tv Varney Company FOX Business May 19, 2023 10:00am-11:01am EDT
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♪ stuart: this is it. i feel good, james brown, on a friday morning. empire state building. it is 10:00 eastern. straight to your money, the dow was up 67, the s&p is up 12, nasdaq up 12. a little bit of green. the treasury yield keeps going up. 371. 370.9 on the nasdaq. oil, $72 a barrel. now this. politicians love a puff piece. that is when the media tries to make you look good. i wonder if pete buttigieg likes the puff piece that appeared in wired. it was over the top. pure flattery, this guy is a genius.
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in gregorian calendars, he consulted a rubik's cube in three seconds. in the second paragraph the interviewer rights of this. i slowly became aware his cabinet job requires only a modest portion of his cognitive powers. he's he is a rhodes scholar. he has a cathedral minded. but what about trains, planes, and automobiles. he is the transportation secretary. if he is so smart, how come air travel is a mess, trains derail and supply chain remained unfixed when he was on two month paternity leave, that didn't come up in the interview. you don't put failure into a puff piece. this is appearing now because the democrats are looking for a presidential candidate other than biden and harris. if they are putting an incompetent intellectual, they have a week bench. i wonder what the president think of this, two weeks after he declares for the presidency
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his own party is putting forward an alternative and buttigieg himself by doing the interview set himself up as a rival? this is the mother of all puff pieces, so extreme it is almost desperate. it points to the disarray in the democrat party as it tries to deal with an aging president and unpopular vice president. second hour of varney just getting warmed up. ♪ tammy bruce sitting to my left not politically but geographically. this puff piece, are you taking it as a sign that the democrats want a different candidate? >> it indicates there is disarray. there is no investment in what the democrats have now even though the president is running again. i would suggest mr. buttigieg has an inflated
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opinion of himself, this is likely from his own efforts with pr firms or to elevate his own profile. 's work isn't doing that. he needs these articles. they are easy enough to arrange. the media is pliant as we've known for generations and it is the saccharine, it is ridiculous, many in the audience are not reading wired. it's an interesting magazine, sometimes good articles but this is ridiculous. the -- reaching or younger audience or audience that doesn't know what kind of a failure he has been but if that's what democrats have they are clearly in trouble. stuart: i will move on. florida governor desantis back in new hampshire today, he told donors that he's the only one who can beat biden.
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he says that is him. what is your opinion? is desantis the only one? >> doesn't have to be our opinion. we have multiple polls that show desantis and trump beating biden. donald trump by a larger margin beating biden. that is an indication of them. of the country and we have individuals fighting for donors. that's the big deal when it comes to what the summer looks like. if the donors make a commitment to one candidate, that is the front runner. people expect desantis to have these donors wrapped up. with having trump is facing, that hasn't happened. that's a warning sign for desantis and everyone else. the american people are so disturbed even with what trump is facing will the media being against him, they are still with trump. imagine, that tells you there
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seems to be nothing that can happen that will dissuade them. we see desantis having success in florida but we saw trump having success nationally with everything a rate against him. desantis -- it has been his boat in florida. the federal government is a different dynamic, they are going after him. desantis has had some missteps. he's going to announce. people need to see a man and a woman on occasion. a woman has made a commitment, nikki haley is appealing to people. you might not like these individuals but the benches deep, talented, a different kind of approach, they understand americans. stuart: tammy bruce on friday morning, can't beat it. disney just scrapped plans to open a new employee campus in florida at disney world. why are they doing this? ashley: disney pulled the plug
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on the billion-dollar campus only saying the decision was made because of current business conditions and new leadership of bob eicher who is trying to cut costs. the office complex would have been a huge economic boost including 2000 disney jobs being moved from southern california to orlando. iger has been in a political fight with ron desantis who wants more control over disney's operation but that was never mentioned. and quick to respond to the news, francis suarez blasting desantis saying the governor's personal vendetta cost billion-dollar investment, 2000 jobs. desantis's office released a scathing statement after the disney announcement saying this in part, financial straits, declining stock price, it is
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unsurprising that they would restructure their business operations and cancel unsuccessful ventures but there are those in florida who say this is the end result of the fight and it is costing florida hits to its economy. stuart: back to the markets. i see green, the nasdaq has turned south. that is maybe because the yield on the 10 year treasury and the two years going up. nasdaq stocks tend to react against that. the nasdaq is up 3% this week. don't know how it closes but up 3% this week so far. mike lee is with us. we have a modest rally. are you sticking with your recession forecast? >> i don't know. the leading economic indicators, 13 months in a row, you see massive contraction of manufacturing and it is
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bleeding to the consumer where this week we saw disappointing retail sales numbers and adjusted for inflation, it is starting to hit consumers's wallets. we have a banking crisis on our hands. three of the top four largest bank failures in the history of the country, and for the medium-sized business across the country. all the signs we saw in 2008, not that we have a similar recession, we can't afford one. stuart: let's look at ai. have you got a winning stock in the ai industry or the ai business. >> this trend seems to be for real. the winner of late looks to be
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nvidia. they have an edge upon everyone. the stock is an absolute rocketship this year. if ai is for real, post to get ahead of everyone else. and stuart: thanks very much. check gpt is coming to your iphone. not sure what this is about, but when is it going to happen? ashley: it is available for iphones and android devices, the smartphone apps response to voice commands, the apps does not answer with a voice that does generate responses, the next logical step is hundreds
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of millions of people experiment it with the online chat bot which can answer questions, draft emails and answer questions on any topic. they can't distant was between fact and fiction and there are other concerns. the wall street journal reporting apple will restrict its employees from using chat gpt and other external artificial intelligence tools. these types of programs could release confidential data. there you have it. stuart: we have another story. scammers are using it to con older people out of money. tell me more about that. ashley: this is horrible. the ability to clone voices through and i is allowing scammers to trick the elderly into making them believe they are talking to a relative or close friend. a bipartisan group of lawmakers
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of the special committee on aging has sent a letter to the ftc asking what the agency is doing to protect people. one case where a scammer used the clone voice to convince an older couple their grandson was in desperate need of money to make bail. the couple almost lost $9400 before they were alerted to the potential of fraud. in another case in arizona, a scammer used voice cloning technology to duplicate the sounds of a mother's crying daughter and demanded ransom. the ftc is doing what it can to protect consumers. that may include expanding regulatory oversight of the new technology. stuart: adidas is getting backlash over its new woke campaign which features a male model wearing a woman's swimsuit.
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tomi lahren deals with that in our next our. nancy pelosi's border is seen by senator dianne feinstein's side on capitol hill, concerns she may be putting her up in the senate for political purposes. missouri senator josh ali will join us shortly. leaders from washington and silicon valley are raising alarms about china using artificial intelligence for warfare. grady trimble has the full report. ♪
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grady trimble on capitol hill is addressing this question. 's china using ai for their military and if so how? >> reporter: china is pouring tons of money and resources to develop artificial intelligence for military use. listen to the warning from eric schmidt about how they could use it in the future. >> imagine the chinese use these techniques to build automatic weapons systems that are launch on warning, just do their thing. we don't understand their command and control, their rules in this area and wouldn't abide by them anyway. >> reporter: smit is sounding the alarm in front of her congressional hearing, schmidt also says china is investing 3 times more into ai is a portion of the defense budget compared to the united states. on capitol hill senate majority leader chuck schumer's leading the push for ai regulation. he says any rules congress
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creates has to be bipartisan and have to happen soon. >> if we fulfill overall properly our approach to ai must be fast-moving. we can't move so fast that we do flawed legislation. no time for waste or delay or sitting back, we got to move fast. >> reporter: we also know the g7 leaders have brought up artificial intelligence, they believe we need guardrails around it but it is not exactly clear how they might propose policing artificial intelligence. one thing is for sure, the competition with china in the ai arena is ramping up. stuart: it is always the same question, how do you regulate it. the same question we face all the time. thanks very much indeed. senator josh ali, republican from the great state of missouri, joined me now. if you combine it all together we are looking at tiktok, tariffs on chinese products,
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boycotts of chinese products that have been sold in america, how far do we go in opposing and constraining china? >> the key thing is how to get the trade deficit with china down to 0, back to balance, to me the key thing about the trade deficit with china is every dollar represent money we are investing in their military, in their industrial growth, that they are taking from us, 4 million jobs since 2000. 60,000 of those are from my state. i don't want to see any jobs lost to china, don't want to to see us any more dependent than we are on china's economy. so i'm in favor of tough tariffs to get the trade balance down. i would be in favor of any reasonable measure to get us there. stuart: would we get hurt in the process, if we start product and tariffs and all the rest, you could have a recession here.
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>> i'm sure china would like to make that threat but they need us a lot more than we need them at the moment. we saw during the cover onslaught just how dependent we have become on chinese supply chain, talking could call medical supplies, we want to correct that. we don't want to be in a situation we can't get drugs or basic medical supplies because china decides they won't give them to us. we need to assure our critical supply chain's and bring back blue-collar jobs to this country. we lost 4 million of them to china since china joined the wto. that was a huge mistake on our part. we need to correct that. stuart: i want to talk about dianne feinstein and john fetterman. both have suffered ongoing health couple occasions in recent months. there's concern about their ability to keep serving in congress. who decides they are fit to serve and on what grounds do they make that judgment?
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>> they got to decide. they are duly elected senators from their respective states. i wish them both well. i enjoyed serving with senator feinstein on the judiciary to many. part of what has happened with senator feinstein and my view is the democrats don't like how she has voted on nominations, they don't like that she has been bipartisan. i think a lot of what they are doing is trying to force her off the judiciary committee if not out of the senate. you see the big push is coming from democrats, not republicans and there's a reason for that. it is ideological. stuart: what about the president? he appears -- i'm trying to dance around this. he appears to be in cognitive decline. are we getting close to the point some senior democrats have to go to him and say it is time to go? >> i think so. this shows the ideological commitment. they want feinstein out of the senate, they are willing to
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badmouth her but the other time on the other hand they are willing to stand by president biden no matter what. the dichotomy is striking but clearly the president is in my view not up to the job. stuart:. forgive me for doing this but i remember you questioning a berkeley law professor. you asked, you know what is coming, you asked if a biological man could have a baby. here's the response. role tape. >> for people with capacity for pregnancy, would that be women? >> many women have the capacity for pregnancy, many do not have the capacity. they are trans men capable of pregnancy and non-binary people capable of pregnancy. >> this isn't really a women's rights issue? >> or line of questioning is trans phobic and opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing the.
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>> you' re saying i'm opening people to violence by asking whether or not women can have pregnancies? >> reporter: that was classic. i from that several times because we were so impressed. you've got a book out and it is about masculinity and it is called manhood, the masculine virtues america needs. you clearly have a strong idea about who is a man and he was a woman, don't you? >> it didn't used to be something anybody had any doubt about. only the modern left in the last few years who says things like men can get pregnant, biological men should be in women's sports, women's locker rooms, this is crazy stuff and my message is simple, too young men we need to send a message that we need you to step up, we need you to be a protector, provider, defender and service country. if you do that, you can power america into the 21st century,
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we need to send that message. stuart: there you go again, encouraging violence, mr. senator, i am shocked. thanks for coming on the show and we will read your book. thank you, yes, sir. are any democrats raising concerns about condition of senators feinstein and fetterman? ashley: democrat representative katie porter says there should be new congressional policies to account for what she calls in firm members. here's what she told cnn. >> i think the senate and our country needs to look forward and think about how to address these issues going forward. we will have more people who are absent or fall sick, more senators who age given the age of the body. we need to have some policies
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like every other workplace in america to think about what to do when someone becomes in firm for the short-term or the long-term. stuart: porter is running to replace feinstein who just returned to the senate after nearly three months long absence but porter says she's not advocating and age limit, just a policy that accounts for in firm lawmakers who can't fully carry out their duties. we won the number of employees in the us the tested positive for marijuana had a record high last year. some are raising concerns about worker safety especially when it comes to production. kenny polcari has the story. the residents of seattle were unable to get their mail deliveries, they were halted because rampant crime in the city. jason rantz tells us about that in a moment. ♪
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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stuart: we see a little green, the s&p was up 13. the number of employees who tested positive for weed has hit a record high. outside apart shopping new york city, how many employees are we talking about? >> quest diagnostics tested 10 million urine samples last year and of those around 500,000 came back positive for marijuana. it's not that surprising when you consider how we 'd is legal across the us, standing in front of a legal potshot here. this is a two decade high for testing but whether it is medicinal or recreational the vast majority of states you are able to smoke marijuana. the more concerning news out of quest diagnostics which is one of the largest drug testing companies in the country is postaccident tests for
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marijuana positivity hit a 25 year high in 2022. 7.3% of those were positive last year. that is over 200% increase in just 10 years meaning someone got to an accident, test for marijuana and they come back positive. business owners we spoken to say managing marijuana is difficult. it stays in the system for a long time so you can't always tell when the employees smoked and some say they don't test for it because if they did they wouldn't have any workers left but some employees are smoking on the job and that becomes a huge issue when machinery is involved. a garden shop owner tells us he had to educate workers against smoking during their lunch break. >> we call it weed and make it sound safe, you can pick up the ground kind of thing and that is the problem. isn't safe when you're operating machinery. it isn't safe when using sharp and stemmons. if they are going to operate a forklift or vehicle, this is a
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no no. it is dangerous for them and others including the other staff. >> reporter: something he told us is he has to deal with employees bringing their weed to work. depending on their living situations they don't want to leave their stash at home because their partner or roommates might smoke it. even bringing marijuana with you, all things that employers are dealing with in the current world. stuart: this brave new world. in washington state, possession is a gross misdemeanor. jason rantz, if possession is a gross demeanor, what does that mean and what drugs are we talking about? >> reporter: illicit drugs. marijuana would not count in this case but fentanyl, meth, heroin, drugs that have been
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plaguing and killing so many communities, they decided to go with gross misdemeanor which normally is a punishment of the hundred 64 days. democrats want to go that harsh on drug users and folks in possession of drugs so they changed the schedule, the first two times, propose additional illicit substance abuse in public you get 180 days, that third time you get 306 before. part of this push is to get people to go into treatment which often times you need to have, if you don't go into treatment we will throw you into jail so that is going to be the favored avenue that prosecutors take. this is overall for the state good news, not so good in seattle and cook county. the prosecutor not going to move forward with these cases but at least other communities around the state will save lives.
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stuart: what happens if someone is caught with fentanyl to the point where you are dealing with the stuff? >> if you are dealing, this would not be your gross misdemeanor, it would go into a felony. depends where is you are, what the evidence suggests. often times such a big problem in seattle, you're going to plead down, you won't see significance if -- if your distributor of a product that is very overwhelming, the evidence, you are going to have jail time but if you're just a street dealer in downtown seattle the chances of getting a significant punishment is very slim. stuart: i understand some residents in seattle have their mail stopped. that's because of crime in the city, is that accurate? how many have their mail stop? >> almost a thousand people in one particular neighborhood in south seattle end up without notice, just not getting their
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mail and the postal service according to folks who live in the neighborhood were not communicating with them what happened but we discovered it is two issues, apparently a master key was being stolen for one of these community mailboxes. those are the cluster mailboxes that handle mail for entire communities and with a master key stolen it is easy to get in so they decided to stop submitting mail, the other thing is a rise in crime around the same cluster mailboxes where they are being destroyed, sometimes broken into, sometimes destroyed. the shocked me. if these things get destroyed the community has to pay for it. it doesn't get paid for by the u.s. postal service. which seems absolutely absurd to me especially because these are really easy targets for criminals to go after to the point that you don't pull the drug dealers is hard, we are not throwing any of these
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vandals in jail. and easy target and they are not going to get punished. stuart: i can see it. thank you very much for bringing up to speed on the great northwest. the education department just issued new guidance to crackdown on prayer and religious expression in public schools can we have details for you. videos of parents berating and even assaulting umpires at their children's games have made national headlines. little league's are dealing with an umpire shortage. jeff flock reports after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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10:40 am
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stuart: stocks up mostly, dollars up 67, s&p up nearly 10. los angeles dodgers getting backlash. explained this. why the back lash. ashley: the la dodgers announced they would no longer honor organization that was supposed to take part in its upcoming pride night and that prompted another pride member to back out in response. that would be la pride says it will no longer be participating in the event after the team severed ties with the group called the sisters of perpetual indulgence. the dodgers were going to include spi until senator marco rubio wrote a letter regarding their anti-christian sentiments. that is when the dodgers decided to drop spi to avoid any controversy. rubio tweeted this week for
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once common sense prevailed in california. some controversy which i believe the event will be held in june for the seventh -- 10th straight year but some groups won't the unit. stuart: little league's across the country are dealing with a shortage of umpires, jeff flock has the story in new jersey. why the umpire shortage? >> reporter: the problem is us, folks who come to the league games can't seem to behave themselves. we've lost 20,000 little league umpires since 2018-2022. take a look at the steens out there. parents are costing umpires, complaining about calls. umpires get calls wrong in the major leagues but parents want to fight umpires over calls in the little league. i met a man who's done something about it, the president of the new jersey
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little league and you said i had enough of this. i'm losing umpires. >> it boiled down to where last two dedicated volunteer umpires in the course of the weekend i said that is it and i sent out facebook and email to all my parents saying effective immediately anyone disrespecting, cursing at or just humiliating any umpires will be barred from our facility for a year unless you agree to and complete 3 umpire assignments. they are going to see what it is like. it's not that easy and maybe they will get an idea to just let the kids play. we are all going to make bad calls. >> any problems since you have limited this? >> not yet. >> what's going on out there.
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why is this -- wire people -- is this the culture now? >> it is. the climate of this culture, things are happening out there that we don't like. we want to nip this in the bud before this escalates into something else. it is unfortunate but it is happening. >> reporter: that's not a bad idea. we can't get along, we are forced to get along. we when you got to do something about that because that is a disgrace and that is a fact. have a great weekend, see you next week. the administration just updated their guidance on prayer another religious expression in public schools. which and what changes were made. ashley: the biden administration says the u.s. constitution does permit school employees to engage in private prayer during the workday but the education department goes on to say teachers, school administered is another school
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employees may not encourage or discourage private prayer or other religious activity, the guidance also scares schools may take reasonable measures to make sure students are not pressured or encouraged to join in the prayers of their teachers or coaches. this guidance comes as many graduation ceremonies are taking place across the country. it says public school officials may not mandate organize prayer at graduation or select speakers for such events in a manner that religious -- favors religious speech such as prayer but speakers comments are not attributable to the school, their expression cannot be restricted because of its religious content and can include prayer. confused? yes. a lot of gobbledygook. sorry. stuart: are you a lawyer or something? i didn't think so. ashley: absolutely not. i don't even play one on tv. stuart: later.
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women in new york city are wearing baggy shirts over their clothes, they are doing this to deter subway creeps. business leaders worn new york terrorism season could be a hot mess, they worry illegal migrants are taking over hotels. ricky schlapp joins us after this. ♪ ♪ because i think we looked... yes. right. yeah. and i don't think at that time- i think you're the one to tell me that we had the same birthday. yes. it's really unbelievable when you think about it, because it's been, like, really over 20 years that you were my mother and father's banker, you became my banker and now fran is in her third year of college and you're her banker. it's so unbelievable because i'm just 20 years old.
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are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. stuart: new york city's summer tourist season is weeks away but thousands of migrants philip many of the city's hotel rooms. this can't be good. hotel rooms half full, this can't be good for tourism? >> we have 40,000 asylum-seekers and expecting more, the humanitarian crisis is just proof of what happens when the utopianism of a sanctuary city bumps against
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reality. blue what are we going to cut oarsmen half? lauren: a lot of hotels that have been closed or compromised during covid, this is taking back some of those but with more people pouring it will have to bleed into important tourist destinations. stuart: the word gets out, you smell a lot of weed and a lot of crazies, the word gets out and you don't like it. >> we are considering housing people in prisons which is a terrible place to be in the city. stuart: that is true. the 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswami wants to raise the voting age from 18 to 25. >> no thank you. he cites declining patriotism and civic knowledge which is a bigger indictment of the education system and if you want young people to be more patriotic in the last thing you should do is say your vote
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doesn't matter. we won most 18-year-olds do not own property or pay much in tax and rarely work. >> those are things we should be aspiring towards rather than having prolonged adolescence. stuart: playing a little devils advocate. last one i got is something you wrote about. new york city women wearing baggy subway shirts over closes to deter train creeps. you use the subway. did you wear a baggy shirt? >> i wore a blazer over top but i would see this as a huge trend blowing up on tiktok, we feel very vulnerable where even if something does happen people have a tendency to look away and not get involved. as young woman you feel very vulnerable. stuart: you said baggy shirt.
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>> a button down, i talked to young woman who sold her dad's flannel and this is about fashion capital of the world. stuart: what about jewelry? >> hiding that under your baggy shirt is a smart thing to do. stuart: anyone after you? >> i had a few including one in which i would say several, 2 dozen people averted their eyes because they didn't want to intervene. as a young small woman you feel vulnerable. all i have is a keychain that everyone should get. stuart: what a story, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. >> it happens. stuart: new york city's police vacancy at 22%. come in. the city says it will stay that way for a while. when do we get back to normal? ashley: we may never get there,
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the 22% vacancy rate is after decades when the average rate never surpassed 11%, 22%, unheard-of. that is putting the city under tremendous financial risk. new yorkers relied on the real estate sector for taxes to pay for schools, police, trash collection and so on. commercial property taxes contribute 20%, 1/5 of the tax revenue with office buildings contributing 10% but now those revenues are flattening, the city's expenses meantime continue to forecast to keep growing and that means city agencies have to cut spending, in other words a budget mess that won't get better anytime soon. the cost of apartment rentals in new york city continues to skyrocket hitting new records for the second month in a row. the average manhattan rental in
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april a whopping $4241, up 1.6% from march and up 8.1% from the same period, that is crazy. even the average monthly cost for studio apartment jump 13% to 3235. one more fact, the u.s. census bureau estimates 468,000 residents left the big apple since the start of the covid pandemic. half a million people are close to. it is getting expensive. stuart: that only goes up to 2022. maybe more than half a million have left since then. still ahead. shannon bream on msnbc's mikko brezinski defending biden's stamina. disney scrapping its $1 billion plan to really vacate workers
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from california to florida, all that coming up for you. senators dianne feinstein and john fetterman return to capitol hill after long absences because of health issues. both are still ailing, both are having trouble doing their job. who will tell them it is time to go. that's "my take" and it is next. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities
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(lighthearted music) - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage to change my life. it was the best thing i've ever done. - really? - yes, without doubt! - [tom selleck] joanne said just about the same thing. - it absolutely is the best thing i ever did. - jack put it a different way. to him, it was about having his grandkids over. - you want to have the kids over, you want to have the grandkids over. - yeah. - you want to have the family over. you want to say, "this is my place." - great people, different people. that's for sure. and all of them had different reasons for getting a reverse mortgage. but you know what? they all felt the same about two things. they all loved their home, and they all wanted to stay in that home. - [announcer] if you are 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home's equity to give you cash now. and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments.
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it could also pay off higher interest credit cards, medical costs, and give you some extra cash to help your retirement lifestyle. - i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. - it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. - a whole lot of families have gotten tax free cash from a reverse mortgage loan for a better retirement. - i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. - it's a good thing. - [announcer] call right now to receive your free, no obligation info kit. the kit will show you how you may get the cash you need using your home's equity as a reverse mortgage from aag. - call the number on your screen. - look, why don't you call aag and find out what a reverse mortgage can mean for you? - [announcer] call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender. - call the number on your screen.
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