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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 19, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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>> social security is not good at the moment. we did get a bump for inflation but it is not keeping pace with inflation, correct? >> so this are different ways of looking at social security but i think the point i would make we have to do more than just social security. liz: absolutely. >> if you take the individuals, majority of individual investors are investing in cash as the primary vehicle. we have to move them out of cash and consider this a longer term problem. liz: ticker symbols. >> there are 10 ticker symbols. liz: we put those up on our website and facebook page. tin of them. they're all different but we'll be watching it closely. >> correct. liz: nick, thank you for inveiling that on "the claman countdown." tomorrow pennsylvania congressman dan meuser discusses his legislation to freeze the 6 billion in iran. [closing bell rings] latest in the house speaker race. so much going on. we'll be back tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. joe biden will deliver a prime time address tonight on israel and other matters. what do we think he is going to say? joining us live from jerusalem is our great friend john roberts, coanchor of "america reports" so john, what are you picking up and what are you thinking? >> reporter: well the president will ask for money, one thing. $100 billion in support for ukraine and israel. you know, larry, if the rumblings on the ground are correct, this conflict could get bigger very quickly, maybe in the coming next two or three days and the one thing that israel is really going to need is a resupply for the iron dome. that is what the pentagon has been talking about at a briefing this afternoon. that's what president biden was talking about, because if this opens up a second front from hezbollah in lebanon, there could very soon be hundreds of rockets, many of them precision guided raining down on israel. without the iron dome system
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fully up and operational and fully resupplied. that could spell trouble for a lot of people because back in 2006, when israel last had a big war in hezbollah they were all dumb rockets. they would nye, maybe within a quarter mile, half a mile where they were intended to go. they were hitting very randomly. hezbollah managed to get a couple lucky shots on tel aviv. didn't get further south, sorry, couple shots on haifa, didn't get any further south than that now 2 has precision guided rockets could be in tel aviv inside of a minute and 15 seconds from the launch. so that's why the iron dome will have to be fully resupplied and up and operational. i get a sense, larry, because gallant, the defense minister was with front line troops in recent hours, if you haven't seen the inside of gaza, you will be see it soon. that a ground operation may be imminent. we talked with somebody on the
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front lines maybe monday or tuesday, and ask when do you think the ground war will start? that person said probably toward the end of this week. not saying it is going to happen, larry. but tea leaves indicate something will happen there. with israel amassing as much armor as it has, tanks and self-propelled how witsers on the northern front or potential northern front you get an idea something may be happening there next couple three days, larry. we're all holding our breath to see what goes on. larry: you know, john, that is very interesting on the iron dome support but also the two to three days. i know it's not a clear forecast but it is interesting that you say that. john, one other point, of the $100 billion everybody expects tonight announced by the president, the bulk of it, i think 60 billion, some odd is targeted for ukraine. i don't know if you're hearing that from your sources. i won't say it's odd. i understand the administration is pushing for ukraine but the
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israeli thing seems more urgent and more intense after the president you know, went back and forth to israel and so forth. any thoughts on that? >> it does seem more urgent. obviously ukraine is a bigger country and therefore the need in terms of american dollars may be bigger but the need here is israel is extremely urgent particularly if israel is about to get involved in a two-front war. then you see the entire region is becoming a tinderbox. you have to try to keep a lid on that as well. one thing everybody i talked to here in israel says, the president has to do is talk very tough in terms of deterrents with iran in mind. all the president has said so far, larry, is that anybody who is thinking of getting involved, any third parties or outside actors, don't, don't, don't. the language may need to be ramped up from that if hopes to keep iran out of this. larry: yeah. >> that said though, that said i've also heard some conflicting
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opinions from a guy here in israel, general island, who used to be the chief of the national security council, who doesn't believe that this is going to open up a new two-front war. still varying opinions here. the forecast is rather cloudy. so can't tell exactly which way this is going to go but it does seem that there is some sort of imminent possibility of this heating up. larry: all right, john roberts, thank you ever so much, great stuff. a lot to chew on there. folks be sure to catch john and his coanchor sandra smith on "america reports," 1:00 p.m. weekdays eastern here on fox news. let me continue with my riff. all eyes on president joe biden tonight as he addresses the nation regarding israeli war. maybe should speak on ukraine and rome around the world because there are so much hot spots. israeli war with hezbollah and iran. potential conflict with taiwan. and of course you still have a
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completely open border with mexico. let us not forget that. i will continue to praise mr. biden thus far and his unequivocal support for israel including the so-called iron dome israeli defense as john robbers just discussed. biden deserves credit here but i am not going to give him credit for forcing israel to accept $100 million of so-called humanitarian aid because in gaza humanitarian aid is hamas aid. even worse it is u.s. taxpayer-funded hamas aid. hamas cares not one wit about civilian palestinians. terrorists will take food, fuel, munitions war, whatever they want for their own purposes. the idf were run aring the operation i might think differently. they wouldn't. the idf will bomb hamas when they see terrorists pilfering the aid that will be a very tough story. nor do i give president biden any credit for re-upping iranian
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ballistic missile sanctions even though he and blinken claimed to be monitoring now, russia, china and hang on a minute, venezuela are going to be back to that one in just a moment but the point is, re-upping the u.n.'s restrictions or even snapping back has no real meaning because the bidens following on the heels of the obamas, never enforced the sanctions in the first place! you cannot appease iran. you cannot integrate iran into civilized middle eastern life because the iranian government is made up of cutthroat terrorists who sponsor, finance and planetary rich throughout the region and the rest of the world. there is no hamas without iran. there is no hezbollah without iran. donald trump bankrupted iran and you didn't hear a people out of them. joe biden has refinanced iran and now the middle east is blowing up again. relative peace and prosperity during the trump years has been replaced with massive warfare
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now under biden. it's a pity, it's a shame. all right. here is biden defending israel which is super good but here is biden still in denial over the role of iran which is "superbad." how this is going to turn out i don't know. i have faith in the idf. that is my trump card but now, let me turn to america's hemisphere, our own backyard. the bidens are loosening sanctions on venezuela? really? huh? this is an incredible story. this it is a communist government. it is backed by cuban military and secret service. its ruler, maduro said he would have free elections. utter nonsense, complete bs. how can the bidens be taken in by such a phony promise? it is a ruse in particular. the bidens are loosening restrictions on oil and gas. really? here we go again. turning to another socialist dictate for for a few more
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barrels of oil to make up for biden's domestic war against fossil fuels. you know this is absolutely off the charts utterly incredible. finally, as john roberts reported everybody expects biden to announce 100 million, 100 billion in foreign aid for ukraine, taiwan, israel and the southern border. at this point nobody really knows how that package is going to be partitioned. you know, the world is just turned topsy-turvy under joe biden. his weakness is breeding even more weakness around the globe. he is trying a patchwork fix. my guess is it's doubtful this is going to succeed but that's my riff and we're going to chew on it now. we have distinguished panel. joining me to talk about biden's address tonight, liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor, brian brenberg, co-host of "the big money show," my fav. we also have kash patel former
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deputy director of national intelligence and chief of staff of the defense department. welcome to all of you. i will start on set. liz, i'm going to -- you know i am giving biden credit where credit is due. his rhetoric and i think now with these munitions and resupply that john roberts, he is backing israel. he is backing israel. he is backing the iron dome, okay? i got to give him credit but at the same time i'm going to say that biden prompted this in the first place by allowing iran to refinance. >> yeah. larry: around to plan and to plot. i have mean hamas is an iranian creature, pure and simple. >> and it's not as though iran hasn't sent plenty of warnings they're not on board with becoming a member of the family of nations. since biden took office, larry, there have been 80 attacks, eight, 0, attacks on u.s. military personnel in iraq and
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syria. we have counterattacked four times. that is a weak response. it is typical of biden's sort of do not quite enough to actually make an impression. 80 attacks on our people. what are we doing about that? why are we not learning from that that they don't want to make friends? to your point when trump left office iran had gone to $122 billion in foreign reserves to 15. since biden became president, that has gone up by 1/3. why? because oil exports have gone up. this is a willful, as you point it, enriching of iran's covers and it is really inexcusable this is something senator tom cotton pointed out yesterday, the biggest chunk of those sales to our enemy china. >> china. who gets cheap oil as a result. larry: which is really quite remarkable. brian i wanted you toe weigh in on this. you see, look, again, biden defending its rail, terrific stuff. >> yeah. larry: but unless you deal with
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iran -- >> right. larry: john roberts, this is so interesting to me, john roberts brilliant analyst, got to cover him with the white house years ago when i was working there. he talked about how the bidens never seemed to finger iran. iran stands at the back of all this chaos and tumult and they have been appeases by the biden administration i'm sorry to say. >> it is hard to confront your biggest failure in office and iran might be his biggest failure. he shouldn't even do tonight's speech if he won't make it about iran because what's the point? you're right, he is great in affirming israel's right to fight back. he has to go to step two, step three, what will you do about iran? what will you do about the money they're funneling all over the middle east not just to hamas but to hezbollah in the north. if he doesn't do that, all those groups and iran think to themselves he is not serious, he
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is not serious about this and if they don't think he is not serious they will try for the worst here because they know it is their moment. larry: kash patel, now i can see you, and you're very real coming to us from las vegas. what do you think the odds are? this is something john roberts highlighted in his news report earlier. john is a smart guy. what are the odds joe biden will say something directly by name about iran and to iran? >> great to be with you. whether president biden says something about iran or not the iranian regime has made up their mind. they have launched a world war. they're using their proxy forces against america's number one ally. they did that because they don't fear and respect the current commander-in-chief. so president biden can go out tonight and give an obama style soliloquy how iran is number one state sponsor of terror and our number one enemy but the reality
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for the last 2 1/2 years, they deprioritized collection against iran, allowed their nuclear programs to flourish and permitted money to go to directly fund these operations not to mention the arms we left in afghanistan are being found in the hands of hamas in israel during this war. it doesn't matter to me what president biden says tonight. he already laid the groundwork and shown the world his priority is not taking on iran and not preventing a nuclear iran and that is what scares me more than anything. larry: can i just get you quickly on this other related matter, yesterday the antony blinken and the biden administration re-upped the ballistic missile sanctions on iran but, kasr, you know they didn't enforce them in the first place, why do we think they will enforce them now? what's changed? unless you see, unless you see ships and vessels stopped, and unless you see third countries,
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third party countries taken off the clearinghouse wire, taken off the federal reserve wire so they're outside the dollar system, unless you see a mandate you cannot sell oil to china anymore, why should anybody take any of this seriously, whether they're the economic sanctions, the energy sanctions or ballistic missile sanctions? why should anyone take it seriously, kash? >> they won't. just like the speech tonight they won't take it seriously because it doesn't have any backing. we were in the white house when trump enforced sanctions every each one of them, economic, military, multilateral. biden doesn't enforce any sanction on the books. it is like filling up a car with sand. it will not go anywhere. it will garner ear headline in the mainstream media. i'm glad you call it out ahead of time. again that leads more tragically
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to now empowered iran and up fortunately another afghanistan. larry: that is with liz's point. it will take a while. liz, house letter, bipartisan letter, 60 some odd democrats, 50 some odd republicans came out couple days ago. there is wonderful paragraph that, this includes maximum enforcement of u.s. sanctions taking any and all steps to end iran's trade with china. let me repeat this, all enforcement, maximum enforcement all u.s. sanctions and then this little parenthetical phrase, taking any and all steps to end iran's trade with china. now i would like to hear biden -- these are 60 some odd democrats signed this letter. i want biden to say that tonight. do you think he would? >> no, i don't think he will. look he is so afraid of
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offending iran. by the way iran today went to a third front which is the houthi-backed militia group, actually sent a missile at one of our destroyers in the region. larry: i didn't know that. >> which was taken down. thankfully no one -- it didn't hit the ship. the army is being a hill little coy whether that was the target. this is moving into the region, israel writ large. to your point it is so offensive not only are sanctions not being enforced not only by the way not only with iran but with russia and the great beneficiary of both of those is china who is able to buy copious amounts of oil and cheap oil and by the way, we're the only country apparently in this administration not allowed to produce oil. i have mean it's bizarre. larry: by the way, the central bank of russia was never completely taken off either the clearinghouse wire or the fed wire. that's the dollar financing.
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brian, want to before we lose everybody, this business about humanitarian aid which sounds wonderful. >> right. larry: which sounds wonderful but you know when you look at it carefully and you look at the history of humanitarian aid, trucks, hundreds of trucks coming in from egypt into gaza, it is going to be a new hampshire mass-run operation. >> we know the history of this. we know the agencies who run this. we know the u.n. agencies who run this. they have a terrible track record. they're anti-israel. this money will come in, hamas says look we have piggybank and it is full of $100 million, how do we want to use that? the money here, which have 100 billion in foreign aid. 100 million in humanitarian aid. we can't have these under numbers nobody knows where the money is going. we have to have a president to get up talk where it is going. no chance he will do that with any specificity like any money we're sending overseas. we're funding our enemies when we're supposed to be fighting
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them. i don't think that turns out well. larry: you know this every ministry, every mode of transportation in gaza is run by hamas. >> exactly. larry: okay? the u.n. crowd run by hamas. >> they're just an adjunct. larry: $100 million of taxpayer money, there is already close to a billion dollars of so-called -- what is palestinian aid? palestinian aid is hamas aid. why do -- this is window-dressing for the bidens. israeli, netanyahu said yes, but when we find out hamas is stealing it we will bomb them. that is a very difficult thing. >> job one, stop writing checks to your enemy. that is how you win a war. larry: that is succinct. >> that does make sense. larry: you are are terrific stuff. i think we covered ground. by the way john roberts gave a great intro on this news thing. liz peek, brian brenberg, kash patel. catch buy on on the big "the big money show" 1:00 p.m.
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eastern here on fox business. it is my fav. coming up idf ground troops are locked and loaded. might there be another strategy any don't know. we'll ask former cia station chief, dan hoffman. please stick with "kudlow." we are cog back. we want the best, sometimes we fear the worst. ♪. t-producer can answer
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♪. larry: folks welcome back. let's go to fox news's lucas tomlinson on the ground in israel with the latest. lucas, thank you for doing this. what can you tell us? >> reporter: larry, officials say 11 americans remain missing here in israel. some believe to have been kidnapped and taken captive by hamas and being held right now in the gaza strip. now earlier today went to an israeli army base in the central part of country where some of the 1300 israelis killed by hamas have been taken. we spoke to the idf's top rabbi. he described what he has seen. >> when we received small bags of babies without heads, it's -- when you see women, grandmothers, females, mothers, got raped and we see those in
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cities, films, we are abnormal situation. >> reporter: we saw a number of israeli f-15s flying over head earlier today, larry. those bases are close. targets in gaza a few minutes away. the jets have to fly out over the mediterranean miles offshore so the weapons can arm properly. satellite-guided bombs in gaza. comparing the damage to the misfired rocket launch by islamic jihad, that hit a hospital, notice how many cars are intact. a jdam from a israeli jet would have destroyed all the cars. some of bottomed is it brought to the army morgue, one was charred, it was actually two bodies. two backbones. a woman hugging her child at the end before hamas killed them. some of bodies were booby-trapped. we heard that from commandos, 13
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days ago driving around with their own cars because there was no room on the helicopters. >> i'm a child of holocaust survivors and you grew up hearing stories of the camps. i thought those were the worst stories. these stories are worse and i think that's the hardest thing for me. i never thought i would live to see something worse than the stories i grew up with. >> reporter: people in tel aviv say in the 75-year history of this country nobody has compared any of the wars or battles to the holocaust except for now. larry? larry: lucas tomlinson, thank you ever so much for that reporting. difficult stuff. folks, idf ground troops, they're locked and loaded. the question are they actually going to strike or maybe there is something else going on, another strategy? joining me to talk about it, dan hoffman, former cia station chief, fox news contributor. dan, thanks for doing this. i'm going to almost argue both sides of this, dan. i am not the expert, you are.
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our own john roberts was reporting, not predicting, he was just reporting that some people in the u.s. israeli security structure think the ground invasion would start in two or three days. again, to defend john roberts he didn't predict. he said that is one option. i wanted to get your quick take on that. two or three days, are they that the ready, are they locked and loaded? >> it's anybody's guess. i think what they're doing is preparing their order of battle. the mission statement is clear. prime minister netanyahu has said his directive is wipe hamas off the face of the earth. so that's what that means. there will be a ground offensive. it is unclear at this point when the idf will launch it. larry: dan, the other things we heard, i don't mean to confuse this, there are a lot of opinions around, that the israeli defense forces can take their time. the precision air bombing can continue, essentially denying power and fuel and water and
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food and to quote one of them, tire out the hamas terrorists so they won't fight quite so hard. maybe this will be an extended pause? what do you think about that scenario? >> it's possible. look i think there is three things that the idf has to be thinking about. first and foremost gaza is extremely densely populated urban area. secondly, there is the hamas use of these underground tunnels which gives them strategic depth let rally, they can move around with miles and miles of tunnels, pop up, and launch attacks on the idf. the third hamas does not distinguish between enemy combatants and they will use people as human shields israel is coming off the worst intelligence failure since the yom kippur war. they have to make sure they have
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the intelligence right. they know where the hamas operatives are, 30,000, police forces. they reportedly killed commander of hamas forces with an airstrike today. that is a good step for them. there are a lot of intelligence gaps to fill before they launch their strike. liz: larry: one last one, dan, quickly if you would, some israeli people are quoting saying they're not going in. they will keep the airstrikes up and that it is a different strategy and there is no guarranty for the ground forces. do you think there is a guarranty for the ground forces? >> i don't think that they can eliminate hamas without a ground offensive but at the same time there is no reason for them to do anything but demonstrate the best op security, there is no reason for them to announce their plans to anybody. i think even though we know it is coming, perhaps it will still be a surprise for some of those
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hamas terrorists when the idf shows up at their door. larry: otherwise like hamas got away with it. if israelis don't go full bore, wipe them out, it is almost like the israelis say you did this to us, you got away with it. >> israel can't exist while hamas enjoys ungoverned space in gaza to planetary rift stat tax. that is the conclusion from the events of october 6th and 7. larry: dan hoffman, thank you very much. folks coming up in a few moments newt gingrich now have a anti-semitism problem and they don't want to talk about it. plus, why does the liberal media automatically buy into the hamas reports, all right? joe concha writes about it in the messenger today. he will tell us all about it all when "kudlow" returns
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♪. larry: all right, continuing on our war coverage from israel
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let's go to fox news's mike tobin live on the ground with the latest. mike, thank you. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well i can tell you the soldiers here basing along the gaza strip got visits both from the defense minister and the prime minister. defense minister galant be ready. meantime we see a lot of rocket fire coming out of gaza strip. a long-range barrages reaching toward tel aviv, suburbs of tel aviv. a lot of rockets were intercepted. a lot of the rockets were short-range rockets, hitting here in the immediate vicinity of the gaza strip. soldiers from the historic go lawn any brigades got a visit from i'm benjamin netanyahu that they fought likely ons in the past and they will fight likely on.
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>> translator: we will fight behind you and give the blow to our enemies so we get to victory, victory. >> reporter: airstrikes continue to pound gaza city and the gaza strip with the israelis say they got another high-value target, jihad mishan, he is said to be head of the hamas national security forces. meantime the reuters news agency citing unclassified u.s. intelligence reports, supports what israel said as far as palestinian health ministry run by hamas inflating the number of civilian casualties after that explosion behind the al-ahli hospital. they said 471 people were killed. reuters news agency says closer to 100, possibly as high as 300. as far as as the soldiers getting ready to go in we see them coming and going from this juncture. the soldiers say they are ready, they have been trained and they're anxious to get the job done so they can go home. larry, back to you.
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larry: mike tobin, thank you very much. please be safe. joining us now, newt gingrich, dear friend, former speaker of the house, fox news contributor, author of the march to the majority, real story of the republican revolution. welcome back as always. you wrote a tough piece. i read it in "the new york sun." will the democratic party stand up in the coming election and defeat its terrorist faction. you newt, mentioned get them in the primaries. even before you get them to the primaries the leadership of the democratic party said not a single word so far as i know of criticism people who are pro-hamas and anti-israel. >> i think that is true and i think that the leadership is probably frightened of them and i think that, again, you know, democratic party is led from the left. it is intimidated by the left but you have nine or 10 members as i indicated in that "new york sun" article that are just totally pro- terrorist. you had the classic example of
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yesterday where talib was attacking congresswoman tall lien was attacking israel for attacking the hospital which israel did not do. i'm hoping somebody will go up to her today and say are you willing to say the same things about islamic jihad now that you know it was an islam i believe jihad rocket that was killing people at that hospital? and my bet is she won't answer. she will not condemn islamic jihad. none of them have condemned the killing of babies. none of them condemned the raping of women. none of them have condemned taking grandmothers hostage. these people are pro-terrorist, that is what they should be called. there is no question in nye mind that aoc and ilhan and talib and their friends are just plain pro-terrorist members. the house ought to censure them. and, the american tradition, they should face an opponent in the primary because they're in very democratic districts.
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you probably can't beat them in a general election but you could beat them in a primary. larry: has a member of the leadership, any member of the democratic leadership or the biden white house said anything either about them or to them directly? >> i have no idea about what they said to them directly. ii it was embarrassing to watch the democratic house leader yesterday say, well, gee i haven't read the tweets, i haven't read the transcript. that is just plain baloney. it is very clear, was on television, was in the newspapers. they are, the democratic caucus is afraid to stand up against terrorists. it is afraid to be pro-israel. interesting to see how many votes they get against any kind of aid package for israel. i think it just tells you how much the democratic party has decayed from the period where it
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was very pro-israeli from to a point where it has a very large pro-terrorist faction. larry: sort of like the president of harvard or upenn one of these guys, they're afraid to say anything against the students demonstrating for hamas or against, you know the anti--- anti-semitism strain is very significant. i mean i would think this has to be some kind of a election year issue. going beyond the primaries, it is just a difference between the gop and the democrats? >> well, look, on the left-wing of the democratic party anti-semitism and the desire to destroy israel is now a dominant real factor. i think people need to recognize that the left is deeply opposed to democracy. they're deeply opposed to survival of israel. and i think that is part of a general pattern on the left and i think that, you see this these huge demonstrations. it is going to raise real
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questions. i was glad to see the house republicans being talking about hearings on whether or not to take away the tax deductible status of places like harvard and university of pennsylvania and yale. harvard has 40 plus billion dollars, billion in their endowment and, i think that has to be looked at. you have to look also where the money comes from because the universities won't tell you. larry: newt, i wrote your name in on the last ballot as speaker of the house because i thought you did such a good job 25 years ago. was i wrong? i wrote you in. i'm for gingrich. you balanced the budget, you cut taxes you reformed welfare. it was a hell of a performance. i'm looking for that kind of a speaker right now, mr. gingrich? >> listen i think the whole conference is but they're going to have to get in a room -- i saw just a few minutes ago jim jordan decided to go back and try again because it turned out what i thought was a good idea, to have mchenry, the current
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speaker pro tem stay on until january 31st. these folks have to come dawn. the level of anger, the level of hostility in the conference, all of it started by eight traitors, that is what they were, traitors, who abandoned their party and allied with the democrats against 96% of the republican party with no idea what they would do if they won. they have caused chaos. they have embarrassed the republican party and they have weakened the united states at a time when there are two major wars underway. it is really, truly, i think the most disgraceful behavior by republicans in my lifetime. larry: afraid to say so but i know you're right. i'm vetting for gingrich. i did then. i am now. newt, you're great to do this we appreciate it. best to calista. right here on set joining me my friend joe concha, media politics columnist at the the at
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messenger, and fox news contributor. why is it the mainstream media will listen to hamas first? >> the way they couch it, larry, hamas is a source but the look at the average headline in "the new york times," "washington post," reuters, associated press, says ising along the israel strike kills hundreds in hospital palestinians say, or palestinian health officials say. who are palestinians? who runs gaza? who are the palestinian health ministry? it's hamas. so you want to fix that headline, quite simple. strike kills unknown amount in hospital. source unknown, hamas blames israel. you want, that is a little bulky, fine but do it that way because this puts lives in danger this is no longer media bias and it is against conservatives or begins a political party. this escalated to the point where joe biden's meeting with arab leaders were canceled as a result of these false reports. we also saw violent protests from everywhere from beirut,
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right to baghdad. then we saw iran put out a message saying time is up as protests escalated in this country over a lie. that missile came from islamic jihad t was misfired. it landed in the parking lot. the hospital is still standing. i showed you the picture before. "new york times" runs that headline, israeli strike kills hundreds, below a building blownout. looks like it is blown to bits. it is not ion the hospital. that should result in firings. larry: has "the new york times" recanted not just that picture, but their early headline was the hamas point of view? >> they have pivoted. larry: they blamed israel. >> they have pivoted. they evolved on it. without even acknowledging we made a mistake, in this is what happened. instead they just kind of said, well we just reported two days ago, ignore that. larry: has anyone gone through a thorough recounting -- our reporters reported brilliantly
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in my opinion, fox reporters. okay, here is the actual evidence. here is the audiotape. here is the pictures of the hospital. here is what the idf says. here is what the u.s. pentagon is saying. >> exactly. larry: have they reported that? >> there is pictures on the ground. larry: cnn, msnbc, nbc, "new york times," washington post, i don't want to go through the usually theey of media. you report it. have they reported actually what happened? >> not with the vigor they need to. we're still seeing headline, hundreds killed in attack on hospital. it was not an attack. it was misfiring of a missile. which don't know hundreds. only hundreds galvanizes the arab world to israel and that is the goal here to create chaos and they're doing so based on a lie, larry. larry: and think continue, with no recanting. i know. >> put aside anti-israel bias
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and just get it right because lives are at stake. larry: lives are at stake you're absolutely right. lives are at stake, the war is at stake, joe concha, best of the best, fox news contributor, messenger. we didn't put your book up. >> love the title. larry: he has a new book coming out. anyway, coming up so far, war threats around the world haven't damaged the stock market. we had corrections, minor hundreds of points. so far the stock market is shaking this off. we'll talk about it with mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary, when "kudlow" returns. "new york times," didn't have the right hospital. that is disgusting. holy cow, what are we going to do? meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher.
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♪ the. larry: so you got more threats around the world, especially the middle east but so far stocks are shrugging it off. let's talk to kevin o'leary, chairman of o'leary ventures, is that correct tank in"shark tank" investor. welcome back. you haven't had a blowup in oil. you haven't had a blowup in stocks. i know long-term interest rates in treasury market are approaching 5%. it seems interesting to me, i hate to use the word but quite a
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quiescent financial reaction to a lot of problems around the world? >> no you're right, larry are, exempt these problems, particularly the one in gaza, markets are anticipating a quick resolution. now if that doesn't happen, there will be more impact and particularly on energy prices. that's the grave concern but there is something else playing out here. you know, inflation is at around 3 1/2% and the fed's mandate is two. what does the fed do? we're sitting 5 1/2% terminal rate right now. i'm anticipating they will move it up slowly to six. that will get mortgages back up past 9%, car loans 9%, factoring money, 15, 17%. and so that's the backdrop and everybody wants the fed to stop raising rate but i don't think that's going to happen so we'll see how that plays out. i will say one thing, larry i found very interesting, i've been making a lot of noise about
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the chips act and how they never gave any money to small business and they haven't even rolled out that trillion dollars yet, this week in new york, by happenstance, there must be reasons these things happen, i ended up sitting beside gina raimondo. the commerce secretary of the united states. the chips act is very critical. madam secretary you gave nothing to small business of that, 60% of our economy. said oh contrary, mr. wonderful, i have nine billion earmarked in that bill for you. i said i don't see it. you educate me. she agreed to do that. i'm bringing my staffers to washington, my analysts down there, mr. wonderful is going to washington again. i will come back to you, larry, the outcome of this. i have thousands of companies that want a piece of that bill, and if she is right, i hope she is, i will learn how to actually tap that bill. we should have her on your show when i'm there. let's do that, get her on,
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because this is news to me. larry: i'm working on it. i will work on it, kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful, madamg secretary. he w, folk observing investors choose assets s.rd gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance. a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible
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larry: for denies but as we do the country, please they behind israel like you have been doing, but you have to take a look directly by name, eddie demand, and come up now have to want to elizabeth mcdonald, mandatory. liz: thank you and will check thk


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