tv The Evening Edit FOX Business May 30, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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larry: don't let the perfect be the good the house republicans are behind kevin mccarthy's debt deal. they have a lot of confidence in mr. mccarthy and the bills going to pass very very quickly, and then everybody should watch elizabeth macdonald, it's real simple. just watch her. liz: you're the best, larry that was great coverage you're right. they got a deal in the works we'll see what the house conservatives stay. this is happening, the news
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coming in. we've got house speaker mccarthy dealing with an open revolt from house conservatives over the debt limit deal but this breaking news, this fight is about to explode. we have house oversight chair james comer, just announce announced he just started the first steps in the process to file contempt of congress charges against fbi director christopher wray that he has until midnight to turnover an fbi document that chair comer subpoenaed alleging that then- vice president biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national. now, if wray doesn't turn it over he faces contempt of congress charges. we need to bring in fox news gillian turner live from d.c. this is developing right now happening as we speak. reporter: yeah, liz so the latest that comer just put out there in an update, he says the fbi is not going to turn over these documents subpoenaed by the committee he is calling that decision obstructionist and unacceptable. earlier today the fbi responded
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us telling us, "the fbi remains committed to cooperating with congress' oversight requests on this matter and others as we always have and we continue to be in touch with members of congress regarding this request ." the fbi's mission is to protect the american people. releasing confidential source information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk. now the house speaker this morning issued new threats es against the fbi director, christopher wray. take a listen. >> i told him he could redact certain parents of that names and others so we wouldn't know methods but we have a right to see it. he does not have the right to choose what he can and cannot show us. reporter: republican greg stubey took the threat a step further calling for wray's impeachment over his handling of whistleblowers who claim to have evidence that president biden engaged in bribery while serving as vice president. listen. >> director wray is still operating the agency in this manner, and there needs to be a reckoning for this.
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i've signed on to an impeachment , a bill for director wray. i think the house needs to move forward with this. reporter: as all of this is unfolding, liz, it's important to keep in mind the subpoena from republicans is for a standard fbi interview form. it is known as an fd-1023 and anyone can level an accusation that be recorded in the same form so it doesn't necessarily mean the allegations coming from these folks are true, or even credible. liz? liz: that's right. gillian turner great reporting, thank you so much. joining us now we've got tom dup ree, former deputy assistant attorney general and veteran fbi special agent john y onarelli. tom, have you ever seen anything like this? why wouldn't the president want to shut this down? have you ever seen a sitting president accused of bribery while he's been vice president, not basically saying anything about it and not doing anything to shut the story down? >> well i think we're in a bit
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of unchartered territory, liz and i get where director wray is coming from and ordinary the fbi doesn't like this disclosing these sorts of witness statements and don't want to compromise their sources but this is an unusual probably unique case and to your point it seems to me that the biden administration would have strong interest in transparency here and letting congress, letting the republicans see the document again, understanding these aren't proven allegations that's all they are. allegations but nonetheless, get it out there. be cooperative with the hill. let them see this and let people make their minds up for themselves. liz: now speaker mccarthy says if the fbi director misses a deadline, john, he too is prepared to move on contempt charges. let's get your reaction to this. watch. >> subpoenaed the document he requested we have jurisdiction over the fbi, which they seem to act like we do not. i personally called director wray and told him he needs to send that document. today is the deadline and if he does not follow through with the
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law, we will move contempt charges against christopher wray and the fbi. they are not above the law. liz: john we've been talking to our fbi sources and they say you can just redact the document with the name. just redact the name out. right? no? >> well, you can redact the document of the names, but there may be much more. there could be methods of how the information is collected. there could be references to very significant matters of foreign national intelligence that can be displayed for the public to see if it's released, so the fbi's probably moving extremely carefully based on those reasons, but nevertheless, congress has a right to see the document. eventually they will see some form of it. liz: so what john just said, tom , house oversight democrats are defending the fbi stonewall ing, but this is all, it's coming as irs and fbi whistleblowers claim doj officials are interfering to give hunter biden special
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treatment in the doj's criminal case against hunter biden. i mean, the doj officials removed the entire irs team on the hunter biden case after they objected to the stonewalling so this all happening in the middle of that. >> right and that's an important context, liz, is that the doj has been subject to these allegations, that they are being very difficult on whistleblowers. they are deterring whistleblower s from coming forward trying to suppress the truth. from my mind, that just under underscores the importance of the fbi taking that extra step here, to compromise, to provide transparency. i am confident that they could provide something in redacted form to congress. in other words, don't let this get to the extreme point where you have contempt citation s, where you could potentially have a doj referral. director wray should sit down with the speaker and congressional chairman and try to work something out. i bet there is room for compromise by redacting that document. liz: yeah, so john, they could just redact it again and we know that the fbi director announced the fbi officials will be talking to, you know, chair comer and senator grassley
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reportedly tomorrow. so this is explosive stuff. i mean, people are talking about the breadth, the narrowing of the breadth of the subpoena from chair comer includes june $25 million and we reported last week this lands on the calendar about two weeks after ukrainian officials announced there was a $5 million bribe aimed at ending the investigation into the founder of barisma, that's a ukrainian gas company and hunter biden sat on the board of for several years so wouldn't you want to get rid of that dark cloud if you were biden? >> this is a great example of where leadership has failed. you have these issues. make it known. don't make this into a political issue by holding back information that you're going to release eventually anyway. this is part of the problem with the fbi today and having been politicized. cooperate with congress. let's move on. liz: so, you know, what john just said we have these new text
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messages coming up too, tom that allegedly show the biden family was in a panic after the new york times ran their expo say in 2018 after hunter biden's deal making with the choice nat gas c efp. they've got connections to chinese military intelligence but tom, the point is when you read through these text messages , they again appear to contradict president biden's public denial as he didn't know anything about hunter biden's deal making. >> that's what makes these text messages so interesting, liz, is on one hand president biden and the white house said he had nothing to do with this. he wasn't involved. then we see the text messages where they are referring to looping him in and getting his involvement and helping him provide safe harbors and navigating all of this so it's a sort of thing where you'd think that knowing these texts are out there and knowing his involvement, why would you let the president go so far out on a limb denying any involvement when you know that this is just going to be contradicted by all these text messages now coming to light.
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liz: tom dupree, john yonarelli, thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. liz: tomorrow we will have house oversight chair james comer with us for the latest on this breaking news we gave you at the top of the hour. stocks ended mixed today. lawmakers hit a tentative debt ceiling deal that does face a tough path in the house conservative opposition is growing. edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. edward? reporter: yeah, right now, the house rules committee is debating this bill. they are expecting to have a vote expected to be passed out of the committee later on today or this evening, and then tomorrow, be a vote on the entire bill. now the president, president joe biden, refuses to publicly come out and say that this is a good bill. in fact, the white house has released a legislative statement saying that the president supports a fiscal policy act but returning to the white house from delaware today, president biden refusing to talk about anything. took no questions. one of his negotiators, osteenmb director sholanda young says this president does what it
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needs to do to avoid default. >> with this deal is this an admission by the president that maybe the government spent too much money over the past two years? >> what i'll say is we're in divided government, and both sides have thoughts about the trajectory of the country of spending. reporter: now, the new fox news polling showing the president needs an economic win. only 33% of the approval of the president's handling of the economy. nearly two-thirds of registered voters disapprove. still there needs to be some convincing for both republicans and democrats. the house speaker publicly making his pitch. >> the limit save and grow act that we sent over to the senate 30 days ago which had all of these provisions built into it, and then the senate could have amended that and sent it back to the house and therein, we would have had a compromise, but they didn't. the speaker went to the white house and they developed a whole new plan and they brought it back to us and it does not
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reduce spending. >> and the idea that we fought so hard to get those work requirements and welfare reform are the idea that you can make the president, if he wants to add a new regulation that now he has to offset that. we haven't had that before. so i'm not sure what everybody wanted. we couldn't get everything we wanted. reporter: so, liz, it's about the math they are going to lose the extremes on either side trying to get somewhere in the middle. democrats believe they could come up with 70 votes. the house speaker believes he can come up with 150 votes for it to pass the house. back to you. liz: another fight. edward lawrence thank you so much. look whose here. let's welcome to the show former senior counsel to president trump, kellyanne conway is here. good to see you thanks for joining us. what's your take on the debt ceiling fight? >> i think it's a great moment for speaker mccarthy and republicans. why? well they are doing a few things americans have asked for for years which is reign in spending the way we and american people need to. i like the fact the bill is less than 100 pages rather than the
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usual thousand or 10,000 where you literally cannot read the bill to find out what's in it and look it's called the fiscal responsibility act for a reason. this is meant to restore fiscal sanity and hold government accountable. i don't think joe biden has been in washington for 52 years has any incentive let alone competence or know how how to do that. what is speaker mccarthy saying? he's saying we're projecting veterans and seniors so anybody out there lying this hurts their benefits. the veteran's benefits or social security medicare. they are lying. he also is talking about clawing back tens of billions of dollars , elizabeth, in unspent covid funding. the country will want that also because so much money went out and it's sitting there. it wasn't needed. let's get that back and put it in the coffers. i think he's put biden in a tough position because he's a big spender spending trillions of dollars on money on things we doesn't say we needed anyway. liz: what do you say to the criticism that under trump the debt ceiling was raised three times?
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>> i think those are different times. the government has ballooned since then. i think pre-covid is a different conversation, frankly, and there will be some freedom caucus members, some hardline conservatives who say no to this they are already saying no, that's to be expected. i think speaker mccarthy even saw some of the same things in people when he was trying to be speaker but that's growing pains for a party that actually has unity. every single democrat voted for the inflation reduction act and voted against the tax cut and jobs act, every democrat don't have unity, they all look alike, talk alike, sound alike on big policies like this but this is a win for republicans and for speaker mccarthy, his approval rating has gone up 14 points since he was elected speaker because people see him doing the work. not giving in, but showing up and speaking up. not grandstanding saying look, these are our parameters. i think joe biden has given a lot. liz: we've got house
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conservatives, senator rand paul , ron desantis, nancy mace doesn't like it. this is trillions of dollars in debt that comes in. the debt is 35 trillion by the end of biden's term. it drops in the middle of a holiday weekend, and it keeps the government 40% bigger than before the pandemic and by the way it's the democrats who own that. no republican voted for those increases in spending that pelosi and schumer pushed through since the pandemic, so you know, when you see the conservative reaction we like your reaction and watch alexandria ocasio-cortez heckled at her town hall in queens, new york about government debt spending. watch this. >> it has historic reductions in spending, consequential reforms that will lift people out of poverty into the workforce, reign in government overreach. there are no new taxes. no new government programs. all the democrats are very upset the one thing hakeem told me there's nothing in the bill for them. there's not one thing in the
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bill for democrats. >> the american people now, the government is 40% bigger than it was pre-covid. let's go back to pre-covid level s of spending. that's what we asked for. we're not. this deal doesn't do that. >> we should eliminate the debt limit in the united states. >> [overlapping speakers] >> you claim that you voted fo. >> [indiscernible] >> speaker mccarthy should pull this bad bill down and stop taking this bill up right now. i don't think he has a majority of his own conference at this point. we'll find out later today. >> these so-called pay as you go wins in the bill are fake. it allows the omb director to ignore this mandate whenever she deems necessary to do so. liz: so they are basically saying we're locking in wartime spending without the war >> right. well, first of all i think that people in aoc's district seem
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very america-first, mad about funding the ukraine war if i'm listening to them correctly which is pretty ironic for her, but i understand why conservatives are upset. i am a fiscal conservative. i don't like ballooning the debt it's a bipartisan failing over decades that our debt just goes crazy without any accountability , but i also find it a little bit rich, if not some of the people criticizing this particular budget. how are we going back to pre- covid levels of spending that quickly when we don't have the white house? they are forgetting they didn't do everything they could have done when we had a republican president, frankly. a lot of those players are objecting now some weren't there but if don't have the white house, you have to make the best deal you can. we don't want to default. americans are very clear on that we should be very clear. you don't want to default. make good on the promises but do i think there should be less spending on many things? of course. most americans say that and americans are looking at washington saying excuse me. because of you, i've had to
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decrease my spending. i can't do things, i have to do without stuff. washington never learns that lesson so i can understand why both sides think there's a victory and some think there is not much of a victory. liz: who the freedom caucus didn't support trump? >> i'm saying, well, i think plenty of them, 13 of them didn't vote for his support about which i thought was his best bipartisan thing and one senator didn't. they object to more government spending on certain programs i get that but they were also happy to just go along with the republican president and not always object to the spending when he was there and sometimes, they went with the spending to be part of the crowd. they know who they are. liz: got it. >> now they are objecting and we don't have a republican president. we gotta get the best deal we can right now to make sure we don't default. liz: fair enough kellyanne conway, you'll be back with us. thank you, thanks for joining us look at this story. even democrats, including new york city mayor eric adams, say
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enough is enough. city university of new york green lighted a law graduate's " hate-filled" commencement speech claiming the u.s. is all about white supremacy. nobody really thinks that. seriously? but get this. she was getting paid, she got her own college education paid for by u.s. taxpayers. plus, america's top watchdog on the power grid warns a big two-thirds of the nation face power blackouts this summer due to the president's green energy push. we're going to tell you whose at risk and former president trump takes it next lever you'll in this flight with florida governor ron desantis in iowa this week and president biden un leashing more irs audits on the little guy. talking mom and pop shops. right as the new wall street report says they do face the fight of their lives. tonight congresswoman claudia tenney, jason chaffetz joins us. former economic advisor to former president trump steve moore and kellyanne conway back with us on the "evening edit."
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gets about $60 billion in new funding and now grady trimble is live with the story on capitol hill. grady? reporter: hey, liz. republicans and democrats have problems with the irs funding portion of this bill, but for very different reasons. at a press conference this afternoon, conservative freedom caucus members railed against the entire bill, but specifically they're upset with the part of the deal that strips the irs of $1.4 billion and not all of the $80 billion the irs got from president biden's inflation reduction act. >> republicans said we're going to defund biden's new army of irs agents. yet this bill prohibits only $1.4 billion of that $80 billion , so at the end of 10 years, okay, the irs has $1.4 billion left to spend. they can still spend the rest of that money. >> so instead of 82000, they might get 86,000 irs agents and
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they can do that tomorrow. reporter: progressives on the other hand say the irs needs more money, not less. they're criticizing part of the agreement that could move $10 billion from the irs to other programs in each of the next two years. that's how we get to the $21 billion you mentioned in the intro. their fear is that this bill will lead to tax cheating by the wealthy even though the white house says that will not be the case, at least in the near term if this bill passes, so as you can see , liz, some members on both, in both parties upset with the irs funding portion of the bill as we mentioned, so we'll see what happens tomorrow, liz. it goes to the full house floor. liz: grady thank you so much for your journalism there. look whose back with us, from house ways and means congresswoman claudia tenney. congresswoman, what do you think i mean, do you think the irs funding should have been cut even more and do you think audits are still going to go up or under biden? what do you think? >> well certainly we'd like to
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cut it even more but even as my colleague just said this is over 10 years. we couldn't get a perfect deal and i don't want to let perfect be the enemy of the good so i've been back and forth in my mind over this just how we could get a better deal with a very very slim majority right now but look we've got to do this incrementally and fight every year to reduce the irs. they are hurting our small business community. i'm still a small business owner in upstate new york. we're struggling like all other small businesses and that's largely because of what goes on in new york state. high minimum wage. they didn't get everything they wanted in new york state this year. they wanted a $21 minimum wage for now they get a $17 minimum wage. all of this hurts us when we compete across state lines, when you look at states like pennsylvania that only have a $ 7.50 wage plus just the cost of doing business in new york. the unfunded mandates that are sent down. that's why i support the tax cuts and jobs act and also support making it permanent and we're fighting to do that so the small businesses can continue to get the 20% deduction they get and they can
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continue to be competitive in new york. without being competitive we're going to lose these and i used to write a column called "use miss them when they are gone" and boy will we. liz: florida governor ron desantis says he would move to defund the irs if he's elected president next year. he supports a flat tax and ubs, the wall street mega firm ubs, they have a new report. they are predicting over the next five years, another 50,000, they are talking 10,000 retail stores will close each year over the next five years that's 50,000 outside gas and foodservice. congresswoman, we're talking mom and pop stores. last year, there were more retail stores closing than openings. over 2,000 stores across all retail sectors closed in the past 12 months. these are mom and pop shops. six out of 10 have less than 20 employees are the ones facing irs audits. >> right exactly because they can't afford to fight off the irs. they can't afford lawyers and accountants and compliance but if this is a problem that's been happening to small businesses i
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ran a small newspaper. all my customers were mom and pop shops. small locally owned and operated businesses that were getting crushed by the big box stores. walmart, we fought walmart. we fought home depot, and the big stores but we could not keep up with the cost of goods with them. they have the huge economies of scale and so what we've got to recognize is that if we're going to be competitive, we've got, the democrats always have this one-size-fits-all policy and that's what new york state has done and we've done this on the federal side as well. that's why we've lost small businesses. we have to understand that small businesses need room to grow. entrepreneurs need to be nourished so they can flourish. if we don't do that we're going to lose this and we're going to really make not just government consolidated. we're going to have consolidated businesses which hurts entrepreneurship, and innovation and future growth and the ability of small business owners and young people to thrive in future economy. liz: congressman tenney thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. liz: this stunning report says
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two-thirds of america faces power outages and blackouts this summer. that's what the nations top watchdog on the power grid now warns. it's due to biden's green energy push. we're going to explain whose at risk here and we've got former utah congressman jason chaffetz now even democrats say enough is enough. the city university of new york, they greenlighted a law graduate 's disastrous "hate- filled commencement speech " claiming the u.s. is all about white supremacy and more. she did the speech after she got her own college education paid for by u.s. taxpayers. this is coming up in the "evening edit." [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever.
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york to let a law school graduate and many immigrant fati ma mohammed give a "hateful divisive speech" calling for a" revolution against capitalism" when u.s. taxpayers paid for education there. >> well, oftentimes, the question i have is was this pre-approved? because they have quite the history of these types of speeches, but this one was way over-the-top, and i guess what i get tired of in new york is if they are complaining about it, they think it's a problem, why don't they actually do something about it, because this is not the first time its been controversial, but attacks on israel, attacks on jewish people , attacks on the new york city police department? it's just, you know, in a commencement speech, that's what she used this platform and it's highly offensive to a lot of people and it's being paid for by taxpayers. that's what drives everybody nuts. liz: let's listen to what she
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says. watch this. >> the self-serving interest of community central and institution that continues to fill us, that continues to train and cooperate with the fascist nypd, the military. one of very few legal institutions created to recognize that the law is a manifestation of right supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world. may the rage that fills this auditorium dance in the hallways of our elementary schools. may it be the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism around the world. liz: well, there are a lot of "i sms" in there. jason, it's crime, gangs, drugs and human trafficking, drug trafficking, gangs, ms-13, terrorists pouring across the border are the real threats. free speech, yeah, for sure. everybody is for free speech, but it's like she was watching m
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snbc around the clock in this bubble that white supremacy is the worst thing in america. it's off the rails. it's not reality. it's poison, and now you've got mayor adams saying yeah, we can't allow "words of negative and divisiveness be the only one students hear the and we hear you about why don't new yorkers say enough is enough already but how about celebrating the achievements of her own classmates talking about how she and her classmates help society instead of tearing everything down. >> yeah, she was obviously so suppressed they gave her the platform and let her go speak there, and look, yeah, there was no optimism. no looking to the future. no hey, let's improve this country. isn't it the greatest country on the face of the planet. instead she was taking un verified things making claims that she can't backup saying that brown and black people are killed everyday in our prisons, and that saying it was on purpose. that was what i took from it,
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and i think it was fundamentally wrong. liz: well what are they teaching >> again no optimism. liz: what are they teaching in the schools? critics are calling for city university of new york to be stripped of their taxpayer funds i mean, they are putting out these fiery revolutionaries de mending the end of capitalism from the comfortable safe and secure lifestyle that capitalism pays for , for the ivory white towers of academia. >> yeah, unfortunately, i think , liz, the reason this is such a national story, is that it may be at a lesser degree but it's happening across the country. that so many of our schools have gone woke. they have gone anti-usa. they can't seem to, you know, even get behind the flag, controversy about standing for the flag. they don't seem to love this country, and i think people are tired of it. they are fed up, and we need to stop funding the beast. liz: love the country. >> why should the takatas keep paying? liz: we just celebrated memorial day with a million of our
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soldiers who died fighting for that person's rights o of free speech. we have millions of soldiers wounded. millions of families who lost their loved ones, right? and grew up without their loved ones. it's not right. i mean, america is a great country. its got, if you have a problem then go to court and rely on the bill of rights. rely on the constitution and its amendments to make your case but stop with this bully pulpit that where our taxpayer dollars that you don't even recognize pay for your education and it's protecting you and your free speech rights. people are sick of it. jason chaffetz, thank you so much for joining us it's good to see you. >> thank you. liz: sure. former president trump, he's taking his fight with governor ron desantis next level. they are about to barnstorm iowa this week. we've got the story, kellyanne conway is back with us on that and also former economic advisor to president trump steve moore, we've got a hot story for him. there's a stunning and concerning new report from america's top watchdog on the power grid. is this really true that a huge,
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a big two-thirds of the nation now faces power blackouts and energy shortages this summer due to biden's green energy push? we're going to tell you whose at risk but plus we've got climate activists sitting back on their heels we'll explain why coming up on the "evening edit." but eventually, it will remind you. when it does, aspen dental is here for you. we offer the custom dental treatments you need, all under one roof, right nearby. so we can bring more life to your smile... and more smile to your life... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises.
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liz: okay let's get right to the story. the nations top watchdog and the power grid now warns more than two-thirds of our country could be hit with power black outs and energy shortages this summer, because of the green energy push. kelly o'grady has the story in r edondo beach, california live with the details. kelly this is quite a story. reporter: it is, liz. you know, we've got the summer months coming up. oftentimes that comes with heat waves and what do you do? you go crank the ac, but that's concerning because of that new report you mentioned that says that a majority of the u.s. could be facing power shortages. so i want tariff to share with you a map to get a sense of which states are at risk. two-thirds of the country nearly every state west of the mississippi may not have enough electricity supply this summer, and that translates to an elevated risk of perhaps needing to conserve power or maybe even experience blackouts , and i'll give you context on why this is happening it's twofold, increased demand
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for electricity at peak hours and a power mix rapidly shifting the push for electrification has been full seem ahead in states where i'm at like california, setting those extreme deadlines as we go for that green transition, and that's potentially putting more strain on the power grid than it can handle in the near future. we spoke to a ceo in the energy space and he shares that increased demand is exacerbated by a decrease in some supply. >> we need more electricity. demand is growing in this country and supply is not keeping up. in fact in some cases we're shutting down power plants that have more useful life, but we're not replacing it with the same generating capacity, so these delays have real consequences when that supply demand mix gets too close for comfort. reporter: now, these liberal policies are seeking to make the grid less reliant on fossil fuels, more reliant on renewable s like solar and wind but renewables require certain weather conditions and needs to be windy, sunny for that to work traditional energy experts don't
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think the green push is bad. it's just there needs to be a transition plan so capacity can reliably meet that demand. liz i'll leave you with this. this isn't just a consumer inconvenience issue. this could have real economic implications for rural areas where we have the heart of manufacturing and agriculture in this country. that could be a real problem if they are experiencing blackouts. back to you. liz: a great story you brought us, thank you so much for bringing it to us. joining us now, former economic advisor to president trump, he's steve moore. steve? what do you make of this report. this is coming from the north american electric reliability corporation. they are the nations biggest watchdog in the power grid in the u.s. and through canada. they are no joke. they are serious. >> yeah, this is no fire drill. this is the real thing and we've seen blackouts and brownouts already in california because they have tried to go all-green and it just hasn't worked. you're seeing same thing in europe and now biden is trying to apply those same policies on the whole country.
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the latest epa regulations that have been proposed would shutdown. over half of our power plants, over the next 10 years. it sounds crazy but that's what they are proposing going after our natural gas and coal plants. i'm going to give you two number s, liz, so you and your viewers can understand how crazy this is. the two numbers are 6% and 60%. the 6% is how much energy and electric power we get from wind and solar power and the 60% number is what we get from coal and natural gas, so you're shutting down plants that provide 10 times more power than the plants that are replacing them. liz: it just, steve, makes no sense, right? this is wild stuff. i mean, and we've got this new report. we've got climate activists, they are now rethinking their strategies of constant protests. this is hitting american homes. new york times reports too, also this , separate story. climate activists at americas companies lost half of their key
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proxy vote fights to force companies to go green and de carbonize so for the only have about a fifth of the approval from shareholders. let's show the crazy stuff about what climate activists are doing attacking or throwing cans of paint or tomato soup on major works of art. you'll see a federal grand jury indicted these climate activists timothy martin smith smeared paint on the display case. this happened in d.c.'s national gallery and over in sweden we'll show footage of what happened on a dance competition on television in sweden. you can see a cameraman, took out climate protesters with his crane. so you see the climate protester s with the green dust. then they get knocked down and they are put on the ground by this cameraman. what do you think of the climate activists here doing stuff like this , steve? >> they are radical and they want to take us back to the, you know, stone age, basically.
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they want to get rid of electric power, and their tactics are becoming more and more destructive. they are blocking trains, coal trains. they are making it, you know, they are destroying pipelines and things of that nature that are critical to our energy infrastructure, and you know, when we're talking about the electric grid system which is really the heartbeat of the whole american economy, don't forget that that grid system is really right now reliant on mostly fossil fuels and nuclear power, but don't forget that they want to now move the entire transportation system of the cars and trucks off of diesel and gas on to electric power system, the same system they want to dismantle. you're right, liz. none of this makes any sense unless you're trying to destroy the country. liz: steve moore, great incites we'll have you back on again soon. good to see you. >> thank you. liz: former senior counsel to
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former president trump kellyanne conway is back in the studio with us. we've got trump and desantis duking it out. they are barnstorming iowa this week, coming up in the "evening edit" let's check in with dagen and sean. they have got a hot show coming up next hour on the bottom line. >> you too, thank you. we have a blazing shot show coming up, cage fighting senator from oklahoma coming up on the show today as well as douglas murray is going to join us, great conversations. dagen: deroy murdock and jimmy f aila together for two blocks and here is something they will talk about. who doesn't love a yellow school bus? raise your hand. who doesn't love a yellow school bush? that's one of the topics. stay with us.
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so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, s. . how golo can change your life. that's ♪
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liz, look who is back, former senior counselor to president trump, kellyanne conway. great to have you back in the studio. what is your take on desantis and trump barnstorming in iowa? >> it is official. it game on. desantis is now attacking trump. donors would not do. watching your parents argue, people say we don't want to see that. this is not bean bag this is politics. they both want to be president of the united states. desantis has a lot of ground to make up, new kid on the block, fresh start, lot of endorsements in iowa. big ground game there, hired professionals who know iowa well. a state donald trump lost to ted
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cruz narrowly in 2016. trump is so far ahead of desantis everywhere, national state polls, beating him by double digits in florida. a lot of ground to make up. here is the conundrum for desantis anyone attacking trump. on one hand you have to attack trump. on the other hand you have to attract trump voters. if you go there, difficult to go there. that is pal lance we haven't seen before because we never had a former president running for his job back. liz: how will desantis convince voters? >> anything that they know or don't see. ethics, and lawsuits. they know his age. joe biden is every minute of 80. according to fox news, abc polls is trump is have seen as much more mental sharpness, physical agility than joe biden e he will have to make the case he will be a president for eight years, not four. every time i give advice to the
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desantis team they take it. there it is on fox for free. desantis is wasting a lot of time as alternative to trump. he said i'm the alternative to joe biden. put himself in a general election situation. also he has a ton of billionaire donors telling him you're the guy, you're the guy. somebody successful in life, billionaire you can take out trump, you can take out biden you believe it. the problem billionaires never made penny of billions giving political advice. last point, desantis criticizing the debt ceiling today. i understand that he is trying to go to the right of trump on covid, woke abortion. the issue though he really never had a big private sector job to speak of. he doesn't have a lot of business experience. i will say the last time a republican primary voters saw a big field of 17, they went with the guy with private sector experience not a lot of -- liz: that ising it. you mentioned desantis on the debt deal. listen to ron desantis. >> prior to this deal, kayleigh, our country was careening
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towards bankruptcy. after this deal our country will still be careening towards bankruptcy. liz: it is not you can grab sound bites out of desantis. >> in never. liz: we know he goes into new hampshire and south carolina. what is his biggest appeal do you think to those voters? you laid out how he is going to the right on the pandemic, debt, going after trump on that. what is his appeal do you think? >> his biggest appeal on paper is that he is governor of the third largest state, just won re-election by 19 points. he can talk bull at great things he has done there his biggest appeal he is young man with young family. why many people thought wait until 2028 because you do have a young family. you have just been reelected egovernor. when you're sitting governor or senator running for office people say where are you. a bunch of floridians say he is out of the state more than he has been in. in three or four months time they will say that he is all in. he talks too much about woke.
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liz: do you think he is going after disney too much? >> of course. he took a winning issue. could hand argue k threw third grade should not be exposed to sexual content? that is bipartisan support. when he went after 8 to 13-year-olds. some kids don't feel right in their body. sometimes the only person they can turn to is a teacher or administrator. comparing 8-year-olds he doesn't know how to stop gnawing on the same bone, that the voters in republican presidential primary in covid. we don't want to hear about covid. liz: at that is great point. good to have you on. >> thanks for having me, elizabeth. liz: thank you for watching. send it to dagen and sean at "the bottom line." they have a good show. good to see you. elizabeth: good to see you. sean: emac
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