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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 25, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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cases have done, ripped down the posters. really quick we have 30 seconds. your favorite stock pick right now, leon? >> there are many of them. i like paramount resources, canadian oil and gas company. they produce oil for $31 a barrel. will increase production 50% over next three years. they have no debt. stock yield is 5% and they've $6 per paramount share of other assets into earnings you can take off the stock price. very cheap. the ceo owns about two billion dollars worth of stock. so he is invested in his paper. las vegas sands beat an raise for the second consecutive quarter. [closing bell rings] okay. liz: you heard the bell. las vegas sands and paramount resources. always a pleasure, leon. thank you. "kudlow" is next. ♪ larry: hello folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. two major stories breaking just hours ago. first congressman mike johnson becomes the new house speaker-elect with 220 votes amid republican jubilation. mike johnson gets the comeback player of the year award, and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing that a ground incursion is indeed coming. the u.s. objections notwithstanding. our own grady trimble and lucas tomlinson are standing by to take us through both stories. gentlemen, thank you ever so much. first up, let's to straight to fox business, grady trimble live from capitol hill. grady we have a new speaker and a gop comeback. tell us about it. >> reporter: yes, larry. it took three weeks and four options for house republicans to find a new speaker but once they did they wasted no time swearing him in, passing off the gavel and putting now house speaker
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mike johnson's name up above the house speaker's office in the capital building? every single republican voted for johnson today and that is something that even kevin mccarthy couldn't say after 15 rounds of voting. a little bit more about johnson. he is is his fourth term in congress and the first house speaker from the state of louisiana. he has a good reputation from his republican colleagues. he spoke immediately after being sworn in about working across the aisle. speaker johnson says he is going to get right to work. >> we're going to dispense with all the usual ceremonies and celebrations that traditionally follow a new speakership because we have no time for other un. the american peoples business is too urgent in this moment. you will see an aggressive schedule in the days and weeks ahead. you will see congress working as hard as it ever worked. >> reporter: the first order of business, voting on a resolution to condemn the october 7th
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hamas attacks and support israel. the house will also have to figure out a way to fund the government come mid-november, and on top of that at the will have to deal with president biden's 105 billion-dollar request for aid for israel and ukraine. some democrats are already going after johnson in his official white house statement, president biden congratulated johnson and said he looks forward to working with him but the biden campaign put out a tweet as soon as he was elected the speaker calling him the new maga house speaker. larry. larry: sure, grady. you know, a day can't go by without a little maga. actually a lot of maga, a lot of maga helped him win. thank you very much, grady trimble. lucas tomlinson i beg your patience. we'll be with you in one section but you want to go through this riff. in a major political turn around house republicans unanimously
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backed louisiana congressman mike johnson spore speaker. huge. >> jubilation and momentum from a couple days ago. we'll get back to work today. mr. johnson won in the first ballot of voting on the house floor. here's the thick, he gave a really well-delivered speech, touches of humor included. fascinating to watch for me. music to my ears. speaker johnson quoted scripture, the declaration of independence, ronald reagan, and free markets. it doesn't get any better than that for me. i could have written it myself. folks get a pencil please, get a little index card in order to take some notes. here is what johnson said. >> what is our creed? we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, not born equal, created equal. and they are endowed by the same
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inalienable rights, same inalienable rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness that is the creed that has animated our nation since its founding that made us the great nation that we are. larry: how about that? a little index card just like that, you can take notes as i have. now mr. johnson talked about our national motto, quote, "in god we trust." how is that such a huge contrast with marxism or with communism, with their prem mills there is no god? and mr. johnson quoted conservative high church catholic british philosopher, "gq" chestertown who said that america is the only world nation in the world that is founded on a creed based on god. i love that. mike johnson reminded of us ronald reagan who in hayes fairwell speech, to paraphrase the gipper, he wasn't a great communicator, but that he
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communicated great conservative prince sills. well-said. mike johnson is energetic, well-spoken, well-turned out, graduate of lsu, lsu law school, from shreveport, louisiana. by the way that is a oil producing state, drill, baby drill. he is in his fourth term in congress and worked on donald trump's legal team. mr. johnson outlined the early agenda, support israel, stop the catastrophe at the southern border and rein in spending and inflation. he sent a strong message to the our adversaries i will quote, let the enemies of freedom around the world loud and clear the peoples house is back in business, end quote. he ended by sying, quote, the best days of america are still ahead of us god bless the usa end quote. folks who watched this speech undoubtedly agree with my, this is the political comeback of the year by mr. johnson and the
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republican house conference and i will just add, in the nick of time. all right, now, let us turn to day 19 of the barbaric hamas hezbollah iranian invasion of israel. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson on the ground in tel aviv. lucas, thank you for your patience and can you tell us the latest from where you are? >> reporter: larry, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the timing of the gaza invasion is up to him and nobody else. >> translator: the timing of what the idf will do is based on the cabinet and the chief of staff and the cabinet are deciding and when we get into gaza, as we go on we will exact the highest price from these
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murders for what they have done, hamas. >> reporter: president biden says he is not putting any pressure on israel about the timing of this invasion. president biden: what i have indicated to him is that if that's possible, to get these folks out safely that's what he should do. it is their decision but i did not demand it. i have pointed out to him if it's real it should be done. >> reporter: just a suggestion there, larry. back here in israel, the israeli navy unique commanders from flotilla 13, their navy seals, stopped a team from swimming into southern israel. they dropped satellite good bombs in the tunnel contest when the terrorists were put to sea. this note was found on dead hamas terrorist after the october 12th massacre. know this enemy of yours has to disease there is no cure other than beheading and removing hearts and livers. the lead of hezbollah met with
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hamas and islamic jihad and no doubt the israeli forces would love to kill all three of those leaders. larry. larry: great point, lucas. yesterday there were all kinds of newspaper headlines that the u.s. has asked israel to postpone the invasion and israel agreed to postpone the ground invasion and then today as you have reported netanyahu says no, it is our decision and then the biden clip which is so ambiguous i just don't understand, is the united states going to support the invasion whenever it happens or not and is netanyahu really committed to the ground invasion, lucas? >> reporter: well, larry, u.s. forces want to be able to put, get their stuff into the region. you've got all those anti-ballistic missiles systems, the thaad system, patriot anti-ballistic missile. those need to be spread around
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the arab world really, not just to protect arabs from iran you but protect u.s. forces in iraq and qatar. largest airbase in the middle east is in qatar where the war is run from central command and the strike group. the ike is not in the mediterranean yet. couple days out from gibraltar. the united states wants to get their forces in the area for defensive mode. that is part of it larry are. >> i have understand that, lucas tomlinson, thank you for your patience, please be safe. folks we'll continue this. joining me the great louisiana senator mr. john kennedy. mr. kennedy, welcome back, sir. first of all, if you would, a quick word on your colleague who is now the speaker of the house, what do you think of that, from louisiana, the first one i think in your state's history? >> i'm so proud of mike. larry, i've known him since he was a pup.
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he is whip smart, policy maiden, he is controlled, he is confident, he plays well with others, he is humble, he is a devout christian, incredible are work ethic and he he does wonderful impersonations. you will, you will, when you visit with him, if you haven't already, ask him to do a few of his impersonations. he has a wonderful sense of humor, good choice. well worth waiting for. larry: does he have a really first rate impersonation of senator john kennedy? >> actually he does. larry: [laughter] >> i have heard, i have heard it but i haven't, he hasn't done it for me but i've seen him do others. larry: i don't think anybody can replicate you mr. kennedy, nobody can. let me move on to talk about this dreadful, dreadful war and hamas invasion into israel. over 30 americans were killed in the hamas invasion and, it has
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been the reported that over 30 americans have been injured in various attacks on u.s. military assets, ships, airfields, our embassy in iraq. these are attacks by terrorists rockets, all the terrorist groups backed by iran. so, senator kennedy, my question is, isn't it about time, since these acts of war have been repeatedly committed against the united states, for the united states, for the biden administration to do something about it, and maybe draw a red line someplace to indicate we are, president biden for the last two years has adopted the
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consensus view about how to handle ukraine and you can sum it up with, love is the answer. the biden administration keeps giving you ukraine money. i mean iran money. and they have done it repeatedly, and iran keeps biting our hand. in the last couple of weeks you mentioned it, iran has, has attacked american assets 16 times. we've done nothing. president biden in response he just keeps giving them money. he hasn't enforced the sanctions on iran's oil. they're producing about a million barrels a day. he tried to give them six billion dollars in a prisoner swap. we stopped that through the international monetary fund, he has already given them $4.5 billion. he is trying to give them another five billion through a bill the democrats have. you know, unless you think there
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is an award for being stupid, you understand that, that peace through weakness never works with the people like the ayatollah. the ayatollah, they hate americans. he hates the jewish people. he wants to kill all of us and drink our blood out of a boot and you can't say well, we can sit down and reason. they just respect strength. larry: you know, i was one of the participant in putting together the trump administration's sanctions on iran, okay. >> i know. larry: i just want, i'm not beating my breast, believe me, i'm just saying for context the relaxation of sanctions is one of the key element i believe of this war and the weakness that you, that mr. biden has projected you just talked about, so you know, senator kennedy when antony blinken says we're going to do something about iran
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or sanctions which they haven't done when president biden you know, says don't, don't, whatever that may mean, you know what i would say? how about stopping a ship okay? the sanctions prohibit iran from shipping oil to whomever. it goes to china mostly as you know, 3 1/2 million barrels a day. stop a ship. interdict a ship to show that we are serious about a deterrents with respect to the master puppeteer and terrorist financeer, iran. stop a ship, how about that, senator? >> well you were one of the architects of the sanctions on iran so you understand this. sanctions don't matter if you don't enforce them. larry: yes. >> there was a time when you were in office when we had iran down and we were choking them to death, we cut off their cash
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flow. larry: yes,. >> president biden and his people let them up. they are selling a million barrels a day. he gave them through the international monetary fund four 1/2 billion dollars cash. he tried to give them another six billion. he says he won't do it but the democrats have another bill in congress to give them another five billion dollars. iran was behind what happened in israel, we all know that and in the last few weeks iran or its surrogates have attacked americans or american assets in the middle east 16 times. and yet the president continues to believe that peace through weakness will work, you know? larry: i'm just saying -- >> stupid should hurt more. larry: i agree. there you go. i say, by the way steve mnuchin was treasury secretary, pompeo,
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o'brien, john bolton the whole crew, the the approved of that advice. i'm saying senator kennedy, in terms of the acts of war against the united states, in terms of the iranian enemy killed 30 americans, wounded dozen hostages, wounded 32 in the most recent attacks in return for that we need deterrence, not appeasement, deterrence. draw a line, stop a ship, stop a ship. that would send a message, kind of like killing soleimani, you remember when trump did that, stop a ship. no, you're breaking the sanctions law. that is what i would to sir. >> president biden can start by not giving them money. larry: all right. >> all these acts of terrorism cost money. he should at a minimum should stop that. i understand why he is acting as he is. i don't agree with him.
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he is scared of iran. he thinks well we don't want this to escalate. well the iranians interpret that as weakness, sometimes you got to stand up for your self. larry: yes, sir. i want iran to be scared of us but that ain't happening now. you're right, senator kennedy, i agree. you have a bill, the no dollars for dictator act. i want to put that in. i know you're pushing that. i know we're on the same page. as always, senator, a pleasure to see you, thanks for coming back on. >> thank you. larry: be well. coming up on "kudlow" we'll talk to congressman brian mast who will have stuff tough things to say about the iranian story. mr. mast a former soldier himself. stop one ship and send a message to the iranian mullahs, just send a message, one ship, stop it. ♪. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors.
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♪. larry: so as i said senator kennedy, look, stop one ship, just stop one ship, draw a line in the sand and send a message to the iranian mullahs that they can't break the sanctions. joining us now florida congressman brian mast, house foreign affairs committee, former u.s. army special-ops veteran. as always sir, i will salute
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back. it is wonderful to see you. before we get to stopping one ship and the sanctions, mike johnson, this is, i'm calling this as the most improved player of the year award. that is the republican conference now led by mike johnson. in the very nick of time mr. mast, tell us about the mike johnson victory today. got more votes than mccarthy did eight months ago, nine months ago. >> number one, thank god. i will just say that. larry: yes. >> mike johnson he is a classmate of mine. we came into congress at the same time, and listen he is a strong christian number one. i think people heard that mentioned about him to his core. he is a constitutionalist, to his core, well-studied being takes his work very seriously, great messenger. larry: out there constantly on the floor of the house for hours speaking whatever the issues of the day are. he is entrenched in it, cares about it and he brings a good
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heart to this. larry: seems like mr. johnson has the knack or an ability to stay with husband conservative constitutionalist principles as you just noted but not to alienate people. he says it in a way that people understand. they may not agree but he is very respectful about it. i think that will serve, that style, brian mast, will serve him well. >> i think you very much pinpointed what he is to his core. he is respectful of others. he might ardently disagree with somebody but you're still going to be able to have a beer with him afterwards because he did it in a way you can come back to the table with him. larry: yeah, great stuff. i'm telling you, you all, the republican conference, you get the come back player of the year, really great turnaround. if only my football giants could do the same thing. brian mast, let me go back to the war, all right, the horrible war. we should not be sitting in defense of the we should not be
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worried what the enemy is going to do with us. i think the enemy should be worried what we might do to them. we might escalate the war. we might pound them with american might. we're not doing any of that stuff. you were in the army, special forces you know all about that stuff. my point, how about using the sanctions, implementing the sanctions? and i'm very simplistic. i was involved in this when i served in the trump administration. you're supposed to interdict or impound ships that are carrying cargo for export because that is not permitted under the sanctions. there is no oil exports that are permitted under the sanctions or other commodity exports but we don't do that. so my point is, stop a ship. you want to send a message, stop a ship. it is not as good as killing soleimani the way trump did but it is something that the bidens won't do and i wanted to get your take on it, mr. mast. >> yeah, a couple of things.
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one, i think we should not be bashful at all an eye for an eye. it wasn't a crime when we put soleimani into five pieces on the side of a tarmac. i think there should be more of that violence of action is important when you're coming against this kind of enemy to show we will have greater violence of action for you. there will be consequences for your actions. going to the sanctions part of this, it is not just a ship, yeah, you said that, but we know there are ghost fleets out there under numerous flags across the globe that are shipping iranian oil. that all goes to sanctions that, they have to decide, do you want to do business with america and europe or whom offer or do you want to do business with iran? if you're choosing iran or flagging in panama somewhere else you will have serious issues getting business in other places that has far-reaching effects. that is where we have to go down. not just give it an anecdote. it is like sanctioning a farmer
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without sanctioning the farmer's crops. you don't do anything if you don't sanction the farmer's crop. their crop is oil and energy. same thing with russia, is oil and energy. if we're not effecting that we're not doing that either. larry: we didn't do a good job with russia. they're producing 10 1/2 million barrels a day. that is crazy. financing the war at 80, $90 a barrel, whatever the discount is. iran is selling a lot of oil to china. as you know, brian. we should stop that, that should be stopped. the law of sanctions permits stoppage, interdiction. the strategy has to be deterrents, not appeasement. there is a difference. i would say to you right now, the bidens have been appeasing iran but that you know, they're unappeasable. no matter how much you give them they will still hate us, will still hate israel, will still hate western democracy, et cetera, et cetera.
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so we must start with some deterrents. i give this stop a ship, i know it is simplistic, i give you the last word on it because i'm a frustrated camper. 16 more attacks on the united states. 30 more soldiers that have been injured, okay? the original attack was you know was over 30 dead americans. we should be raising holy hell about that. >> rightfully frustrated and let's talk about where this is so not bipartisan. we sat here on capitol hill listened to democrats on the other side arguing that what we should watch out what we do with these ships specifically because we could be hurting domestic energy prices. no concern about domestic energy prices when it comes to domestic policies but if we affect iran and how that might affect american energy prices they are all over it. that is what is going on here. larry: all right. congressman brian mast, i hope you keep fighting keep fighting. >> you can count on that. larry: all right. comeback of the year award, gop
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conference and mr. mike johnson. [laughter]. thank you, sir, we appreciate it, very, very much. we hope to talk soon. >> take care. larry: coming up on america's adversaries, listen, they feared donald trump, all right? none of them fear joe biden. you know what? in international relations according to mobling developly it is always better to be feared than loved. trump did that. ronald reagan did that. this is the 40th anniversary of reagan going into the caribbean. anyway, steve forbes and rich lowery are going to talk about it next up. then, folks, why the is biden defense department saying israel doesn't have a clear military strategy? what? really? talk about that with former israeli counterterrorism operative aaron cohen who actually trained idf troops. of course israel has a strategy. of course israel is going to decide when israel invades on the ground. i'm kudlow.
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♪. larry: all right, my long-time friend and former editor at "national review," the great rich lowery writes for "new york post," watch this, do our adversaries fear biden? they did trump. wow, talk about breakthrough. he joins us now, welcome, aforementioned rich lowery, editor-in-chief of "national review." also with us is the great steve forbes, head of forbes media, chairman, editor-in-chief, author of inflation, what it is, why it is bad and how to fix it. knocking out al-baghdadi, bombing syria and isis, soleimani taking him out, using the sanctions to bust iran, put them into bankruptcy, we didn't hear a peep out of him during the trump years. you're a fair-minded guy. i know you're not 100% for trump but you're acknowledging that trump's way worked right?
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tell us a little bit about it? >> one just the sheer unpredictability, right? if you don't know how someone you will attack will respond that would make you more cautious but i would underline the couple things you mentioned, the soleimani thing was shocking. i remember sitting late at night on tv, whoa, if i thought that, what do all our adversaries around the world would think. the reporting at the time pentagon put that option on something extreme so he would pick something else, no, i will do that you have to only do it once. it is not waging a whole war on iran, sending a key message. a different realm we saw this play out in real time. why didn't mexico and the northern triangle countries go along with all the immigration enforcement remain at the end, remain in mexico, they didn't want to do that, he threatened them, cutting off your aid, ceiling the border. they did what he wanted and didn't do any of it because he got what he wanted. >> we were prepared running
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through the national economic council to stop mexican trucks from come across the border. tariffs later. we would stop their trucks with us if they didn't play ball with us on remain in mexico. i want to add one more thing before i get to steve. don't forget while they were having chocolate cake for dessert with president xi of china, trump's favorite, chocolate cake, go to mar-a-lago, featured prominently on the menu, oh, by the way, mr. president we just bombed syria while they were eating chocolate cake sends a message. steve forbes, ronald reagan, 40 years ago today, invaded the caribbean island of again again dade at that, which was a communist country, took hostage medical students, freed the country, beauty them back home. sent a message to the rest of the world, don't mess with the united states. >> small island but there was
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profound movement by president reagan. the reason it was profound, the first time a communist country was rolled back. they had the so-called brezhnev doctrine in the soviet union, once it we have something it is ours forever. everything else is up for grabs once we have things like cuba it is our stays ours. powerful message the u.s. building forward again, rebuilding the military, as reagan said we're out to win the cold war this is the first example of it. larry: reagan did a radio gig every saturday at least in the first term. he may have continued second term. i wasn't there. but in the first term he did this radio gig, one time it started, testing testing, we will bomb moscow in 15 seconds. that went all around the world. it was a joke, just kidding. reagan had a hollywood sense of humor, maybe, maybe. sent a message, sending a
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message is very important. rich lowery in your new wonderful discovery of donald trump's foreign policy, i say right now deterrents, not appeasement is crucial in the iran story but they're not doing it. >> absolutely. larry: i keep saying i know it is sim simplistic, stop one shi, stop one ship. it will be heard 'round the world. i'm not asking him to bomb iran. i'm not asking him to invade iran. just stop a ship which is embodied in the sanctions. the biden won't even do that. >> it goes back to grenada, goes back to soleimani, if you establish the sense you have to be feared, have seriousness of purpose means you don't have to wage the war, that is the point, right? you do something to send the message before you get there but this administration is not going to do it. we talked about trump being a little unpredictable this administration is take conventional u.s. foreign policy, put them in a blender, spit them out, that is what biden will say. everyone around the world knows
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what he is going to say. certainly no one fears him after afghanistan. it is a dangerous situation. larry: common discussion in the yale faculty lounge. it is. has no bearing to reality. steve moore, you ran radio liberty? >> radio free europe, radio liberty, getting the truth, breaking monopoly of information which undermined them in the battle of ideas. lech walesa, led against communists in poland. he was once asked what role did radio free europe play? what is earth without the sun. showed the dissidents were not alone. it helped undermine a soft way but profound way. we're not doing that. diplomacy not backed by strength and fear is weak. they sense it. if you want rules in the world, don't cross borders and seize other countries you have to be ready to enforce it. larry: red line, red line. i'm going to make a blue line, a blue line, any line, don't cross it. these guys --
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>> startedstarted with obama in. continued by biden and we just have to hope we can get through the next year without a blow up in the world. larry: steve forbes, terrific stuff. rich lowery -- >> leave the show interdict one ship, just one ship. larry: stop a ship. stop a ship. pleasure to see you here on set. steve forbes, thank you very. folks we're going to switch gears a wee bit. joining us is the great aaron cohen, former israeli counterterrorism operative who trained idf troops. aaron, we wanted you on, i don't want to make it any harder that than it needs to be, but there was a "new york times" article i'm sure you're aware of, it was a leak from the biden adminstration, the basic thrust of the idea, the idf doesn't have a clear plan, clear battle to invade hamas. so the officials say until you get such a plan or until you
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learn how to do this under our tutelage, don't invade. i wanted to get your opinion because you have been tutoring me now for the last two weeks and the impression i got from you is the idf knows exactly what the hell to do when they go in? >> tell "the new york times" to give me a call, we'll start training them too. larry: [laughter]. >> larry, here, it has been a lot of speculation, has been a lot of hyperbole about israel. people saying biden is trying to put the kibosh, throw coldwater on israelis, if anyone is asking for time is israel asking the united states. the reason why our commanders are on the ground with u.s. delta force and operatives from seal team six and you know those hostages are our first priority. the reason why is because we're in the business of preserving lives. dead hostages is not our business. we don't kill civilians. i don't need to sell that. i said it before.
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it is about hostages. we havehundred miles of intelligence we have to gather on the tunnels, larry. we haven't been in there since 2005. oslo 97, rabin shook hands with arafat in an extent to have peace in country. we tried. rabin, one of the great founders of modern israel turned that desert into a beautiful country shook hand the on that lawn in front of clinton. we ended up pulling out of gaza and disbanding two of our most important elite counterterrorist units. one was shim son, my sister unit and other one called yamas. units that dress up as arabs. they pull out -- they do the maintenance and so the -- larry: i locked that in. american wednesday department first quarters are saying i will say this, use surgical
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airstrikes combined with targeted raids by special-ops troops or roll into gaza with tanks and infantry. >> let me talk to that. let me talk to that. i see where you're going, they're saying there is no clear strategy from the idf. >> i disagree. i disagree. larry: right. >> i do take exception to it. we'll park our cars in the shame garage, larry. here is number one in 2005 we chased hamas into gaza and you know, shame on, shame on you for fooling us. it ain't going to happen twice. we're in no rush to run into gaza to do what is called direct action. the whole place is booby-trapped. lined with explosives. we're good at urban warfare. we taught in the streets going back to 48, 67 in jerusalem when we took the old city back. we're really good at it, we know, we learned we're not getting sucked into a vacuum right now. we have the entire gaza strip surrounded. every elite unit is down there on the ground. we have special operations boots
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on the ground and we'll keep softening gaza and collect intelligence for the hostages. number two, larry, there is lot of food and water down in the supplies and tunnels. g train, l-train new york monster. tired terrorists and hungry terrorists don't shoot as straight. we'll take our time. larry: that is the lesson. >> nobody from "the new york times," they will not dictate what we've learned. however the big picture here is iran. big picture is iran. larry: bibby said -- >> that is where we start focusing. time to go after them. >> i'm campaigning stop a ship, draw a line in the sand. stop an inrarian ship. that is the message. aaron, we're out of time, bebe said today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said it is up to him and the war cabinet and nobody else with respect to invasion. they said we will invade. i think they're rejecting this american advice and you're saying that idf has the know-how to do that, the u.s. department of defense is saying you don't.
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i mean it's crazy for allies toby sniping at each other. >> israel, israel, listen, larry, i'm with you, israel, we have a lot of experience with hostage rescue. larry: i know. >> we pulled off the big operations. about the way israelis will argue. this is our national survival. we're not move al million troops across the sea to go grab -- we don't do that business. this is our survival and yes we're argumentative but that is what makes us brilliant. that is what makes israel brilliant. we want the best plan, larry, best plan with only actionable intel. butt heads, come up with the best solution. i'm all for it. that is the way we work. larry: sign me up, i want to help. sign me up i want to help. aaron cohen, great prince for doing this. we appreciate as always my friend. >> thank you, larry, coming up why are the bidens so defeatist? they're like yale faculty professors trying to stall the invasion. netanyahu is saying he is in charge of the invasion and
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nobody else. we'll ask general keith kellogg a key national security figure in the trump administration. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. stop a ship.lo stop ave ship.e yo ♪. ♪ discover the magnolia home james hardie collection. available now in siding colors, styles and textures. curated by joanna gaines. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? - it's good. - is it? aah, i don't know. it's okay. - it's okay! - yeah. - good. - you sure? i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation,
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larry: all right, let's bring in general keith kellogg, great friend, former key national
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security advisor in the trump administration and america first policy institute head, american security co-chair. keith, thank you for coming on. look, i don't, it is so ambiguous, it is weird. this is a gigantic issue, hamas war, iran war with israel. the biden administration wants israel to postpone. israel said today, bibi netanyahu said no, we will make our own decision. the bidens are looking to "the new york times" somehow the idf doesn't know what it's doing. keith, this is no way to run a war. this is no way to participate in a war alliance. what are the bidens doing here? fish-or-cut-bait, that is my question. >> larry, thanks for having me. he is playing true to form. this is what he's always done. i was asked on martha maccallum show three years ago in june of 2021, one of the last questions of the show was, what keeps you up at night? what kept me up at night was the concern i had over then president biden making a
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decision to protect americans and protect american interests. you're seeing that right now. there is an absolute fear, a his station to go and do kinetic or some type of action. let the israelis handle this. what we should be doing quite clearly, by putting the forts on the ground or in the area, tell netanyahu we got your back. we need to tell iran, we've got their back. what i mean by that is, hezbollah comes across we know that the hand on the terrorism tiller is iran and we will respond. look, larry we lost 33 americans were killed, 12 are being held hostage. there have been attacks all over the middle east on our installations and facilities and we have sat back and done nothing. when we've talked we let secretary blinken, our secretary of state do the hard talking in front of the u.n. and what president biden has said is don't. in 2020, you were there, in the 2020 state of the union president trump said about
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terrorism, if you attack an american citizen you have forefitted your right to liver. larry: right. >> he said it in the well of the house. larry: right. >> that simple. larry: so the bidens, 100% but the bidens keep sniping at israel. it is such -- they keep releasing these articles. israelis not ready. we want them to pause, no, we don't want them to pause, yes we do want them to pause. i mean this can't be helpful. this isn't a united front. this isn't a strong front. you're right, bidens, they're wayning war against the united states, connect, correct? they're waging war. 1hits on american assets in the middle east plus the bombing of gaza where americans were killed. they're waging war. we're not waging war back. >> yeah. you're right. look israel is going to go into gaza. it will be a tough fight because any fight you go in urban environments are tough. when they went in there last time, it took eight of their brigades to go in.
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it should be hard, we should acknowledge that there will be horrific pictures out of it. this is existential threat to israel with hamas. larry: than hek you.
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