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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 27, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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today. liz: so why invest? >> we need now to look for opportunities for growth. when the fed does cut interest rates next year, we can expect the economy to actually start to grow again, and that leads to -- liz: the the economy is growing, just to remind you, 4.9% -- >> yes. but if you look at what the fed is forecasting next year, coming down to 11.5, it's going to $1.5%, it's going to slow. liz: all right. here comes the the bell, folks. monday we have kind snacks' founder. he is an israeli, right in he's mexican-israeli. we'll be talking to him. we've got doug burgum, gop candidate and north dakota governor. here we go, we are closing actually off the lows of the session, but it is a day in the red where the s&p and the nasdaq close out the week in correction. ♪ larry: hello, folks, and welcome to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow.
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israel's expanding ground operations into northern gaza while airstrikes are intensifying. our own greg palkot and and alex hogan is are standing by with all the latest. let's go straight to senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot at the israel-lebanon border. greg, good evening. what do you have for us? >> reporter: good evening. it is a very tense border right now. we're hearing drones overhead. israel looking for any moves as all eyes are on the gaza strip and what appears to be a amajor land incursion by israel going against hamas militants down there accompanied by artillery, tanks, jet fire as well as naval boats. but again here and throughout the region we're looking at how iran will react to this latest move. early today along this border there was smoke and fire on the ridgeline just about 2 files from us, wildfires triggered by shells launched between the israeli military and hezbollah
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militants. we've been tracking a stream of deadly skirmishes. syria, 10 miles to the east of where we are right now, the pentagon has confirmed it struck thed arsenals of iranian-backed militants who hit u.s. military bases in syria and the iraq in the past two weeks. 21 american soldiers have been injured. the west bank, 30 miles to the south of where we are, israeli military staged a deadly raid on a militant camp, a lot of clashes there. islamic jihad, also backed by iran, is active there. and at the other end of israel, a potentially deadly drone was intercepted. the israeli military said it could have come from the iranian-backed that houthis down in yemen. altogether they are branded iran's axis of resistance. at this point hamas obviously leading the battle against the enemy, israel, but others pitching in as you get the picture from all sides and, apparently, tehran is pulling the strings. but again, larry, we're looking at gaza right now, we're looking
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at tanks moving in, armored personnel care canniers, hearing about clashes -- carriers, hearing about clashes between hamas militants and israel and a lot of firepower down there as well as the whole region watches and waits. back to you. larry: all right. greg palkot, thanks very much. now let's bring in fox news corps respond alex hogan who is live in teleaavive. tel-aviv. alex, thank you for helping. what you got? >> reporter: hi, larry. again, we're seeing wide-scale strikes in gaza tonight. the israeli ministry talking about this not only shedding some light on the efforts, but also specifically the target. >> translator: the the idf is striking underground targets and terrorist infrastructures in a very significant way. following the offensive activity we carried out in the last few days, the ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening. >> reporter: ramped-up operations, the idf says this is part of the groundwork for that
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next stage in the war, and israeli military officials say that the main aim is to destroy some of the underground tunnels that are used by hamas. worth noting that there's still no confirmation as to whether or not this is the beginning of that expected counteroffensive that would move in. the country's defense minister says when that does happen though, it will be long and it will be difficult. palestinians tonight are reporting that a there could be some confrontations of israeli tanks in gaza. now, back here sirens blared with rockets firing from gaza at some residential buildings. our team actually visited one apartment complex that had been destroyed, the top two floors there seeming to to crumble. flames broke out through the window. three people were injured there. so heightened alerts. israeli officials tonight are reminding citizens across the country that when you hear those sirens how crucial it is to get to a shelter and as quickly as possible. now, with all of this taking
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place,ly, of course a lot of tension -- larry, of course a lot of tension in the middle east and other world leaders weighing in. tonight jordan's foreign minister is saying if these strikes continue in gaza, that it would create a human catastrophe that we just simply have not seen to point. larry? larry: all right. alex hogan, thanks very much. so, folks, as all these reports suggest, israel rapidly expanding its ground operations, the airstrikes are intensifying. while all this is happening, president biden's mouthpiece, john kirby, went on "the view," which is a kind of hare-brained, far-left tv show on another network, thankfully, and he said this. listen and weep. >> we don't seek a conflict with iran. we're not looking to escalate into some sort of period of hostilities here with iran. larry: there is already a conflict with iran. this is the most unimaginably dumb thing that any white house
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spokesman could possibly say. mr. kirby and his boss, president biden, i have breaking news for you. iran is at war with the united states. as well as israel. if has been for quite some time, by the way. the very fact that iran financed ask planned the barbaric hamas invasion of israel is the most important evidence of their war-like intentions against the u.s. and, of course, against israel. the very fact that iran is the largest state sponsor terrorist country in the world is absolute proof that they have escalated their war with the u.s. and israel. now, will team biden, including mr. kirby, ever understand this? and why are biden officials, including the president, always worrying out loud that iran might escalate hostility? why doesn't team biden understand that iran should be worried that the united states
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will escalate hostilities against them? our enemy. this constant hand-wringing by biden officials is so troublesome, and it is such a sign of weakness, and here they go again. where's the america first response to the unmitigated aggression by the rain korean -- iranian mullahs? john kirby's statement is the perfect example of what's wrong with biden foreign policy or, should i say, what's gone wrong? day one of the biden administration right up through john kirby's appearance on the aforementioned left-wing tv show, the biden middle east policy has been one of iranian appeasement. and this appeasement has failed. it has completely collapsed. iran is unappeasable. but importantly, crucially, as much as any other factor biden's rain korean -- iranian appeasement policy is
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responsible for the hamas if invasion of israel and all the violence that is going along with that invasion. history teaches that appeasement always fails. history teaches that deterrence and strength always succeeds. and, for example, lobbing bombs at unmanned syrian ammunition depots, so utterly ini february chul. senator tom cotton called it, and i'll quote, unserious. and i'll quote again from mr. cotton, they're laughing at us in tehran. iran will continue to target americans until president biden gets serious about imposing severe costs on iran. end quote. so i will just say it again, end appeasement. start deterrence. bankrupt iran by enforcing the economic and energy sanctions. interdict and impound iranian supplies on the high seas. or, more bluntly i'll say it
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again, stop a ship. just one. that'll ensigned a message. and -- that'll send a message. that's my riff. we bring in general keith kellogg to, former national security advisor of the trump administration, america first policy institute, center for american security co-chair, and we welcome richard goldberg, senior adviser at the foundation for defense of democracies and formerly white house national security council director. general keith, my friend, it just -- you know -- [laughter] you tell me, okay? this guy, kirby -- but kirby's not alone, i just happened to single him out because he went on this stupid, goofball show. but the fact remains with all this the hand-wringing, we always worried that iran will escalate. guess what? they've already escalated. they've been escalating for a couple of years under this policy of appeasement which has given them $80 billion or more in foreign exchange and energy
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reserves. keith, this is no way to run a railroad, this is no way to run a national defense or national security policy. >> yeah, larry. thanks for having me. look, they're living in an alternative universe, one that i didn't -- i was never part of and neither were you. thank the lord for that. look, i want to remind everybody listening, there are 33 dead americans from the attack by hamas into israel. 33. 12, plus or minus, are missing right now. and you've got to show strength. the fact of the matter not showing strength, not being very decisive just feeds onto the problem that's being created. you know, what you've got to be able to do is actually, and i use the term super-escalate. i remember when president trump, we were having problems with iran after we killed soleimani. he reminded the supreme leader, ca happyny, just to make sure you understand, if you come back now and do something dumb, there are 52 targets we have on the list right now. and i remember seeing the target
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list, there was a few more than that, but 52 targets. and, oh, by the way, the number one thing on that target is you. las vegas. larry: you. >> is and we're going to come after you. and he got the message really quick. larry: yeah. >> you've got to do this. if you're going to break this cycle of violence, you've got to go right to the heart of the terrorism issue, the nation that's got their hand on the terrorism tiller is iran. and we must address it. they are the ones who are controlling hamas and hezbollah, and we need to address iran as well as the other two. larry: richard goldberg, i mean, i think tom cotton is right, you know? lobbing a couple of bombs at unmanned munitions depots or whatever it was the in syria means absolutely nothing. absolutely nothing. that doesn't hurt tehran. they may be laughing at us. and, richard, i don't understand, biden has the authority -- i mean, he won't do it, but he has the authority for sanctions. he could stop a ship on the high
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seas, a ship carrying oil to china, for example, a ship that might be carrying drones or other military supplies to russia, for example. i mean, richard, what good does lobbing a bomb at syria with, it's like the lowest common denominator. nobody cares. >> larry, there's a contra that diction on the table, and if you're sitting in tehran, you see it, you feel it, you sense it. and you can lob a couple of missiles at these unmanned munitions depots in syria, the lowest escalation response that they chose, but at the same time you can't say you've deter the iran when iran knows they're still deterring you. because if you're not enforcing the sanctions, if you're letting $10 is billion get opened up in iraq, $6 billion moved into qatar, you're letting the oil flow by a million barrels per day extra over the summer under the nuclear deal, why is he allowing all the sanctions relief? he's afraid of having to confront iran over its nuclear program. he's afraid that if they
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escalate 90% enriched uranium, he may have to use the u.s. military. of he doesn't want to do that. what do the iranians see? they see somebody who's afraid. so on the one hand, he won't shut down the sanctions relief, he won't snap back the u.n. security council resolution to bring back u.n. sanctions, but he says we're deterring them with a couple of missile strikes. which joe biden should tehran believe? larry: you know, keith, all right, look, i don't want to second guess our military. because these kinds of bombing decisions and so forth are made by the civilians. they're made by the commander in chief who is the president, okay? but with i would like to stop iran's oil production. that's where the money's coming from, the bull of it, all right? -- the bulk of it. i know they're getting money from the imf and some other places, and we can address that because that's stupid also. really why not take out an oil field, keith? why not take out an oil field?
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it's been done before, it could be done again. we have precision bombing, we have all these, you know, aircraft carrier convoys around. why not really hurt iran? because iran is the center of the problem. >> yeah, that's what we should do, larry. in fact, that was on the target list a few years ago. there were refineries, the drone manufacturing facilities were on the target the list, the people were on the target list meaning khamenei and then the remakesment for soleimani -- replacement. they should do that, but they're being very, very hesitant. they're not doing what i call super escalation, and they need to do it. it's how you have to get their attention and break that cycle. and you made a comment about stopping a ship. it's very clearly what you do is you take all those foreign flag carriers, you better reflag your ships, get them out of there, because they're going to be a target as well. once you do that, once you make those hard moves, then they gain respect for you. i remember what happened after soleimani after eight days. most of the world forgot.
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but eight days after that and we killed soleimani, the iranians shot down a ukrainian airliner leaving tehran international airport. why? because through the intercepts we realized they thought we were coming after khamenei. they got it. they understood they needed to respect this and fear us. and until they do that, you're going to keep seeing attacks on americans, and one of these todayan american's going to get -- days an american's going to get killed and then what? that's in the near future, i believe. larry: richard, in your judgment, what's the next step? where should the united -- now, putting the israel invasion aside, okay? we're going to talk about that elsewhere in the show and, you know, god bless the idf. they'll get the job done. what should the united states do? >> first thing is to communicate that you are willing to use force and basically pass along messages the way the general has just indicated. and make sure you have a force posture to show the capability
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to follow through. on that threat. can is can that gives you the space -- and that the gives you the space to then shut off all the resources to the regime. turn off the cash valves. lock down the $10 billion out of iraq, lock down the $6 billion and, larry, start shutting off the flow of oil to china. tell the chinese, the deal is off. and then start seizing ships. we can do that. remember, over the summer when iran started seizing ships in response to some sanctions enforcement, the president did send in the u.s. navy, and the u.s. navy opened fire a couple of times. and the iranians ran away. they do not want a direct confrontation with the united states. but they need to see a president who has the political will to use force, not just the rhetoric claiming -- larry: why is it, richard, why is it -- can okay, i'm kind of going crazy. why is it that our spokesman, kirby, kirby's just echoing, i know how this works.
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he comes out of the oval office, the president's telling him what to say and the chief of staff. why is it our people are always saying that they fear escalation from iran? why don't we want iran to fear escalation from the united states? you know, we're not only bigger, wealthier, we're more powerful. and our military could eat them alive, eat them aleve. alive. we have an air force. iran doesn't have a serious air force. we have unbelievable missiles. iran doesn't have serious missiles. they've got a lot of people running around, a hamas in israel and that's a dreadful story and they're a bunch of barbarians, i get that, but we could eat them alive. why don't we ever communicate that? >> the answer that everyone needs to know, and it's the honest answer, is that since october 7th, for three weeks, the biden administration has been hoping and praying they can have two the separate policies
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that contradict themselves, a hamas policy and an iran huge lahr deal policy. and they can't coexist. larry: right. >> and they're now coming to terms with that, and they're going to have to cut off the nuclear deal. larry: and the whole mideast policy that you briefly described and keith has a drops collapsed -- has collapsed. collapsed. the collapse of that policy is there on battlefield in gaza. and lord knows where else. it has utterly chanced. collapsed. and it's time for biden to either step down as president or at least go before the american people and say i'm going to start something different. jimmy carter actually did that 40 years ago. o'brien and others have talked about it. i've got to get out, producers are yelling at me. this drives me crazy. weakness leads to weakness. keith, weakness leads to weakness. strength leads to strength. people were scared of ronald reagan. reagan's finger was on the button. well, good. reaganing you know, had that radio show, keith?
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one morning he said testing, testing, in 15 seconds we'll bomb miss cow. ha, ha, ha, that was a jokesome i was there when all that was going on. hiway, general keith kellogg, richard goldberg, thanks, gentlemen. coming up next, the israel ground game is expanding. joe biden politically, is he a dead man walking? could be. sandra smith, jason chaffetz coming right back here. when will we, the u.s. government, decide to make iran fear us instead of we're always hand-wringing that we fear them? i'm kudlow, we'll be back. ♪ jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden.
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larry: joining me now, sandra smith and jason chaffetz, forgeh congressman, fellow at the government accountability institute, author of the new book, "puppeteers." welcome, kids -- sandra: oh, no, i was on camera this whole time. larry: we want you completely up to speed. [laughter] >> thanks for having me. larry: i mean, seriously, has the invasion really begunsome. >> so we have been carrying the breaking news every hour here on on the fox business network and the fox news channel, trey yingst reporting live on the ground from southern israel in
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the 2:00 hour said to us standing there as the night sky was lighting up with more activity than we have yet seen in 321 days of -- 21 days of this, trey yingst on the ground covering this every single day, every single hour said there has not been a moment as serious as this. so there's a clear escalation going on right now. the big question is going to be -- we talked to general kellogg in the 2:00 hour as well, you just had him on -- are we going to know the moment when this is a full scale ground invasion that we have been anticipating? will we know if -- look at the night sky, lit up there right now. larry: yep. >> so this is, obviously, more than -- larry: the answer is no. they're not going to the hang a sign out. it's not like the normandy invasion. >> right. larry: they're there. they've been moving in for days and days and days, bombing 'em, cutting off the food and tulle for the hamas terrorists and so forth. i mean, as far as i'm concerned, we're there.
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whether that's official or not. i wouldn't believe a thing the biden white house tells us anyway. all they do, jason, and i'll say it again -- i'll calm down since sandra came on and calmed me down, as she always does, i am furious at the white house hand-wringing, that they always worry somehow iran will escalate the conflict, you know? if why don't we escalate the conflict and just blow iran up? we turned their water off. they had no money four years ago, three years ago, and the bidens let it all back in by not observing the sanctions. i mean, it is iran that is the aggressor here. it is iran -- can without iran, there'd be no hamas and no barbaric invasion is. i'm sorry, jason, you go ahead. >> no, i totally agree. look, the white house floss if my is one of appeasement. they don't want to the offend anybody, and consequently, the world's a more dangerous place. last week the president, in reading off the teleprompter, said they would continue to hold
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iran accountable. they never held iran accountable. and i totally agree with your opening monologue when you were talking about this. if we don't have an energy policy, we can't dash the iranians. iranians have money because we allow them money. we give them money. we don't have an oil policy. we enrich russia so they can come after ukraine, we enrich iran so they can fund the terrorism. we can turn on on the spigots here, starve them both, and the world would be a better, safer place. >> i had our team pull the tape on the number of times the this administration said don't, don't, don't. if you do, you will ultimately pay the price, you know, talking to these iranian proxies -- larry: don't what? don't what? >> don't fire at our u.s. bases in the middle east, okay? larry: right. >> so that's happened 20 times now. it took til then to finally get a response after reporters at the white house yesterday continued to grill john kirby on why haven't we respondedsome we promised a fierce response if
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that occurred -- larry: right. that was our jacqui heinrich. >> yes. larry: and he wouldn't answer the question. >> that's right. larry: the semantics about direct involvement. of course iran was directly involved. front page of the "wall street journal." sandra, you were texting me earlier, is joe biden politically a dead man walking? >> his, his approval with democrats is now at a record low, 775% -- 75% says his presidency, worth noting as we get closer and closer to election day, his overall approval rating is at a record low as well. this war is a critical moment with his own party. he risks alienating many in his own party when you look at the younger generation and democrats and their sympathy for the palestinians back in february for the first time ever more sympathizing with palestine than israel, 5%. -- 51% according to gallup. that is worth note thing, and that is going to be a very interesting note for this presidency as we saw him very
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slow to react to all of this 211 days ago. -- 21 days ago. larry: and, jason, what is his name, mike -- >> mike johnson? larry: no, phillips who wants to run in the primary? what's his name? >> you don't need to memorize it because he's not going to last very long. i don't believe joe biden will be the candidate -- larry: what if this guy runs though in new hampshire -- biden's not even on the ballot. >> happening tomorrow. larry: i know it's an ankle bite, but actually it could hurt. >> noing i think the president is sort of politically a dead man walking. i don't think he'll be the nominee. i don't think he'll be a candidate for the presidency even by the end of the year. he's not acting like it. according to last quarterly report he had less than ten staffers working on his campaign. larry: wow. i didn't know that. >> and normally we have crisis around a the world, people rally around a president. that's the exact opposite that's happening here. they're seeing that the weakness of the united states is leading to a more tumultuous world.
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open borders, conflicts around the world, ukraine getting worse not better. he's just feckless and ineffective and a terrible communicator. larry: and, sandra, the new republican house speaker, mike johnson, has this crazy, off the wall idea that if we're going to spend $200 billion now on foreign aid, we should offset it with domestic spending cuts, otherwise the budget grows and so does -- can. >> it's almost like he's been talking to larry kudlow. larry: what do you think -- [laughter] what do you think about it? >> this is all going to be interesting because he has been against, he's voted multiple times against sending more aid, sending aid to ukraine. he seems to be changing his tune a bit. he does not want the two tied together as far as the last time i heard. but he might be coming around on aid to ukraine, trying to sort of, i don't know, do his job of evening things out there -- larry: yeah. but the big point is --
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>> unifying the group. larry: kim strassel's column today, they want over $100 billion for foreign aid whether it's separate or together, i don't know, but they want another $55 billion for domestic aid a, okay? she calls it fiction emergency or spending. and you know, jason, when it starts at 50 #, it'll go to 100. and somebody's got to a pay for it rather than our taxpayers with higher inflation. last word, we're running how of time. >> yeah, $6 billion in that package for high-speed internet. she calls it free netflix. larry: oh, we have to have it. >> mike johnson is probably the most conservative speaker we've had in a long, long time the, and i think one subject, one bill, they'll separate out the votes on that, and it'll be interesting to see who votes how. >> go, tigers. larry: louisiana -- >> i mean -- larry: sandra smith and jason chaffetz. [laughter] go, jason, go. >> dean phillips, by the way. larry: call -- catch sandra and
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her co-anchor, i blew right through the break. we love them all. [laughter] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ larry: all right, welcome back. more on the israeli war, breatht velicovich is, fox news contributor. brett, i have lots and lots of questions, and i'm sure you can answer them all, but with here's one question. we, the united states and israel, have very good air forces, do they not? they have a lot of air power. nobody, certainly not hamas and not really hezbollah and, frankly, not really iran, have much of an air force, air power scheme. so why is there so much hand wringing about this war when we have unbelievable supremacy in the skies? help me out on this because i don't get it. >> well, we definitely have supremacy in the skies, and we should be doing all we can to
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provide surveillance and information to the israelis to help them conduct, you know, this operation that looks like is very imminent and provide them with the information they need especially with hamas holding american hostages. but the reality is, is that hamas has perfected the art of operating from underground. they have tunnel systems that are very detailed. the israeli idf just put out information indicating that even their headquarters right now is underneath a hospital inside gaza. so they use these civilian locations to hide their headquarters, hide their men, money and material, and so this isn't just a fight simply from the air. it's going to have to be, essentially, a ground war where you root out a lot of these tunnel systems that are hard -- harboring these terrorists. larry: well, okay. that's what special ops are going to do, root it out. meanwhile, bombing from the air, that will crush building, that a may even crush -- how deep will those air bombs go? are they -- will they go into
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those tunnels, for example? >> i think they're hoping that that's the case, but the reality is i think it takes a more strategic plan to go and root out these tunnels. i think the best plan right now is to flood them. they really these to flood a lot of these tunnels with water so that hamas is unable to operate out there and move a lot of their weapons. right now i'm sitting in israel. i'm sitting in tel aviv, and it's a very tense situation here on the ground. i mean, everyone is in a tate of readiness. you can feel they are preparing for this ground invasion and for something that they haven't done in quite some time, two actually go in and stop hamas once and for all. and, you know, there's different groups that seem to be prepping and training for a different type of assault in this case. and until you're here on the ground, larry, you don't truly understand why so necessary for israel to expunge the evil that is hamas once and for all. the israelis, they're living in a constant state after terror the, and these civilians have to cope with this cancer that is hamas. no one should have to live like
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this. just today there were a number of rocket attacks near my location, and you would basically see a normal day quickly rut into fear and -- erupt into fear and violence. it's very close strikes here, and it's very dangerous. larry: i understand. >> the israelis these to root out hamas once and for all. larry: 100%, i'm all for it. by the way, you know, besides the flooding, i think starving the terrorists. i mean, i'm not opposed -- it may be bloody, it may be ugly, i get that, but you're right, this is an existential threat that has to be wiped out. civilians are going to get hurt here. israel didn't start this, however. but the point is i would starve hem out too. keep the food and fuel out. hungry temporary terrorists, weak terrorists will not shoot straight. one last point, brett, i want to ask you this. regarding hezbollah, hezbollah has a lot of rockets, okay? i know, a lot of rockets, whatever, 150,000 rockets, whatever the number.
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but they don't have, i am told or it's been reported, they don't have is many rocket launchers. and the israeli air force, for that matter the u.s. air force, knows where the rocket launchers are and take them out from the air. what do you say about that? >> they need to support the israelis in stopping hezbollah. for sure. america can deter not only hezbollah, but iran from entering this war, and they should at any cost. and it starts with strength not just in our words from leadership, but our actions. like right now why aren't iran's oil fields on fire after their recent strikes on soldiers? larry: i said it in my riff, brett. >> send a clear message to the iran that says we're not messing around -- larry: i had it in my opening riff. i had that very point in my opening riff. you're 100% right. i just want to come back. we though where the rocket launchers are, they don't have that many, and they don't have an air force to defend it. i'm speaking specifically now to
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hezbollah. isn't that an area of great weakness? that's been underrated, not reported. >> of course. strike 'em. we need to strike any locations that we have. we need to provide that intelligence to the israelis so they can hit them as well. larry: all right. when do you think they formally go in? actually, they're in the now, aren't they, brett? >> i think it's tough to tell. they're definitely exercising a lot of operational security, as they should, and that speaks large volumes as a well, so i think we'll hear something pretty soon. larry: all right. brett velicovich, we appreciate it very, very much. joining me now on set, our great friend monica crowley, host of the monica crowley podcast. monica, you're writing in "newsweek" that the world needs president trump now more than ever. would you expand that, please? >> yes, indeed. well, we have now had a couple of years of president biden's incredibly weak leadership, if it can even be called leadership. he's constantly projecting weakness, ineptitude, e wisconsin case and moral
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bankruptcy. we have the exact opposite under president trump. we had a strong american president who projected strength and kept our enemies off balance. they knew that if they raised a finger against the american people or america's interests around the world, there would be an overwhelming retaliatory response, so they didn't even try it. when you have a united states that's weak or perceived as weak in the embody. of a weak commander in chief, the good guys retreat, the bad guys advance, and the wheels come off the world. that's exactly what we're seeing now. this chaotic, barbaric world is crying out for president trump's strong leadership. larry: appease. of iran has been a catastrophic disaster. it has absolutely fallen apart. one of my arguments is trump took out soleimani, and keith was talking about this earlier, we let the mullahs know, we had their phone numbers and addresses just in case they got frisky, the fact that biden appeased iran and let 'em build
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up their monetary reserves and their energy sales, that's a big factor in this war. this war would not have happened if iran was still broke. >> right. larry: that fair? those were trump sanctions. trump sanctions. >> president trump did exactly the right thing in continuing the sanctions and building on those sanctions with regard to tehran. but remember, what you're seeing now under president biden didn't just start urn biden. it started -- under biden. it started 8 years or 12 years prior under the obama-biden administration because they were is so desperate for that destructive, catastrophic nuclear deal with tehran that they started sending billions of dollars under president obama. so biden just picked it up, reverse ised -- reinstated the nuclear deal which trump had trashed, rightfully so, and started the flow of cash. and what we've seen, everybody is focused on that $6 billion frozen in qatar, but remember, since biden came into office, larry, he has unfrozen already about $10 is billion, and
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through lax sanctions enforcement has driven about $80 billion more through oil sales to tehran. larry: yeah. >> so you can't launch this kind of war with without money, and they're gotten a hell of a lot of money thanks to joe biden. larry: by the way, oil sales to our enemy, china. >> correct. larry: they're the principal customer of iran, which is really quite a remarkable thing. the war on fossil fuels is a big part of this. so we were energy independent. the bidens are energy dependent. that has a lot to do -- they're still ponying around with iran from the 400, 500,000 barrels a day to almost 4 million barrels a day, and the bidens think that's just wonderful was it might keep -- because it might keep gas prices down. is that just the worst? >> economic security, energy independence, these are all national security finish. larry: but you're making a broad point though. the world needs trump more than ever. trump poles -- policies,
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prosperity at home, strength overseas, abraham accords, the iran story, nagging nato to pony up which was the right policy and also, this is something bob lighthizer says all the time, foreign trade representative, friend of both of ours, trump rang the bell on china, rang the warning bell on china like no one had before. i think that's a huge contribution. >> yeah. and also a made him a huge target not justs of the chinese, but iran, russia and the other nefarious forces around the world, right? it put him right in the crosshairs, but he is the only american president certainly in recent memory to take on the chinese in a very meaningful way, economicallying diplomatically, culturally, politically, militarily. he's the only one. president trump in four short years, larry, delivered a booming economy, an enforced border and world peace out of sheer leadership and american
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strength. i think the world and certainly america misses him very much. larry: well, folks are reconsidering now, and that's why the president's polls are so high. he's running an issues-based campaign. all his legal stuff, people have very little interest in it. it's press, but the rest of the country is entered in the things you're mentioning, and that's high trump has become very popular again. >> absolutely. and just the stark comparison to the all of the biden catastrophes here, also it's a very fresh memory for the american people. they don't need to reach back to the reagan years to be reminded of strong american presidential leadership and a strong the economy and a strong the military. they just have to now go back three years, pre-covid, to president trump. larry: got it. >> they want it back. larry: monica crowley, the world needs president trump now more than ever -- >> more than ever. larry: "newsweek." "newsweek" magazine? it's online now. >> it's online, yeah. larry: good article. thanks for coming. coming up here on "kudlow," inflation is a whole lot worse
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whole lot worse than the bidens or the media is telling us. kevin has hassett, author of the most important book called "the drift: stopping america's slide to socialism." kevin, welcome back. you know, i'll just say i am so tired of this if you take out this and you take out that and you push up and you push this down. so the feds measure the consumer price deflater, all right, pce deflater, i don't want to bore people, it was up 0.4 in september. that's almost 5% if you annualize it. it was up 0.4 in august, so that's not good. that's not a victory. and i'll the el you -- tell you what else, kevin, services, services which is an important category up 0.5% in september, so that's, like, 6% or so
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annualizedded. you're better at math than i am. and finally, kevin hassett, i got one more that i did, i am going to name conrad because he did it at my request, a very, very, very smart wall street economist. all right, i'm going to take out everything. i'm going to take the pce deflater and taking out everything especially -- except, kevin, food and energy. i'm leaving that in. everything else is out, because i say the things that people buy are gasoline and groceries. so guess what? for the third quarter, food and energy prices were up 6.6% at an annual rate. now, i don't think any of these numbers i cited, i'm sorry, i don't mean to monopolize, i want you to give us your wisdom -- [laughter] but inflation's not over. inflation's not dead. >> no, it's really not. and, you know, our friend andy puzder and i were talking about it today, he went to a grocery store and was just shocked at the prices. he went to the checkout counter
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and asked the lady, what's it like? she said every day somebody comes to the checkout counter and starts crying and takes stuff out of their cart because the prices are so high. and that's why americans are so sour on this economy. you know, i think that there's a big lie going on right now for a reason. i think that if you and i were running the fed right now because of all the uncertainty in the middle ', wee right -- east, we might hold off on a rate hike. i think policy makers are pretending inflation's under control because this is a lot of geopolitical risk right now, and sometimes it's okay to just wait a month and see what's going on. i think the fed's going to pretend that inflation's under control because they don't want to hike while all of this uncertainty's going on in the middle east. larry: all right. that's a fair, measured, circumspect point of view, but when we visit next weekend, we'll talk about what really has to be done. the fed's job's not over. i'm running out of time because of our war coverage. folks, kevin hassett, the
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