tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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larry: let me say that newt gingrich's pro-growth, balanced budget idea, is an absolutely terrific super idea for the republican part and they should get behind it four square and everybody should get behind four care, elizabeth macdonald. liz: thank you, larry. that was a great show. newt gingrich is terrific, that was a terrific interview. good to see you, okay we'll stay on this. got breaking news on the
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allegation that president biden engaged in bribery. new details coming in we'll show you plus this is the money story we're on and the question the white house refuses to answer that stopped cold right in their tracks. their push to try to discredit this story, just like they did the hunter biden laptop story. we've got senator marsha blackburn, congresswoman nancy mace and claudia tenney, congressman darrel issa, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, fox news contributor tammy bruce and the new york post john levine and lawmakers are up in arms is the white house now going to try to force america to take on europe's reactionary climate change rules that will make your costs go up? right as europe's biggest climate protesters now target the u.s. for a summer of chaos. we'll explain. and who is really to blame for the meltdowns that target and bud light? what are state function funds like wall street tsaitans doing
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with your money investing in causes they want but not what you've want and the two big biden victories hit with set backs, i'm elizabeth macdonald, the "evening edit" starts right now. okay, let's get right at it. let's welcome to the show house oversight congresswoman nancy mace and from the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of government congressman darrel issa. first to you, congresswoman mace so house oversight chair comer is now saying that this fbi document alleging that joe biden engaged in bribery in the last 18 months of his vice president say that he's personally profited in his role of doling out foreign aid in a bribery scheme. we're hearing it involves ukraine, congresswoman mace, that oligarchs said he would make it almost impossible for anyone to try to find the money, because it would launder through a series of
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banks and shell companies the bidens were using. is that what you're hearing? >> i have not yet seen the document but everything we've seen from the suspicious activity reports to the bank records we saw series after series dozens after dozens of shell companies where money looks to and appears to be laundered from adversaries like russia, like ukrainefbi directoy does not fulfill the subpoena, we will hold him in contempt because the fbi is stonewalling the american people on this. they originally wouldn't confirm or deny the existence of the documentation and then they denied oversight had access to it and now they are only allowing the chairman and the ranking member to see it with it being redacted so now it's time for them to put up or shut up. liz: so what congresswoman mace said, congressman issa, now we're hearing it does involve
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ukraine, allege ed $5 million bribery scheme. you were house oversight chair. your committee was the only one that held obama's attorney general eric holder in contempt. this is one thing the biden white house can't get around and can't avoid this question. the house reports showed nancy mace's teamworked on it too. why did president biden's grandchildren, his sister-in-law , his daughters in law get paid millions of dollars from china and romania from these biden family deals overseas? talking $10 million in transfers via this complex shell companies congressman what were they selling? >> they were selling their last name and the access they had to vice president biden, including of course hunter biden getting on air force ii in beijing. they made it very clear there was that close relationship that if you paid that family member, that family member visited the house it would get things done for you and it's the reason that demanding a document, that
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congress has a legitimate purpose to see and to see broadly with possible votes that come from it, has to happen chairman comer has no choice but to continue pushing until he either gets the document or is forced to hold the attorney general in contempt. liz: so what congressman issa just said, congresswoman mace, the committee you serve on is it now probing and looking into any of the biden family shell companies and bank records to see if any of those shell companies or any banks took in this allege ed $5 million bribery scheme that the fbi document apparently says then- vice president biden was involved in? this is a follow the money trail now. >> yes, we are trying to follow the money trail and i'll tell you. the first tranche of suspicious activity reports that we reviewed were only on two biden family members so whenever we uncover or overturn a stone here there's more to investigate including following the paper trail and the money trail with the alleged $5 million bribery
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scheme. like my fellow congressman issa just said when you follow this around you see the family members, the bank accounts, everything cobbled together. when you connect the dots if it's not racketeering or money laundering, it should be and the american people deserve to know whether their president sold out their country. liz: so had, you know, what congressman mace just said, congressman issa, now the question is which of the biden family shell companies would have taken in this alleged bribery money. again this is an allegation. is it rosemont senica, hunter biden's robertson walker llc shell because congressman issa, the house reports says a company in romania started depositing funds eventually totaling more than $ 3 million into hunter biden's robinson walker llc account, just about five weeks after romania's president met with then-vice president biden in d.c. >> well these aren't coincidences and of course to get a criminal act and certainly to get what the american people need to see , you only need to
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have an agreement to do something and various actions that occurred and all of those are in plain sight. these transactions that include millions of dollars to family members, obviously, congress has a demand out to get more details but at the end of the day, the american people are beginning to understand that if your last name was connected with joe biden, well he was vice president, money flowed from the very foreign countries that he had gotten authority over to those family members. that is undeniable. liz: so, you know, this , the push to discredit this , congresswoman mace, it looks like james comer, congressman comer is saying that this document has footnotes dating to 2017 on it, that the fbi has had this in its possession for about six, seven years, and, you know, james comer is saying that at the time , you know, hillary clinton was more than likely going to be president. vice president biden was not the favorite choice. he was trying to make money off
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his last year and a half of the vice presidentsy. that's absolutely right and you look back and you see the doj, the fbi, they didn't lift a single finger to investigate corruption, and they want to hold republicans to one standard and hold themselves entirely to another and the american people deserve to have their questions answered. they deserve the truth. they deserve accountability. they deserve transparency and they ought to know what was really going on behind closed doors. we have the white house revolving door of hunter biden's colleagues and clients coming through the white house when biden was vice president and president today. we have pictures and video of hunter biden on the airplanes as he was visiting communist china and other locations around the world. they didn't hire hunter biden for his brains. they hired him for the access that his name gave him including liz, as you mentioned, a grandchild, nieces and nephews, current wife and ex-wife and brother and son and there was no business for them to have this kind of money, and the american people ought to know what's going on.
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liz: final question to congressman issa. the american people do deserve transparency on this , but the push to discredit this , congressman, before america can see the charges, so now the new line is it's not russian disinformation. it's rudy giuliani information but rudy giuliani was the one who first brought forward the hunter biden laptop story. how did that turn out? you know what i mean? so we've got democrat jamie raskin claiming then a.g. william barr dropped these allegations. is that true? well it's very clear that the fbi has been complicit in this , dead-ends occurred repeatedly but that doesn't mean in fact they were cleared. it simply means there were as congresswoman mace says there are two different standards. the standard that the american people expect is the one that congress is now working toward which is a level of transparency and let the american people decide for themselves. liz: got it. congresswoman nancy mace and congressman darrel issa thanks for joining us. now former arkansas governor
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mike huckabee. love you, mike huckabee, you're a straight shooter. your reaction to that interview. by the way why won't the fbi let the full house oversight committee read this unclassified fbi document? >> because they don't think there's any consequences for them to just thumb their nose at congress. this is insane. nobody elected the fbi to anything, and in our form of government, the highest really power in our government are the people who are elected by the people to serve, and they have oversight responsibility of bureaucracies, and the bureaucracies don't have the option of saying no, we're not really interested in letting you see these things, and it's an outrageous afront, really not just to congressman comer and his oversight committee. it's an afront to the american people to basically say it's none of your business. well, yes, it is our business, and they need to pony up and give them the document. liz: so the fbi does a full- blown launch of a probe on trump-russia on an unvetted, un
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corroborated allegation and basically using a steele dossier financed by the dnc and hillary clinton campaign, and now, they've got documents and allegations that they are circl ing around and you know, governor, you know, the white house is acting like it can't ask any questions about this. let's get your reaction to nsa spokesman john kirby here watch. >> one question on the house oversight investigation, please. as you know, on may 10, they issued a report showing that the biden family allegedly funneled $10 million into their bank accounts while joe biden was vice president. member members of the committee said there may be several national security concerns at hand here with their allege ed ties to the foreign countries. admiral, have you read the report yourself and do you personally think there are any national security concerns here? >> no, and no. liz: what do you think, governor >> they're covering up.
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i mean, you know, they can say whatever they want to but they are not answering questions. i frankly can understand why they don't want to answer questions because i don't think the answers will do them any good. what i don't understand is why isn't there a greater level of curiosity and even outrage from the media over the stonewalling that the white house continues to give and not just the white house but the fbi and the department of justice. if joe biden's last name were trump, we be having riots in the street, demanding that these records be released. it's why people are sick of a two-tiered justice system. one for the bureaucratic insider s, the deep state, and then there's a totally different set of rules for everybody else, but you know, if someone comes to your house, liz, and they say i'm from the fbi and i want to look around, see how it works out if you say no, i don't think so. i'm just not interested in you taking a peak at what i've got even if you have a warrant, but what we really have is we have
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clear evidence of election interfering from the highest levels of our government and that ought to scare the pants off of every american. liz: so, and we also have evidence of things like, you know, hunter biden taking nearly two dozen trips on air force two with secret service protection, flying around the world and we have then-vice president biden on audio tape telling his son hunter, "you're in the clear" after the new york times in 201t how hunter biden was making money off that chinese energy conglomerate that's now de funct the media still thinks trump helped russia hack e-mails at the dnc and the hillary clinton campaign. this story is not going away. let's get your reaction to this. watch. >> they are beating up on trump for political reasons, everybody sees that. what happened with the russian collusion that never existed effectively exonerated the guy, so he can play a victim card.
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they have all created a situation where what kind of planet are we on where donald trump has become the victim? nobody believes it. nobody believes it. >> i have to stop you because we know very clearly that putin and the kremlin did intervene in our election in order to try to help donald trump back in 2016 so we know that is true but you may think that they shouldn't engage in this as a messaging tool, because it's not helpful to them. is that what you're saying? >> yeah, i'm not going to re litigate the russian collusion nonsense that went on for two years. >> you don't need to, its been litigated. >> it's nonsense, but now nobody -- liz: i mean, governor, the mueller report found putin did not inter intervene to help trump hack e-mails at the dnc and hillary clinton campaign. >> well not only did the mueller report not find it, $37 million later of our tax money, but what the durham
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report showed was that this whole thing was cooked up by the hillary campaign. this came right out of hillary and the dnc and the fbi became willing partners to get the fake warrant, the fisa warrant, lie their teeth off about what supposedly happened all these selacious stories about trump and mass could you and all that stuff that turned out to be absolutely nonsense, complete bo vine droppings as my friend larry galtin would call them and you still have jen psaki pretending there was russian collusion. this is insane, and outrageous, yet these people are going to probably get pulitzer prizes for continuing to lie about stuff like that. no wonder donald trump is up 30 points over everybody else. people aren't stupid. they see this , and they are sick of it. sick of it. liz: governor huckabee thanks for joining us. we love your jam sessions. >> i do too, he's my buddy. liz: come back soon, governor.
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okay this story. do you want to turn your home into an airbnb? that's what new york city mayor eric adams wants american to do their part and wants to pay new yorkers to turn their homes into airbnb for illegal immigrants and also this. the white house roasted again, for another tone deaf response on the border crisis plus congressman claudia tenney, lawmakers are up in arms. is the white house really going to force america to take on europe's version of harsh climate rules right as european protesters are about to pour in to the u.s. for a long, hot summer of chaos and massive protests. these are climate activists we're on the story coming up. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna cashback on a few other things too. starting with the sound system...
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golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. liz: republican lawmakers now demand the biden white house reveal what exactly it is doing working with officials in europe , on potentially deploying europe's climate regulatory regime in the united states. lawmakers worry it will hurt u.s. energy, agriculture, and financial sectors. edward lawrence has got the story at the white house live. edward? reporter: yeah, and you know, president biden, the administration here, is falling back on that famous that he went for day one climate above all else and president biden has not changed any policies going forward,
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regardless of the consequences, high inflation, the month he took office as higher gas prices also. listen to this. >> we're focused on securing our border, combating climate crisis and protecting the fundamental rights of americans. reporter: so, that was today. not mentioning inflation. so now, alexandria ocasio-cortez along with senator ed marke reintroducing the $93 trillion green now deal and rick perry thinks it's all a coordinated plan. >> this is let's just put the craziest, the most far out of touch ideas on the table out there and, you know, if we just get half of them, think about how much further we pushed america to the left and the socialism. reporter: so, a new letter from senator tim scott and representative james comer to the treasury department as you mentioned highlights the danger of moving towards an eu-style energy regulation scheme and lawmakers say it would severely harm industries like energy, agriculture, even financial
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industry and now some market experts say the trip the president took on the stage over the weekend symbolize the last two years. >> what i really saw president biden's fall as a metaphor for what's gone on with the economy, what's gone on with america in the international arena, is we keep stumbling. we keep falling. reporter: secretary blinken in saudi arabia today after opec + announced another oil production cutoff one million barrels a day the saudis continually rebuke the u.s. and the administration trying to heavily regulate gas stoves and we now also have new regulations coming down the pike possibly against dishwashers in your home, liz? liz: okay, edward lawrence, we'll stay on top of it. thanks for the information, edward. great reporting as always. look whose back. congresswoman claudia tenney from house ways and means. congresswoman, a pleasure having you on. what's your reaction to that story? >> well, look. first of all we are just commit ting self-inflicted wounds
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on this energy policy. we do not want to go down the path of europe and the eu and what they are doing with energy. they have these ridiculous climate goals that is the reason we have a war in europe. it's the reason putin is taking advantage of the ukrainian situation and he's leveraging all these different countries whether it's in the i was just in north macedonia recently all countries are dependent on russia, for liquefied natural gas so the eu solution is to continue to cut ourselves off and that's absurd. did you know our own epa, our environmental protection agency, actually has in their forecasting, that by 2050, we have to produce 30% more oil & gas to maintain our energy standards and needs. we're cutting energy, our ability to use oil & gas. how are we going to meet those standards when we cut those off today and making ourselves actually economically poor. 30% of inflation which is the biggest problem we're facing
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in our communities today is caused by our energy policies directly caused by joe biden and the administration. liz: let's show this now-deleted warning from greta tuneberg. she said humanity will be wiped out in five years unless we stop using oil & gas. we're still here. now, congresswoman, europe of's top climate activists are targeting america for " large-scale civil disobedience protests this summer" and they can try to block highways and bridges in washington d.c. and new york city and disrupt federal properties along the way and they did a video conference call ed and europeans are teaching protesting allies how to recruit "scores of arrestable members" to spearhead the most aggressive protests so you'll see things like art being smeared with paint, that happened in the national gallery you're going to see blocking roads in the capitol and maryland. they also protested outside at
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one point democrat senator chuck schumer's home in new york city. what do you make of this? >> it's just in sane. they are not informed. they don't know what they are talking about. they don't understand energy. they aren't being taught in schools how critically important energy is and fossil fuels. a lot of the , you know, they went after the mona lisa. they go, because there's oil- based paint i assume in the mona lisa. i guess, i mean that's me trying to extrapolate the insanity of these people. these people are going to cause our country to be poor. they are going to cause people to starve, and they should come to new york instead of coming in the summer when they enjoy it come to upstate new york in january. come on the shores of lake ontario where we sometimes in a day will have seven feet of snow and see how your protests go over there and see how they heat their homes and get their products out the door and be economically prosperous. they are insane. they don't understand economic policy and don't understand energy policy. liz: congresswoman tenney a pleasure having you on. >> thanks so much. liz: okay this story. activists state function funds t
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itans like blackrock now blamed for the corporate meltdowns at places like target and bud light. investors are demanding ceo's focus on the profit line. not politics. we've got what a big wall street titans says about forcing america to do politics and fox news contributor tammy bruce coming up, new york city mayor eric adams wants americans to do their part and wants to pay new yorkers to turn their homes into airbnb's for illegal immigrants. the white house also, this story , roasted again, a tone deaf response on the border crisis. all this coming up in the "evening edit." ♪i need it to make me happy!♪ ♪baby, yes i do mean you♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield
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something like 45,000 live in taxpayer paid for emergency shelters and hotels. madison alworth, live outside in new york city. madison that's one of the hotels that's converted entirely into a migrant shelled shelter, right? reporter: liz, that is correct and as soon as this hotel opened as a migrant shelter it almost immediately hit full capacity. that's what the we've seen. as these hotels are converted, rooms are made available. they almost immediately fill up and that is why the mayor is looking at alternatives. the latest being potentially asking residents in new york city to open up their homes to ask migrants to come move in. now, that plan is not official. a plan that is official in terms of where migrants will be living when they get here is opening up churches or houses of worship. so, they will be the latest group to house migrants that come to new york city. 50 houses of worship will house 19 migrants each, with the first 10 opening their doors to asylum seekers this summer. churches will be compensated
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just as hotels like nyc behind me have been. faith leaders involved tell us houses of worship will be hiring full time security and overnight manager, and in some cases, will need to install sprinkler systems to be compliant which cost around $10,000. >> it is my vision to take the next step to this , to go to the faith-based locations and then move to private residents. we can take that $4.2 billion, 4.3 maybe now, that we potentially have to spend and we could put it back into the pockets of everyday new yorkers, houses of worship instead of putting it into the pockets of corporations. we need to be clear. this is not sustainable. we cannot continue to sustain this with the in-flow that we're receiving. reporter: this fiscal year alone , new york city has spent $1.2 billion on migrants.
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members of congress are frustrated to see those taxpayer dollars leaving residents pockets and see other city services being cut. >> people are renting apartments in new york city for thousands and thousands of dollars. people having difficulty paying their mortgage. paying their rent. keeping up with their property taxes that have increased year after year, and the mayor is now telling hard working taxpayers that they need to pay so individuals who cross into our country illegally at the border last week can live rent-free? what planet are we living on? it's absolutely outrageous. reporter: liz, we've not gotten a firm answer on how much these houses of worship will be paid for their services, nor how much private residents be paid if that also goes forward. what we do know, as you mentioned off the top, is that 46,000 migrants currently live in new york city and they are receiving housing, healthcare, education, and any other services they may need. liz? liz: madison alworth, thank you so much. look whose here. we've got fox news contributor
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tammy bruce. tammy? that's quite a plan. especially -- >> is it a plan? liz: yeah, what do you think? >> i just looked at this number as of january 8 this year, there is 67, 880 homeless children and adults who are not illegal alien s or migrants on the streets of new york city. now, they're in shelters, these larger shelters. they aren't in hotels, right? they aren't going into somebody 's condo, that the city is going to pay for. what happened to these people? so this is, the argument is there seems to be not only points about the notion of, you know, what already new yorkers can't pay for their apartments, but then for those who even like scoot by, this inevitably is going to make prices rise because the city is not going to pay a low price, right? they are going to pay probably higher, and that's what they are going to pay the higher prices, giving americans, new yorkers the money. the fact of the matter is that that then changes the
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marketplace itself and there's already not enough apartments. we clearly know now there's no hotel rooms that are being taken up for this space so you're looking at an economic dynamic that then some people are going to want, they are probably going to prefer the city. this is like a socialism dynamic about single payer healthcare. people always want to just worry about one source of the income. you don't have to worry about someone living paycheck to paycheck to pay you so why not have it be the government? where does that leave people in general in the market? these other homeless people who are perhaps on the street because they don't have enough money to live in an apartment, you know, even a low cost one. liz: the other thing too is the white house is acting like you deal with the border crisis we created, cities and border states and new york city mayor eric adams reportedly dropped from biden's 2024 advisory board for his campaign, you know, because he was critical of the biden white house strategy and immigration.
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let's get your reaction to white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. watch her condemn the practice of transporting migrants because it puts pressure on non-border states and cities. watch this. >> i've said it many times from here repeatedly from this podium that busing or flying migrants around the country without any coordination with the federal government, we've talked about this , state or local officials as well, is dangerous and unacceptable. liz: so what is the white house doing to coordinate what they're doing, you know what i mean, with the border crisis? >> originally remember they were also flying migrants in the dead of night to certain cities, but it's only not dangerous if they get to choose where these people go, all right and this is nothing compared to what el paso and every border town is dealing with. the presumption is these people would never have left. that it would have been affect ing red texas and red florida and, you know, red arizona. it's going to negatively affect
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the nature of the people that they perhaps did not necessarily see as allies, so this is all politics. the problem with adams and the white house is that instead of recognizing the policy problem with drugs and with this immigration dynamic, this was not delivered. it's their policy that's done this affecting every state in the union now. crime is increasing and the nature of of course how it's affecting the economy. liz: great point. tammy bruce come back. don't be a stranger. >> thank you. liz: coming up, senator marsha blackburn. we've got this big story that's blowing up. activist state pension funds, wall street titans, they are being blamed for the corporate meltdowns at places like target and bud light. these investors or these companies are demanding ceo's cut it out, focus on profit, not politics but we've got a big wall street titan says this is about forcing america to do our politics coming up in the "evening edit." what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need.
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liz: look whose here. senator marsha blackburn. senator? we want to wish you a very happy birthday. we would sing happy birthday to you but i sing like a hinge, and murder silence when i sing, so i don't want to hurt your ears. so, you know, this story is coming in, senator. larry fink, the ceo of the big investment firm blackrock. it's a gigantic asset manager. it's facing backlash. social media circulating his comment that six years ago saying we need to force behavior s on investors for climate change, for esg and dei. what do you make of all of this? >> what i make of it is you have entities like blackrock and vanguard that are really out there going for this far leftist agenda, and it's not what the american people want, and these companies that are being advised to go left, look. people don't want target out here trying to promote doing
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away with mount rushmore, tear ing that up. they don't want bud light promoting fake women. what they want is for companies to do their job for the shareholders, and to return a profit, and you know, elizabeth, these pension funds people are saying hey, why are these returns down? and the reason is they are not looking after the shareholder and the people that are invest ing in them and counting on them to make a profit so that they can fund their retirement, and people are tired of this , and these companies are moving so far left, they're not where the american public is. they aren't where a lot of tennesseeans are and we hear a lot about this. we've got a lot of distributors in tennessee that are very concerned about what's happening to their business because of the
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decisions that were made by a marketing company and a marketing exec on bud light. people have worked hard to build up this value in these small businesses. people have been good students about where they put their money with these pension funds, and now, all of a sudden, they find out they've gone left on them. they aren't concerned about that profit. liz: let's watch larry fink. let's watch. >> behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we're asking companies. you have to force behaviors and at blackrock we are forcing behaviors. you have to force behaviors, and if you don't force behaviors, whether it's gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you're going to be impacted and that's not just recruiting. it is development. we're going to have to force change. liz: going to have to force change. let's show the blackrock statement on this.
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senator california politicians and state activist pension funds they can have a big say in this. we've got reports state pension funds tell blackrock, state street, vanguard, if you want to invest in our state pension money you've got to commit to pushing things like dei and esg and corporate america but senator that's a massive conflict of interest against shareholders who don't know what's going on who invest in these funds. they might be able to file a class action lawsuit to see how all this affected their investment returns. >> elizabeth? they can't get these crazy policies through congress because people do not want them, so they are trying to do a work- around, and it is so insulting to hear larry fink say we're going to force behaviors, like you stupid people don't know how to make a decision? so we're going to force this on you. we're going to force you to do this. it is insulting to people. it is insulting to shareholders. that is why they're beginning to
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pushback. why they are beginning to revolt it is why a lot of small businesses that distribute these products like bud light are looking at this and saying we've worked hard. what are you doing to us? we're going to stand with the citizens, with these investors, with these small businesses against this woke forcing people to accept this leftist agenda. liz: got it. senator blackburn, happy birthday again. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. liz: okay, we've got coming up the new york post john levine. we are talking and have been working on this story for you. house lawmakers, we are just hearing this. they are following the money in the biden family probes and the allegation then-vice president biden accepted a bribery from a foreign national to affect u.s. policy. we're going to stay on this story but first we want to check in with our pals dagen and brian brenberg whose filling in for sean and see what they come
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coming up. dagen: right at the top of the hour, the fireball congressman jim jordan, his latest. he has sent a letter to the white house chief of staff he wants more information he's never gotten on biden's targeting a participant at school board meetings, and douglas murray on blackrock's very very upset about people hearing what larry fink had to say. brian: we've got outkicks clay travis with us and deroy murdock all coming up at the top of the hour on the bottom line.
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we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell
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all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they're sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like?
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liz: joining us now new york post columnist john levine. john, okay this story coming in. house oversight chair comer. he reviewed the fbi document from a confidential, about a confidential human source alleging that then-vice president biden engaged in bribery. now, congressman comer, house oversight chair, is saying he read the document. he's saying it shows joe biden " in the last 18 months of his vice president say decided to profit off his government job and doling out foreign aid in a bribery scheme." he says "oligarch said they would make it impossible for anyone to try to follow the money" because they were going to bury it in shell companies and bank accounts. >> this is just more drip, drip , drip that keeps coming out
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and provides some kind of understanding or context to the earlier press conference that james comer had where he revealed that the biden family made $10 million from foreign sources, all of it buried in shell companies often moving from shell company to shell company before being disbursed to biden and his family, and the big question is well why were they being paid all this money? the biden family doesn't make a product. they don't do anything. hunter biden was an active crack addict and alcoholic during much of his period. the only explanation is some kind of influence so suddenly this fbi document is imperative. liz: so there's one thing the biden white house can't get around. they can't answer this question, they are avoiding it. why did president biden's grandchildren, his daughters in law, his sister-in-law get paid millions of dollars or getting paid any money, rather off the millions of dollars that were the biden family got from china and romanian business deals overseas? >> right, what interest do these foreigners have with the biden family? people have sometimes tried to make comparison to square odd
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kushner who is a real estate developer and there is legitimate financial interest there and with hunter biden there's nothing. the only thing they were selling was influence and i don't see , i mean that's certainly a question for the biden white house to answer. liz: yeah, so then we've got house oversight report says they were doing, you know, getting money from romania, through this off-balance sheet shell companies so now this has become a follow the money trail. this is a follow the money story if there was allege ed bribery that took place the money would, if it's there, would go through these shells. >> everything now comes down i think to this fbi document which by the way is an unclassy feud document. as far as i know you can just someone can just leak it. i don't know why the fbi is obstructing its release but it needs to come out. the american people need to see it and as you said comer has read it and he's revealed what the he says is in it. we need to know exactly what's in it and who created this and its origin and i'll remind you this document was created in 2020 before the emergence of the hunter biden laptop, before the full extent of the biden
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family malfeasance became known so that mays it very credible. liz: got it john levine you'll be back in just a moment. we've got this story for you. two big biden victories. taking a hit. what it means for 2024 that drugmaker merck just sued the biden white house over the push to get medicare to negotiate drug prices and now republicans are going to say we are going to cut back on this new irs funding bill. it's going to be more cuts to the irs. that's republican lawmakers want we've got the story coming up. ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas... ...a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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♪ liz: this story broke late in the day. back with me now is "new york post" columnist jon levine. biden took a vick ray lap of drugmakers basically having to negotiate with medicare for drug prices. merck, sued the biden administration getting medicare to negotiate drug prices this is basically extortion. it is political kabuki theater and more. what do you say to this story? >> you know, look this is probably a fight the biden white house wants to have in advance of a 2024 this is a long litigation. it will not be solved today or tomorrow. it will go into the election. americans spend more for drugs than any country in the world. the deficit reduction act allowed americans companies to negotiate with medicare.
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why we spend $9,000 to buy, they spend $100. liz: republicans plan to block more of the irs $830 billion. cut to $60 billion. they want to block it in the appropriations fight. >> that is something that will help republicans in the 2024 fight. giving money to the irs is someone no one wants to do. liz: you see this moving forward, biden family alleged corruption story, biden agenda where does it move into the fall when things pick up for the 2024 race? >> because biden runs agains again, hunter biden will be a major issue not because of alleged crimes. in 2020 biden said this was russian propaganda. this is misinformation. all the intelligence agencies put out the letter said you can't believe it. they knowingly lied about that. there are character issues that
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biden has to address. why dud lie to the american people about the hunter biden laptop and why did you call it false information? liz: there is no evidence that william barr dropped. >> obsfucation and spin. joe biden never involved in my son's overseas business dealings that is proven time and time again on the laptop. he will have to answer for that. liz: jon levine thanks for joining us in the studio. we'll have you back on. i'm liz macdonald, thanks for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we'll have a jam-packed show tomorrow night. we cover all the breaking news coming out of washington, d.c., how it hits your bottom line. now time for the hit show "the bottom line" dagen and buy ben brenburg in for sean. dagen: great to see you ♪ >> good evening, i'm dagen mcdowell.
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