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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 24, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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- please! call me martha. this litter seriously stops odors and it changes colors. - [daniel] go to stuart: lady gaga. we are sitting on the set trying to figure out who this is.
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good morning good, every one. it is 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. a little bit of red ink, dow is down 200, nasdaq is down 80 points. some confusion on the debt ceiling deal, the 10 year treasury yield coming in at 3. 69%. where is oil today? low 70s, $74.20 and bitcoin in a narrow range, 264 for bitcoin. that's the market on wednesday morning at now this. business people have become prominent in presidential politics. perhaps they always were but it is obvious and upfront. it's a positive trend. billionaire of business is backing republicans, not democrats. the classic example, ron desantis announces he will
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announce it, his presidential campaign. it is a live conversation with elon musk, the best-known business guy in america and one of the richest people in the world, not like he's giving desantis money but associating the government with getting things done. is that what politicians cannot do? musk is a man of the future. senator tim scott made his announcement, his biggest financial backer is larry ellison who built oracle, the largest database management company. vivek ramaswami found that a biopharmaceutical company. he knows how to organize a business and the campaign. the original business guy turned politician is donald trump, the business who engineered energy independence and the world beating economy. politicians can use successful business people not for the
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money but what they bring to the political table. how about don't spend more than you bring in, get things done, grow, don't shrink. if that's what business does for republican politics, second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ lose peak -- >> liz peek is with me, you don't see the alliance between businessmen and politicians on the democrat side. liz: we are very caught up in the climate issue, tom steyer is a big backer of democrats but you touch on something here which is fundamental. it isn't just about money but organizations, delegations, running our government and donald trump with all the craziness that went on during donald trump's administration, what do we like about what he did?
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he did follow through on things and got is done. other republicans have that mindset. obviously vivek ramaswami is a very active us kind of thing. i would look at the negative side of this or the opposite side, which is one of the big handicaps of democrat administrations. this was true of the obama administration and biden, they have no business people in their white house. they are all ideologues, people chasing dreams as opposed to moving forward with things that can get done, things that are practical. this is a huge problem. this is not been talked about with this administration because just like obama who engineered the slowest recovery from a downturn in our country's history by labeling out obamacare and subsequent massive regulations, so is biden doing the same thing. when he puts new rules out there what kind of stove do you
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have, cars, how to redo the entire power structure of our country. businesses are on their back feet and you see it with the ceo polling which shows they are 2 medically uncertain, nervous about what is biden going to do next. it is important to have business people running the country and not people who have bernie sanders like ideals and where nothing works. stuart: don't get me started. >> bernie sanders is running the white house. stuart: he's the chair of the senate budget committee. how did we get to this point? >> to get the bernie brokes on his side he bought in to bernie's agenda. they signed that pact early on. that is what we are seeing. stuart: good to see you. >> thanks for having me.
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stuart: some democrats not happy with biden's debt negotiating skills. tell me more. >> president biden has not drawn a redline on taxes. they want to tell republicans we are not negotiate on any debt deal until you increase revenue by increasing tax rates on the rich. they are mad because biden can't do that effectively. he has had months to do that. there's not enough time to do it now if you want to get a deal around you first to. kevin mccarthy has been asking for ages, let's negotiate. we are at the final moment, it's just not possible. it's not tax issue. of suspending issue and they are bucking heads right now. stuart: that is their mantra, it has been that way for a long time. lauren: it seems democrats will blame president biden for this.
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stuart: after the markets this wednesday morning a little red ink, dow is down 200 points. there's an expression on wall street i remember from way back when, climbing the wall of worry. there's always something to worry about, the bank crisis or inflation, climb the wall of worry. david has come to new york to climb the wall of worry with us. you are worried about things. you think things are about to get bad. >> yes, sir. there's five primary things in the markets, the first is we've got inflation, interest rates, the federal reserve, earnings, let me set the backdrop here. out of 2008, the fed reduced interest rates in a meaningful way and we pumped quantitative easing producing bubbles in the stock market, the bond market, the real estate market. so what ultimately happened is
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the fed has flipped everything as a result of inflation. 18 month late to the table, our raise rates, 500 basis points, that is richter scale like activity. stuart: they have done that so far but not in the future. >> correct. the challenge is the cost of capital in the corporate earnings part. we had prices go down last year. i expect earnings recession as a result of the cost of capital. couldn't make it at 3%, 4%, 5%, how you make it at 7% or 10%. looking at office space, a massive bubble taking place today. 70% of financing for corporate earnings come from the banks that are having these challenges. stuart: you are climbing the wall of worry but we are not at the top.
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what the proportion of stocks versus bonds? >> that will depend on someone's risk tolerance or timeframe. we need to do more today. i like treasuries. i like growth oriented fixed index annuities. a wonderful opportunity for gold and silver if you look the ratio of 83 ounces per 1 ounce of gold, so that is an opportunity if i can say that out loud. stuart: cash, treasuries, bonds, gold, that is you. climb the wall of worry. looking at the movers, let's look at the homebuilders. most are up this morning. lauren: barclays raised the price target on all the homebuilders, they see this inventory shortage for existing
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homes for good construction. they say it is going to one hundred $35, dr horton going to 38. stuart: i remember abercrombie and fitch, up 20%. lauren: for lauren: they are looking to manage their inventory but this is a tale of which retailer they are looking at. the next stock is children's price, they cut their annual forecast and their ceo says their customer is shopping for need. kids need clothes, not fashion. stuart: you can get shops off at the need. lauren: they are willing to spend money on some things. stuart: he on musk is the ceo of twitter, tesla and space x. that a lot. how does he split his time? lauren: each company gets its own day kind of.
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>> mondays are complicated. i try to divide companies that are predominantly one company one day, today that is ledet. i end about twitter, and tomorrow as well, twitter, half space x, have to is the day but these things intertwine. it is difficult. and i only have one part-time assistant. lauren: just one part-time assistant. having a full-time assistant would be more to manage and he used the word intertwined, i think that means confused. is there a moment he sitting a shareholder meeting for twitter and confusing numbers with chesler because he might have been doing that?
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i mess up all the time. stuart: he's not doing -- extraordinary. the surgeon general says social media poses a profound risk to our youth, we will tell you what he thinks parents should do. trump is facing several legal challenges as the race heats up. how trump's legal woes will or will not affect his campaign. florida's governor desantis will announce a run tonight on twitter and has a team of business leaders back again. more on that next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the big stories florida governor desantis launching his potential run tonight on twitter. the governor has a team and business leaders, which names has it got? liz: david horowitz, and an executive at healthcare investment firm, the latter two are jeb bush supporters in 2016 sticking with florida and certain republicans.
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in miami for a briefing, they will bring in more mega donors. stuart: i would love to know that one. trump's campaign wasted no time jumping on desantis, the most out of touch campaign launches in modern history. the spokeswoman for the make america great again super pac. how is desantis out of touch, when elon musk is sitting up to him. >> governor desantis's campaign announcement proves the point, the corporate the latest donors he's announcing on twitter and announcing at the four seasons resort, a swanky hotel where it
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goes more than the average american weekly paycheck. stuart: got to interrupt you. desantis is out of touch because in a passing hotel, very rich donors. that makes him out of touch, elon musk, sitting next to him. >> absolutely does, announced the campaign at the 4 seasons, in new hampshire, places like iowa. and to the establishment when they are bankrolling, it is not 2.0, not on personality, when it comes to policy differences between ron desantis and donald trump. stuart: trump faces several
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legal challenges -- weight a minute. in new york, the mar-a-lago documents, georgia interference probe and still the probe into january 6th. he's going to have these court cases right before the election. i think that will have a negative affect on his campaign. tell me i'm wrong. >> anyone who thinks these investigations will have a negative effect on trump are not paying attention for the last several years, the more the far left democrats, the establishment and billion dollar war machine attack donald trump the more americans rally around him because they recognize he's unique threat and these are political persecutions to take his name off of the ballot. i would love to say that donald trump delivered for the american people, his record is outstanding, we need that leadership in the white house which we cannot afford training wheels rolling to pennsylvania avenue, we need a president who will secure our border, reinvest in our economy,
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reinvigorate energy production, donald trump has done that and that is why we need leadership. stuart: you have your talking points, thanks for joining us. lauren is back with us. what is nikki haley saying about tonight's extravaganza? lauren: she's calling ron desantis the many trump minus the charm, this is what it says. pool it up. the glaring difference between the two is desantis's and ability to interact directly with voters. the last several months have been filled with brutal headlines about his lack of basic people skills. desantis is like trump, drama at all but without any of the charms, i think she's bringing them, the feistiness. it is not name-calling but close. whenever you see the candidates lined up and doing their debates how do you not attack trump? trump will attack every one of
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them. i would try to stay out of it when you can't. this is nikki haley. stuart: the republicans campaign could be far more interesting than what is going on on the democrat side. where's the debate on the democrat side. where is it? they don't have elon musk either. really wonderful stuff. ashley webster in florida speaking to the voters down there. do those floridians want their governor to be president and leave the state and go to dc? ashley: depends who you ask but the debate is getting heated though desantis hasn't firmly announced yet. i've got almost a roomful of republicans here, put your hands up. see that is pretty good. how about desantis. some people voted twice i noticed that. come on in.
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i want to introduce you to angie and earl, you are pro desantis and i am going to flip a coin and call it, angie, heads or tails, it is tales. you want to go first? you like donald trump, why? >> i like his demeanor and when he sets his mind to get something done you don't care what you think about him, he is going to get it done. ashley: he is going to get it done, respond to that. >> i thought he did a great job when he was allowed to, the problem is he can set his mind to do what he wants and they are going to stop him every in every way and desantis actually gets things done. he's been effective as governor of florida, hate to see him go as governor but we need him for the country. ashley: does donald trump turned some people off with his style? people of his policies but not his style.
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>> trump brings to the table what turns a lot of people off. at the end of the day look at his policy. look at how he goes about getting things done. ashley: donald trump, does donald trump get in the mud and wrestle? some people say he can't fight donald trump. >> we don't need that. we need them to be unified, to come together. we really need something to save this country and ideally they would come together and make it happen but their egos are both huge. should be a nice bloodied mess. ashley: a bloodied mess, that sums it up. i want to mention bob back on the back table. he has a trump hat and a desantis t-shirt, trump for president on top and ron desantis for florida governor below, plan b is desantis for president, the debate rages on
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it will get louder. back to you. ashley: all good stuff, great stuff. see you again later. we want to update you on reports that upstate hotels in orange and rockland counties including the crossroads hotel evicted a group of homeless veterans, we've learned veterans advocates misled the politicians. it turns out those election claims were false. we wanted to update you on the story and make sure the record was set straight. more as we get it. still had, a now fired college professor holds a machete to a reporter's throat after destroying a student's pro-life display. watch this. >> let's get out of here. you can't do that. stuart: maybe losing her job will be the least of her worries. north carolina declared a state
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of emergency to stop a school choice bill from passing. my next guest took his kids out of public school and moved them to private school. he will react to the governor's drastic action. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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stuart: on the markets this morning, one hours worth of business, an increasing amount of red ink. there is 1%. the red ink is piling up on the left-hand side of the screen. it was down 1.5%. >> they are prioritizing the crashes in 2018. they are deploying the -- to train their pilots to get ahead of it. stuart: petco could do no wrong. lauren: we are stocking up on
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dogs and cats but the stock is down 22%. shares on all time low. on all-time low. they are not selling as much reptiles, birds, small animals, though sales fell 7%, 8%. stuart: 22% down just like that. citigroup. lauren: they scrapped sale of the mexican consumer unit and they will pursue ipo of the unit instead. they did send the shares down. stuart: the dow is down 200. the governor of north carolina, democrat, declared a state of emergency. he wents to stop the republican school choice bill from passing in the state legislature. what happens now? >> republicans are accusing north carolina's democratic governor of publicity stunt. in particular, his announcing a
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state of emergency for public education, take a listen. >> that the republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. i'm declaring the state of emergency because you need to know what is happening. >> reporter: the governor went on to clarify this is not an official executive order like he might declare in a hurricane or pandemic what is using the term to rally public support against what he says are harmful republican education initiatives. gop lawmakers are pushing for legislation to increase parental control over their children's academic, moral, and religious education, healthcare decisions and school records. they also want to make private school vouchers available to all north carolina families regardless of income. governor cooper says this amounts to tax giveaways for the wealthy that will drain funds from public schools and accused republicans of bringing political culture wars into
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classrooms. the state gop says, quote, republicans are making substantial investments in education and educational freedom while focusing on improving student to choke achievement and they say governor cooper and democrats continue to fail north carolina families by relying on publicity stunts like these instead of honest negotiations to improve educational outcomes for our kids. but governor cooper is not backing down. he plans several public appearances to rally support, he hopes among parents, educators and businesses. stuart: the debate is on. a father of six took his children out of public school and moved them to private. why is school choice such a threat to a democrat governor your opinion? >> thanks for having me. let's pay close attention to what the governor of north
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carolina is declaring a state of emergency over, giving parents more control over their kids education in terms of content and quality. that is the state of emergency, the national assessment for educational progress, the nation's report card shows 32% of fourth-graders can read grade level, 68% can't. that's the state of emergency but they don't declare it there, only when parents have a chance of having some type of leverage here. stuart: the governor in his statement says school choice drains money from public schools. what do you say to that? >> why is that? if public schools are doing such a good job, they are failing at this, then why would anyone move? seems to be what he's admitting is private schools do a better job educating your kids than public schools even though public schools get so much more money for kids than private schools. stuart: it does seem school
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choice is making waves across the country. i see a lot of states moving towards school choice. it is strange the state is trying to go backwards. why is that? >> we have a backwards governor. this is a very open and shut case, school choice, americans no one thing that parents should be in charge of what their parents -- their kids are exposed to and learning in schools and to make sure they are learning. that's why i pulled my kids out of public schools, not because ideological stuff, we can handle that but they weren't teaching them how to read at grade level. stuart: we have to make the point you've got six children out of public school and put them in private, you have to have money to do that. >> that is why these school choice bills are so important. it's not fair to parent like me and parents all across the country that want their kids to
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know how to read and do math, to subsidize these with property taxes and not even get a tax break when it comes to paying for school that will teach our kids. we need to look at the tax code and how to make it easier and alleviate the air, work burden when it comes to paying for kids education. we one last one, your children's math and reading scores have gone up of gone up in private schools? >> yes. i want to stress that. their scores are going up. they are smarter but they are more creative, more engaging. i have actual conversations with my kids and they ask fascinating questions. it has been night and day, my kids are curious again. that's another thing private schools offer, the creative spirit, encouraging innovation and curiosity. stuart: all good stuff, terry schilling, thanks for being on the show. we did show you the video of
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the unhinged professor cursing out pro-life students. take me through it. we saw that. than what happened? lauren: a report from the new york post, he had questions to ask her about the outburst and what was her answer? she took a machete to his neck. >> let's get out of here. you can't do that. >> reporter: the reporter said rodriguez verbally threatened to chop him up and pressed the machete against the side of his head and followed him out of the building. she has been fired from hunter college, she's under investigation by the nypd. that is unhinged behavior. she is teaching students. stuart: extraordinary. target held emergency meetings over there lgbt q merchandise for children, employees were told to move some of the items to the back of the store but
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target wants to avoid bud light situation. amazon workers in seattle planning a walk out. one thing they are not happy with, the company's response to climate change. jason rantz said amazon should just fire them. these next. ♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective.
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so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at stuart: better get back to the endless exasperating debt ceiling negotiations. speaker mccarthy says he and president biden are, quote, nowhere close to a deal. if we don't get a deal before the deadline, any other what happens? lauren: we've never been in this situation before.
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we never defaulted but come close. stuart: what happens if we miss the deadline? lauren: these payments are due june 1st and june 2nd. look at tens of billions of dollars owed to veterans, medicare providers, retirees, some economists believe as the money runs out it is likely the treasury will pick and choose which payments to prioritize and that could open a legal challenge. stuart: >> we don't want treasury choosing which agencies should get funded on some particular day or which program beneficiaries should get their checks on a given day. that's what congress -- lauren: in the meantime treasuries looking to buy time telling federal agencies to slow down your process for some in your bills, they want to ever the armageddon possibly's. investors seem confident that we of hurt default but look at 2011 when we came within two
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days of default thing. we saw major indices decline 20%. the white house is warning if the limit is reached we could see losses as much as 45%. %. were scary points, the low says mortgage rates, 8.4%, moody's says projected debt default, 8 million jobs. is scary if we get there. depends how long we stay there. we don't want to get there. stuart: more dangerous is a downgrade of america's debt like 2011 because moody's said you can't handle the debt and we can handle it going forward. downgrading our credit rating is the major threat. lauren: standard & poor's hasn't raised it to aaa credit since. stuart: we lost our gold standard and might do it again.
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amazon workers in seattle planning a walkout next week, they object to the company's layoffs, returned to office policy and amazon's climate plan. jason rantz joins me now, you think these guys should be fired? >> one hundred%. you don't want to work for amazon don't work for amazon. you want to make this about layoffs, about climate change, going into amazon knowing you can get a pair of scissors from a warehouse in kentucky, don't work for them if that's your concern but what we are hearing on the ground is people who didn't want to come back to the office, these are folks who got comfortable working from home. some of the moved out of the seattle area so they could have more space during the covid lockdowns. i understand that but it is time to get back to the office and the people who are dragging their feet, toxic for any work environment. they feel entitled but you are
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not entitled to work wherever it is you want to work for as much as you want to work for. they would like to believe they are more efficient. they are not more efficient and amazon is looking at the data and their numbers and saying that. stuart: can amazon legally fire them? can you do that? >> i don't know if they can legally overnight fire them. there is a process they can go through and it depends who the workers are and what their contracts say and what they are able -- what they are going to do but organizing to try to create movement within the company, you are subverting the company getting in the way of their progress and their financials and that poses a legitimate financial risk. at the birmingham we need to send a message to the organizers that we won't put up with this which want to organize on your own time do that but they are going right now from person-to-person trying to get people interested in this movement.
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stuart: a member of california's reparations task force is defending the group's plan to give black residents millions of dollars. >> let's just chill. and pay your debt. enslavement, discrimination, intimidation, terrorizing. black people. stuart: they messed up the audio. you got the gist of it. you want to respond to that? >> there is no sin bill anyone has to pay. the folks in california are in positions of power, any of these folks had nothing to do with the racist history. people who are the beneficiaries of the reparations also not victims of a racist history. i say this. part of me wants this to move forward to send a message as to what this will do to an economy.
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if they move forward california would be destroyed. california cannot afford what they are asking for. san francisco can't afford what their reparations task force is asking for. this is a political issue, democrats brought on themselves. part of me wants to see them try to deal with it and see where it goes. you made this bed, now lie on it. stuart: negotiating a price as opposed to principal. thank you very much. a related issue, black lives matter is at risk of going bankrupt according to financial disclosures, the group posted an $8 million deficit. the foundation raise $9 million down 88%. they see the value of their investment accounts drop $10 million. despite thisnder says still shelled out millions of contracts.
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the biden administration says farmers must bow greener. they've not gone far enough but that comes with a heavy price. the mayor of limited, utah, wants sexually close it books to be removed from schools and just announced his bid to challenge for mitt romney's senate seat. mayor trent stacks on the show next. meet the team... behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both.
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stuart: the pierre of riverton in utah what trent stagg, is demanding sexually close it books be removed from schools in his city. welcome to the program. are you using this as part of your campaign for mitt romney's senate seat? >> big fan of yours, honor to be on the show. i think that is part of it. i have always been a fighter in the state of utah, that is what we are looking for, somebody who is a consistent conservative it can go out and represent the values of our state. i've been able to demonstrate
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that and had a solid track record of doing just that. stuart: what kind of sexually exquisite books do you want to be removed? can you give us a general idea? >> the state of utah identified a set of objective standards, anything that illustrates certain things, really sexual material, needs to be removed from schools, that's the material i heard from several parents, parent organizations that those books exist in the school district which serves our city and as a parent who has two children at school district was more alarming to me. it takes an active approach highlighting that issue. to the school district's credit starting to make a move that getting that material removed. stuart: are you comfortable with being labeled a book banner? that has an uncomfortable history, banning books.
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stuart: that a misnomer. it is not -- i'm not looking to unpublished or not have books published. i'm just saying there are certain things that are not appropriate for children. we understand that as a society. we have things we hold back from children because they are not mature enough to look at those things which all kinds of studies show how destructive these things are and that's appropriate. we get out of there and i've got to tell you since putting that out, i've had all types of support coming back, people are looking for leadership today. they want people that are courageous and bold and will step forward and advance conservative ideas. stuart: mayor trent staggs, thank you for joining us. the house ethics committee just ended its 2-year investigation
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into congressman eric swallwell after his interruption with the chinese by. lauren: no findings of wrongdoing and ethics will take no further action. it's a 2-year investigation into his relationship with that chinese operative. that investigation is over. he cooperated and was denied his seat on house intel committee by kevin mccarthy. stuart: thanks. still had gone martha mccallum on governor desantis's 2024 announcement with elon musk. kennedy will be talking about target's lgbt q plus merchandise for children, trying to avoid a disaster and judge jeanine pirro has a new book, crimes against america. i wonder she includes what the fbi has been up to. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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♪ ... see more. ♪ and be more. ♪ the all-new chevy colorado. made for more. ♪ (water splashing) hey, dad... hum... what's the ocean like? ♪ are there animals living underwater?
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♪ is the ocean warm? yeah, it can be very warm. ♪ you were made to remember some days forever. we were made to help you find the best way there. ♪ (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it,
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you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right?
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well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ >> well part of it is always lecturing republicans about democracy frankly doesn't believe in it. we're dealing with a president right now in joe biden who doesn't talk to anybody. you never have any idea what's going on in his mind. >> we continue to see where law enforcement prosecutors jumping to this space, to falsely accuse
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a presiden


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