tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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this in one convenient plan. plus, there's a cap on your out-of-pocket costs! so, call or go online today to see if there's a humana plan in your area, to find out if your doctor is in one of our networks, and to get our free decision guide. there's no obligation, just good information. humana - a more human way to healthcare. larry: yesterday, alejandro mayorkas writes in the federal register the need for a border wall and today denies the whole thing, walk it is back. i didn't mean it. that is utterly morand ick. that's the -- moronic. that's the best i can tell. liz macdonald is better than mayorkas. liz: thank you.
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we're on alice in wonderland's looking glass on the other side hearing this rhetoric. larry: from the federal register and deny it is today? it's in the federal register. i don't know. sorry. liz: we're going to dig into more of the bo lowny on the white house. bbthe president leads on thestg constitutional fight over the new york fraud case against former president trump and new development there and new details in the house speaker drama kevin mccarthy denies reporting he may resign and more and more voters outraged, speaking out against president biden's border crisis. we've got new sound on their common sense reasons why they're so angry. and the real strategy behind hillary clinton's extreme rhetoric claiming half the nation trump voters "need formal
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deprogramming". and the shockingly low numbers of soldiers rejoining the military after thousands were discharged refusing hiden's covid vaccine mandates. happy friday. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: okay, welcome to the show. stocks ending in the green on hopes the fed won't again hike rates next month. wage growth is a bit tepid and inflation is eating that up and our very own edward lawrence, he's so smart and brilliant and live at the white house and how the president can't stop misleading voters. reporter: thank yous, liz, the check's in the mail for that. yeah, the market did turn around on the fed but it turned around
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on the uaw news here. but when you look at this jobs report, there is bad news in general because it could push the federal reserve into another rate hike. now, the president touting the hot jobs report saying the jobs will be everywhere someone wants one. >> under bidenomics, you won't have to leave home now to get a good job. i don't know how many times i've heard and out on the road people saying my kid came up to me and got a decent education and came up to me and said, mom, i have to leave the state. no jobs. no jobs. you're going to be able to find a good job close to home more and more all across america. reporter: now, he also said inflation came down 60% from last summer, which is true. but when you go back to the day president biden took office, inflation is actually up 164%. the president routinely says that he created 13.9 million new jobs. the fact is the economy added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and created 4.5 million
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new jobs and same with manufacturing. the president embellishes the number creating 815,000 manufacturing jobs. actually all the jobs lost in the pandemic were added back and the economy created 226,000. 226,000 manufacturing jobs. i put that number into perspective with the acting labor secretary. listen. >> on manufacturing employment, the gains over the last three months was about 860 per month and under the former administration? 2020, the same three months, it was 41,000 per month so is that really something to celebrate? >> well, since president biden came into office, there's been about 815,000 manufacturing jobs added. reporter: yeah, look at fine print when this administration gives you some of those job numbers. back to you, liz. elizabeth: edward lawrence, you're always terrific and a check is in the mail. it'll be aten up by inflation anyway. reporter: that's true. not as far as it went.
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elizabeth: maybe next time. former economic adviser to president trump judy shelton and former moody's chief economist john lonski. over the past three months, judy, the u.s. economy created an average of 8600 mother and fathering jobs. that's what -- 8600 manufacturing jobs. there was the same jobs in the time period under trump. show the marquette poll of trump over biden and what was edward talking about there, judy? >> i think the voters are wise to feel that way because for me when i hear president biden saying that bidenomics is all about building from the bottom up and the whittle out, he says it's not top down but there's nothing more trickle down than government spending. and that is the nature of bidenomics. if you look at that jobs number
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today, and you see what the components are, one of the largest categories was an increase in government jobs. and in fact if you added up the increase in jobs connected with business services, with retail, with manufacturing and construction, all of those categories together were less than the increase in government jobs. so i think you have a white house and a complicit congress willing to engage in fiscal stimulus only to have the federal reserve punish the private sector by raising the cost of capitol and meanwhile -- capital and the government doesn't really care how high the interest rate gets. they just pay whatever it takes to get the funding to provide deficit finance money for their own projects. elizabeth: we're in a really damaging cycle. what justice department i did just said, john -- what judy just said, jon, it's government trickling down and household survey only going up 86,000 jobs
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and part-time workers rising to 161,000 and those holding multiple jobs 123,000 and people getting multiple jobs due to the rising cost of living, 17.4% compounded under biden. what do you think? >> judy is right on and it's a wonder we're not even doing better as a economy given the fact this federal budget deficit is approaching $2 trillion. it's 6% of gdp. my goodness, in the past, if you had a deficit of 6% of gdp, that would indicate the presence of a recession. the competition of jobs matters. we have to look beyond the headline number, and i can't help but notice over the past three months, we had something like 57% of all newly created jobs come from just several industries. they'r hospitality. yet those groups account for
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only 27% of all outstanding jobs. what are the runs why you're see ago lot of jobs and hardly any wage growth is because the newly created jobs have been skewed towards lower paying categories like leisure and hospitality. elizabeth: biden cheering about jobs and u.s. manufacturing still in a contraction. s&p global manufacturing pmi down for the twelve straight month. usim under 50 for eleventh straight month. judy, the economy is growing at flat 1-2% and are you worry that had the fed will hike rates next month and wall street titans are talking about those treasury yields, you know, rising toward -- and popping towards 5%. it feels like 1994 again when the bond -- that bond crash of '94. what do you think, judy? final word. >> well, i think that the fed what they should be doing is asking themselves does our model really work at all the way we
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thought because when chair powell announced that this was going to be rough. we're going to go from zero interest rates to he probably didn't even foresee five and a half and the whole idea is you'd have a tighter labor market and higher unemployment and it would hurt growth and when you don't see that happening, what the feds should be doing is saying, does our model make sense because otherwise every time we get an up tick in inflation, they'll say let's just raise interest rates and it turns out that's just doing the wrong thing. it's hurting supply. it's the demand created by fiscal causing the inflation and monetary policy focuses on punishing the very people that can make supply increase, it's a doubling whammy. elizabeth: great stuff. john lonski, sorry we ran out of type. next time, we'll give you more time. let's bring in former justice department top official fra
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francie haykes. could he lose control of some of his properties here and some of them are pretty famous. is this case unconstitutional? >> well, that's what it looks like to me, liz. i don't even understand the standard that this judge is using. generally when it comes to summary judgment motions, there has to be no facts in dispute for the judge to find what he found. and there were clearly facts in dispute. i mean, i'm not a real estate analyst but even i know that mar-a-lago has to be worth a whole lot more than $18 million. that's a ridiculous conclusion. besides, valuation is also disputed. what the tax assessor says my condo is worth is not what the fair market value of my condo is worth. i understand that, i'm a lawyer, not a financial analyst and the judge ought to understand that he is a lawyer, and not a
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financial analyst and he shouldn't be making those decisions. i think that it was very clear that the appeals court had to step in and stop this judge from stripping president trump of his businesses in what is clearly an unconstitutional power play by the new york democrats. elizabeth: so, you know, we talked to gregg jarrett last night and the new york law he said was intended for consumer fraud impacting the general public and he says the case violates trump's fifth, seventh, and 14th amendment rights and this new york law does not require a victim, no requirement to prove that the fraud was intentional, even though as david asman points out, definition of fraud in the dictionary says intent. how can a judge force tram top diverse his properties, pay a quarter billion fine when the judge in his order said there was no victims and no need to prove intent to defraud. even the washington post op ed said this is over the top and excessive?
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>> well, liz, this is what happens when you're trying to find the crime to fit the man you want to get. and that's what they all want. all these democrats in these democratic jurisdictions going after president trump in a way they've never gone after anyone else and probably never will again just shows you the lengths they'll go to. the very definition of fraud means there has to be a victim. who is the victim here? the banks made millions and millions of dollars on trump's loans. is the fact that he overvalued his property to get on the forbes list? did he defraud forbes? think those people could make assessments of their own. elizabeth: we have to break in with breaking news. again, today, the new york appeals court just about an hour ago rejected donald trump's attempt to stop the ongoing $250 million civil fraud trial, but he temporarily halted the process of breaking up trump's businesses. so the judge's order, francey,
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acknowledges thomas mancino victim of trump's fraud lodged. in complaint filed or claims of damage. watch a foreman manhattan assistant da on this. watch this. >> i will not be bullied and so mr. trump is no longer the donald trump trump show. it's over. this was nothing more than a political stunt. >> what do you make of her comments and see as the impact of trump being in court the last few days? >> i think this was a tactical error on the part of attorney general james. she's already vulnerable to repeated attacks this is politically motivated, even if it is not. she opened herself up to that by campaigning on the repeated statement that she was going to go after trump, and therefore i think this statement was not wise. elizabeth: your reaction, francey? final word. >> long time ago, the supreme
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court said the job of the prosecutor is to do justice and not win convictions and it's obvious she has not read that opinion. elizabeth: thank you, for joining us. pat fallon still ahead and michigan gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon and joe concha. what's the real strategy behind hillary clinton again attacking trump voters saying they're a cult and need to be formally deprogrammed? plus, national border patrol council art dell cueto joining us and more and more voters outragessed and speaking out against biden's border collapse and hear their common sense reasons .y the border wall silent on the new one and her boss is building in texas coming up on the evening edit. >> we have a secure border. we are going to the border. we've been to the border.
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this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> i haven't been to europe. [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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national border patrol council art del cueto. art, good to see you. the 180 bit white house is not just about building 20 miles of border wall in texas. that's what the biden white house approved and now they're going to deport thousands of venezuelans? why the sudden reversal and massachusetts democrats increasingly angry with bind over the border collapse. what's with the 180 by the biden white house? >> no, all i can think of is they've been looking at polls and they realize that people are concerned about the issues on immigration. but i will tell you it's tricky because they said they're going to build more wall in areas of texas; right, but the entire southern border is suffering because, you know, arizona is leagued the country in got aways. so they're going to focus on
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where people are actually looking at. now you talk about the venezuelans and they're going to deport them. how are they going to find them? they have no idea where they are already in the united states. what they need to do is go back and admit they were wrong the entire time, building of the wall and better barriers is a start. but to complete the entire project and turn around and admit they were wrong and detain individuals that come into the country illegally and force them to prove their asylum claim and putting asylum officers and immigration judges on the boarder and send back the people that don't qualify and detain those that do till they prove their case and they're not willing to do that. elizabeth: art, the president's polls are at historic lows and voters getting angry about this border crisis. he did nearly 300 executive actions on the border. many of them weakening border security even further. let's get your reaction to voters here.
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watch this. >> my thing is we pay taxes here, and they didn't even consider talking to us before they snatched a park from us. you just made a decision without our input. we pay taxes for parks, schools and everything to make a decision without the community is blatant disrespect. you sold us out, and you expect us to be okay with that. we're not. during election time, you're all in our face, you're all in our meetings, you want all our votes and you're stuffing our mailbox with everything. but then when it comes to making decisions, you make them on your own. >> you've got to say no because that's the simple solution is no. turn the buses around. >> we come in the community of black people where we already get the low scraps and you want to take the little scraps and resources that we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel.
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>> you work for us. you work for us. you work for us. you work for us. elizabeth: they're angry. you know, people support legal, legal immigration. what's happening now is utter collapse and chaos. those voters are talking common sense, art. when you heard that, what was your reaction? >> entire chaos done by this administration from day one and it was a domino effect for something like this. not just the immigration issue. because of the people that are coming across, the cartels are getting richer because they're the ones that are controlling the traffic. they're bringing more drugs into the country with more agents now having to be assigned to process the administrative duty. the agents couldn't even respond to when local authorities make stops of individuals that are being trafficked into the united states so now what's happen asking now the local authorities can't do their job because
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they're too busy waiting on someone to come to a transport because they're the ones detaining the vehicles and people that are being smuggled into the country. it is complete chaos in this country, and it's a domino effect created by this administration. elizabeth: art dell caucus-backed way data committe, thank you for joining us. elizabeth: elite group of women's swimmers demanding action after a transgender woman joins their team and they don't feel safe. the messenger joe concha here and hillary clinton again out with extreme rhetoric attacking trump voters saying they're in a cult. they need formal deprogramming but what's the real strategy behind this? we take it on next on "the evening edit". >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables.
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elizabeth: okay, hillary clinton again out with extreme rhetoric claiming half the country trump voters need to be "formally deprogrammed". they have emotional psychological needs and desires. now, fox news nate foy is so smart and live in new york with the story. nate, good to see you. reporter: great to see you, liz. we reached out to clinton's team on collator for what they meant about -- clarify on what they meant by formal deprogramming and many of what she said back in 2016 when she called former president trump supporters deplorables. here she was last night on cnn. >> sadly so many of those extremists, those maga extremists, take their marching orders from donald trump who has no credibility left by any measure and why do they break
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with him? at some point maybe there needs a formal deprogramming of the cult members but something needs to happen. >> clinton didn't stop there and said this about why president trump is again leading the republican party in his candidacy for president. >> maybe they don't like migrants. maybe they don't like gay people or black people or the woman that got the promotion at work or whatever the reason. it's classic tale of an aauthoritarian populous who really has a grip on the emotional psychological needs and desires of a portion of the population. >> don jr. posted on social writing "this woman is truly sick. the problem is what she's saying is in line with the vast majority of the democrat party
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leaders today when we call them markists, everyone needs to understand it's not hyperbole and hasn't been for some time". "hillary clinton that called half the country a basket of deplorables advocates for reeducation camps or deprogramming. democrats should get her on tv and the campaign trail more often". ? the same interview clinton said "we have to defeat those who are the election deniers". of course clinton herself referred to president trump as an illegitimate president after losing to him in 2016. elizabeth: thank you, nate. the columnist joe concha is with me now. what's your reaction from this from hillary clinton? is she trying to split the republican party and distract away from democrat policies many economists are ruining america and what's the strike thaty here? it don't arkansas didn't work in
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2016. >> liz, i'm not sure there's a strategy here. i think she only strengthings the republican party when she speaks like this. nate's report was perfect in pointing out that election, 2016 was going hillary clinton's way anen she made that basket of deplorables comment at that time just two months before the election, that seemed to change everything. that was jet fuel for the trump campaign and all those voters out there that didn't like being spoken down to by an elitist. let's fashion it, the democratic party is the party of elites and not the party of the people and working men and women of scranton or east palatine and talking about cultists and deprogramming 74 million voters and look up elitist in the dictionary, you see hillary clinton's photo next to it, a close second being cnn member laughing along with her comment instead of challenging her on
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them. elizabeth: trump voters stand for things that democrats used to stand for including what jfk wanted, a better economy, stronger border, lower taxes, stop inflationary debt spending. if you watch msnbc wall to wall all day long and watch certain individuals on cnn and think the united states is tipping into fascism. it is not. we understand and have read through the capitol riot reports and should never happen again. we read through fbi reports of domestic terrorism in the united states and shouldn't happen and trump voters are middle class and working class voters that do not agree with what happened on january and have they're not fascist. they agree with what jfk wanted and what the former democrat party wanted. it's not our grandparent's democrat party anymore, joe. would you get -- you pour into your mind the tocks city and
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poison -- toxicity and more coming out and it's slipping into fascism and long and bad for the national conversation and wrong what they're doing to those that disagree with them. they've got to stop it. from wall to wall coverage like this it's got to stop. it's bad for america. what do you think about that? >> the point is to divide the country through fear. you're right about this is not your daddy's democratic party anymore. i mean, you're right. jfk was for lower taxes and strong military. jimmy carter was a pro life democratic president and existing in the democratic party on any capacity. bill clinton and barack obama deported more people who entered this country illegally than any other presidents in history far more than donald trump. so this was a party that was more about the working men and women common sense goals in terms of lifting people up, but now it is a party of the elites, of more of an extremist socialist ideology that many americans are rejecting and
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maybe that's why donald trump despite 91 felony counts is leading joe biden in polls right now for the presidency because people want a return to strong boarders, a strong economy, and crime where you actually have attorney generals enforcing the law and parents having a say in their kid's education again. these are not conservative ideals i don't think, liz. this is common sense. elizabeth: they used to be democrat ideals. joe concha, you're terrific and we want you back on again soon. have a good weekend. >> you too . thanks. elizabeth: former president trump endorses gop congressman jim jordan and house judiciary chair to succeed kevin mccarthy as house speaker. kevin mccarthy denies reports he's resigning and former michigan gubernatorial candidate tunitudor dixon back on and the de-moralizing struggling toll convince the college to not let a transgender student compete on a woman's swimming squad.
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womens team members knew the swimmer was on the men's team and has withdrawn from the women's team citing the public pressure and riley gains an advocate for keeping women's sports team made up of biological swimmers joined swimmers at roanoke to state concerns to the public. >> this was a mediocre man who is vying to compete with the women's team and turns into a record smasher destroying all the women's records. it's abysmal and nothing short of criminal to be totally frank with you. reporter: ro roanoke released a statement because they're committed to the success and wellbeing of every student and the first time they'd encountered this situation, the administration launched a process to inform our decision on transgender student athlete participation in all sports at the college. the process included a meeting of board of trustees that ultimately decided to follow ncaa guidelines, which call for inclusion of transgender athletes to be determined, liz,
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by the policy for the national governing body of that specific sport. in an e-mail to fox news the ncaa reiterated its position but did not give more specifics about this case. back to you. elizabeth: this is just getting bigger and bigger. david punt, you're so good. fawning for that. now we have tudor dixon. what's your reaction to david spunt's reporting there? >> these are young people having to make really adult decisions to go out and publicly speak about issues that are really very challenging, and the reason they're having to do this is because these universities and governing bodies of sports are not making the decision for them, which should already be made. these girls should not feel like they have to go into the water and compete against a teammate they'll never be able to beat, but should never put that person in a position to have tafanely
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opportunity and step out when they're already going through something in their lives. this should be decided and it is ridiculous we have to continue to have this conversation time and time again that reilly has to go out and speak on behalf of the people and why is this not just common sense and this is common sense. elizabeth: the issue is getting heated and you just noted and now you've got collegiate swimmer riley gains tweeted out she was weeking at the university of new mexico -- speaking at university of new mexico and had to station 45 police officers, they made her pay a $10,000 security charge just for speaking out because people are coming up to protest against her and against this issue. >> again, why are we having to put people into this position when this is clearly common sense that women should not have to compete against men. we don't allow women to go in their if they're doping, we don't allow them to stake steroids or men to compete
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against other men if they're taking steroids. it's a similar already situation. a person with natural testosterone and a heart that's bigger and pumps more blood and activists don't have to speak on behalf of women and trying to stand up for win's rights once again. if we just have commons coming in and saying if we need to have a separate category, there's a separate one but we're not having men competing against women. elizabeth: all right, martina says this trend is unfair. do you see anybody, you know, on the other side of the aisle saying, you know, it is unfair. it's not fair to our kids, to girls in schools. biological males are stronger, they're more powerful, and we've got caitlyn wheeler, she's a swimmer saying of course men would not want to compete in a third category against other men. when competing in the women's category is easier. it's not about fairness and
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equal opportunity, it's about domination. that's what caitlyn wheeler says, final word. >> i don't see people on the other side saying anything different because they won't come on fox news, they won't talk to people that will ask them those questions. they're never asked so they don't have to answer, but this is why i encourage debates because these folks on the other side of the aisle have to answer for what they're doing and answer these questions. elizabeth: tudor dixon, you're terrific. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. elizabeth: ohio congressman, jim jordan got the former president trump's endorsement to become house speaker. kevin mccarthy says he's staying put, he's not resigning and denying those reports coming in. but first, let's check in with our friends dagen and brian burg in for sean duffy. >> yeah, michael waltz and all the biden flipping and flopping on the border and former levi brand president on why woke
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brands should quit talking about all their causes. >> john levine and p matt palumo on a whole host of topics including the wack koenen district attorney down in philadelphia reassuring looters that if they're law-abiding citizens, they won't be prosecuted. top of the hour. ♪ after advil dual action back pain: yo. who. haha. [dog barks] what? my back feels better. [rewind sound] before advil: [grunts] oh. advil dual action back pain fights back pain two ways. for 8 hours of relief. hi, i'm ben, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. i currently suffer from nerve damage which kept me bedridden for six months. i was very overweight and depressed.
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elizabeth: house oversight and he's still a congressman, he's pat fallon. good to see you, congressman. you endorse house majority leader steve scalise for house speaker and what do you make of former president trump formally endorsing jim jordan. what do you think in >> he has a great relationship with both steve and jim. you know what, he made his choice, but i love the president. i can't wait till he's president again, but he doesn't have a vote in conference, i do and i do and i'll support steve scalise fully and he's a dedicate the conservative and nobody is questioning his conservative credentials and he's tough as nails and got shot and lit railly ended up walking away and going through that. he's been through adversity and he's an absolute leader. he's also raised $170 million for republican causes and
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candidates so i'm fully backing him. elizabeth: 170 million? since when? >> 170 million since the leadership position -- or maybe all time since he's been in congress. i don't know, he's directly raised $7 million to candidates and he's done $-- on the road 112 days this year and been to 171 events and he's absolutely a team player and also a leader. elizabeth: congressman, we're reporters and we're not dc insiders and we probably get it wrong a lot here and follow what's going on. how would democrats in the house and senate look at steve scalise versus jim jordan? >> i don't think the democrats would see much of a difference because they unfortunately the leadership, if it doesn't encourage any kind of bipartisanship, and you saw that when nancy pelosi was at the helm so they -- they're focus, liz, is on regaining the
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majority come november of next year and we have to do everything we can to deliver results to the american people. it'll be divided government as it has been and we have to do the best we can because we're not going to get everything we want. that's the reality of the situation unless we win back the senate and get the white house. elizabeth: correct us, again, we want to keep things -- we want to be on the rails and be right for the viewer. get it straight. so you heard about this group of 45 house republicans. they sent a letter to the eight republican lawmakers who voted to oust speaker mccarthy. rebuking them saying they're ashamed and embar embarrassed ad refused to allow the eight members so abandon and undermine the gom conference to dictate the selection of the next speaker or policy outcomes. now, letter was signed by some powerful people in the house. it's ways and means chair jason smith, house foreign affair chair michael mccall and representative derrick graves and congressman dusty johnson with us last night. what do you make of this letter?
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>> honestly, liz, i think you'll get it right far more than the others out there and you're trying to be dedicated to the truth and having said all this. we need 218 votes to get anything passed and we need 218 votes to elect a speaker and democrats not going to help us nor do we want their help. in order to do that, this happened and it's unfortunate. we are where we are and we need to -- we're going to have conference meeting on monday and candidate forum and election -- selection process through the conference. we need to honestly let -- i mean, kind of forgive but don't forget. let by gones be b bygones rather than obsessing about yesterday. elizabeth: thank you, your check is in the mail. thank you for your generous comment. have a great weekend. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: this big story, dr. marty mccare rendition of my
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here and 43 of the u.s. servicemens and discharged for refusing biden's covid mandate rejoined and that's according to cnn and we have more information on those covid booster shots and you'll want to hear antonin that one and that's next on "the evening edit".mman ♪ ntion. it's not just a comfortable interior... it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights... they light the way forward. the new fully electric audi q8 e-tron models...
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it's good to see you again. you know the damage continues from the covered vaccine mandates from the biden lighthouse. cnn reports a tiny group of 43 soldiers. elizabeth: out of 8000 troops at the paragon discharger say no were knocking to do biden's covid vaccine mandate. only were the three have sought to rejoin, that is stunning, what do you think. >> that is out of the 8000 fire directly in active duty. in addition the army let go 40000 national guardsmen and 22000 reserve people in the number of people that came back after they were given the option to get vaccinated and come back was embarrassingly low. many of these people feel lied to, the vast majority of these people had natural immunity. if you are good enough to undergo basic training, you are the altar low risk individual for covid. you have a risk that is comparable to influenza. people were smart in the military. they realize they were being lied to and not being treated fairly with the science.
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elizabeth: jennifer griffin of fox news essay the army is falling, 15000 troops short of the 65000 goal of recruitment. that is happening there. you saw the report that florida surgeon general joseph lana post says there's a major safety concern with the no new covid vaccine boosters. is there true there was no clinical trials for them. >> the cdc is recommended it for babies as young as six years old. there was no clinical trials for pfizer, moderna, really. >> they want every baby six months and up, 325 million americans to get the new vaccine that is approved based on data from ten mice in the case of the pfizer vaccine approval from the new booster and based on data from 50 people that were followed for two weeks in the case of moderna vaccine. they started the trial about five months ago and they could've enrolled 505,000 instead of 50 and followed them
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for months and that a proper trial to show that it is effective. the fda regulators had an entire system to allow them to get the approval without any human outcome data. it is ironic you can take ten years for a cancer drug to get to the fda and it took almost nothing for the pfizer vaccine. elizabeth: how do we know if it is safe. they're looking at existing d data. the surgeon general florida says multiple studies across various countries and time periods demonstrate that after three months of booster shots the vaccine effectiveness appears to go negative and we don't know the damage to the immune system everybody understands get vaccinated this does not sound like a vaccine is sound like an annual flu shot because you can still get sick from covid. when you heard what the surgeon general florida said, what was your take. >> the surgeon general is pointing to two studies that show the multiple repeat booster strategy can actually lower your
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susceptibility. in other words it can make you more likely to get it. there is legitimate concern. regulators said were getting used to flu vaccine model we don't do a formal trial for the flu vaccine but we probably should. it's relatively safe, the flu has a 60 plus year safety record for the vaccine. the covid vaccine has a much higher complication rate, the moderna vaccine has been banned in parts of europe for anyone under age 30. we know the complication is much higher for the covid vaccine. that's what doctor joseph ladapo was concerned about. americans are saying no less than 1% of americans have gotten the new vaccine. da.elizabeth: thank you for setg us straight. great to have you on we hope to see you soon. thank you for watching "the evening edit". it is time for dagen and
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