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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 19, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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take charge of your health care. call unitedhealthcare for your free decision guide and learn more about lowering your out-of-pocket medicare costs and seeing any doctor who accepts medicare patients. oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. ♪. stuart: that is the rolling stones, can't you hear me, looking at the empire state building on a nice sunny day in new york city. good morning everyone, it is 10:00 eastern. the markets are closed. it is juneteenth. the futures are active, mostly on the downside. i'm looking at 100 point loss
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for the dow. 28 down for the nasdaq. this is not active trading. the markets in america are not open today. the 10-year treasury yield, i have that for you. it is moving up 3.76%. the price of oil, not doing that much, actually traded world commodity, $71 per barrel. bitcoin is in the same narrow range, 26,527. that is the markets. now this. we're told that no one is look forward to the 2024 presidential election. if it is biden versus trump it's slugfest we've seen before. a awful lot of people who don't want to see it again. there is so much interest what you might call the second-tier election that would be, between ron desantis and gavin newsom, florida versus california. i know that newsom has yet to declare but is there any doubt he is running? we have an interesting situation
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today. the president is headed to northern california. governor newsom will be there, the dynamics of that meeting will be interesting. desantis, he will be there as well. i find a florida-california matchup fascinating, booming dynamic florida. people flocking into the state. no state income tax, a budget surplus, school choice, good heavens, what do you want? compare that to high tax, ohio poverty, homeless plagued deeply in debt california where hundreds of thousands are just trying to get out. that is a contest with very different visions for america. a desantis-newsom election will be forward-looking. it would point the way towards america of the future, a generational change in our political leadership. as the president's age and trump's legal standing turn people off, the top tier election being turned off watch the second-tier. desantis-newsom, florida-california, my opinion, capitalism versus socialism. that is the election we need.
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the second hour of "varney" is just getting started. ♪. stuart: the markets are closed but we've got important number. it is called homebuilder sentiment. ashley is with us. what is the number, ash? >> good morning, stu, the number is 55. this marks the sixth straight month by the way that builder confidence has increased. it is the first time that sentiment levels surpassed the midpoint of 50 since july of 2022. there has been a problem of lack of housing, and of course, rising interest rates, but you know what? the sentiment among the house builders, improving which is a good sign. stuart: ashley, so happens we have the ceo of the national homebuilders association. >> there you go. stuart: he magically appears. jim tobin on the right-hand side
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of your screen. welcome back. the sixth straight gain in what you might call homebuilder sentiment. are you on the way back? >> i would say so, stuart. i think there is cautious optimism the housing market is on its way back like ashley said. six straight months of increases after 12 straight months of 2022 of a downward trend. i think we're cautiously optimistic we're on our way back. stuart: why can't you build more homes? we're constantly told all over the country we have a housing shortage. why can't you homebuilders build some more? >> the demand is certainly out there for newly constructed housing. it is nimbys. local governments claim they want housing they claim they want economic development but when the cities is made to start putting homes in lots that's where you run into trouble. that's what policymakers need to do. if they care about the upward trajectory of the housing market
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and up ward trajectory of the national economy we need to find a way to put more homes on the ground so people can move into homes and communities they want to live. stuart: can you give me estimation, how much nimbyism, not in my backyard adds to building a new home? i'm told in california, nimbyism costs you two or three years in delay, is that accurate? >> that is accurate. california is one of the longer terms, that is for both single and multifamily, even this every community, you find community groups once they got theirs they don't want anybody else to have theirs. it can add months in cases like california, years. as you know, stuart, time is money. for developers, homebuilders, faster we get homes built the faster -- stuart: it is not going to change, jim, is it? it is not going to change. >> it will not change unless lawmakers take housing
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seriously. stuart: i built a log home in california, one page sheet. sign your name, where you want to built it, get on with it, i miss those days. >> let's go back to the future. stuart: jim tobin, thanks for being here. good news on homebuilders. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: morgan stanley says artificial intelligence could have a huge impact on the supply chain. i can see that. tell me more, ashley. >> yeah they say a.i. could basically totally remove all human touch points in the supply chain. that includes back office tasks as well. sidewalk rowboats, customer service robots are on the way. even generative a.i. that can predict disruptions, or explain why sales forecasts may have been missed. don't blame me. blame the robot. jpmorgan says expects several hundred autonomous trucks to begin operations in the u.s. in
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2024 and it will reduce the cost per mile by 25 to 30%. they say it could even eliminate the need for drivers entirely. cost effective, yes. good news for the drivers? no. stu. stuart: i will believe it when i see it, ash. i'm a little skeptical about this. >> okay fair enough. stuart: we'll be back to you shortly, ash, that is a promise. i want to talk china. you see the graphic? china menace. sitting next to me is michael mccaul, the chair of the house foreign affairs committee, an important guy. welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. stuart: secretary of state blinken just wrapped up a two-day meeting with beijing. met with xi xinping. i get the impression we're being pushed around. what say you? >> to make concessions before you actually meet with someone or make concessions to have a meeting is not the right way to negotiate. you want to negotiate with leverage, not weakness. that's what they have done. they have stopped export
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controls of huawei. they stopped all the sanctions own human rights violations in china. just to get a meeting. that's not the right way to do this. i don't think ronald reagan would have done this with the soviets. so they're giving away things just to be able to meet in person. that's a display of weakness, not strength. so and you see the outcome, i don't see any out comes from this meeting other than we'll have another meeting maybe in washington. stuart: you're from texas. >> yes, sir. stuart: you have got, we've all got fentanyl problem. now biden, blinken i should say, blinken asked for help in curbing fentanyl. i believe he went to china to ask for their help. is that the way to go? >> well, we need leverage over them and you know the one thing prior administration did they threatened with all sorts of tariffs and things like that to stop fentanyl from coming into mexico, come up into the united states.
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killing 100,000 young people in the united states. so you know fentanyl to the spy balloon a lot of these concessions took place after the spy balloon was able to record our nuclear sites in the united states, transmit it back home. they're reading about this surveillance station in cuba that can actually pick up signal intelligence in the united states. a space station in argentina. there are all sorts of issues right now including the fentanyl. again i haven't seen the outcomes. look you have to have open dialogue. you always need a hotline in case of emergency but you leverage at it again, negotiate out of strength, not to weakness. that is my issue here. stuart: i want to talk to but the border. you're from texas. after the ending of title 42 we were expecting a surge. the surge has not happened. it is 4,000 a day. that is still a lot of people but the surge has got happened. what does that tell you? >> they're using this app, if
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you sign up for the app, you're not counted in those numbers. so it's bit deceptive to say the numbers have gone down. they're also setting up humanitarian parole, more chain migration. i think you will see more migration coming up. fact it is still not secure. his own border patrol chief said that. we lost operational control. stuart: we handed over control to the cartels. cartels organizing small groups, presented to the frontier at the border, they're in, then they take them to cities. this is soup-to-nuts, this is cartels doing this. don't we know who runs the cartels? >> we do. they're smart. remain in mexico was abolished, rescinded on day one they knew that. political asylum is important here. if they know they can bet into the united states to make that claim, once they do, they appear and they disappear because we don't have detention space. we need to return to the policy that worked because when they were in mexico, if they were denied they had to go back home.
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we have five million people. what in the world we do with five million people, we have no idea who they are, living in the shadows and it is a criminal enterprise. stuart: they will work. like it or not. >> this administration will not. stuart: they will not. sir, it was a great pleasure having you on. michael mccaul. >> thank you,. stuart: thank you very much indeed. flight delays, pilot shortages, issues on tarmac, told you about many issues plaguing airports, congress is struggling passing a bill to stop the issues. that report coming up. ukraine says they are making gains in the countyter offensive. they claim to have captured eight villages from the russians. kt mcfarland on the latest from ukraine. we told you about antony blinken's trip to china. was there any progress. rich edson brings us the latest on the high-stakes talks after
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we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far.
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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch.
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♪. stuart: secretary of state antony blinken just wrapped up a two-day trip to beijing. he melt with china's xi xinping. rich edson at the white house. any progress on any issues, rich? >> reporter: i think progress here, stuart, that they spoke. that is what they were looking to. there is a long list of complaints between two countries this is beginning of a restart of the dialogue they have here. 35 minute discussion between secretary of state antony blinken and chinese president xi xinping just couple hours ago. blinken met with other senior
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chinese officials. they're trying to reverse several years of dramatically deteriorating relations. blinken canceled a trip to china earlier this year after the administration discover ad chinese spy balloon was floating over the united states. blinken now says he expects additional visits by senior u.s. officials to china over the coming weeks. >> i stress that direct engagement and sustained communication at senior levels is the best way to responsibly manage our differences and insure that competition does not veer into conflict. i heard the same from my chinese counterparts. >> reporter: state department says blinken raised concerns about china wrongfully detaining americans, its human rights abuses in shinzhen, tibet, honk hong kong, threats against hong kong, spy base in cuba and unfair economic practices. plink ken says they should work together to disrupt chemicals fueling the fentanyl crisis in the united states.
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republicans say this conversation is another decades long series of endless, fruitless talks with chinese official. >> we need them to take off the golden blindfolds to accurately assess the risk of continuing to do business with a genocidal regime that coprovoke a war any second. >> reporter: china's top diplomat said united states should cooperate with china and stop pushing what they call the china threat theory. stuart: rich edson, thanks so much. who is here right now? kt mcfarland. we need a foreign policy expert. i still think we're being pushed around by china. what say you? >> oh, yeah. it was pretty clear the chinese cared a whole lot more meeting major american manufacturing companies, tech companies, bankers in the weeks prior to the blinken visit than they did about tony blinken. blinken, you said okay, 30 minute meeting. half of that meeting is taken up in translation. so it was a 15 minute meeting. it is a lot of little
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microaggressions chinese do. they will not let bling ken until very last minute they meet with the chinese president. when he meets with the chinese president he is kept in the waiting room for a while. he has basically what amounts to a photo-op. they don't care. the chinese are signaling what they're concerned with is their economy, investment in china, manufacturing in china by american manufacturing companies and they figure, well you know what? the elon musks of the world and the jamie dimons of the world they will take care of the biden administration. we'll not worry about that so much. even when they made their statement, what did they say? america, you don't really understand china. you're making a lot of mistakes about china. when you come around we can have a better relationship. stuart: if we were to adopt a hard-line on china to, just suppose we did what would that hard-line look like? what would we do? >> you know, here is the thing i used to think, especially during covid we needed to completely decouple from china, we needed to divest, we needed to protect
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our national security. i think it is unrealistic. when you look into the details of it could cost too much, take too long. i do think what we can do we manufacture essential things in the united states, pharmaceuticals for example, component participate of our electric grid. component parts of our military. we need to put our investment in in tech, high-tech stuff. we're really good inventing whole new areas of manufacturing, business, technology, but then we invent it. then the chinese make it. we need to bring that back to the united states. that is where i would like to see our big investment to go. make the stuff here, invent the stuff here, then keep the stuff here. >> can you give us an up date on the spring offensive now the summer offensive going on in ukraine? we hear ukrainians made very modest gains. we also hear from secretary bling ken who says that china is playing a constructive role for peace in ukraine. what do you say to that?
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>> oh, good grief. you know the longer this war goes on the more china wins, because we're depleting our own national security interests, readiness to supply ukraine. ukraine has cost what, about a billion dollars of u.s. investment? putin understands he may nod win this war in the way he thought he would like take over ukraine but he can have a war of attrition for a really long time. he has a bandwidth where he has a far more destructive war. he could have genocide. he could target hospitals, maternity wards, nursery schools. he has a way to go none of us would ever contemplate being human. putin can go there. when putin understands the longer this war goes on, the more the west, gee, ukraine, you're not making the kind of progress we thought. you're doing a good job but you're not changing the dynamics of this war. nabe we'll spend our money elsewhere. that is what putin is counting on, chinese counting on dragging out. stuart: ukrainians need to break
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through, next few weeks a real break through to push the russians back, that is what they really, really need? >> then they're not going to get it. the tragedy is they won't. the tragedy if we would just manufacture energy in the united states, we could bankrupt russia, they wouldn't be able to fight the war, we end the war on our terms, we win the peace. they won't do it. stuart: i agree entirely. kt, always right. thanks so much for joining us. i hope we see you again real soon. >> thank you, stu. stuart: you got it. ukraine turned unlikely allies in fight with russia, sean penn, ben stiller, u2 band members visited the country since the conflict began. ashley, who else are they trying to bring? >> the latest strategy get celebrities from latin america to visit ukraines as western stars you pointed out since the star of russian invasion last year. the latest push to win over countries like brazil and india that actually retain friendly
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ties with russia, not just their governments are being 25r targeted it is theirs celebrityas well. stars in particular have a lot of followers on social media, are considered influencers. ukraine says it is critical to take the cause, make sure the world doesn't forget their plight, using big name personalities has been effective keeping the war with russia in the headlines. case in point is a colombian singer called maluma, who has 63 million followers on instagram. ukraine says that is huge potential audience for kyiv's message. they hope to secure his support. it is actually pretty smart way of going in this modern era of social media. stu? stuart: thanks, ash. ncaa panel wants marijuana to be taken off the list of banned substances. that's the list for college athletes extake it off the list. does that mean athletes will be allowed to smoke pot? we're on it.
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the governor of texas signed a bill that says college athletes are banned competing in sports aligned with their gender identities. meaning just because undeify as a woman, doesn't mean you can compete in women's sports. former nfl player ben watson weighs in on that one. he is next. ♪ good luck. td ameritrade, this is anna. hi anna, this position is all over the place, help!
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as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org stuart: drivers of hyundai electric suv the car is shutting down, like out of nowhere. ashley, what is going on? ashley: that's not good, is it? the company reported complaint about rising safety concerns one of hyundai popular electric suvs. owners of the ionic 5 suv reported partially, completely losing propose sieve power after hearing a loud popping noise. hyundai will offer a software update beginning next month. seems a little late to my.
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replace defective components if necessary. a preliminary investigation has been opened by a division within the national highway traffic safety administration indicating there is a recharging issues. you know, no charging, you're going nowhere. that is not good. stuart: you got that right. thanks, ash. >> yeah. stuart: congress looking to approve an faa bill to curve the chaos we've seen at airports. chad pergram is with us this morning. what exactly do they want to do. >> reporter: stuart, good morning. that fill is struggling to make it down the congressional jet way. they are fighting over how to fix delays and repair computer glitch. >> southwest could have updated their system around didn't and a critical event happened. now we want to make sure like a critical event happened with the from tam system doesn't happen. how do we keep the economy moving forward. >> reporter: part of the federal
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aviation administration reauthorization bill due early fall. senators krysten sinema and tammy duckworth sparred in committee over training requirements for pilots. the industry is attempting to keep veteran pilots and recruit new pilots. the dispute centers how many hours pilots should have before they climb into the cockpit. >> but the reality is, as you noted because of air traffic control issues, because of pilot shortage issues, we're seeing fewer flights. in fact the demand is continuing to increase. so what that often means fewer choices. means higher prices for consumers. >> reporter: airline travel is returning to pre-pandemic levels. republicans contend the biden administration is focused on other issues besides safe flying. >> this administration's desire to signal its virtue seems to know no limits. its even infected faa. instead of focusing on safety, the faa and d.o.t. were working
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hard to change notams name from notice to airmen, to notice to air missions. i would suggest instead the focus should have been on making sure the damn thing worked. >> reporter: the faa also lacks an administrator. president biden's nominee withdrew from consideration in march and the president still has not tapped a new nominee. stuart, thanks. stuart: so much. governor of texas greg abbott signed the save women's sports act. that they are banned from come beating in sports not aligned with their gender eye deputies just because you identify as a woman doesn't mean you can compete in women's sports. got that. clean cut. former nfl tied end ben watson joins me now. how do you feel about this, ben, just because you identify as a woman you can't play in women's sports?
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>> it is what happened in women's swimming over last couple years, we're having a larger conversation. by human dignity aspect every athlete should compete. that is what it is about. but you can't lay aside biological differences there, they also have ramifications when it comes to competitive advantage this is texas. this is governor abbott trying to make a hard-line in the sand. i think a bigger question here, how do we, how do we protect women, how do we allow those who consider themselves to be transgender to compete? does it come to a situation where we have different leagues? i don't know. in order to protect women, to have competitive advantage we have to do this. unfortunately we're having this conversation. stuart: okay. i want to move on to a new book. it is yours book. it is called the new fight for life. i read some of it. you want, well i read part ofs of it, in your press release, i read that. you want to create a culture where abortion is unthinkable, unnecessary. that is important. you want to create a culture
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where abortion is unthinkable and unnecessary. we have limited amount of time here, ben, how do you do that? >> well 76% of abortions women according human coalition were prefer a parent if circumstances were different. those circumstances come down to housing education, relationship with fathers. in a mote role america i believe pro-lifers want to make abortion unthinkable. we want to change the culture. we want to address driving factors that make women feel like abortion is the only option n new fight for life i propose several options. i cast a vision what a pro-life movement looks like in a post roe america. to pursue justice, turn off driving factors so many women feel make them look at abortion as a necessary and lucrative option. stuart: are you prepared to say no abortions, period? don't do it? >> my goal is to protect the human person. i believe that every person is created in image of god.
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i believe no matter your stage of development, your location, ethnicity, second quarter yo economic background all human, have value. i stand firmly protect the value of human person no inside and outside the womb. stuart: i'm pressing. no abortions? >> my goal no abortions unthinkable, unnecessary in all circumstances. i believe a pro-life movement but it will take us getting outside of our ideology, getting outside of many of our political bents, and doing some things on individual, institutional, church level might be outside of the way we have done things before. that is what i propose in the book. look forward to people reading it, giving me some feedback on it. stuart: ben watson, good stuff, thanks for being with us today we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. stuart: an ncaa panel calls for marijuana to be removed from the banned substance list for college athletes. so, ashley, college athletes will be able to smoke marijuana
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this season? ashley: well, as long as the thc level is relatively low for now but even that could change. more and more states are allowing medical or recreational marijuana use and now an ncaa panel is calling for the removal of marijuana from the organization's list of banned drugs. now the committee also increased the thc threshold needed for a positive test and recommended revamp penalties for athletes but legislation to actually remove pot from the banned list would still have to be introduced and approved by all three ncaa divisions to take effect. last december the committee noted that marijuana and its by-products are not considered performance-enhancing substances. it may mellow you out but may not be good for the 400-meter race. stu. stuart: so well-said. thanks, ash. i'm moving on. ashley: yeah. stuart: now this, the 2024 presidential candidate francis
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suarez aims to be the first sitting mayor elected to the oval office. i want to know if he is in the race to win, i'm sure he will say yes he is or he is a disruptor. i'm sure he will say yes, i am. miami's mayor francis suarez joins us later in the show. president biden will push his green agenda in california today. he plans to announce a 600 million-dollar climate investment while tapping donors for campaign cash. grady trimble has the full story of the north carolina trip after this. ♪
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stuart: president biden's own his way to california as of right now. he is pushing his green agenda and he is going to collect some campaign cash as well. film grady trimble. california governor newsom will be right next to him that will be interesting, grady. >> reporter: he is, stu. rumors are swirling that newsom could challenge president biden for the democratic nomination for president. today president biden is expected to announce $600 million in new climate investments. as you mentioned he is going to northern california to raise some money, meeting with tech and climate donors there. last time around in 2020 environmental and green energy groups were good to president biden, helping to propel him to the white house, contributing millions of dollars to get him elected. those millions are a small fraction of the total amount
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biden raised but he is rewarded those environmentalists with $370 billion in subsid did is for green energy project es. president biden is also pushing ambitious green goals with new proposals to regulate emissions on gas stoves, vehicles, and power plants. and yet some farther to the left of president biden like one of his primary opponents, they say he is not doing enough on the climate. >> the president has given more oil drilling permits even than trump did. the president is doing kind of what a lot of the corporatists do now, they will say the right things. so it's like some really good, healthy investment in the inflation reduction act in green energy over here, then over there you're giving so much permission to oil drilling. >> reporter: president biden's trip to california comes days after he secured a joint endorsement from four of the biggest environmental groups in
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the country who also, stu, happen to be big spenders on democratic candidates. stuart: funny you should say that. grady, thanks very much indeed. take a look at this i like the wording here, has california lurches towards socialism new golden state legislation could upend u.s. capitalism. now that is a frightening headline. it was written by steve forbes who happens to be with me right now. what new legislation pushes california down the socialist road? >> there are two pieces. last year they passed a bill effectively taking over independent restauranteurs in california. they put in 10-member panel to dictate wages, working conditions, mandate benefits unless they join a particular union. stuart: wait. it is a government panel saying you got to do this, this, and this? >> yes. so the restaurateurs got together said weir putting this on the ballot. the authorities in california outraged. why should voters have a say in something like this? now pushing a law through the
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legislature, franchisers, if you have a mcdonald's franchise you own it, even though you have the mcdonald's brand. now they want to ban that in california, in fact up end it you in effect are corporate employee of mcdonald's which they can reach into the deep pockets of mcdonalds, do this, that, the other thing. this sets a model for the rest of the nation if california gets away with it, washington will fast take over auto industry, other industries. they don't have to take you over formally as socialist ones thought. modern socialists do it through regulation which makes your life dependent on government bureaucrats. stuart: that is very true. that is the first piece of legislation. you have a second one? >> first was the 10 member. when it looked like it would go on the ballot, unions retaliated, they're pushing legislation through the legislature which says in effect you will be part of a corporation like mcdonald's. if you have a mcdonald's franchise, independent business person, no longer you will be
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treated if you worked for mcdonald's. they're stripping away for independent businesses, going for deep pockets of corporations like mcdonald's and, they're getting away swift. it is outrageous. stuart: bullet train, 100 billion-dollar bullet train still will not be built. that is the way it is. >> build the railroad under the pacific ocean. stuart: let's not forget that one. can't forget it. another one here, i have a survey, new survey, reliable survey, it shows about 2/3 of adults 65 and older have money in stocks. they're stickering with stocks. i, i'm a baby boomer, i think you probably are too, pretty close anyway. we like stocks. we're into stocks. i think that's a good thing? >> it is a good thing. when is it recognized despite all the dumb things governments are doing today. this country will recover. thankfully overall we're living longer. so having a fixed income instrument will not get us through our 80s, 90s, even
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100. good you need stocks. stuart: youngsters need the joys of compounding interest. >> i said one of the great miracles, compounding interest. stuart: put the money in 401(k) or ira in 20s, early 30s, hold on to it for 30, 40 years you will do it very well. >> far better than social security. stuart: that is very true. steve, you're a breath of fresh air. >> thank you. stuart: see you soon. we've got new data and it spells bad news for the homeless crisis. ashley webster has got the numbers. how bad is it, ash? ashley: not great. according to half a million people experienced homelessness on a single night across the country last year but that number does not accurately reflect the size of the problem because not all the data is being collected. "the wall street journal" says the final u.s. estimate will depend heavily on new york city and los angeles county which have by far the highest homeless numbers last year. they have not yet reported the
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new numbers but most major urban areas reporting data so far have seen increases including chicago, miami, boston, phoenix. largest increase comes from san diego county which counted more than 10,000 homeless people. that is a 22% increase from last year. so what is at play here? authorities blame growing pressure from high housing costs, the end of temporary pandemic era protections such as eviction moratoriums. stu. stuart: ain't going away anytime soon. that is the way it is. all right, ash, back to you later. why is "bar rescue" guy jon taffer suggesting that small businesses ask for government help? that is really not like jon taffer. jon taffer is next and he will explain himself. ♪.
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stuart: bud light has lost its top selling beer title. this is for u.s. sales. ashley, which beer is now number one? ashley: mexican beer, modello
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special, recently dethroned bud light as the top selling beer brand in the u.s. it is interesting, in the four weeks ending june third bud light sales were down 24% year-over-year because of dylan mulvaney controversy. miller lite rose by 21.4%, all over the same period but mow dell low took the number one spot. analysts say one reason the rapid growing of hispanic drinking age population in the u.s. another is the marketing of modello of a premium product which pushed sales past corona which for the longest time was the more popular beer but not anymore. modello is sold as a premium beer. apparently it is working. stuart: yes it is working, number one. thank you, ash. "bar rescue" host, jon taffer joins me now. jon, i got to tell you, i'm really surprised to hear, first of all, i'm surprised actually
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that this bud light boycott has lasted so long. are you? >> actually no, stuart. beer brands and peoples connection to their beer is an identifier of your personality, a personal thing, almost emotional. people connect with these brands very heavily. in their view the brand slapped them in the face. it is almost like a spouse disappointing you in some way. it is emotional. stores have reduced shelf space for the brand, stuart. distributors have reduced warehouse space. they reduced order numbers. this is not disappearing anytime soon. all of the distribution mechanisms around bud light have all been reduced to adjust to current levels. it's forever. stuart: do you want to do a bud light rescue? do you have anything in mind that would rescue bud light? >> i think they need to go back to being a great american brand
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and i think they need to stand for american values which is what they did all these years, stuart. budweiser at the end of prohibition, those clydesdales took the first keg to the white house. i think they need to go back to those kind of roots. stuart: as i was starting out the interview saying i was surprised. i am surprised at you, actually, you're suggesting that small businesses go ask the government for help. that is not like you, jon. what kind of help do you think they should ask for? >> well, actually, stuart, if you remember four years ago before the last presidential election i interviewed then president trump, i pushed him very heavily on committing to the employee retention tax credit. at the time pandemic was still going on, businesses were in trouble. stuart, the restaurant industry is still in issues. out of home food costs have gone up.6% in april alone. restaurant traffic has gone down 3.5%. now, my cpa told me my businesses didn't qualify for
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the employee retention tax credit. then i hired a professional company who came back and told me that i did. restaurant are closing. they're being pressured due to all sorts of core structures. here's a program that was put in place during the pandemic to support us when we were wounded during the pandemic and some of us are still licking those wounds. here is a great program. whether you go to, mo matter where you go look into this program as a restaurant operator because the dollars are readily available. we've paid into the system. this goes back to the trump era decisions to support us during the crisis. don't let your restaurant suffer when these kind of resources are available. stuart: now there's a rescue plan. very good. jon, thanks always for joining us. we always appreciate it. we hope you have a good day. >> good to see you, stuart. stuart: yes, sir. still on the program today, mayor of miami francis suarez is trying to be the first esitting mayor to everybody elected
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president. pete hegseth, joins us. he blames antimilitary rhetoric. tomi lahren rejecting a gender neutral replacement for father's day. there is this too, we tangled ourselves in politics, we can't tell right from wrong. progressive policies pushed by radical d.a.s, ruining our cities, the cities that the da's are supposed to protect. that is "my take" next. ♪. ♪
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>> hollywood that's putting movies in theaters and that 90% of the revenue is coming from a handful of films. so you have politics dictating creativity. two. >> being with corrupted, selling influence to foreign dictatorships, it's astounding. i mean, everything that was false about the russia hoax turns out to be true about biden conspiracy. >> we have lived through an era
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