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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 13, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ stuart: okay. in the air. looking at new york city. good morning, it is 10:00 eastern time and this is "my take". both political parties are in turmoil, no one knows how voters will react. we are in for a miserable period. break it down by party. first the democrats. david ignatius's column in the washington post says president biden should not run again in 2,024. trump, the top guy, because he can't win. that doesn't create turmoil in the democrat party, what will. another source of discontent, kamala harris is a drag on the ticket but getting her out would alienate black women, a key voting group. the president is underwater on every issue. the economy, inflation,
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migrants, crime, democrats are not happy with that heavy president is the subject of an impeachment inquiry. democrats will have to defend him from the damaging information that might come out. that is a party in turmoil. so are the republicans. they launched a contentious impeachment inquiry. not all house members, not all gop senators are in favor. they are bitterly divided over government shutdown. that is a party in turmoil. look what we are in poor. investigations, impeachment, maybe a shutdown. trump on trial. and alien president whose every move is scrutinized. i will throw this in. whistleblower says 6 of 7 members of the cia committee paid big money, from will and lab. more investigations. let me throw this in too.
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trump and biden are losing a lot in iowa, trump has gone from 62% to 49%. biden from 69 to 50%. in a head to fark match up, trump leads biden by 11 points. turmoil indeed. second hour of varney just getting started. david avella , trump and biden losing ground in the polls in iowa. why is that? >> both of them would be the nominee if it were today. if you look to the general, this election has not changed from a year ago, the republican nominee and democratic nominee in a close race. all the candidates running for
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president are close with biden. that's why you see biden out so aggressively talking about bidenomics. they are counting that this is going to work for them and voters will ultimately reward them but let me tell you this. bidenomics is on its way to being the biggest political blunder statement since if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. stuart: fair enough. answer the question. why at this point are biden and trump losing ground in iowa when the first caucuses are three or four months away? >> you talked about it. inflation continues to go up. people are getting hit in their pocket. they want someone to give them answers on the way forward. stuart: doesn't explain trump. >> he is out talking about his economic message but has many other things. he is being forced to deal with and talked about.
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voters make decisions about the message they here. when donald trump won in 2016 the nomination he had a clear message. he wanted to secure the border, he was a businessman that could create jobs and was going to take on washington dc. it was a very clear message. whether it is donald trump or one of the other republicans running for president running for the nomination, they have to have that type of clear message to become the nominee to win in iowa or south carolina and new hampshire. stuart: biden's age clearly an issue. governor desantis, this is not a job for someone who is 80 years old. watch this. >> the presidency is not a job for some one who is 80 years old. there's nothing wrong with being 80 which i'm the governor of florida. i know a lot of people who are elderly, they are great people. when talking about a job that is one hundred%, you need an energetic president.
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of the founders but look at this again, they would have put an age limit on some of these offices. stuart: the new york times is noticing this, as democratic jitters grow, biden campaign tries to showcase his vigor. does that convince anybody? >> ultimately he will get judged on his policy. 20% more americans in their 80s are working now than they did a decade ago. as americans live longer people want to keep purpose in their lives. they enjoy working. you see moral order americans staying in the workforce. that includes politics. we see it more on the screen every day because of americans interest in their elected officials. this is happening across industries all over america. biden will get judged on his policies, you entered it in your opening, every key area
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americans disapprove of the job he is doing, they are counting on bidenomics to be a winner for them. it is on track as we talked about it being a big loser for him. stuart: 30 seconds. you think trump is going to win? >> he is today. until someone has a message about where they are going to lead the country, and republicans say we want that person donald trump will be the nominee, as the numbers currently show. stuart: thanks for joining us, see you soon. back to the markets. a tiny bit of green across the screen, the s&p down a point, nasdaq down 18. not much movement. you think the market is going to selloff a lot of its big gains recently? >> great to be with you. in the second part of this year
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we will see some selloffs, as we look at energy prices the cost of insurance rising bringing epi inflation numbers higher but the big thing i'm looking at is the fed has to update in this upcoming meeting. whether they raise or lower, those are important questions but they priced in one% of cuts in 2,024. if we see the higher inflationary environment and they go we will speed higher than longer, that is similar to the way the gear started in 2,023. we were supposed to be easy as of july and that has not happened. that is what powell is trying to signal and it would be a big mistake to drop rates too soon. that's what the market is rallying on since we had this inflationary environment. the modifications are big downturn for the market. stuart: are we staring recession in the place?
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>> we see a recession but i don't believe the average american or average investor sees it. the banda market, the recession is coming, looking at the price of oil, this has written in the past couple weeks. this is an important indicator looking at the fact that saudi arabia and russia are looking at 1.5 million fewer barrels, our economy runs on energy, look at the price of diesel relative to where it is, this does not spell a cheaper economy, it spells higher inflation, prices go up with union strikes and higher prices being in demand, that adds to the inflationary picture. we are seeing trending backup as we've seen it trending down the last for you months but
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this recession could last more than a short timeframe. there are so many systemic challenges, looking at another lost decade. >> the last thing i can afford is a lost decade. thanks very much for being with us. looking at the movers, ford motor company is moving. lauren: the ev pivot has stalled, ford plans to double the hybrid f150 pickups it makes next year so it is tuning up to be 20% of their best-selling vehicle to be gas electric. hybrids. ev sales are stalled. stuart: neo and other chinese evs are down. >> the european commission has begun an investigation to assess what it needs to impose tariffs on chinese ev firms on competition because their cars
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are cheaper, more attractive for europeans because they get subsidies from beijing. stuart: they get subsidies, they don't like it so they are investigating. chinese evs are down. roblox. we to the company is expanding. they have a video call feature where you can speak with an avatar. they are thinking about a dating platform, 17 and up. a gaming company teenagers like and little kids like, it is expansionary, and regulatory scrutiny, social media companies and everything they have to face. we when do you have to be 18? they are thinking of going -- >> 18? stuart: who knows. >> maybe 16.
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stuart: and increasing issue of affordability, young people, when our young people going to do that? lauren: they are working aside jobs to be able to. two in 524 and under are taking on an extra gig to save money for a down payment. i know that's depressing but i decided to look at the silverlining. the american dream is alive. young people want to be able to afford their own home and make money to do that. paris covid the median price of a home has risen 40%, $421,000. lauren: a wedding registry or honeymoon fund. and i like the first home fund.
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a first home fund last year. they don't want the expense of china and coffee maker but the thing that stuff goes into. people hope contributes to the down payment. stuart: was i being tacky? you could go on a different honeymoon. stuart: could we get a friday feedback? lauren: i know everybody does it. never participate. stuart: now this. new york city mayor eric adams says he hasn't spoken to president biden in month. new yorkers grow frustrated with the migrant influx. the us air force secretary says china is prepared to go to war with america if we can to deter them 't deter them from invading taiwan. north korean dictator kim jong-un meets with russian
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president putin in a rare summit. the talks are sparking concerns about potential arms deal. greg alcott has that story next. (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ is it possible to fall in love with your home... ...before you even step inside? ♪ discover the magnolia home james hardie collection.
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stuart: north korea's kim jong-un met with vladimir putin in a spaceport in siberia. greg, are we likely to see russia and north korea working on weapons like rockets? >> looks like that.
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we are talking double trouble, vladimir putin and kim jong-un meet up. they meet with a long hand the shake, a long ride they toward warner's spaceport site. discussing the meeting that followed it is believed it handing over millions of soviet era artillery shells for the war ukraine. it is believed high-tech gear, and some cash. as if to underscore what this was about, north korea launched this morning two short range ballistic missiles into the waters to the east of the korean peninsula, ukrainian
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missiles and drones slammed into the korean port damaging ships and other equipment. north korean leader kim is not finished according to his schedule and will next for a russian aircraft factory and witness a russian naval demonstration. probably tallying up all the new old armaments we are getting from jan yang. stuart: lee steinhauer, without china's approval, this cannot happen? >> 100%. he has from it is leverage over north korea, obviously russia dependent on china economically. they wanted to exert leverage over north korea or russia, it would not occur period. i think the fact that it is occurring and it is occurring so publicly speaks volumes where china is related to the situation to the war in ukraine. stuart: a real danger to the west.
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>> china is getting more engaged in the war ukraine and open about their support of russia. ukraine is a war of attrition and russia getting ammunition from north korea, has a tremendous amount of ammunition, might be soviet era outdated ammunition but russia can use it with their own soviet arsenal and is prolonging the war further and further, allowing vladimir putin to outlast ukraine, and ukraine's allies. stuart: the air force says china is preparing for war with america. is there any proof of that? or is it speculation? >> this is the first time one of our high level military leaders in the united states has said this. this has been a chorus of high level military leaders the last couple years.
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they said the more with china is imminent in the next few years. the distinct possibility they are doing it for a couple reasons, one, it is a possibility. china, if you look at their military buildup, it has been rapid and significant, they are customizing their military to attack or defend taiwan against america. also, they are ringing the alarm bells because we are not prepared for a potential war with china. stuart: it is extraordinary what we have seen the last two years. there is a new world order, russia, china, north korea, and iran versus russia, japan, india. it is firming up, isn't it? >> it is a new axis and we are seeing this new axis solidifying, providing each
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other with weapons and other material support and in china, they say we want to be part of the existing world order but lately they made a concerted effort to break apart and i think you are seeing that play out with the bricks, with this new axis. a lot of significant developments. stuart: things have really changed. thanks for joining us. i know we will see you soon. senator elizabeth warren wants to investigate musk. good morning. what's the issue? ashley: good morning. in calling for that investigation is filing a claim video on musk refused to help the ukrainian military operation aimed at russia's black sea fleet by limiting access to space x's darling satellite network saying congress needs to make sure foreign policy is conducted by the government and not by one
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billionaire. it comes after a biography of musk by walter isaacson who claims the entrepreneur disrupted a sneak attack by ukrainian drones on russian naval ships by disconnecting its system from star link. while warren calls for investigation the top 8 ukraine, president zelenskyy, slamming musk after the revelation saying it allowed russia to kill civilians and children, calling it the price at a cocktail of ignorance and big ego. stuart: remember when former arizona governor doug doocy was forced to take down his border wall that was made of shipping containers? now the state wants to use the same containers to house migrants. we've got the story. speaker bacardi launched an impeachment inquiry and somehow the democrats have found a way to blame it on donald trump. deroymurdock jointly next. ♪
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stuart: almost an hour into the trading session we don't have a clear trend of stocks, the dow is down, nasdaq is up. lauren is looking at the movers. i want to hear about delta. lauren: they were ordered by a federal judge to face consumer antitrust action lawsuit. they were accused of conspiring to drive optimistic airfare by reducing, right after the financial crisis, demanded died so in order to get allegedly to get prices back up, to pull up profits. stuart: passengers get discount vouchers, how it works is how it works, the lawyers get the money out of this. is up or down? lauren: utah is down, it was
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worker deposits, bringing in customer deposits by promising superhigher rates. other us banks collectively held. 2 trillion in risky deposits 86% more than last year. stuart: i know what they do before you tell me. i am reading of a prompter. have to be told they make software for video games. lauren: they changed or threatened to change their pricing. the game companies that use their software are really mad and threatening to pull their gains from online sites so they are in a pickle. stuart: it would hurt. house republicans meeting this morning for the first time since speaker mccarthy announced the impeachment inquiry for president biden. chad pogrom on capitol hill. on top of impeachment the house
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is dealing with a possible shutdown, sounds like chaos to me. >> the impeachment move comes as kevin mccarthy tries to avoid a government shutdown. most embrace the impeachment path, tony gonzalez is upset about the border. >> this impeachment is long overdue, the people in my district have had enough, the border crisis in particular, we should have impeached in a long time ago. >> the republicans believe mccarthy is trying to impeachment as a way to get gop votes to avoid a government shutdown. summer public and suggest they could remove mccarthy if he renews spending on a temporary basis. ralph moorman of south carolina want leftist with the subjects. >> that's a separate issue. i'm not going to go there. we will see what plays out. on the spending, we can't handle that.
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>> reporter: democrats believe the gop is miscalculating, voters see chaos when they look impeachment with a funding fight. dan goldman served as democrat counsel for the first impeachment of donald trump. >> reporter: we are now entering a fraught situation in congress where we have government shutdown. with significant legislation we need to pass and instead the the speaker is catering to the fringe right wing who support donald trump and do his bidding. >> media coverage of impeachment in a memo, the white house told the press it should, quote, ramp up its scrutiny of house republicans and some parts of the inquiry which have been proven. stuart: democrat congressman debbie wasserman schultz says impeaching president biden will tank the economy. listen to this.
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>> reporter: they are succumbing to pressure from donald trump and their right wing amaga base, allowing donald trump to hold the economy hostage, giving into the extreme amaga wing, and likely crash our economy. they have nothing there, there has been no evidence. stuart: we need deroy murdock, she blamed trump and then says impeachment will devastate our economy, take them both on. >> don't understand how impeachment has an impact on the economy, president biden will do his job, continue his term, to buy and sell stocks, business services or carry-on. president biden said i never talked to hunter biden, and he
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has called 20 business meetings, payments, 9 members of the biden amalie in 20 shell companies, and fbi informants that hunter biden got $5 million and president biden got $5 million, we should find if this is true, if it is not your we move on and if it is true the president, bribery from overseas interests. stuart: democrats keep saying there's no direct evidence. no direct evidence because in the records. >> look for the evidence. the bribery law says you don't have to be guilty of bribery directly, you can set things up so your family does really well and they take care of you at christmas or whatever it is don't give money directly to yourself. stuart: at exactly what happened. >> including his grandchildren. the grandchildren experts are in eastern europe and foreign
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trade and energy. stuart: that was sarcasm. president biden in new york city next week, coming here for the un summit. he was a representative in the city, figuring out what helps with the migrant crisis. is he going to give money or -- it is a problem. >> 110,000 people come into the city, they are over running resources and to mayor adams says will cost $12 million in the next three years, budget cuts of 5%, and what happened is illegal alien crisis leading to defending the police, defending everything else. you have to go around and we've. and you arrived without permission. this is outrageous. to come in with the passport, you may prosper in america, we
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american citizens are suffering in this country. stuart: 40 one% of residents of new york state and 38% of residents of new york city think we should build a border wall. that is a surprise. >> it shows new york city residents are tired of the situation. they are taking resources from us. we will see budget cuts that i've never seen before and people who take their kids to school, illegal aliens go to some and ask across the street and american citizens, go to the back, broken into the country, living off of that. stuart: four of ten new york city people, a wall on the border. stuart: thank you. let's go to chicago also
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overwhelmed by influx of migrants. the mayor wants to how these migrants in tents across the city. ashley: mayor johnson wants 50 city councilmembers to find space in their districts for all 200 migrants in tents. living in police stations, can you believe, to winterize camps before the cold weather hits. each one could hold a thousand migrants, under his plan the camps provide meals aneational programs, dollars per month, some say they don't have room to house additional migrants. why can't we help? are very fair questions.
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in arizona a different type of shelter being considered, shipping containers used as a makeshift border wall, small homes for young people transitioning out of the foster care system, each will be a one bedroom house with four kitchen bathroom, even a washer and dryer. stuart: thanks. here we go. times cornerback aaron rodgers out for the season after tearing his achilles tendon. them some players blame the injury on the league. the cdc recommends everyone from 6 months and older get the new covid vaccine. doctor marty makary on that next. ♪
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stuart: former espn anchor keith olbermann thinks he knows what caused aaron rodgers to tear his achilles tendon. watch his hypothesis. >> the ultra liberal former espn anchor sarcastically identified rodgers's vaccine status as the reason for his torn achilles tendon, marking the jets quarterback on x, formerly twitter, another sudden -- he refers to a group of bones and ligaments in the foot. he also added six neil emoji's for effect. rodgers found himself in the middle of the vaccine controversy in 2021 when he said he was immunized but later tested positive for covid 19 and admitted i haven't been vaccinated against the virus which apparently he thought rodgers's season-ending injuries was the perfect time
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to make his own jab. stuart: he once called me one of the ten worst people in the world. a badge of honor. ashley: a good for you. doing something right. stuart: vos cdc recommends every person six months and older get the new covid vaccine. doctor marty makary joined me now. everyone get it? >> most of the world says no including european regulators, the us is an international outlier. this vaccine enthusiasm and special treatment of the vaccine companies we've not seen worldwide. the fda made a new pathway to approve these covid vaccines with clinical data. those the cdc director bizarrely is out there making extreme claims that the best way to prevent hospitalization and death with no data and the
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it prevents longer covid which is unsubstantiated, making claims by approved indication. stuart: you just trashed that one. let's move on. fda advisory panel says most decongestants, benadryl, sudafed, don't actually work. is that absolute? they don't work at all? >> i'm not convinced. i looked at the study, when you talk to patients, they have short-term transient relief and that the purpose of these medications but we are never going to cure the common cold viruses that circulate. it's the elusive target, we never had great treatment for the common cold viruses so these medications can provide some relief.
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we've always known that. looking at the study they are pointing to to take it off the market, it's not a great study and simply says in that study they did not find the conclusive connection. doesn't mean there isn't one. stuart: we've got a fascinating case here. there's a toddler who had a rare condition, 17 doctors over three years could not figure out what the problem is. the mother asked chat gpt about it and her son was apparently correctly diagnosed with tethered cord syndrome. is this how we use ai in the medical field? this sounds positive to me. >> there may be a role in diagnostic medicine. you've seen the biggest growth nai at times when we need help making a diagnosis in radiology, cardiac imaging, dermatology, skin lesions. it may be a constellation of symptoms running through the
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ai, we might get suggestions that doctors have not thought of. stuart: it is a system. >> it is an assistant. people suggested it could do more. we will see. stuart: do you use it? >> i don't use it. i'm a surgeon by practice. i don't use ai. we have robots doing surgery i don't think patients will agree to have the operation. stuart: point taken. thank you for being with us. washington university will no longer offer gender affirming care to minors. a former employee at the clinic had claimed doctors were hastening prescribing these treatments for children. jason rantz has that. ♪ you can't buy great conversations
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nike permanently closing its factory store because it's losing a battle against theft. the store closed in october of last year with no statement except a message on the store's website, closed for the next 7 days. it is a lot more than that. the store will remain closed and now the company says it will shut its doors prominently. rampant theft has been an ongoing problem in portland and certainly at that store, the highest rate of reported shoplifting just behind target. other stores like walmart and rei announced store closings because of rampant crime. very sad. stuart: washington university in st. louis indicates gender affirming care programs for minors. a former employee claimed doctors were hastily prescribing these treatments to children. was the clinic soon?
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is that why they are stopping? >> they are stopping because of the missouri state law that opened them up to potential legal ramifications if they were to continue not just the practice of gender affirming care but even at the exemption in the law, anything that happened before then, if you started that kind of treatment, they are not interested in continuing this, we are going to offer those people referrals to go get this treatment elsewhere. ultimately it is not a good developer and in all this. most of america according to every poll is consistently saying we should not go forward with any kind of gender affirming healthcare particularly when it comes to altering one's body as a minor. everyone seems to be on the same page. the problem is we still have media outlets and democrat politicians who refuse to accept where they happen to be on this issue and are
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constantly portraying the story disingenuously even in this case, looking at local media coverage, immediately covering the white about 10-year-old who pretends he feels like a girl because the adults in his life are pushing him in that direction rather than having some honest conversations about this issue, we are turning this into a hit against any critics of this kind of procedure. stuart: here's another one for you. residents in portland, oregon apparently divided over the opening of a new ritz-carlton hotel in the city. the hotel is steps away from a homeless encampment. what was the divide here. who wants the ritz-carlton and who doesn't? >> it is not so much who wants it and who doesn't. you've got this big, expensive, opulent hotel steps away from all of these encampments and homeless people, people saying this is not a good look,
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putting money and resources into developing this kind, even though it is not money going into it, pushing attention to the ritz-carlton hotel, putting wealthy people when others are suffering. it is a silly debate, this started to go into development in 2019 before major crises started to occur in portland. i didn't think this was a good thing, and put resources, and and pushing some of the homeless away or put more pressure on the city to do something because it is a bad look. stuart: who do they want in the city? more homeless or wealthy people who got money to spend? >> this is portland. stuart: stop it. see us again soon. check the market. the dow up 80 odd points.
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the nasdaq 40, the s&p up 11. the 10 year treasury yield, where is that? what is going up a fraction. 4.28%. it is still shy of 4.3%. the price of oil, where is it? 8922. watch out for gasoline prices going up. bitcoin at 26,235. still ahead. martha maccallum on growing calls for president biden not to run for reelection in 2024. retired lieutenant general keith kellogg on the summit between kim jong-un and vladimir putin. looks like they are working an arms deal a be including rockets. mark tepper on the ceo of ford admit electric vehicles are not for everyone. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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