tv The Evening Edit FOX Business August 23, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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she's terrific. we'll have fun. can't wait to cover this one. thank you so much, larry. let's i move on to this, it is rock and roll time. tonight our voter panel on what they are looking for in the fox news gop debate at 9 p.m. eastern time. fox business will be simulcasting it as well. with us on the ground many milwaukee, fox news' bill hemmer, tudor dixon, also stephen moore. and this news on bidenomics, it's failing americans. more families having to get loans to buy everyday things like groceries, but democrats tonight claim bidenomics is good for you. that's our voter panel. they're getting ready to take this on, all of it. house gop talks impeachment inquiry into president biden next month, and month a ca crowley with us on antifa protesters attacking parental rights groups in los angeles. and wildfire victims slam president biden's tone deaf gaffes in maui. and reports coming in, fema officials caught staying at luxury resorts in hawaii. and the media call out for not
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confronting weak on crime prosecutors fired by governor ron desantis for not doing their job. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: okay. let's get right to the action with the cohost of america's newsroom, bill hemmer. he is live at the scene of the gop debates in milwaukee. bill, it's good to see you. >> yeah, you too, liz. thanks. nice to talk to you. can i tell you? it's steamy here. [laughter] elizabeth: i'll bet. >> no, it's 100 degrees, and the real-feel temperature's about 108 right now. elizabeth: oh, man. >> we'll see whether or not it gets that hot -- yeah. we'll see whether or not it gets that hot on stage with eight of them four hours from now. liz, you're going to see something tonight that you've never seen before, at least so far as i can recall. there will be a presidential
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primary debate9, and one of the candidates on stage might be on crutches. his name is doug burgum. he's the former governor of north dakota. he made a lot of money in private business 20 years ago, and now he wants to be the republican nominee. he was playing basketball earlier today and tore his achilles tendon. so within the past hour, he confirmed that he's going to be there tonight. we'll see whether or not he needs those crutches. we had our own focus group -- go ahead, liz -- elizabeth: no, no. >> i just want to say we had our own focus group, yeah, and they're amazing. i'll tell you what, i don't know what you're going to find out from your group, but it was immigration, it was economy and a lot of these answers went down to political leadership. and that's what a lot of folks that we talked to in the milwaukee can are looking for tonight. elizabeth: from where you're sitting, are they talking about the same question reagan famously asked many his -- in his debates with jimmy carter, are you better off than you were four years ago?
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every president since george h.w. bush through obama cited government, cutting back government, low taxes, you know, low interest rates, low inflation. so are you hearing voters are saying, you know, what are you to going to do for me, are we better off under biden in. >> you know, the whole better off question has not come up yet, but i've got to think as the campaign goes on and the questions about the economy, we'll see what gas prices does in the future, whether inflation gets lower or not, i think you're going to hear a lot more of that. josh holmes worked for mitch mcconnell, liz, and i said how do you frame this? what are you looking for? he said normally it's kind of like sports a little bit. you survive and advance, right? you put enough points on the board to get through to the next round are. he said you can't afford to do that in this debate. he believes you've got to deliver a knockout punch because everyone on stage is at least 40 points behind donald trump. and we're going to see whether or not anyone on stage has that ability to do that tonight.
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elizabeth: what do you think, bill -- >> i can't wait. i love this stuff. elizabeth: who's got the knockout punch? who do you think? >> i don't know. i really don't know. i know what chris christie's plan is, he's going after donald trump, and he's probably going to go after ron desantis, and desantis has been beaten up by the media over the last four weeks if not longer. he needs a strong performance. he's capable of doing it, we'll see if he pulls it off. i i have -- think vivek ramaswamy has gotten a a ton of attention. is he the real deal? you can bent a few people will take some shots at him tonight. we'll see how he responds. elizabeth: yeah. so who's center stage, bill? is it desantis and ramaswamy? >> yeah, desantis is right there, ramaswamy is next to him, mike pence is to the right of desantis. nikki haley is to the left of vivek ramaswamy. that's important because just two days ago vivek made some comments about america's relationship with israel, and nikki haley jumped right down
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his throat. and, by the way, she's been serving out a tweet over the past 24 hours saying hit me with your best shot. [laughter] so we'll see if that happens. elizabeth: oh, man, it's going to be something. bill hemmer, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's great to get your insights. we hope to have you back on soon. we'll be watching, okay? >> nice to be with you. elizabeth: same here. joining us now, our panel of republican voters, we've got lydia dominguez, mother of two, brian men-- benstock and pedro rodriguez who 'em greated from venezuela, he's worried about the rise of socialism on college campuses and and writes for campus reform. let's start with you, lydia. what do you want to hear from the candidates tonight? what's your top concern? what's the most important issue to you? >> number one is education. i want to see what candidate, what the candidates are going to do for parental rights. and how they're going to fix our
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education because our education is severely broken nationwide. number two, i want to see what's going on with the economy. i don't want these false promises, i want a candidate that can bring back our economy stronger and better. and, number three, personally for me, i want to hear what they're going to do for the military members that were, like me, that were pushed out of the military for not taking the covid vaccine. elizabeth: so, pedro, given what lydia just said, starting off with education, you say what's happening -- and big government. you say that's happening in america right now reminds you of what happened in south america and the rise of socialism. can you explain that? >> correct. this whole talk of the rise of socialism, of things being free, of different education policies, really indoctrinating students doesn't sound like a good idea to me, it sounds familiar. it sounds like the same wars that my family and is caped from in venezuela and brazil.
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it sounds like the same dictatorships i lived through when i was young, and the same thing is happening here in america. we came here in america for a better life and for the american dream, and that is being strippe d away by the new leftist ideologies. elizabeth: what pedro and lydia just said, you heard what they just said, brian. given what they said, and you run a big business, 5000 people, what do you want to hear from the candidates -- 500 people. even al gore and bill clinton said you've got to dial down the size of government. reagan started that revolution. how -- what do you want to hear and how do they plan to grow the economy without big government? >> i want to hear the members on the stage unify the republican party and not attack one another. i want to show the contrast between the republican party and the current administration. i think in doing is so, we'll strengthen the republican party and we'll weaken the op cig. if they -- opposition. if they sit there and tear one
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another apart or, worse yet, go after donald trump, i think they're missing the point. we've got failed government, failed governance. i think the gentleman before said we're creeping into socialism. there's no being a little bit socialist. it's all or nothing. the government's getting bigger and bigger, getting into every sector of our lives. they're in our bedrooms, boardrooms and everywhere in between, and it's time for less government. elizabeth: so what brian just said, lydia, coming back to you, what could any one of the candidates say tonight that would sway your support towards them or away from them? what do you think? >> well, what would first sway me away if them was playing dirty politics, you know, just making -- [inaudible] that does not unify the party. what would bring with me towards a candidate would be actual, measurable, attainable goals that we can do within our, within our government and making that smaller, less regulation. all that stuff would make me go closer to that candidate. elizabeth: got it. so, brian -- sorry, let me come
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back. pedro, let's listen to what the candidates are saying. we want all of your reaction to this too. you know, you're saying, you know, you not happy -- you're not happy with the direction the country's going in. seven out of ten the polls showing it's on the wrong track. the economy, crime, the border, presential rights. let's listen to the candidates. watch this. >> i'm not running to be a contributor on cable news. we're running to win. >> we're going to focus on restoring hope, creating opportunities and protecting the america that we all love. >> what about landing punches on de. sanities? >> we're focused on our message and worry about the other candidates another time. >> i've said from the very beginning i don't play for second. i'm not going to start now. >> i'm just going to be me. i mean, i feel like i've been preparing for this first republican presidential debate my whole life. >> it would be a shameful waste of time tomorrow if the turned into a pissing contest of who's more anti-woke.
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i think we should smoke out in the open the areas where we do disagree. elizabeth: okay, pedro, let's come back to you. it's about leadership. which of the candidates do you think has the best leadership qualities, pedro? >> it would be hard to say. they are all very different candidates. here in south florida we are amazed by the work that governor desantis has done for both the hispanic community, i am a hispanic member, as well as all of the young republicans in college. just throughout the whole economy here in florida. but all the candidates are different. there is senator scott who brings a perspective, and and so does vivek. he is appealing to gen-zers like me. senator scott brings a different perspective, he is a kid from the inner city, he has been able to make it up to relay his message and inspire a lot of americans just like me. elizabeth: so what pedro said, you know, it's also -- it's
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about safety. it's, you just want to believe in the american dream, brian. i mean, you've seen the stories about crime and retail theft soaring across the country. you've got kohl's, you have, you know, walmart talking about shrinkage even thoughing walmart's earnings are up. you got target talking about it. home depot talking about it. these are cities controlled by democrat prosecutors, brian, and the shocking story -- another teenager the, a 12-year-old boy arrested and charged in d.c. with armed carjacking of a female driver right in congress' backyard. so what do you want to hear from them tonight on how they'd restore the rule of law? >> well, you need a strong economy, and you need politicians that are willing to stand up to the criminals today. today we're caving in to the criminals, and it seems it's the fringe of the democratic party that's controlling the party. i think we need to make our message clear that we're not going to allow the streets to be taken over by the radical left, we're not going to allow our children to be taken over by the
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radical left, with their agenda, attacking children. i think t it's really important that we make a stark comparison between the policies of the republican party and with donald trump, yes, donald trump what he brought to the table contrasts with this current administration. elizabeth: so, you know, what brian just said, pedro, we asked our viewers what issue is most important to them. and they said over four out of ten said the weaponization of government, pedro. what does that say to you? >> the weaponization of government is the most dangerous thing for our democracy and for america's well-being in the long haul. every country that has a weaponized government, weaponized democracy goes in -- it's all about control. every country that has a weaponized democracy, a weaponized bureaucracy turns into a government-controlled population. you can't do anything. there is no american dream. the left is weaponizing this.
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they are attacking political opponents. they're attacking reporters just like yourself, and most or importantly, they are attacking common american citizens who are living paycheck to paycheck and just trying to even graduate college without being indoctrinated. it's all about control, and they are destroying our communities. our communities are being ravaged by violence, by drugs, by just so many, a plethora rah of different things. and the more control that the government has over us, the bigger the government is, the stronger the foothold they'll have in our communities. and most importantly, in the future generations. i want to raise a family and be able to raise a family in a safe community where they are free to think, where they are free to do the what they want. and, unfortunately, my home was not as that sort, and that is why my parents made a decision to sacrifice what they had known to move to the united states. and we were naturalized american citizens a few years ago.
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elizabeth: pedro, that's quite a story. >> [inaudible] elizabeth: so, lydia, let's come back to you. you heard what pedro was saying. we were just talking about how we did our poll of our viewers. four -- more than four out of ten are primarily worried about the weaponization of government, lydia. what do you think? final word. >> i think it's absolutely dangerous for the government to go after attorneys representing political, you know, enemies of the current administration for, you know, the government to go after the press. it is very dangerous. this is not the country my parents brought me over here for. i came over here illegally. my parentses wanted a better life for me, and, you know, was able to go to school, i was able to serve my country, and they raised me with these values that if you work hard, you will get far. but right now under this heavy hand of the government, we're not going to be able to get far. we're not going to be able to continue to grow the nation, and we're going to be, we're just going to be scared to keep going and climbing this ladder.
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elizabeth: brian, pedro, lydia, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we look forward toing having you three back on tomorrow to get your reaction to tonight's debates. it's gad to see you three. thanks for your insights. we really appreciate it. we've got this story coming up, msnbc fails to confront weak on crime prosecutors that governor desantis fired for not doing their job. plus, monica crowley next on antifa protesters attacking parental rights groups in los angeles. that's next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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california. they want to protect their children fromming being indoctrinated with woke ideology, they want to prevent their kids from being educated way before their time on sexual issues, the trans agenda and the rest. so they will come out in droves regardless of where they live to protest this kind of stuff. i'm really heartened to see that in a deep blue city like l.a. and a deep blue state like california that the polices are now pushing back on these -- police are pushing back on these antifa and trans activists. they are now making arrests far more aggressively than they ever have. we didn't see that throughout 2020. you had hundreds of violent protesters on the left, antifa, trans,ing you name it they came out can and i think got away with it. and then how you have left-wing politicians like kamala harris aiding and abetting, getting them out of prison, right? putting up their bail and so on. now it looks like police forces have gotten their acts together. there's some political backing to actually making these arrests and good for them.
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also one final point, liz, don't forget that the biden doj under attorney general merrick garland has actually gone after these parents across the country who showed up to school boards protesting this kind of woke indoctrination of their children. elizabeth: yeah. >> they've been targeted by the government. elizabeth: you know, so this is really interesting, it's happening in california, right in as you say, you know, the parental rights group moms for liberty and other parental rights groups, they're a political juggernaut across the nation. they didn't exist three years ago, monica, but now you've got left-wing media, you know, calling them fascist bigots when they're just saying we're not banning books, have books for age-appropriate teenagers, not for third graders. >> yes, of course. and parents, liz, are trying to make these common sense arguments like, look, it's one thing if you want to talk to high school or college-age students about these kinds of issues because they're nearing adulthood or they're at adulthood. but when you come for children all the way down to the preschool level, i was talking
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to a friend of mine who has kids going into preschool, the parents have are absolutely terrified because the the indoctrination is starting that young when you send your kids off to school. so parents now are down with the program, they're fully awake, they're totally aware of what's happening, and they are pushing back. the problem here, liz, is they're making these common sense arguments to protect their children, but you're going up against really marxists. these are cultural marxists trying to get these kids young. so all the common sense arguments in the world are probably not going to fly when you're going up ideological warriors -- elizabeth yeah. do you think any of the republican candidates are going the take this on tonight? >> absolutely, yes. and we have a number of candidates on the stage tonight, liz, who have actually fought if back successfully against the woke ideology, particularly in schools. that's governor ron desantis in florida, hugely successful there. vivek ramaswamy also has has made one of his key planks talking about these issues and
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fighting back against this kind of thing. so you're going to see a big discussion about that tonight. elizabeth: monica crowley, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. okay, the victims of maui's wildfires in hawaii again slam president biden's tone-deaf gaffes in hawaii. and we got this, fema officials caught staying at five-star luxury resorts? plus, house gop if talks impeachment inquiry into president biden? next month. that's on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ♪ my dad started trek in a red barn in waterloo, wisconsin. and now it spans the globe. you wanna take what was given to you and you wanna build it. and you wanna pass it along. if i can do that, i would have done well. that's why we're here... to help make it happen. this is your summer to smile.
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elizabeth: joining us now, he's a great analyst, great writer, columnist joe concha. joe, it's good to see you. so we've got this story, speaker mccarthy and house republicans on "the evening edit" are talking on moving on an impeachment inquiry next month after congress comes back from recess. what do you think of that? >> i think it's warranted at this point, liz. when you look at the evidence, and this isn't a he said-she
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said, a source close to the president tells us x, these are actual bank records. showing $20 million paid to 10 members of the biden family. and all that money was paid because of who was vice president at the time of the payments, and is that was joe biden. so the question now is, is the sitting president of the united states compromised by the likes of adversaries like china or russia or kazahkstan or ukraine or a host of other countries because his family profited from those deals that involve influence peddling. it seems pretty simple. and before anybody says, well, joe biden had nothing to do with those business dealings, why was he on the phone for 20 of those phone calls on speakerphone unless it was to show that, hey, you're talking to the big guy now? and why did he go to dinner with some of these business associates of hunter biden as well? it wasn't that talk about the weather, that we do know. an impeachment inquiry seems to
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be the next step based on evidence at this point, not just hearsay. blid blid biden insider geffen archer testified -- devon archer testified they were selling joe biden as the brand, right? there's nearly two dozen secret service, you know, trips with hunter biden on air force two for then-vice president biden going overseas. the issue is do you think the media is now on the stick the here? we see cnn's jake tapper talking about it, not msnbc, they're not really covering it because they don't do that coverage at all. and this -- why it's called the bermuda triangle, as you said, of news. we see "the new york times" cover covering it, "the washington post." do you think the media's going to get on the stick about this? >> to this point, it was the forbidden fruit. thou shalt not peek about hunter biden. for the most part, we've seen very little coverage. we haven't seen one minute and
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one second on the biden bribery scandal. so they will be forced to cover an impeachment. the problem is that it's the way they cover it probably will be from a stance of dismissal, mockery and trying to cover and support the president as much as possible instead of just trying to pursue the facts, innocent until proven guilty, looking at the facts we have now and presenting that to the american people do decide instead of them trying to decide can for us. elizabeth: and i've covered this since, you know, been covering d.c. since 1986. and we saw it starting with the clinton administration, how clinton officials were really berating is and chastising the media sayiing you know, don't coffer this, you're going to look bad. cover this instead. and that's what biden has been doing. he's been a career politician since the nixon era. his aides have been doing that. he's never held a private sector job. he knows how to weaponize the government. he knows how to stifle dissent. and he knows how to shut down anybody who tries to counter him. but it's starting to fall apart
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and fray at the edges. watch this, joe. >> okay. >> [bleep] reporter: how involve you in your son's chinese shakedown text message? >> no, i wasn't, and i don't know -- >> were you? >> no! elizabeth: you know, yelling doesn't work anymore, joe. show the letter from house ways and means, house judiciary and house oversight. they're now sending a letter to the doj inspector general michael horowitz. you know that name, joe. he's the guy that broke with out the trump-russia abuses by the fbi behind the scenes of wire taps on the trump campaign and more. so they sent a letter saying, listen, you've got to look more into retaliation against irs whistleblowers and report back to us, because it's happening. biden, hunter biden's lawyers are saying to the, the oj, you know, threatening these irs whistleblowers. that that's what the new york times has been reporting. final word.
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>> final word, elections have consequences. i know a lot of republicans were disappointed that republicans didn't take back the house with 40, 50 streets -- seats, they still have the gavel, they still can do these investigations, and that's why we are where we are now. that election, even though it was a disappointment to many people that support the gop, ended up having a very important shift change as far as the house being controlled by republicans and, therefore, james comer or will continue his work just as will also be pursue by irs whistleblowers and so on. elizabeth: joe concha, always a pleasure. it's good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: okay. coming up, a major news network, msnbc, fails to confront weak on crime prosecutors that florida governor ron desantis had fired for not doing their job. crime is going to be a big issue in tonight's debates. also, former economic adviser to former president trump, he is steve moore. the administration still saying it can only give $700 apiece to victims of maui's wildfires, but
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fema officials caught staying at five-star luxury resorts in hawaii. that's next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day.
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constant contact. helping the small stand tall. elizabeth: well, look who's here, former economic adviser to president trump, he's steve moore. steve, you're in milwaukee. steve, what are you going to be looking for in the republican debates tonight? >> well, you can probably hear some of that rock and roll music in the background. it's a big, festive atmosphere here, liz. people are just really excited. i saw a sign from some trump supporters saying they're all auditioning to be the vice president. look, i think many are going to take shots at donald trump because he's such a big front-runner. i can't wait to hear what they have to say about how they're going to turn around this economy, how they're going to
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get jobs back, how they're going to get the inflation right down. what are they going to do about the border. i'll be with interested to see when they pile on to the guy that's climbing in the polls right now, as you know, liz, is my friend vivek ramaswamy. so i think some of them may go after him a little bit because he's the one who has seen the biggest ascent in the polls. ultimately, i think they're going to attack bidenomics and really fight back against this fairy tale that somehow biden has savedded our economy, because it just isn't true. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, we've been talking about it, are you better off than you were four years ago, that a famous question that reagan asked can. you know, and we were just talking about it with bill hemmer. every president from george h.w. through obama was talking about smaller government, and, you know, cutting back on taxes. obama switched on that. he actually blew up the government. so even clinton and al gore were saying lower the size of government. a lot of these guys, a couple of these guys on the stage,
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desantis and ramaswamy, are saying get rid of entire agencies, entire federal units and bureaucracies. >> yeah. you can't be conservative enough for the republican voters. i mean, vivek is talking about eliminating the department of education, the department of energy and a couple of other agencies. if i see that, you know, ron desantis is saying he would radically downsize the federal bureaucracy. i think it'll be interesting, you know, look, i'm a trump guy, i worked for trump in 2016 and served with him when he was president, but i think that it'll be interesting to see if they take shots at him and say, look, he can't be president because of all these indictments and who's going to really take the lead on that. because, you know, if you do that, you risk alienating those trump voters. the other thing that's the biggest issue in so many of these polls for republicans is what to do about the border, liz, and i want to see -- [laughter] if they're going to say we're going to finish building the wall, what kind of policies we're going. to put in place in that regard as well. elizabeth: yeah. you know, steve, let's listen to
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this, president biden is still getting slammed for going back on vacation to that, you know, climate activist, billionaire tom steyer's house in lake tahoe. it's a huge mansion. he had been on vacation, went to maui, goes back on vacation. he had a gaffe-filled visit to maui where he just went over there and insulted people, equating the incineration of that inferno to his kitchen fire where his corvette, you know, doesn't get burned. it's just terrible stuff. [laughter] >> right. elizabeth: let's watch newt gingrich on biden's response. watch this. >> e yeah, i think this visit to maui, frankly, it's just plain frightening. the how can you have a commander in chief who's totally out of touch with reality, who makes up a story which is a lie, who has no understanding of the scale of the disaster which has to occurred, who has literally has
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no empathy for the human beings around him? we have a commander in chief, it makes you wonder who's making the decisions in the white house. i personally have a hunch it's barack obama. how could joe biden decide anything in it would all be dell the gated and, frankly -- delegated, and frankly, as an american, i'm ashamed. elizabeth: what do you think, steve? barack obama's pulling the strings? >> i don't -- look, i don't know who's pulling the strings in this white house, but i know it isn't joe biden. couldn't agree more with newt gingrich that this was a total pr disaster. the president looked kind of cavalier. he waited a long time to go to hawaii, and i want to make another quick point that's maybe the most important policy point. you know, hawaii spent hundreds of millions of dollars on all this green energy climate change stuff, and they should have been spending that money on fire mitigation. and the fact that they didn't and the environmentalists have spent all the money on solar panels is one of the reasons you have so many tragic deaths and
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thousands of homes burnt. it's, i mean, this is an example of where climate change fanaticism can really lead e to really bad policy decisions that not only affect our property, but our lives. elizabeth: and, steve, the daily mail reporting fema officials booked themselves into five-star luxury hawaiian resorts. they had, you know, luxury cocktail bars 45 minutes away from the wildfire. >> oh, my god. elizabeth: all the luxuries you could imagine, infinity pools. fema officials saying those are the only hotels available is. it's not a good look when biden's saying you're going to get $700 apiece -- final word with. by the way, fema is denying this story, but what do you think of all this? >> well, i can't confirm nor deny it, but i will say that you still have hundreds and hundreds of victims that are unaccounted for where the parents and the families don't know. that is tragic. we have got to figure out where these people are and what happened. elizabeth: steve moore, thank you so much for joining us.
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it's good to have you on the show. this story coming up, a major news network, msnbc, fails to confront weak on crime prosecutors fired by florida governor ron desantis for not doing their job. we've got former nypd detective bill -- dagen and sean have a hot hour coming up on "the bottom line." sean: we are going to razzle and dazzle with "fox & friends" can cohost pete hegseth, we're going to talk about the culture awards in the 2024 election, as well as charlie hurt. he's going to give us his predictions for the debate. dagen: reince priebus also up with charlie hurt on his predictions expect importance of milwaukee and the entire swath of the midwest. and and is we revisit some oopsies from previous debates with michael loftus. remember to you gotta turn on the radio and record player and
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florida state attorneys whom governor ron desantis has suspended because they were not doing their job and defying state policies and laws. watch this. >> well, joy, it's really troubling. i mean, there's a reason why lady justice wears a blindfold rather than partisan sunglasses and a maga hat. and for 15 is 0 # years,, the oj's motto has been prosecution on behalf of justice. not on behalf of the president or on behalf of the king or on behalf of a political party. but ron desantis wants to troy that core principle of prosecutorial independence. >> well, listen, we've lost so many freedoms here over the last year, i think that we all should be very concern about what that looks like because, essentially, as andrew said, it's not that he doesn't know. he perfectly well understands that what he's doing is unconstitutional. he just doesn't care. he is an authoritarian, can that is not what this country needs. we need to get back the freedoms that we've lost, not lose more
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in the process. elizabeth: bill, this is about not prosecuting criminals. "the new york times," tampa bay times, orlando sentinel, even nbc all reported how monique worre legislation l -- worrell was weak on crime and let felons flee. >> absolutely. i can guarantee you they've created a vicious cycle of equitable justice where they will go into stores can and brazenly just steal which then rises the price up for law-abiding citizens when they want to buy something. and stores are now closing in the inner cities where these folks are purporting to want to stand for them. in essence, they are endorsing the bad guy, protecting the bad folks and shunning law-abiding citizens. elizabeth: we're talking, you know, these cases involved sex you bat withly of a 14-year-old -- battery of a 14-year-old girl, you know,
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shooting children, shooting cops, shooting pregnant win. that's -- women. that's what was not challenged that msnbc anchor did not challenge these state attorneys on how these criminals have been set free in florida. but we've got the tampa bay times, local media reporting on it. how can they -- how come they can't simply do research and say, hey, wait a second, what about these stories saying you weren't doing your job? >> because what we're now seeing is shades of pravda where i mentioned activist judges and prosecutors, we're now seeing, unfortunately, activist journalists. and it is fact not fiction. elizabeth: so we've got also, to what you were just talking about, it's hitting bottom line. it's hitting people's wallets because target, dick's sporting goods, now kohl's, they're talking about a drop in profits that hit sales on theft. dick's sporting goods says it's flash mob looting. even though it's sales went upper, its profits declined 23%.
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so, you know, that's also an issue that voters are going to want to see tonight talked about in the gop debates, crime. what do you want to hear from the if republican candidates tonight, or bill? >> that law and order need to be restored. stop putting labels on who is -- what color is the assailant, what color is the victim. if you're breaking the law regardless of color, you will be prosecuted under that law. regardless of who you are. none of this equitable justice stuff because many times the assailant is the same color as the victim. elizabeth: got it. bill tanton, thanks for joining us -- stanton the, thanks for joining us. former michigan gop gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon ready to go, fired up. texas is battling biden ooh's justice department in the court over border barriers. the border 's going to factor big in tonight's gop debates. tudor dixon coming up on "the
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for the country, what they are going to do. i'm a mom of four kids, i got school supplies for the year and it cost me $500 for four children. every mom is in the same position saying what you going to do to get the economy back on track, with had the best and decades and now the worst economy especially in michigan. we got to get help on that and that's the number one thing people are wondering what they will say but national security is a big issue making sure the border is secure getting drugs off the streets. >> what are they saying about biden's border crisis and in michigan? >> people are shocked and no other country in the world allows them to have an open border. i've been back and forth to new york where i'm stopped and migrants asked to buy the meals because it's so overwhelming no supplies, not enough supplies to meet the demand of people coming who don't have jobs and have no
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money. people in michigan are starting to feel this, we see it in the suburbs of chicago as we were driving up hearing about stories and suburbs of chicago pushing them out going into the suburbs and people are concerned about what it means for their towns and when taxes are rising pay for people who have no jobs or money in this country. >> your reaction eric adams, let's listen to mayor adams, watch this. >> it's a sign of progress does it speak to humanitarian crisis your city is facing? >> it's not a sign of progress, a sign of crises, humanitarian crises the city has ever witnessed. >> what you think? >> i think it's a man who said he's a sanctuary city, all for it until he saw the effects and
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that is the key, once you see the effects of a massive amount of people come and no resource for them, the reality strikes we cannot handle an open border, no other country does it. it's absurd and dangerous. >> the border is a big issue for voters, texas is fighting with biden's justice department in court because texas deployed loading bears, necessary to enforce the constitutional right to border security 2.3 million border encounters so far this year, d.o.j. says is harming relationship with mexico but mexico is not doing enough to stop the crisis of the u.s. order, what do you think? >> if you are in governor abbott's position, you've got to do something to protect people in your account, we hear of schools constantly under alert because people come through the schoolyard and coming, pouring
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across the border. are not safe but not just our kids but children crossing the border are not and if there's any type of barrier bears can put up, i cheer them on for that because they are thinking creatively outside the box and they are doing the job joe biden will. >> question, you know how soccer moms in suburban moms are a big factor in elections? how do they feel think about crime and biden's border crisis? >> it is devastating to be worried whether or not your children can play on the playground of the school. border towns are worried about the kids are not safe. they think candidates should be talking about. >> we love having you on the show, good to have you on. thank you for watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, now time for the bottom line dagen and sean, you know if you have a hot show. ♪
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