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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 18, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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larry: hello folks welcome to cud loe kudlow i'm larry kudlow. 1400 israeli civilians and soldiers and 30 americans have been killed. president biden is expected to travel to israel tonight. our strongest ally prepares to invade gaza. fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot on the ground with the latest. what you got? reporter: we're sifting through the latest wrinkle, latest disaster, in this on going war between israel and hamas. what we know for sure is that hospital in gaza city in the gaza strip was hit by some kind of explosive, a rocket, according to the palestinian health authority, according to hamas, it was an israeli defense force missile strike that hit this hospital and
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they are claiming as many as 500 dead, we're seeing images of bodies carried out of the hospital, we're seeing images of the hospital, but in the last i would say 18 minutes. we have now heard from the israeli defense force, their contention sufferers a barrage of rockets from the palestinian ise islamic jihad group, this is an ally group to hamas, they sent off a barrage of rockets from further south in gaza strip, one rocket went right into the hospital. they claim according to israel, that it was in fact the fault of the palestinians. people were quick to jump on this crisis in these assertions by the palestinians and hams, the
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hamas, about there was a meets -- meeting planned tomorrow night with president biden, he. other countries were quick t savage, also criticizing if, we do not have people on the ground or independent sources. we have one side saying this is genocide. the worst act of single act of civilian death in the history of gaza strip. we have israel saying, it wasn't our fault, it came from the other side. we're studying that right now, breaking news as we're talking to you. larry: all right, a difficult story thank you, be safe. we appreciate your reporting. larry: a few note president biden is going to israel tonight to show support for
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i realisrael and their war effort against hamas, documents recovered from bodies of dead hamas terrorists show orders to kill as many israelis as possible. don't forget that. one document from hamas terrorists sent to attack, a 670 person collective farming community, that document up trucke instructed terrorists to take control of the i can kibbutz. kill as many individuals as possible and capture hostages. period. so, so. not surprising that former u.s. ambassador israel david him night. >> israel will annihilate hamas given the opportunity. larry: or in military terms, general jack keane told us this last week.
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>> we have to be up front about what needs to be done. we need to kill them, that is the only thing that stops these guys, they are committed to this bar ar implemeism, we have to go baradaba barbarism? we have to go in and kill them. larry: i hope president biden understands this, give biden credit so far, for standing behind israel and supports israel. the diplomatic talk that mr. biden is going to israel because his secretary of state antony blinken got assurances from prime minister netanyahu of a substantial humanitarian aid package for palestine. a hupp -- hundreds of trucks are lined up on the border in egypt to enter the gaza strip for quote humanitarian aid.
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there is now inspection of this aid. could be baby formula or war materials, who the run this aid? hamas. as caroline glick rights, all so-called ministries in gaza are hamas, all of the hospitals, and distribution done by hamas. caroline glick will join us in a minute to talk about this. and senator marsha brac baracblackburn will be on later. this is hamas aid. u.s. taxpayer have given hamas about a billion wi billion dollars in the last couple of years, donald trump cut tough, joe biden reinstated it. who shopping whom here? -- who is helping whom, a letter to mr. biden, 63 house democrats 50 republicans a bipartisan letter, petitioning mr. biden to cut off all iran funding sources.
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maximum enforcement of economic sanctions, end the iran oil trade to china, worth 153 million per day. and the letter says to be sure that the united nations ballistic missile sanctions on iran that expire tomorrow october 18 cannot be allowed to expire. this is 117 bipartisan house members. by the way, the letter asks for biden to put pressure on qatar and turkey to cease their support of hamas, most of the hamas leaders are in qatar, biden administration has not said a word about this, they are still in denial about iran and presumably qatar and turkey, a bunch of g.o.p. senators lead by tom cotton want to -- jack lew from israeli ambassadorship here, has a
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pro iran track record, he unfroze billions of dollars of iranian assets, a quick diversion. the biden administration is about to ease energy sanctions on venabl venezuela? real, it run by communist maduro. are we begging for oil from a socialist dec dictator gain? and very big hat tip to historian walter russell mead and his "wall street journal" column, called appeasing iran has failed. he writes, iran is unappeasable, this truth is too inconvenient are in the bi for the biden administration to admit. he says, it is the mullahs
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and agency of the islamic republic of iran who provided resources, training and encouragement without which hamas leadership would not have dared or unable to unleash this evil on the world, the truth is simple, iran is at war with israel and the u.s., it does not seek compromise or accommodation, it wants what it says it wants a holocaust in israel and the destruction of the united states, walter russell mead, my question, is anyone in the biden administration listening? that semiriff tonight. -- that is my riff. tonight, joining us now. senator roger wicker. terrific thank you for coming on. i want to start with this big let -- letter, 117
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members, they want maximum sanctions and they do not want to united nations to end the sanctions on ballistic missile, you know these issues well, can you fill us in, what is happening? and why are we not hearing anything from biden administration about this stuff? >> well, okay, don't make me try to defended the biden administration. you have said so many things that are correct. about this bipartisan letter in the house, i'm eager to get it on the senate, i think our -- we would have bipartisan support. let me say, first of all, israel simpl wants to exist as peace loving democracy in an area of the world that is very tough. it is the sworn goal of
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hamas, part of their charter on the very first page that israel and the jews must be destroyed. when we talk about civilians being killed, we need to remember that it was the plan of hamas to go into israel and to kill women, children, babies. and to rape and pillage. if there is some civilian loss in hamas, it is incidental i don't know what the ground troops would be. on the one hand. ham at deliberately went in, with a goal, not only to take territory but to inflict human suffering and death. larry: you know senator, i'm just, i don't want to lose sight of u.n. sanctions on missile.
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this thing -- ballistic missile, no one knew about this, i found it this morning. i am trying to give walkerness. i don't think that -- give awareness, i don't think that people realize tomorrow is deadline, if that passes then sanctions are removed on iranian construction on purchase of whatever, ballistic missiles that is awful. >> i think relying on the undeu.n. in this particular climate is -- does not give me a very good feeling. i think everything that the administration has done with regard to iran and to their clients, hezbollah and hamas over the last year and a half, two and a half years, has been wrong, and has under estimated what iran and hamas want to do. and their goal, which is eliminating israel and death of americans.
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larry: yes, sir. i think -- look, joe biden has done well by israel so far, but the other side of the coin, he is in denial bircabout iran and about iran's you know oil revenues, trading with china. and -- nobody has mentioned this ballistic missile sanction. i know that united nations is not reliable but no one is talking about this, that blows my mind. senator wicker, jack lew, former treasury secretary, a lot of republican senators objecting to his appointment as ambassador to israel, he unlocked a lot of frozen iranian assets and gave it to him while he was obama's treasury secretary, this is the wrong guy to take that post. >> he is the wrong guy. i will not support him, i don't know whenever the right time would be for jack lew to go in a position like
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this there will be a hearing tomorrow before the foreign releagrelations committee, i think by the end of the day it will be clear there will be hardly any republican support for jack lew. the idea that we need to get someone over there quickly, as a show of support for israel, is wrong, i think that strong of thing to do is to keep people from jack lew who is really been an iranian sympathizer for whatever reason. for a long time who said iran would not have money released and given to them, we know the banking system of the allowed to do, that there is every reason not to have him. from what i understand, our number two in the american embassy, in jerusalem now, is actually a very effective
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diplomat, and most think we would be a lot better off withf we kept her in office. if jack lew gets confirmed it will be with democrat votes in my estimation, it will take a lot of time on the floor of the senate when we ought to be doing other things like funding the government and doing the supplemental security package. larry: all right, yes, sir, thank you senator roger wicker. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right, move along, joining me brett velicovich. drone expert, former military inte intelligence official, fox news contributor, brett did i get it right, i try so hard. >> you hit it. larry: thank you. your thoughts on the slowdown of the israeli ground forces. i am, i have cynical
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political reasons or maybe just the issues in north and lebanon and hezbollah, what do you think about it. >> i don't think that ground invague is out ininvasion is out of the question, some expert say that hamas senior leadership wants a full-scale israeli invasion into gaza, that is their dream, if they survive something like that it will break israeli moral, there is a strong debate over a ground invasion on whether it would work to achi to achieve israel objectives. it has been going on almost two weeks. from a campaign on the gaza strip. by the i israelis, cutting
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off a total siege, israel said they want to total blockade, they instituted, including a ban not admitting food and fuel, they are squeezing hamas in that population, which is necessary to restore deterrents, they can continue to attack from the air with rockets and drones, but i don't think that a ground invasion is out of the question. larry: one of the israeli, i believe a cabinet member, some senior official told one of the news sources that they may not. it had not been decided yet. to your point. precision air bombing is effective. and taking a huge toll it seems. >> yes. no matter what, israel needs to focus on removing hamas' combat power, destroying military operation centers and tunnel networks and air
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defense weapons, they can do a lot of that from air, and they need to gather intelligence if they are going in with more of the target the operations, we understand there are american hostages in there they may be getting pressure from the biden administration to really know what they are doing so the hostages don't get hurt, they have to go in and fully eliminate the enemy they can't just co contain them, so it never happens again, israeli public has been calling for hamas to be destroyed once and for all. i think there is a hesitation with really goingfgoing, full in at this . larry: special ops and command ors are os are on the ground, something is going on. i'm assuming.
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idf is very good. last 45 6 seconds, the threat from hezbollah how do you assess that. >> it is dangerous. they are a lot stronger than hamas, this is a big problem if they come in, that is why u.s. needs to help with that deterrents, that is good they are sending troops over there, hezbollah has been a wild card with this conflict, this is a major problem if they get involved. a conflict that could spread on west bank border with lebanon that is scarying a lot of people to think that a war on israeli order border could involve, ron, airon and lebanon could be dragged into it, either way, hezbollah, hamas and iran at large need to be controlled.
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it could cause the u.s. to get involved and tens of thousands of lives could be lost. larry: we'll leave it there brett velicovich thank you, appreciate it. >> more of the latest on ground in israel with our own john roberts, and are hundreds of trucks waiting to enter gaza filled with aid or weapons for hamas terrorists? we'll ask caroline glick when kudlow returns. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers.
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la joining aside from jerusalem coanchor. what do you have for us. >> larry good afternoon the incident at the hospital in gaza really has shaken everyone to the court in the middle east. with 200 to 500 people dead the full body count not known s pointing finger of blame at the other, hamas in gaza and most of arab world blamed israel. but the israeli defense forces said they analyzed data, they is drones in the
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area 24 hours a day. seven days a week, it was a barrage of rockets that were fired by islamic jihad, one of home went off course. and hit the hospital. i can tell dluf there was a flurry of rocket activity about 3 hours ago. about the time that the hospital was hit. prime minister netanyahu of israel issued this statement saying, the whole world should know that those barbarian terrorists in gaza are the ones that attacked the gaza hospital, not idf, whoever murders or children also murders his children. even if israel has hard data that explosion was caused by someone on the gaza side.
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will be difficult to -- >> president biden was to, the governing body in west bank to talk about what we believe was a new way forward in gaza. potentially, for after hamas has been defanged, mahmoud abbas said he is not going to the meeting it will be difficult for president biden to push anything forward in terms of the future here. this attack or this misfire or whatever it was, not have come at a worse time. larry: john roberts tough stuff, we'll never settle it. thank you, john. be safe. we appreciate your reports. catch john and sandra smith on america reports weekdays from 1-3 p.m. eastern on fox
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news. shift gears, joining us now caroline glick, jewish news syndicate. you alerted me to this thank you so much, i gave you a hat tip last night, another one, this whole thing the humanitarian aid. you have hundreds of trucks on the egyptian side of gaza waiting to come in from your work, no inspections and whatever is in the trucks whether baby formula or food or military weapons and materials, hamas is going to run it, that is the point i think that you are making. tell us, please. >> yes, i think that the term humanitarian aid is just a after y euphemism for resupplying hamas, hamas controlled every square centimeter at the gaza strip, every one of them.
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yesterday we have a story where a u.n. employee posted their refugee work organization that is working in gaza, that hamas terrorists plundered their offices and stolen fuel. they took it down. they issued an apology saying social media posted. claiming that hamas plundered our offices were false, probably the employee posted it was hanging by his fingernails is why they took it down. every person in gaza strip lives at pleasure of hamas, when you talk about bringing anything into gaza, you are talking about is springing things to hamas -- is bringing things to hamas, hamas decides who gets what and where it goes, to we can be clear, most acute humanitarian crisis in gaza is the hostage crises in gaza, 200 hostages that the hamas terrorists are holding
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illegally captive in gaza, and doing who knows what to after their blood bath, no one is talking about supporting that humanitarian crise, no they are talking about providing resupply to hams. none of that aid, such as it is will go to the hostages. >> caroline glick, we thank you. we all thank you for blowing the wis ol whistle on this hope to see you soon. >> all right, coming on kudlow. republicans really need to elect a new speaker. israel needs money. a lot of people need money, we need a budget. jim jordan good conservative. friend of mine, golly gee, could not get over the finish line. we have senator ron johnson coming up. he will talk about that and other things, we have senator marsha blackburn calling for end to
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humanitarian aid that is landing in hands of hamas as caroline glick described, don't the bidens know this? don't they know this. >> they are in denial, stick with kudlow, w so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪
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larry: all right welcome back to foc fox news mike tobin live from israel. thank you very much. reporter: strike at civilian hospital has changed the dynamic on the ground, you have strongly worded statement from prime minister netanyahu. it the barbarism jihad terrorists. quick do blame israel, all it played out ove.
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>> what is it like when you learn your child has been taken hostage. >> it is the worst nightmare for every mother in the world. to know that her child is been taken hostage by animals. i don't know what they are doing to her. do they give her food? where she sleeps. this is the worst nightmare in the world. reporter: did you know she was alive. >> no. i didn't know she was dead or alive. i knew nothing. until yesterday. i saw this video. and the first reaction was screaming and then shouting. the other reaction was happiest moment in my life. and the third reaction after everything went home.
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and i sat alone and watched that video, i could not stop crying. because i see my baby in pain. reporter: back to the hospital, the arab world has been quick to blame israel, demonstrations from formed up in west bank,. larry: mike, i don't know how you get those interviews great stuff. >> joining us now senator ron johnson. can i get a quick thought. jim jordan did not make itest on finish line, we need a speaker of the house, a republican speaker. what do you think about this story? >> hopefully, holdouts in republican party will unify and second vote elect jim jordan as speaker. he is a person of intelligence and integrity
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and a practical individual, he will have a game plan and be the type of leader who lets his team know what the game plan is. i hope republicans unify, we need a speaker, the world is in blames because of democrat governance, biden administration, and i hope he goes across the finish lines in the second vote. larry: jim jordan is a spectacular human being. he would make a great speaker. he has a pragmatic streak in him. she strong conservative -- he is a strong conservative but he likes to get things done. can i ask you, you are walking about world in flames bidens in denial bircabout iran -- there is another story, iranian cut outs, spy ring, robert mali in state department lost his security clearance but they won't tell us why, he was part of the group that brought in iran expert
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initiative. and other one arian tabati, she is chief of staff for the guy who is in charge of special operations. what -- and bidens are stonewalling us over front. what is up there are a bunch of iranian cut outs. >> this administration has populated government with radical leftists, people who support the largest state sponsor of terror iran, you will hear tomorrow jack lew will come up as nominee are in ambassador of israel. he was a for iran, that will come out tomorrow. you can't make this up, obama administration wanted to do a deal with the ayatollah, that is an regime
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that you can't reason with, they are for jihad and they are are abo barbaric. israel needs 100% support its right to defend itself, it will not be pretty but what hamas did to israel, understand who the aggressor is, who the barbarians are. larry: i know chairman jamie comer will investigate this iran spy ring. my question to you is there any effort in senate, i know jack lew is in trouble. senator wicker said as well. you are right. will someone look in. not a good idea to have iranian spies in state department and defense party one would think. >> it is not, but unfortunately, democrat, will support them until the end. so there is no curiosity on all kinds of issues that need full investigation, but
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they are not being investigated in senate, helpful to maintain majority in house. larry: senator ron johnson thank you, sir, come back. >> joining us now, tennessee senator marsha blackburn. welcome. we have been -- sure, thank you. larry: we've been talking, this business about palestinian, humanitarian aid. run by hamas, donald trump put an end to it it resurfaces, i fear, and you are ringing the bell on this, this meeting between biden and netanyahu biden will demand quote, more and more humanitarian assistance to palestine, that means hamas. >> that is right. you know, that is what we found out. whether it is the u.n. relief and work agency for palestinian refugees or in
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any of other entities involved with aid, hamas is getting the money, we know from relief agency they have that 730 billion dollars that has gone in there this agency hired hamas affiliated individuals, we know that hamas has stolen that money and hidden weapon free from the facilities of this agency that are located there in gaza. so, letting them have access to these funds is not a smart thing to do. we know that one of the things that i have my resolution we would halt all funding on that agency until iran is economies pehled from the u.n. -- expelled from the u.n. >> all right. i'm for that. 100%.
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you believe that jake sullivan, national security advisadviser should resign. you have called for his resignation and has routinely misled the government about status of security threats in the world, i assault wow most particularly iran, you tell us. >> yes. indeed, you can go back to the work he did in 2015, in the obama administration, he was wrong about the jcpoa and iran, what they would do if we send them billions of dollars in pallet cash, and he misled public with russia gate and hillary clinton, now he is back, he has helped to cook up this hostage exchange and 6 billion dollars, he was there a couple weeks before we have the hamas attacks on israel saying that the
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middle east is calmer than it has been. you look at his advice to the president on afghanistan, in afghanistan withdrawal. you look at the statement they have made to the american people, calling that withdrawal a success. look, under jake sullivan, under this administration, we have a very confused and -- muddled foreign policy, our enemies need to fear us, our allies need to know they are our ally and friend, with jake sullivan in this white house, what you have had is an administration believing in appeasement and think you can negotiate with terrorist organizations and get them to do what you want them to do, that is not possible. they are trained to kill you. and they go around chanting
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death to israel, death to america. >> you know, ma'am, walter russell mead, last one, someone has to pay attention tomorrow the sanctions to iriranian ballistic missiles end, i don't know if anyone knows that. not that united nations is perfect but their inspectors have been, better then average on iran but sanctions end on iranian construction and purchase of ballistic missiles, how can we allow that? >> it is incon severe ab conceivable we would allow it to expire, we had problems with this administration not enforcing the sanctions, so for goodness sakes, this is one you need to keep.
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we do not want iran the world's largest sponsor state sponsor of terrorism to have ballistic missiles, we don't want them to have nuclear weapons, we don't want them to have money they can go fund terrorism in the globe. >> thank you so much senator blackburn, spot on, right to the point. >> you got it. larry: thank you, terrific. >> coming up. gregg jarrett will report on hamas brain washing palestinian children. he will have something to say about president donald trump's gag order, and a couple of economy numbers strestronger than accounted, i am kudlow, and don't le this is your season to smile -- to gather together and discover the moments that matter, to jump into the fun and join in the celebration. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event.
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larry: welcome back, economic news, worth repeating, retail sales stronger than expected. up 4 percent over past 12 months. manufacturing production up stronger than expected, the prior month revised lower but still down 1% over last year, business equipment, not good. fell. down minus 1.7% for the year. gdp tracker for atlanta fed
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for third quarter ending september up 5.4% and bond market did not like it 10 year bond sold off and interest rate up to 4 by 84% emortgage rates 8%, housing in a slump. turning to war. welcome greg jarrett. he reported on hamas from israel, gaza and the west bank in 2001. as i understand your piece. hamas is brain washing the palestinian kids. what -- is that far off. reporter: this is true. i was there during the second end of fattah, when suicide bombings were taking place almost every day. i saw the bloodied mangled
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dismembered bodies in the plaza where they murdered children, i was there after the haifa bombing of a bus, horrific injuries, people were incinerated, i went to gaza and interviewed the parents of suicide bomber who told me how proud they were of their son for killing so many jews and pointed to their 10-year-old son and said he too will be a bomber, i saw in gaza were palestinians programmed by terror groups like hamas, islamic jihad, inculcated with hatred for israel. for two decades luring martyrs to become suicide bombers and compensating their families, the more jews that were murdered the higher the financial payments. jihad is taught in schools,
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those schools became training camps for terrorists and young people brain washed highest pursuit for any palestinian is killing jews, hamas ruled gaza with a viciousness over its own people, and an even nonmilitant gazans know that tyrants are dealer in death. larry: and the parents are favoring it, i know you are telling the truth but such an awful thing to hear, the parents are proud, that is awful. >> and you know, i asked them the question, have you been paid? for what your dead son did, it was well established there was a financial incentive. terroristsin organization would give a bounty or reward of more jews killed
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it is just hideousness. larry: gregg jarrett thank you for that report, i guess, a bad story. >> i'll be right back with my last word. ♪ explore endless design possibilities. to find your personal style. endless hardie® siding colors. textures and styles. it's possible. with james hardie™. ♪ is it possible to fall in love with your home... ...before you even step inside? ♪ discover the magnolia home james hardie collection. available now in siding colors, styles and textures. curated by joanna gaines.
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ sandra: sometimes i just cannot believe
5:59 am
all the storms we've gone through here. grandma: i can only hope that we'll be able to leave this house to you one day,'re our legacy. nichelle: planning for these disasters will make sure we're safe and is the best way to protect that legacy.
6:00 am
we remember september 11th, 2001. we remember the first responders who gave their lives on that day. but now there's an entire generation of young men and women who can't recall where they were on that day or how america came together as one. in the weeks that followed. join us as we come together once again for travis manning foundation's 911 heroes run, and together we can keep the legacies of our fallen alive. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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