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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 16, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ everyone's working for the weekend. it is almost upon us. good morning, everyone. not as much green as we had before. the dow was holding on to a 70 point again. modest rise for the s&p, nasdaq in the red, down 3 points. the 10 year treasury yield. where's that. it is going up to 3.75%. where is oil? it is $70 a barrel, bitcoin doesn't move much these days. it is drifting lower, 25,400 is your price. just coming up on 10:01 eastern time. the latest read on consumer sentiment. lauren: the pulmonary june number stronger than expected, 63.9, may was 59.2.
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market is flat on the news. when your inflation expectations declined at 3%. stuart: we are up 60 on the dow, slightly on the s&p. a little red ink for the nasdaq. now this. in this "my take" i will compare the success of charter schools and the failure of new york city's former mayor bill deblasio. it is not a stretch to link them. there's a connection between successful charters and the worst mayor in new york city history. i will start with deblasio. he took direct aim at charter schools, really didn't like them. he restricted their expansion, let the education of a million new york children in the hands of their teachers union. that was expected from a man who proclaimed his far left
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views, those youngsters from the far left union. predictable results, academic standards tumbled, 50,000 kids left in the public school system. that's a story of education failure. the story of success, standard university tracked the performance of 4 million charter school students over 15 years. they break down the performance of charters in new york city. the results are astounding. charter kids are 75 days worth of learning ahead in reading. 73 days ahead in math. black and hispanic students showed the biggest gains. most important, in charters, black and hispanic children performed it to the same level as white children. don't hear much about deblasio around here these days. he is an embarrassment but does serve as a useful example of what not to do. don't elect socialists. don't do the kowtow to the teachers union, the real hope
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for all children, minorities included. second hour of varney just warming out. ♪ >> hold onto your sets, tammy bruce is here. the worst mayor new york city history. and this is perfect, and stanford would never have done that. it was too long. big hoops at stanford. class of politicians who only think of themselves, thinking about winning a new assignment, placating and making happy some kind of donor class and everything else goes out the
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window, not just adults trying to make a living in the city, the greatest city in the world, new york city, the capital of the world has been crushed under these democrats are ages and then the children are the ones, the masking that was unnecessary. this dynamic where we need to see teachers union people. something has happened with the generation of people who have come out of the economy where only they matter. yelling and waving papers and what they think is right and what they want. not only the children but they loathe the parenting think there better and that is the result, the crushing of children's spirit, education and as a result, if they win and they end the left does. a generation of young people not educated on anything
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important who become wardens of the state at miserable, unhappy, on drugs, no view of the future. that is when the left gets government to be bigger because no one else can save them. stuart: i can tell you are mad and president biden getting hot under the collar when asked about the alleged bribery scheme. the soundbite, here is the president, roll it. >> why is that? >> president biden: a big question. stuart: got under his skin. >> this is why they keep going. fighting against the hidden junk fees. how about getting rid of the junk president, start focusing on that. these are distractions. this is a major issue legacy media is not covering, what the whistleblower has alleged about money going to this man and his family, that the big story that
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deserves coverage. this country is in trouble and he's part of that problem. stuart: i would love to see you on a monday morning. >> i am a pussycat. stuart: i believe that. thank you very much. now this. 2,024 candidate mike pence vowed to shake up the government if elected. can he spell out what he wants to do? lauren: fire christopher ray on day one in office. >> the american people lost confidence in the department of justice. we have to restore confidence. that means the entire top part of the department of justice, clean house. >> and the fbi. >> and the cia. >> all of it. if i'm president of the united states i would look for men and women of unimpeachable integrity, people republicans and democrats would look to and say they are committed to the law and fair administration of
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justice. lauren: need to restore confidence in law enforcement. stuart: most of the president of candidates on the republican side on this program at some point, three to go. have a look at the markets. it is friday morning. we've been in business 37 minutes on the stock exchange, the dow is up 60, the s&p up 12, tiny loss for the nasdaq composite. the restaurant chain that ipo yesterday, major league success. charles payne visiting this morning. forget about that. what is this -- they are down a little bit this morning but yesterday they took off. what does that tell you? ashley: i have been a strong critic against the ipo market. the greatest ripoff of the american public came from silicon valley in the last 20 years, they've stolen so much money from the american public
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by taking these companies public, so deep, such exorbitant prices. let me give you an example. at one point, valued at 57 billion, public at $9 billion, now it is worth one hundred million dollars. even big names you know like uber and airbnb, yesterday, opening the ipo at 22 with 43, usually it is like they left money on the table, they could have gotten up and said that. what you've seen in the last 20 years, silicon valley, the ultimate source of greed, never seen this kind of greed in my life. they ripped off the american public. how do you get to sam bankman-fried, you don't care about the quality of what you are promoting. i'm setting this up -- stuart: what is wrong? charles: i'm giving a backdrop.
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i have warned people against these ipos. i like it in the sense that maybe it is a little different and i will tell you why. they raise money, when they went to wall street in 2015 they started raising money. last time was 2021. valuation of $1.1 billion. that not agree just. maybe it's because it was started by three friends of greek ancestry and us high school somewhere. maybe something was different about this but i am warning folks out there the next wave of ipos watch out, is the greatest source of the american public, that is legal and unfair, at the very top. stuart: people this morning i fired up. tammy covered at 100%.
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stuart: ladies and gentlemen, one and all. do you have an opinion on adobe? lauren: of photoshop and ai, creative professionals are using adobe's product like photoshop because of their ai capabilities. 2. 5% reported earnings better-than-expected race for the year. stuart: what is with i robot? lauren: amazon is trying to purchase them. the uk cleared this deal, stock is up 20%. %. it does not lead to competition concerns, the eu rules july 26th. charles: they mapped out your entire house, have a map of everything on the outside. now they have everything on the inside. this is a robot that maps your entire house, entire footprint of your house. this is what people are
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concerned about, privacy issues. a company that will know everything about you. how you up in the outside of your house, every single, inside your house, it could be very dangerous. i'm not against it but that is why it was being helped out. stuart: that is very original. congratulations. you must have gone to a charter school. charles: that's why the progressives hate them. stuart: got to get this in. we talked about the culture of tipping for everything. listen to this. there is a self checkout kiosk, several of them prompting customers to leave a tip. lauren: starting at 15%. you can't leave 10 or 5, you are at newark, there are no workers there. you've got your own bottle of water and prepackaged sandwich.
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have to pay minimum of 15%. that is what everyone is asking. the latest survey says 75% of companies are exploiting us by offering when you pay digitally. it's the work around of making us through tips add to their workers wages, it backfires in the end. >> it says no tip. if you have fat fingers you can't even hit yet but it is there but not encouraged to. the big thing is 15. stuart: you get a guilt trip. lauren: we are fed up and not going to tip as much in the places we are supposed to tip. stuart: we have to move on, fiery opening to the 10:00 hour. now this. house oversight committee chair james comeer says new bank
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records will prove biden received 30 million from foreign nationals. roll tape. >> can't think of a worst thing a president in history has done. this is a president who has a history of using foreign aid and leveraging for his family's benefit. stuart: maranda devine will give us the latest on the biden family probe. new york city storeowner has been robbed three times, lost $150,000 of material. why doesn't she just leave new york city? i will ask her because she's on the show. speaker mccarthy and republican lawmakers say criminals are being emboldened by progressive bail reform. what are republicans going to do to crackdown on crime? kelly o'grady has the story after this. ♪ ♪
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stuart: speaker mccarthy and republicans are in california, addressing the spike in organized crime in big cities. kelly o'grady is with me. what are they going to do about it? >> reporter: day they will be talking about it but the focus is on highlighting they feel, liberal policies have enabled this surge in crime. they will be briefed on how these communities are being had by organized crime operations and the agenda will drill down on california's status as a sanctuary state, soft on crime
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laws facilitating the use that tax. crime has exploded since before the pandemic. i will share some numbers that shocked me. homicides of increased 37%. in chicago, where i'm in los angeles, 48%. all those cities are democratic run where lawmakers and prosecutors have taken soft on crime approaches. could excite is why people and businesses are leaving. >> that is what is at stake in this election, high crime leads to increased poverty. and norma's amount of data shows we have a high crime area. businesses don't located there. two thirds of new jobs created in america are created by small businesses. businesses don't go to a high crime area and those that are there are leaving. >> reporter: that is the challenge facing these gop presidential candidates. few have come are hence plans to tackle crime. it is early in the race but
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also vocal against democratic cities and their approaches to crime. donald trump sharing he will be for police funding and feels drug dealers should get the death penalty. governor desantis leaning in on fighting crime in his campaign, regionally signing into law anti-bail reform legislation and pointing to florida's 50 year low crime rate as historic crime is a focus of the 24 election. i talked to a lot of people in the liberal heartland like california and they are fed up. stuart: understandably. thanks very much, see you later. my next guest is the owner of a luxury consignment shop in new york city. her store has been robbed a number of times. the owner is tiffany karaokes. how much of the last? >> $200,000. we won how many times have you been robbed? >> about six break-ins and robberies. stuart: you say robbery, someone walked into the store with a gun or knife, strong-armed un takes what they want and leaves.
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>> yes. using pepper spray or taking things and leaving and breaking and in the middle of the night and demolishing the windows and doors. stuart: can you still make money? you lost all this. >> it is hard but it is possible. i'm a new yorker and want to make this work and love being a small business owner. stuart: that the only reason you're staying? you're making some money and love the city. >> i do and want to succeed here. best place to be. it is a hard time right now. especially with what is happening online as well, being attacked. being hacked, our facebook account, credit card fraud and slapped with an ada lawsuit. what is a law business supposed to do? we tried everything but i have employees running after a shoplifter in broad daylight for 10 minutes trying to track down the guy. i've become friendly with the 19th precinct. i've spoken to the mayor at city hall twice. i've written an op-ed piece for
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the new york post. i've become an activist. my husband calls me a brunette megyn kelly. what is one supposed to do? as an individual small business owner? stuart: you are staying. you hiring security? >> it doesn't tell. i have 5 different rooms, security guards in front of the store, it doesn't help. it doesn't deter people. stuart: ever thought of leaving? >> it has crossed my mind but is not in the cards. i want to make it work here. we love being part of our community. we've been in this community for 35 years. stuart: we are thankful you're on the program today. if you want to tell viewers what it is like trying to run a business in new york city in 2023, thanks for being here. the mayor of san francisco got into a heated debate over the city's new crackdown on drug activity. tell me more.
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lauren: the police to permit is arresting people, dealers, users who steal stuff and there is a district 5 supervisor named dean preston who said this recent police crackdown is racist. >> will you follow your own department of public health's advice and end punitive policies or will you ramp up these strategies, ignoring the advice of public health experts and causing more overdose deaths? >> another white man talking about black and brown people as if you are the savior of those people and you speak with them. >> everything in some liberal cities like san francisco is about do no harm, race, she called him out on that. when you go to these open-air drug market in san francisco, not just black people and brown people but everybody.
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who cares the color of their skin. get them off the street because the tenderloin district is under siege. a local reporter, you have people on the street saying this is worse than ukraine and afghanistan. where we live is out of control and under siege by drug dealers and drug users and they make about race. stuart: i used to live in san francisco. it was always a different area. the whole of downtown -- it is beyond. thanks. recent polling shows president will candidate robert f kennedy junior with 20% of democrat support. steve hilton will explain why kennedy is getting so much support. house conservatives are pushing republicans to abandon the debt deal, they want more spending cuts. what could be headed for the chopping block? count me in as a skeptic, chad is next.
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stuart: on the markets, all green now, dow up 100, nasdaq up 16, s&p is up as well. lauren is looking at the movers including micron. lauren: we have a loser today. they committed to china despite beijing's ban on some of the chips they sell to chinese companies. they committed even though china says they are a security risk. micron is putting the price tag on it. half of -- china headquartered customer revenue at risk of being impacted, they are losing a lot more money. stuart: domino's pizza. lauren: research shows a sharp drop in the items they need and food commodity prices plus labor is getting easier. on a friday, you have 4. 6% again. stuart: interesting those trends towards higher costs are reversed towards lower costs.
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lauren: will they cut menu prices? i don't think so. stuart: e vehicles. lauren: they were up 7% moments ago because they were expanding their self driving capability to beijing and other expressways in the area and self driving capabilities in more cities this year. stuart: it spiked and came back down again. thanks. some house conservatives want to abandon the recently broken debt package. chad partrom on capitol hill. what do they want to cut? >> that is unclear. it will come out through the appropriations process. conservatives hope to abandon the debt ceiling package brokered by kevin mccarthy and president biden. they want congress to spend less than what the deal detailed. >> any spending agreement that is arrived at by the end of the
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year has to be consistent with the resolution of the default prices. what was it all for? >> reporter: it is unclear if even some republicans can accept lower spending levels, wanting the house the passage of the spending bills individually, not together in a massive take it or leave it on the bus. that could be pie-in-the-sky. >> the chance of the appropriation bills, the number is almost 0. cr-1 is a disaster. we are in a dangerous time. >> reporter: failure to approve all the bills, the house and senate aligned by october 1st is a monster task. >> we are headed toward trouble and that is clear. fair-minded, rational person would look at the legislation we just passed and say the
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total amount of spending in the next budget is set. we call that the top line. it is clearly not set in the house. >> republik is want to use the spending process to cut money from the doj in retaliation for the prosecution of donald trump. because he appeared to next that idea. >> reporter: i lived in america for 50 years and cannot remember a single occasion where there were significant cuts in spending. period. can you? >> they did get spending down in the late 90s between president clinton and newt gingrich. the trajectory is different at this point. the debt ceiling dealing 2011 did cut spending. stuart: thanks very much indeed. peter morici is an economist. let's suppose we spend a big as biden wants. what happens to the debt and
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what happens to inflation? >> if we just spend within the agreements the deficit will have gone from $984 billion a year before the pandemic, one. $5 trillion in 2,024. at that level we will be in a situation the debt is so large we will be borrowing not just to meet our expenses but the interest. that in turn will grow. each year we will be borrowing more just to pay interest. that's the kind of thing in places like greece or italy when they had their crisis. we print the world's money, that would mean we print money to do it and we have lots of inflation. we would have a replay of what happened last year. stuart: a replay of what happened last year. we will keep spending, inside our debt crisis but don't know when it hits or how it hits. is that basically it? >> the debt crisis can happen two ways, you can donate people stop loaning you money. we sell a lot of these bonds.
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if that happens the federal reserve can buy the bonds and print money so we have a republican. it is going to look a little like brazil, 50% inflation. especially when you have so many great things going on in the real economy. stuart: another story going on. that's a lot of money. can this revive the global economy? is this positive? >> it will create demand but long-term china needs another growth formula. you can only export so much stuff to the united states, put sony american workers out of their jobs. only so much of an export market. the property market, borrowing to build houses and so forth, there limits to that. china has to find a more
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balanced way to grow. already looked like they were doing that, 1930s model. think of how much money china is pouring into its military, 20% youth unemployment rate, very good way to deal with that, a way to deal with that is by putting them in uniform. my feeling is china is headed for some very bad things. stuart: if they are in such shape, don't we have leveraged? >> don't think we do. the fact the dollar is the world's currency means they can spend. the issue with the short-term and long-term, we are living in the short-term, short-term they spend more money, import more stuff. longer-term china is in a dynamic the doesn't make sense. i think kissinger is right. i maintained we are headed for some sort of conflict with
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taiwan because basically authoritarian regimes, when they can't make these numbers add up or apply all their people, one way of avoiding social unrest is violate the frontier of the ukraine. for the chinese it is taiwan, and the south china sea is where it blows up. i wish i could give you better news but when you raise the issue of an authoritarian government that is in a box you start to come up with bad solutions. stuart: tell it the way you see it. >> these are not good people. stuart: tell it the way you see it. republicans think too many people are getting food stamps, they want to narrow down eligibility. i don't think they will get any change and if they did, how much money will they get back? >> the answer is $7 billion a
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year, 5 million americans are not qualified for food stamps but they are getting them because they qualify or get a brochure mailed to them from some other welfare type of program. they are negative -- are medically move in, broad categorical legibility, trump tried to stop this and covid hit. the republican bill is called no welfare for the wealthy act. not saying these people are wealthy but they don't qualify and republicans are looking to close that. stuart: demagogue it to death. mercedes partnering with microsoft, they will test drive chat gpt in their new car models. the new toyota previous comes with solar panel roof that can charge the car's battery. he car guy gary gas to low test drives it and it drives like a sport car. the previous is next. ♪
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stuart: still lantus is one of the largest carmakers, electric vehiclemakers. tell me more. >> the continent of europe got hundred 25,000, this car will debut in october against one hundred 90 miles per charge, 57 minutes to fully charge. this is the response to china bringing it smaller and cheaper evs to europe. it's not fully made in europe. stuart: under $30,000, 25,000s. the previous prime, an optional
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solar panel roof that would help charge the battery. car guy gary gastellour, it's not boring little books. >> the increase is a dorky design. no sense of style, now it is not the best seller, the hybrid, they decided to make this a good looking good car people might want to purchase on its own merits. it is sharp looking. when you see it on the street, 220 for the plug in hybrid, tight handling, premium feel but it does have this solar panel roof option. it costs $610 on the top model and if you leave it out in the sun all day generate three to six miles worth of electricity. it shows how inefficient solar panel still is. over the past couple years you could pay for yourself with
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this solar power option. the cargo, 44 miles, gets 50 miles a gallon in hybrid mode. nice to drive inside. the best pre-as ever, that is for sure. see if we can get people back into this, starts 33 for the prime. you can take advantage of the federal tax credit which gets down to the same as the regular price. we went give me that in dollar terms. how much does it cost? >> 28, 30 grand. stuart: that seems cheap to me. >> it is not bad. of gas is cheap you are driving for free. why not? stuart: i am not sure i would like to pay $600 for an option that may or may not get 3 to 5 miles of electricity. >> to live in a sunny place in seattle.
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lauren: might buy you some street credit in california to have that on your car. climate warrior. stuart: everybody was driving previouses, 30% of a market. >> they were huge, moving towards the hybrid suvs for the previous. stuart: you think this new previous. okay. are they real competitors to tesla? >> it's a different thing. toyota has gotten a lot of criticism, they are into the hybrids. 40 miles a day, it costs a lot less and uses less battery, more of these with the same amount of rare earth materials, that their argument. they have 20 hybrids available in the united states. that has been their game and
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they own this market. whether it will do that, we will see. they are doing well, stock is up, talking about that. stuart: you like it, thanks very much. mercedes and microsoft teaming up to test chat gpt in new car models. is this a breakthrough? lauren: the best time to go to montana, have a natural conversation with the ai system. why do that? seriously. right now if you drive a certain mercedes you can say can you adjust the temperature, ask it to do basic things, pull up a contest in your phone but a i will make this smarter. what is the point? when you speak to a robot do you get what you need from the robot or does it end with you sliming down the phone, pressing 0 million times are just hanging up?
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imagine people driving talking to ai banging the steering wheel because not getting the answers they want? stuart: that was the most unfavorable revo new development i ever heard in my life. lauren: if you want to put chat gpt in my car fine, i don't think i would use it. i can call you on the phone. stuart: thank you very much. prince harry and meghan markel have not been invited to the big celebration in london. not invited apparently. my question, is this the final break? ♪ college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with low low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi get your money right.
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stuart: is there parallel between boris johnson in britain and donald trump in the united states? boris johnson has been forced out of parliament, no longer prime minister and is in disgrace because he broke parliamentary rules, donald trump says he's the victim of political persecution. niall gardner is the expert on all things british and has a great accent. boris has lost his party, trump
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still runs his. not much of a parallel, is it? >> thanks for having me on the show. what has happened to boris johnson is a travesty and as boris argued earlier this week, the parliamentary privilege is quite absurd and very indicative witchhunt against boris. it's a bad day for british democracy. he was democratically elected in a landslide victory in 2019 and ousted as prime minister, ousted from parliament as well. scandalous i think. stuart: the enemies boris johnson obviously made in his own conservative party is not matched by the republican party in the united states which still is led by donald trump.
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>> i think very different situation in the united states. i think that is a big difference, with boris johnson, many mps in the conservative party did not vote for brexit, many are not on board with brexit and boris was the architect of brexit. he delivered as prime minister. within the conservative party a large number of mps not loyal to boris johnson. in the united states, in the republican party, there's a greater sense of unity and less ideological divide. a big ideological divide in the conservative party, boris represented that in the conservative party, in the party -- stuart: i'm still a factority big time.
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because you've got a british accent we have to talk about the royals. prince harry and meghan markel not being invited to the ceremony in london. is this the final break in the family? >> i do think the king's decision not to invite them was right, the relentless attacks harry and meghan made on the royal family. this is a demonstration of the growing isolation of harry and meghan from the royals, they've become incredibly unpopular figures in the united kingdom in the course of the last couple of years and within the royal family i think there's a great deal of unhappiness with their behavior. prince william is not even on
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speaking terms with harry at all. the king is increasingly upset over the actions of harry and meghan. he has a huge heart in many respect but the way harry has attacked camilla is unforgivable in the eyes of the king. this sends a clear message from king charles that he means business with regard to harry and meghan. stuart: thanks for joining us. steve helton anna massive fentanyl bust, miranda devine on the bribery scandal. and andy pudner. they glued their hands to a painting, protesters think they are saving the world. to me it is a childless, juvenile tantrum. that is my opinion and it is
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10:59 am
11:00 am
♪ stuart: a little rolling stones good morning, everyone, and welcome to "varney" & company. it i


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