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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 15, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i love this guitar, one of the great roofs on the guitar. i've heard it many times. i love that. a blue sky day. it is 10:00, straight to the money, downside moves, the dow down 30, s&p down 20, the nasdaq down, tech stocks down one hundred 20 on the nasdaq. show me big tech, they are all down, apple, microsoft, meta, amazon. not a huge selloff but a 10 year treasury yield moved above the 4.3% level. oil got to follow closely, some inflation with oil moving out, $90 a barrel up this morning, just received the latest read on consumer sentiment. what number do you have?
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lauren: it went down because gas prices went up. the number for september, per limiter number, 67. 7, the expectation was 69. one. cpi and ppi both came in hot, 5 year inflation expectations did come down a bit. i find that encouraging. one of the point, few customers in this survey mentioned potential federal government shutdown but if it comes to bear they are really worried about the economy. put this in perspective, you have the hollywood writers and actors on strike, the auto workers on strike and potential of the government shutting down. how would you feel about that situation? stuart: the number of consumer confidence, the market still stays in the red as the market says this. the latest fox also shot in the arm for donald trump at a huge disappointment for president biden. i start with trump, the paul of
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republican primary voters gives him a 47 dal over his closest rival. you get 60% support in august. could it be the voters believe trump is being unfairly persecuted, that's not what the democrats expected when they launched an indictment binge but when they drag him through the dirt that's what they get. then there's the president losing ground with all key constituents. suburban women, he's down 12 points. all women down 11, blacks downtown, voters under the age of 45 down 7. hispanics down 5. these are the groups that put president biden in the white house, without them his chances of winning are slim and none. why is this happening? biden has multiple problems which seem to get worse, age, cognitive ability, all the issues from inflation to migrants. kamala harris, now impeachment, it's all coming at him in
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different directions and these polls show it, democrats don't particularly like fox but they will take notice of these polls. they must be very worried. biden is losing, trump is winning, democrats, that's a horror show, second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: tammy bruce is with us this morning. we've got trump in court, biden investigated possibly impeached, maybe a government shutdown. doesn't america deserve better? >> i would suggest something else, we shouldn't mistake columnist. for everything we find. that's with the biden the regime promised, everything would go back to normal. with trump everything, so much problems and disarray and arguments and everything, the argument was your life will be
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calm her, just have a nice guy, that was what they promised everyone. the mistake is thinking things going on as usual, the status quo means everything is all right. what this disruption means is everything is never been all right, not for the last 75 years and changing things does cause disruption, sometimes bad relationships need to end, sometimes there is divorce, sometimes at it than staying together, sometimes there's war, revolution, things you don't wish for that you want it is necessary for civilization to move on, families to be better at people to have better opportunities for the future. in this case it seems there's lots of problems but the fact is those in charge are less adept at hiding their problems, less adept at hiding their corruption and corruption does have to be confronted, we've got to be able to move in this way and with the unions and all these strikes going on this is what you are going to have when
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you've got someone like, they've got a president who is sympathetic, they need to get things done now. just like our enemies need to get things done now because they've got someone in the office they can rely on. stuart: also part of the path fox poll shows without trump in the race ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy are in a dead heat, 33 desantis, 30 one for vivek ramaswamy, how coming moved up so much? >> the rhetoric, ramaswamy speaks in a language people are familiar with, it's what you hear in snippets, he repeats obvious things americans are concerned about and does it very well but speaking about these things doesn't mean you are going to be able to deliver, people have to think about what your experience is, if you can do something but it's also a statement that they want people who understand that this is not a fluke or weird distraction where we need
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things change dramatically and he seems to represent that at least on the surface. he is the new generation but we also know which is why trump is in the lead because of his experience and his are delivered for the country previously, that matters. stuart: vivek ramaswamy is millennial, not jen z. thank you very much on this friday morning. don't forget to watch the second republican primary debate you will see on fox business. i will be one of the moderators. do we know where the third republican debate will be? you. >> nome -- miami in november. they are in talks to host it but they are in the sea has not announced the computation retirements yet. we will see who is in it. the second debate, california september 27th, the next day
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president biden will deliver a speech reportedly on saving democracy at the mccain institute in arizona, the theme saving democracy, our battle for the soul of the nation. yet it feels we are more divided than ever. i'm kind of mainstream by saying that. but when i wonder if they will mention fox business, stuart varney and the rest of us. president biden again said he would get into trouble if he took more reporter questions. he did it again. lauren: he was speaking in maryland on the economy the morning his son was indicted and he took questions. >> president biden: there's a lot more i know we could talk about, which i had a chance to take your questions but i'm going to get in real trouble if i do that. all kidding aside, we face some tough times in recent years. lauren: who was he going to get in trouble with?
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why are they -- they are that nervous every time he speaks. i did some back research, pulled up an article from 2021, when jen psaki was the press secretary and she admitted they resist sending him out in public to speak openly because of all the cleanup they have to do. it's getting worse and he is still blaming other people for controlling him and not allowing him to speak. stuart: move on. look at the markets, friday morning, dow is down 46, the s&p down 22, the nasdaq ticketing on the chin, down almost 1%, charles payne is with us. gas prices on the rise, diesel on the rise. you are going to analyze this, looks to me like more inflation. charles: i was looking at your interview with gas buddy. stuart: that was some time ago.
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charles: all the experts are getting -- i looked at coming into the year, the closest was the eia, they said $3.50 one cents, fitch said $2.70, wallet investor $2.70. feels like we are going to crack $4, only thing i would say we are seeing moderation in demand and behavior. last week there was 8. 3 million barrels a day, the week before that 9 billion barrels a day, we had a to cupping gasoline stock but we don't have any crude oil. i think there's going to be a huge day for president biden in 24. unless we stop driving and china stop driving we are -- this is the failed policies of biden. we know what i picked it out russia did. president biden made it easy for them to take advantage of the situation. stuart: we have a strike against the big three, different plants, each of them. we are told this is about
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electric vehicles and i think it struck to a point. i also think, you pointed out this morning, it's about the declining purchasing power of the autoworkers themselves. you've got the numbers. charles: 2008-23, nonsupervisory workers at vehicle parts plants, their real income is down 10%. manufacturing plants the real income down 19%. real income in this economy, watching the government give automakers billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars, watching their industry change in a way no one knows what the outcome is going to be. their there uncertainty levels are through the roof and they have. admit gripe. whether they will be able to work 32 hours and get 48 hours of pay is a different story but they do have a legitimate great. lauren: other workers are working a hybrid schedule. working arguably less. lauren: you can't work out hybrid schedule a factory.
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charles: you don't want them to know, you want more hands-on, don't want more robots in the plant. stuart: you have a charity event last night, the boys and girls club of harlem. tell me about it because you have a personal connection. charles: had two childhoods i've talked to you about. wonderful, beautiful, we moved every year every year, lived in germany, japan, pittsburgh, san antonio, alabama, north carolina, north dakota, we love that, my parents separate, we left this amazing beautiful life, just wonderful, didn't have to lock our doors had moved, my mom and two brothers in the with no money, all 3 of us lived in a room we got an apartment our first winter in new york, no hot water and i love to the energy but the violence and poverty i've never seen anything like.
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this was an oasis, boys and girls on the football team, it was an oasis. one of the things that gave me faith in the people i grew up with so when i got out of the air force i coached for two years but i was a broker, put in long hours and as i became more fortunate, donating money and they said what else can you do and i have some big dreams, some amazing dreams, not just with them but a template for public schools and everything else because we are not prepared. black people are not prepared. our children in public schools like new york city are not prepared for the new world. we are in the industrial revolution and a lot of people will be left behind. stuart: you are a good man, thanks for being on the show.
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the white house turning to ceos to help with the migrant crisis. new disappointing polls for the president, and impeachment inquiry, democrats pushing biden into retirement. it has been a tough week for the president, we will break it all down. political head wents he's facing and the view says biden will lose the black vote if he drops kamala harris from the ticket. watch this. >> 1% of african-americans voted for biden and will continue to vote for biden if kamala is his running mate. i would be very careful, president biden, about getting rid of kamala harris because we will not support you. stuart: the panel exploded after that and we will bring a new cohost of fox and friends, lawrence jones talking about the view. ♪
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stuart: president biden is facing a growing list of problems everything from and impeachment inquiry to growing concerns about his mental acuity. >> it is a pretty long list, the president woke up this morning behind me at the white house as the first sitting president in history to have his son or daughter indicted. president biden made no mention as we spoke outside the nation's capital yesterday. he said attack republicans. >> president biden: maca economics is mark stram than anything america seen before. they went further than anyone
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has gone threatening to default on the debt, 220 years, unless we gave them everything they want and gave them nothing they want. >> it has been a tough week for the president, kevin mccarthy launched the impeachment inquiry and a new inflation report says prices rise, as our viewers know when they go to the grocery store gas station from washington post columnist david ignatius said biden should not run again in 24 and neither should kamala harris. the uav went on strike, uaw went on strike last night and the president's son was indicted, hunter biden's attorney reacting to the gun charge last night. >> this office never brought a charge like this against anybody. you have to ask what changed. you also talked about folks like chairman comeer and republican amaga crazies who have been pushing this us attorney to do something to vindicate their political position and guess what, they succeeded.
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>> hunter is accused of receiving millions of dollars from china, russia and ukraine while his father was a place president, democrats and his attorneys insist there is no evidence tying president biden to that cash so the all important court date for hunter biden, don't know when that will be. stuart: trump supporters growing among groups that traditionally support democrats, look at that on your screen. president biden is losing their support. lawrence jones has been a stranger but he's back this morning. wise biden losing support? >> there's a few problems here. one is the economy, people vote based on how they feel. you can give me all the stats about biden administration will do, to say the economy is improving but on a day-to-day basis americans simply aren't
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feeling it. when they go to the grocery store or the gas pump, when they were investing in businesses for themselves so they are not going to vote for you if they feel like there life isn't better off, the next thing when it comes to black males, a lot of people talked about this, not just the economy but the allegation of the 2-tier justice system that they don't like. you have president biden, the architect of the crime bill said we are going to throw you behind bars, his son gets caught with a gun, not paying his taxes and all of a sudden he gets a sweetheart deal and then they see what's happening with donald trump, they may not always agree with his tone and tenor, they say we've been in similar situations where we had aggressive prosecutors go after us on the rich and powerful play by different rules. there are several factors going on and i don't think the president has enough time
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between now and election time to fix this because there's no way you can improve the lives of americans right now unless he totally rejects the liberal policies and then he may have a primary challenge. stuart: i want you to listen to the ladies of the view saying biden will lose the black vote if he drops kamala harris as vice president. >> 91% of african-americans voted for biden and will continue to vote for biden if kamala is his running mate. i would be very careful, president biden, about getting rid of kamala harris because we will not support you. >> strong my vote away if i wrote another -- you are not throwing away your vote. >> i'm sorry, she's not going anywhere. stuart: the ball is in your court. >> the gasp from the audience
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but honestly you really shouldn't pay much attention to the liberal elites that are there. kamala hers was the first person out of the race for the primary. black voters didn't support her then, especially black men. many black women, use the base of the party, but i don't see there being this massive loss based on kamala harris. i don't even think a lot of black voters identify with kamala harris. i think they are jumping ship right there. stuart: congratulations, you know. you have been appointed the cohost of fox and friends on fox news. so you are a cohost.
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>> that was my first show on national tv for fox news out of all the networks. the judge show was my first business show. we have this banter because you that i was living in dallas at the time. i called you brother on national tv and it stuck, brother, i like this, it became my thing. you've been very supportive of my career since i started appearing on fox, it's been 10 years and you have been -- stuart: you could be my grandson. let me point something out to you. you are going to have the same lifestyle as me. to:45 in the morning so i'm just going to ruin your life. shake your head. and i'm going to be the guy who talks to you at 4:00, 5:00 in the morning. >> the great thing about this, i've been missing your show because i've been on the road, but now i have no excuse
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because i'm here. there are times after fox and friends -- stuart: sitting yourself as a future guest on this program. stuart: i'm going to do it to you. you are all right. you understand that? good luck. hillary clinton addressing concerns over biden's age, role it. >> the question is legitimate but the conclusion people draw is off base. when people say to me, he is old, that's right, but look at what he has gotten done. stuart: off base? sandra smith is going to be along to deal with that. president zelenskyy coming to america next week expected to meet biden. greg palcott has the story next.
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stuart: on the markets this morning some red ink and it's getting worse, the dow was down a hundred, the nasdaq down one hundred 32, s&p down 27. president biden and ukrainian president zelenskyy are going
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to meet next week. when and where are they meeting and what is on the agenda? >> it supported they will meet next thursday at the white house and the stakes couldn't be higher. president putin will enlist 24 billion-dollar military humanitarian aid package in addition to that white house stop zelenskyy is planning to meet at the capitol where some republicans are making moves to oppose the funding. very much needed if the counteroffensive goes on. new word that ukraine has taken back a small village from russia in the east, they knocked out air defenses in crimea and fended off russian planes in the west is north korean leader kim jong-un continues his tour of eastern russia visiting a fighter jet factory. reportedly in part with pyongyang providing moscow with much-needed ammunition.
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as for putin, he was meeting today with the leader of belarus who suggested his country join a 3-way alliance with russia and north korea. belarus continues to host russian troops, seeing fighting and ukraine and before zelenskyy is in washington he will be in new york on wednesday for the opening session of the general assembly of the united nations showing support up in other locations as well. stuart: thanks a lot, see you soon. the pentagon now says it is okay to save himself or herself from metal citations. you are one of the people who broke the story. is that about of defense now admitting there are only two genders? >> they are hedging their bets on that. the change still maintains of
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himself as the default language but it can be given to the award recipient to specify request of himself or herself so they've muddied the waters that much more. it' s so bizarre that we are having a debate about whether men and women, male and female are the biological sex is an genders. why are we having this conversation. stuart: do you think this is one of the reasons you can't get people to join the military? >> it certainly is. there is health issues, obesity, substance abuse, criminal records, lack of desire for see military service as something noble in service to the country but this adds to that, this gender confusion, identity politics right at the pentagon and the most senior levels, not a junior level but senior levels but exacerbates the problem. stuart: do you ever feel this
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is the world turned upside down, do you ever feel that because i certainly do? how about you? >> i spent 20 years in the marine corps, you are focused on combat skills, deployment, serving your country, small unit leadership, teambuilding and now we have to be worried about viewing people through a racial lens, throw weird gender identity lends, up to 35 genders these days, whatever it might be so this idea that you can replace what has been known to humankind for 5, 6, 7 millennia, now an entirely new verbal construct is ridiculous. stuart: i don't mean to laugh because it is not really funny, it's not really funny. thanks for being on the show today and enlightening us. thank you. now this. google's chief executive some the at a meeting of the white house yesterday, i don't think this was about ai.
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was about immigration? ashley: the alphabet ceo among 40 chief executive suppressing the white house on immigration issues and to offer potential solutions. concerns are mounting that undocumented migrants are straining resources in major cities across the us. we've seen that certainly in new york and elsewhere. it's part of the campaign called welcome us. nonprofit public-private partnership for resettlement of refugees and migrants. the work is looking at among other things permits for rideshare services and public transportation, pro bono legal services and workforce training. in major cities including new york, eric adams pleading for more help from the federal government. stuart: the movement to put them to work and settle. that is what it is. thanks.
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we now know which states got richer and which states got poorer. details. lauren: median household income, $74,755, relatively flat. if you live in these 17 states he made less money, connecticut, illinois, indiana, iowa, massachusetts, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, new hampshire, ohio, oregon, pennsylvania, vermont, virginia, wisconsin. folks in these 5 states including florida, alabama, delaware, made more. the black poverty rate sounds high, 17.1% but that is a record low. obviously it is higher than some of the other groups but moving costs have gone up for everybody and federal programs provided that has expired. of the one florida is doing well. lauren: you made more in
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florida. stuart: autoworkers are officially on strike after they reached a deal with the big three, we speak to the president of uaw mobile 14. getting drinks with coworkers after work used to be a regular occurrence. watch this. ♪ stuart: some of our older viewers may remember cheers but it seems more workers are now rushing out the door rather than going to the bar. madison alworth will tell us why people are ditching happy hour to get home next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: and hours 11 minutes of business and the market continues to head south, down just real down one hundred 10, nasdaq down 145, close to one% down on the nasdaq. looking at the movers, let's start with homebuilder lennar down 3%. lauren: revenue fell 2% from a year ago. there new orders jumped 37%, but home prices fell in order to sell homes. stock is down 3% despite good news. stuart: paramount merge moving up or down? lauren: potential new talks for the first time in weeks between the studios and the hollywood writers next week. stuart: that would be good. shake shack. lauren: they say stock is going up $20-$85 a share because foot traffic is improving. stuart: thank you. there is been a big shift.
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i'm fascinated by this one. there's been a major shift in workplace culture. fewer people are going out after work to mingle with their coworkers. madison alworth is at a bar in new york city, they serve breakfast. why are people skipping the bar and heading straight home after work? >> this bar has been open since 9 a.m. you can get your drink anywhere. new yorkers and workers across the country are skipping the after our drinks because they want to keep their work life and personal life separate and the other thing is they are more interested in just getting home, they don't want to linger after work, they want to get to pandemic puppies, used cooking skills they picked up during the pandemic, no one knows that other than the owner of sean's bar. he said before the pandemic work happy hours from 5 to 8:30, what are you seeing now instead?
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>> typically happy hour is an hour later pre-pandemic, basically 5:00 to 6:30. a lot shorter. >> people getting in and getting out. what days you see workers come to your bar? >> thursday has become the hottest day of the week, fridays have tapered down. people want to start their weekends a lot earlier than they used to. lauren: >> reporter: we want to hear from workers in new york if they feel a same, here is what they have to say. >> that made us take a step back, do i want to spend this much time with my coworkers? >> big fan of happy hour as long as the firm is paying, no reason not to. >> a good way for young people to be here and learn more from them, nobody working home, just not good. >> not just the drinks are ending but a pullback in after work dinner reservations.
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people interested in getting home. the big drinking day thursday instead of friday. i'm ready to get my drink on. this is no longer the big drinking day, people want to get home and have a drink with their family but you come to sean's, a lot, that's very beautiful, look at that. i'm going to go to the bar all day. it is also 10:30 a.m. so not as many people here but we are ready, back to you. stuart: you stored an enormous amount of conversation is building about what you're doing, people not doing happy hour. let me digress. let's go to lauren and bring you into this. why do you think people are not going to happy hour? >> they don't want to get in trouble with the human resources department. what happens at happy hour? stuart: i think you are right. there is no such thing as office romance, can't do that. can't go out drinking with your colleagues.
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>> you might say so something or do something that's not completely pc. stuart: plus america is going to bed earlier and getting up. great story in the wall street journal. i should know. thank you. listen to this. the ceo of frontier airlines ripping into how lazy he thinks workers have become. this is not a contentious subject. what did he say? ashley: yes. it is always happy hour. the full is the ceo of frontier airlines and is not mincing words. he says we got lazy during covid. the question, why companies are still allowing people to work from home calling it plain city but frontier says it is doubling down on cutting costs and boosting productivity in response to a slowdown in demand.
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according to research by stanford university, one in three you time -- employees spent part of their workweek remotely, interestingly their share of us companies that require full-time office attendance is declining this year. we go back the other way, biffle says in the wake of covid, woke workers have become less productive. stuart: mr. biffle, thanks very much. randi weingarten at it again, attacking supporters of school choice. we will tell you what she had to say that has outraged a lot of people. a school under fire for pulling black students out of class and lecturing them about poor grades. parent singling out their children. our law professor at cornell university on that next.
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florida elementary school pooled black children from classes, lectured them about poor grades, parent outraged and the principal forced out. jacobson is a law professor at cornell university and joined me now. what do you make of minority kids being pulled aside for a lecture on their poor performance? >> this is a reflection of diversity, equity, and inclusion or whatever you want to call it, treats black students as doomed to failure and that seemed to happen in this elementary school. it is presumed because of the color of the skin that they were going to have a harder time and that is the stereotype that so negative -- stuart: do you believe this happens frequently but elsewhere? >> it is unusual to happen assembly just for black students or white students or
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any, but purpose is there throughout in the way students are treated and told about our society, systemic racism, they are doomed to failure. to pull them out of the place where they are in an assembly, it is the same problem. we want hold on for a second for one more subject i would like you to address. parents are outraged at new comments from randi weingarten. what did she say? ashley: she likened the rhetoric of supporters of school choice and parental rights initiatives to that of segregationists. listen to this. >> the same thing that happened in brown versus board of the same words that you heard in terms of wanting segregation post brown versus board of education, the same words you here today. ashley: weingarten argued only a small group of extremists
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want to see a end to public education, support school choice and parental rights policies but critics say public schools remain one of the most racially and economically segregated institutions in america and a stanford study found white/black segregation between schools increased 35% from 1991 to 2020. stuart: come back in, professor jacobson. what do you make of the comment that the language of segregation is the same as the language of school choice? >> somebody who can't see what is in front of her, school choice is choice, empowering parents, making the choice where their kids are going to go. as we see in the prior segment, segregation has taken place through the ideology pushed by randi weingarten which is diversity, equity, and inclusion and critical race theory, that is separating students. we need to treat all students of the same based on their performance and merits, not
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skin color. randi weingarten is like an arsonist who set fire to the house and now is complaining the house is on fire. she is the cause of a lot of these problems in the organization. stuart: do you get pushback at cornell for your views? >> it varies over time, sometimes very intense, sometimes not intense, still talking to you and as far i still have a job. stuart: that's good to hear, don't want you to lose your job, professor jacobson, hope you can come back soon. >> checking the market, dollars up 150, the nasdaq down 11/3%, one hundred 84. sandra smith on democrats trying to deflect concerns over biden's age and mental capacity. steve hilton on the
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>> not a week has gone by that's been favorable to the president from an evidence standpoint. every single week there's more things we uncover and find out and we're going to follow the facts and we're going to


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