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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 16, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. >> there's every level of exoneration of donald trump in extortion of the fbi but no
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accountability. >> it's not only embarrassing for the fbi but my concern is that their statement yesterday didn't go far enough. this is unfortunately likely to happen again unless there's fundamental reform and change. >> the politics to this have to be made so serious that we force people to pay the price. >> markets are pretending everything is okay and everything is not okay. it's immoral what we're doing to kids and grand kids and democrats are so addicted to spending they'd rather see the government shut down than even conceive about cutting spending. >> there's a lot of disconnected wall street investors that don't understand how a lot of people are living right now on main street. yolo, you only live once mentality people had is bye bye bying yo no -- becoming yo no, yo, i'm not going to spend that money. stuart: dynamite, btx.
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never heard the song and don't know btx. i'll move on. who? it's k pop i'm told. k pop. you know all about that, don't you, murphy? >> i do. i was going to join them. stuart: let's get on with it. 11:00 eastern time. tuesday, may 16th and getting serious, dow down 222 points in the paints and most are three or four stocks down miles an hourly and nasdaq is up 12 points. most of the big picks are up and meta only loser among the big 10 stocks and 10 year treasury yield going up 3.55%. that's the markets, now this. six years ago new york passed the new york state liberty act. it offered sanctuary and protected illegal migrants from deportation. six years later, new york is
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swamped. the governor, democrat kathy hochul, says the state has reached the breaking point and so it has. tent cities are appearing, schools can't cope, the shelters and hotels are full. but we've heard nothing from her about repealing her state's sanctuary status. hochul wants biden to send billions of your taxpayer dollars. she wants you to pay for new york's sanctuary sins. in chicago, they have a new mayor, a progressive democrat, brandon johnson. kids can't read, mayhem on the streets and middle class flight. his honor says "there's enough room for everyone in chicago whether you are seeking asylum or looking for a fully funded neighborhood". he's sticking with the city's sanctuary status. in fact, he's extending the welcome mat. all right, who pays? you do. biden will give chicago $8 million of your taxpayer money but johnson wants another $180 million at least and that's just for now.
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financially biden's open border is dragging down the whole country, not just the cities. this is extremely divisive. why should taxpayers in florida or texas subsidize sanctuary cities and states? they asked for migrants and protected them and called everyone racists if they objected. as the migrants continue to arrive in massive numbers, our divided society gets even more divided. we were promise that had biden would -- promised that biden would bring us together and after trump, he'd units all. he's failed miserably. third hour of varney starts right now. ♪ stuart: jimmy failla back with us today.
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>> this will become a deterrent and locating migrants to liberal cities and it's becoming worse in america. don't come. this is the scam of the whole thing. a city like new york was posturing when they declared themselves a sanctuary city and never thought they'd take migrants and making declarations under trump, a guy that was cutting border crossings when obviously the policies were we versed and the flood gates opened and found themselves in a situation and new york for their part is going full martha's vineyard now. we can't take them. in chicago and some extent what's happening in new york and veterans being thrown out of hotel rooms is the american citizen is taking a backseat to the people coming here illegally. when you think of the problem we have with homeless veterans, what's the message we're sending? fight for the country you're on the streets? but if you sneak in, you're in the suites. there's no way that squares and republicans would be right to
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highlight this because truly no well intended person should be okay with that and i don't think they are. stuart: got it. next case the durham report. listen to what the media had to say about the final durham report. roll tape. >> this is all hat, no cattle. a big fat nothing. it was a failure and a suboptimal i'll say use of four years worth of resources. >> this just reads like a huge waste of taxpayer money. i'm sorry. he basically to me copied and pasted or plage plague -- plagiarized from the report. >> what can we expect if durham testified on capitol hill? goethite ricks, an -- theatrics, antics. stuart: jimmy, where do they get people from brushing off the ground breaking report? >> of course they are but the reason they're not only brushing it off but mis-characterizing its intent. they're saying it's a big nothing because it doesn't result in any major prosecutions but the bigger finding is that
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they themselves were complicit in knowingly spreading a false claim that trump was colluding with russia. that's the take away from the durham report is the fbi went into this thing knowing it was garbage. it was a soft coup attempt to get trump to self-destruct and fire mueller and create the attempt of a their there. they went in with nothing and they're on the other channel going like nobody is going to jail. the point is you're full of it and that's what durham concluded. stuart: it's true. i'll get laughs. >> come on, stu. stuart: there's this one, miller lite now has a problem. they have aned a which slams young men. watch this. >> how did the entry pay homage to the founding mothers of beer? they put us in bikinis. miller light is cleaning up thinker [ bleep ] and the whole industry's [ bleep ]. miller light is scouring the internet for all this and buying
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it back to turn it into good [ bleep ] for women brewers. stuart: the beer industry is riddled with bad marketing to say the least. >> to did clear, whoever is green lighting these ads is drinking the product in large numbers. i don't know what was going on. first bud light and now miller light. it's a ruse by fox to get me to stop drinking so much beer on the weekends and here's the thing, stu, no beer customer asked for this. the board room's priorities are not the priorities of the consumer. no one goes into a beer bridge and says, hey, if only one of these beers was endorsed by a guy in a dress. nor the beer fridge with a thousand options and go if somebody would call out past marketing strategies that i liked. what is she trashing? women in bikinis? there's no world where women in bikinis are ever going out of style. stuart: jimmy failla, thank you indeed for the lightning round. jimmy i thank you very much
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indeed. getting to the markets and that's series stuff. dow down 204 points as we speak and that's nasdaq has a small gain and a mixed market. mike murphy with us for the hour. mike, i've been asking this all morning to a lot of our guests, market guests, they say or some of them say, look, we've got a huge drop coming in the immediate future, big drop. you're not in that camp, i know you're not. >> i'm not and there's a lot of risk but there's always risk and the debt ceiling that could make markets choppier and whip saw them as negotiations go on and we talk about all the time, long term the market goes one direction and that's up so could we have a pullback? of course we could. that's always in the cards and as an investor, you know that at any time there could be something geopolitical, something external or something market related or economy relate that had causes the stocks to pull back short term. stuart, look at today. microsoft at a new 52-week high.
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today as we speak. nvidia, today, new 52-week high as we speak. there's companies out there that are performing, that are giving shareholders what they want and being rewarded with new highs. stuart: put ai into the analysis and you've got a rally. >> absolutely. stuart: remember that old expression, sell in may and go away. >> sure. stuart: you going to do that? >> no. stuart, if i were smart enough to time the market -- if you know to sell in may, when do you come back in? august? september? when do you put your money back in? you could miss out on a huge rally. i would rather be invested -- an old saying right back to you. it's not the timing of the market, it's the time in the market. if you have money to invest, put it in the market and let the market work for you. stuart: that's a good one. here for the hour so stay there. all right, lauren's got the movers and we're starting with lowe's. lauren: yep, falling with home depot and reported biggest revenue miss in over 20 years and consumer pulling back and
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delaying big home improvement projects so lowe's down 1.8%. stuart: c3ai. love this story. lauren: the ceo of chatgpt people, sam altman testifying before the senate today and his tone is -- has been described as assured, not arrogant like silicon valley. he's saying bring on the regulations because we know our technology is trick cal -- critical and those regulations could include ai testing requirements and licensing. so now the head of chatgpt might be working with the regulators to figure out what to do with this booming industry. don't know why -- i guess on regulation it's down but this is also a run up 80% this year. stuart: nike is another dow stock that is i believe sharply lower. lauren: yeah, there's a new lawsuit that alleges nike misled
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its customers with false sustainability claims. that's green washing; right, false advertising saying you get more of your materials and sustainable ways than you do. this suit came from an environmental group. nike's customer might care more about where their products come from and how it's made than another type of customer if you will. go ahead, mike. stuart: why are you smirking, mike? lauren: this could be material. >> i think nike found a great way to communicate with athletes. all though they move into the political spectrum from time to time, they communicate with athletes and athletes want them. if you want to go out and get workout gear, it's still the best place to go for running shoes and they have the market cornered there. i don't agree with a lot of their political stances duh -- lauren: what about the suspended ands sustainability? >> well, a lot of that comes in
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on esg because hard to say what works or doesn't and not going to have an impact on nike. stuart: that's where they make their money. some self-checkout machines are asking for tips and a theme on our show even though they require no human interaction and people fed up with this. the tipping culture. we have a report. up to 1,000 migrants are arriving in new york city every week. my opinion, they're here to stay and they're going to work. i'll ask a business owner in new york if he's willing to hire them. governor of florida ron desantis banned diversity skin collusion programs -- and inclusion at colleges and reinforce racial division and critics claim he's trampling on academic freedom, we'll deal with that next. ♪ and i remember kind of thinking like, "oh my gosh, i think we could be sisters." because i think we looked...
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yes. right. yeah. and i don't think at that time- i think you're the one to tell me that we had the same birthday. yes. it's really unbelievable when you think about it, because it's been, like, really over 20 years that you were my mother and father's banker, you became my banker and now fran is in her third year of college and you're her banker. it's so unbelievable because i'm just 20 years old. [laughing] known as a loving parent. known for lessons that matter. known for lessons that matter. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer.
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stuart: right. where are we in there we go. randi wiengarten head of american federation of teachers, that's the union, and makes a high six figure salary doing that and now getting more money for doing what? lauren: teaching. she taught oturu a high school in -- at a high school in brooklyn for three years in the 90s and gets paid a $15,000 a year teacher's pension for that short time that she spent in the classroom. her salary is $435,000 as head of the aft. stuart: what you may not know, lauren, is randi wiengarten was on this show and it was about 11 years ago and she was sitting right next to me. i said didn't you take $197,000 when you left new york to go to take your job as head of the
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union? she said, no. i said, but you did. she said, yes, but it was separate checks. she took $197 and that was for unused vacation time. $197,000 at a re-sighs of the time when the -- re-sighs of the time when the new york city -- precise time when new york was laying off teachers because they didn't have enough money. banning equity, inclusion and diversity problems from colleges. desantis is launching his bid for the white house in coming weeks and what's the reception for the move to dei? reporter: depends if you're outside or inside the venue. outside there were protesters and inside nothing but cheers as governor desantis signed this bill essentially banning state funding of diversity, equity and inclusion or dei programs at florida's colleges and universities. he signed a bill that blocked public universities from
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requiring students and faculty to provide statements affirming their commitment to diversity as a condition for admission or employment. take a listen. >> this bill says the whole experiment with dei is coming to an end in the state of florida. we're eliminating the dei programs. we are going to treat people as individuals. we're not going to treat people as members of groups. reporter: the republican governor signed these bills as new college, a small traditionally progressive school in sarasota earlier this year desantis appointed a group of conservatives to that college's board of trustees that went onto abolish the institution's office that handled dei programs. the american association of university professors issued this statement "governor desantis' signing of dei sb266 today further cements the decline of florida's higher education system by enshrining into law culture wall-inspired
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censorship that will have a disastrous impact on state of the unions, faculty, and future of -- students, faculty and future of the state". desantis expected to announce his run for the white house in the very near future rallying social conservatives that accused america's colleges and universities of having a liberal bias and being hostile to any conservative thought. back to you. stuart: jonathan, thank you very much indeed. teacher's union in colorado officially passed animality capitalist resolution saying the colorado education association believes that capitalism requires exploitation of children, public schools, land, labor, and/or resources". come on in, andy. we need you. why should people trust their children to the union that stands with the far, far left? >> they shouldn't trust them to educate their children at all.
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you're talking about a economic system with capitalism that's literally lifted billions of people out of poverty. even brachyobama in 2015 -- barack obama in 2015 said it was the greatest system for creating wealth and lifted billions out of poverty and you've got the greatest system ever developed by mankind and human kind for eliminating poverty and increasing prosperity across the globe and the people in colorado, teachers in colorado want to teach pursuant to list of markist grievances and i would pull my children out of public sch schools and would not trust them to go there. stuart: why can't we de-unionize the public schools? as i recall they were juneized by executive order in the early 1960s by president kennedy. he just had a stroke of a pen, you're unionized. dot same thing in reverse, couldn't you? i think our public schools would being a whole lot better off. >> yeah, difficult politically and it would be a very, very
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smart thing to do and what you'd have with the public unions when they're negotiating for salary increases or getting different benefits and such, retirement benefits, there really is no employer as you'd think about an employer somebody responsible for the profitability of the company. you're negotiating with the governor and unions contribute huge amounts to the political candidates and go to the governor and say increase our benefits and retirement benefits and even don't have the money to pay for an increase in the salaries now, two governors down the road before the expenses hit and what do you care? we'll cricket to your campaign and you'll get -- contribute to your campaign and you'll get elected and support us more. franklin roosevelt far to the left of even john kennedy. he was very adamant public employees shouldn't unionize and holds tuning fork today. stuart: that's my opinion too. andy, we want your opinion on tipping and we've been running
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several shows about self-checkouts even having a button and press this button and tip somebody that has nothing do with yo you at all. what's your personal rule when do you tip, who do you tip and how much? >> i will say that my rule changed over the pandemic. before the pandemic, i tipped people when i thought they did a good job. if they did a good job -- the better job they did the better tip they got and that's what tipping was about. in the pandemic, i was happy if people showed up to work and if i went into a restaurant or store and i might tip somebody just because they were there and thank them for coming into work. that's become a problem in the united states. we still don't have the number of people back to work that we need back to work. i'm getting back to tipping for good service and time to get back to real purpose of tippingg and thanking people for doing a good job and not something that was really just a way to increase bills for these retailers, particularly through
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ordering online. what sense does it make to tip an irk pad and doesn't make sense at all and i'll go back to my original rule and you get a tip if you do a good job. stuart: wait till ai asks you for a tip and that's coming and will happen real soon. andy puzder, thank you very much. see you soon. self-described anticapitalist coffee shop. they're portioned to close off one -- forced to close after one year because of lack of capital. lauren: yeah, anarchist and in toronto, canada. they gave you pay what you can coffee, otherwise free coffee and then charged arm and a leg for anything else. espresso, faith reigns leadings, it was a high -- pastries that was a high price. people came in and lingered and used the restrooms and didn't buy anything. the model didn't work and now the cafe is closing at the end of this month after a little bit
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over a year in business. stuart: my heart bleeds. don't say anything. thank you, lauren. get ready for flying cars and a whole lot of solar power and images shows what ai thinks life will look like in the year 2050. we'll tell you more. it's the end of an era, am radio reportedly being removed from new cars. new car models that is. jojajohn catsimatidis joins me t with his opinion. ♪
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herbs and supplements brand at walmart. unleash your potential with force factor at walmart. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. >> this day in history. american built and in 1992 space shuttle and defending champion completed maiden voyage and total of 25 missions and spent 299 days in space before retirement and now you know.
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please don't forget to watch american built mondays 9:00 p.m. eastern only at fox business prime. >> they continue to put up bigger earnings and stock price moving higher. stuart: willedly expensive, mik. >> this isn't cheap but it's the future of innovation and great time to hold on if you're lucky enough to be along for the ride. stuart: another stock is microsoft. you own? >> i do through a basket, which is the s&p 500 and talk about oven and microsoft is not ai and have things like cloud business they're working on and it's a company again, stuart. you talk about innovation and
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where's the innovation and here at microsoft they're innovating and continue to put up bigger earnings every single quarter and great management team, nadel doing a great job at the helm and that's a name you want to own. stuart: i use bing and uses ai in search. >> how's that working? stuart: really well. it's beginning to learn my searches. so if i press one key and i search for that kind of thing before, it fills out the whole thing. it seems to know me. >> now you'd use bing over google? stuart: always, yes. even though i just bought google because i like ai. tell me about home depot. not great earning ands not a great outlook either. >> not great. if you listen to what the ceo had to say on the call, stuart, lumber prices played into this and price of lumber out there was playing into what they're paying and home depot is in
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business and it's a fragments space they're in and people are going to be renovating their home and smaller projects but that will get bigger and home depot on this pullback and stock higher over 400 and now down at $280 a share. it's a great time to be picking up home depot. stuart: buy on the pullback. >> absolutely. 280, absolutely. stuart: we'll remember; you're on video tape. it's on the internet and can't be a lie. >> that's a good thing. accountability. stuart: right. next case. am radio. lauren: what's that? i'm joking. stuart: what's what young people say. anybody under 40 hasn't heard of it and certainly doesn't use it. car makers are beginning to remove am radio from new models. look who's here. this is john catsimatidis and owns wabc and very popular radio station here in new york city. john. you object to this taking out of cars? >> it's part of america.
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you've got to remember, our culture is under attack, and am radio 60 million people listen to it every day. in addition 97%, it's part of the emergency broadcast system. 97% of america could reach theim radio through the emergency broadcasting system provided by fema. why is this happening? is it about am radio? some people say it's because it has too many conservative talk shows. it's possible. stuart: really? you think they're going after am radio or readiesing the footprint -- reducing the footprint -- >> they're going after everything else, stuart. the other point of view is instead of giving you a $200 radio in your car, they'd rather charge you $9.99 a month and set it up electronically. so maybe it's about money.
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which one is it? about culture? is it about money? is it because they want to charge you $9.99 a month? what happens. you know what happens if the grid goes down, stuart, the grid goes down, you have no radio, you have no stove to cook on because it's going to be electric. you have no car if it's going to be electric. you'll have nothing and we'll bring america to a stop. stuart: john, you know the demographics here, you own wabc, which is leading am station in new york city. tell me the demographics. i don't -- i expect that very few people under 40 listen to wabc. >> wrong. we bought wabc three years ago. we've expanded it in every direction, every type of talk show from bill o'riley to our friend the mayor giuliani, to my
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show rita cosby and myself. cousin brucey, cousin brucey. stuart: he's got to be 80 years old. >> maybe more. but he is popular. we took wabc from no. 28 when we bought to the top 2 or 3 in the east coast. stuart: you made some money there. >> i don't care about money. i want to get the message across. stuart: john catsimatidis doesn't care about money. >> i do not care about money. this is about getting the truth out. you know what our motto is at the show, truth, justice, and the american way. that's what we tell people. stuart: you also own a chain of grocery stores. >> yes. stuart: operating in new york city. >> yes. stuart: you've got a lot of tentacles in this city. new york city right now is swamped with migrants, and you know that. can -- are you allowed to employ them in your grocery stores and do you want to?
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>> first of all, 85% of our employees are minorities and we want to employ everybody. the problem with the migrants is they need the right kind of paperwork and the city has to give them the paperwork. then the second problem is -- stuart: if they gave them the paperwork, would you employ them? >> well, i'll give you the second part of the story, we don't know who these people are. you know, did they come out of a jail in venezuela? did they -- who are they? in the old days, the old dais where me and you were from, didn't mean to make you that old, we had ellis island. guess what, people went through it, we k knew who they were. we want immigration, we don't want terrorists, we don't want drug dealers, we don't want killers. we want people that want to work hard and be americans. stuart: classic immigrant. john, thank you very much
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indeed. good man. >> thank you. stuart: now this. governor of new york is sounding the alarm about illegal migrants. watch this. >> we already have over 61,000, over 40,000 housed in new york city. they're bursting at the seems. you're going to start seeing people living in tents not just on the border but in the streets of new york. stuart: okay. she says we're at a breaking point but we've heard nothing about repealing the city's sanctuary status. we've got a report on that. head of open ai is in the hot seat on capitol hill. that's sam altmann grilled about the risks of artificial intelligence and we're monitor it and we'll bring you the highlights, if any, next. ♪
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stuart: some airports are testing facial recognition teening technology. lauren, is this getting me through security faster? lauren: tsa is test it and facial recognition you look into an ipad careen at 16 airports and walk up to security and put driver's license or your id into the slot and then you look at that camera. there's not a human tsa agent to check your id with boarding pass. stuart: really? lauren: humans will be there to make sure things are going smithly and they figure take that human out of the equation and speed through. thanks to facial recognition. >> does it work with your mask? lauren: oh, true, you'd have to put it down. tough put it down now. stuart: tsa agent looks at you. lauren: first time that happened to me. i said you want me to take my mask down? they said yes so okay. one more ai story for you. think about the city of the future n. the year 2050 an ai
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company doing image generating and called mid journey and looked at chicago, new york, all the big seizure d cities in 50 h a lot of green and cars on the road and cars in the air. isn't that cool? you elect a human mayor and all of the mayor's deputies are computers. , robots, far official intelligence. stuart: we have mike murphy sitting nexttous and he's into as they say ai. what do you think of the predictions for the city of the future? >> no matter -- i don't know what it'll look like but not like that. so hashed to predict three -- hard to predict where we're going to be in three years let alone 50 years. some of the cities like chicago and new york, are they going to continue down the same path that they're on right now politically? i think they're not going to look like these beautiful oasis and look like war torn war ravaged cities.
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lauren: where are all the people in the cities? if you're technically not working as much, shouldn't you be riding your bike or climbing a mountain and not indoors. stuart: i want to ask aoc she doesn't think the world will be around. stuart: open ai ceo sam altman is testifying on capitol hill. what's he saying? >> it's an interesting tone thus far, stuart. saying this is a printing press moment and they're very combative and he's championing the advancements sad mitting it'll remove jobs but optimistic it'll create new and improve existing ones and on the other hand he's underscoring that he and open ai are pleading for regulation and suggesting specific solutions. >> we think that regulatory
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intervention by governments will be critical. u.s. government might consider a combination of licensing and testing requirements for development and release of ai models above a threshold of capabilities. lauren: any key area that we're hearing discussed in the hearing is the impact of elections or rather the impact of ai on elections and altman admitted that oversight is necessary and the impact should be dire. >> it's one of my areas of greatest concern. the more generalability of these models to manipulate and per wait and provide one-on-one for the active information given we're going to face an election next year and models are getting better. it's a significant area of concern. >> each of the witnesses underscored the impact of transparency and importance of it and global solution and china racing ahead and in the hearing there's a central tension over
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specific agency to regulate ai and altman was all for it but ibm chief operation officer viremently disagreed and might take away from the hearing thus far and there's collective bipartisan agreement and even though lawmakers in the hears admitted they didn't meet the moment on social media and may not be best equipped for ai. back to you. stuart: i hear that. kelly, thank you very much indeed. show me the dow 30, please. we always say get a sense of the market. a sense that the market not in a huge selloff mode and plenty of selling about three quarters of the dow 30 in the red being sold. the dow is down 220. new york city is preparing to open migrant shelters in a half dozen public schools. the illegals will be housed in gymnasiums steps away from children as young as 4. some parents are protesting and are furious.
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nate foy is live in brook lynn with more right -- br brooklyn h more right after this. ♪ get powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. your wyndham is waiting... because you earned it after months on the road with the travel hockey team.
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and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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stuart: new york city running out of places to house the migrant surge. now they're starting to put them up in public school gymnasiums and nate foy is at one of those schools and can't imagine parents are happy about this, nate. reporter: certainly not, stuart. we're seeing multiple protests and mayor eric adams revealed he's considering 20 new york city schools to house migrants in the dis-attached gymnasiums in the schools. ps18 is one of them and parents were protesting and left about an hour ago and left behind a sign and one said don't violate their learning space and the other says we want our gym space. that gym is where those migrants will be staying on a temporary short term basis but also undetermined amount of time and a lot of parents really upset and found out on mother's day and it's already happening, stuart. take a look at protests this one and one mother said a small
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group slept here overnight and joined by more people that arrived this morning. they say this isn't a good solution for the migrants or for their children. they say the school is a fire hazard with the mig migrants ine gym and they're concerned about students that just went through the pandemic now losing access to their gym and by extension recess and gym class. listen to this. >> stripping kids as young as 11 years old in some cases 11-year-old girls of gym and access to re-cespedes robs them of -- recess robs them of physical, social learning and this is something they need to stimulate and in some cases. adult males and i don't feel safe having adult males with no health screenings or criminal background checks around our children. reporter: stuart, parents protested at another brooklyn school and new york state assemblyman understands why parents are concerned. listen to him.
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>> i think our children are safe and people should have cause for concern for sure. reporter: according to the co-president of parent teacher association, this school has 463 students and get this, stuart, 142 are accent today. 30% of the school not here because of the migrants being housed in the gym. back to you. stuart: extraordinary, nate foy, thank you, indeed. come on in new york city council member eric cagen. maybe you sow that report, counselor, but those extreme parents -- those stream of parents objecting to this and pushback already. are we going to see more pushback? >> of course. in coney island today, a rally
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of parents from 188 and same issue. gym school gym is occupied and transformed into so called processing center for migrants and no gym and all options are on the table. even if the recently arrived migrants will be moving to permanent shelter or somewhere else and new ones will come. it'll be like a revolving door. >> children don't get to use their junio school i didn't mea. stuart: you're on the city council. can't you stop this? >> i can protest this decision by the mayor and talk to city hall and owners and management and go to social media and talk to fox news and parents. we go and have a rally today and in terms of city council, this is democrat majority in city council and most of my colleagues are like saying
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listen, we are welcoming st.s, it's -- citizens, it's a sanctuary city and we need to be welcoming and compassionate and not be a problem. stuart: to some degree new york brought it on itself. it is still a sanctuary city and you've invited them in. >> beside, any deviation from existing rules and mayor adams trying to say this right to shelter to give anybody within a few hours shelter for anyone that comes from anywhere at any time and he tried to give a little bit saying we cannot do it within a few hours. give me 12 or more days. stuart: i'm terribly sorry to interrupt you, i'm at a hard break and absolutely out of time. thank you for joining us, sir. we appreciate it very much, sir. more varney after this.
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12:00 pm
♪. stuart: greyhounds are fast dogs. how fast can they run, mike? >> number three 45 miles an hour. stuart: lauren. >> 35 miles an hour. stuart: i seen the answer already. i it was 45 miles an hour. not that i seen it popped up front. time's up for security varney. time for "coast to coast" which starts now. neil: all right, we are four hours yet another debt ceiling


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