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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 5, 2023 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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(dramatic music) - [soldier] santa anna advances north. we're gonna need a hell of a lot of reinforcements. - you may all go to hell! i'm going to texas! - y'all halt right there and state your business! - we're volunteers here to fight for the republic of texas. (tense music) (cannon blasts) (dramatic music) - the enemy has demanded our surrender. (rifle fires) my garrison faces the sword if the fort is taken. (guns firing) (intense music) larry: hello folks, welcome to kudlow, i'm larry kudlow, for sure most sane people wish that speaker mccarthy thing, didn't happen. most sane people know that the 8 votes to remove mr. mccarthy were from
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insurrists or anarchists, they generated a national kabuki theater for about 48 hours. it is sad, kevin mccarthy showed everyone what a class act he is, he did the right things in my view he is going to heaven, having said that, what is done is done, it's time to move oliberal media is piling on the republicans can't govern. they are cutting off their own heads, house is a clown show. all of this stuff is simply not true. look. the g.o.p. house members have a terrific opportunity to show the world that in fact they can govern. they can keep it together. they will elect a new speaker from a crop of superbly qualified conservative house leaders,
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the next speaker will insist on changing the rule to vacate. then the g.o.p. will finish the appropriations job, complete the regular basketball order for the remaining 8 bills, and they have recovered 80% of total spending technology. -- package, the chuck schumer senate has completed zero appropriation bills, we'll ask senator rand paul about this later, if there is another shut down after november 17, it will be schumer-lead democratic senators on blame and next republican speaker should make this funding point clear. the republican house will do its job, so far the democratic senate is flunking the test, then the goag.o.p. should hang tough on measures such as their hr2 bill to close the border
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and make it clear any additional ukraine funding must be accompanied by instructions to seek a diplomatic outcome. this something that biden-schumer democrats have failed to do, it is the biden-schumer war and the g.o.p. can seize high ground with diplomatic instructions. then let's not forget, the house republicans passed an excellent energy bill hr1, this was unveiled on this show. which would reopen the fossil fuel spigots and bring back the trump permitting reforms and the house republicans passed a very good parental rights bill. republican leadership emphasizing these accomplished that occurred under kevin mccarthy speakership, then forge ahead and push their conservative reforms including a conservative budget. in other words, they can get it together, they can
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govern. they will choose a speaker next week and get moving on a new conservative course that will stop biden's big government socialism and its attack on successful businesses large and small. stop the command and control of economy, stop the war against middle class affordability and put america first. for a change. that is my riff on their opportunities. all right, joining me now to talk about the g.o.p. getting it back together, stopping socialism, the great katie pavlich. editor of town and fox news contributor and charlie hurt and star of stage screen and television, at 6 p.m. in week doing a great job, katie, that is my view. they have a terrific opportunity. the liberal media some conservatives are piling on the republicans, but in is
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an opportunity here. what do you think? >> there is a big opportunity. i like when you say about moving -- what you say about moving forward there are a number of republicans that announced they would like to be speaker congressman scalise and jim jordan is another one, look wait that speaker ship vote went down first time, a lot of people arged that you steve scalise should have been running for speaker in january, not this delated situation, there are hard realities about the way that house is functioning. republicans have a 5-seat majority it is a difficult position to be in. when you have this vote that you can have one person eject the speaker, they have some work do on whether they will agree to voting to repeal that rule will be necessary to move forward with the 5-seat majority, but republicans have an opportunity to govern more
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like nancy pelosi did. she never had this problem, she wanted to seek power, she got power, and solidify power for democrat, republicans could learn from that unity. larry: i offered her my office up staired. so far i have not heard anything back. whoever the next speaker is, they have got to make a condition that this one vote vacate thing is over. >> what if they say no,. larry: then they don't do it you can't. they will win, you will win on that. charlie. they just have to come out and say, that the world will support them, e except for 8. >> i love everything about your opening. and the part about kevin mccarthy took one for the time, he wanted to drag this how the, he could have dragged it out for months. larry: good point. >> and good the reason for doing it i don't think -- i would not have blamed him. but that said, i think it is -- i think that if you were
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to identify the one sin of the mccarthy reign, it was we knew we were going to have a shut down or impasse either with the democrats or eight holdouts the moment he became speaker at this moment speaker mccarthy needed to define what it was he was going to go to the wire over. so, whoever the next speaker s needs to be willing to let democrats shut down the government if they don't want to fun the border or if they don't -- fund the border or don't want to cut spending or they love ukraine so much they won't let anything else happen until they give all this money to ukraine. that is what whoever the next speaker is going to be has to do. larry: border and ukraine. and senators have done
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nothing. there republicans have four out of 12 appropriation bills covering 80% of the budget, the other eight will flow. to the ash propp the aoperation committee, two issues, ukraine and border. ukraine right now katie, there is no money there is zero money in the continuing resolution for ukraine, that can continue but as leverage the republicans can say, okay, we'll negotiate some number but you have to have a diplomatic initiative. there has to be people on the front lines trying to figure out some kind of peace deal, right now this is joe biden's war, they are doing nothing, nothing to promote a peace deal. you have donald trump out there saying if you elect me i'll do it in 24 hours, i think a lot of people in g.o.p. are thinking the same, i don't want to cut the ukrainians off but this is a chant for leverage to
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get this albatross out. >> this something that white house is on heels on for weeks on end, white house saying they were confident this money would get pushed through this week we had john kirby trying to encourage republicans to vote for this, this is an easy argument to make to american people who can see 11 thousand people coming over border to say we'll help fund ukraine different and their borders but we need to also at same time, fund our defense against the what is happening not just in southern states but cities in country. larry: package deal. >> >> some republicans, including matt gaetz would argue, you should put border symptomatic first, and still -- border security out there first. >> then let democrats shut it down. fine. then we can run on that. not like we're getting a lot done anyway. larry: which speaker would do that. >> i think jim jordan would
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do it. i think -- pray that steve scalise learned a lesson, i like the idea of steve scalise he is face of democrat violent extremism, i love that story, they should be reminded of that every day he survived what they spawn out there. but, i do think that jim jordan would anybody has to learn that lesson. larry: they have to say, i should have put it in my riff, we will continue the impeachment inquiry, i think that a very important point. when we rewrite the riff, i want to put that in. but i'm saying, that has to be emphasize too. democrats hate the impeachment inquiry. >> they do, it goes to a lot of places that are dark for president biden, they put so much stake behind his reelection campaign. exposing what he has done with his family and lea lied about for years is
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something they don't want. republicans have to stop giving into the idea that the government shut down is the end of th the world. it is not that big of a deal, i have been through a number of them, a lot of people are deemed unessential they get paid but told not to show up to work. larry: i missed two paychecks. >> you got it back. you get paid. larry: january of 2019 it was very cold. >> only thing more irrelevant than average tack -- to the average taxpayer an the government shut down is a congressional shut down. >> they're able to carve out funding for essential items like social security checks, military and in lead up to the threat of this shut down they carved out ukraine funding, no border funding. republicans have to push back on that in giving into if we don't keep the government open the end of the world is coming. >> moving o on, we have
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sound, robert f. kennedy jr. >> i want to tell you now what i have come understand after 6 months of training, how will we win against the establish rashi washington. it is not by playing the games, we'll have to rewrite this change the habits of american politics. larry: high will run as independent i think. a bunch of us had dinner with him. very gracious some smart. he is for tax cuts and tougher spending and he is against shut downs. katie pavlich, if he runs as an independent who is hurt who is not hurt?
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>> well, i heard trump supporters say they like this candidate, i heard biden supporters say, they are unset he is not capable of being in a real primary. that digi dings both sides here, is not conservative, he said he wants tax cuts his climate change agenda that requires a lot of central money, that requires taking money from americans and giving it to the rest of the world does not reconcile with his plan for lower taxes. larry: i have known him for some time. he -- i said would you raise taxes the way that joe biden did, i reminded him his uncle jfk slashed taxes, he said lower taxes but did not go into detail. i think he hurts biden more than trump. >> i agree. >> the bidennites, they
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worried about this. >> it would be devastating for them, a lot of what he said. is stuff that donald trump has been talking about. if you took all of the people away out of the mix and had that platform, 90% of americans will be like yeah that guy, but, i think one of the the reasons that so many conservatives and trump supporters like rfk because what we've seen over last couple of years with de democrat party, they have gone to peak insanity, they are mutilating children, they want to jail their political enemy, that people are just like, okay uncle, just give us a normal democrat. please. larry: that is right. some old line democrats left who think -- i think that charlie hit it, and also kennedy has a magic name still. last point. >> i think that people are tired of call it the establishment or political
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central complex shutting out people who want to run for office in a country where you should be able to run for president if you would like, he is running but he is being shut out of the process on the lift, they are not willing to have a debate, and not willing to have joe biden campaign, he is do doing nothing. >> i would like to nominate katie pavlich. >> no thank you. larry: in a section. sam bankman-fried will pay you billion not to run. >> i'll take that, as long as i don't have to pay it back. larry: katie pavlich and charlie hurt, charlie, this week, co-hosting the bottom line with dagen mcdowell, 6 p.m. eastern on fox business, doing a hell of a job, coming up, schumer democratic senate has not passed a single funding bill. what are they waiting for? we'll ask senator rand paul, he has a new book that is not friendly to tony fauci,
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larry: so, the schumer democrats in senate have not passed ai a single funding bill, joining us to talk
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about that kentucky senator rand paul, author of the upcoming book, "deception: the great covid cover-up." available october 10. we'll get to the book in as a moment, just, everyone is talking about the republican house, and they can't govern and this and that. but actually they are further along in the appropriations process, they have done more, what is going on in the senate. we hear there is nothing, nada, a enoug november 17 deadline, no appropriation bills no hearings nothing, senator paul. >> i know this is shocking to you, you will be surprised, they didn't know that fiscal year was ending on september 30, even though it has been ending for decades, i say a pox on both houses only one appropriation bill has passed house, zero the senate, in senate those on ththe appropriation
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committee will say we passed them out of committee that does not matter, it does not count unless you have the whole body, 12 of them by september 30. we have done an extension, they are not planning on doing them individually, they are doing check together, a mini bus, better than omnibus. i am for regular order, one bill at a time for each department of government, and then we have 12 conferences committee then conservative house should use its leverage to bring down the spending that is proposed by the senate. but none of this process works, because up in of the bills were -- none of the bigs were passed. larry: no, senator. four, bills in the house. >> well, unless we did three in the last week, it was one before that. larry: they are up to four, 80% funding, you just said, is key. the house got to gets it
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conservative budget, and then that is leverage for the senate. i want to ask you, on this leverage point, this is important. what about the border? and what about ukraine? i mean, we can't keep funding ukraine at 100 billion a year or more. i think that there should be diplomatic invehicle youtions let's have -- instructions let's have peace talks and the border, hr2 is a good bill to close the border. can they use leverage in senate. >> it is a disgrace wire more -- we're more concerned about ukraine's border than our own, there is no budget from the house, no budget from senate, and if you look at in revenue, we have enough to pay for social security, medicare, medicaid, and a few other things, mandatory spending, consumes our revenue, everything else we spend is
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borrowed, right now, nonmilitary discretionary spending. if you eliminate them, had 100% reduction in spending, we're not doing, you would still have 800 billion dollar deficit, this is no out -- so out of control, so broken we need to look at all spending, this is my beef even with some so-called conservatives, they take entitlements off the table and military off the table and they want to lock a look at 16% of budget weake we have to look at all of the spending. larry: by the way. interest rates in the bond market are going up, up, up. and that in turn is spilling over mortgage rates and corporate borrowing rates. and the government, i mean the government is absorbing about half of the savings that is huge. senator paul, to your book. "deception: the great covid
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cover- up," there was a story last week by the way, the cia was paying agents to try to cover-up funding of the wuhan lab. i don't know if that? your booke book, you are calling it greatest public health cover-up, give us a few snippets. >> what fascinated me was in january of 2020. we discovered that anthony fauci and a group of scientists were discussing in private what was go on, they were concerned that virus looked manipulateed and they were doing gain-of-function research in wuhan, it was all likelihood an accident. that was in private. in public, they said, you are a nut, you are a couldna conspiracy theory, they did everything they could to suppress the truth, we discovered e-mails that have fauci. trying to cover his tracks
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in january of 2020, he knew from the very beginning, that is when cover-up began, the book details the extending of the cover-up throughout our government and the beginnings of the cover-up with the chinese government. we still -- the cover-up continues because they still are resisting my request for even unclassified records. and so this is -- something that the scope of this is breath taking. >> it is good stuff. we thank you for coming on. the book, "deception: the great covid cover-up." it is available october 10. you could probably preorder it on amazon, one-click, senator rand paul, we have to get those bond rates down and have spending restraint, we need a conservative budget. we're counting on you, now it the moment. >> not only am i worried about what is going on but a
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precipitous black swan event where there is a lack of confidence in the dollar, you have something dramatic i don't think we're out of the woods on something bad like that happening. >> thank you senator. >> speaking of higher up rates, are they in the bond market sabotaging the so-called soft landing, fed thinks there will be a soft landing, markets think there will be a soft landing we'll ask breitbart's john carney. and there he goes again, president biden announcing another illegal $9 billion in student loan cancelations, what doesn't he understand? the supreme court has ruled against the this, he is not above the law, senator katie britt of alabama will weigh in fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso!
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market sabotage the so-called soft landing? another way of saying, are we going to have a recession, let's into john carney, brigh breitbart economics. john, front pain "wall street journal" -- page "wall street journal," the big rise in bond rates affects mortgage rates and lending rates to corporations and small businesses, what is your take, you are up 125 basis points it is the soft landing in jeopardy. >> i don't think it is. i think this telling us that the economy is strengthening, the reason that bond rates are rising people are thinking that fed will not cut rates next year as early as they did, they believe there will be a cut next year, i think they are wrong about, that you -- usually when you have bond pricing fall, and bond yields are going up, that is because people think that economy is getting stronger,
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people want to invest in equities. that is not happening right now. but, this is not , i don't buy the idea that oh, no, it will weaken enough to slow the economy. i think this telling us that visitors think that economy will be strong enough next year fed will keep fighting inflation with my rates. >> mortgage rates closing in at 8%, that cannot be good. consumers live those mortgage rates, this is going way up. >> bizarrely. larry: it is unaffordable. >> the housing market has gone berserk, housing prices are also rising, creating least affordable housing market that we've h wit had, with high rates and high prices. the question hail th
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really that i'm worried about is what happens when feds cut and interest rates go down, we're in the endanger of a huge housing boom at that point. if prices maintain their height, win rating near 8%, imagine what happens when they drop to 6%. larry: what if the fed raises there are target rate? >> i think that fed will be hesitant to do that, that is a sunder, them -- surrender, that is them saying we give up. larry: now, raising target rate,. >> i thought you minute for inflation. >> no for their own fed funds rate. inflation is creeping higher. you have written about this all pricing soli sold identify today, i get -- off today, but nonetheless, a lot of inflation is embedded in the system, what if they raise the rates? >> i think they will raise it one more time this year, they are going into next year thinking they won't
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have to raise gain, that is their current plan, i think they will be proved wrong, i think inflation is creeping back up, not going to get backed out to 3%. i put up a chart the other day that showed what happened to m2 money supply, it has gone flat, no longer coming down it collapsed early on, while they were raising rates quickly, but now going flat, no longer having a restrictive affect on the economy. i would love to talk to someone like ed hig i think right now it telling us that fed probably needs one or two or three more hikes. >> to 6% on target rate, that is getting into the bond market, that is part of it may not be all. everyone got everybody cited yet about the jolts because it showed more job opportunities.
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i thought that john, job opportunities were good, i thought more people working was good. now, bond rates can go up, maybe they should be at 5%. or 6%. i don't know what the right level, but what is wrong with more job opportunities. >> it is great that we had more job opportunities, one thing we saw, we had job opportunities, a lot were white collar jobs that is great, that is a lot of people, you know who will be able to get a better job, that is what will be on offer, we saw a expansion in manufacturing job openings that people were not prepared for, they think that manufacturing sector is in recession, that is wrong, it was, it bouncing back, you look at factory orders that came out today better than expected. larry: and another one, a good review of data. the ism supply managers services came out today. a little softer but now panic. >> no panic, but i will say
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softness, is oil prices, what is happening is the high gasoline prices are siphony money from household budgets, not really consumer spending dipping but consumer spending, new orders were hit hard in services, i am sure because people are just filling up their gas tanks and they can't afford to get a hair cut. larry: no hair cuts, i need a hair trim, not many hairs left. consensus 15 5,000 non-farm payrolls friday, i know they are crap shoots, you takeover or under. >> take the over, jolts number was so good, i think they were able to fill a good you know lot of jobs. >> if it comes over, bonds are going to 6%. >> through the roof, we'll see -- it is a terrible thing. larry: a tricky thing. >> good news is bad news,
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stock market will fall with so many people getting jobs. >> john carney breitbart thank you. >> switching gears, joining me senator katie britt from alabama, thank you for coming on. i just want to play on the border story, some real high jinxe out of white house press operation. >> outside of white house think that immigration policy is working? >> so here is what i can tell you, i mentioned president requested 4 billion for supplemental funding to address what we seeing at the border to manage what is happening at southwest border. republicans continue to block us. they do, they continue to block us. larry: so senator katie britt, the republicans are the problem on the border, that is the message, i thought you might want to
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respond. >> larry, that could not be further from the truth. the supplemental requests made by the president was a joke that request would have done of the help to further this crisis, it would have helped to manage the flow of migrants coming across the border, not secure the border. to be able do this, if you do it with a funding mechanism, you have to put funding in right place, make sure we have more border patrol agents and that we finish building barriers, on the border to make sure we're putting migrants and their flowing to the right place. so border patrol agents can do their job, you have to actual have to tighten asylum standards that is a policy change, we know what to do, senator crew cruz has a companion bill here,
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it would secure this border, i look back at last president, and you know that president trump figured it out, president biden is just refusing to do his job. that is the long and short of it. larry: you know, senator britt when i hear the white house say catch and deport. or i hear them say, remain in mexico. then i'll know that they have sobered up about this problem. the rest of it me to just a little bit of political malarky. like who do you believe? your own eyes or this rhetoric from the white house press room? >> thank you. this that is what we need to hear them say, we'll secure border and put back in remain in mexico policy, create a secure third country policy, we are going to work to actually change what is happening on the border each day, which means we'll secure it, right now it is a crisis, look back think back to under
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president obama secretary johnson said if we have 1 hu thousand encounters a day, that is a crisis, we now have 10 to 11 thousand people a day crossing our border, yet secretary mayorkas won't call it a crise, we have to start by admitting we're having a problem, then he has to have political courage and the will to actually make the change. larry: senator britt, another subject, once again. there is a headline, that white house, administration, wants to cancel whatever, $9 billion worth of student loans that would be covering i think something like 150 thousand people. you have to help me, here, ma'am supreme court's decision was written in english, i remember it. other people can read the
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same english that we can read, yet the bidens' to continue to cancel student loans, how is this possible, how is this not law breaking. >> this s is unlawful, this is against president biden ignoring the highest court in the land, interesting if he likes the decisions he makes he celebrates it, if he does not he ignores it they said unilateralli exerting of power sun -- is unfair, this is a strain f strong for of debt from one -- transfer of debt from one person to another, to hard working americans, some who chose nonot take on burden of a
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college debt, they are providing for their family, now they, as tax payers will be saddled with this it is ridiculous. larry: do you think that the top adviserring on president down speak english? maybe that is a problem. they can't speak or read it. i am bee -- it is is a nowing it ticks me offer time, they are bursting the law. mark levin and others said that is impeachable just breaking the law, it is clear. >> the law clear, and it is reckless, we know our debt 33 trillion that is irresponsible and reckless. and joe biden needs do start doing his job. larry: senator katie britt love having you on. >> love being on thank you, larry. larry: coming up ri riddle me this hunter biden pleads guilty, no now not guilty
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and i don't think he is meeting any of his conditions for his release, we have to ask former arkansas governor mike huckabee about it. if you can't catch kudlow at 4 p.m., you can catc (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪ explore endless design possibilities. to find your personal style. endless hardie® siding colors. textures and styles. it's possible. with james hardie™.
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nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network.
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larry: all right, welcome back to the show, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, thanks for coming on. i am to play you merrick garland's 60 minutes, all's fair in the american judicial system all this talk about a double sword and two-tiered system, listen to this sound mike huckabee. >> we do not have one rule for republicans and another rule for democrats, we don't have one rule for foes and another for friends and one rule for power full and another for powerless or rich or poor. we have only one rule. that one rule, followed facts and the law. larry: we have only one rule. governor buc huckabee, what do you make of that? >> you know, i am amazed how effective he is as an actor, he should get an worked
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ward, anyone that believes that should talk to peter navarro and ask him what it is like to be put in shackles when you were in the 70s, there so many things that just are total wrong with this the pro life 70-year-old women who are in jail right now because this justice department thought that protesting at an aboltan abortion clinic is horrible but burning a police car is okay, nothing tto see, peaceful. larry: how about taking your biggest political competitor and locking him up for over 700 years is that fair? >> yeah, i would have a little bit of a problem with that, this is the absurdity and reason that donald trump is so far ahead in the polls, most americans are not as stupid as merrick garland must take to us be, we look at this and we say, never in the history of a free republic, has one person in political power,
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taken all of the apparatus of government to grind his opponent down through the legal system by using av f alphabet agencies to destroy him, if you believe in government, you go to ballot box, count the right ballots fairly and the winner, winning and loser losers byou take the power of government and you weaponize it and destroy your open this is third world banana republic stuff. larry: i always thought that the white house was calling shots for various indictments, i may be wrong, white house justice department, local prosecutors, u.s. attorneys. anyway, tonight a i to ask you the hunter biden stuff, he is in court. he changes his plea, originally of plea of guilty
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to gun charges, now charges not guilty, i think that is phony like a 3 dollar bill, we have a list that hunter biden conditions for release. i don't know if you can see it he has to seek. employment, he does not have a job, he is not on the burisma board any more as far as i know. seeno alcohol and drugs and medications must be prescribed, drug tested randomly and substance abuse counseling, he does not have a job or an employer, i find it hard to believe he is meeting these conditions, i think this is part of the two-tiered justice system, no one is talking about hunter biden, not meeting these conditions unless i'm
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wrong. >> you know, larry, you are such a cynic, he is hunter biden, and he is going to do these things, he after all does have a job here, is a world famous painter, ar artist, he gets 500,000 and more for blowing painting through a straw, he doesn't need any training here, could just blow paint on a canvass and someone maybe someone that would like to be appointed to something, will shell out a half million dollars, you know to get one of those paintings, i'm sure that the louvre in paris will be filled with hunter biden art. and if that does not work he has the sugar daddy in california who pays his 20 thousand dollar a month rent in malibu, a good gig if you can get it. larry: i get it. i just say, he doesn't have an employer, he is not there for meeting a lot of these
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prescribed conditions, i think that is very important. he is not above the law, i am not unduel unduly atalk tacking him -- attacking him but is he meeting these conditions are they checking up on this. >> i think that real tragedy is while hunter biden will probably never spend a night in jail, there are tens of thousands of americans many of them poor, and black, and they have spent years in jail for doing less than hunter biden that is a real travesty. larry: governor mike huckabee thank you for your time, sir. >> folks, i'll be right back with my last word. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache.
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5:57 am
♪ when i look into your eyes ♪ ♪ it's like watching the night sky ♪ ♪ or a beautiful sunrise ♪ ♪ well there's so much they hold ♪ it's hard to imagine that this powerful, beautiful animal needs our help. but they are being killed for their skin and bones and their homes are being destroyed. but there is hope. tigers are at the heart of so many delicate ecosystems.
5:58 am
when you protect a tiger, you also protect thousands of species and people that rely on the same habitat. that means protecting everything from mangroves that help fight climate change, to safeguarding rivers and streams that provide freshwater to millions. all places that the tiger calls home. ♪ well, i won't give up on us (no i'm not giving up) ♪ ♪ god knows i'm tough (i am tough) ♪ ♪ he knows (i am loved) ♪ ♪ we got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved) ♪ when we protect tigers, we all benefit. learn how you can make a difference. visit ♪imagine no possessions ♪i wonder if you can
5:59 am
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6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. maria: good thursday morning everyone. thank you so much for joining us. i am maria bartiromo. it is thursday october 5. your top stories 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. stocks down interest rates up as investors focus on job


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