tv Kudlow FOX Business October 25, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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kudlow i'm larry kudlow. israel, now in the third week of war against barbaric hamas ir, hezbollah iranian terror axis. 33 americans have been killed with more held host age, steve hai harrigan is with us in beirut, what can you tell us today. reporter: another warning, for hezbollah, ir not to open a second front along lebanon. and that warning came from israel's president. >> i think hezbollah is playing with fire. i think that iranian empire of evil that is backing them and operates day and day out to destabilize the middle east and the region, is playing with fire.
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reporter: there has been fighting back and forth between the two sides, so far during that two week period. 31 hezbollah fighters have been killed and 5 israeli soldiers killed. hezbollah has been contained using shorter range antitank missile, not the larger rockets supplied by iran, one side here, saudi arabia now evacuating the families of diplomats by military plane. larry. >> i have a question on it you mentioned another warning from the israeli president, has the united states formally warned hezbollah not to get involved? reporter: multiple times, secretary blinken today warning hezbollah, not to open up a second front. really tough warnings are coming from israel, where netanyahu has said you will see unimaginable damage, if you open a second front.
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>> steve harrigan thank you for that report, be safe, we appreciate it. >> my riff. there he goes again, not president biden. this time. it is spokesman john kirby. our fox white house reporter jackie hinrich asked kirby a series of very good question and never got a straight answer. >> is the assessment still the same that iran did not directly play aroy i arole in this attack. >> i never said that iran did not play a role, what we said, and there has been no change, we said, jackie, is iran is certainly complicit. we have not seen any direct specific intelligence, that says they were willing or participating or directing the attacks of october 7. kudlow: no specifics, he did not answer, he -- she said
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directed and he dodges it, here kirby yesterday. >> we know iran continues to support hamas and hezbollah and closely monitoring and in some cases actively facilitateing these attacks and spurring on others, we know iran's goal is to maintain some level of deniability, but we're no going to allow them to do that. >> it wouldn't happen without iran, but he clings to this fiction that iran had no direct intervention listen to what secretary antony blinken said sunday. >> we expect there is a likelihood of escalation. by iranian proxies again our forces. we're taking steps to make sure we can defend our people and respond if we need to, this is not what we want. not what we're looking for.
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>> not what we want. not what wement, not what we're looking for. you know these two kirby and blinken not answering the questions, there is no direct plain talk, they are not warriors, they are playing defense, not offense, they are more comfortable sitting around the faculty lounge tossing around dreams as pe aspiration for peace, when secretary of state blirnl blinken says this is not about what wement, nment, -- we want, not when we're looking for that is almost defeatist, united states should not be victim or wobbly, united states should be to the offense, blinken and kirby are afraid of what the terrorists might do, the terrorists should be afraid of what the united states might do.
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these bidens have the story backward and wrong iran and its terrorist puppets should be scared of american escalation against them. they are afraid of what donald trump would do. years ago the communist were afraid was what ronald reagan would do, but they are not afraid of what joe biden would do, that is the problem today, and kirk kirby talks about deterrentses, he talked about additional sanctions show me. how many iranian tankers with cargo bound for china was stopped by u.s. sanctions today? how many iranian banks were put out of business by u.s. financial sanctions today of? none that i know of, there was now biden snap back of will iranian ballistic missile sanction for u.n. security count resolution 1223.
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here is -- i don't know -- wait. i don't really know what mr. kirby is talking bfor kirby or anyone else in the biden administration, to keep denying iran's direct involvement in planning, and financing hamas, and other terrorist a acts is pure 9 nonsense. people will start calling mr. kirby baghdad bob. now look. another point. take a listen to what john ratcliffe said last night. >> americans were not killed in some kinder or gentler manner, americans were behead, and raped and stabbed and shot, all of that, has taken place, there is no outrage from this administration. kudlow: that is powerful testimony. the bidens may not realize it but terrorists have committed acts of war against the united states even kirby said, there may
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have been a dozen attacks on u.s. troops and ships in the middle east since october 7. the killing of over 30 americans, the hostage taking of maybe a dozen more, are acts of war. firing on america ships, embassies and air force bases, they are actions of war. when will the bidens wake up to those facts? when will the bidens stop appeasing iran and their terrorist puppets and begin a serious campaign of deterrents? will they ever? we need warriors in the white house not yale faculty lounge discussions, that is my riff, joining me robert greeneway, former director. president and executive director of abraham accords peace institute. rob, thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. i'm just you know, i grow
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weary each day with this back peddling and defensiveness, you can't get a straight answer out of them, this whole, sounds like we're afraid of what iran and the terrorists will do. whereas, iran and the terrorists ought to be very afrauafraid of what united states would do. >> you are right, thank you for having me on. in last seven days we have been attacked 9 times by iran and their proxy and surrogates, right now only response is to not to block a punch to return one until we do we will continue to be the victim. it will not stop unless we stop it, that lead to strike of soleimani, when we did we
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stopped. >> kirk kirby said we'll increase the sanctions. maybe he manies hama ham -- means the hamas sanctions, they are of no consequence much for 3 years they have been overlooking the iranian sanctions, he said this stuff, rob, and i don't know what me is talking about, i don't mean to take it personal that is not my way, but i remember years ago with george w bush during the iraq war, you an making excusinged for saudi arabia, i will give -- osama bin laden. what new sanctions is he talking about and where it, it show me the facts. >> he there is no consequence as a result, he is in an awkward position, if administration rec nic
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recognize iran's role they would have to admit their policies have failed. he has nothing to say. >> look, he does not have to stay there he could move away from podium. and take another job. i am still hot on this john ratcliffe and robert o'brien have given powerful testimony yesterday, last night on the show and friday evening on the show, americans were kill, rob, americans were killed. they have been taken hostage. and the iranians or puppets have been shooting at american assets in the middle east, now these are actions of war, i don't understand, united states has not declared war, clea clearly and plainly against them they still have this fiction, that is driving me crazy that iran was not directly involved in the
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hamas operation. how do you defend that view? >> you don't. in the end of the day there are too clever by half, everyone knows, they are publipublicly saying they are responsible for it we all know it. only one that does not seem to recognize the fact is admiral kirby, this is a an awkward position to be in, that is the case you have chaos, and the conflict will with dire consequences, you are right, there is no way to defend iran and claim they are not responsible, they are behind it all. >> going into this battle, israel's battle, yes, we have warned hezbollah to stay out. but, is hezbollah listening to our warnings? i understand what has been said, israel has been
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tougher on hezbollah than we. have we don't warn iran, we don't say for example all right, americans were killed, you tor blame. american hostages were taken, you are to blame. or they say, if another american is killed, you are going to be to blame. there is no retaliation. that is the kind of direct deterrents that i am looking for. now that may not be the you not may not be doable that is not clear to me, as you said before, trump fact out soleimani. and we didn't hear a whimper out of iran? why not, because they didn't have resources, why didn't they have resources, because he stuck it to them with sanctions they worked they were broke. that is all changed now. i don't see how american warnings have such an impact on hezbollah or iran or anyone else for that matter, houthis, they don't take us seriously. >> they don't.
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and at end of day. the surrogates are designed by tehran to absorb the cost so they don't have to, they will die until the last lebanon or last palestinian in gaza, the plausible den bility is a venire that works for them unless take it away. it was one contract in erbil that lead to strike against soleimani, we have 33 dead americans, this is impossible to con seve conceive circumstances to where we don't use force to restore deterrents. >> mr. biden never really talks about the american lives lost. me mentioned them in his speech the other night, thursday night as part of the statistics but he never dwells on it or meaning of it or the fact this is a direct attack on the united
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states, you kill our boys and women and so forth, you kill our armed services, armed forces that is a direct attack, why doesn't he make that point, what am i missing about what he is missing. >> i think he is afraid to confront the reality that his policies and failed and he contributed to this, he put a price tag on american citizens when we paid 6 billion in ransom, and when we fail to act when our citizens are killed, it is going to happen again. >> all right, rob greeneway hope you come back soon. >> thank you. kudlow: joining us now cameron hamilton, former navy seal, welcome back. there is a big story in "new york times" today, i don't know if you read it, i am not a regular new york
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timings reader, this is interesting says, israel and the idf don't know what they are doing. they can't do it themselves and a rya reasons for a delay is united states is suggesting to them they are not ready, in particular, i want to read you some of this stuff. mr. let's see, yes, this is secretary austin, he is said he is encouraged mr. golan t. to conduct their operations in accordance with the law of war. american officials have become concerned that a ground invasion in gaza could lead to a huge loss of civilian lives. he was on the phone again with mr. golant monday and pentagon officials emphasize that importance of civilian
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protection. let me begin with that, do you think that israel doesn't understand the law of war? and down through the years, has not israel been probably have the best human rights record and best observance of the laws of war of any country that has ever been a combatant? >> yes, larry, i think that is another example of being freesly o grossly out of touch with reality, some of our upper echelons of leadership are not fully committed or understand reality on the ground. israel does so with pride and ability to take every effort necessary to preserve human life, their track record, i would remark that
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any modern nation facing what israel faces, would not have the track record that israel has. because, again, they go above and beyond, even at expense of their own personnel and troops, i think it is -- i think it is nonsensical to assume that israel is not going to take every step and every measure possible, so as to ensure there will be no unnecessary loss of human lawyer, i think time and again has -- human life, i think time against this has been their motive. >> another bidennesque blather to stop the invasion, another one. the biden administration concern that idf do not have a clear military pathway to achieve netanyahu's goal of eraticating hamas. here, american officials say israel must decide, to try to take out hamas by using
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surgical airstrikes combined with targets raided by special ops. as american warplanes and iraqi and kurdish troops did in mosul or war to gaza with tanks and infantry, i thought that was mapped out, we had military analysts, including yourself, a number of people who said, that israel has a clear plan, they have gathered their troops and they are ready to go. thissin suggest ta israel does not have blaine, who plan, who is right and -- who is wrong. >> the argument that israel does not have a plan is not reality, this is a difficult battle, i don't want to make light of it. it is not an easy under taking. -- we nee need to ensure we
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resources to us to deter action in the north, beings measured about our response is prudent. but somehow insinuating that israel should not go on offensive and not take the fight to enemy is unrealistic, i am in briefings almost of day where they discuss different techniques and strategies on how to mitt mitigate, but it will be gruesome, block by block, street by street, house by house, that is not a fun part of warfare, but i have to stress israel did not ask for this conflict, we need to put leverage on palestinian people, if they abhor actions of hamas they need to help to us rid this threat from the world, the longer they allow hamas to have refuge, people look at israel as if they are an occupying force. hamas came to power with a coop, they have been an occupying force since their inception, we need people of
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palestine to throw off of chains that the radical groups have thrown on them and declare they want peace, they want justice, and that unfortunately israel needs to brokerage and partnership for this to be successful that also not something that we can control. >> not a bunch of nit picking. cameron hamilton thank you appreciate you. >> up next. for the moment, minnesota congressman tom emmer has nod for speaker of the house, can he win the vote on house floor? we'll ask congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. i'm kudlow, i still want warriors in the white house.
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larry: we have breaking news. tom emmer, who just got a majority of the republican conference, in his effort for speaker has just dropped out. we're told by your next guest our friend georgia congressman. marjory tailor green, that is a piece of high drama, i did not know, we heard you telling our producer can you
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describe the story. >> tom emmer is out of the race for speaker of the house, i think it is good news, he is a nice guy, i like him as a person but i could not support him because of his voting record, we need a speaker of the house that reflects value and views of republican voters in the country, they support president trump, and they support his agenda, tam -- tom emmer does not, he vote the against president trump's transgender ban in military, he voted for democrats day marriage bill that allows churches to be sued if they support gay marriages and once had supported the voting rights the national voting movement that was against what we stand for. you any i'm glad tom has
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drop the out of the race we have to work hard to find machine who does support president trump and republican voters. larry: mr. trump tweeted today very critical of emmer. i thought that was interesting. marjory at-this-point. how do you handicap the whole issue, yo you and i have talked about this. we need a republican speaker we need to get investigation of the biden scandals going and fund israel, and fund the border, we need figure out appropriation bills, we have talk about this. handicap the race for my, who is possible. that will pop up? or pop down? or when can we have a speaker? >> well, larry, i agree, we have to accomplish those things, in 1855 congress
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went 2 months trying to elect a speaker of the house, i would argue that g.o.p. going through a big change, it needs to be america first change. i think we'll see some more names come back in mike johnson was close in this last race today. we straw byron donalds running but he admitted high negotiate -- he negotiated with kevin mccarthy for himself to have a office in capital that turned off our conference. we say kevin hern, a conservative chairman of the republican study committee was getting votes, we'll have to get back in the room and see who is willing to run and be a candidate for speaker. i hope there are 8 republicans who join democrats and ousted kevin mccarthy they need to apologize. larry: marjory, i'm so old,
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i remember the 1855 thing, i was around, i was a bit young but i was a researches for be a lincoln then. what you say is important. i am not picking winners and losers. we rely on you. and a handful of others to help us. i don't know that we can go two months, i think two weeks might be even that -- israel needs our help, i think you would agree, we have move ahead on budget, treasury is borrowing too much money, and interest rates are up, mortgage rates are above 8%. housing market is getting killed, ordinary middle class working folks can't afford to buy a home. >> let me -- on israel front, i want you to know who is holding up money, democrats they have two
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bills that have 3.8 billion, in senate would pass those bills and joe biden signs them, israel gets 3.8 billion that is without house of representatives, we already passed those bills that special, i think people need to know that. larry: terrific, marjorii, thank you. >> thank you, larry. >> terrific. >> coming up. iran has committed acts of war against the united states we need warriors in the white house senator markwayne mullin will weigh in next. where is the deterrents, the sanctions i am asking simple questions, we have save our allies cofounder tim kennedy, about to tell us about his group's effort to evacuate americans from israel, please stick with cu so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm,
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larry: welcome back to greg palkot who is live in israel-lebanon border, what is cooking out there. reporter: we are right up gains that border, we continue to see clashes between the israeli military and lebanon-based iranian-backed hezbollah militants, israeli helicopter fired rockets at hezbollah location on other side of the border behind a ridgeline two miles away, israeli officials here tell us their new strategy is preemptive strikes before the militants fire. they us and a in childrens hclashes have not yet reached a full-scale war. it tying down t thousands
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of israeli soldiers, 44 hezbollah and other militants have been killed, 7 israeli soldiers are dead, civilians are killed and injured as well, evacuations have been stepped up, about 20 thousand fled on lebanon side and 120 thousand on the israeli side. tonight, getting more complicated, israel reporting that two rockets were fired from syria in to israel. israel responded, hezbollah has positions in syria as well. multi-front war. larry: holy cow. greg palkot, i'm not surprised to hear that, but this is news, breaking news, thank you and plea please be safe. larry: joining me now senator markwayne mullin from oklahoma, member of senate armed services
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committee. look, my big beef, i see the bidens on the defensive, i don't see them defending america or the iranians and their terrorist proxies worried about what we the united states might do. it sound like we in the state department and bidens and white house are more worried about what iran would do, instead of them worrying about about what we might to do them we're more worried about how to defend what they might do to us, this is all back ass ward. >> you are seeing it right, we're not living with an administration that believes in peace through strength, we have a administration that believes in peace through diplomacy. and that does think work -- doesn't work in this case, this region only respects strength, that is it, if they spell weakness, they
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will come after it i last this iran is cowardly, if you push on them, they will back off. you saw president trump push on them, they immediately backed off. but when you saw the biden administration come in, and release sanctions and renegotiate with the iranian nuclear deal, you saw was the world sponsors of terrorist with iran backing hamas and his his, yo -- hezbollah you saw them become bold again, no one can deny hezbollah is funded 100% by iran. that is not even debatable. hamas is funded by somewhere between 75 to 90 percent by iran. not even debate able, we know that is actual. there is no way that iran is not behind this. and they are testing america's resolve, saying are we standing with our allies or waiver, right now
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this administration is wavering. larry: you know, john kirby said today, that he said we're putting new sanctions on. i don't know what he is talking about. we -- >> i don't either. larry: we put new sanctions oi don't get it. so. >> -- those have not been run by us, we don't know what it is. larry: right, right. i have a thought. how about the united states right now next 24 to 48 hours, stop iran ships from like, let's say oil tankers, with cager cargo to china or to any other place. let us finally enforce the sanctions and use the tool of interdiction. part of the sanctions, merrimitcmitch mcconnell growth a tough op-ed about
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this last week, laying it out, stop the ships, then they won't have new foreign exchange or energy reserves. why don't we do that? that would be a shot across iran's bow. >> we could do that, immediately, with our carrier groups in place, right now, we could shut that down. without problem if they chose to do it problem is congress does not make that call, the commander in chief does, and unfortunately that is biden. if they wanted to simply reinstate the sanctions that trump put in place, they dothey do that with an executive order, they reversed it with an executive order, that could be done immediately, that would affect between 900 million and 1.2 billion dollars a week in funding, you don't think that would put pressureo them. larry: it would send a
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terrific message and show strength for a change, instead of handwrings and defensiveness, almost like they think they are victims over there. i want the terrorists to be worried about our escalations. about our escalations. that is what i want. >> yes. larry: senator markwayne mullin thank you, sir. we appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: joining me now tim kennedy. army ranger, sniper cofounder of save our allies. tim kennedy thank you. you have been on the ground in gaza, rescuing american hostages or you can tell us about it? >> yes. first, heart is breaking for the israel people. it was -- unconscionable what happened and inscribable seeing the pain and suffering that
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terrorists took against the israeli people. it is on the ground, right now, they are fighting for their survival. as hezbollah is amassing on north border, down in south in gaza hamas has been prepared and taliban trying to come through iraq and position themselves in syria and it is such a mess. you heard from your previous guest, we have not shown a position strength. and in that region, all they respect is strength. we are vulnerable. larry: tim, i hate to say, i have said it every night for the last two weeks plus. i want them to be afraid of us. right now it seems that we're afraid of them, you think, tim, you know, listen, you are brave, and what you are doing is lord's work or have done or will do. americans were killed. they were slaughtered. and that is an act of war.
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>> yes, they were. larry: and tak taken hostage, our ships and airbases have been shot at, more acting of war, tim kennedy, from your experience,tion do you something about it? as soon as possible. >> deterrent should be first, they should be so scared to mess -- after her pearl harbor, one of generals in japan said they made the worst mistake, they wokes slipping giant, this is -- sleeping giants this is american resolve. there is nothing worse than a united america, right now we're not united, we're scaring no one, because we are looking weak internationally. you know, i have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing men and women on planet, that have warn the uniform with american flag on their
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soldier and done the die deed of mostly th most -- lethal fighting force on planet in middle east, we don't have that resolve right now it is frightening with the rest of the world looking at us, wolfs that are chompling at t -- chomping at the bit to get >> hope you come back on the show, we appreciate it. >> any time. larry: next up how china could turn crises to cat av feecatastrophe. what happens about taiwan or north korea, we have garde gordon chang, we talk with former white house nscdirector richard goldberg meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal
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economically and financially, if the chinese want too go to taiwan or if north koreans start acting up, and i guess the other part is that a lot of chinese nationals come over our border, our open border. what do you make of this? >> well, china is putting the infrastructure in place for attacks on american soil. remember that lab near fresno. it had 20 pathogens and a thousand mice genetically engineered to spread disease, we have chinese male in packs. pretending not to speak english, u.s. border patrol knows some have links to chinese military, what is kleichina doing, it clear to me. larry: it terms of crossing the border, these are
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spies? >> saboteurs. larry: wreaking havoc you believe, when you say saboteurs, throwing bombs or in general stopping the gears from shifting? >> yes, all sorts of things, they could attack military bases, they go after our grid, start wildfires spread disease. you name it. there are all sorts of things that will happen i believe on first day of a war in as aia, this asia, first time since war of 1812 americans fought sustained battle on their own soil. larry: let's shift gears. we're not looking great. the outcome we're praying for israel, i don't think that united states is distinguishing itself in mid eamiddle east, what if
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china takes advantage of that and goes after taiwan. and what about the role of north korea, they are arming themselves to the teeth, some people say they are selling weapon to iran. >> in the hands of hamas, that could not happen unless china were involved and chinese weapons are found in the hands of iran's proxies, the houthis and hamas, beijing is behind this it is not just taiwan, sunday two chinese vessels rammed philippine boats in the south china sea. this is the disf despite a series of warning from u.s. state department, we're prepared to use force to protect the philippines, deterrents has failed it could fail anywhere. once china attacks, north korea probably will take advantage of the situation to go after south korea or
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japan, and probably russia would go after japan in the northern islands. larry: would north korea go to south korea first before china and taiwan? >> i don't think before but they would take advantage of an opportunity where they believe that united states is completely stretched thin. we would be stretched thin in asia, we're not prepared to if to war right now -- to go to war right now, we have a come angd commander in chief who is not preparing us for war in august biden said about danger that china poses, but he won't talk to the american people. which and i think an -- his most solemn constitutional duty that is protect american people from foreign attack. larry: gordon chang thank you so much. >> tough stuff. >> all right, we'll take a quick break, i'll be back with my la (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments
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