tv Kennedy FOX Business May 22, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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liberal bastion of idiocy, sterilizing black women in prisons, just about a decade ago, but nothing. >> people down. >> in florida, we're one race, and -- is prove. provi. >> woe we don't believe in division. you get a political organization, the naacp, tied in with democrat party to come out and attack ronnieron desantis, who is running for president. is kennedy there. kennedy: i am here, i was just in florida, it so dangerous so many people being terrorized. we'll talk about the
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presidential race and would you rather. i'm happy you made it back safe. kennedy: it was a miracle, i had to walk. >> joe biden is failing his way through his presidency and compromise cr -- has to go with m morable poll numbers, as much as i would love america to embrace libertarian spike cohen as much as a do, we look at some of the republicans. who might have enough qualcases, i like tim scott, he got in the race today. donald trump calls him a big step up from d'sant moneyious. he have to go through vivek ramaswamy, who has yet to improve his lesser than impressive poll numbers. but for someone who has a rocket pop shot in hell of
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winning the g.o.p. nomination, he seems descend. he is full of ideas like the energizer bunny of nontraditional fixes and being a 19 poli nonpolitician is a big bonus. ron desantis did a bang up job during the covid but he squandered some of that goodwill, c always picking the disney scab. people thought he might bring trumpism without trump. bonus points for his cute family and love of baseball. nikki hanikki haley. she might have to duke it out with senator scott for kamala's job. she him pressive moments, i love her idea of mass
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competency tests, but i don't think she will find the traction in a field growing more crowded by the day, chris sununu seems nice and tough, great, but the later the long shots wait to declare, the less ink and oxygen awaits them when they enter the race here, met with desantis last week, in live for your die state, i would love to know the contents of that powwow, he won't win but he will boost his profile, maybe get a sick ass cabinet post, and our 45 president donald j trump, i don't disagree with desantis he probably can't win general but precovid economic record is untouchable. candidates would be smart to pick apart his covid response, and all other deficits that drive independents away from him, he may not be discipline enough to talk about anything but his on i
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on going legal woes, we're lucky to live in the most interesting political age, so much could ha happen between now and next fall, until then i demand liberty from anyone seeking higher office, those crazy enough who want to be president and that is the memo. phew . >> senator scott bringing the fire to his announcement this morning. >> joe biden and the radical left are attacking of wrung of the ladder that helphelped me climb, that is why i'm announcing today that i am running for president of the united states of america! [cheers and applause] kenne let's get ready to rumba, g g.o.p. field
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gets more crowded by the minute, we have the party panel, washington time opinion editor. the charlie hurt, joined by democrat strategist, radio host, proud angeleno, lesley marshall and rounding it out tonight. from reason, robby soave. hello, bottom line it for me, charlie, your top 4 of those who have entered or about to enter. >> i would start with donald trump. i disagree with you, i think he could win a general. the polling right now is irrelevant. i do think that it will be -- you know, people were so furious in 2016 with politics and politicians, i think that people are even more furious today. and so he has the same wind
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at his back. second, i would ron desantis for all reasons you pointed out. florida is free, he has a great record, he will be president one day. i just don't think that it will necessarily be in 2024. vivek ramaswamy, i want to be careful about this, this is ron paul fan club headquarters but vivek ramaswamy reminds me a lot of ron paul, she so interesting and out of the box and very principled by, talking about principled political things which i love, and number 4 spot if we talk about covid if it election is about covid there is one governor in america who was principled on covid that was kristi noem of south dakota, she said, i'm not pit putting in the mandates, because i don't have the
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power, in desantis and trump want to get into a fight over, that you give it to kristi noem. kennedy: i don't think she will get nomination, she has no foreign policy credentials, further from covid less name recognition and poll. >> but you agree with me on covid stuff. kennedy: i don't disagree with you on that, very few governors lead by example. lesley, who do you like? who do you think has best shot or is democrat who would you like to see run against your nominee? >> i don't want to see anyone run against my nominee. kennedy: darn that democracy. >> i think it is -- the better horse to bet is when you have a sitting president. that is not my opinion that is numbers, history. when we look at g.o.p., i think that donald trump has a great chance to get the
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nomination. i think that three others, simply because of name recognition, that is the number one reason that people vote regardless. someone's name recognizable. donald trump. mike pence, nikki haley and ron desantis, not in that order, ern out there other than donald trump in my opinion is running for vice president, except for mike pence, i d i don't know why he is running he will not be vice president or president. i don't know, maybe he likes punishment. >> maybe he just wants -- >> my 4. kennedy: i see where vice president pence has is coming from, he has almost been to the summit, he wants to go back, robby you say there are two. >> it is trump or desantis. that is it i think, you know horse race is a lot of fun for us as political junkies, let's be real, trump or desantis. and ever person who enters the race who is not one of
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those people makes it a little bit harder for desantis to get the nomination, trump will keep his coalition together, some people who may be voted for him in past and they are done with him, they are looking for someone else, if that vote splinters with pence and nikki haley and tim scott maybe chris christie wants to run, trump will get to nomination that much easier. for who i would like to see, i'm waiting for candidate who will speak to you and me and says on everything i just want to leave you alone, they pick it up on various fronts like desantis message to covid, like you know what trump did on foreign policy, charting a little bit of a different path imperfectly but away from republican intervene. i want to candidate who gives me all of those, said i'm not running to rule your life and government has far too much power over it. kennedy: whatever i did right during covid, i want
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to do it for everyone, i have not heard that from desantis yet, but i'll keep pressing, no one deserves my vote. you got to work for it. >> to donkey side. sleepy joe on a steep slime to 2024, 33% of adults approve of his handling o of the economy, a. the "washington post" calling biden's age a real issue, adding, public has a right to know details about his health, fiscal and mental, and hillary clinton is piling on. >> his age is san issue. is an issue, people have every right to consider it. but he has a great saying. you know think he is right, don't judge him by running against the almighty but against tha alternative. >> no alternative, we're all
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going on die. are democrats smelling blooded in the water, charlie. >> i think so, it is great to listen to people like hillary clinton and pac "washington post," saying now we should be concerned 'his age, because joe biden has performed only task they wanted him to perform that was get into white house and donald trump out. if we wind up in a fight between donald trump and joe biden, all of these people suddenly will not care about the fact that joe biden needs to be surrounded by visiting angels. >> i am moving to panama if that happens, i am starting a cult. >> i can come. >> l lucrative. >> we could build ron paul dahles. >> and voodoo dpa
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dahle. doll. >> like easter island. kennedy: giant headed things, i don't think that chris christie will run. let's get to president's age. funny, charlie brings up post, "washington post" getting around yes people knew his age in 2020. but i don't think they anticipated decline, don't we as the exclamation .ed out deserve to know more about his health. and his medical status? >> first, the -- here is the problem this is what described to me, by someone taking care of someone in my family with questionable dementia and they said there is really not a specific test that says you have it, or you are getting it we are all dying physically and mentally from about 25 on. how do we do that? there is a lot factored in genetics and the
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environment, it goes oyou could ask tenders a question -- ten doctors a question and get ten different answers, we could ask that of any sitting president. i'm going to a agree with charlie on two things, one, he said at beginning of segment that we're way too far out for polls to matter. including these polls about and against joe biden. speaking of polls, didn't seem to hurt him regardless of the polling in midterm elections. you know that tsunami never came, and third i agree, if it is a race between donald trump and joe biden, age will not matter to those who are concerned about joint joe biden's age, other matters like the economy. >> we have to move on. >> robby, if the economy is the driving issue, and it typically s biden polling
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30%, take his age out that is a garbage number. >> you are right to note that people miss the trump economy, they. , the state level, republicans have done a better job you know not running up loaded government -- a bloated government, and having a saner t t tax policy. and that you want to talk about elderly president, his policy is -- joe biden's policies we have such an old government, they are tilted toward this entitlement state our aging population, that chairm harmful to younger people, who are having worst prospects because government takes too much of their income. kennedy: they are not having baby as same rate at hire generations, no one will take care of the youngs when
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they are old. >> first up we talk about ex marine charged in the chokehold here in new york city on the subway. he is speaking out. will he do time? "wall street journal" bill mcgurn is here to discuss, in moments, ♪ ♪ you better change it back or we will both be sorry ♪ ♪ don't you want me baby ♪ ♪ don't you want me, oh, [music] all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity,
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kennedy: it had nothing to do with race, is what d daniel penny told "new york post." the 24-year-old marine vet telling post, i judge a person based on their character. i am not a white supremacist, penny charged with second degree manslaughter, she. >> his lawyer said that ex marine was protecting passengers, after neely threatened them. >> absurd to say that danny penny thought he had the right to take anyone else's life and intended to. this was a situation where my client who was just an every day new yorker, was
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put in a situation that none of us want to be in and you everyone took reasonable steps to try to subdue someone who had introduced a frightening threatening environment into that subway. kennedy: neely's family said penny should be tried for murder, manhattan alvin bragg has 6 monthed to secure a grand jury indictment, he is due in court in july. what happens now, with me now former chief speech writer for george w. bush and columnist at "wall street journal" journey, owned by this parent company, bill mcgurn, i look at this case as a lot of new yorkers do who spend time on the subway, we're figuring out, what are you supposed to do? >> right.
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we lament men who don't stand up or stand by while women are getting attacked. then one guy does step forward, and treated as a criminal. this is so under handed. one of the worst decisions by one of the worst prosecutors in america. kennedy: and alvin bragg attends to go after people who are either protecting themselves in self-defense or protecting others. and again, daniel penny was not a tourist, not a visitor you know scared because the first time he road the subway, he grew up in new york he grew up surfing in the summer before he joined marines. he knows a thing or two about danger, it is a tragedy that j jordan neely died. but what drives he crazy, so many people want to capitalize on tragedy, because it distracts for
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failures of massive government that you know really failed this kid step afafter step until he got to this point. >> yeah, he -- had clear mental issues, his mother was brutally murdered and family say that affects him. that doesn't mean you go around menacing people on trains. when the trial comes about we'll hear a lot of the testimony from other in the car, listen, you know you ride the subways, i have three daughters and a wife, i would like a daniel penny to be on the car every time they were on people feel scared, and the confusion over who is a criminal here, someone with 40 arrests, and someone who just stepped forward and took -- he didn't know that jordan neely was not armed, he could have had a knife, and
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also didn't know he would be made the scapegoat by a prosecute for all of the institutional failurings you mentioned law and money tal health. mental health. kennedy: when the case goes before a grand jury, do you think they will follow through with an indictment or is there a chance that he won't be indicted in. >> there is a chance, i don't know what the evidence has, as i understand it. the d.a. is not required to produce all of the evidence. maybe he has someone who says, i screamed out, that is enough let him go, i don't know. but i think, the cops done arrest him when they came -- didn't arrest him when they came to the 69 o scene of the action, he should have got to the grand jury then if you wanted to charge him. but mr. bragg skipped that because there is a political prosecution, he wanted to get his perp watch of daniel
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penny indications the grand jury would not indictment. kennedy: my worry is if people real are in danger, someone who is just as brave will second guess themselves, they don't want to end up this custody or end up with their lives ruined because they stepped in to try top vulnerable people. -- tr tried to help vulnerable who were held hostage on a train, i look at this, does this make new york less safe, there are cops on every subway car. they -- no city has a force that big. and you know, it should not have to come to, that people should have a the reasonable assumption they can stand up for them se themselves and others, not vslvigilantism. >> thank you. >> >> major update in idaho murder case, suspect in
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court, later, one supreme court justice a a words for leaders who botched covid response, we have that and more coming up. kies my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel,
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kennedy: we saw that psycho breaking today in idaho murder case, bryan kohberger chose to stand silence during his arraignment. charged with 4 council of first degree murder, for 4 university of idaho students last november, leaving the judge to enter not equipment flee on -- kohberger's behalf, he could face the death penalty. for any of those murder charges, idaho just
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reintroduced the firing squad as an option, will prosecutor seek the death penalty? joining me now to discuss former u.s. attorney for western district of virginia, he has been following that case, john fish wick is back, welcome back. >> thank you for having me back on. kennedy: let's talk about the fact that there was no preliminary hearing, what what did we see today. >> it was a smart move by prosecution. i don't think you want family members to have to testify more than one time in a case like this, there are 4 young college students brutally murdered. he was indicted there is enough evidence to indict him it was a smart move by the prosecution team. there will abtrial in fall but it was protective of family members of the victims. so they won't have to testify twice. it made sense. kennedy: all right, why didn't he enter a plea, the
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judge entered not guilty, so he seems in incompetent. >> very up usual for in someone not to enter the please plea is he leaving an option open, that is a good probability, say, i'm not competent, i needed the judge to enter the plea for me, that is highly suspect in this case. after all he is a phd student, studying criminology. i think that is tough. kennedy: i agree with you and by the way, everyone in the community, they are paying attention, they won't buy that, people they consume enough true crime podcasts, stories, documentaries. they know some of the tricks that people like this try to pull. this is a very emotional case. when does the death penalty
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enter into this? would you be surprised if they sought that? >> i would think 100% they will seek the death penalty in this case. these are four young college students, murdered brutally in middle of night and in prime of their lives, pros -- prosecution has 60 days from today to announce if they will seek it this was cold, calculated in coil cold blood murder. kennedy: we heard some leaks, there is a gag order on prosecution and defense. but we have heard that he was essentiall least one or more of the victims. it starting to build up, are you surprised that law enforce ment has not released a motive yet. >> that is the one piece of puzzle that you point out, that we have not heard yet what it is the motive. keep in mind, you have don't have to have a motive to get
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a conviction in murder case, he was at the scene of the crime, there is no question about that that's have strong forensic evidence tying him to the murder through the sheath on the knife, they have strong evidence, the motive has not been released yet, i expect there will be a motive, he seems to be kind of a dark human being. it may be hard to find that motive, but i expect they will find it they don't have to have st to convict him. kennedy: have you heard any any potential involve am ment in other crimes? >> i am sure prosecutors all over you know pennsylvania and idaho and washington are checking all other colds cases to see what other cases he may have been involved in they will not leave any stone unturned for open murder v investigations, i am sure they are running down all possible leads, i would inspect th expect there
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were many calls to police about mr. >> he s -- now meanwhile, is highest court waking up to freedom? supreme court justice neil gorsuch did not mince words on his views of the covid lockdown. saying: as the supreme court dismisses red state push to preserve tight will 42, gorsuch called out elected officials for failing to address the border crises and pushing the responsibility to the court, the border crisis is not a covid crisis, will congress follow suit, the party panel is back. robby, i want to read you a
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quote from wrote concentration of power and hands of so few may be apprefficient and sometime polar. >> in should ways the supreme court was our last line of defense against total covid tyranny, sc scotus struck down biden's federal vaccine mandate for millions of workers done with a wave of his magic wand that he does not possess, joe biden declaring that millions of people would have to get vaccinated, under osha guidelines no congress deliberated and wrote down and approved and spr voted on. this was joe biden declaring that he had his power time and again throughout the pandemic we saw government officials, sometimes
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unelected officials, health officials, at state and local level assert they could over ride obvious principles found in our bill of rights, i, agree with gorsuch this is massive abridge ment of our freedom in decades. this was a massive step toward giving the health bureaucracy power over our lives. kennedy: way too much power it is interesting, because people like dr. fauci are trying to be revisionists, trying to look at their owner personal history with a keeper len lens, people have record they know truth, and dr. fauci mocked people for clinging to idea of freedom, when it was being taken away from them. you. >> what i find interesting is that when i read gorsuch's words, there were a couple things thatrage
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trage rang true, i thought he was the talking about donald trump. kennedy: he could be there were two administrations. >> it is interesting how one person reads and another reads it but one problem that i have with this opinion, is what americans have a problem with the supreme court on, that is justices opining on things deviate from the case, title 42, expired. court of did not rule on it. the decision basically made by a timeline and court not wanting to be a part of that, a legislative process, as it should, for him to in hindsight. say well now that we know this let me give you my opinion, that is not what americans mostly want to see the court do there, say reason there a blindfolded on lady justice, i wish we would get back to that on court. kennedy: that is interesting, it is their job to interpret the
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constitution, the constitution is the very thing that enshrines or freedoms which were trampled upon, that is his job, that is what he was doing, ch charlie. >> this case. kennedy: charlie or lesley. kennedy: charlie. >> expired. >> ch charlie. it is terrific. the guy was channeling thomas jefferson talking about the degree to which our freedoms are threatened by this concern for safety, i get lesley's point, you look at that covid regulations, that trampled on our liberties title 42 is problem the one of the least the least effective at trampling on our individual liberties. there were far worst, but god bless him for getting into it and addressing this -- the mo monk month
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-- that was title 42 and other things that wrecked our lives in name of safety during covid. kennedy: so much power concentrated in the hands of so few is authoritarianism, we have to make sure we don't go down that road, you can come down that panel any time, charlie, lesley and robby. >> thank you. kennedy: thank you. kennedy: coming up president biden announcing a major military aid package for ukraine. will he cough up the fighter jets, we talk about it bryan suits, he is in a suit, next. ♪ ♪ fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics.
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nobody ♪ ♪ kennedy: jimmy failla and i listened to that over weekend, hope you are coming to davenport. to ukraine request for f-16 fighter jets received a big boost. joe biden announced their aid package, includes ammunition, and armored vehicles and told zelenskyy that the united states has ukraine's back for as long as it takes, it will take a long time. >> what the people in ukraine are defending, you have achieved is a matter for the world to observe, they are in awe . really truly it s is incredible, with the g 7 we have ukraine's back, i promise we're not going anywhere. kennedy: and your front, i'm going to snifs us.
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stsniff you. >> the deal did not include if 16 fighter jets, that is other countries, but they will train the pilots, russian forces warning that providing the jets is a risk, why is biden agreeing now, here with me now radio host, u.s. army combat veteran bryan suits, is this an exciting time for ukraine to receive laundered jets two ukraine pilots went to arizona this year for training on the birds did they pass. >> they did. rumor is that word around campfire more than two ukraine an pilots have been tangier air force base in oklahoma and in arizona. even certain place in southeastern oregon.
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certain falls that are very clam ath. that, they have been training. they have been trainers, they sent their best guys to train on f-16s in u.s. as well as in denmark, norway and holland. so that way they can immediately train their minions or leg h humpers, the whole thing, they will be back filled and fall in on polish, danish and more i f-16s, they will be replatessed by south carolina international guard. to my this summer, they will debut well before september. the minister of defense of ukraine said yesterday, we're expecting these to be in air by ceme bicep
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-- cseptember. maybe friday. kennedy: how do you think that russia will respond, they said they will not fly them over russian airspace, do you believe that. >> no, there is a ukraine ground raid as we speak in russia. picture of ukrainian backed russians with captured rusrussia p.o.w.s taken in russia, it is a wink, they say don't you use these in territorial russia. russians are storing beans, bullets and band-aids in territory of russia based on this deception from nato we told them, don't do you,
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that we're saying, do you this you hit the railyards, bridges and where they st store ammo you may hit them, feel free to use f-16s. kennedy: how does russia respond? >> who cares. at-this-point, who cares. what can they do? they have been exposed an an empty shell, but that putin might nuke kyiv, beyond, that don't worry about it. >> that is a big one, right? >> some say. >> i say. all right, well the prime minister of japan trying to denuke the planet, i like that plan. suits good to talk with you stay safe wherever you are in your bunker, he has beans and band-aids and pollutes. >> topical storm to next, stay with me.
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maybe he is worry worried, that is scandal worth blogging this is the topical storm. one. thank you florida. florida man strikes again. part time host dragger. got bored and got behind wheel of miami-dade county fire truck. and was all wet after his joyride fell apart. maybe he wanted to know how it feels to be a hero, forephony first responder found out hard way, stealing fire trucks does not pay, there are a lot of days off and a great pension i hear, the camera got aroused he nailed an. empty police cruiser with the fire truck. he got his bail's money
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worth it lasted almost an hour, he almost made it to clearwater for last liberty tour. jokes on you, we were sold out. topic two. resort from dirty dancing is offering summer salsa lessons, i used to know how to salsa dance, if only i could just remember, at mountain lake long in virginia they had more people held over their heads than prince andrew. the virginia resort offered a ride wide range of activities inspired by dirty dancing, we know that is code word for sleeping with the staff, but your daughter will be in good hands with new tenniss pete david son
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-- topic 3, new poll has trump beating biden 2024 match up. meanwhile ai ai a -- ken skennedy nation poll, shows that americans would rather break dance nanaked in times square. i hit streets of new york city to play would you rather. to find out what you are thinking. >> rather get in a fight with mike tyson or sleep with hillary clinton. >> a fight with mike tyson. >> rather be in prison for 5 years inoy or coma for a decade. >> 5 years, you learn lessons. >> i would take a nap. >> you have a great dog. >> get in a fight with tyson
7:56 pm
clinton. >> i would sleep with hillary clinton. >> i don't want to die. >> rather, be in prison for 5 years or in coma for decade. >> prison. >> really? >> i would pick the coma, you are sleeping,. >> get in a fight with mike tyson or sleep about hillary clinton. >> fight with mike tyson, hillary would kill you. mouth trumpet monday will be right back, guess it on twitter, hash tag, by. ng up firs with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank for both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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8:00 pm
that's the value of ownership. ♪ ♪ >> mouth trumpet monday. on twitter, this is harder. ♪ ♪ kennedy: thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day, follow me on instagram, and facebook. and tomorrow night scott horton, and inez stepman and jonathan hoenig and you, make every day day a kenneday. good night. number two, the history that's created within the body of the venue.
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