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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 10, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ larry: real simple tonight. save america, close the border. and save america, pass the mccarthy bill. nice and simple. and then watch liz macdonald's show. elizabeth: you're best, larry are. love you. thank you so much for that, appreciate it. house oversight, their probe is now zeroing in on a allegations of biden family corruption during the obama white house and beyond. senator ron johnson, congressman
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darrell issa will join us in just a moment. we've got now three allegations of a quid pro quo and bribery. an if fbi whistleblower, a former federal prosecutor, bud cummins, and now house gop, an oligarch paying millions to the biden family when vice president biden oversaw corruption in eastern europe. let's get to fox news' david spunt live at the justice department with the latest. >> reporter: hi, liz. house republicans say they don't have all the answers, they said this is a long-going process. they expect to continue this for a while, but they presented what they did find in a news conference today lasting almost an hour. listen. >> what we're proving to you today is showing you actual bank records, actual evidence of shell companies and businesses or more businesses and more bidens involved than we knew of. >> reporter: house republicans
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presented new evidence about the biden family receiving millions of dollars, much of the time when joe biden was vice president. house republicans say they have evidence the biden family and associates made more than $10 million from companies with foreign ties. there's a recurring theme in these allegations. the money went through multiple accounts before landing in biden family bank accounts. hunter biden, liz, is also a recurring theme. the memo put out by house republicans includes financial transaction information as a result of four bank subpoenas. >> the biden family doesn't really have a business. there is no business structure around this family. >> reporter: the white house fighting back in a statement from ian sands, he said comer is asked -- meaning at the press conference -- for a single joe biden policy they believe has been unduly influenced, he could not name a single one. incredible. at the end of the day, congressman comer said that he
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is looking to preblely maybe introduce -- potentially maybe introduce some legislation to stop issues of influence with presidents' families whether it's republican or democrat, he doesn't care, he said the american people want to make sure that both parties are aboveboard. blithe -- elizabeth: david, did the fbi, blow where past the deadline? >> according to congressman comer, via a whistle blow arer, he's not seen the document, but a whistleblower claims a 1023 document which is an interview form with a confidential source, according to that whistleblower, then-vice president joe biden accepted money for a policy decision. comer wanted it by noon today, the g dfbi missed that deadline, director wray who was on capitol hill admitted that they did not give the document, said they would work with the committee as much as possible but they have to be very careful to essentially give a document
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document with confidential sources, they do it one time, it would set a precedent. bottom line, the fbi did not give over that document but said they would work with the committee as much as possible. elizabeth: david spunt, thank you so much. let's get right to senator ron johnson on all of this. senator, so today's events, where is the quid pro quo? if more bank documents alleging bribery is there and more, what do you see? >> again, that is a difficult thing to to the prove. what we are seeing is just mounting evidence. senator grassley and i laid are out the vast web of financial foreign entanglements of the bidens in our september 2020 the report. the complicit and corrupt media ignored it. they covered up the hunter biden laptop. but, again, we just have an accumulation of evidence just showing the sleazily deals. i think the things that are pointed out, i didn't see really that many more corporate entity, but the number of corporate entities, the complex i the of these businesses -- complexity
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of these businesses to hide transactions, it looks like money laundering. what is the business purpose of any of these things? what is the skill level of any of the biden family members who are getting paid? again, it just looks corrupt, it looks sleazy. you know, these investigations are not easy. you know, criminals generally don't like leaving a paper trail. they don't, you know, they try and hide what they're doing, so often times investigations only can uncover the tip of the iceberg. but often times tip of the iceberg is quite incriminating. and from my standpoint, we laid enough evidence in september 2020 to prove that joe biden, if elected president, would be a highly compromised president. i think that's exactly what we have right now. and again, i appreciate that chairman comer and chairman jordan, they're just building o- elizabeth: you know, you wonder how former president obama feels at this, you know, it feels like under his white house it was for sale, you know, what was going on there. you can imagine he would not
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want this. but, you know, where was he during all of this when a dozen biden family members were getting paid out of 20 the shell companies that hunter biden and his family deployed to launder or hide at least $10 million in overseas cash flows. that's what house gop oversight is saying. where are the receipts to show what he legitimate business they were selling? >> again, we had about 10 or 11 state department official, you know, cooperatively and voluntarily interview with us. one of those individuals we invited, we had an appointment set was deputy secretary of state antony blinken back in 2020. he canceled that interview in december 2020 when they won after, you know, his letter, the fraudulent letter that he was the impetus for helped turn election. but now we mow that he lied to congress by denying that -- so, again, there are plenty of people in the biden and obama administration that i think understood what hunter biden was
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doing was wrong. we had george kent talk about that it was real troubling for the state department. but they all covered up for him the fbi has covered up for him. the department of justice, the intelligence community has covered up for the bidens. so the corruption runs deep in our media, in our federal law enforcement agencies, in the obama administration, now the biden administration. this is a corrupt enterprise. elizabeth: let's watch house oversight republicans today. watch. >> have reviewed thousands of bank records from companies associated with the bidens. the committee is concerned by the complicated, suspicious network of over 20 the companies. the bidens have received millions of dollars from china. it is inconceivable that the president did not know it. >> if these were legitimate payment and those are he create mitt -- legitimate businesses that your family created, then i would assume you have invoices? i would assume that you would
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have bank, you know, books and business models and and things like that to tell us what the business ising actually -- businesses actually were. >> the fact that vice president joe biden was lecturing the romanian people about corruption while his family was being paid over a million dollars from a romanian millionaire who was being skew toed for rei palin. >> doj needs to get off its a is ss and investigate. we've done the work for them so theyen can't screw it up now. >> the department of justice has been investigating hunter biden for quite some time, and we seem to just never really get anywhere. elizabeth: so house oversight, they're now saying congress needs to strengthen the public corruption laws and ethics and financial disclosure laws, but you don't want the white house to be seen as if for sale, as if it's for sale around the world. this romanian oligarch urn investigation for criminal corruption -- under investigation for criminal corruption started to pay $3
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million ott hunter biden family and his shell companies in 2015 just weeks after vice president welcomed the president of romania when biden was overseeing crackdown the in corruption in row mania and eastern europe? this money ended when biden left the vice presidency. >> listen, it's very similar to the $4 million that hunter biden got out of burisma out of ukraine. the same fact pattern, the same type of pattern. let's pace it, the bank records aren't are going to show bribe in exchange for this foreign policy change. but we know that president biden lied to america when he said he never discussed hunter's overseas business deals. now, we know he lied when heed said hunter never made money off of china. hunter made millions of dollars off of china. so we know that biden has lied repeatedly9 to the american public on these very issue. concern this very issue. there's all kinds of conflict of interest. we're going to have to infer an
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awful lot and need more bank records. elizabeth: let's listen to president biden in romania in 2014. watch this. >> corruption is a cancer. a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy. it saps the collective strength and resolve of a nation. corruption is just another form of tyranny. elizabeth: so why was this romanian to oligarch sending at least $3 million to the hunter biden and biden family shell companies, right, when the president was doing a crackdown -- vice president biden, rather, was doing a crackdown on corruption in romania? >> well, again, he was obviously trying to buy influence. and president biden is a huge hypocrite. he lied to the american public. i don't see why anybody would believe a word that he says. i said before the election based on our knowledge that he's completely unfit for office for a number of reasons. but the foreign financial entanglements was certainly one of those that would compromise
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him, and now again we're just accumulating more and more evidence of the sleazy corruption of biden inc. including president biden. elizabeth: got it. senator ron johnson, thanks for joining us tonight. let's bring in from house judiciary congressman daryl issa for his reaction on what the house oversight deliver in the way of proof of what the biden family were doing. the white house says there's no proof of a quid pro quo. does that absolve everything that's going on? >> not at all. ultimately, a shakedown is a series of events that don't appear to be connected until you see that they are. and, you know, going after countries specifically and then receiving money, asking if the vice president -- as the vice president kid, asking specifically for certain countries that he had influence over that otherwise would have been belonged to the president and secretary of state. and those happened to be the countries that his son and the he's will have oiz -- the rests of his family made money on. you can deny something, but it doesn't mean the denial holds water, and in this case the
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facts speak louder than all of the denials. elizabeth: let's move on to this story thatmy ran a ca divine and the new york post revealed on our show last night, claims a cia official got a former cia officer to sign the public if statement from 51 former intelligence officials claiming the hunter biden laptop story was russian disinformation. that was speculation. it was a false claim. service the all done to help -- it was all done to help get vice president biden, you know, to beat former president trump in 2020. so a cia, an acting cia official is involved in this too? >> not only that, but it was done in concert with an official call that a former cia official had referring to his book. so i've looked at report, i've looked at the details, and it's very clear that what you have is at a minimum what they call the hatch act violation which is politically active while a federal employee. but more than that, you have the actual use of the federal office.
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if you're -- if i call you to get permission to to publish a book and then at the same time you say, oh, by the way, have you signed on o to this, you're -- on to this, you're really linking to a great extent a bit of leverage. some of these individuals clearly would have signed it no matter what because they wanted biden to get elected. some of them signed it because the others signed it and some signed it because of who asked them to. elizabeth: this comes after former cia deputy director mike morrell testified that secretary of state blinken who was then a senior campaign adviser to the biden campaign helped get the letter going. this new house report claims morrell e-mailed the cia review board saying this letter needs out as soon as possible, they need a talking point for vice president biden to push back on trump during the debate. >> yeah. very clearly they said what it was for. but more importantly, you know, it appears as though the now-secretary of state the either drafted or had a great deal to do with drafting. and when he said what he didn't
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do, he didn't say what he kid co, and what he did do was he was key to this along with mike morrell. the difference is under oath morrell has told us what he did unapologetically. he wanted to get biden elected, he was willing to do this, he shaved the truth and he old us now who did it. -- told the us now who did it. the secretary of state, blinken has not been under oath, and it's time they come and raise their right hand so we can have some level of confidence that what they're saying they understand is at the penalty of perjury, something we believe brinken and the president have committed -- blinken and the president have committed. elizabeth: congressman, former ci ark director john brennan is testifying coming up, also former dni james clapper. what do you want to the ask these two? >> well, we want to take the accumulation of whistleblowers and facts we've gotten from earlier and ask them specifically the same sort of questions; why did you do it and what, if any, evidence did you
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have to support the claim you made since it turns out it was false? and, of course, did you at the time, were you aware that the fbi had had this for quite a while and that by no means was it disinformation unless it was the disinformation from more than a year earlier. elizabeth: all right. so this is really an active campaign enlisting u.s. intelligence officers and now allegedly a cia, existing cia official to do political interference in the 2020 the election on behalf of joe biden to get him elected and to go against trump. that -- you can imagine trump voters out there are really outpaged about and they -- outraged about the and they feel nothing's being done with what they would call the swamp, the deep state. moving against a candidate who they wanted to be running the presidency. >> well, i'm going to correct you only slightly. in 2016 the deep state went against the candidate. in 2020 the they went against
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their commander this chief, they went against the president of the united states. and they did so because of a fundamental failure which was the swamp was too deep to drain in the short four years. we need more time to clean up government. elizabeth: great. congressman, good insights the there. congressman issa, we appreciate you. have you back again soon. we're speaking to this -- going to the take you to this story, you're not going to believe it. a michigan farm other than is going to join us -- owner is going to join us tonight. she's saying michigan state officials bullied and retaliated against her after she organized protests against a new chinese electric car battery factory that governor gretchen whitmer green lighted and wants. and, oh, this irony, coming up, randi weingarten now slammed for selling a new tool that you can use on social media to delete any embarrassing posts you make on things like twitter after the teachers union chief has been call out for her own
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embarrassing posts. we are digging deeper into corruption of the biden family. it's involving u.s. energy and infrastructure deals in china. we've got more on that. and california governor gavin newsom is now getting blowback for not endorsing, saying no to reparations checks. what's the fallout are from that in his state with voters? plus, president biden admits, yeah, the border, quote, is going to be chaotic and the collapse he he created as he gets are rid of trump's title 2 the tomorrow. congressman french hill, ya tenny, kevin o'leary and the new york post's jon levine. we've got a shot show tonight -- hot show tonight on "the evening edit." >> we're treedgesly upset that this administration has known thng to end and they've done absolutely nothing. any indication e of how they're going to deploy us, what the operations are going to be, they haven't told us how we're going to deal with the cartels. ♪ ♪
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and follow the plan, it works. elizabeth: we've got a really good segment for you right now. let's bring in congressman french hill and mr. wonderful himself, ken o'leary. okay, it's great to see you, gentlemen. first to you, congressman. the president is expected to veto the new gop house border security bill tomorrow to keep trump's border policies. border patrol and security
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officials, congressman, say biden has created the biggest u.s. border or and security failure since 9/11. now i.c.e. is reportedly releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants with, quote, low-level criminal records to clear out space for biden's border surgesome we're hearing -- hearing 2200 at least have been released. congressman, what do you make of all this? >> well, liz, joe biden's consistent. his first day in the office he got rid of all of donald trump's border policies that were working. he stopped building the wall. he stopped detaining people in a third country seeking asylum, and he basically opened up the whole border to the chaos that we've now witnessed for two years. so, of course, it's not consistent for him to in this sort of crazy world we live in to say he's now going to veto a bill that would put functioning border security practices back into use. elizabeth: so what the congressman just said, kevin, by the way, biden's approval rating, reuters ipsos now crashing down to 40%, the lowest
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ever recorded. americans are worried about inflation. kevin, let's get your reaction to the president seeming blase and calf leer about border chao. watch this. >> title 42, is the united states ready for the surge of people that's going to come across the border starting late this weeksome. >> that remains to be seen. st going to be chaotic for a while. >> speaker mccarthy asked you numerous times if there was anywhere in the federal budget but he did not get an answer -- >> he got a specific answer. he got a specific answer again today. >> which is what? >> you should listen either, so why should i answer the question? he says he's going to take how we fund government back to what the levels were in 2022, before the omnibus bill. i get to spend a lot of money that congress passes, so if i have $60 billion to spend, i'm going to have to put new decks
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on aircraft carriers, i don't outsource the work. elizabeth: kevin, okay, kevin, what is wrong with the house gop bill keeping spending where it was just seven months ago, at fiscal 2022 the levels? why is the president criticizing that? >> well, this narrative on immigration is actually turning into a presidential rights issue. there's no question about it. these images that come from the border almost daily now, the debate around funding, but there's another narrative that's emerging and in my view as an investor just as concerning. when we allow foreigners to come here and go to colleges and give them ph ks in the most advanced -- ph.d.s in the most advanced sciences in the world where we, our leaders, we kick them out of the country afterwards and they go to their native countries where they can't want to return and develop technologies that compete with us. that is sheer insanity. so immigration law is going to
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have to be a bipartisan event. and this border e-crossing issue and every day it gets worse is definitely keeping it at the front of the dialogue which i think is important. elizabeth: you know, and it's linked to the spending fight, what kevin is just saying. the border collapses, the u.s. taxpayers pay more money. we're a compassionate nation but, congressman french hill, the white house -- and, by the way, senator chuck schumer and senators joe biden, they voted against raising the debt ceiling under george george w. bush in 2000, 2004 and 2006, but now they want to raise it. here's the argument from the white house, congressman, take this on. they say if republicans exclude and exempt pentagon and virginia spending and do not -- and v.a. spending and do not cap that growth, that means they're going to the is have to cut other discretionary programs by a larger 22%. that's why they're claiming cuts to the v.a., fbi and border patrol. can you take this on? >> sure.
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here's the deal. we want to go back to fy-22 the spending levels, as you say, just seven months ago, and we want to grow the domestic discretionary budget about 1% a year. that'll save about $3 trillion over the next 10 years, and that doesn't even cover the interest the next 10 years which is expected to be $10 trillion in interest payments. yes, we'll fund defense base on what the congress decides is the best strategy, and there may be some domestic non-defense cuts that are growing at a lower rate than 1%. that's absolutely a possible outcome. and as to v.a. and social security and medicare, those mandatory spending programs are not covered by the proposal in the house plan. elizabeth: kevin, so what congressman french hill just so cogently put out there and explained, kevin, what do you make of what's going on with this fight over spending cuts? >> well, i know with certainty that something is going on the agreed on, and i can tell you why i say that. the global treasury bill that
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trades all around the bill to king dollar, the fact that most capital flies here when there's troubles is holding rates on t-bills at a market reasonable rate. if anybody thought we were going to default on our debt or this spending issues weren't going to be ve resolved in the next two and a half weeks, we would be looking like venezuela. we'd have 11% on 2-year, the-bills. we don't -- t-bills, we don't. they've got to close the doors in there, and i appreciate every leader that has to do this work. i don't want to see the i sausage being made anymore, just make the sausage. [laughter] get it done, let's i move on. elizabeth: yeah. cut it out and do the work. congressman, final word on what kevin just said. you know, i think americans are sick and tired of the fractious in-fighting and the stubbornness of this white house when in the past senator biden, vice president biden negotiated spending cuts. and kevin makes a good point, you would see t-bills rocketing
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to 11% higher and an even worst devaluation of the dollar, and it feels like the house gop is holding the line on that, but maybe we should be pushing back further on this far-left ideology that seems to be infecting the white house. >> liz, i agree completely. speaker kevin mccarthy is the adult in the room. he went to joe biden on february 1st and said let's have a sensible and responsible approach to the budget and raising the debt ceiling, and he waited 100 days to get any kind of a second meeting with joe biden. and in the meantime, we've raised the debt ceiling and controlled spending and reined in allege la story costs -- regulatory costs to help this economy grow and recover, so we're the cults in the room, and we appreciate -- adults in the room. we need joe biden to come negotiate. elizabeth: you guys are terrific. thanks for joining us. we've got a hot story coming up. randi weingarten, she's now getting ridiculed for selling a new tool to delete embarrassing posts on twitter and social media after teachers union chief
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has been called out for her own posts. and upcoming in the next segment lori brock, michigan horse form owner, michigan state officials harassed, bullied and retaliated against lori brock after she organized protests against a new polluting and toxic chinese electric car battery factory right in her backyard coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. if your child has diabetes, you'll love how easy dexcom g7 is.
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elizabeth: okay, let's welcome to the show lori brock, owner of a horse farm in green you know the, michigan. lori, thank you so much for joining us. tell us what happened. so you organized protests against a new chinese electric car battery factory that governor whitmer green lighted. it's going to bring more pollution and ruin the environment, i -- but then michigan's agriculture department after that threatened the investigate your horse farm?
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what happened? >> yeah. i had a protest -- [audio difficulty] just trying to gain, you know, people -- we needed people to know what was going on because we've been kept in the dark for the last year over this project. our local officials did the not tell us what was going on. so as soon as we found out, we decided to have this rally to the educate people. can if literally we had the rally on april 22 the end, and on that following monday i was cited with, you know, an investigation on my farm, the department of agriculture and rural development. i was told that they were going to do the a full investigation of my farm and that i needed, you know, they were going on the at my farm on the following thursday. so we, mr. ambassador showed up to be there with me, and the department of agriculture never even got out of their car.
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they said there was obviously no problems with the farm and she can't really understand why she was there. and they were going to to send me a letter. of i haven't gotten the letter stating that i was cleared yet, but they did say that they had dropped all the charges and the investigation. elizabeth: so, yeah. so you have 20 horses on 150-acre farm, so that's more than 7 acres per horse. do you know who was trying to the harass you? i mean, is it true that they backed off after you brought news crews to film so-called investigation? >> yes. we did a foia request, and all we got was the first name of somebody that didn't, they didn't give a last name. and when we checked it, it was sent through the state department and then to the epa and then to department of agriculture. so it ended up being a dead lead, we couldn't even chase it -- elizabeth: this sounds like bullying and harassment. >> i believest the harassment, retaliation. absolutely. elizabeth: so this chinese
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company, goshen, they're going to build at battery factory on the third biggest water shed in michigan near the miss key began river, and it's the going to the draw more than 750,000 gallons of ground water a day. so where are the environmental groups protesting against this, you know, potentially toxic factory polluting the water and the land? >> i literally have called every environmental group that i can think of from eagle to the epa, to the sierra club, ducks unlimited, whitetails unlimited, the trail people, and literally nobody has call me back except for the trout people x it was more or less to tell me they couldn't get involved. watershed people, mesquite watershed, great lakes watershed, i literally have called everybody because i feel like this is such a travesty. the environmental impact of this company coming in could absolutely, you know, it can
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contaminate the watershed, and it could contaminate our rivers which would contaminate the great lakes eventually, and nobody seems to care. it just devastates me. i don't understand why nobody if's coming up to help or why we seem like we're fighting all by ourself. elizabeth: lori, we're going to stay on this story. we don't know, so let me get the final word from you, you don't know if governor gretchen whitmer's office retaliated against you concern. >> no, i don't know who it was. we were just told that the it came from the state department and then it was passed down. have no idea who or anything else. it was just a first name and no last name and what we were told is it was just a fake account. so, you know, i don't know. it's just frustrating because they also put complaints about me to facebook, so my facebook, you know, restrict the as well. andst the, like, just realuation against us. all we're trying to do is take
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the -- make the people be aware of what's going on and possibly stop this because we weren't aware. we've been lied to repeatedly about this, and we just feel like the government's weaponized against us. anytime we speak out, they go after whoever speaks out. they tell lies about us. i've been publicly slanderedded so many times, and they go after my job, they go after whatever, and they all tell lies about me. it's just frustrating. we don't know what to do. we're just kind of a small rural area, and we just want to stop. we never wanted it in our area. the vice president of gotion has repeatedly said he'd leave if the community didn't want him, and we keep saying, we don't want you. hundreds of people show up every meeting, and we keep telling them that, but they just keep pushing it. elizabeth: lori, we'll stay on the story, okay? >> thank you so much. elizabeth: sure. we've got more house oversight ramping up the corruption probe into the biden family selling
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influence. we're going to bring in the hill's joe concha on this story, randi weingarten getting criss -- criticized for selling a tool you can use to delete9 and get rid of your embarrassing posts on social media after she was called out for her own posts. that's next on "evening edit." >> -- when it's about our students, hay challenge it, the corporations challenge it, the student loan leonards challenge it! -- lenders challenge it. that is not right, that is not fair! ♪ ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala.
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i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. elizabeth: okay. we have a new push on capitol hill today to fix our nation's schools. it's national charter school week. this fight is now hitting a new level. could it trigger a constitutional fight at the supreme court? fox news' alexandria hoff live in d.c. with with the latest. good to see you. >> reporter: oh, good to be with you, elizabeth. turner schools, essentially public schools, independently run, taxpayer-funded, and they've always been a point of contention here if washington. advocates say without enrollment boundaries, charter schools give students in struggling districts better opportunity. critics feel they pull resources and lack fiscal transparency. but inside this debate, inside
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one is brewing. the the catholic archdiocese of oklahoma city is proposing the first ever virtual catholic charter school. >> the religious charters also go to charter schools. the answer is an obvious yes. >> supporters cite recent supreme court rulingsings including one prohibiting the state of maine from excluding religious schools from public tuition assistance programs. the national alliance for public charter schools says their schools are public and, therefore, they can't or at least shouldn't teach religion. >> we don't think our schools, you know, are set out to discriminate against the teaching staff, and in the application that was submitted it is clear that they want people who are adhering to the catholic faith. >> reporter: oklahoma's virtual parter -- charter school board has reject the idea so far, and the archdiocese has until may 5th to revise its
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proposal if -- 25th. if necessary, they are willing to take this push all the way up to the supreme court. elizabeth: interesting story. alexandria, thank you so much. good to see you. let's bring back on to the show the hill's media columnist, joe concha. this new development, teachers union chief randi weingarten getting slammed on social media, selling a new ool the -- tool people on social media and twitter can can use to delete their prior posts, it seems like those posts did not go over well and followers don't like the things that were said in the past, now she's saying get 25% discount off this new tool to delete those votes. what do you make of that? >> i mean, the irony is so thick with this story the, liz. i mean, randy randy randi weingarten, she has been slapped with community notes on twitter. that's basically a fact check. what you're saying is total b.s., six times in the last month for gaslighting about school closures. this person who mike pompeo with
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accurately called the most dangerous person in the country orchestrate thed the developmental destruction of a generation of kids. and i have a first and third graderrer, as you know, so i saw this up close. this is, therefore, personal. randy wine garden, she led the charge in keeping my kids and kids across the country out of school for months and months longer than they needed to be. remote learning as we've seen many study after study was a disaster. the data and the science clearly show that schools were the safest places to be. and now she's attempting to rewrite history by scrubbing history and even selling something around it. this person is an absolute joke, liz. elizabeth: so, joe, i mean, what you're saying, she's been criticized for making mistakes on her own social media posts in the last three years. so now he she wants her union to make money off of deleting the receipts after weingarten was called out for trying to claim she wanted to quickly reopen schools in pandemic shutdowns when her union sued florida to
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stop reopening schools and threatened nationwide teachers strikes. this is someone who's accused of misleading who wants to scrub social media when they should be scrubbing what they're doing and their policies in the first place. shouldn't they think twice about their bad policies? i mean, should twitter users take a screen shot of this post -- [laughter] many in case she claims she never pushed the product, you know, in a month or two? if. >> yeah. liz, the pain is temporary, right? film is forever. and there is video after video, sound bite after sound bite of randi weingarten in 2020 and 2021 saying that teachers could die if we go back to school too early and students are at risk as well. again, the data and the science said that was absolute nonsense. so you see her on screen right now, i mean, this is a raving lunatic, and this is somebody who actually is in charge of, at least farce the -- as far as the
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teachers unions, educating our children. a.c.t. test scores are at a 30-year low, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that we had so many students that weren't in school and not learning because of that woman on your screen right there. she doesn't take any responsibility, no accountable, and the irony is just so thick in this, it's it's insane. elizabeth: joe, thank you so much for joining ugh. okay, "the new york post"'s john lviv screen is coming up -- jon levine is coming up. trump has his cnn town hall tonight. is former president trump going to bring this up tonight? but first, let's check in with dagen and sean, heavy got a hot show coming up next hour, "the bottom line." sean: we do, we have arizona border sheriff mark daniel, we're going to unpack title 42 also joe biden's plan to have a mass release of migrants into the streets, dropped off at supermarkets and gas stations. also we have with anna paulina luna, congresswoman from florida, talking about the biden
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corruption, nine biden member -- family members getting payouts are from foreign countries. dagen: douglas murray on the oakland even thers striking for climate justice, demanding that homeless housing be made if used for old schools. and then also steve forbes will give a little lesson to joe biden on the difference between debt and deficits, coming up, debt and deficits, coming up, nine minutes. ♪ you realize that a good day... is about to become a bad one. but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. because one dose a day helps keep my asthma symptoms under control. and with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy helps improve lung function so i can breathe easier for a full 24 hours. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone.
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liz: joining us now from the "new york post" columnist jon levine. your paper started it all with the biden family corruption probe. cnn is having a town hall with former president donald trump. you think the former president will bring up the house gop probe into allegations of biden, family corruption, what do you think? >> is the pope catholic? this is inevitable this is major point of contention not just the town hall but entire 2024. we'll see when trump brings it up. trump brought it up in 2020 as well, dismissed as russian misinformation untrustworthy. they will now not see at that so easily. mir scandals of joe biden toss into the 2024 race like a ton of bricks. like joe biden it is like asteroid hurdling toward earth and nothing you can do about it.
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liz: launched 20 shell companies, to bury billion bucks from foreign actors when joe was vice president, how deeply hunter and his family were involved in oil, gas, infrastructure deals with china, middle east, africa. in other words, president biden now is undercutting u.s. energy when his family made a lot of money off energy deals, jon. >> right. there is no, you have a hard time finding any domestic business in hunter biden's portfolio. it is all foreign actors. i have to remind you, say it over and over again, he was active alcoholic and crack addict much of the time this was going down. there is no interested in people being interested in hunter biden pay him exorbitant amount of money except to get influence to his father. liz: access to state and federal construction money. access to u.s. oil and gas. access to middleman like nations
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like china to invest in u.s. technology stocks. allegations of bribery from fbi whistle-blower, former federal prosecutor bud cummins. now allegations around quid pro quo revolving romanian oligarch, facing corruption charges, when vice president biden was etf seeing problems in eastern europe. take this on, bribery. >> funny, "new york post" reported on hunter biden's paints from the oligarch a year ago, that he made a million dollars. the bank records came to light to vindicate our reporting on that. this is very old story, the sooner we get answers from the house oversight committee, relevant people testifying, better for the american people. liz: what will you be looking for, jon? >> i'm curious about the fbi whistle-blower. we didn't get the tranche documents released that. what was the foreign corruption
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document scheme. there was supposed to be a document handed over. that didn't actually happen. fbi said they will not hand it over. now it will be subpoenaed i think. i'm very keen to see the fbi document allegedly shows some foreign bribery corruption, who knows. liz: jon levine, a lot of questions to be answered. the story is getting bigger. it has legs. good to see you. tune in tomorrow night exclusive interview with senator joni ernst and justin good man from the white coast wte project. does at this johnson and monica crowley. thanks so much for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. hope you enjoy the show. time for my buddies at dagen and sean, they have a hot hour for you lined up. watch "the bottom line." dagen: not as hot as your dress. sean: and your show, e-mac, and your


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