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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 31, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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things to talk about. >> we're in a global war with china right now that president xi and the people there in beaching running the -- beijing don't care about the economy and they're playing into the hands and never switch horses in the midful the race you're winning. >> we're looking at one of the biggest single digits hit in the history, david. that's not going away and continues to be a great investment. david: in honor of steve forbes, we have the steve miller band. this is wonderful. 11:00 a.m. on the east coast of monday, july 3 s 31st. last day of the month. i've david asmussen in for stuart varney that . is a week when over 100
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companies are reporting financials and we have big es and amazon and apple reporting and the investors are sitting on what they have and not moving on what they don't know and they'll know by the end of the week and big times are coming. show me the big tech board if you can because nasdaq is kind of mixed there. meta and microsoft are down, sorry, stuart. amazon and am l are up and alphabet is up a bit as well. check the 10-year treasury, i believe that's, yeah, it's, wow, look at that. absolute flat at 3 place to play 951%. it just went -- 3.951%. just went down a tick. ron desantis releasing economic plan called declaration of economic independence in just a few minutes and the campaign will heavily be focused on decoupling from china and tackling inflation. steve forbes is with me now. steve, what would be the effect of a complete decoupling from china? >> to be blunt about t david, it
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would be a depression for us and for china. we're very heavily dependent, especially in high-tech. the focus should be don't say decoupling, focus on what are the high-tech areas that help the chinese military just as we did with the soviet union during the cold war. that way we don't understand necessarily do harm to our economy. targeting th things and getting things back in terms of china and we got some as tough as trump was, i think some free traders like yourself were critical of that. but at the same time even trump was able to get something back from a wholesale decoupling. >> they gaucheuated where chai -- negotiated with the decoupling and china lived up to a change in office and fact of
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matter is i wish desantis would focus on positive growing the u.s. economy the way he did in florida, the way ronald reagan did 40 years ago having a big tax cut plan, having deregulation and he took a shot a few weeks ago against the fed. flush that out. people know something is wrong with our dollar. david: steve forbes, we once had a great show together called forbes on fox. it was a wonderful show, februaries. go back in the archives and look at it. you taught me a key lesson, all the states in the united states as we are republic are kind of like individual petri did i diss what one state is wrong would do right in another state and vice versa. florida has been doing things right over the past few years and that's why they're economy is booming. california, new york, illinois doing so many things wrong. that's why their economies are going down. >> he showed real courage during covid when he did not go in for the blanket lockdowns that did
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so much harm. their death rate in florida was as good as better than any other state. he can boast about that saying that gives me credibility and here's my big flat tax plan and deregulation plan. david: vice president harris seeps to contradict them. roll tape. >> most americans are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy. david: steve, i mean, she's absolutely going against the big bidenomics message. people out there aren't going to buy it with the mixed messaging, are they? >> using $400 and more government spending and more proclaiming bidenomics that's not succeeded and a year ago,
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joe biden was a deficit reducing president and up 50, 75% this year. they can't get the messages straight and it's probably the only thing keeps biden in offices. david: 90% of economists said we're going into a recession and they'recosming out of the pandemic strong. >> economy is amazingly resilient and leave it alone instead of piling on the new regulations, now we can't even have pizza in new york anymore. crazy stuff like that is going to hurt the economy. we're in economic equivalent and more and more walking behind and the rise in credit card debt and the like and companies and straight and a lot of other
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problems but what they did in the regulatory fuel side hurt them as well. david: i don't know if we can put oil up but trade over $81 a barrel now. this coming right after the biden administration continued a new bunch of regulations against the fossil fuel industries and through regulation you claim that the administration could socialize the nation. >> modern socialists know you don't have to seize assets to control them. you do it through regulation. and they're doing it -- that's how they're getting rid of gasoline cars. gulf of mexico and can't drill in the good enough of mexico anymore and don't ban things like gas stoves and make 969% of
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them -- 69% of them illegal. david: you have a lot of different tax messages from the republican crew that wants to be in the white house, which one do you think will win? >> which -- david: which tax message? people want to change the tax rules. stuart: been advocating this since before you were born, david. go for not broke but making america a vibrant nation by having a single rate system. get rid of the horrific tax code, i used to say bury it but that epa wouldn't allow that probably because it's toxic and put in a single rate exception for children. a family of four for example would pay no federal income tax in the first $53,000 of salary. the government would get more revenue because you have a more vibrant economy and that's the way to go. is the positives ty way and reagan way and be bold.
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don't tinker. i hope desantis is doing that right now. it's not too late, governor. david: i hope all of the republican candidates are listening to steve forbes' message. great to see you. stuart: good to be with you, david. david: jason katz joining me now. are earning finally in the driver's seat? >> absolutely. inflation in the fed's reaction function have been all consuming. finally earnings are tabooing the front seat and resiliency of corporate america nothing short of impressive. over half the s&p has reported and nearly 80% have beaten expectations and this is inspite of contending with higher inflation, higher cost of capital and all this good earnings is real enforcing our view, and i know you've been discussing this with steve forbes in the prior segment. economic risks are receding so at the end of the day and at the risk of oversimplifying things,
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stocks follow earnings and it's not a surprise the market is grinding a bit higher. all this talk of recession, it's been rolling recessions. now we're having rolling recoveries. david: it's the resilience of the american economy coming out and i do worry with all of the new regulations planned by this administration and some of them will get through, it might still slow down the economy, probably could grow even stronger than it is now, no? >> i totally agree. between the regulations and feds talking a big game and more talking the talk than waking it. when you're -- walking it. when you're running a marathon, the last mile is the hardest and same holds through when it cops to taming inflation. the threat of keeping rates alive is what powell is going to talk but not walk. he'll have a prolonged hawkish hold but that said and that last hike was one and done.
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i think -- david: the last one we see for awhile? >> >> i think last one end of story. that's a bit for technical and the actual rate might bees are behind us. david: good stuff, jason. perfect to have you after steve on that one. lauren, come on back in and watching the movers and start with southwest airlines. lauren: the stock is up 2%. even though bernstein downgraded to market perform saying they lost confidence in their earnings potential that carriers margin recovery lower than bernstein expected. stock market is up bucking the commentary. david: we talked about roku which i don't have. you do have roku? lauren: we do in the house and i charted this and the company reported earnings on thursday. stock's up 32+% between then and right now. david: still going up after last week. look at that. lauren: the market sen couraged by the double digit revenue
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growth and not that big in over a year and add spending is coming back. we have a handful of brokeraging for price targets this morning and the high doesn't come close to where roku trading at 95 and change and the stock is going up. david: palantir. lauren: dan ives called it the messy of ai and big data company and up 8.5%. no news just the ai potential of giving this stock further life. david: close to 20% gain in two days? lauren: correct. david: unbelievable. lauren, thank you very much. san francisco is launching an investigation into twitter. or what was called twitter. neighbors complained about the new x logo shining on top of the headquarters at night. we'll explain that. it does look like a club. as if you weren't already paying enough democrats just introduced a new extreme wealth tax and meant to combat aristocracy. we have that story .x despite
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the blistering heat up to 5,000 people are crossing the border into texas every day. the scorching weather causing major safety issues for both the migrants and agents that have to save them. casey stege l has that report coming next. ♪ this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure.
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it will release your fat and it will release you. david: southern border crossing early intervention program creased up to 5,000 people a day and deadly heat putting migrant lives at risk as well as border agents assigned to protect them. casey stegall in dallas with more on this.
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casey, why are migrants trekking out on this journey in a heat wave? reporter: well, david, it just really shows the december prays of some -- desperation of some to leave their home countries and try to make their way to the u.s. whether there's a perception at the border here is wide open and they can get in, that really is up in the air. it has been hot here and temperatures at texas and mexico border continued to soar well past the triple digits yet again this week as this historic heat wave continues, and troopers with texas dps tell us their personnel have been responding to a growing number of migrants in distress. people overcome by the extreme heat and elements. and according to u.s. customer tops and border protection, tha- customs and border protection, they've carried out 100,000 service connected and have rescue for the fiscal year and that's a 22% increase for the
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year in all of 2022. in yuma, arizona, agents called for 151 calls for help since july 1 rescuing more than 1100 cross herbs despite campaigns reinforcing how dangerous these trips can be. >> to get people aware of what they're facing once they actually do cross and for them to not make that journey, to not risk their lives, not put their family members in any kind of danger. if you want an interview, go to port of entry. it reporter: sunland park, new mexico, is near el paso and another busy spot for crossings and the fire department tells fox they've responded to a big jump in heat-related emergencies like dehydration, stroke, and exhaustion after migrants can easily become lost and disoriented in the desert. first responders also say as you were saying, david, it is a
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double edged sword because the first responders put their own lives at risk to save the lives of these migrants. david: it's a horrible situation. casey, thank you very much. this is a headline from the new york post saying biden to city: drop dead. this came after the administration rejected the city's call to send more money to help with the migrant crisis. instead, new york's going to get a liaison, whatever the heck that means. new york republican executive vice chairman john burnett is with us. i know what it means but in fact, it's not what the city is asking for and they need money and can't handle it on their own, can they? >> no, we saw that with martha's vineyard and leads me to wonder how does texas, arizona and other southern border states deal with it so long? the problem is exposed now through the sanctuary city and through and by new york, and they can't hand it will fiscally, they can't handle it
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in terms of hopelessness. people are laying out in the street. you think sanitary conditions. david: by the way, i think that's roosevelt hotel next to grand central station, which is where a lot of people commute into. when you go through there, you notice this of the of marijuana smell. there's a lot of people smoking dope there. sitting there all day smoking dope. not to put any discredit on the migrants for coming and risking their lives, but something has to be done because it's not an eyesore but a dangerous setup there. >> we're seeing the symptoms of a problem that is not being addressed at the border. we have to address our concerns here in new york and other places situated around the country, but we have to fix the southern border. money will take care of certain issues that we're having right here, right now in new york city, but it'll only get worse if we don't fix the problem that president trump fixed.
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david: which, by the way, the democrat payor eric adams -- mayor eric adams is saying and calling out problems at the southern border and you asked a question about how texas was able to hand and will part of the reason is texas has a good economy and there's a deficit and it's going further as people vote with their feet and leave because of the high taxes and how to deal with it and extreme wealth tax in order to combat what they call air stock seizure disorders and -- administer stock seizure disorders and it's already -- adminis air stock --? >> democrat haves to ups that those people with money, they're mobile.
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money can move. david: that's right. >> working class individuals don't have the wherewithal and the other elements, economic elements to be able to just relocate at a drop of a dime. so they can -- the wealthy can also move overseas. david: yes. >> so they're only creating a situation that's going to further impact the working class, the very same people that they claim to help. david: when the rich people move, they move their taxes with them. that's all that tax revenue that could be going to solving some of the problems like the migrant problem and our much more difficult when the rich people leave. stuart: david, we still have inflation. working class people dealing with high inflation for the last three years that had a compounding effect and all though it came down, it's still high. the thing is that why are you going to tax wealth, create less jobs, less economy. david: and less revenue for the city. this is the city known as rags
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to riches central and from the build l age till now, they want to wipe it out and maybe everybody equal. it's called socialism and that did you want work, period. david: john, you're a great mayor. why didn't you run for mayor? you'd be great at it. thanks for being here. check on the markets and they've been teetering on normal. that's not much movement. any way or the other and the dow up 36 points and s&p up 4 and the nasdaq is doing better up 25. show me adobe and photo shop people got an upgrade from morgan stanley and they're confident that adobe can monetize ai. can we see adobe, what they're doing? it's up about 4%. big jumped nap adobe systems and amazon says it's going to double the number of same day delivery facilities in the next few years. as of now more than half of
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deliveries arrive same day or next day in 60 cities and amazon reports on thursday, same day we hear from apple about their financials. next case, the megamillions jackpot has now topped $1 billion. lauren, how much did the winner take home if they choose a lump sum? lauren: the cash value is $527.9 million. david: still not too bad. lauren: it's amazing. and then the 24% federal tax withholding would reduce the lump sum jackpot to $401 million. this is now the fourth largest megamillions prize to date. feeling lucky? next drawing tomorrow at 11:00 eastern. david: what the heck. lauren: the odds opportunistic winning and this is why i never play but 1 in 32.5 mill. there's a chance. very small one. i've bought one lotto ticket once because someone made me. david: i bought one and made a little money like $15 for my $1
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bet. not too bad. may do it again. for $1 billion. i may go for it. lauren, thank you very much. lamborghini could make history this year. they're doing better than ever and racing towards a new sales record. we're breaking down the numbers. and take a look at these headlines, the media quick to link the recent heat waves to climate change but how much of it really is due to global warwarming and how much is just kind of normal weather patterns? we're getting into it all right after this. ♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience.
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david: this day in history, american built. on july 31st, 1971, apollo 15 astronauts drove on the moon for the first time using nasa's lunar rover vehicle. i remember that and now you know. watch american built at l p.m. eastern on fox business prime. i love that show. san francisco is not happy with elon musk.
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what's the problem, lauren? lauren: the new x, logo huge and bright on top of twitter headquarters and elon musk never got a permit to put it up. david: whoops. lauren: no big deal, doesn't look like a big deal now during the day but wait till you see it at night. an inspector was deny access when they tried to inspect the sign and over the weekend twitter insisting it's a temporary sign for an event. david: have you ever lived in an apartment that faces a light like that? i have and it's a nuisance even pulling the shades down. lauren: that's what neighbors are complaining about saying it flashes and strobes and they can see it even when they're shades are down. i get it. david: not for overregulation and i was on the receiving end of one of those once. check the markets, lauren. more movers for us. lauren: take a look at oil companies, exon and dow stock chevron. chevron up 2.6% and upgrade at
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goldman and overall today the oil prices is higher and output is down because of saudi cut and outage in nigeria. the stock up 710%. beat the raise and they expect to be profitable at the end of the year in the fourth quarter. david: i bet ai comes into this equation. meanwhile archer aviation. lauren: electric air taxi. stock's up 29% and aim to deal with the u.s. air force worth up to $442 million. i'm trying to see how the acer force uses a vertical takeoff and landing electric taxi. we'll find out. but they're embracing cutting edge technology. david: yeah, it's very interesting. thank you, lauren. appreciate it. president biden announced new steps to help workers stay safe during extreme heat. he wants drinking water to be more accessible and wants to improve weather forecast. good luck on that one. power of the future is nonprofit
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that advocates for more u.s. energy jobs and ceo dan turner joining me now. so, dan, is the administration and the media kind of overplaying their hand on this being the direct effect of climate change? >> that heat wave has broken and now it's in the mid 80s and very normal. would you have gotten your freedoms back? the pizza ovens coming back now that the climate crisis is gone? david: they have a goal and their goal is to call for a energy emergency in this company. not an energy emergency but a climate change emergency and what it would do is destroy the energy industry; right? >> that's what's scary about the emergency powers because they're unregulated by the congress and
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there's no legislation and let's liken to covid and telling people they can't go to church on sunday. if we declare a climate emergency, what powers does that give the president? can congress stop it because a lot of people lost their jobs and millions of people lost their jobs and the climate emergency gives the president >> on the one hand the administration is pushing us towards an electrified economy. they don't want gas stoves but electric stoves. they don't want gas cars -- david: need more electricity and fewer fuels. >> reliable fossil fuels towards wind and solar and they're not only un-reliable but expensive. in new york i wrote an op ed for the new york post and con ed a
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huge increase in utility bills and americans are seeing utility prices climb because we're using more electricity and less reliable electricity production. david: now, there's good news which for the first -- we have the first new u.s. nuclear reactor in decades that went into service in georgia. are we going to see more of these the nuclear reactors? >> i hope so and this is where governors have to step up and do what's best for their constituents. i know the federal government has an awful lot of power but if you're the governor of a state like georgia or tennessee or alaska, you're constituents require reliable gas. david: japan and ukraine and here with 3-mile island and what's the next generation we're now allowing to be built in the
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united states like does it deal with all those past accidents that did cause a lot of problems? david: not a single eighth grade student passed the state math test in three years. we're on that. after # 9 years in business, the yellow trucking company is shutting down and is filing for bankruptcy. thousands of jobs on the line.
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gerri willis has that report right after that . ♪
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(announcer) change your life at that's david: a look at shreveport, louisiana, it's 89 degrees in sleeve part. playing tafanely song -- shreveport. playing that song for a moment, folks. lamborghini could be selling 10,000 cars this year for the first time. the company sold 5,341 between january and june. that's 4 pl 4.9% higher than the time last year with the united states holding the spot as its largest single market with 1,625
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deliveries, remember the cheapest lamborghini model starts at about $211,000. lauren: that's it? david: yeah, good for them. next case, a cargo ship carrying 3,500 cars including 500 electric vehicles is on fire off the coast of the netherlands. lauren, what are they planning to do with it? lauren: tow it but the winds have to be favorable for that to happen. i want to point out, this cargo ship has been on fire since jul. five dais. the worry is if you douse it with water, right, it could sink and then the pollutants on the ocean floor. now they're trying to tow it, would take approximately 14 hours. we don't know for sure the cause of the blaze, but the thinking is the batteries from the electric vehicles, the 500 that it's carrying. david: of course. lauren: so these e vs ryan vs vs goingfrom -- evs going fry to singapore and the crew members jumped off and one died
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and we're making more evs and seeing more ev fi fires and the cargo ships are not equipped to put the blazes out. it's been an up tick in fires. david: now this, yellow is one of the nation's biggest and oldest strucking companies have shut down operations and they're planning to file for bankruptcy. gerri willis joining me. gerri, yellow has been around for 99 years. >> a very long time and first started by shipping people around in yellow model ts. that's how old the company .s their trouble, you name it. expensive labor and a lot going on and a business saddled with debt despite receiving a $700 million pandemic bailout, it is of course the largest bankruptcy in the history of the trucking industry. hanging in the balance, 30,000 employees including 22,000 teamsters that have been locked in a standoff with the company after they told yellow they needed to renegotiate their multiyear contract and that was set to expire in march 2024.
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now, the impasse is just the latest in a summer of labor turmoil as hundreds of thousands of union worker haves threatened to strike or are already picketing with a company already on the brink of liquidation, some are suggesting that the union overplayed its hand. we spoke to one yellow employee, dwayne, notify that had the company plans to close its doors. dwayne is 60 and he's been driving for yellow for decades and says he will now only get a fraction of his pension, listen. >> i've never been unemployed before and i have no clue what to do. when you pass 60 like me, it's like come on, man, really? i'm about to retire in another year or two and you hit me with this here. >> it's not the first time they've faced bankruptcy and 2008 recession brought the company to its knees and yellow only survived by getting pay cuts from the union members and
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wiping out shareholders and remember, they got that huge loan from treasury. the taxpayers own 30% of this company. so it's a tragedy for american taxpayers and a tragedy for workers and of course this iconic name goes away. david: boy, that interview really touched me being slightly over 60 myself. it's sackmary scary place to be. >> that's right. david: thank you very much. ron desantis out with his economic plan. break it down for us, lauren. lauren: we're expecting it and here it is, the declaration of economic independence from china and the elites. it's ten points and see there, point no. 1 decoupling from china and helps fight for the middle class and bringing manufacturing and jobs back here to the u.s.. will he do for the u.s. should he be elected president what he did for florida? thigh speak about that -- they speak about low taxes, cheap energy, less regulation, and he wants to unleash 3% growth.
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3% gdp on a consist basis. david: lauren, thank you. dow 30 stocks to get a sense of the markets and the sense is it's pretty flat and we've got an actual split decision here. half are up and half are down as the dow is basically flat. up 0.05%. meanwhile a new poll showing voters in battleground states trust republicans more than democrats on education. that's a switch from the way it used to be. bottom line, parents want school choice and corey deangelis takes that on next. ♪
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lauren: this is a report from the akron beacon journal and claims the last time students passed state math exam was when they were in the third grade and nee about to start the eighth grade. that's a long time. the name of lebron's school is called i props. it's a public -- i promise.
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it's a public school and opened with the help of lebron james family foundation back in 2018. its mission is to help "those students already falling mind and in danger of falling through the cracks". nice mission. the foundation released a statement saying "this work requires a long-term commitment, hard work, a lot of love and care, and we're here for the ups and downs". they're welcoming in a new principal this fall. we want them to do well. it's a beautiful school. i was looking at pictures but unfortunately those math tests are dismal. not as bad in some areas. david: it's a return on investment. if you're getting a return on investment, chemothings the same and if not, change them. see what happens. lauren: discouraging for the school and the board. david: lauren, we spent an extra $189 billion on k through 12 public education during the pandemic as test scores plummeted and school crime got worse. all that spending seemed to make things worse, and president
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biden now just came out with a new plan to put another $1 billion in the same pockets to address mental health issues with our kids. come on in, carry deangeles -- corey deangelis. corey, we need school choice and not more beltway payoffs. that's what this seems to be. put another billion in the pockets of the people that didn't do much with $189 billion. >> exactly, it's a total waste of money and throwing more money at the problem like they always do over and over again. from the top down and you don't have an incentive to spend the diggsal dollars wisely, only way to change is from the bottom up allowing peoples to vote with their feet with school choice policies and spend over $18,000 per student per year in government-run schools today. why not have that funding follow the students and go to a school that's doing well, maybe a private or charter school n. two years alone, we've had nine red states, including florida and
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others, arizona, going all in on school choice allowing all families to be able to vote with their feet. in florida, this year, just reported over 350,000 scholarships have been awarded to students. that's up over 100,000 last year. the dam is breaking and teacher's union is freaking o out in red states right now. david: voters are catching on and can't dot same thing that doesn't work over and over and over again. a new poll showing that voters s in battleground states particularly trust republicans more than democrats and educations. that's a huge change in the way it's gone historically. is that, cory, because of school choice or is it because of the problems with diversity and equity and inclusion issues? >> that's a seismic shift given that democrats have been up by the double digits for decades on education. glen youngkin in virginia two years ago wasn't a blip and
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showing republicans up partially because of col school choice and empowering parents but they're picking up the ball and running on rights of parental education and including school choice and democrats are sitting back and diddling their thumbs and hoping people buy what they're selling that kids belong to the government. that's a deeply socialist idea that most people aren't on board with. david: as about money. pure money. in new york city right now, $38,000 per child per school year. that's how much we're spending in a catholic school in new york city in which the test scores are much higher, the graduation rates are much higher, the number of kids who go on, i think it's close to 100% at a catholic school go onto college right afterwards. they're mostly poor kids by the way from working class families that really have to struggling toll pay the $9,000. so they're spending just one-fourth of what public schools are but getting a much bigger payoff.
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>> we see that all across the country and average private school tuition is on average less than what we spend in government-run schools. in dc they spend over $2,000 per student and the kids using a voucher going to a private school only get about $12,000 per student. they get about a third of the third of the funding and they're getting more options and the latest evaluation finds that they're safer in the schools and report higher level was satisfaction too. david: what's going to happen? do we have enough plans working out on a state by state label because that's how this country works. it's the states and local governments that teach either the success or failure of certain policies. >> it's the red state government school monopoly that's falling nine and two years alone and more victories on the horizon and blue states are more difficult to change because the democratic party is owned by the teacher's union and going by the ballot box and creating pressure
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like with terry losing in virginia in 2021 to glen youngkin on the issue of education by six points with education volters. the more the gop leans into this, the more it becomes a form of political suicide for democrats to come out against parental rights and that's going to be what changes things. david: corey deangelis, thank you for being here. best of luck to you. appreciate it. now it's time for monday trivia question. what is the deepest lake on earth? lake superior, caspian sea, lake the answer right after this. with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2.
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12:00 pm
david: earlier we asked what is the deepest lake on earth. lauren, here are the opportunities for you to make some money. [laughter] make a million dollars. lauren: well, then the answer is number 3, lake baa call? is that how you say it? david: okay, even though you can't pronounce it, what's the real answer? >> you got it! you're a million dollars -- no, i'm sorry to say, tax man took it all. stuart is back tomorrow to straighten out this show for you. [laughter] thank you very much for joining us. we'll see you next time. "coast to coast" starts right now. neil: four hours to go before we wrap up another trading month, and what a remarkable month it has been


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