tv Varney Company FOX Business October 2, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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government and we'll talk about this till christmas or new year use the two sides aren't close. >> looking at all at stops that joe biden pulled out in order to protect his family and in order to protect his son, he's a guy that has to win is joe biden. >> you've seen cameras with trump on the campaign trail. the only argument is trump hasn't attended the two debates. desantis has any chance, it's policy, policy, policy. >> this isn't a victimless petty crime. this is violent organized crime. these stores close and it destroys the communities. stuart: i believe this is a very appropriate beetles song to be playing on this day and it'll be a is upny day and tomorrow as well. pretty good i'd say.
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11:00 eastern time, monday, october 26789 check the markets, please. october 2, check the markets please. dow down 120 and nasdaq up 60 points. show me big tech and a moment ago they were all up. every single one of them is up and alphabet up 2%. not bad at all. meta is 305. check the 10-year treasury yield going straight up. strong gain on the upside and i'm surprised that the nasdaq is doing well and interest rates go up like that, you're at 467 on the 10 year. and now this, after the passing of diane feinstein, the democrats are rushing to name her replacement. identity politics is front and center here. california governor newsom makes the choice and his pick ticks all the right boxes. she's female, black and gay. newsom's office proudly announced she'd be the first black lesbian to serve in congress and first openly lgbtq
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senator from california. it seems that among democrats ticking boxes counts for everything these days. but that's the problem with this administration. biden pays more attention to identity than competence. identity may serve political goals, but it doesn't necessarily produce efficient administration. it is his identity pick for vice president kamala harris at the heart of so many worries about joe biden himself. identity may have helped her get the vip job but for the top job, you've got to have more than just race and gender. lbutler will be sworn in tomorrw or wednesday and she'll serve briefly filling out feinstein's term but my guess is the democrats will want her to stay. female, black, please bean, among democrats hard to beat. third hour of varney starts right now.
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stuart: mike huckabee is here with me, the former governor of a.c. do you agree with me, this is about identity? >> stu, i always agree with you. in this case, it's really legitimate and the biden administration is like buying a crayon set with 64 different crayons and more interested of what's in the box but can't sign name with a ballpoint pen. what we'd love for people to be is just competent. be able to dot job. you know, i would never be picked in a biden administration. i'm white, i'm straight, i'm old, i'm male. i mean, i uncheck all the boxes, but that's the problem with identity politics, you care more about how something looks than whether or not it functions. stuart: that's it. you missed one out, you're a
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christian too, i believe. >> yeah, that really messes it up, doesn't it? that just finishes me off. stuart: you've lost that box, i'm telling you. let's get serious. governor -- bill maher says it's time for president biden to step aside. watch this. >> someone has to convince president biden that if he runs again, he's going to turn the country back over to trump and go -- and go down in history as ruth bader biden. the person who doesn't know when to quit and so does great damage to their party and their country. you can be a national treasure and still be too old for the job. if i'm on a plane and the pilot says this is your captain, buzz aldrin, i'm getting off. stuart: that was funny but raises a serious point. i want to ask you, do you think biden will be the democrat's candidate in 2024?
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>> i think so unless they can find some way to get rid of him. it could be the corruption uncovered in congress but, you know, he seems to be absolutely determined to be the nominee and to get a second term. i think jill is pushing for it as well. kamala harris is certainly pushing for it because she'd like to stay in her job. but democrats are not happy with their choice. now, frankly, stu, i hope he does become the nominee and stays in the race because bill maher may have it right, it's probably the best way for trump to get back into office, and i'd love to go back to pol policiesd border security, energy independence and see gasoline cheaper, and i'd like to see just average working class americans be able to buy a house and a car, neither of which they can do right now thanks to the incredible failure of bidenomics. stuart: yes, i was getting to that. you know, some deputies, quite a few actually are openly criticizing bidenomics and the branding of the team as bidenomics. it's backfiring, i think, because people are not buying it contraindication for cerumen
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it; right? >> no, they're not -- not buying it; right? >> no, because they can look at their own lifestyle and see it's been affected. they can't buy the house they could have bought just two years ago. they can't buy the car that they would have bought two years ago. they just can't. when people talk about bidenomics and how well it's working and liberals are going on television trying to tell us, hey, what are you gone to do, beef me your or lie -- believe me or your lying eyes? it just doesn't work and atsome point selling bidenomics is like trying to sell tickets to the titanic and telling them, it's going to hit the ice burg, it's going to sink, but by golly it's a heck of a ride until that moment. stuart: you know, we've agreed on all three subjects we brought to our attention and that means we agree in full and you're on the show again next week. governor, it was a pleasure and hope to see you again real soon. thank you, sir. >> thanks, stu. stuart: governor desantis going
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after trump's campaign strategy. what is desantis saying, ashley? ashley: he's attacking trump for not showing up to the gop debate suggesting the former president was adopted joe biden's basement strategy. take a listen. >> with all due respect to donald trump, we're not going to beat the democrats by adopting joe biden's basement strategy. you can't just be missing in action. you've got to show up, you've got to earn people's votes, and if you're not willing to do that, voters will take notice. ashley: desantis made references to trump's age saying the "we need somebody that can serve two terms". stu. stuart: that is a reference to age right now, thanks, ash. back to the markets and we have jason catastrophe with -- jason katz with us this morning. no government shut down and where no bounce for stocks? >> markets expect this a symmetrical response and the alternative would have been far worse; right?
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relying on private data instead of the government's data coming to cpa and jobs. stuart: that's right, if they shut the government down, there'd be no inflation numbers. >> that's precisely correct and not to mention there'd be less confidence in the u.s. debt that's already been severely damaged and now we're faced with the fact there's not this shutdown or the can has been kicked but the fact of the matter is we're still staring at the same person in the mirror. we're faced with subborn inflation and the fed's reaction function to that and uncertainty with respect of whether there's going to be a recession. nothing has really changed relative to friday. stuart: we are just kind of bumbling aloaning. no huge gain or -- along. no huge gain or drop and nice even steven along she goes? >> that's the new normal. that's what i think we're going to expect and fairly muted returns. the multiple on the markets seems elevated at 18 times earnings. but if you back out the magnificent seven, you're looking at more like 15 times
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earnings and this earnings period will be the first positive earnings period in three quarters and three negative quarters and a meager 2% year over year growth and next year upwards of 12% earnings growth and multiple the market is reasonable so i wouldn't retreat, i wouldn't do that. i would rather re-purpose within the market. stuart: okay. one other factor, as of now, student loans have to be repaid. >> right. stuart: i don't know how much money that's going to take out of the economy. any impact on the market? >> 1.7 trillion in total loans and there are 40 million americans being affected by this. in fact, the average monthly bill is going to be $350 and for 10% of the country, it's going to be more like $700. this is yet another test on that consumer that's been incredibly resilient and i think the consumer take as hit. at the margin, believe it or not, this helps the inflation
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fight because it mutes growth but on the other side of the coin, 2% is the consumer and drives the earning and on the other side of the coin, earnings come down a bit and feeds into what i said earlier, a market where you're going to have very meager type of results for the foreseeable future. stuart: are you an economist on the one hand and on the other hand? >> play it down the middle. stuart: just joking. jason, thank you very much, sir. >> you bet. stuart: now this, white house banning senior officials from traveling to any senior conference that promotes fossil fuels. officials must get approval before attending "international energy engagement". the moment a store clerk in california is set on fire after he tried to stop somebody from stealing. just appalling. president biden signed the short term funding bill over the weekend. what happens from here? peter doocy will try to explain it. biden wants a separate bill to
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address more military aid to ukraine. watch this. >> i hope my friends on the other side keep their word about support for ukraine. we cannot under any circumstances allow american support for ukraine to be intented. stuart: support to ukraine appears to be dwindling in america, kt mcfarland on that right after this. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free, now is an excellent time
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to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least 10,000 dollars to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free. with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income... are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. stuart: president bind says republicans must keep their word on aid to ukraine.
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roll tape. >> i hope my friends on the other side keep their word about support for ukraine. they said they were going to support ukraine in a separate vote. we cannot under any circumstances allow american support for ukraine to be interrupted. stuart: kt mcfarland with us and appears support for ukraine is dwindling in the united states. does that threaten the country and their war effort? >> yeah, and it's dwindling because president biden has failed to make the case. what's the money going for? how does this war end? how much longer are we going to keep supporting ukraine? or is it another forever war? we're kind of in this weird position where there's two options given. one, you either continue with this biden says and continue to support the war basically a forever war or do you pull the money out and then watch potentially ukraine collapse and then russia move in. those are two really unacceptable options, but that's what's driving the division in the republican party and all
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republican candidates agree on the economy, they agree on woke culture, they agree on the border but not on ukraine and increasingly the population of the united states is questioning ag ukraine. stuart: looks like stalemate. is that where we're going from here? >> yeah, it's a stalemate. as long as russia has the income that it gets from high oil and natural kasam prices, it -- gas prices and has the money to continue to pay for the war. as long as administration gives money to e ukraine, they have te money to continue the war. no one thinks there's an end in sight and both sides are digging in. it's like the first world war, trench war fair and fighting over a couple of feet of territory and nobody's getting anywhere. so i think somebody's got to figure out what is our goal, how much is it going to cost, and how long is it going to take, and what do we expect the american people to do. right now the american people have paid $1,000 per household for the war in ukraine.
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again, no end in sight. stuart: extraordinary. cia official says "china is growing every which way on artificial intelligence". is there a way to tell if they're actually ahead of us on ai? >> you don't know because nobody can count on what china's numbers are, but they've made a goal and their goal is called ai2030. they plan by 2030 to be the word's leader in artificial intense. they're put ago lot of money into research and development, not only artificial intense but quantum -- intelligence but quantum computing and it's the underpenny of artificial intelligence. i don't know if they're ahead but they're not behind and that's the worry that the united states is not putting reservice connected and have development money into artificial intelligence research or quantum computing like we could be doing and should be doing. stuart: is biden pushing back on china sufficiently, you think? they're making aggressive moves in every which way direction.
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are we pushing back in a way that makes you comfortable? >> no. i think we're talking about it, but i don't think they're actually doing it. i mean, if you were doing it, you'd increase defense spend, double our research and development budget, get tough with china on a lot of trade issues and they're not doing any of that. stuart: not a good picture we're presenting this monday. stalemate in ukraine and falling backwards a little against china, not putting in the effort. can you give us any bright spot this is morning, kt? i know this is a spur of the moment question. you've got to make miasmal, can you do it? >> you bet! it's because there's an election in 2024, and these issues are being debated by the american people, and the american people are a lot smarter and have a lot more common sense than the people in washington. i'm ready for a change. stuart: that was good. that was very good. you didn't know that question was coming, spur of the moment stuff. excellent, brilliant stuff, you should get back in government. kt mcfarland, you, madame, are
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all right. see you soon. ashley is with us, what's this about meta using people's instagram posts? i have an instagram post. i don't post much. many is training for ai? i don't get it. ashley: surprised you have that, stuart varney, i don't know why. meta admitted it is used masses of publicly available instagram and facebook posts to train the ai models. the company said it's tried to exclude data set withs a very heavy amount of personal information but if you don't like the idea, of your info being used to train ai programs, consider this: meta says you own all the content and information you post. okay. if you make a post public as many do by default, it becomes available for all sorts of purposes that you cannot control. meta believes it's use of posts to train ai is covered by the legal doctrine of fair use. guess what, you can be sure all of this can head to the court,
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make the lawyers rich. stu. stuart: we've seen this movie before. countless times. it's always the same one. thanks, ash. check those parks, please. why not. the dow is down 70, nasdaq's up 114 points. i like that. 0.87% up on the nasdaq and s&p up a tiny fraction. that's it. coming up, h and m using new technology to stop shrinkage or known as shoplifting and what they're doing to their clothes. congressman pulled a firearm during the vote and critics saying he was trying to delay and that would be wrong. congresswoman aoc trying to defend the move as a moment of panic. republican congressman jason smith says he better be held accountable. congress minnesota hit -- congressman smith is next. ♪
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to have it be exactly what i want it to be. be able to integrate my appointment app. godaddy was able to provide everything that i needed. the whole image of who i am and what empire is is presented through my godaddy website. ♪ stuart: on the markets this morning, a very nice gain for the dow industrial -- sorry, for
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the nasdaq composite. that is up over 1% and big tech is up pretty much all across the board. the gain for the nasdaq even though the 10-year treasury yield is going up. that's not the relationship we've seen in the past when that yield goes up, nasdaq tends to go down. today, yield up, nasdaq up. 4.67% is the yield on the 10 year right now. as for the price of oil, it's dropped to $88.90, $88 per barrel on oil. the government averted a shutdown right before the deadline on saturday. that's what happened. peter deuce jim jordan at the white house -- peter doocy at the white house for us. peter, tell us, what was in the spending bill and noticeably absent? >> noticeably absent is money keeping weapons flowing into ukraine for their fight with russia. >> i hope my friends on the other side keep their word about support for ukraine. they said they'd support ukraine in a separate vote. we cannot under any
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circumstances allow american support for ukraine to be interrupted. i fully expect the speaker to keep his commitment for a secure passage and support need to help ukraine as they defend themselves against aggression and brutality. >> it's unclear if there's enough support for that ukraine money because for now, speaker mccarthy sounds like he's supportive of people if the party that plan to vote against it. >> there's no american dying in ukraine, but every single day it's the equivalent of airliner crashing and dying in america because of the fentanyl. we've watched the border agents be beat up, human trafficking happening, and this president that's been in elective office for more than 50 years, he's gone to more dinners with hunter biden's business associates than he has visited the border, only one time. >> president biden will convene the cabinet meeting here at white house later on this afternoon and we would expect to hear more about ukraine because that's what the president talks about than the border, which the speaker and house republicans
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are talking about. stu. stuart: got t peter, thanks very much indeed at the white house. house republicans want to expel congressman matt gaetz. jason smith is with us and he's the chair of the powerful house ways and means committee. congressman, gaetz is involved in an ethics investigation and says mccarthy has not given him much support. it seems like his opposition to the speaker is personal. i don't think he should be basing these things on personal disputes. >> our number one priority is members of congress delivering for the americans struggling, stuart, to put food on their table, clothes on their backs and gasoline in their cars. why there's an open -- while there's an open border bringing in fentanyl that's killing americans every day. that is what the american people are focused on, but they don't need to worry about personal differences between one member of congress and another. i mean, i hope my colleagues just wake up and stop wasting time and deliver for the american people.
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stuart: was there any win in the shambolic behavior over the weekend? my win for republicans at all? >> absolutely, stuart, when you look at it, the house of representatives controlled the day and in fact we made the senate to support our legislation and our legislation is funding government for the next 45 days and disaster assistance for the numerous areas across the country that's faced horrible disasters and during that time frame, we have to finish our work and that is the continuation of the appropriations process and the house of representatives has funded more than 70% of government and the senate has not even passed one aprop rations bill -- appropriations bills and let's go to conference and make the final results. stuart: you have to have democrat results and can't pass the spending bills and the far right holdout and call them what you'd like. they're not going to let you. >> well, the far right are the ones saying let's pass the individual spending bills and we have passed four of them. one of them was defeated so
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we've had five on the floor and we're going to continue to bring up a couple more spending bill this is weekend and we're going to continue to work through the process. we've had hundreds of amendments on these aprop rations properties -- appropriations process but we've passed more than 70% of appropriations of the discretionary spending. stuart: what happens on novembe? that's the 45 day period. will we see exactly the same thing all over again? >> hopefully we'll have all 12 on the house and senate and passing counter parts and in conference and getting to the final results and that's how the legislative process is supposed to work. we'll see what happens. stuart: i don't mean to push too hard, congressman, but see how frustrated people are when this kind of thing happens. when they're moving to push aside the speaker after people are frustrated by this and a bright face on this and you've got to understand the mood is rough. i'm glad you see that i'm okay.
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the fact that one of my colleagues wants to waste time with a motion to vacate with the speaker of the house, the only way a motion to vacate can ever be successful is because if matt gaetz joins in with 200+ democrats and the democrats motion to vacate and they want to stop the policies that we are moving forward with and they want to stop the investigations and they don't want the american people to see what's going on with the president's business dealings with his son. like the speaker just said, the president has had more dinners with hunter biden's business associates. and business dealings than he has even going to the border. stuart: that is true, sir. one for for you, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is defending congressman jamal boman after pulling a fire alarm during the vote. roll it. >> they're file ago motion to expel a member who in a moment of panic was trying to escape a
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vestibule? give me a break. so the idea that there is somehow any kind of equivalence to someone that's actively trying to clear up a situation that he himself admits he's embarrassed, he released a statement last night, he apologized. stuart: well, congressman, i'd like to see bowman's phone regards and did the speaker tell him to delay the vote. flip that switch. i'd love to know. >> it's embarrassing that aoc would make that statement and the democrats all planned to obstruct and to slow down the process. we had a vote on the floor that the democrats made a motion to adjourn 12 hours before government funding was going to expire and they didn't want the republicans to bring that with the continuing resolutions to keep government open for 47 days and the reason why they didn't want us to it because they
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wanted the ukraine funding more than the funding to secure our southern border and the fact that aoc is defending him whenever he obstructed the official proceedings of congress much like other people that are still sitting in prison, they're so used to a two-tier league system that they think even members of congress should be treated that way as well. stuart: congressman, we'll leave it right there. jason smith, always a pleasure and thanks for being with us this morning, sir. appreciate it. ashley, please return and tell us what president biden did have to say about the spending bill. ashley: a ha, president biden blasting republicans for taking nerve nucleus yore graces to the brink of -- negotiations to the brink of the shutdown deadline. >> i'm sick and tired. i'm sick and tired of the brinksmanship and so are the american people. i've been doing this a long time and i've never quite seen a republican congress or any
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congress act like this. this maga republicans brought us to the brink, threatening to default on america's debt for the first time in 200 years and would have caused a gigantic world crisis and help with home and abroad. ashley: the president also expressing that lack of supplemental aid in ukraine and we're talking about it and take up a separate bill and just to funnel more support to keith. stuart: question, is your college-aged youngster too far away from home? some parents are hiring professional moms to cook and clean for their children. we told you about target closing nine more stores because of crime. now they're getting the department of homeland security involved to stop the theft. what's with that? the story, next.
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♪ stuart: i like this song. the gambler, kenny rogers. that's las vegas, 62 degrees right now. we're plague the song because the power ball jackpot hit an estimated $1.04 billion and no one won on saturday. it is the world's ninth largest lottery prize of all time and if there's a sole winner, they could take the all cash option that would be estimated $478 million. in other words you lose more than half of what you're supposed to have won. there you go.
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check the markets, why don't you. the nasdaq is now up shy of 1% so it's come -- retreated a bit. you're still at 103 points higher. target is teaming up with the department of homeland security to combat soaring shift, shoplifting. shoplifting. ashley, how is target combating this? ashley: it's the homeland security investigations division to combat retail theft and begs the question what will they do? exactly what that entails is unknown. why? well, they don't want thieves to be tipped off. what it does do is speak to the extreme measures, retailers are being forced to take. according to the national retail federation they lost $112 billion last year due to theft and the federation said those losses hurt retailers and communities as well.
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>> numbers are proxies for the tragedies playing out in the communities and in the stores ss and in the neighborhoods. the loss of jobs, the loss of the employee benefits that go along with the jobs and the tax base and the consumer choice. ashley: it is far ranging and tactor says it has invested heavily in strategies to prevent threat and using third party guard services and theft de-tern tools and locking up merchandise and training store staff and managers to protect themselves and deescalate potential theft issues and businesses are forced to close stores above all else. target will close nine st storen four states by the end of the month and saying in a statement "we cannot continue to operate these stores because theft and organized retile crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests and contributing to unsustainable business
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performance and target by the way is not alone. wal-mart, walgreens, macys, best buy all closed or planned to close stores targeted by organized theft rings. progressive das in cities like chicago, new york, portland, california, are being blamed for effectively legalizing shoplifting while not prosecuting thefts under $950 or letting criminals off with a slap on the wrist. as a result looting has become a regular problem and large criminal groups hitting stores and they're absolutely helpless to stop the mayhem and guess what, in the end, it is us. law-abiding customers that end up paying more. retailers are forced to raise prices to offset their losses. it's a mess and seems to be getting worse. stu. stuart: seems like it. thanks, ash. h&m turned to technology to combat theft. instead of using plastic security tags on clothes,
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they're using tiny chips so that inventory can be tracked in realtime. in other words they can come after you because they'll know where you are with the clothes. interesting. disturbing video shows a store clerk set on fire, really? after he confronted a serial shoplifter. this is brutal stuff, ashley. take us through this. ashley: yeah, as brutal as it comes. it happened in california close to the bay area and store clerk confronting an alleged thief and in the middle of a tussle, the suspect doused the clerk's head in lighter fluid before segment them on fire with the flames consuming the clerk's head and the corker suffered second and third degree burns to his face, neck and shoulder and chest and been in the hospital since the horrible attack and will have to face several surgeries and the suspect in this has been arrested and faces charges including assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson, and
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robbery. but truly, a sick attack. stu. stuart: you got that right. all right, folks, it's that time when we show you all 30 of the dow stocks. we like to say gives you a sense of the market. looks like there's quite a lot of selling. i would say one-third up, two-thirds down and the dow is down one quarter of 1%. listen to this one, 97% of youngsters use their cell phones during school hours, and most teens check phones up to hundreds of times a day. education specialist erica donalds deal withs that and she'll join me next. ♪
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. stuart: some parent haves found a new way to take care of their children while attending schools far, far away. ashley, tell me about professional moms. ashley: where he markable. mindy horowitz is a mother in missouri and began a program called mindy knows and essentially provides a second
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mother for college students living far from their families and began in 2019, it's now offered to four schools nationwide so what do students get? well, the so-called second moms might pick up descriptions assemble furniture or offer advice to parents on the best local doctors, restaurants, hair salons even, give me a break. could include birthday cake or chicken soup when students are sick in other words giving far away parent as peace of mind. what does all of this cost? there's a monthly option for around $49 based on location but also there are packages for the semester, a year, four years. northwestern by the way being the most expensive, they charge a minimum $55 a month. i call that the very definition of coddled. yeah, say you, stu? stuart: sink or swim and off you go. it's the world. experience the university of hard knocks and it's a great place. we'll get e-mails on this i'm
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sure. thanks very much, ash. 97% of children aged 11-17 use their cell phones during school hours. what do we think about that? education specialist erica donalds is with me. is there something wrong with that? should it be phones or no phones in school? where do you stand on this? >> well, phones should definitely be prohibited in schools, stuart. we have got to get serious about returning academic rigor and merit and academic proficiency to our schools. we just saw that in 40% of baltimore schools, none, zero, students were able to pass the math proficiency exam. the same number in new york is 38%. we see multiple schools in minnesota, up to 70 schools that have 0% proficiency. these cell phones are a distraction and they're not helping our students learn and after covid with a learning loss that we've seen, we absolutely need to get back to a scholarly
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learning environment and eliminate the distractions that do nothing but cause drama and bullying, and we've seen schools that eliminate them like our schools in florida who see much less drama and issue less distraction in their classrooms. stuart: a blunt answer. thanks very much for being with us. i've got one more question. the education department wants colleges to increase their diversity efforts. those efforts would include boosting scripts for example, outreach to -- scholarships for example and outreach to minority communities. where do you stand on this? should we be actively recruiting diversity? >> what we need to get back to is merit in education. we have to focus our students on merit. i'm traveling the country with the leadership institute, talking to parks and they want to see rigor and honesty back in our academic standards and california and florida eliminated race-based admissions back in the 90s and both have seen equal minority enrollment in our education institutions.
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in fact, in florida, we saw an increase in minority enrollment. in california, all though some were entered into less prestigious institutions, those actually aligned with the academic performance in high school. we've got to get back to merit-based admissions and hiring for that matter. but most of all parents want honesty about how their children are doing in school and where they should attend college. stuart: okay. excellent answers on both questions. not going to say extreme view but a strong view on both of those issues. that's you, isn't it? >> that is me. i stand where i stand. we all have to be high academic standards has to be the priority in america or we'll never be able to compete with the rest of the world. parents want this. that's what they're telling us across the nation in poll after poll and trying to get out of the feeling schools talked about and that's why school choice is so important across the nation. stuart: erika, always a pleasure
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having you on the show. give my regards to your husband, congressman donalds. >> thank you so much for having me. stuart: nebraska has a new law regarding gender-affirming medications for youngsters. tell me the new rule, ashley. ashley: yennis, transgender youth wanting gender affirming care have to wait 12 days before starting puberty blocking hormones or medications and transgender minors to undergo 40 hours of of gender therapy that are clinically neutral before receiving any medical treatments and medical identity and it's a new law that took effect sunday and also bans gender-affirming surgeries for trans-youth under 19. it also requires the state's chief medical officer to spell out when and how those youth can actually receive other care but by the way, at least 22 state haves enacted laws restricting or banning gender affirming
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medical care for transgender minors but most of those states now face lawsuits. of course. stu. stuart: of course. the last three hours and not the last 30 years. thanks, ash. quick check of the markets and here we go. nasdaq holding onto rather small gain and up 45 points and that's as the yield on the 10 year rises and gain on the nasdaq compared back and dow up close to 200 points and here we go, the monday trivia question. number one, what was the first song played on mtv? video killed the radio star by band i believe called the bug les, celebration by cool and the kang, another one bites the dust, i know that one by queen, and jess jesse's girl by rick
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one bites the dust and jesse's girl. i know one of those, what is your answer. >> i will bet the house on this because i'm a huge music fan number one video killed the radio star which is ironic song to play on mtv. neil: i am definitely going to go with you, you know what you're talking about, there you go. that's what are the most repetitive songs ever around. stuart: re-rack the prompter i gotta read this. radio killed the radio star, british band i might add on all the first 1981. well done. we started it out again. time is up for "varney & company". if you stick around for another five, three, two, one. "coast to coast" starts right now. ♪. neil: it
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