tv Varney Company FOX Business August 7, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think that costs? probably $500. $99! oh really? you could carry that in your wallet! of course you can carry it in your wallet, right? yes, yes. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile card for just $99 at or amazon. ♪ ♪. stuart: natasha button feel.
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i'm not sure i know this. lauren: a little girly for you. stuart: unwritten by natasha benefield. stuart: because the training, what does that have to do with it. get me out of this, 10:00 o'clock eastern were to go to the money the dow is up to 50, the nasdaq has turned south. the bottom right-hand corner the dow 30, there is only three losers, 27 winners, three losers what a situation of the nasdaq is down the ten year treasury yield that was close to 4% 408 as we speak up four basis points, the price of oil on the upside dragging gasoline prices up, $81 a barrel that is an elevated price, bitcoin not much actually 28981. that is the markets and now t this. i was up early sunday morning
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eager to see the u.s. women's team in a vital world cup game with sweden. , from the start was embarrassment not the quality of play the politics, frankly it made me angry. before the game the teams lined up for the national anthem, the sweden went first, all smiles, all of them singing, the americans, six did not sing and placed her hand on the heart, hardly a smile they did not look happy to represent their country, to me some of them look downright embarrassed of the plague of this star-spangled banner, the team turned in a lackluster performance, i suspect that is because the tactical and political divisions within the team, they don't all want to bring political protest in the end of a two hour supply, a penalty kick shootout, megan rapinoe came on and took the shot and missed and appeared to be laughing as she rejoined her teammates. it was megan rapinoe that
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brought protest to women soccer and using obscenity to assault donald trump. she brought division to the team and they lost and they are out. i wish this would be the end of political protest and sports i don't care what your politics are i want to see great athletes do what they do best i want to see the game not your politics and i really don't like people seeing anybody who doesn't care much for america representing our country. the second hour of "varney". we are just warming up. ♪. stuart: i need ashley webster he's back from an extended vacation. good man. stuart: you are a big soccer fan, do you agree megan rapinoe brought division to the u.s. women's team. ashley: absolutely she did. when you're selected to play for
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your country and you put on the jersey at the moment of pride and patriotism not a platform to have your own political views. i think it's so disappointing into your point every team the women's world cup, they stand proudly when they sing the national anthem and i find it an embarrassment that the team is not doing that led by a pinot it is a final song she goes out by missing the penalties and some irony of justice, we should have players who absolutely want to represent their country and not use it as an opportunity to have whatever politics, no one cares, play the game, you're there because of your skill. stuart: i'm glad we brought you into this discussion and will see you more now this. donald trump's attorney john
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laura wants a january 6 trial to be televised. watch this. >> i personally would love to see that. i am convinced that the biden administration does not want the american people to see the truth in the acted on by filing this protective order which is an effort to keep important information about this case from the press. stuart: trump's lawyer wanted televised and the democrats are pushing for televised as well there's an op-ed that claims it's an attempt to create o.j. simpson style media circus. gregg jarrett legal eagle with me now. do we put the trump trial on tv or not? >> we absolutely should. but it won't happen because historically, traditionally, the feds have frowned on cameras in the courtroom and they are wrong about that. the guaranteed right under the sixth amendment to a public trial, 250 years ago when it was ratified meant the town or community where the child takes
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place, things have changed dramatically since then we are a national community interconnected but people cannot travel from all over the united states to get one of the few seats in the courtroom in washington, d.c. televising the trial makes sense but i'm sure merrick garland, jack smith, the entire biden administration would oppose that in the same way trying to prevent donald trump in the defense through the protective order to talk about exculpatory information and issues in the case and evidence disclosed in discovery. i think john lauro is right they don't want americans to see the truth. they much prefer a biased media give their version of what happened inside the courtroom which woodside clearly with the prosecution and against trump. stuart: isn't there compromise possible like have the audio
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portion, don't have it on tv but the audio streaming to whoever wants to hear? >> about of evidence would be visual you can bet videotapes being played, seeing is believing. i don't buy into the argument the audio is good enough. i spent a decade at court tv covering televised trial in state courts. i saw no impact on jurors and witnesses and studies have been conducted that support that there is no good reason not to televised the trial. stuart: gregg jarrett thank you for being with us on short notice. we appreciate it. thank you. apparent on msnbc claims 2024 election is not about policy.
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so what do they think the most important issue. lauren: preserving democracy in the piano was headed by a former business journalist, watch this. >> this is a candidate threatening people, promising retribution, talking the way dictators and authoritarians talk. this is not policy at like to talk about inflation at all these kinds of things but that's not the moment we are at if you like lower taxes and less regulation this is not the moment to have that debate. >> this is an election about preserving democracy and bolstering democracy. >> if we cannot do that as a country and voters then were in bigger trouble than anything donald trump can do. stuart: what about bidenomics and bidenomics has nothing to do with what allie said is
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important and is important to him like lower taxes and less regulation. that is not bidenomics but they don't care about any of that is about preserving democracy. stuart: beating up trump basically. a quick check of the markets, nice gain for the dow and the nasdaq turnaround of the up 16 points, green left on the side, jeff sica with us, he likes to pick stuff out it's unusual. it's not unusual this is a great news story taylor swift change in the entertainment industry, have you become a swiftly. >> as you know i'm a rock guy and i listen to aggressive rock. i was at a metallica concert in life stadium this weekend.
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>> he went to a metallica concert? >> for two days and i cannot hear myself talk that's how great it was. it was awesome. my daughters introduced me to taylor swift and said you need a new headspace and you need to listen to this. i do love the music. it is hard to admit that but i do love her music but what i really love about taylor swift is the fact first of all she is very generous, she's always been generous from ten years ago i remember her doing things for disabled children anonymously someone close to us, she did something anomalously which blew me away and how she treats her employees, the mega tour that will generate over a billion dollars. and she's kept her road for 24 weeks of the truckers involved, 24 weeks is a long time to be on the road. she has paid the truckers 100,000-dollar bonuses.
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to be on the road for 24 weeks. which is life-changing. it has never happened. i have been peripheral to some of the rock tours and they will give the road crew in the truckers and the stage crew to give them a few thousand, a pizza party and pat him on the back and sent him home and doing something life-changing and how she changes the entertainment industry. now everybody on the roads that i don't want to call out metallica but that 80000 last night and 80000 friday night and who ever is on the road bringing these people, taylor swift has raised the bar they're going to have to start open the check books and not call for pizzas at the end of the tour and think those people are going to be happy. stuart: you used up a lot of your time to talk about the swiftie, do you have time to tell us about disney because you still hate him.
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>> just to stay on the music theme i called the empire of dirt which is a 9-inch nail insert. i've owned the stock for 30 years, that's what they become and now we will get earnings this week and we will see how they are doing and streaming and i want to hear from bob iger, what you going to do with spn you're formerly cash cow that used to make you 2 billion that funded marvel and pixar in the others, now you're looking to spend it. i think disney is going to have a dark day on wednesday and i think they have a lot to do. stuart: why haven't you sold the stock. >> i think they're going to chop it up now and sell it in pieces. it's good to be worth more in pieces than it is as a whole. stuart: come back soon with sensational items for us to talk about. good stuff. lauren you're looking at the movers.
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lauren: cybersecurity many companies are concerned, their restricting their it spending, klopfer down for a half percent and you could see palo alto, wedbush removed from the best ideas list after fort met warned of slower deals. palo alto is down. i figured it out for you. stuart: is boeing moving today? >> up 2%, bloomberg is reporting the plan to get there starliner spacecraft ready to fly in march, huge deal they were awarded the nasa contract a decade ago and they've lost money big time as elon musk spacex apps sent several crews to the space station in elon musk to help but wing design what they need to get there. stuart: tesla. >> their ceo zachary corn is o
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out, tesla is down two or 3% at the moment. i just checked, the cfo had been in the role for four years but with the company for 13. instrumental tesla reaches the $1 trillion market cap and becoming profitable for the first time and there is jitters that he is out. stuart: there not a trillion dollar now. lauren: no 780 billion. thank you. stuart: 400 reporters have lost their white house press credentials. we will tell you why the administration is making it harder for reporters to gain access. who's in and who's out. house democrat please with this party to jump in and challenge president biden for the nomination and 24. watch this. >> democrat are telling me that they want not a coordination but they wanted competition to those that are well-positioned, well-prepared of good character and competency, they know who they are, to jump in because democrats in the country need competition. stuart: will more democrats
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to hunter's business deals, byron donalds from florida joins me now. has president biden been caught and analyzed? >> he has been caught in a big lie. it is not just the 2011 letter that basically where joe biden says he's happy that hunter and get it under devon and i working together. by the way devon archer is a longtime staffer for john kerry and he's been running apparatus but it's not just that it is the 20 phone calls that devon archer testified with the oversight staff. the fact that joe biden had dinners at café milano and the one text message were hunter biden tells president xi i'm sitting with my data we need our money. it's a 2019 text message were hunter biden is texting his daughter, be happy you don't have to give me half of your salary, do i give half to my daddy? at the end of the day when joe
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biden was vice president that's when they set up shell companies in these accounts to move money through to conceal it from the taxpayer. joe biden has been lying the entire time. hunter biden was the bagman so dad can sell his office. that is what is going on here. stuart: is it a good strategy, a good tactic to push for impeachment of president biden? >> is not about strategies or tactics it's about the constitution and the rule of law. you cannot have a president of the united states who is compromise like this. you could not have a president hu allowed his son to violate being an unregistered foreign agent that is the thing that they fear paul manafort in jail for so he would flip on donald trump. his son was violating him they stuck it in a plea deal and the only reason we found out they stuck it in a plea deal the judge started asking questions you cannot have this as a country where the first family
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is essentially getting millions and millions and millions of dollars to sell access to the president, then vice president, don't sit here and tell me the $30 million or $40 million that this family has received over the last six years has all been paid for just because they have a prosecutor fired in ukraine, i don't believe it another does anybody else. >> i change the subject and ask you to look at the headlines is about florida getting a lot of negative press, a lot of it coming from the new york times. the media seems to me there trying to soften up the santos and trump are both floridians, soften them up before the election. >> that is the mo of the times it is funny the new york times reported how bad florida is when you're at the new york times building you have to dodge people and find safety every day that you are there for the bad
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press organization they've covered up so many things over the years and covering up the biden mass and of course they're going to go after florida but here's the problem people that read the new york times last several years, guess where they moved to, they moved to florida. i'm not going to listen to the new york times and nobody else should either. >> is a flow from the northeastern chicago still flowing down to florida? or the numbers keep it up? >> is slow down a little bit the northern state has finally figured out they should reopen and it slowed down some but some people from new york or new jersey or michigan, wisconsin, ohio they're still coming down that is not stopped. stuart: byron donalds republican from the great state of florida, thank you for joining us. see you soon we hope. the white house updated its requirements for journalist to be eligible for press passes. ashley is back and i'm going to say good morning. how many people lost their pass.
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ashley: 442 reporters from about 1400 to 900 have lost the credential since the white house press office change the rules for the renewal of the hard policies, reporters must show they have full-time implement with an organization whose principal business news dissemination, they must also have a physical address in the washington, d.c. area and must demonstrate them access to the white house campus once during the six-month for worker proof of employment within the last three months to cover the white house. journalist to do not obtain a hard pass can apply for a day pass, the white house defending the tougher rules saying we think this demonstrates with thoughtful and thorough process that preserves robust media access to campus for everyone who needs it whether that be a hard pass or a day pass. it sounds like a disneyland, journalist must also be willing
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to submit to any necessary investigation by the u.s. secret service to determine eligibility and also passes will be revoked under the new rules if the journalist doesn't act in a professional manner i wonder who decides that. stuart: who is professional and who is not? great to see you back again. see you again real soon. unions have been winning really big pay increases. our question is not going to bring us more inflation up 30 cents a gallon a month, democrats blame big oil. stephen moore deals with that next. ♪
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don't wait. get started today. take charge of your health care. call unitedhealthcare for your free decision guide and learn more about lowering your out-of-pocket medicare costs and seeing any doctor who accepts medicare patients. oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. stuart: look at this what a strange market situation the dow is up 300 points, modest gains for the s&p and the nasdaq, why is the dow up so much compared to the other averages. there is three stocks, two of them actually, united health and boeing both of the stocks are up
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sharply contributing a loss to the 300-point gain for the dow. lauren is looking at the movers i see apple moving down below 180. lauren: the worst performer on the dow gestural. the next iphone the 15th they're going to announce it either september 12 or 13th it would go on sale september 22 is expected to be the biggest upgrade in three years. slowing iphone demand despite the features in the bells and whistles about the new phone is not enough for consumers to go out and upgrade and spend all that money. apple is poised to suffer the fourth straight quarterly sales decrease despite the launch of the new phone. stuart: let's move on so vos brand. lauren: is up 25% did you ever hear rails pasta sauce. sometimes i cheat and put one with my homemade sauce and it makes it taste better. a premium sauce.
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campbell soup is buying it for $2.3 billion because they want to diversify and offer more premium items so campbell's sales rose by 5% because they increase prices by 12% and now if they have raos they have another mix. >> the kidney dialysis company is up nicely. >> they got in upgrade to buy at ubs and they took the price target to a street high of $142 meaning the stock and go up another 30% from here. stuart: we shall see. the tight labor market has many unions demanding more from high wages for their workers and getting them in many cases. lydia hu is with us could the strong wage increases produce inflation. >> the concern the wages to pass on to the consumers and prices and wages and prices can produce more inflation, listen to this.
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>> the driving up headline prices and making products more expensive, the fed has one goal in life which is to get inflation down below a level that is not embarrassing for them and the more of the wages that are pushed up, the more likely the fed is going to keep going. keep going with interest-rate hikes, the union activity is surging strike was nearly averted with the tentative agreement of lose pay part-time workers of u.s. makes up half of their workforce, their set to get an increase of 30% in their pay, an auto worker is now reportedly demanding more from a 46% pay hike, that comes as united airlines agreed to give their pilots a raise of 40% over four years and there is concern that the union activity will encourage more workers to demand higher wages. bank of america highlighting this issue saying ups labor agreement with higher wages is
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likely to serve as the template for upcoming union negotiations, chair powell's assessment that we need to be prepared for higher unemployment to finish the last mile of inflation is important to recognize. this is not over until payroll turns negative. we think that is bank of america, yellow trucking is a good example of what they're talking about from over the weekend, it is filing for bankruptcy and putting more than 30000 workers out of a job. most of them are union workers so that as part of the problem the union saying management was to blame and the ceo was saying is the union you were getting in the way of modernization so now were out of a job. i can't blame workers for a higher wage increase you can't blame these folks for doing this it's all creation of the spending policy that fiber in the situation to begin with. stuart: you spent too much and you. too much and here you are, great staff, thank you very much indeed, stephen moore, let's
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start with gas prices, up 30 cents of the last month, diesel is up 34 cents of the last month, democrats blame big oil, do you believe the gas price not a spike but a sharp rise is that going to add to inflation. >> you better believe it will. you have on the screen what it was a month ago but i want to go back to the month that donald trump left office when gas prices were 249 a gallon and now 389 a gallon so people are paying an extra $20 to fill up their tank based on the increased in the inflation rate and higher gas prices under joe biden. i would ask is this an inflation indicator. if you look at virtually all commodity prices are rising right now look at the crv index that is continue to go up over the last six or eight weeks. what i'm telling you i think we
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saw goodyear with inflation with it coming down a little over 3% i think we're going to see inflation coming for a 5% were not out of the woods with inflation. >> in that case the federal reserve is not going to stop raising interest rates, do you see a recession coming. >> i don't and the economist have been wrong about the economy for the last year, right now are looking at two, 2.5% growth based on the second quarter numbers and third-quarter is off to a decent start, i don't see a recession and minute but i do think the high prices are still causing a real squeeze on middle-class people. i cannot tell you how many times when i'm at the grocery store and the hardware store and people coming up to me saying why do you keep saying stuart varney inflation only rear 4% minus only ten or 15. the things that you have to buy
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those are rising faster than computer or technology prices. >> what you make of this siemens energy at $2.4 billion charge on the wind turbines and slowing the rollout of new products, tell me if i'm wrong is seems like the green agenda is very expensive and beginning to be rolled back, what do you say. >> i hope it is. how about the story last week in the wall street journal the first solar, are you ready for this the first solar over the next ten years is going to get 10 billion, $10 billion in taxpayer money and keeping solar and wind afloat that were dumping massive amounts billions and billions of tax dollars behind these things i'm in favor of a free market in energy, if wind and solar can cut it and make a competitive market against gas and coal and nuclear power, do it, the only way that
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their surviving of multi billion in spending bills pumping tax dollars into those things, they're not efficient in a lot of areas and they're not scalable to provide 70 or 80% of her energy, we cannot do that. we need our fossil fuels. >> we do, what a mess, thank you, see you again soon. >> you're absolutely right about the women's soccer team it's such a disgrace of what they did and acted in deflecting and taking a knee during the net international anthem. stuart: 70 people are saying the same thing. >> this supposed to be representing america. >> be proud of it, thank you. donald trump was at a rally in south carolina over the weekend and did he bash and trash bidenomics, come in again. did he have anything to say about the push towards electric
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vehicles? >> he did and trump asked the crowd if they like the idea of an electric car that you can drive for an hour. they don't, listen to this. >> gas prices are nearing $4 a gallon, do you see what's happening, gas is going up everybody, then their forcing into all electric, does anybody like the idea of oil electric and you can drive for one hour? >> no. >> so crazy these people are crazy, gas prices are $4 a gallon and much of biden's term, you have to remember americans have paid $5 or $6.7 a gallon and you're coming up and coming back to those prices again. we did a great job filling of the strategic reserves and now he's decimating. >> republicans also pointed out oil electric vehicles are expensive and can be impractical for the same families hardest hit by high gas prices, trump went on to blame bidenomics for high interest-rate and record
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inflation which the crowd did agree with. stuart: new york city councilman wants ice cream trucks in the city to stop using gas powered generators. i will tell you why, the cost of bacon tripled since june. in california they could raise prices even more, jeff flock live with the full report, he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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actually in florida is going to tell us. >> i've got the scoop, far left brooklyn councilman pushing legislation that would require ice cream trucks to stop powering soft serve in freezers with generators that use fuel. vendors would have to switch over to environmentally friendly alternatives like electric or solar power likely the cost of $5000 or more one ice cream seller talk to "fox & friends" and he's not happy. watch this. >> you cannot have solar in a home if you have trees that are too tall how would you drive around the city and have a solar powered truck in the concrete jungle. only something twice as long to hold the batteries. this is going to put a log based on his agenda without thinking of anything and the consequences
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and you are there to help your constituents. stuart: ice cream emergency critics say it's an example of sticking it to the working class it would give trump three years to switch over to electric or solar energy. how that would work i don't know. stuart: don't even ask. another interesting story bacon prices have tripled since june and new law in california can make things worse, jeff flock live at a hog farm in pennsylvania. how high are we talking bacon prices. >> there still high but they won't be forever that's the way it goes. talk about unintended consequences. it is a similar thing proposition 12 that you reported on in california which says pigs have to be treated nicer that
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was a referendum, put the numbers up it passed by a huge amount california the question is does california have the right to set the bar for the rest of the nation. then berkowitz is here with the pork producers association. this makes anybody that wants to sell pork comply with california regulation. >> the problem behind it it lacks producer input and ignores the science and because of that consolidation on a lot less family farms. >> you remember this up in court upheld this but this is not easy it was not an ideological line it was 5 - 4 and justice gorsuch wrote for the majority and i quote him, the constitution addresses many issues, the type of porkchops california merchant may sell is not one of them. and that's what it means. here is the deal the big producers can afford to make
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this change to make it friendly for the pigs. the small producer like the one that were at right now that cost a lot of money. >> and cost 3 - $4000 prepaid, you're talking about a farmer this size could cost half a million dollars. right now producers are really struggling in the economy is not good and input good times. >> it is tough and complicated and obviously nobody wants to eat an animal that is not been treated well. i have no problem eating animals but i like them to be very friendly. look at the sky. it is not all of the pig but maybe one of his progeny and i hope he's treated well, don't bite me. >> i see both sides of the fe fence. i'm out of time i've got to go, now this. a.i. powered robot is being used to help kids learn social sk
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skills, the founder of the company was one of many tech leaders that pushed report and ii development, kelly o'grady has after this. ♪ - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities? we saw prevagen. i did read the clinical study and went ahead and gave it a try. i feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, i've recommended it to, not only just customers, but also to friends and family as a safe product to try.
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stuart: a new robot is being used to help kids learn and build social skills. knox uses artificial intelligence. kelly o'grady at m body lab that is a company behind the robot joining us now. a robot is going teach kids social skills, i don't get it. >> what will they think of next i'm going to introduce you to moxie and a second, during the pandemic kids were lonely and isolated for so long and it becomes difficult to learn how to make friends, listen to me. , listen to me. >> good morning, how are you today. >> how do i make friends? >> making friends can be a lot
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of fun one-way is being kind and friendly to others. you can start by saying nice things were smiling with someone you want to be friends with. >> moxie, earmuffs and gives you a sense of what it's like but talking to a robot what can go wrong. it's been really conservative when it comes to content because not all parents want their kids talking about all of the same things here's what the ceo had to say. >> you could have a religious belief and you want moxie to talk about the topic with your child which would potentially be inappropriate to do with the child that does not come from the same belief system. for now. >> in the future parents will be able to pick and choose i want to learn about this, i don't want my kids to learn about t this, it really does, they are trying to alleviate the fear of parents what it might be like talking to an a.i. robot.
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stuart: thank you very much. another trend, influencers using a.i. to create what looks like the perfect life essentially a fake life working to bring in doc siegel for this. is it a good thing for youngsters to see the fake content and fake life, is there any good in that? >> absolutely not the robot scares me because it sounds like a human voice and there is a pause where you get to know a child that is not human. this reminds me of the show black mirror from the united kingdom where people fell in love with robot and robots taking over lives and it's very scary statistic out of health and human services if you're a child and spend more than three hours a day on social media your risk of depression and anxiety doubles or triples. almost every teen spends more than three hours a day and you said at the beginning you're getting lured into a world where you think that they are your
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friends but they're not real friends. whether a mean bully waiting to get you or mean robots or artificial intelligence this is not the way out of the pandemic. this is cannibalizing on people social isolation that came from the pandemic. it's doubling down and of course it is for profit. stuart: the world health organization monitoring covid variant it is called aris variance, what we know about? here we go with fear, but to fear mongering about social isolation and now covid, this is basically an omicron world like a tourist to has a new name but is still an omicron world, what does that mean an upper respiratory infection, it means a headache, sore throat, sniffles, you can get sick. the biggest concern for me, this is a mild uptake in cases that we are seeing even as a sub
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variant starts to take over 8000 hospitalizations a week, we were seeing 50000 last year i'm concerned about waning immunity people who have a high covid infection in a longtime or a vaccine in a long time if they're in a high risk group elderly or chronic illness there is good to be a new vaccine coming out in september or october i will probably recommend high risk groups but i don't expect this to be another big search, this is a mild virus and a form of covid then we were seen before. stuart: doctor siegel, thank you very much. see you again soon. still ahead, shortly, steve forbes on house democrat calling on his own party to challenge president biden and 24, talk about china and russia joint naval officer coast of alaska in the ceo red balloon on the stigma that surrounds blue-collar jobs. the 11:00 o'clock hour of bargaining is next.
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♪ this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. (lighthearted music) - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage to change my life. it was the best thing i've ever done. - really? - yes, without doubt! - [tom selleck] joanne said just about the same thing. - it absolutely is the best thing i ever did. - jack put it a different way. to him, it was about having his grandkids over.
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- you want to have the kids over, you want to have the grandkids over. - yeah. - you want to have the family over. you want to say, "this is my place." - great people, different people. that's for sure. and all of them had different reasons for getting a reverse mortgage. but you know what? they all felt the same about two things. they all loved their home, and they all wanted to stay in that home. - [announcer] if you are 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home's equity to give you cash now. and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments. it could also pay off higher interest credit cards, medical costs, and give you some extra cash to help your retirement lifestyle. - i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. - it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. - a whole lot of families have gotten tax free cash from a reverse mortgage loan for a better retirement. - i don't have to worry
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about a mortgage payment every month. - it's a good thing. - [announcer] call right now to receive your free, no obligation info kit. the kit will show you how you may get the cash you need using your home's equity as a reverse mortgage from aag. - call the number on your screen. - look, why don't you call aag and find out what a reverse mortgage can mean for you? - [announcer] call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender. - call the number on your screen.
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