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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 19, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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john, your thoughts? >> well i think morgan stanley is a financially strong company. i think there's no need to worry about it going forward. there's different price in the stock price you see right now will probably be short-lived it's there only because this announcement was obviously a surprise, but a longer term, i think the change in leadership will not have a negative impact if anything it may help. maria: and all the while, the news last week around morgan stanley was that it is considering job cuts, which we've seen so much across corporate america. guys its been great having you this morning michael balboni, john lonski have a great weekend thanks i'll see you tonight on wall street join us for a big show and stay with fox business. "varney" & company picks it up now. stu take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, good morning, everyone. where is the big sell-off so many market watchers predicted? the bank crisis, debt default, rate hikes are supposed to
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produce a major stock slide. not this friday morning, at least not so far. dow jones industrial is up to close to 100, smaller gains for the s&p and nasdaq. by the way speaker mccarthy says there may be a debt deal by the end of next week. the president seems to be negotiating from japan, and investors like it. there you have it dow, s&p, nasdaq, all in green. interest rates, they keep going up gradually. the 10 year treasury yield coming in now very close to 3.70 that's a big deal. the two year treasury well-above 4% in fact it's well-above 4.25% right now 4.28 and the six-month well that's well-above 5%, you're looking at 5.34 as we speak. all right, politics. the fbi under fire. it's accused of ruining the lives of whistleblowers. there are being demand eled and the accusation is that the fbi has become a political organization ready and willing to influence elections. we're on it. senators feinstein and fetterman
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return to the senate after severe medical problems. the new york times says feinstein is shockingly diminished. there are reports that fetterman 's aids have to clean-up what had been difficult in saying. who will tell them it's time to go and on what grounds? same questions maybe applied to the president. maybe the democrats are looking for an alternative to candidate biden. the puff piece to end all puff pieces has appeared and it's over-the-top flattery and it gushes that pete buttigieg has a cathedral mind but there's not much about transportation secretari' performance with planes, trains, and automobiles, and skip bedell is going to be with us showing you a backyard chicken coup so you can beat egg price inflation. what will the neighbors say when your rooster wakes them up at 5 a.m.? it happens. friday, may 19, 2023. "varney" & company is about to
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begin. ♪ what a feeling ♪ stuart: well that's kind of up beat for friday morning. >> i'm totally okay with that. stuart: you singing along? okay all right, look at this , ai is the big new thing. i think we can all agree on that and we are going to cover it and we have news today. apple is restricting the use of chatgpt by its employees. why restrict ai use? >> well because they are protecting confidential data, so apple is a very secretive company. that's also developing their own chatgpt artificial intelligence competitor, so according to the journal they don't want their employees leaking out corporate secrets, as they develop their own proprietary ai programs and products, right? they are also restricting access to microsoft's ai assistant that
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helps write software code and remember that these programs send back user data, back to the open ai and the microsoft to improve these programs so it's not 100% secure and it's not encrypted. it's not just apple. jpmorgan, verizon, other companies have also restricted employee use of chatgpt as well. stuart: one of these days i'm going to understand this. >> you do understand it. stuart: well, i can see the need for secrecy. >> of course. stuart: and i understand that you've got to keep in that silo, so to speak, because anybody else gets into that silo and you're messed up. >> you do understand the fact that silicon valley giants are plowing in billions of dollars into ai whether it's from the chips as i mentioned to you yesterday and had in these chat bots. stuart: that's why you called it , everybody else is saying it, it is the big new thing. >> absolutely. stuart: you're going to cover it for us. >> big topic. stuart: still on the market check futures i see green, not a whole lot of it but there is green, dow is up maybe 90 points kenny polcari with me this morning. you know, kenny, i think i've
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asked you this before. we've had a few analysts tell us a big drop for the market is coming. not arrived so far. do you think it's coming? >> you know, i don't think the big drop is coming and you and i have discussed that. i think mike wilson is way off base when he talks about s&p 3,000. i don't see that at all. and you kept saying the markets going to go higher. i hope you stayed long and you didn't panic and sell everything , because we are, you know, moving higher as you could see. we're all green. no, do i think we'll have volatility in the month? sure. do i think it's going to collapse? absolutely not. do i think we'll stay in this trading range of 44200, i think that's where we'll be. stuart: i keep saying i think the market just wants to go up that's my perception so so i went out earlier and bought google. i never owned that stock before but i bought it because i think the market just wants to go up. i think that you agree with me, the gradual trend is up, right? >> i think the gradual trend is up. now look, i think a lot of it's
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going to depend on next week what we hear. i think we know they are raising the debt ceiling but what the did they compromise on? what did they actually get? what did the gop get , what did the democrats give up? that's going to maybe dictate kind of whether or not investors think they got enough in terms of the debt ceiling debate, and that may cause a little bit of volatility, but overall, it does feel like the market wants to keep going up that investors are getting very used to this idea that the fed is almost at its terminal rate which i think is going to happen in june and then they hold them steady. stuart: that's what we wanted to hear on a friday morning right before a nice weekend in the late spring of 2023. good stuff. kenny polcari, i hope you and i are right. we'll see how it works. >> i hope so. stuart: don't we all. our lives depend on this. kenny thanks very much indeed. let's get to politics that's my bread and butter. a potential hiccup in the 2024 race already. what's this about biden possibly not appearing on the new
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hampshire primary ballot? >> well some would say it's biden's own making because he was the one who pushed for south carolina to replace new hampshire as the first in the nation primary, but that actually contradicts with state laws that requires new hampshire 's contest to be held a week before any others, and state republicans are refusing to change that state law, so if they don't, a primary my be held without biden on the ballot. now they are trying to look for solutions here, a work- around including giving the state time to resolve the issue or the dnc will just put together their own party-run primary to get around that new hampshire law. stuart: new hampshire folks are really mad as hell that the democrats are going for their first primary in the carolinas. >> but what do you think about the big announcement next week, desantis should officially get into the race, and he's heading to new hampshire today before that announcement. he already has 50 endorsements there, gop lawmakers including four that also endorsed trump last month, so there are some
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hedgers in that state. the times report that desantis has been very clear to donors and supporters that he's the best hope for the gop in 2024. stuart: he says he's the only one who can beat trump isn't he? >> yeah, he says basically -- stuart: i mean biden. >> you basically have three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing. biden, trump, and me, and i think of those three, two have a chance to get elected president. biden and me. no trump in there, and that's based on all of the data in the swing states which is not great for the former president and probably insurmountable because people aren't going to change their view of him. also what do you think of news reports of chris cristi is jumping into the race in the next few days. stuart: it's a broad field. everybody is jumping in. it'll sort itself out eventually but chris cristi? >> don't you think there's literally two tiers? trump and december? stuart: absolutely. >> and nobody else really. stuart: i think that's pretty close. thanks, susan back to you. now this , senators dianne feinstein and john fetterman
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have had very public health issues. their ability to serve effective ly has been called into question. got it. phil wegman is the white house reporter from real clear politic s and joins me now. phil, who decides if these senators are fit to serve? >> ultimately that's the voters and because senator dianne feinstein decided to stand for re-election in 2018 and because senate democrats never did anything about an in polite open conversation on capitol hill, we're going to be having a pretty uncomfortable debate about litmus tests, about age requirements, and you're going to see senator dianne feinstein at the end of her career in the cross fire of all of this because of politics. stuart: but can't you have exactly the same situation arriving with president biden? i mean, he is ailing to some degree, he's frail, forgets his train of thought. the same questions will be asked of the president, and whose going to tell him it's time to go? >> well they certainly will be
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asked of president biden. i think that he is ready for that question. he probably welcomes it. we are going to see a very different campaign in 2024 because last time, thanks to the pandemic, it was virtual, there wasn't a lot of the normal retail politics. this time around, republicans whoever they put at the top of their ticket is going to be out there shaking hands going to those diners and president biden is going to have to be there as well. i think though that despite his age right now, it seems that biden has been pretty capable of out-foxing republicans on capitol hill, so it's not so much age. it's a question of competence. stuart: but do you think senior democrats will be going to call on the president to say times up i mean, you implied that that's what they are going to do. >> oh, i'm not certain that democrats would, i think that there's a uncomfortable question about feinstein certainly because there have been reports going back to 2020 that she has been having cognitive decline
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and is unable to remember some of the most recent conversations that she has had. i think it's a very different case with the president. he certainly seems to be in control of all of his faculties. it would have been a proactive discussion. stuart: he does? wait, wait, wait. he forgets himself? he stumbles? he sometimes loses his train of thought? i would have thought he is in cognitive decline. >> well i think that this is going to be a conversation that they aren't going to be able to getaway from. when you look at senator dianne feinstein and when you look at the president, they seem to be in very different categories. certainly the presidents getting up there with age but it doesn't seem to have reached anywhere close to what we're seeing from the senior democrat from california. stuart: all right we will agree to differ, phil. back to the white house for you. thanks very much indeed. >> thank you. stuart: futures left-hand side of the screen please. we see green, dow is up 80, nasdaq is up 28. coming up, you remember this ,
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i'm going to call it a revealing exchange between missouri senator josh hawley and a woke berkeley law professor, the senator asked if a biological man could have a baby here is the response. >> i want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic and it opens up trans people to violence, by not recognizing that. >> wow you're saying i'm opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women or folks have pregnancies? stuart: apparently so, both the media and lawmakers are to blame for the masculinity crisis he's going to be here to tell us the masculine virtues that america needs. what a show. fbi whistleblowers testified before congress. some had been ruined by the fbi for speaking out. louisiana congressman mike johnson was a part of that hear ing. it was very contentious. he's here next. ♪
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stuart: all right the dow jones industrials in a few minutes will be up about 70 points at the opening bell, smaller gains for the s&p and the nasdaq, but there is green on the screen. fbi whistleblowers testified before congress. they spoke about retaliation for calling out the agency. roll tape. >> works as an fbi special agent was my dream job. nonetheless the fbi elected to close ranks and attack the messenger. >> my family and i have been surviving on early withdrawals from our retirement accounts while the fbi has ignored my request for approval to obtain outside employment. >> i never swore an oath to the
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fbi but to the constitution. >> do you believe the fbi is purposely hostile to you for that reason to keep agents from speaking up? >> yes. >> yes. stuart: now that did not go down well with democrats. watch this. >> watching house republicans jump to lay the foundation to de fund law enforcement. my colleagues on the far right are on a mission to attack, discredit, and ultimately dismantle the fbi. >> you're engaging in the self- promotion of your new book about to be released and what great timing to be on tv and in congress right before your book tour starts. >> in texas we would say this is just a lot of hot air and it ain't a whistleblower. stuart: congressman mike johnson is a republican from the state of louisiana and joins me now. congressman, what do we do with a politicized agency? should we dismantle it? >> yeah, it's a great question, stuart. what's happened now is the top
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leaders in the fbi and the department of justice have weaponized these at says. they put the full weight of the largest law enforcement agencies in the world against the people that they are designed to protect and serve and that's the american citizens and when whistleblowerrings raise area hands and said wait a minute this violates our oath, our conscience, then they turn against their own employees and they retaliate against them. the democrats there, their comments are outrageous. these are patriotic americans, and you're asking the right question, stuart. what are we to do about this? we have to institute reforms, because in a constitutional republic if the people doubt their system of justice we have a serious problem and that's where we are right now. stuart: why isn't some of the outrage directed against the democrats who were involved with the fbi and the election of 2016? i see the fbi is getting some stick, but i don't see much going to the democrats. >> yeah, well, there's a lot to go around and i can tell you my constituents in louisiana and all of the people across the
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country, millions of millions of americans, are asking those questions. they want account ability. they want action and the congress, we have to often remind everybody, we don't have the ability to perp walk anybody , indict them and put them on trial in a court but we can put the facts on trial in the court of public opinion and that's what our weaponization committee is doing. there's going to be a lot of accountability to go around and the fbi was quite literally colluding, for example, with the big social media platforms during the last two election cycles meeting regularly as partners to censor conservative viewpoints and sometimes candidates on those platforms. the democrats were engaged in this. they helped and it's a serious serious problem. stuart: another subject. the state department was questioned about the mandatory inclusion of pronouns in e-mails this is the state department. quite an exchange. watch it, please. >> the state department's internal e-mail system, and i've tested this so i know that it's true, has added pronouns to
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people's not their signature, but to their where it says "fro" if you don't know anything about this then that's fine. can you look into it? >> i'm happy to look into it. >> it should not be an optional thing for people to do, so for men are being identified as women and women identified as men and nothing to do with transgender or anything like that. it's ridiculous. >> this phenomenon has not made its way to my outlook. i'm happy to check on this. >> i just told you about it. stuart: this phenomenon has not made its way into my out look. classic, okay. why are federal agencies pushing so hard to go woke, congressman? >> yeah, great question. i mean, it be comical if it were not so serious, so dangerous. this woke agenda has infected the department of defense, the state department. what in the world are they doing in engaging in these social experiments and all this political correctness? it's a crazy thing. it is affecting ultimately the
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readiness of our military, our recruitment efforts. we have young men who don't want to sign up for the immigrant because they don't want to be a part of this so the state department, the department of defense, every agency of the federal government under the biden administration is engaging in this , as if that's the top priority. we live in dangerous times. this is not a game and i'm so glad some in the media are beginning to pushback and ask these logical questions that of course are on the minds of millions and millions of americans. stuart: i like crazy, but it seems to me the world has been turned upside down. last 30 seconds to you, congressman, if you want it. >> oh, i think that's right. i think that we have an erosion of truth. i think that we have a new generation of americans being indoctrinated and they can no longer discern what is right and wrong and this is the result of decades of cultural rot and and erosion where we've doubted absolute truths. stuart: if you need something, you have a right to take it. it's not stealing, no! good lord, it's a necessity and you've got to have it. congressman that was great. thank you very much for being
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with us. we appreciate it, sir, thank you the governor of texas, greg abbott still filling up the migrant buses. where they going this time? >> the beautiful state of colorado and downtown denver. here in new york city i don't know if you saw the latest video but you had another bus load full of asylum seekers, landing here in new york city and they are going to be staying at the roosevelt hotel which was shutdown during the pandemic. now, abbott also bussed migrants to chicago, d.c., philadelphia, 23 buses so far being sent to the city of brotherly love. stuart: i'd love to see the reception in colorado. who knows. i don't know. maybe they will welcome them with open arms. we'll see. all right, thank you, susan. very good. check futures please left-hand side of the screen will looking good the dow is up about 100. taking you to the opening bell, next. ♪ money, money, money ♪
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hand side of the screen. is google your number one pick for artificial intelligence? >> okay, it's not my number one pick. it could be the number one pick for artificial intelligence, yeah, maybe. i don't think there's one winner in artificial intelligence. i think there's a handful of really big winners. i think microsoft has got to be in there. i think meta is in there too. i think google is absolutely in there. i think what's happened in the last couple of weeks is people realize that google is one of those. they had this io event, their annual developer conference and they displayed all of the ways in which they've infused generative artificial intelligence, gai, into their hand sets, search engines and youtube and the google cloud so i just think people had forgotten that google has been into ai for several years and they reminded people of how well positioned they are so it's one of the best plays off artificial intelligence. stuart: so what is your number one pick overall? >> well it remains meta just for valuation reasons, i like uber too, i like netflix and
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amazon, and netflix actually had an interesting week, so netflix for the first time came to madison avenue this week. this is the week of the upfronts when companies come and pitch advertisers and why they should advertise with their network and netflix did a pretty good job. this is the first time they are there. they disclosed about 3 million paying subscribers who were ad- supported on their $6.99 cheap plan and made a good pitch as to why marketers should be on their side. i like netflix. it's not one of my top or two picks but i like netflix so google, netflix are modest buys for me. the big buys remain meta and uber. stuart: you know, kudos to you, mark. you did get netflix absolutely dead right. weeks ago, you were saying buy this thing. i think it was about 300 bucks a share at the time, you said buy it. they are looking good and now it's at 3.68 a very solid gain. just go back to meta for one second. what's your target price on meta
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>> shoot. i forgot. i think that it's around, i'm sorry oh, it's around 300. stuart: come on man, you're not that old. >> [laughter] i'm getting up there. but what i like about meta by the way we had the supreme court news yesterday that i think kind of removed some of the regulatory risk. especially since you had a unanimous supreme court decision written by justice thomas who was the one who seemed to be most willing to kind of look to maybe reverse section 230 so i think, you know, i think regulatory risk has been kind of fading a little bit for facebook for google. that's a good thing for investors and one of the reasons i like meta but a great product cycle and a company taking cost seriously. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: you've been right before and i hope you're right again. it is now exactly -- >> have a good weekend, stu. stuart: exactly 9:30 you know what that means? the market opens there you go. very small gain for the dow jones industrials, i'm going to try to look at the dow 30 there
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you go, about half up, well maybe two-thirds up, half down, something like that. there's a split decision, okay? >> [laughter] stuart: that can't count, susan. >> it's friday. stuart: it is indeed. the s&p 500 is open and where are we? we are up .18%. nasdaq is trading. where's that? up .17%. so small gains, pretty much across-the-board. let's go back to the big tech stocks, alphabet right out front $0.70 higher, apple at 1.75 this morning, meta, mark mahaney likes it, amazon and microsoft down. susan is with me and boy do we have major financial news this morning. >> oh, yeah. stuart: morgan stanley chief executive stepping down. tell me more. >> surprise move and you wonder about the timing, why now is james gorman stepping down, because he's one of the longest tenured banking ceo's on wall street along with jpmorgan's jamie dimon. gorman took over the job, tough job back in 2010 and it's rile law enforcement surprising given the out performance of morgan
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stanley over its wall street rival of goldman sachs. morgan stanley is worth $40 billion more now than goldman sachs and they have had a long traditional rivalry in getting clients and deals and he's been given credit for transitioning smartly morgan stanley to higher margin wealth management instead of just relying on trading and investment banking which is depressed goldman sachs. now, the other people who have been floated to take over since gorman will be stepping down in the next 12 months he says, could be the head of wealth management, which kind of makes sense, and we know that morgan stanley has really been acquiring buying e-trade and the like, eaton vance over the last few years. stuart: do we know why mr. gorman is leaving? >> no idea, just a surprising move given how successful he's been in that top job. stuart: okay, disney. they're making what i think this is an aggressive move on the part of bob iger, an aggressive move against desantis in florida. tell me all about it. >> well they are saying, okay, i think it's also opportune as well for bob iger and disney given they are trying to find
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$5 billion in cost savings so now in this fight against desantis in florida they cancel that $900 million florida camp that's almost $1 billion project there. also closing one of its most expensive rides, the star wars galactic star cruiser experience , which is a fully- immersive multi-night experience where you pay at least 600 bucks a night to enjoy yeah, so they make a lot of money off that ride so disney says it's because they say it's because of changing market conditions, but as i said to you , i think people say that it's political. it also might be a convenient way to kill two birds with one stone, meaning fire back at desantis while saving money at the same time. but you know, also, i need to note that disney is the largest employer in the state, largest taxpayer in the state and they bring in 50 million visitors to florida each and every year and not a smart fight for desantis to be picking. stuart: iger is a democrat from california and desantis is a republican from florida. and there's a clash on that basis. >> of course it all goes back
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to that lawsuit of course, with desantis trying to remove some of the tax benefits and the autonomy that disney enjoys in that ready creek area. stuart: look at the price $92 a share. i was looking at some records this morning -- >> 200 at least. stuart: i saw disney over 200. >> yeah, well, also some other news from disney, which might be impacting the stock as well is they are trimming the amount of content on disney plus. they are going to reportedly drop over 50 shows from the platform and this morning you've got a downgrade from maqu arie, only calling disney a neutral stock. hold it it's only worth 103 in their view. stuart: please check out foot locker. i fell off my chair when i saw this. why is foot locker down 24%? >> because it was a terrible report card to start this year. not only did they miss on sales and profit to start 2023 but now they are lowering their guidance for the rest of this year, with that slowdown in sales, and they say that they are having to
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markdown prices, discount in order to drive people into buy the sneakers and some of the sports gear. tough economy they say. high inflation, and they expect sales to drop this year. not just be flat but drop, and that's hurting the likes of nike and under armour because that's a knock-on effect. if they cancel the nike shoes that means nike isn't going to do well either. stuart: deere & company. >> you know this company very well. stuart: i do indeed obviously big equipment maker. they made my tractor. why are they up so much? >> they had a great first quarter to start. you had revenue and also profit beating also they are raising their guidance for the rest of this year and what does this say when people are not willing to go into buy their sneakers, nike and under armour but willing to spend on heavy equipment tractors like deere, which costs a lot of money so we're talking about hard sales there. stuart: you're trying to, why then, why i don't buy sneakers but i do buy tractors it's an interesting juxtaposition right there. but tesla, are they building a
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factory in india? because a lot of tech guys have been over there scouting out the country. >> that's right so an india minister confirmed that tesla, in his view, is likely going to be building a new factory in india, and that's probably going to be a multi-billion dollar investment, also of course helps tesla with cost savings if they can get labor and build their cars for cheaper. also it'll be only the sixth car plant around the world after freemont, austin, berlin, shanghai and mexico announced earlier today. stuart: truly global company. anything on gm? >> yes, we had more recalls, you had 670,000 of the small suv 's being recalled over car seat issue. here is the thing is is that a week of recalls right? remember the ones i told you about the million suv's being recalled over inflatable airbags which are dangerous that the could inflate any time. stuart: i'd like to know the proportion of people who take their cars back to have them fixed when there's a recall it's not 100%. not even close.
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>> do you think it's over 50? stuart: it depends what the issue is. exploding airbags probably bringing them all back. >> a million cars in the recall is substantial and higher cost for gm. stuart: susan you've got me. occidental petroleum. warren buffett's favorite. he's buying more. i know he is. >> yeah, so we're talking about a 25% stake in oxy dental $13 billion worth on those and this was the best performing stock last year, remember? in the s&p 500, the stock almost doubles in fact it did, but you already heard warren buffett at the annual berkshire hathaway meeting so he doesn't want to buy occidental outright, even though he has warrants to buy billions of dollars more and this is interesting because it might signify that oxy is cheap right now if he's willing to spend more cash to buy more shares. stuart: that's fascinating. he knows what he's doing. >> he does. stuart: coming up, democrat congresswoman katie porter raised concerns over infirm
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lawmakers like senators fetterman and feinstein. roll tape. >> i think we do need to have some policies like every other workplace in america to think about what are you going to do when someone becomes infirm, you know, for the short-term or the long term. stuart: look, who decides when or if someone is not fit to serve anymore? we're going to get into that. president biden and g-7 leaders unveiled new russia sanctions to "starve the russian war machine" and presidentz is expected to attend on sunday, edward lawrence is there with the latest on that. we'll be back after this. ♪
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it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at i'm your overly competitive brother. check. psych! and i'm about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. you got no game dude, that's a foul! and now you're ready to settle the score. game over. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, well, you could end up paying for all this yourself. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, yeah, like me. thanks, bro. take a lap, rookie. real mature. stuart: well, do we have news on google. giant stock and it's up, what's
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the story? >> news reports say that samsung electronics will not be swapping out the default search engine on its smartphones from google to microsoft. so that means google stays on samsung smartphones. they might be a losing by contract. remember that samsung is the largest smartphone maker in the world. more people use samsungs than any other smartphone on the planet, but google will stay the default search engine instead of microsoft's bing. stuart: so, microsoft doesn't look good on that, but alphabet does. >> oh, you're hedged on both sides so you're fine. stuart: moving on very good stuff, susan. president biden in japan for the first full day of the g-7 summit and edward lawrence is there with him. today, edward, it's all about ukraine. what new action are we going to see against russia? reporter: yeah, we're going to see new sanctions being announced. the g-7 has already announced that's going to happen. we do expect those coming soon. now the last event of the night,
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because it is evening now here in hiroshima, was a dinner. president joe biden left that dinner early to go to debt ceiling talks progress briefing that he had with his team. now on his way into the dinner, it was very interesting he was going down the stairs here and he slipped a little bit. now it was raining earlier in the day. the white house official telling us that there is steady progress towards a deal for the debt ceiling. the house speaker is saying he sees a path but we're not there yet. at the g-7 you said ukraine is in focus. in the g-7 statement, the world leaders reaffirm their support for ukraine for as long as it takes. they pledge to starve russia of technology and equipment it needs for war, adding new sanctions and closing loopholes, russia has been exploiting. now, the statement says that the g-7 will hold those responsible accountable for international war crimes. ukrainian president zelenskyy will be here this weekend. his team confirms that in a tweet he says that currently, he is at the arab league summit
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iniad saudi arabia. he's expected to push, asking for more powerful offensive weapons. >> we want to make sure that in the fighting today, in places and fighting to come in the weeks and months ahead that president zelenskyy has the support and knows that he has that support which he will be able to hear from g-7 leaders reporter: so, china another big topic here, g-7 members are working on what senior white house officials call a derisking from china. careful not to use the word de coupling. the chinese very upset about the g-7 saying they need to stop hyping the china threat. the fact is though that china is helping the russian economy as well as chinese companies are sending parts to russia that could be used in military equipment. now we might hear from the president, stu, on sunday. he has a solo news conference coming up, a rare solo news conference coming up here. stuart: a very rare solo news
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conference if i'm not miss tack ing. edward we'll be watching for that thank you very much. speaker mccarthy says the house could vote on a debt ceiling deal as soon as next week. congressman brian style republican of wisconsin joins me now. all right, congressman. you've worked with mccarthy on this. are we going to see a deal next week? >> ultimately that's up to the president of the united states. we've got to remember how we got here for 105 days the president refused to negotiate and it was over three weeks ago that the house passed the limit save grow act to responsibly raise the debt ceiling. the question is going to be over the course of this weekend, is the white house truly willing to come to the table to save taxpayers money, limit our future spending, and grow the economy? stuart: have you any idea what's in the deal? i mean i know they're working towards a deal, inching towards each other. any idea what's in that deal? what's been dropped? what's been added? any idea? >> well i think what we've seen is a little bit of a sticking point here as it relates to work requirements. to me this should be a no-brainer for ablebodied child
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less adults to be required to work a minimum of 20 hours a week to receive welfare benefits i think we also need to make sure that we're getting true limits in future spending. i think that's absolutely essential if we're going to go and be reasonable and responsible while we raise the debt ceiling. stuart: okay, we're not going to default, are we? >> we can't default. the economic consequences of that be incredibly draconian which is why it's all the more imperative that the white house comes to the table and substantively negotiates a responsible increase in the debt ceiling. we got to remember only the house of representatives has passed a bill. the senate has been completely inept. they haven't passed a bill clean or with restrictions on this and so the fact that the democrats have no plan, the president kept his head in the sand that's so dangerous and reckless as it relates to the economy. stuart: both sides are looking to avoid political blame. put the blame on the other side, not your side. that's what it's all about, really, isn't it? >> i think actually, at the end
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of the day, it's about can we get a deal for taxpayers? and what we have seen is the debt has increased, interest payments on the debt have exploded up $150 billion just this year alone going up in smoke. just to pay interest on the debt , so i think the american people want us to get our fiscal house in order. we can do that by limiting future growth and saving taxpayers money, clawing back things like unspent covid funds should pretty much be a no-brainer at this point. stuart: hope we get there congressman brian steel, thank you very much for joining us have a great weekend, sir. >> thank you. stuart: it's not too late. you can still be on the show. send in your friday feedback comments, throw it all at me. wait a minute, throw it it all at me. wait look at this. get a close-up. >> be careful. stuart: this is a rare thing. i've just been handed a chick, okay? >> sweet. soft. stuart: that's a chick. a baby chicken, as in, okay,
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stuart: well, look as you may have seen susan and i were holding baby chicks just a moment ago, not real happy about it but we did it anyway. now this is all about getting a chicken coup in your own backyard. lydia hu has the story. what do you got? reporter: hey, there, stuart. send those chicks down here, because i'm with home contractor extraordinaire skip bedell talking about how more and more people are getting chickens to keep at home because the price of eggs has gone haywire. how many chickens does a family of four need? >> the price of food in general is through the roof so people are tending toward raising their own food and chickens is a great way to do it, so it's all about the coup. listen, you can get chickens but if you want to raise them it's about having the right coup. i've had chickens for a long, long time. this is a company we had on today, carolina coups are great because it's all made in america
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american materials, american labor but most importantly, they make it easy to keep chickens. watch this , look. just open the front of the nesting door and all your eggs are right there, so it's great for the kids. come out in the morning and there's breakfast it's so easy to raise chickens. >> the chickens know to go here to lay their eggs everyday. >> yeah, you have plenty of height to walk around and get inside but let me show you how easy it is to clean. this is amazing. >> how many times a year do you clean? >> once a year. carolina coups, system you have you simply roll up to it once a year clean this out it takes 10 minutes to wrap it backup and very easy to keep. so i want to show you asked me an interesting question about a family of four. this is their best selling coup. this is the american coup. basically all the same features that you see in the carolina coup like the nesting box in the front, easy clean ventilation but take a walk with me i've gotta show you this. walk inside. look how beautiful this is.
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watch this. >> i can stand up. >> full head room in here, raise six chickens so easily. >> you've gotta tell me how good of a may or is a chicken? a neighbor? >> chickens make really great pets. they are affectionate, easy to care for if you have the right environment and a coup it makes it super easy so the chickens stay inside this hen house and come out in the morning, go back in at night, they lay their eggs , they roost up inside of here if you can see this look the roosting bar is inside. it's like you go to see in nature, the best part is if you want chickens you can get something like this delivered rosenstein it to your home. they deliver them around the world. >> for a family of four six chickens to start off and they lay an egg everyday. >> yes, six chickens is a great place to start but watch out for chicken math because once you get to six, you have eight, 10, like we have 30 now. >> feed the whole neighborhood. >> remember you're getting an egg a day. getting a lot of eggs so by the
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end of the week you're looking at a bowl full of maybe 15-20 eggs and next week you have more so this is a great place to start. the american coup is like my favorite. so come back outside i'll show you some other interesting things about this. one of the things i love also, carolina coup make a dutch door. this is great for the tids when they come out after dinner scrap s you want to throw them into the chickens it makes it fun for the kids to experience and that's another thing now that you get like natural daylight, sunlight for the chickens. kids are having family fun. >> i bet, i can see my daughter spending time out here. stuart, i think -- >> all about the coup. reporter: your tree farm might be perfect for a chicken coup. check it out. carolina, skip bedell thank you so much. stuart: good point watch out for the roosters and your neighbors they don't like them. how far will we go in the rivalry with china? missouri senator josh hawley will take that one on. when it comes to lawmakers who can't fully perform their duties
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