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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 27, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. stuart: good morning.
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it is 10:00 eastern. you are looking at the lovely lady in new york harbor, new york city, straight to the money please. green all over the place, the dow is up 224 points, 33,500 is the level, s&p up 31, nasdaq is up 100 points. big tech look at them go. we have meta up nearly $30 a share, strong earnings, 14% higher. that's meta-and amazon which reports after the bell, back 2%. microsoft has hit $300 a share moments ago. out about 105, apple 165 up more than 1%. the 10 year treasury yield is 3.5% in bitcoin a strong this morning. i've seen close to 29,000, 28.9 is where we are. important for realtors on pending home sales.
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lauren: surprise fall, first drop in four months, sister marge, contract signed, deal not close, down 5.2% to what level of 78. 9. we thought and might be right that the housing market might have turned the corner. maybe there are roadblocks right now. stuart: numb impact on the market, the dow is up 240 points. now this. did you see this? the president is holding a chi-chi. he will walk since the rose garden for press conference with full knowledge of who is going to ask the first question and what that question would be. you can see it all, all written out. sure enough, the first question did indeed come from the los angeles times reporter and it was almost word for word the same as the question on the cheat sheet. at this point we don't know how the white house got the question but it looks like the media is working hand in glove with the administration.
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the los angeles times looks like an extension of the biden campaign. it tells us biden's handlers will do anything to avoid a press conference with unscripted questions. this is the basement strategy for the 24 campaign. more serious than a campaign strategy. the cheat sheet raises the question of who is calling the shots. who is exercising potential power? somebody is telling him what to say and we are expected to just lap it up for 18 months, that's not right. if the president can't handle questions at a time of war and crisis. he need handlers to tell him what today. if we have to live under the threat of a harris presidency, he should not be running for a second term. the second hour of varney just getting started.
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stuart: congressman dan crenshaw joins us of this morning. as i said before, will the real president please stand up because we don't know who's calling the shots. what say you? >> not sure i have much to add. no secret that biden probably isn't calling the shots. he is big and in cognitive decline for quite some time now. it is disappointing when the leader of the free world can't be up to the task of answering unexpected questions, the kind of questions any president should be expected to answer because he should just know, something, topics he deals with every single day, should have an opinion on them, he should be able to articulate that opinion. it's the point of representation. be able to articulate the opinions and the facts in a clear and coherent manner because that gives the people you represent some kind of good feeling that their leadership is on top of it but what we
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have here is a robot who is told by his handlers what he's going to be asked and what to answer. it's disappointing and dangerous. stuart: change the subject. president xi jinping of china had a phone call with president zelenskyy. why no phone call with the biden yet? >> zelenskyy or xi jinping? stuart: pick up the phone and call xi jinping, why his he not talked to biden? >> dialogue between china and the us and ukraine, ukraine has been asking for this call for a while. it is understandable, they know very well but china is behind russia, greenlighted the invasion by ukraine by russia. it makes to sense for zelenskyy to ask for that call, gain whatever information he can
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that, take what the chinese have been saying with a grain of salt. china is trying to promote itself and in the past 10 years into the future as a new world leader, this is another problem with biden, he has no way of stepping up to fulfill that role the way past leaders have. china is trying to fulfill that role. what will come of it? hard to say. probably not much was said. ukrainians are not going to stop fighting. it makes sense for them to talk to the friends of their enemies and that is what happen. stuart: there's an offensive about to begin. we will see you again soon. a new fox poll, look at this, donald trump has expanded his lead among republicans for 24. jason chafe it's with me for they are. seems like trump is running away with the nomination. >> the strongest in the field. that paul is probably fairly accurate at this point. he's the sitting president. all the democrats all the time
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coming after him, people rally behind a person like donald trump who they believe in. they love the trump policies, want to go back to that. the company is flailing, suffering, all these problems with hunter biden and his family, republicans pay attention to these issues and want solutions and donald trump delivered when he was president. we won what could his contenders, the other guys in the field, what could they do to turn this around? >> it will be interesting. president biden's nonparticipation in debates is so unacceptable but it will be fascinating come august which isn't far away to see who is in the race, if donald trump participate in the debate, he bowed out of debate in the past and what discussion that leads to because debates, they focus people, get people focused and i think republicans in particular this year will really think about it because the number one goal is to beat
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president biden and kamala harris. stuart: thanks very much, stay with me for the our. lauren is back with us. i want to look at what the democrats are saying about biden's age. >> they are saying it doesn't matter. he has energy, he has wisdom, no mention of his mental acuity. watch here. >> he says every day, watch me, he puts many of us to shame with his energy. >> many leaders his age have done extraordinary things for america, there's no reason he can't accomplish just as much or more in his second term as he did in his first. >> especially in the world today that is so dangerous i think he is the right guy at the right time. >> he has proven he can deliver. >> is the oldest president in history of the country. i think it's a reasonable concern. >> i'm excited the president is running because he has a great record to run on. he's my guy. lauren: remember the where is
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jackie moment? president biden is looking good for a congresswoman that had died and he knew had died, and you and i and everyone felt bad talking about this because you feel bad talking about someone's age, sensitive subject and we can relate to aging and losing our mental acuity. those days are gone. people are out loud saying they are worried about what they have seen from this president and what you can see should he be reelected, almost 90 at the end of the second term. stuart: this was a year ago, you were reluctant to say the president has cognitive degeneration, didn't want to go near it, now to subject of national conversation. >>. it's not as much about his age as the decline in his cognitive capabilities. he has a note card that has to say you on it in all capitals highlighting you. how out of touch --
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>> you into the room. >> you are at this event. it literally lists to the attendees are, the first one is you. really. got to remind the president that he -- stuart: stay with me for the hour. back to the markets, look who is here now. gary kaltbaum. this looks to me like a big tech breakout on the basis for a new stock market rally. am i going too far? >> yes. let me state for the record i don't have a cici with me. i do want to manage do not want to throw cold water on things because let me say microsoft was a big power gap, facebook, meta, big power back, chipotle yesterday, monstrous. these are the stocks i'm constantly looking for and happy to see we've gotta few but i have to let you know the nasdaq advanced decline line went into bear market lows
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yesterday while these few names are lifting things up. the 7 names, 23% of the s&p, one% of the nasdaq one hundred and i'm seeing a lot of the market breaking down the transports with housing points the last few days and you can see the economy starting to slow itself. it will be very selective going forward, very narrow going forward but i'm happy to see things that get institutional support. hopefully it continues. blue one we have a lot going on. fear of missing out. investors look at these rallies, big-name tech stocks. why am i not in? >> we have no doubt they are headline names, big names, the ones that have led the market for so many years before the bear market came in and blasted most of them. in the case of facebook not that things are getting so much
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better but a great control of expenses and recognizing how to fix a company, the stock dropped 60% and microsoft, they are all mentioning ai, 60, seventy times. they are pretty smart. every company going forward, to mention artificial intelligence to reduce their stock price. stuart: the magic words. ai, you're in. sorry it is so short today but a big news day and appreciate it, thanks very much. take your cheat sheet back with you. mobile i global down 21%. lauren: self driving technology, and he. the reason they cut for your guidance is tesla automakers are cutting their prices. your cutting your prices as a carmaker that means you have fewer profits coming in at have to cut costs somewhere else or they are not adopting driver assistance technology. of the one down 20 one%. taking a hit. how about hasbro?
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lauren: strong earnings, kids are playing games, not with toys. games instead of toys, video boardgames even. there's something called magic the gathering that's very popular. huge numbers. i haven't heard of them either. i saw my kid -- we are not category here. that's countering week demand for nerf. stuart: i think southwest airlines is down and down big, 6%. lauren: wider than excited loss and flagging fewer deliveries. stuart: thanks very much, everyone. elon musk makes an unexpected trip to capitol hill. he met with senate majority leader chuck schumer and south korea's president. details on that. don't know what they are talking about. republicans urging the white house to stop plans to subsidize mortgages for risky homebuyers. the expense of those with good credit scores. the mortgage rule is set to go into effect monday. can it be stopped, grady
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trimble report. there's growing concern in congress over efforts to stop secret chinese police stations from operating in america. republicans say the fbi's withholding information on these spying centers. mike waltz on the house foreign affairs, jointly next. ♪
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it will release your fat and it will release you. stuart: the dow jones industrial average is up 234 points. that is 0. 7%. the nasdaq is up 154. they are concerned the fbi's not aware of the chinese police
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stations in america until it was reported in september. the committee is asking the fbi for answers. is the fbi stonewalling? >> they say they are. the congressional select committee, the chinese kindest party, operating sophisticated network of secret police stations, aid centers and nonprofits in the us, they say the network harasses, controls and intimidates chinese-americans and is seeking to influence, but they failed to share information about these even in classified briefings prompting repairman mike gallagher to write a letter to christopher rae demanding more information by the end of may, quote, we are disappointed the briefing failed to provide a response to any of the questions and did not inform select committee members to address the significant threat of transnational oppression by the ccp.
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>> can't answer basic questions. that was not acceptable. we are having to follow up with the fbi director to engage with the committee in a conversation about something that is a clear violation of american sovereignty. >> basic questions like how many secret chinese police stations either in the us and when did the fbi know about this threat, the ngo released a report in the fall uncovering over one hundred a legal chinese police stations including at least four in the us a month after the report, the fbi raided a secret police station in downtown manhattan and this month they arrested two suspected ccp agents who allegedly ran in front of the guise of a cultural nonprofit. in march suspected agent harry lou was rubbing elbows at an event with new york city mayor eric adams and senate majority leader chuck schumer. records show harry lou along
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with his brother donated $32,000 to democratic politicians. chairman gallagher said ccp efforts to influence them, that begins with the fbi being more transparent. stuart: that is an understatement. congressman mike waltz, you are concerned about chinese espionage in the united states. what do you do about it? >> we need to begin thinking about this differently. this is why i said the chinese communist party is in a cold war with the united states. they seek to supplant us and our using platforms like tiktok on our phones, charities, nonprofit groups, confucius institutes in our universities, and these police stations under the guise of charities and the
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reason the language is so important, the cold war language, we've got to think about it that way. we would know more allow the soviet union to have soviet cultural centers in our universities, 400,000 researchers in our labs or have police stations all over the united states in the 60s and 70s, this is why from hollywood to wall street to universities, got to wake up to what is going on, using and abusing, these poor people and platforms to spy on us. stuart: how far do we go to combat china? there are moves to stop us putting our capital in china, not allowing them to purchase farmland in the united states, banning tiktok across the board, banning a large degree of trade with china. how far can we go? you are courting disaster, economic disaster.
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>> are we going to face that anyway if xi realizes his dream and moves on taiwan? india just past china as the largest population in the world. there's a tremendous market there. there's a lot of places we can do business aside from a government that seeks to replace us and defeat us, regardless this is going to be won or lost economically before it is militarily. that is why this is the most difficult, pernicious enemy we ever faced. stuart: it is indeed. thanks very much for joining us. you are with us frequently and we appreciate it. south korea president visited the white house yesterday. i want to know, did he say anything about the leaked pentagon documents? those documents said we are spying on them.
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lauren: president yoon suk-yeol acknowledged it is awkward the us would spy on its allies but he said the issue is being investigated. they will communicate after the investigation. what did those documents show? south korea was uncomfortable, to have questions to ukraine. the us and south korea also agreed to coordinate a response to north korean nuclear task force in south korea. south korea, we would defend them. stuart: we need to have nuclear submarines visiting south korea. that's a breakthrough. that's what biden is doing to contain china and a big deal. am i right? >> tens of thousands of americans, stuart: we are doing something.
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>> the ballistic missile launchers. >> contender 13 are banned from using social media. and away to address the mental health crisis. biden's fcc chair wants artificial intelligence regulations for civil rights and equal opportunity. brent bozell deals with that next. ♪ ♪
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our ancestors had power, our ancestors had hope and our ancestors had ambition. born in 1847, formally enslaved, started buying land, was in the house of representatives. we didn't know our family was part of black reconstruction. exactly. okay, seriously. finding out this family history,
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these things become anchors for your soul. stuart: the market like the results we have been getting from big tech. meta, the stock straight up, that helping the nasdaq go up one hundred 50. look at the dow, up 200 points. walmart using artificial intelligence to negotiate prices. how does that work? lauren: the super equipment, not the product suppliers but they find the chat box may be testing it for a while, negotiate costs and purchase terms much faster with better
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terms. they say they're a i can negotiate with 2,000 suppliers at once, it frees up the human beings to deal with the bigger contracts. the chat bot it hired says it closed deals with 2 thirds of the suppliers they deal with so this is good use for ai. stuart: sounds good to me. elon musk met with senator schumer yesterday. they didn't talk about ai, did they? much more than that. neil: have few details but senator schumer is considering legislation and dropped it. that framework to ensure the us stays number one with the technology without much collateral damage. i don't know this. i would imagine elon musk viewed the framework and weighed in. today talked asthma? evs? schumer's new york, tesla has a plant in buffalo but elon musk requested a meeting with guess
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who yesterday, the president of south korea because yoon suk-yeol was in dc. information moments ago, that meeting yesterday, information reporting today tesla put its time on director in charge. stuart: elon musk can talk to anybody wants. what do you say on this? >> the problem with congress, you don't have 10 who understand the internet. they don't know how to put the framework in place or draft legislation. it's going to have to be a consortium of lot elon musks of the world who say this is where the guardrail should be. stuart: the federal trade commission says their approach to ai regulations send them on civil rights and equal -- >> that won't do it, that won't solve the problem. stuart: brent bozell is with us. ai regulations, civil rights and income any quality.
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>> it means put on your seatbelts and be very very afraid about what is about to happen. if you think the world information is governed by the news media, academia and silicon valley with an agenda pushing everything to the left, watch what is about to happen. ai comes out of silicon valley and you have the government, the most radical branches of the government, in a joint statement, we have a vision for this left-wing ai. just imagine, there was a study done by a scientific journal where they took 15 issues and tested ai, chat gpt, gave multiple-choice responses, the responses, we need to raise taxes on the rich. free college education, free healthcare for illegals, cut funding for the police, the right, pro-abortion and government funding, planned parenthood.
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that is chat gpt and what this administration is saying. their top priority is this is a civil rights priority for this administration so get ready. they know what they are doing. they know what if they are doing. they knew what they were doing in 2,020 in the elections when they were working with silicon valley. they know what they are doing now. b1 i need you to talk on this one. president biden was caught with a cheat sheet at yesterday's news conference with a list of reporters to call on and the exact text of the first question. how did the white house get hold of that text, what does it tell you about so-called press conferences from biden? >> you say there's no independence but then on reflection think about it. the media, we've talked about this many times, they have been the tip of the spear for the democratic party. they are working together in silicon valley, they were working together during the
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campaign when they weren't covering hunter biden. no surprise the questions are being fed to the administration before hand. b1 not a surprise but it is incredible. the -- have you ever seen a president walk out to into a press conference knowing exactly what the first question is, where it is from and what it is about? >> what would happen in the media if it turned out in the trump administration that fox news's peter doocy was giving his questions to donald trump beforehand? what gets me is not so much the action but the complete lack of reaction from those people in this field who believe they are real journalists. we one who is running the presidency? who is the real president? they are writing out the questions and presumably figuring out the answers, he is not the real president. >> it is the left radical left-wing machine, i don't know if president biden is where he
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is. it is this radical machine. the media are part of it. it is all being exposed whether it is elon musk and zuckerberg, it is all coming out, the collusion going on in the information. we won your message is buckle up. thank you very much, you are all right. it is official. i am changing the subject. after 18 years, aaron rodgers made his debut as a new york jet. >> i am here because i believe in this team, i believe in the direction, joe douglas, excited about the new adventure in new york. stuart: rogers is 39, the starting quarterback here. is he the starting -- starting cornerback to stay in the big apple. charlie arnold deals with that in the next hour. beyoncé taking on the irs.
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is going to court to fight a $3 million tax bill. we have that story too. legendary talk show host and former mayor of cincinnati jerry springer has died. he had been diagnosed with cancer a few months ago. jerry springer dead at the age of 79. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf
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now i enjoy every moment. the quiet ones and the loud ones. make a sound decision. call 1-800 miracle now, and book your free hearing evaluation. stuart: the dow industrials up 250 points, 3 quarters of 1% of the nasdaq up, one hundred 68 points set up by big tech. the administration's new rules on mortgage fees going to affect monday of next week. you've got good credit, paying more. if you got bad credit you will pay less. grady trimble on capitol hill. anything republicans can do about this. >> calling on the head of the agency putting the rule into place, to reverse it.
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and and they will repealed or at least try to. they wrote to the federal housing finance agency. they penalizes homebuyers who have done the right thing, built up their credits quick hour and save for a down payment by charging them higher mortgage fees to offset those with lower credit scores and smaller down payments, normally unfair, thinly veiled socialism, they claim, but it could lead to housing market history repeating. >> they don't want to learn the lessons of 2,008. the biden administration's desire, the equity agenda. >> they are repricing mortgages and re-creating the elements that led to the financial crisis and doing it for short-term politics. >> the head of the federal housing finance agency is pushing back. she says to be clear, the
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series of steps taken to update fannie mae and freddie mac's pricing framework will bolster safety and soundness but the largest realtors and homebuilders association expressed concerns about this rule and how it will impact america's middle-class and their ability to purchase homes. the will goes into effect on may 1st. stuart: we hear you. now i want to hear from jason chaffetz. >> this is fundamentally immoral. this is so wrong on every level. you're going to punish the people that are responsible and reward the people that are irresponsible. when you talk about diversity, equity and inclusion, this is what you get. stuart: it is part -- >> gei. it is so wrong to pull money out of somebody's pocket and give it to someone else because they were irresponsible.
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personal response ability. stuart: you are listening to this, watching attentively. lauren: it makes sense, this is their mission. leveling the playing field, entitlements. punishing hard work. i'm not surprised by it. stuart: a nice hit. lauren: i don't approve of it after all. stuart: taking the irs to court. i want to hear about this. lauren: she says she does not 02 $0.7 million which is change for her because she's worth $500 million. stuart: she is worth 500 -- lauren: her husband, jay z, is worth $10 million. $3 million is nothing for them of being immoral, the irs says you owe that amount based on taxes and penalties from tax returns from 2018-19.
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she says you didn't allow certain deductions that she filed a petition asking the agency to reconsider. she says everything was done in good faith, let's look at the matter. stuart: she's worth 500 million -- >> of she's worth more than that. you know what a big beyoncé fan i am. there is no way they will convict beyoncé in the united states of america. she has a clear path. the world is with beyoncé, trust me on this issue. you don't want to fight beyoncé. there are a lot of fights out there. don't fight beyoncé. stuart: i have some videotape i want everybody to see because it is important. electric f150s, several of them are on fire after ev batteries overheated and caught fire. first responders find it nearly impossible to put out. we have a full report, the f 150, the lightning.
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unemployment levels have dropped to pre-pandemic levels but we have 9 million job openings. montana congress and ryan sankey says -zinke has a plan to stop corporate welfare. next. ♪ ♪ and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward.
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stuart: this is a big tech rally. i start with the overall market, dow was up 226, nasdaq one hundred 70 one. show me big tech. some of them are sharply higher. meta platforms up $31, 14%. amazon which reports after the bell today is up 4%. off %. a about 3%. microsoft 2%. apple 1%. that is a big tech rally. the house narrowly passed speaker mccarthy's debt ceiling bill. president biden says he will meet with the speaker but raising the debt limit is,
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quote, not negotiable. roll tape. >> speaker mccarthy. >> happy to meet with mccarthy but not on whether or not the debt limit is extended. that's not negotiable. i noticed a, quote, rating, they quote trump. both of them said, i am paraphrasing, it would be an absolute crime to not extend the debt limit. stuart: congressman ryan sazin joined me now. this is likely to lose in the senate. what is your plan? >> a debt limit plan, the republicans have a plan, biden does not have a plan, schumer does not have a plan. the american people are going to love this plan. a lot of it is let's get back to work. how is that? let's get a job. let's incentivize jobs in the market. a shocking statistic, males
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18-45, about a third are in the workforce. that's no w-2, no 1099. a third of the workforce are either cash business, on the couch or incarcerated. we need to change that. we won some of the folks you are talking about are not working. i they living on covid welfare? we cut that off a long time ago. >> we cut some of it off. there has to be incentive to work. either you are a dishwasher or brain surgeon, all work is good, it is honorable, it provides self-worth, pride. this is the american values. we need to incentivize work. if people are choosing not to work, that's a problem. the plan we propose, a lot of those incentives, we need to get america back to work. social security, medicare, medicaid, these rely on a lot of people working but when less people are working and more people are taken out that is the problem we face.
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blue one i seem to remember president biden or senator biden as he was back then, voted in favor of work rules, you want to get welfare you've got to work for it. she's taking the opposite position. >> many presidents, president clinton did it. ronald reagan. donald trump did it. covid changed to that and we will reverse it. we have a plan. the markets are going to love our plan. we reduce spending. look at the core values that make this. returning to the constitution. stuart: you don't have the votes in the senate. >> this is where the house has the advantage, the power of the purse. we are not going to budge on it. the american public should be behind us. you can't keep spending your way out and putting more liability on future generations. now is the time to do it. we put a stake in the ground, republicans have a plan. the biden administration, schumer doesn't have a plan. follow hours.
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stuart: you know it is not going to pass in the senate. you can't tell me what your plan b is. >> plan b is holding tight. i think we have to have this moment. you have to incentivize work. you have to curb spending. you have to look at american energy which is the heart of our economy and that is what this plan does. we will hold firm. this is our position. this is the stake in the ground we are going to take. the biden administration would do better if they listened to their people and negotiate with us in good faith. stuart: i'm sure you saw this, secretary granholm wants the military to go all electric by 2030, seven years away. you are a military guy. what do you make of that? can it be done? >> where's the requirement? here's the irony. go back to energy independence. are we energy independent, in some cases dominant, what we
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are doing is going back to being energy dependent to china. that controls the critical minerals. a lot of the materials, batteries, technology hide the evs. we are going from energy independence to energy dependence to our potential adversary. there is no military requirement for evs. the united states army, navy and air force, marines are not screaming, in order to combat the enemies we face, we are going to go all electric. this is the political agenda, plain and simple. stuart: as i recall, you are a navy seal, commander, navy seal. i think that is accurate. >> correct, 23 years, great group, tough as nails. stuart: did you ever see a plan for electric tank or any kind of electric military artillery machine or something? ever seen any plans? >> no. the only thing we are looking at, emerging technology on the
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uav space. there's a lot of movement, main artillery, main movement, main mobility cover the military is not asking it which should tell you something. these people are after your gas stove is. i am not surprised, we need to push back. the american debt limit plan is just that, reversed this nonsense that this administration is leading us to. stuart: always a pleasure to have you on the show. one of these days i will miss it. see you soon. on a related note you will see this again. the far end of that line, electric ford f 150 that burst into flames and eventually engulfs a lot of f 150s. lauren: this was a holding lot in michigan. they were charging vehicles to deliver it to a customer and there was a short circuit on the ev battery and the car goes on fire and takes other evs
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down with it. the issue is first responders don't know how to respond. when you put out a traditional combustion engine fire you can use 5 minutes. i don't think that's the case foreign ev. takes two hours, requires a lot of water because it is a chemical reaction, it makes its own oxygen which fueled the flames. what do you do? there's talk about installing more fire hydrants, places like highways where you don't normally see them. we are seeing a lot of ev battery fires. one can take out another. stuart: imaginary fire in a tank if they get all electric tanks? they could explode. thank you very much for joining us. great contribution. we appreciate it. still had on this program, ohio congressman jim jordan, kennedy will be a long, doctor nicole sapphire joins us.
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11:00 am
>> donald trump's going to win the primary, he's going to go on to win the general, stuart. there's absolutely no doubt in my mind. you look at where the country is now compared to where th


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