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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 12, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> bullish here in the near term. this inflation number will give us enough juice to have more upside here in the month of
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july, but we have to wait and see what the fed's going to do. >> you have to guy boo this on some level, maybe not all today but you better start taking some of that 5% cash that you really thought was terrific and reallocating it. >> i think we have a lot of inflation in front of us. i'm glad about the progress we've made but in the core, i see a lot of problems. >> vigor is not a word associated with joe biden. >> all the other nato leaders were able to show up but the president of the united states, unable to do it. that's not a good sign. if you think he is running out of gas right now as most of us i think do, do you really believe he's up for another four years? >> he's the great ewe nighter and going to -- uniter and going to bring the country together. it's all bologna and malarkey. that's what it is. stuart: 11:00 eastern time and it's wednesday, july 126789 we better get to the market because
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i'm seeing green, a lot. dow industrials up close to 300 and nasdaq up 172 and s&p up. 8:44 eastern time and benign inflation news and consumer prices up only 3% in the past 12 months. the market likes that. as for big tech, most of them are higher this morning, in fact they're higher across the board. meta, microsoft, alphabet, apple, amazon all up significantly, and the 10-year treasury yield, there's good news l. the yield is coming down sharply so. look at that. 3.87% on 10-year treasury, way down. all right, folks, now this. you hear it all the time, does this story have legs? in other words is there still interest in a news item? is it important? is it worth a headline? the story of the president's temper definitely has legs. since it broke a few days ago, the story now includes his mental ability, his energy level, his family relationships,
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and the contrast between his nice guy public image and his obscene private ranks. axios reporting the president is known for harsh and personal criticism of his staff and showing biden threatening to fire anyone that abused their staff. then came maureen doud in the new york times for harshly criticizing him for not recognizing his own granddaughter and the president skipped out of the nato dinner and staffers excused him on the grounds of a busy schedule. he was relaxing on the beach on sunday. if you're an 80-year-old president looking for another six years in office, you do not want this, but maybe that's exactly what democrats do want. they know a large majority of voters do not want biden to run. his approval levels are in the tank, and his vice president is neither competent nor popular. they want him out of the race, and this steady drum beat of
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intense personal criticism maybe part of the process. i know i'm out on a limb on this, but i don't believe joe biden will be the democrat candidate next year. how about that? third hour of varney starts right now. martha mccal lum visits us this -- maccallum visits us this morning. >> good morning. stuart: i think there could be an lbj moment for joe biden but it takes a real catalyst for that to happen. i'm not sure that the things you mentioned, all though they're of interest and they characterize where he is right now and his approval numbers are very low, i'm not sure we have that catalyst moment yet. but the one thing that is in reserve, i think, for him. it actually exists for both the former president and the current
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president because they don't want a new candidate and if either of them takes that option and if either thinks that moment has passed and in the presidential seat for joe biden is we already know, it's highly unlikely he'll pick mike pence because they had a major falling out over january 6 but his pick will be significant of something young and fresh and here's where we are now and here's where the future .s stuart: that's the way out? >> potentially. stuart: potentially. i think they have to do it at some point. listen to this, host mika and blaming biden staff for all his gaffes. roll tape. >> he's 80. you need to be there for him and you need to make a pathway and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn't fall on a sandbag. i blame the staff for that.
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do a better job because you can't have these video images of the president tripping or the president, like, going the wrong way. he can handle the presidency, you have to handle his schedule and where he goes. stuart: what do you do if the guy strips up? >> do they want someone to walk next to him all the time and district him and that's what we're seeing world leaders go and districting him. we're going this way. we're going this way. the body man can't be attached at the hip every second. if these things happen and just was at the naval academy and saying everybody trips every once in a while. it's almost weekly that there's some event and i don't know any staff member that can prevent that from happening at this point. stuart: the story has legs. >> absolutely. stuart: i thought when axios came out with this, that it'd be a flash in the pan and over quickly. a little gossip about the president in private. then maureen doud comes in and he skips the big dinner and goes
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from one thing to another as if some kind of momentum is building and the democrats want this, they want this momentum because i really don't think they want him to run. >> no, there's a big hunger for someone else. i problem is they don't know who that someone else is. stuart: they don't know how to get him out. >> that's the problem. and look at inflation numbers and look at sort of, you know, as much as there's criticism over this, the soft bed dallas cowboysing of not -- soft peddling of not joining nato, that'll resinate with voters that are feeling unsure about where all that is headed. he has points that will make people say, he beat him last time, stick with the plan. if there's a vice presidential, he talked about being a bridge to the future in the last election, if they can create that in people's minds, there's a backup plan and we're a team, that's a viable alternative if they can't get him out. stuart: original thinking from martha maccallum, you're welcome on the show.
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>> good to see you, stuart. you too, guys. stuart: we'll be watching martha on the story, 3:00 p.m. eastern only on fox. check that market, love to get back to that, please. dow industrials up, let's see, 275. that's 0.8%. look at nasdaq powering ahead, 165, that's one and a quarter percent. mark tepper joining me for the entire hour this wednesday morning. that's a rally. >> that's a great rally. stuart: 15% gains so far this year. why does so many money managers hate this rally? >> isn't that weird. market's up like 17% this year yet i've heard from several top money managers over the course of probably the last six weeks or so that it's actually the toughest market they've ever had to manage money in. it doesn't make sense. you'd expect them to say that in a year that the market is down 20%. the stock market play book isn't working this year and three things are contributing to that. number one is the big seven
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stocks accounted for 87% of performance this year. if you're underweight those seven companies and it's pointing towards recession and not a lot of money managers going in on risk with the yield curve inverted and we're in an environment where earnings growth is negative year over year and interest rates are higher than a year ago and it's very unlikely that during those periods of time, you see multiples expand, but that's exactly what's happening right now. stuart: tepper, you're chucking cold water on a wonderful rally there. >> that's a beautiful thing right there. stuart: it's a fine thing. >> good day to be a money manager. stuart: today i'm going out and buying. >> you can't fight the market. no matter how bearish you may be, you can't fight what it's doing. if the market is going up, you have to play along. you have to be in it. stuart: maybe i'm an adverse
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indicator. if i say i'm buying today, everybody else is selling and stock prices go down. who knows these things. mark, stay there, please. more for you later. lauren's back looking at movers. start with the cybersecuritys. lauren: z scaler down 4%. palo alto down 4%. all down. microsoft is upping its cybersecurity offerings, particularly for small and medium sized businesses so they're encrouching even more on their -- incrouching even more on their turf. >> microsoft problems, you know. stuart: mississippi up about $8. lauren: mississippi it up, yes -- microsoft up $239 a share, $6.39. stuart: next case is redfin. lauren: down 3% to cut at da davidson and made progress at achieving sustainable profitability and all that baked
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into the share price. redfin is down. stuart: carvana, please. lauren: i was shocked and pulling this stock up, up 650% this year. remember when it was like $3 a share. stuart: i do. >> i thought they were going bankrupt. lauren: now j and p is pouring cold water on that theory saying the stock could ride to $50 and doubling of their price target. they see carvana returning to growth and don't see the need to raise capital. >> should have bought that at $3. lauren: i had to double check that like five times. >> i know. stuart: sitting here every day detailing bargains and stock prices all around, you often get people saying you've got to buy that, it's only $3 a share, and i never co. i sit back and old hon -- do. i sit back and hold onto microsoft. >> not many of us got that at $3 a share. lauren: it was scary. stuart: a ceo being called heartless for replacing 90% of
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staff with ai chat bots. he says productivity is up and cost are way down. is that heartless or good business? we'll discuss. disney pouring billions into california theme parks moving forward on a huge project on the west coast weeks of cutting a major investment in florida. gee, i wonder why. president biden met face-to-face with ukraine president zelensky, jackie heinrich has the highlights of the meeting right after this. ♪
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stuart: biden and zelensky met earlier today in lithuania. jackie heinrich is there. all right, jackie, was it a tense meeting? she's having difficulty hearing me. okay, jackie, was it a tense meeting? reporter: sorry, sir, just got audio back. president biden and zelensky's meeting is ongoing and has been for a little while now. it fol followed this gathering 7 countries where they pledged a security package to ukraine. zelensky's outrage after that seemed to be a little bit subtle. he called someone with success with great unity with leaders and security package and president biden acknowledged the tensions after ukraine was denied invitation to nato at this time. >> i hope we finally have put to bed the notion about whether or not ukraine is welcome in nato and it's going to happen and
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we're moving in the right direction. reporter: biden continued by saying i think it's just a matter of getting by the next few months but what that means, what the conditions for membership are, we don't fully know. biden's national security adviser jake sullivan said this morning the ongoing war is not blocking ukraine's invitation, and we obviously retain flexibility, he said. but yesterday biden's other secretary of defense acknowledged concerns within the alliance about triggering article 5 and drawing nato into direct conflict with russia and finland's foreign minister told fox the same. >> bringing on a new ally in ongoing hot war would mean bringing the alliance directly into that conflict, which is something the alliance tried to avoid. >> based on the washington treaty, you cannot accept a member who is actively engaged in a war. reporter: biden and zelensky were very respectful of each other in this meeting and zelensky thanked the american
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people for spending their money saying they're not just spending it on fighting, they're spending it on saving lives and he thanked president biden for sending cluster munitions to ukraine saying biden made a difficult political decision but one that will help his country, especially as russia has been using cluster bombs on ukraine. >> i didn't hear from all the nato parts of the world when russia began to use it, i didn't hear that some of the countries criticized russia. reporter: when biden speaks here, he's going to focus on the successes of nato holding together at such a critical time and also the need to collectively strengthen nato's defenses, stuart. stuart: jackie, that was a value lent effort to report and -- valiant effort to speak and report over a great band. reporter: it was a military band. stuart: president biden made a big commitment to ukraine.
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roll that tape. >> today the members of g7 are launch ago joint declaration of -- launching a joint declaration of support for ukraine and making it clear the support will last long into the future. stuart: congressman mike walz joinings now, and he's a member of the house armed services committee. congressman, the president says welcome to nato but you join later and gives him $3.6 billion of weapons. what do you say? >> the administration made the right call and not the right time for ukraine to come into nato. number one would directly put us in the war and number two, i'm not for expanding nato any further until the current nato members, stu, pay up. right now we're sitting at 9 out of 32 nato members are living up to their decades-old commitment for 2% of gdp, and i'm sick and tired of the american taxpayers
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subsidizing european defense. we pay for their defense, they pay for their goody social programs. it's unfair, and it's wrong. i think that's the right call at least for now. stuart: president trump demanded that they pay up and things they don't like. >> they actually started to. stuart: that was a real success for the president in my opinion. what about cluster bombs. do you support that? >> look, as long as russia is using them with a 30% dud rate, we're talking about 1%. i don't have as much of an issue of it. actually in the trump administration, the irony is that trump kept them and all of the obama people that are now the biden people were beating him up for it, and now they've totally switched their tune. total hypocrisy in dc. at the end of the day what i think president trump is getting at is what is this war -- how does this end? we cannot completely exhaust our ammunitions stocks. one of the ways it could end,
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stu, is let's drive down the price of oil and gas and release american energy reserves and starve putin of his ability to fund the war rather than working against ourselves, which is what this administration is doing. stuart: you want to avoid involvement in the end of a long, long, costly war. that's your position? >> that's my position and the position of myself is to alieu ukrainians to stop russia before russia hits a nato country. stuart: change the subject for a second, nominee for joint chief of staff chair general charles brown, was pressed on transgenderrism in the military. listen to this please, roll it. >> a young woman in the south dakota national guard experienced a situation at basic training where she was sleeping in open bays and showering with biological males that had not had gender reassignment surgery. how do you propose to handle situations like this, which i truly believe maybe impacting
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recruitment and moral by placing a disproportionate emphasis on gender-related ideology? >> senator, one of the things i've thought about throughout my career, as you're being inclusive you don't want to make other individuals uncomfortable. stuart: okay, congressman. that was an interesting and diplomatic answer and sound of kind of measured, not totally woke, what say you? >> by the way, he was chief and currently is chief of the air force and putting policies in place and not just an 18-year-old girl that doesn't want to shower next to a man, but it's also parents and their influencers that don't want their daughters joining a military where not only are they uncomfortable and put in these situations, they really don't have an avenue through their chain of command to say whoa, wait a minute. this doesn't make sense. this headlong push towards
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inclusivity for transgenderrism is making a lot of the rest of the military uncomfortable number one and two, i can't get any data from the military on how many people like this are there. how many, you know, how many people are trying to join the navy that are transgender and get uncomfortable so much so we have to have a transgender digital ambassador what what's the cost and affects on recruiting? we can't get data from the pent gone and i wish the -- pentagon and i wish the media will keep asking. stuart: i will keep asking and that's a promise. thank you, congressman. see you soon. >> thanks. stuart: texas senator ted cruz just introduced a bill that would ban military programs in schools owned by china. interesting. ashley, explain it all to me, please. ashley: well, yes, and the clue is the title of the bill, which is called the deterring egregious state infiltration of state training act. it's a mouthful.
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senator cruz wants to stop the pentagon from running junior rotc programs at chinese-owned private schools cutting off a potential source of chinese influence. by the way, didn't know this, but chinese investors have been buying american private schools in recent years as demand rises in china for children to receive a u.s. education. by the way, donald trump's alma mater, new york military academy, was sold to chinese investors in 2015. cruz says the chinese communist party wants to control everything americans see, hear, and ultimately think. stu. stuart: got it, ash. thanks very much. now this. republicans waging war on woke investing. they say wokism hurts your retirement savings. we're on it. florida calling on mark zuckerberg to stop child traffickers and the state says apps like instagram and facebook are being used to exploit children online. attorney general of florida, ashley moody, wants zuckerberg
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to testify. ashley moody is next. ♪ detect this: living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup
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stuart: it's always a good idea to play some beach boys when you're looking at the beach on fire island off the coast of new york. looks very attractive, doesn't it? 87 degrees and kind of sunny. not bad. check the markets, please. still in the green for you. dow is up 237 and nasdaq up 164 points. that's a rally because we've got a moderate inflation this morning. just 3% of the consumer level over the past year. mark tepper with me, and he's brought with him stock picks. these are the stocks he thinks you ought to get into now. start with fact set research. >> yeah, fact set is really hasn't done anything this year. it's probably somewhere around flat. stuart: but you like it? >> it is a mission critical company for financial -- financial companies, investment firms to own to get their research so they can figure out which stocks to invest in. pretty much all recurring revenue and like a 95% retention rate and we added to this
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position a few weeks ago. i think it looks like an attractive buy here. stuart: dominoes and papa johns. you like the pizza business? >> well, i'm hungry, it's 11:30 and getting close to lunchtime. dominoes struck a deal with uber eats and order pizza from dominoes on uber eats or postmates app and looking for chipotle and open the app and decide to get pizza instead. it's free revenue for dominoes. stuart: they were looking for an extra $1 billion due to tie in with uber. >> that's realistic. stuart: that's a lot of money. >> in the past you had to go to their app so make it is a little easier. stuart: lucid in the news, you like them? >> i do not. i like rivian. looking at lucid, look, their production came up short and deliveries cape up short, and stu, this shines a light on some of the struggles and challenges that these younger ev companies
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face. we say that with rivian where they were missing, mizing, missing then all of a sudden the second quarter looked really good for them. you know, i think there's certainly challenges for lucid, but i think investors understand overall that these companies, they will likely amount to something. it's just going to take awhile for them to ramp 7:. stuart: hard to pick winners in an emerging market. >> tesla and rivian doing well and everyone else is struggling. stuart: that's right. thanks, mark. florida is the nation's new hot spot for inpolice station. prices -- inflation. prices up 9% in the past year in south florida. ashley, you better come into this and tell us all why are prices so high in florida. ashley: well, unfortunately it's all down to florida's popularity. it's a victim of its own success. so many people have moved to the sunshine state, it's been pushing up inflation. economists say influx of inures denteds pushing up fries --
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pushing up prices of new homes and florida wases fastest growing state since 1957 and not just miami that's become an inflation hot spot. according to zillow, north port, sarasota, and naples are among the most unaffordable cities in the country. bear that in mind, stuart varney. sniff sniff. stuart: that's this sniff sniff, man? come on, come on. ashley: it's rather posh down in naples. stuart: remember the upper class twitter contest of monty python flying circus. ashley: yes, classic. stuart: i didn't answer. see you later, ash. ashley: you're welcome. stuart: still in florida, the state says -- serious subject, come on. the state says more than half of their human trafficking cases involve meta-owned platforms like facebook and instagram. florida's attorney general is
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ashley moody and she's with me now. your honor, you ask zuckerberg to testify on this. what was his response? >> well, we haven't heard just yet, but i expect that you'll see many states that are concerned with human trafficking and that is becoming -- as we become more aware of it throughout our nation, i think you'll see a lot more leaders asking these technology companies, especially those where we're seeing it come up again and again in human trafficking cases, to tell us what they are doing to ensure that their platforms are safe. i'm the attorney general, but i also sit as the chair of statewide council on human trafficking, and i'm a mom. when we see studies that show that meta makes up the bulk of platforms involved with human trafficking cases, that's extraordinarily concerning. a lot of states will want answers. stuart: you can directly tie zuckerberg's flat forms -- plat for the purposes to human trafficking? there's a direct relationship between the two and you maintain
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zuckerberg has not done enough to stop it. is that your position? >> well, i think they make up the -- they are the majority of those that we're seeing, not just in florida's survey. in our work with law enforcement here but in a federal survey last year, facebook was the leading platform where folks were seeking out victims of human trafficking. you know, just as we would expect a business as they're growing and developing new products, as they're trying to be ce i think knewtive and smat and at the same time they have a responsibility if they're a leading platform for seeing cases involving human trafficking, there's a responsibility to be just as determined and creative and aggressive when it comes to protecting their consumers. so it is a given that we would want to hear from meta's ceo, and i hope they take us up on our offer and come here to florida and tell us what they're doing to protect our most
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vulnerable. stuart: i'm just going to read the statement is that we received. we asked for it from meta. the claims in the press release inaccurately depict our efforts to remove this kind of illegal activity and work with law enforcement so that the criminals behind it can be arrested and prosecuted. that's their response. your honor, i've got more for you if i may. disney preparing to do massive renovations at california theme parks just as it cuts spending at florida's disney world. purely political you think? >> look, like any company, disney's going to have to evaluate the demand for its product and make business decisions accordingly. there's indication that attendance is down at its parks, whether that's due to price increases or elimination of certain amenities, parent preferences, their decisions on how to position themselves in the market. whatever that reason is, they're going to have to make some
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pretty tough decisions but, you know, results matter just as in florida we look at how our decisions will affect our state. we're doing our job. we were the number one state for tourism last year. we're bringing the folks in. they want to come to a safe state, a law and order state. they want to come to a vibrant and thriving successful state. disney has to make those decisions for its bottom line. stuart: got it. ashley moody, attorney general in the great state of florida. thank you for being with us, ma'am. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: republicans are demanding answers after the pentagon makes a $6 billion accounting e error. they way overvalued equipment that the u.s. sent to ukraine. senator mike brawn is one of the people working to figure this out and he's on the show shortly. more than half of all small business retailers are the victim of shoplifting this year. many of those hits are organized by organized crime rings. the business owners say things only seem to be getting worse.
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stuart: house republicans are fighting the administration's woke investing program. they say this esg requirements hurt investor interests. hillary vaughn has the story from capitol hill. what is the republican plan, hillary? >> stuart they're trying to weed out esg from the sec and from public markets. the house financial services committee chairman patrick mchenry today saying they are trying to stop the sec from going forward with the requirement that would have companies make detailed climate
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disclosures, including emissions data and climate risk management and want to stop third parties from using woke activism to influence public marks and limiting people's retirement investments to what is considered climate friendly. >> rather than focus on sound financial regulation, the sec turned his attention toward nonmaterial, environmental, social, and political issues. every day investor who is rely on financial returns for their retirement savings bear the brunt of the consequences. >> democrats on the committee are not distancing themselves from esg or acknowledging that people should have the right to opt out of their retirement being restricted to climate friendly investments. instead the top democrat on the committee maxine waters saying this gop effort against esg is an attack on minorities and the lgbtq community.
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>> this house-wide effort is meant to divide americans by ripping american's freedoms rights and opportunities away from women, mcellroys of -- members of color and the lgbtq. it's integral to their agenda to gut diversity and inclusion across the board. >> stuart, it's tricky because congress did pass a rule that would overturn a labor department rule that would require or allow retirement accounts to use esg in its investing. president biden vetoed that and it's unclear whatever the house passes and senate passes that the president would ultimately sign it into law. stuart. stuart: can we just control our own money, invest where we please, and try to make a profit for our retirement? is there something wrong with that? hillary, my head is ex-ploiding but thank you very much for a fine report and see you again later. thank as lot. crime making it hard for small
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businesses short term orientation survive by the last year. 56% of small businesses say, yeah, they've been the victims of shoplifting. 50% say the problem is only going to get worse. joining me now it the former small business association administrator linda mcman. great to have you back on the show. it's been too long. welcome back. it's good to see you. >> thank you. thank you very much, stuart. good to be back. stuart: crime is really hurting small business. big businesses can take care of it because they have the resources but small businesses don't, do they? >> you know, they really don't. when you think about small bidses and i think what this applies to mostly are the retail stores on the street fronts and they depend on foot traffic coming in the stores to buy their products so if there's crime on the streets or crime inside the stores, people aren't going to come. and those shope owners have -- shop owners have inventory they can't sell and it's not safe and
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impacts the communities, and that just destroys our economy when these small businesses are forced to close. stuart: it seems to me not just to be a policing problem and a crime problem, but a moral problem. it seems like what some of these folks are doing in these stores, they don't regard it as stealing and don't think there's anything wrong with stealing and in california, walk away where $950 worth of stuff and that's not stealing. it's a moral problem. >> isn't that just crazy. i mean, we're just drifting into a lawless culture. i think it's frightening and we've got to bring it back. we've defunded police departments, we have police now who are retiring, and they are having difficulty in rehiring new police department to fill the jobs -- policeman to fill the jobs. it's a moral culture. my little girl once picked up a candy bar out of a store when she was about 3 years old and noticed when we got home and i went back and paid for the candy bar and the shopkeeper said to
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me, he said, you know, i saw that but i wasn't going to say anything and i said, i'm just so sorry. i think that's not patting me on the back. it is just saying what we are teaching our children and what we are looking at today i really do think is a moral problem. but when you have people that can come in and steal and there's no consequence to what they're doing, why not? stuart: how long will it take for that to change though? >> i don't know but we've got to start. it's not changing yet. it's getting worse and worse and i think that's why you see more businesses closing. as you said, big businesses can absorb it but look at wal-marts closing and targets that are closing or relocating to other places because it does impact their bottom line as well. stuart: makes for a huge boom for online shopping. amazon, it's an invitation for amazon, isn't it really? >> yes, it is. stuart: linda, sorry we don't have the time and next time weal
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extend because you're good value. thank you. ceo being criticized for replacing 9 o 0*% of -- 90% of customer support staff with ai chat bot. he said this drastically improved productivity and drastically decreased cost in india. his decision to replace human workers are being called hartless. tepper is with me. if productivity goes up, lower costs, and he gets rid of some staff, is that good business or heartless? >> that's fantastic business. looking at what's happening, president biden likes to run around and talk about his incredibly low unemployment rate but what he fails to mention is the fact that people are getting paid more today to do less. productivity is down. artificial intelligence obviously is going to be something that it's going to increase efficiency and profits for companies, but it's going to destroy jobs in the process. now, you would expect that that eventually amounts to new jobs
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in different places; right? and that's just the cycle. whether it's the industrial revolution or artificial intelligence, that's the way the world works. stuart: or dot com is extraordinary industry. thank you, mark. this is where you look at the dow 30 with a sense of the market and a lot of buying you can tell from the screen. dow is up 200, up 0.85% and majority of dow 30 are up. consumer prices up 3% in the last 12 months. inflation is slowing down. question, does that take an issue away from republicans in the ere election next year? good question. we'll try for animals af after - an answer after this. ♪
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stuart: the pentagon made a $6 billion accounting error in the value of the weapons we sent to ukraine.
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do you think we wasted a lot of money and ukraine? >> only in a place like this could you have a $6 billion mistake and try to blow it off. several months ago they were asked to do an audit of 3. $5 trillion. this is the military. could only locate 39% of what they own. we've got waste in our government that crosses into domestic, military. surfaces in the fact that we are borrowing $2 trillion a year or so. so much needs to be fixed. they missed that as being nothing. billions now our chump change. stuart: you don't want to commit big resources to ukraine. don't want us to be part of a long drawn out forever war. that your position? >> been that way from the get go. i believe the ukrainians occupy
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the moral ground but the eu, their backyard and economy almost the size of ours, they have been sloughing off, not doing their fair share, trump was right from way back, pay at least your 2%, they have been asking us to do it and we borrowed the money, do this, we can't keep doing it. >> a political comment on inflation, 3% gain over the past 12 months, politically that seems to me to be good news for the democrats, takes an issue away from the republicans. you are smiling. what say you? >> there's always the other side of the story. on that one particular reading although core inflation was higher than that and sooner or later is that has to happen. at the cost of raising interest rates 5%. look at what bidenomics is
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about. i would like to call it in bush term, voodoo economics. when you do a fiscal dump like we've done, ronnie manual never let a crisis go to waste. they have taken us into a level, highest percentage of gdp ever, governments ban in peace time. borrowing it from kids and grandkids who knows what the work ethic is? it's a strong job market, people i talked to will back off on that. stuart: a hard break in a few seconds. senator mike braun, thanks for being with us. see you again soon. more varney after this. s. tourist taking photos that are analyzed by ai. so researchers can help life underwater flourish. ♪ the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch,
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12:00 pm
stuart: here we go. how many children to captain von trapp have in the movie the sound of music? i will start. my answer is 8. don't laugh. ashley: me too. 8 is the first number that came to mind. stuart: the answer is seven. coast to coast starts now. >> barbie, can i come to your house tonight? >> sure. stop by. ♪ >> best day ever. >> it is the best


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