companies that choose to go woke for the short-term gains they think they are getting it actually comes with significant
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high risk in the long term. the data showed over the last 10 years that these companies that go woke, they have lesser returns, so if they have a responsibility to their shareholders they ought to get their course corrected fast. liz: so course corrected fast. jason, final word. >> yeah, you're right, liz. she demeaned the consumers. she knows she wanted to do " elevate the brand" as if it wasn't good enough. it was one of the best-selling beers in the country but it ain't anymore, and it's going to continue to decline because she alienated the customer. she doesn't understand, and she thinks she's so woke, so above it all, that she needed to elevate it by putting together somebody whose a transgender person to represent them. liz: got it. >> it's not going to work. liz: thank you so much it's good to see you. look whose here back with us now economic eg an toni, and jimmy f alla, ej, first to see you. this really was a ploy for
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profits trying to get a new kind of customer base but it's backfiring and now it looks like the joke is dylan mulvaney stopped more people from drinking than the 18th amendment. >> certainly, liz, and you know , this was just another example of how go woke go broke is more than just some cute saying. it's an economic reality. when you fail to deliver what the customer wants, you meet with disaster, and actually, we're seeing exact same thing not just in terms of the private marketplace, but the public marketplace too. look at every time government goes woke. every time we have one of these crazy da's who goes woke, we get lawless, soft on crime policies and then you have places like my hometown of philly where you have major retailers fleeing the city because crime is so out of control. liz: that's a big issue what ej just said, jimmy. people are asking, why aren't bud and nike hiring riley gains or women's soccer stars like ch loe kelly. let's get your reaction to florida governor desantis in all
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of this watch this. >> the people also side with us on wanting to see an economy where businesses focus on their core missions, rather than indulging in woke political activism. >> [applause] >> and what you see happening, and look, some of it's annoying. some of it they are virtue signaling and it it is honestly i think what's going on here you see bud light and doing all this stuff but some of the stuff i think is really insidious, when you look at movements like esg, environment, social governance, what they are trying to do is they are trying to hijack corporate power in order to advance an ideological agenda liz: what do you think? >> well he's 100% right when he says that the esg is kind often eany of a sound corporate management policy. when you think about what bud light did, okay, is they fought the wrong battle, liz. when people go to a beer freezer they want a beer that's cold and tasty. you've got so many options in
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that freezer, you don't look around and go hmmm, which one has a guy wearing a dress, and this is where bud light screwed up. when that head of marketing insulted the customer and said, you know, they were fratty, and the humor was out of touch, okay , no one was asking for her opinion on those things. all we wanted was a beer. look at me. i look like i get paid in beer. i know what they're supposed to be prioritizing and esg takes your eye off that ball, so, i think it's hilarious this is happening to bud and i don't believe anything that the management says over a tranh euser-bush. they knew they were running this campaign. they tried to say she did it without upper management knowing there's no way they made this move without management knowing because if that were the case, they would have fired her for taking this much off the market cap. but they can't fire her because they don't want to be out of touch with the trans agenda. liz: jimmy you look like you get paid in martinis. >> the good ones, dirty! liz: so, you know, the other
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thing too. the other thing that happened too, ej, we had democrat katie porter fighting with piers morgan on hbo's realtime with bill maher about ncaa sort of riley gains. she's fighting to protect women athletes harmed by transgender athletes. here is the issue. everybody is ignoring this. female athletes do not get commercials. they don't get sponsorships like these other athletes do, and that's what the issue is with the unfair advantage when it comes to women athletes and now transgender athletes. look at this sound bite and watch for the fight here. >> i think that what she has done is tried to turn this , we talked about people, you know, becoming, using things to kind of get likes and get clicks. >> that's not what she's doing. >> isn't it? >> all i've seen her do is stand up for women's rights to fairness and equality. she competed against lea thomasnd it was obviously unfair. >> there seems to be so many instances i think where wokeness
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is the opposite of what i grew up as liberalism. liberalism was let's give the women an equal shot. this is let's put a male in the swimming pool with the women liz: what do you think, ej, what they were just talking about? >> well, i think this is the end result of feminism as a snake eating its own tail. it's not a movement apparently that's about equality for women, because if it were, it be standing up for actual women, not men pretending to be women, but instead, it is just bowing like everyone else, to the woke agenda. liz: so what ej just said, jimmy , we had a female athlete. she's shot put era meal yeah struckler. she's saying dylan mulvaney is making a mockery of female athletes and saying female athletes don't get commercial endorsement deals like mulvaney. maybe less than 10% of all sports sponsorship money. so, and the other thing too is we're hearing is that a lot of women are saying what these transgendered individuals are doing is they are saturizing what it means to
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be a woman. >> totally 100% and in that regard what we keep getting wrong is they are trying to characterize our pushback as anti-trans when in fact it's just pro-women. okay? we're fine with trans athletes having a trans athlete category. we didn't say they can't compete , but the idea that we're sitting here at the 50th anniversary of title 9 and we're now minimizing women's contributions to women's sports is such an insult to women and this is where we've been hijacked and let me be very clear. i be fine with biological men competing in women's sports if i could gamble on it in vegas, but there's a reason they won't let me gamble on it is because they know how it's going to end every time. liz: well, that's an interesting point what jimmy just said, ej. you know, women are half our population. they probably are half the athletes in the world. it's half of nike and other sports wear, retailer where customers are women so why not hire women for your ads? final word ej, and i'll get back to you jimmy.
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>> it's a great question, and once again, it goes back to deviating away from what the consumer wants to what the radical left wants, and we're going to see this yet again, go woke, go broke, applied to athletic wear like nike. liz: got it. jimmy, final word. >> i'm 100% on board with ej, and nike, excuse me, bud light you were wrong. you didn't make beer more inclusive. beer is the most inclusive thing in the world. most of us wouldn't be born if it weren't for beer. its been bringing people together for hundreds of years without a tiktok influencer getting involved. leave it alone. liz: [laughter] leave it up to jimmy to make the most hilarious points, you're terrific, okay we've got a lot of news coming into the studio, happening right now. elon musk, he's out with a grim new warning on who is going to train artificial intelligence to mislead and lie to you. can you take a guess? also, trump former head of the federal energy regulatory commission neil chattergy,
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california now the first of the nation charging for electricity based not on your usage, but on income, on how much money consumers in california earn. this is a clear violation of taxpayers constitutional right to privacy, and next in the "evening edit" congressman darrel issa, he is from the house judiciary. his committee held a field hear ing in new york city on da bragg's out of control crime. his abuse of the justice system to go after trump and crime victims now slamming house democrats for insulting them, trying to call them props for the gop. all this big fight is coming up in the "evening edit."
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liz: okay we have major fireworks at the house judiciary , its first field hear ing in new york city today about rampant crime and crime victims under manhattan da alvin bragg. bragg has been targeting trump but this is the outrage people are missing. house democrats, they're calling new york city crime victims and their families insulting them by claiming they are being used as props for the gop as if they can't think for themselves. madison alworth is live in new york city. she's been all over this story breaking the news here. madison it's good to see you.
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reporter: liz, it's great to be with you. thank you so much. yeah, it was a day full of passion inside of that hearing today, across the aisle and with those witnesses, and frankly, there was a lot of passion outside of this hearing as well. now this is the first of what they say will be many victim of violent crime hearings. this one first focused in manhattan, when they got started you had protesters outside, demanding to be let in. they were not let into the meeting. it proceedsed as planned and the meeting was streamed on youtube, so it was available to the public. the goal of this hearing was to examine how "pro-crime anti- victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime. we heard from eight witnesses, including a former worker initially charged with murder after stabbing a man in self- defense. his attorney speaking on behalf as a translator. >> discriminate on on the bases of a political party and the next time an innocent man does nothing but protect their
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own life in self-defense from a violent attack they should not be made the villain but instead treated with care and compassion as the victim. reporter: now, the hearing was the most disruptive when representative henry hank johnson called the witnesses who all in some way have been personally impacted by violent crime in new york props. something that both members of the audience and witnesses took issue with. >> the republican witnesses who have used their time to criticize district attorney baghdadi has served as props in a maga broadway production. the real purpose in coming to new york city, can we have order the real purpose in coming to new york city -- >> gentlemen, we'll suspend. >> stop the clock. >> please don't talk down to us , witnesses, please. reporter: you can see here that exchange really heated.
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there were actually other members of the audience escorted out after refusing to quiet down , and like i said off the top. this is just the first of these hearings that the committee says they will plan across the u.s.. the overall goal to look at how soft on crime policies have impacted crime in these cities, new york being that very first stop. i'll send it back to you, liz. liz: great job, great reporting there. let's bring in congressman darrel issa. congressman, you were at the hearing. how can democrats think they can win election when you have them saying that, excuse me, that crime victims are just props for republicans. what was your reaction when you saw all of this? >> well it was particularly surreal because generally, crime victims in the past and victims in general, have been the choices of democrats for hearings. in this case, these individuals were directly impacted, loss of life and so on, and they were there as fact witnesses, and it
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was unusual to see the democrats taking them on, but liz, it's clear that their goal is to try to move what is a crime hearing to a hearing on the former president. they tried to do that again and again without much success. liz: so they are speaking up because they need help. the people in new york city need help. crime victims need help but democrat and new york representative jerry nadler, he is saying rising crime is only an illusion? >> it was kind of interesting. he kept citing crime in other places, rather than dealing with what is actually happening in new york, which is the 70s, the 80s and early 90s were terrible in new york. under mayor guiliani, nypd became an effective force and that has slipped away and with some of the changes at the state level and this da, they are ses but more importantly what we hear is no enforcement against the kind of crimes that happen
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every single day. 327 individuals who alone did over 6,000 crimes of shoplifting those sort of things. road. liz: yeah, they were re-arrested even the new york times is reporting on that, so even new york democrat officials are saying the da bragg's weak on crime policies are ruining the city. lets please get your reaction to this. this is what you probably watched today at the hearing. watch this. >> your experiences are devastating, but the problem is is that this is a charade to cover up for an abuse of power that they are going around talking outside of this hearing about donald trump, and the purpose of this hearing is to cover up for what they know to be an inappropriate investigation. now, i look forward, many of you -- >> can i respond, please? >> not right now because i only have 20 seconds i'm sorry.
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>> don't insult my intelligence >> hang on, hang on. >> if you're trying to insult me like i'm not aware of what's going on, that's why i walked away from the plantation of the democratic party. >> gentlemen? >> let me tell you this. >> [unable to hear speaker] >> let me tell you this. liz: now, congressman, that was democrat goldman talking over madeline brame. her son was stabbed in the chest after serving in afghanistan, he was an army sergeant. he's now dead and leaving behind grandchildren and so a democrat is talking over her and not letting her speak? who do these democrats really think they are? they really think this is only about trump? by the way that case against trump is so lame it should never have been brought. so many critics and legal critics say it's dead in the water. it's going to be thrown out of court. it's unconstitutional, it violated trump's constitutional rights. so this is the most idiotic
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performance we've ever seen of democrats being high-handed about crime hurting victims families. >> you're exactly right, liz. they wanted to make it about trump. we weren't there to make it about trump. we are going around the country to make it about law enforcement the need for legislatures to decide punishment, not rogue da 's. liz: got it, congressman issa, we'll have you back on. good to see you. moving on to this story. california is now becoming the first in the nation charging for electricity based not on usage, but on how much money consumers earn, how much they make. this is a clear violation of taxpayers constitutional rights to privacy. we're going to explain that and elon musk is now warning that left-wing programmers "are training and can train artificial intelligence to lie." lie even more than what's been going on with social media? that's coming up next on the "evening edit." people like
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liz: okay elon musk is out with this warning that the world is not prepared he's saying that it will hit people "like an asteroid." musk says he even used his only one on one meeting with then- president obama way back in 2015 to push for regulation of ai. grady trimble is live at capitol hill with more. grady? reporter: still, no ai regulations. elon musk isn't just sounding the alarm about artificial intelligence. he's also now getting involved. >> we're going to start something which you call truth g pt or maximum truth- seeking ai that tries to understand the nature of the universe and i think this might be the best path to safety in the sense that an ai that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to annihilate humans because we are an interesting part of the universe.
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reporter: the white house is considering ai regulations. a biden administration official says it could use ai audits to determine whether ai systems " promote misinformation, disinformation, or other misleading content" and while a lot of conservatives agree a lot of artificial intelligence needs regulatory guardrails they don't like the idea of the government deciding what constitutes misinformation. lawmakers also want to make sure regulations don't cause us to fall behind other countries. >> whoever has the best ai is going to have the strongest economy, which means they are going to have the best military. this goes across-the-board, and obviously, we cannot allow china to do that. reporter: here on the hill, senate majority leader chuck schumer is leading the democrat 's push to regulate artificial intelligence. european union lawmakers are also working on rules for ai, liz, but there's a lot of pressure for them to do it quickly before this technology spirals out of control.
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liz? liz: grady trimble, great reporting good to see you. let's welcome to the show ray wa ng, from constellation research. good to see you, ray. what do you make of this report? >> yeah, this is really important. we are talking about a national security issue. we're talking about a competitiveness issue and talking about a fundamental technology that is changing all of our lives. the challenge here really is the fact we don't have level one ai ethics. the ability to actually have the algorithms explainable so we understand what's going on. if we have bias we have to be able reverse bias if it doesn't make sense, we also have the ability to actually understand what's in those algorithms and how we can retrain things and more importantly if you don't put a human in the loop, it's going to take over, so these are basic things we should be having as guardrailsment liz: you see this as real? you see this as a real threat, because sundarp pishai, the ceo of alphabet is saying ai could be the most profound technology in human history since fire and
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electricity so you see this as a real threat? >> this is a real threat, if we don't put some guardrails here. you can't put a pause on it, but everybody does have to come together and say here are the things we're going to do and we're not going to do. it's the same thing with gene editing technology. that's the same threat. we could actually destroy ourselves with that technology. it is at that level. liz: so this is happening right as government intrusion into social media and communications doing things like censorship, that's been a here and now threat. let's watch more of elon musk with tucker carlson. watch this. >> is this going to impact every product across every company, and so that's why i think that it's a very very profound technology. >> ai is more dangerous than say risk managed aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production in the sense that it is, it has the potential , to regard that probability but it is non- trivial. it has the potential of
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civilization destruction. what's happening is training the ai to lie. >> yes. >> it's bad. >> to lie. >> to lie is exactly right and to withhold information. >> to lie and yes. you comment on some things, not other things, but not to say what the data actually demands that it say. >> the degree to which various government agencies had effectively full access to everything that was going on on twitter blew my mind. i was not aware of that. >> would that include people's dm's? >> yes. liz: what was going on he's first talking about ai and then how the government was accessing people's direct messages on twitter, and you know, if that's true, it goes even further than anything we've ever seen. whistleblowers use twitter direct messaging to tell the media what the government is doing, and so, you know, how or what does exactly does all this mean? how far does it go? >> well technology can be used
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for good and it can be used for bad. the problem is ai can create exponential amounts of disinformation and misinformation, and that's the challenge. we are operating at human scale which means we can't catch all the issues that might occur so we won't know what's true or not. a running joke is when i was with chatgpt earlier it showed i graduated from harvard. they corrected that 30 days later but i wreck a book for harvard. simple things like that can be misinterpreted and when done at- scale, we have issues. liz: ray wang, thank you so much for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. liz: this story for you. it's now backfiring, president biden's attempt to down play the pentagon documents leak. critics say he needs to say now how many defense department workers, how many pentagon personnel workers, how many are in the ukraine? how much money is being blown in ukraine? also, california pushing its utilities to charge for electricity based not on usage but on how much money taxpayers make.
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this is a clear violation of taxpayers constitutional right to privacy. that's next on the "evening edit." pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. (upbeat music) - "dear michael, i appreciate your help, patience and support through the reverse mortgage loan process. you are an asset to aag." this is from, malene, a happy customer who got a reverse mortgage loan from aag.
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liz: well, he's the perfect guest for this segment. former chair of the federal energy regulatory commission neil chattergy. neil, what was your first reaction when you saw three of california's most powell powerful utility companies, southern california edison, pg & e, san diego gas and electric and now they want to charge consumers on how much money they earn, how much income they have? >> i mean, i wish i could say i was surprised but this is what you get when it comes to california energy policy. i mean, people should be charged for what they consume. whether it be food, or electricity, it shouldn't be based on how much money they make. the real issue is california energy policies over-regulation
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that is driving up costs for customers. that's the problem. not punishing wealthy people. liz: well, yeah. this also violates the constitutional right to privacy. state energy officials are not allowed to get taxpayers private income tax data to charge more from earners to pay for california's green transition. that's wrong. they can't do that. that violates their privacy constitutional rights to privacy >> yeah, i mean where does it stop? where do you draw the line? when i go to in and out burger or dell taco are they going to make me show my tax returns to price my burger or my tacos? i mean it's just absolutely ridiculous and it's another example of the misguided policies that have been, you know, really leading to the energy mess in california for years now. liz: so the middle class and above have to subsidize the higher prices caused by going green and all that money spend and going out the door is kind of hidden from the taxpayer we don't see the slowing the
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exodus out of california. we have the solar industry, even the solar industry is warning this will destroy the whole reason to buy solar panels to begin with, that buying solar panels would save money, the whole idea for incentivizing clean energy was that there's a return on investment. there are millions of customers with solar panels and their investment go to waste and their savings disappear. this is like confiscation of property. >> right. the reason that solar has been thriving in california and elsewhere is because the business case for solar has really improved. solar is cost competitive now and people tend to be wealthier people can afford to put these panels in their homes. you'll completely destroy that incentive. this is the problem. over-regulation, government policy, just causing disruption in the energy space. liz: we've seen the criticism, neil. some critics are saying you have some start-up whose going to figure out how to get energy from using ocean water and pine
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cones, but california will still figure out a way to over-charge for that power. all this , you know the government is now saying, less and less fewer and fewer electric cars will qualify for the $7,500 tax credit. people may get only half that credit. why? because now the new rules require a certain percentage of the electric car battery minerals be sourced from north america, or a u.s. trade partner. you see the fiddling behind the scenes slamming and hurting the u.s. taxpayer? >> that's the problem when government is trying to fill a role that markets ought to fill. let consumers decide if they want to have electric vehicles. don't mandate and have epa regulations that are going to force auto manufactures to over- produce ev's and then give out tax credits that pick and choose winners and losers amongst technologies. allow the market to enable this space.
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i think ev's are exciting and could really flourish if consumers actually want them. liz: and the government is ready >> even if the power grid is ready and we have charging infrastructure in place there are so many things that need to be settled before we are ready for an ev future and government is trying to push us towards something that quite frankly we're not prepared for. liz: we hope we don't have an energy crisis. neil chatterjee, thank you so much. we have our hot take coming up plus president biden's attempt to down play the pentagon documents leak that's back firing so how many pentagon personnel, how many workers are in ukraine but let's first check in with dagen and sean, we're excited we want to know what's coming up in the next hour on the bottom line. >> sean: great to have you back. thank you so we have madeline br ame, coming up she lost her son in 2018 in new york she testified today in front of the house panel. we'll hear from her on set as
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well as jason rantz, talking about the mob of teenagers in chicago as well as big box retailer leaving big cities. dagen: senator marsha blackburn on the arrest of those two individuals, working inside a communist chinese party police station right here in new york city. they are already out on bond and then douglas murray. so much to talk about with congresswoman katie porter really not siding with, well, women of this country. that and so much more.en sean: 1am4 minutes. helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. we'll replace your windshield, and recalibrate your advanced safety system. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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saving you up to 75% a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities™. liz: we're back with us now from house oversight is congressman pat fallon. congressman good to see you again. okay, the leak of these pentagon documents, it's a huge consequence. it's affecting u.s. policy in ukraine. military experts warn that it basically shows the white house 's $100 billion effort in ukraine is felling when they've been telling us for months and months it's a success. >> well, liz, you know, joe biden said it wasn't of great consequence this leak. this leak involved every major intelligence agency that we have , namely the cia, the dia, the national security agency, so clearly, they had a great consequence so joe biden either doesn't grasp the gravity of what just took place, or he's trying to lie to the american
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people. liz: let's watch senator lindsey graham and watch the president here, given what you just said. watch this. >> i can promise you, its been very damaging. there's information about massad supposedly helping the protesters. there's information about the air defense capability of ukraine and everybody in the regions really worried because who wants to share information with the united states if you're going to read about it in the paper or find it on the internet. how did he get it and why did he do it and some people need to be fired over this. >> are you concerned about the leak? >> well, i'm not concerned about the leak. i'm concerned that it happened, but there's nothing contemporaneous that i'm aware of that is of great consequence. liz: congressman, how can he say that when we don't know how much information is out there? there is some reports suggest there is three times as many photographed documents circulat ing as previously estimated so how can the president blow this off?
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it's like how he's blowing off afghanistan. it's the same as biden still blaming trump for his botched afghanistan exit that biden calls a "great success." how can he basically down play this? >> well, liz, it's absolutely shame less. i mean, this undermined our national security and as you mentioned, earlier, the ukrainians have to change and alter their counter- offensive plans because of this leak, and then who is senator graham was pointing out, who can trust the united states and share intelligence? if we want a secure nation we need other allies to work with us, and this terribly undermined it and how does an entry level part-time airman get access to this highly sensitive information. it's incredible. liz: he's massachusetts guardman , jack teshera, essentially an i.t. technician entrusted with highly sensitive only information intended for officials in the pentagon. are you worried he would not have had access with this
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information without someone in the pentagon or the intelligence community giving it to him and why? >> that's what we have to find out and what's where i set on the arm services committee and oversight committee and they are committees of joint jurisdiction we need to get to the bottom because in the future we have to prevent this from happening, liz i'm a remember of congress and when i handle classified documents, there's a process and procedure. we need to ensure that happens because it's almost as if we're asking who has access to this stuff? but who doesn't. liz: congressman fallon, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> thanks, liz. liz: our "evening edit" hot take is coming right up. stick right there. h my gosh, i k we could be sisters." because i think we looked... yes. right. yeah. and i don't think at that time- i think you're the one to tell me that we had the same birthday. yes. it's really unbelievable when you think about it, because it's been, like, really over 20 years that you were my mother and father's banker, you became my banker and now fran is in her third year of college
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and you're her banker. it's so unbelievable because i'm just 20 years old. [laughing] . .
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. .
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♪. liz: we're bringing back in for tonight's "hot take," former utah congressman jason chaffetz. good to see you again. the news coming in that the democrats plan to hold their 2024 presidential convention out of chicago and that has been hit and hammered by crime. there is very emotional day in the house judiciary field hearing here in new york city but you know, jason what is really striking democrats are talking over the families of crime victims and calling them props of the gop, what do you make of all of that? >> that is really bad look. you have victims of crime, no reason why you can't show compassion and sympathy this is the today's democratic party.
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they're bailing people out as fast as they can. they believe in cashless bail. they don't believe many of these things should be crimes, if they are, get them back out on the street as quickly as possible. i'm glad the democrats will have the convention in chicago. let's highlight how bad that city is. it is one of the most dangerous places to be. it is not safe and i hope they continue to shine a spotlight on it. go ahead. i would love to hear their solutions on it. i think crime will be a tier 1 issue in this next election. liz: what do you make of the democrats that the gop was basically trying to discredit alvin bragg and his target of trump? a lot of legal experts that the case against trump by d.a. bragg is incredibly weak and will likely get thrown out on appeal because it violates trump's constitutional rights? >> one of the news outlets had to apologize to ron desantis, because governor desantis highlighted the idea more than half of those people who were up
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for charges were reduced from felonies to misdemeanors, more than 50% of them. it ends up governor desantis was right. and again, crime metrics, i mean look at those numbers, they're going in the total wrong direction. you go to the city, i go to the city. it doesn't feel safe because it's not! liz: but the crime victim families were testifying about everything you were just saying in front of that powerful committee about the failures of the court system. democrats goldman talked overmadeleine braim. we had her on our program. she lost her son. he was army veteran sergeant, senselessly murdered in harlem. she claims d.a. bragger's office treated her like garbage. >> a lot of big cities are rushing to see who can become the next baltimore. they're not making it more safe. it is one of most dangerous
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places on the planet, by choice, because of policies implemented by d.a. bragg. he is getting federal money. if you're going to take federal money you have to subject yourself to the federal hearing. liz: quick 10 seconds, house committee hearings by jim jordan will work and turn around people on crime? >> ising a field hearing brings cameras. you need to expose it. liz: jason chaffetz thanks. we have house oversight james comer, congressman greg stuebe, former ncaa act heat riley gaines. email us fox viewers take to it dagen sean. sean: good to have you. liz: same here. ♪. dagen: good evening, i'm dagen mcdowell. sean: i'm sean


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