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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 21, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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♪ stuart: the mic is open and this is katie perry, hot and cold n. it's going to be hot in n new yk city, 90 degrees.
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it's 11:00 eastern, it's monday, august 21st. lilauren: yes, august 21. stuart: just appeared on the prompter. lauren: the hardest thing to do every day is know the date. stuart: getting to the markets s and a close look at stock market today. dow down 160 points, about 405 dow stocks down sharply and accounts for the loss. nasdaq on the upside. big tech mixed picture. meta, microsoft, amazon up, not by much. apple on the downside. apple at 174. 10-year treasury yield. watch out. market doesn't like this. up 9 basis points to 4.34%. that's on the 10 inform year treasury. now this. oliver anthony's song rich men north of richmond is an overnight sensation. you know, there's something going on when a single song can galvanize so many people. the man has struck a cord,
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pardon the pun. he gave a free concert in a small north carolina town saturday, 8,000 turned out. he told fox's griff jenkins that corporate media and education make everyone identify their differences. that's true. he wants people to appreciate each other, to find similarities instead of division. in our country today, that's new. the song itself is about people who are put down, look down on. in many ways about class, elites north of richmond put down the people that came out for saturday's concert and they don't care for that . they respond to oliver anthony's song with chance of usa -- chants of usa. it's like bud light putting dylan mulvaney on the beer can and it's acts of division. people in rural areas feel left out and look at dysfunctional cities and wonder where they're the ones that are being looked down on.
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oliver anthony has opened the window into the lives and feelings of people who you rarely hear from. i suspect his song will feature in wednesday's gop debate and a few democrats might pick up on it too. why not? what politician turns his back on a huge group of voters that have been given a voice? it's a new voice. it's getting louder. third hour of varney starts right now. stuart: steve forbes with me this morning. why do you think that rich men north of richmond strikes a cord, if you agree with it, it does strike a cord. why do you think it does? >> there's a lack of mobility in the country and whole idea of the melting pot has gone out of the window and this is the a land of opportunity regardless of background and a chance to rise up. instead people are looked down on and the thing is the elites aren't delivering the results.
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so you have people who don't know what they're doing in charge. you have this kind of class division, and when you have the kind of stagnation, economic stagnation we've had for over 20 years, you get this kind of division. it's poisonous and glad that song is pointing it out because it'll be part of the 2024 debate. how do we get america moving again? stuart: how do you make america great again? almost went to that. that's true. president biden is taking a break from vacation in lake tahoe and visiting maui and will travel back to california to finish off vacation. meanwhile parts of california are in flood mood so-to-speak. do you think the president is making a misstep here with going to maui and back to vacation? >> it's always a two steps forward with this administration, five steps behind. he should have been in maui a week or twoing a. he said he didn't want to get in the way of rescue effort. he wouldn't have gotten in the way but emphasized how much needs to be done and also emphasized the mistakes made and how this disaster turned into
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the horror that it did. now in california, he should be announcing, what are we doing about that? what is fema doing? what is he doing to get the private sector involved and providing supplies and the like. but he's sadly out to lunch. i wish he'd stay on vacation as a matter of fact. stuart: he's traveling around the country every now and again touting bidenomics, but you think bidenomics is a failure? total failure? >> well, it's like saying the yankees are going to win the world series. people go shopping -- stuart: this year they're not. >> that's what i mean. yankees are having aigrette season. no, they're not. bidenomics not great. a economy is faltering and one thing on the watch out for, stuart, the way they measure gdp. government spending counts as a plus nor gdp. so these massive spending projects, screen projects in the pipeline shoveling out money for will artificially make the economy look better than it is, even though it's draining resources from the private sector and ultimately hurting
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the economy long term. stuart: last one, do you think we're going to go into a recession of any kind in the immediate future? >> i call it walking pneumonia. the economy is stagnant and gdp -- we're told numbers and inflation rate is great. no, it is not. we're told the economy is growing, people don't feel it. they don't see the prospects out there. these theologians can come up with whenever numbers they want. the american people know this ain't working as it should, period. stuart: we're old enough to remember jimmy carter and the malaise speech. >> yeah, 1979. stuart: there's a sense of malaise out there. >> and took the right c candidae trojans and bing us out of it. to bring us out of it. stuart: ronald reagan. thank you. jason katz, do you see a soft landing? >> hate to be at odds with the great steve forbes, but i this is softish land asking in the equation. our economy is actually
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accelerating. look at last week's retail sales, industrial production, housing numbers, all better than expectations. i don't know what atlanta fed is smoke, but their gdp now is expecting a 5.8% gdp in the third quarter. i'm not suggesting, you know, take out the victory flag and the fed's not going to do that when they meet in jackson hole, but i think a softish landing is in the cards. stuart: that's good for the market, isn't it? overall, not particularly any one group of stocks, but overall the market's probably going to do well if we avoid a recession. >> it's good but we're in the good news is bad news vortex right now. the stronger that corporate earnings are, the stronger that economy is and the higher the fed has to go and longer they have to stay. counter intuitively, this good news may actually tip us into that softish landing versus no landing. stuart: when you guys sit around and trying to phygouroout where
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the market is going and where to put your money, how important is china and the spiral down for the economy? how important is that for you? >> it's in the calculous and i said this countless times, when they have the sniffles, we'll all get to some degree a cold. we've seen all this near shoring and this acceleration of bringing all this manufacturing back home. interestingly what's happening in china is deflation natural rights approach and that helps the feds cause to some extent. stuart: not going to do the world much good though, is it, if china spirals down. >> spiral, no. a slow malaise, i think the global economy could take that. stuart: could they recover from this? this property situation is awful. >> it's going to take an event not unlike what hap hap happene8 and 2009 and not going to translate to the next lean in moment and they'll have a catharsis and a some wave throughout the system as a
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result. stuart: watch out for that and i'll report when ask if it happens. jason, thank you for being with us. good stuff. straight to the money and looking at johnson & johnson. it's a dow stock and way down. that's hurting the dow. lauren: absolutely. they're expecting to retain a 9.5% stake in newly separated consumer unit called kenview and houses tylenol and completed oversubscribe share exchange and not sure why the stock is down 3% on that news but that's the news today. stuart: okay, the big story will be this week. it's going to come wednesday. wednesday afternoon, about 4:00 eastern time, nvidia, look at it go now, up $18, 4.3%. lauren: the stock tripled this year and hsbc says they're going $780 a share. stuart: repeat that, how much? lauren: $780 a share, and second highest price target nor nvidia on wall street. stuart: someone is higher? lauren: yeah, $800. i'm in the middle of finding out
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who. if nvidia comes out with a stellar record card that beats 306% profit growth expected year over year -- stuart: wait a minute, we're playing the expectation game. expectation is year over year nvidia will make 300% plus profits? lauren: that's huge and revenue up 66 and change percent over $11 billion. stuart: if it meets that expectation, what happens to the stock? lauren: well, maybe it declines because wall street just gets greedy and wants even more from the company that's done so much already in the ai chip game. stuart: what happen ifs they exceed the expectation over 300% profit? lauren: the stock goes way up. stuart: you think? lauren: 780, here we come. i would say so. this has been the market story of the year. this is the first chip company with a $1 trillion valuation. it's fueling every other company
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who wants its chip sos they can use ai and monetize it. stuart: okay. it's now up $17, 4.1% and show me tesla. earlier up 3 or 4% and now up nearly 5%. lauren: finally. stuart: we've got pictures of the new truck, cyber truck in greenland. lauren: iceland. probably like for a promotion because the cyber truck coming out soon. it's expected early october, maybe the end of september. stuart: just the pictures of the truck, that's not giving it that $10 boost, is it? lauren: tesla down for six days in a row. month to date down almost 20%, not including the gain today. a bit oversold recently, sat lists on the horizon d catalysts on the horizon and price cuts in china helped them sell more, doesn't help their margins but these are al catalysts for the stock. stuart: i like the look of the thing. it really looks different. that's iceland, okay. lauren: when we first saw the cyber truck, didn't it seem just so odd and weird and then elon musk shattered the window by
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accident. it just was like a disaster. then cars have gotten so boring looking, that i think that looks cool now. it looks really cool. stuart: what's the capitol of iceland? lauren: oh, dear. give me choices. stuart: reykjavik. lauren: reykjavik, stuart. i've been there. it's dark all day but light now. stuart: rolls royce unveiled a new car inspired bay yacht. they're only making four of them. we'll tell you how much they're selling for and what they really do. one college kicking migrants out of the doors. they say -- dorms and say student safety is as risk and critics call it prejudice. high speed chase along the boarder and a $17-year-old was behind the wheel accused of smuggling three illegal migrants. casey stegall has that story coming up next for us.
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and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. stuart: a high speed chase caught on camera along the southern border a. 17-year-old from texas under arrest, cops say he was smuggling migrants. casey stegall with me. how did this end: dramatic? >> yeah, stuart, ended like most of the chases do with a bailout. a lot of people flair with that term -- bailout and people familiar with that term. texas dps and highway patrol in hot pursuit of a load vehicle when the driver and multiple
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passengers jumped out attempting to flee. a 17-year-old driver and three illegal immigrants were arrested. meantime the justice department is suing texas over these floating barriers arguing they need to be removed because they're in violation of the river protection laws. the feds say those giant orange buoys constitute an unauthorized and illegal structure of obstructing u.s. waters and doj claims that texas did not seek authorization to install that system not allowing time for the feds to consider potential environmental or safety risks. texas however has argued that these buoys do not obstruct that part of the rio grand river therefore the law doesn't apply. governor abbott will host a group of at least four other republican governors down in eagle pass today with a helicopter flyover plan so leader cans see things for themselves. abbott continues to claim the federal government has failed to defend the southern border
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adding it has a federal constitutional right to defend itself against invasion from non-state actors. more than 183,000 migrant encounters were recorded for the month of july, up from the start of the year when apprehensions topped 157,000 back in january. so far there's been more than 1.9 million total encounters recorded along the southern border since october 1, which was when the current cbp fiscal year-over-year began. stuart. stuart: casey, we hear you, thank you very much indeed. the trump campaign just released donald trump's immigration plan, i've not seen it, lauren has. lauren: this is tough stuff. i just want to point out it's being announced ahead of the primary debate on wednesday. he will ramp up ideological screening of people applying for entry here . will send the coast guard and navy to stop drug smugglers and expand the muslim ban to more
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people and more countries and designate drug cartels as unlawful enemy combatant toss allow the u.s. military to target them in mexico. he'll seek to end birthright citizenship of children of undocumented immigrants and will complete his wall. about a fifth has been built and will complete among other stuffs stuart: that's tough stuff and strong stuff and released right before the debate. lauren: what's the appetite of the country now that's absorbed or trying to absorb all the migrants? what happens to undocumented people that need to be workers that are already here? stuart: full scale reform of the immigration. lauren: full scale. and who are the loyalists at state department and homeland security that will agree to do what he's asking? what are the legal challenges? stuart: well, interesting policy right before the debate. that's a fact. thank you, lauren. in may -- this is for you too, in may, suni buffalo, a college
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in up state new york, agreed to house dozens of migrants in the dorms. that probably didn't go well with the parents. lauren: these migrants, 44 of them were kicked out. supposed to be there from may till february and students go back to school tomorrow. so all 44 evicted after two of them were accused of sexual assault. suni buffalo e they're split. some say the school acted on behalf of the safety of the students and their parents concerns but others calling it prejudice against the migrants. stuart: thank you, lauren. bring in bruce blakeman, the nassau county executive, long island, new york. bruce, you're refuges to let mayor eric adams of new york move migrants to a former hockey arena in your district? on what authority can you do that and what do you want to do with the migrants anyway? >> nassau county is not a sanctuary county. the city of new york has
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declared themselves a sanctuary municipality, that's their choice, but the people in nassau county do not want us to engage in a migrant program. it would put a burden on our school system, it would put a burden on our social services and quite frankly it's become a law enforcement problem. our cop dos a great job, they make the arrest, but it's wave after wave of people who are coming from south of the border into affluent areas and committing crime. it's got to stop. we don't want that program in nassau county, and i will do everything in my power to make sure that does not happen. stuart: can you go to court? are you allowed, do you have the authority to say no, not in my county? and enforce that? can you do it? >> yes, we are a county that's lalarger than ten states in
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population and 12th largest police department in the united states and we have home rule. the ability to make our own rules and regulations, our towns are -- orvilleages -- and villages have land use control and they've said that they don't want these migrant shelters in their communities so we have the authority to stop it. so far it has not happened in nassau county. blizzard warnings the way, look, if you're -- by the way, if you're in a muay mis-palty and inviting people on -- municipality and inviting people on a sanctuary program, you invited them so don't ask neighbors to help you. that's your choice. stuart: when the buses roll towards your county, can police officers be at the county line saying, no, go back? >> we have a plan in place and i've spoke with our police commissioner and other homeland security and law enforcement officials and we've talked to the towns and villages that have building inspectors and we feel confident that this will not
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happen. we're not looking for some kind of show down. what we're saying basically is those who choose to be a sanctuary, that's your choice. we don't choose to be a sanctuary. our taxpayers don't want that, and i will do everything in my power to make sure that that does not happen within the boarders of nassau county. stuart: next one, your county, i believe, just banned tiktok on government devices. would you want to see that ban expanded and extended to everyone? >> i would most certainly like to see that . i did that a year and a halving a after i was elected to office because my law enforcement officials, homeland security officials, and our cybersecurity experts recommended that. they said that tiktok is not secure, and that there's been alleged nefarious activity on tiktok so we have made a decision that for the security of our county and to protect our
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cybersecurity system, i banned it. stuart: i suspect that if you did ban it for everyone, it would become a political issue because what is it, 40, 50, 60 million people have it and don't want to see it go. >> yeah, i don't have the authority to ban it for everybody, but i certainly have the authority to ban it on our county networks, and that's what i've done. stuart: got it, bruce blakeman, thank you very much being with us, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. appreciate it. stuart: rnc chair rhonda mcdaniels thinks she's cracked the code of 2024. roll it. >> so it really is going to be how do our candidates appeal to independent voters. they make up 42% of the electorate and that's why this debate is so critical. stuart: we'll look at which republicans have what it takes to win over the independents. the president wants to bring back manufacturing jobs, but business owners say they're already having trouble finding people to work. grady trimble is in milwaukee talking to the frustrated
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business owners and he's next. ♪
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♪ stuart: yeah, that by the way is erie, pennsylvania. lauren: can't even see it. stuart: not sure if it's fog or humid or hawaii it's 74 degrees. leave it at that. we're plague the song life is -- playing the song life is a highway. rolls royce unveiled a $340 million car. it's the drop tail rose noir. goes 62 miles an hour in less than five seconds and come withs matching watch and champagne chest. it was custom made for a buyer in pebble beach and only four of the cars will be made. just a little of it. looks nice. check the markets and the dow
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really tumbling and off 190 points and that is, let's see, over a half percent and nasdaq clinging to a gain of 53 points. the president keeps pushing his plan to bring back manufacturing jobs. grady trimble is talking to business owners in milwaukee. okay, what are they saying about the plan, grady? reporter: stu, rather than feeling the benefits of bidenomics, they feel like they're feeling the consequences of them. we're at argon industries and they make various metal parts for industrial purposes. greg clemon is the founder of this company. you've been doing it for a long time but changed under this current administration? >> they want to raise taxes on us and we're a company that pay the highest top tax rate. now he wants to add even more to that. the problem is that's going to take away money that we could invest in employees and equipment and the community. reporter: we've got a big debate
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coming up in your city in just a couple of days. you'll be looking for candidates that might be able to solve some of the challenges you're facing right now. what are you looking for on that debate stage? >> yeah, looking for is there a tax plan for small businesses? what is their energy plan? are we going to be self-reliant? then what are they going to do for the work force to develop more skilled trail workers? reporter: that's important because you've invested $10 million in robotics because you can't find the workers. >> exactly. and customers don't care if you don't have enough workers. you've got to figure it out. reporter: that's what they're trying to do, stu, figure it out. they think one of the republicans standing on the debate staining might have one of the solutions. grady. stuart: thank you very much indeed. republican candidates need to appeal to independents. watch this. >> i look at 2022 as the year of the independent and one of the stories that doesn't get told is
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in every single battleground state except pennsylvania, a republican won statewide so we had more ticket splitting than we've ever seen and it's really going to be how do outrebounded candidates appeal to -- our candidates appeal to independent voters. stuart: matt palumbo joining us this morning. how do your republicans appeal to independents. >> i don't know. it's 90% chance it's trump versus biden is how do we sell trump again. he's in a unique situation saying i was president and this is my record. he doesn't have to say it's theoretical what it's like. we know what a trump presidency is like and we know what a biden parking light seizure disorders is like and it's -- presidency is like and 80% of deputies don't want trump to run. with trump, he's the only person everyone is excited for on the right and the independent vote is less relevant in our view. stuart: lauren, come back in. i want more on trump's new
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immigration plan. it's been revealed just before the debate. tough stuff, run through it please. lauren: expand the muslim ban, designate drug cartels as unlawful enemy combatants and allows u.s. military to target them in mexico and seek to end birthright citizenship of undocumented immigrant parents. and finish the wall. stuart: if illegal immigrants are here and have a chide, that child is not a legal citizen. the current rule is if you're in and give birth, you're a citizen. that's a big change. >> the establishment is worried this is not an electable policy and we know how electable candidates tend to do in elections and look at what won trump in 2016 and this is what we go with. stuart: in 2016, he was big on the wall and it sounded kind of harsh then. fast forward eight year it is now, seven or eight years, how
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is the puck lick reacting very -- public reacting to the policy? >> we get to see firsthand how bad it can get and it's worse than anyone thought and he gets to say i won first term and now look when this took office and we now really need it. that's a big strong selling point. stuart: you think trump is a shoe in? >> unless there's some act of god that were to intervene somehow, yeah, seems like it's 99.9%. stuart: that he'll be the cant date? >> the nominee, yes. stuart: 99% he'll beat biden if biden is the candidate? >> tough to say. people say he lost on paper by 8 million votes but look at swing states, it was really 50,000 in those swing states he needs to take back and that's dobbs. doable. i wish him the best of luck. stuart: matt palumbo, hope springs eternal. a judge in new jersey temporarily blocked three school districts from notifying parents if their child has changed his
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or her agenda. we have a report on that coming umm for you. up for you. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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stuart: rising interest rates tend to be correlated with maybe a recession and a selloff on wall street. haven't got the setoff at this moment except for the dow down 200. 5% on two year treasury. southern california bracing for catastrophic floods as hilary tears through the state. kelly o'grady at port of los angeles and latest on the storm please, kelly. reporter: great to see you, stuart. that's right, the storm is continuing to head north even though hilary was downgraded to a post-tropical storm and still reeking ha vac on areas like -- havoc on areas like nevada and southern california. they're waking up to reality of fallout and flash flooding that
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hit various parts of the region. north hollywood for example experienced extreme rain over 3 inches in over 24 hours. that's unheard of in that area. palm springs and some of the images you're seeing nearly underwater. when it cops to power, 17,000 customers in los angeles are without and we're seeing access to highways still closed down. la city mayor karen bass just addressed the situation in a press conference saying there's no deaths, no severe damage from the storm and first responders are saying we've entered a recovery mode and all city officials and more return tomorrow. this may not seem like a big deal to fo folks and southern california never experiences things like this. we don't have the experience to deal with it. some folks didn't head the warnings to stay inside and not drive on the roads and accidents on the highways on my way into work and means we don't have the infrastructure and don't get this heavy rain and don't have systems to drain all the water. it's impacting a number of
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businesses right now from digging out. we have crops that are flooded, even dodger stadium parking lot right now looks pretty much like a swimming pool, stuart. the report is fully operational but there are a number of challenges still looming and we're looking at potential mudslides over the next few days and that'll be something to watch. back to you. stuart: yes, it will. dow down 200. kelly, thank you indeed. show me the dow 30. i want a sense of the markets. here we go. i sense a lot of selling and see five winners and 25 losers. the dow is down 200. that's a half percentage point. the governor of virginia wants all students to use bathrooms that correspond to their gender at birth. one school district refuses to comply. they say they're protecting their trans students. some parents furious at that. we'll deal with it next. ♪
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stuart: air force one on the tarmac about to leave lake tahoe and the president is on board the plane already and saw him mount the plane there. and he will be taking off shortly to go to maui to expect the damage. he'll be taking off very soon. a judge in new jersey temporarily blocked school districts from notifying parents if their child has changed their agenda. their gender. lauren: three new jersey school districts voted to rightismers to notify parents if their children as young as kindergarten, as young as 5, want to change their gender or seek a different gender expression. the democratic state attorney general said, no, he needs to protect the children from their parents. and the judge agreed, and that judge issued a temporary injunction blocking these three school districts from sharing gender information from parents. bottom line, teachers don't need to notify the parents because
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that would violate the state's antidiscrimination law. it assumes the parent doesn't notice something is going on. it assumes the parent wouldn't be okay with it, and leaves the parents in the dark. stuart: makes no sense to me. has the world turned upside down? lauren: i couldn't agree more. i have a 5-year-old. he has two sisters. he wants to be a girl some days. i'm not worried about it. stuart: glad to hear that. new poll shows 73% of democrat voters are in favor of charter schools. whoa. school choice is clearly popular amongst voters, i got that. why don't the democrats embrace school choice? if so many don't like charters, what's i don't think with school choice? >> the democratic party is owned by the teach ears union and -- teacher's eweon and randi wiengarten's union and 99% 9% of
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contributions in 2022 went to democrats as opposed to republicans, and it's been this way for over three decades now. at this point, the teacher's union is basely an carpal of the democratic party and listening to power or not logic for what's right for what the voters want. stuart: but some of the school systems in america, public schools, are an absolute disarray. i do blame the teacher's union for this. why don't some more democrats think, hey, come on, the kids are suffering here. let's have something different. why aren't the democrats saying that? surely it's not just because the teacher's union runs their lives? >> it's all about the money. they see kids as dollar signs and they want to continue money laundering information and the democrats give money to government schools and goes to the teacher'sdownon and funnels back to campaign contribution of the democrats. it's a complex money laundering operation, and the only way to fix this power imbalance between the school districts and parents is to empower families with school choice, alaw the funding
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to follow -- allow the funding to follow the child and defund the union that hates kids and wants to keep secrets from kids. stuart: public schools were not unionized till the 1960s and then the president turned around and said right, unionize and now they're all unionized and the school has gone down the tube. what possibility of de-unionizing? >> yeah, look, the largest teacher's union in the country and labor union in the country has a federal charter. why does any union have a federal charter? we should run legislation to strip the nea of their federal charter and i don't know how possible it is to de-unionize the entire country, but weaken the unions from bottom up accountability and allow families to vote with their feet to private and charter schools, which are a lot less likely to be unionized and allow families to use that funding for homeschooling too. you create bottom-up pressure, competition and then the teacher'sdownon might do a better job in the touch.
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stuart: cory, comment on the three school districts in new jersey where the teachers are being told not to tell parents about gender change for the kids. >> i can't believe we're at the point in 2023 where adults are fighting to keep sexual choices about children from their own parents. these people think the kids belong to the government as opposed to their own parents and need to look back to u.s. supreme court decision in 1925, pierce versus society of sisters where the court famouslily ruled the child is not the mere creature of the state and socialists should figure out and remember the wise words from the court in 1925. stuart: it's the activist teachers doing this, isn't it? >> the teacher union bosses like randi wiengarten making over $500,000 a year. look at rank and file members, they're pretty ideologically split and look at campaign contributions all going to democrats and leadership, they're trying to teach teachers to be activists as opposed to just educating kids.
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i don't blame the rank and file members as the union bosses like randi wiengarten of aft and becky pringle of nea. stuart: cory, you've got a good story to tell and glad you're telling it on this program. appreciate it. always come see us again soon. >> thank you very much. stuart: okay, lauren, what do you got? lauren: nothing. why are you looking at me? stuart: bottom right hand corner of the screen, dow industrial -- little disarray, ladies and gentlemen. just a little. that's all. okay. lauren: these three -- stuart: dow down 234 points, 34,266, that's where we are. do we have a commercial break coming up, please, to get me out of this? here we go. i know what we have. it's the first day back to school in virginia. many districts say they will ignore governor youngkin's guidelines for transgender students. mark meredith is with me now. what happens if they do not follow the guideline s? >> stu, good morning. we're waiting to see if this ends up in court and multiple
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districts across virginia and openly defying regulations and dictate how they handle transgender students and these policies were created on the state level by the department of education requiring students to use a bathroom, which corresponds to their sex assigned at berth as opposed to the gender they identify with. fairfax county schools, one of the largest in virginia, was the first to defie this and citing antidiscrimination laws and other districts nearby are going with the same plan as well. parents have been speaking out telling us they're beyond outraged. >> upward mobility thing that fairfax county isn't complying with is bathroom use and locker room use based on biological sex instead of gender. that's for the safety of all students. so i think it would be really interesting to ask parents across the county, do you want male and female students to be sharing bathrooms together? >> virginia governor glen youngkin sports the new policies
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and his office expecting every ticket to follow the rules and no -- districts to follow the rules and no word on if this goes to court. over the weekend, governor youngkin did not address the controversy but told a conservative ground that he believes his agenda is under attack by one powerful lobbying group. >> teacher's union fighting us every step of the way and still do. we've got to continue to recognize that the role of the teacher's unions in america is not to progress the children and families. it is literally to be a political organization. >> speaking of politics, fox recently conducted a poll finding 48% of voters think too much time being spent on gender and sexual orlikowski generallation issues in the classroom -- orientation in the classroom as opposed to math and finance and those are issues on the campaign trail too. stuart: yeah, get them to read. mark meredith, thank you indeed. time for the monday trivia question and another good one.
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how many states were there in 1850? 22, 26, 31, 35. what's the number? the answer after this. ♪
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my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at
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stuart: how many states were there in 1850, 22, 36, 35,
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lauren i'm afraid you have to go first. >> 35 states. >> i think you are wrong. >> how many were there. stuart: the answer is 31. and i did not see on the prompter, i did not. >> how did you know. >> it just came to me, how else to explain a good guess, check the market, look at the dow there are a few dow stocks that are selling off badly injured on 234 points, when we opened the bell the nasdaq composite, very solid gain, but that's been whittled away and i'll tell you why, look at this, the yield on the two-year treasury hit 5%, now it's 4.996% but essentially it hit 5%, that was generally thought to be bad news for tech stocks, now look at nvidia, bad news there, that is up 4.5%, it
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had been up a lot more than that before, they get the results on wednesday afternoon, the expectation for a huge jump in profits. >> fifty-one cents a share to $2.7 a share, that would be a jump. >> that stock is worth a trillion dollars, up $20 as of now you have to wait until 4:00 o'clock wednesday afternoon watch fox business angel see the results come tumbling out for nvidia, however, you wish to pronounce it, time is up at "varney & company" but if you stick around for the next six or seven seconds you will see the opening of a terrific show called "coast to coast" starts now. neil: the republican debate might still be a couple of days away but donald trump is not there, is not going there but a other republican presidential candidates will be making a beeline for there, don't get us st


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