tv Kudlow FOX Business October 31, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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at replenishing the u.s. arsenal. we're way behind. we have to do it. we have to start yesterday. so i think that's also going to be an important boost for defense stocks. it was interesting too, liz, what the gdp report for the third quarter, the one that came out at 4 into 9%, we saw in that report a boost in spending for defense names. liz: quincy -- >> but it will -- liz: the fed tomorrow, quickly, we got 15 seconds? >> fed stays on hold. has to acknowledge the strength of the economy and then perhaps qualifies that by saying they expect to see a slowdown. liz: got it. quincy, always a pleasure to have you. [closing bell rings]. there are the bells. the witching hour of october is over. happy halloween it is a day in the green. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. two big stories we're watching today. biden's defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state antony blinken testifying up on capitol hill and a new report reveals the biden administration's policies have helped pump in more than $50 billion to iran, not that you haven't heard me say that every single night. anyway our own edward lawrence and william la jeunesse standing by to take us this both of these key stories. first up edward lawrence live from the white house on austin and blinken before the senate appropriations committee. >> reporter: and, larry they were talking about how israel is now in phase two of their agreement. president joe biden wants to get an aid package. he says he supports israel but he wants to get an aid package of everything together, $106 billion which would also include humanitarian aid for gaza as well as defense aid for the israeli forces, ukraine aid, as well as border protection
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money. the house speaker says the aid should not be bundled, will bring a bill this week for israel, paid for money diverted from the irs under the inflation reduction act. listen to this. >> we believe that is a pressing and urgent need. there are lots of things going on around the world that we have to address and we will but right now what's happening in israel takes the immediate attention. i think we have got to separate that and get it through. i believe there will be bipartisan support for that and i will push very hard for it. >> reporter: the white house saying all the funding should be passed together without strings. making the point there should be a humanitarian pause to get aid in gaza adding a full cease-fire would help hamas. with the senate hearing with the secretary of state, the republicans want to know how the u.s. can verify any aid going new gaza at this point will be stolen by hamas? >> can i promise you and this
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committee will there be 100% delivery to the designated recipients no. there will be some spillage. we haven't seen it to date. i think we have to anticipate that, but the overwhelming, overwhelmingly majority of assistance thus far is getting to people who need it. >> reporter: call it spillage. 66 aid trucks wept into gaza you there the rafah crossing today. the secretary of state says president biden the is main reason any aid is getting in and he wants to continue that aid going through. the secretary of state also does want to make sure all of that money is linked together in one bill. back to you, larry. larry: edward, before i lose you, william la jeunesse we're coming right to you, i promise, i swear, but do senators understand the degree the new house speaker mike johnson is going to stand firm on separating out the ukraine money from the israeli money? i mean, it doesn't, it sounds to me like that is a done deal in
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the house? >> reporter: as far as mike johnson the house speaker that is the way he is going to do it but when you listen to senate minority leader mitch mcconnell maybe through a wrench into that. ukraine money as well as israel is both important but the house speaker is standing firm i'm understanding that he wants to pass one bill at a time. he will look at this bill, which is the immediate need first. larry: all right. edward lawrence, thank you very much. turn to fox news senior national correspondent william la jeunesse in los angeles on some of these iranian enrichment policies. william, i saw you this morning it was just the greatest thing in the world and i wanted to bring you back this afternoon. see if the story has changed or not. >> reporter: no, it hasn't, larry. and this is definitely in your wheelhouse i want to say this it is not that the administration is directly funding iran but rather allowing it to sell billions of dollars in oil internationally in violation of
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u.s. sanctions. so in 2018 this goes back the trump administration imposed stiff sanctions on iranian oil exports warning anyone doing business with iran cannot do business with the u.s. and it worked. the following year iran exports dried up as little as 3, maybe 500,000 barrels of oil a day. president biden, however, has allowed those exports to triple, without the same enforcement according to a non-partisan support, iran is selling more and more oil, mostly to china in violation of u.s. sanctions. >> we found over the course of the biden administration their policy changes has enriched iran to the tune of between 50 and $60 billion. >> reporter: that's money that critics say iran uses to fund terrorism and attacks on u.s. forces. >> not only my message to iran but also to president biden.
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enforce the sanctions. they are in place for a reason and yet this administration refuses to interdict the oil that continues to leave iran. >> reporter: so the senator's office said today she will introduce a bill tomorrow addressing homeland security to seize iranian oil under existing sanctions. the republicans say the biden administration has chosen to ignore it. why? one, ease tensions with china. two, keep gas prices low. three, re-engage iran on the nuclear issue. team biden says it does enforce sanctions you about it is hard because iran conceals those exports. earlier this year the administration also approved iranian electricity sales to iraq. that's a 10 billion-dollar windfall to tehran. larry. larry: william la jeunesse, you're exactly the right the way you said it. it is through the sales of these things, whether it's oil or drones to russia or electricity
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and gas to iraq. you know you're quite right but you know i will maintain as somebody who worked on the sanctions under the prior trump administration i would maintain that the bidens are to blame for not enforcing the sanctions. anyway, william la jeunesse, i always get that right, thank you very much. we appreciate it 100%. >> reporter: you're welcome. larry: all right folks now an additional point i want to make, somebody has to tell me what is the difference between a cease-fire and a humanitarian pause? simple question. look it, here is secretary of state antony blinken at the senate hearing this morning. take a listen to what he said. >> when it comes to a cease-fire in this moment you're exactly right that would simply consolidate what hamas has been able to do and allow it to remain where it is and potentially repeat what it did another day and that's not tolerable. no nation would tolerate it.
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we do believe that we have to consider things like humanitarian pauses to make sure assistance can get to those that need it, people can be protected and get out of harm's way. larry: i heard that, i remain confused, sorry. no cease-fire but a humanitarian pause is okay. now here's the oxford dictionary definition of a cease-fire, and i will quote a temporary suspension of fighting, end quote. now today national security council spokesman john kirby said this, take a listen. >> it is, however, the time to consider pauses in the fighting, long enough so that folks like your relatives and family members can get this incredibly needed humanitarian assistance. larry: well, all right, hang on a second, wait a minute, pauses in the fighting sounds like a cease-fire. in fact, pauses in the fighting sounds a lot like a temporary
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suspension of fighting which is how the oxford dictionary defines a cease-fire. so i'm still confused. now the bigger question maybe, why do the bidens obsess over this so-called humanitarian pause? well, because i think they're trying to buy off the left-wing of the democratic party, okay? call it the far left-wing if you like but they're the rotten apples of the "squad." they hate israel. they're totally anti-semitic and they support the hamas barbarians. these mohammad omar baradarrians by the way murdered 1400 civilians on october 7th. they didn't attack the israeli military. they attacked defense lis civilians mostly israelis but included americans and people of many other countries. back to the cease-fire or is it a pause? prime minister netanyahu has a better idea. listen to this. >> going out of our way to prevent civilian casualties not only by asking civilians to
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move, calling them to move, arranging a place for them to be which is safe. also putting in humanitarian support, providing them with the means, with food, with water, with medicine and so on. larry: now here is a better idea. by the way, it was something i said, i don't know, 10 days ago, 15 days ago, whatever, in other words, israel will supply the humanitarian aid to palestinian civilians. israel will do it. otherwise, as we all know hamas, or their pals in the u.n. are going to steal the so-called humanitarian aid and that aid will be used to resupply the hamas murderers. mr. blinken knows this, general austin knows this, mr. sullivan knows this, mr. kirby knows this and frankly president biden knows this too. this whole business about a humanitarian pause is just politics, pure and simple. and actually, it is the worst
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kind of politics as israel is fighting for its very existence and "the wall street journal" editorial today, and i'm going to quote, while anti-semitism is surging around the globe, even in the west, this shows how utterly important it is israel must win its fight for survival, end quote. shame on president biden and company for playing politics during wartime. but even if team biden tries to put the cuffs on the ideas, israel and its leaders will never let them, all right? that is my quick riff. joining me now to talk about this and other things, tennessee senator big hagerty who was in the hearing room today. senator hagerty, welcome back, sir. you heard mr. blinken. you heard mr. austin. i don't want to get into personalities. i don't doubt their patriotism but i do not understand why they are so obsessed with this
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humanitarian aid pause and whether or not it's a sris fire because it is a cease-fire. everybody knows it is a cease-fire, furthermore everybody knows humanitarian aid is going to hamas. they will resupply themselves. everybody knows that. >> you certainly schooled us today i think very well in terms of the lexicon here, larry. any cease-fire is a win for hamas. i think secretary blinken, secretary austin should know that. certainly they should. the fact demonstrated today. i questioned secretary blinken three times directly if he can assure us not a dime of u.s. dollars, not a dime of u.s. foreign aid assistance had gone to benefit hamas in their october 7th attack in israel? he could not answer the question. we got to stop feeding this. i went and met with the israeli leadership in may of 2021. prime minister netanyahu, his national security advisor were very clear of me, every ever dollar of foreign aid into the
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gaza strip is controlled by hamas. they either tax it, they direct it or they divert it. you seen them take pipes meant for the water supply, divert those making them into rockets. i think we know what is going on here. you nailed it. they're checking the box, trying to appease the radical left. they're doing it in a way that endangers israeli civilians. they're doing it in a way that winds up putting u.s. funding both sides of this war. u.s. taxpayers wind up funding both sides of this war when the administration behaves in this manner. larry: another hagerty, you were yourself a fine diplomat. you were our ambassador to japan for several years. what, how long is a humanitarian pause versus how long is a cease-fire? now i know we're playing semantics here but i'm just, i just want to let these good folks in the biden administration know that we see through this, okay? this is politicking. they are politicking for the
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left but the fact of the matter is the difference between a cease-fire and a pause is a humanitarian pause -- >> indistinguishable. larry: is it an hour, a day, a week, a month? really, and what is wrong with bibi netanyahu's idea that israel will supply the humanitarian aid to palestinian civilians? what's wrong with that idea? >> larry i said all along we should be stepping back, giving israel the headroom and support to do what it knows how to do rather than trying to call the shots from the halls here in washington. what we're doing allowing domestic politics to creep into it. that is shaping the response here as you aptly called out. you're exactly right. let israelis decide how to best handle this on the ground. they know the threat that is approximate to them. this is huge danger to israeli security. i don't want to see u.s. taxpayers on the hook funding both sides of this war. larry: that should to both sides of this war. good point. senator hagerty, how, i don't want to get into too the weeds on the appropriation bills but
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there's a big disagreement obviously between speaker johnson and majority leader schumer and i guess minority leader mitch mcconnell. how do you think this is going to play out? >> i heard the speaker earlier on the segment there is bipartisan support right now for israel. the need for this is urgent. i agree with him. put it on the floor. vote on the house this week. get it over here. let's deal with it. handle things in order. i'm certainly in alignment with what the speaker is talking about doing. what the biden administration sent over in terms of a supplemental is full of everything including the kitchen sink this is very typical. you know the washington play here, larry. it is not going to work as it is structured right now. focus on what will work, israel peace right now will pass. larry: amen to that. just the last point, i think we need a full-throated discussion of ukraine. exit strategies, diplomatic
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initiatives, peace strategies and the like, okay? and i also think by the way the border security stuff in the biden proposal doesn't look like border security to me. it looks like border, open border enhancement to me. >> exactly right. larry: give you last word. >> you're precisely right. on the border piece it is not border security, larry. it is more funds to process people more rapidly into our country. it is egregious. they're funding the worst policy we've ever seen. the greatest national security crisis that happened in our nation. they want to accelerate the process with additional funding this is dead on arrival this is not the right approach. we need to change the policy at border. go back to work in the trump administration. we're not there at all with what the biden administration proposed in this bill. larry: good for you, senator. by the way senator mcconnell said the border piece needs work. there is that. he is aware of that. >> that's an understatement. larry: mr. bill hagerty, thank
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you, great senator from state of tennessee. here on "kudlow" we'll talk about the global war on the jews. this is a brutal, brutal story. we'll talk about it with former u.s. ambassador to israel, mr. david friedman who helped negotiate the "abraham accords." look at "the wall street journal" editorial today on this, folks. take a look at walter russell mead's editorial on this, folks. the global war on the jews, my goodness. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪ overactive bladder? i've been there. i also used to plan my days around finding a bathroom, in fear of an embarrassing bladder accident. you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy,
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♪. larry: all right, very important, "the wall street journal" editorial reads today, the global war on the jews, anti-semitism surges even in the west, which shows why israel plus continue to exist. also in the journal today, my friend, walter russell mead writes, anti-semitism poisons america, attacks on jews are also attacks on our ideals of liberalism and pluralism. this anti-semitism story that is running rampant on our campuses gotten completely out of hand and it is a key story. joining us former ambassador david friedman. he was the american ambassador to israel during the trump administration. david, welcome back to the show.
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i don't think any of us have seen anything like this in terms of anti-semitism in our lifetime. now maybe that's too general. maybe some people go all the way back to world war ii but the reality is, this is an awful, awful thing that's happening and i'm concerned that the leadership doesn't exist right now in washington to stop it from happening, david friedman. what do you think about this? please weigh in for us. >> well, thanks, larry, for having me. look christopher wray head of the fbi today testified that anti-semitism in america is at historical levels. for jews to have anti-semitism at historical levels is saying. that is historically bad. when ways in the administration i dealt with this issue as well. i was yelling from the rooftops that we have to watch anti-semitism on the left, you know. everybody said, what are you talking about, anti-semitism is
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always on the right, nazis, neo-nazis, i'm not making excuses for them. they're horrible, vial people but you know who they are, right. but you know who they are. they don't have a lot of money. they don't have a lot of funding. they're not making policy arguments. they're just spewing hatred. they're easy to identify. anti-semitism on the left is much, much more dangerous. they have a lot of money behind them. they hide behind this anti-israel rhetoric and they're deeply entrenched within academia. all the future leaders of our country to learning to hate israel and to hate jews at the same time. you can't get tenure at an american university if you're pro-israel. i mean there is an absolute consensus among professors in academia that israel is always to blame. you know, all these snowflakeses at these universities that are arguing for safe spaces, let's not trigger anybody, they're not having any problem triggering jews right now.
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they're running around campuses, trigger something a mild word. they're coming out saying that jews should be thrown off campus or worse. cornell, people are threatening to kill them. i have to tell you, there has been, there are many, many, many palestinians right now who have entrenched themselves in american universities. i can tell you at columbia where i went to school the number of grad students, the number of teaching assistants who are deeply on the palestinian side is growing and growing. you know i got to tell you, i doubt when they applied for their student visas that they disclosed the fact they support hamas. larry: i'm sure that's right. david, hang on one second. i want to play a quick quote from our friend jared kushner, also a key assistant to president trump in the "abraham accords." here is jared. hang on a second. >> one of the ironies is that an american jew you're safer in saudi arabia right now than you are on a college campus like columbia university.
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larry: jared those are tough words. my suspicion is right. david friedman it is rich schools, elite schools, ivy league schools, we went to them, ucal berkeley. there is one out there, hold on a second, no i will leave that for senator blackburn later in the show but it is the elite schools, the wealthy schools, the schools with the biggest endowments seem to have the weakest leadership and the most crazy faculty and kids. why is this? what is wrong? it is a sickness. >> i think this is, a lot of this is where their funding comes from. i think a lot of this, this inherent bias, look i went to columbia. i went there in the 1970s. we were having these debates in the 1970s but here is what's different. in the 1970s we would have robust debates about israel. i found the debates offensive idealogically but i never felt threatened. i never thought anyone would
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haul off and punch me that is it what is different today. this has gotten out of hand. the inmates are literally running the asylum. larry: in "the wall street journal" editorial today, anti-defamation league report as 388% increase in anti-semitic incidents from october 7th to 23rd compared with the same period a year ago. 312 incidents the adl recorded. including a car carrying individuals with palestinian flags allegedly switching towards a jewish family and several alleged assaults by pro-palestinian protesters. david, also, making a bad story worse, this is a global phenomenon. "the wall street journal" cites germany and you know we've had discussions, of course what happened, stormtroopers in the russian airport i guess it was going after jews but we have had discussions down throughout the years, european businesses seem to have this idea, unspoken
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perhaps, that they don't want to do business with the state of israel, even though israel is a prosperous economy, even though israel, basically underneath net has been a capitalist economy, high-tech economy. it will be a natural gas economy god willing. you know what i mean? this has not been right this second. this has been moving in the wrong direction for years. >> it has been, look, here at home, larry, this past year the biden administration to much fanfare came out with this anti-semitism report and a lot of people, including a lot of jewish people were clapping an applauding but they left out one thing. they left out any program to combat anti-semitism in the form of anti-zionism on college campuses. they didn't address that at all, right? those are a lot, that is a lot of their base. larry: yes, sir. >> that is where we're seeing the real risk right now. that is where the danger lies. larry: what will happen the tax-free status of these fancy colleges and universities and
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the tax-free status of their endowments will go down the drain among other things. that may be just a small piece but people are getting fed up with this. anyway, ambassador david friedman as always, sir, thanks for helping us out. all right, folks coming up here on "kudlow," joe biden's response to iran's attacks on u.s. military assets was, shall we say, less than ferocious? we need deterrents, not appeasement. general jack keane is going to weigh in. now the arab nation, this is interesting this is a positive story, the arab nations want to take out hamas just as much as we do. they're not saying it publicly but they are saying it privately. they don't like iran and their terrorists colleagues anymore than we do. benny avny wrote this in "the new york sun" today. he is veteran foreign policy reporter. will tell us all about it on
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"kudlow." even the arabs don't like iran and hamas is doing. i'm kudlow. we should end anti-anti-semitism wherever it exists ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the
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♪. larry: welcome back, folks. let's continue our war coverage. go to straight to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson live in tel aviv. lucas, good evening, what you got for us? >> reporter: larry, israeli forces suffered their first casualties since they first moved into the gaza strip late friday night. commander officer of the southern command responsible for the gaza operation spoke to his forces over the radio earlier. >> translator: we are striking hamas and the terrorist organizations in the gaza strip. we have one goal, victory, no matter how long or how hard the fighting will be, there is no other outcome than victory. >> reporter: two 20-year-old staff sergeants from the idf
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brigades reconnaissance unit were killed battling hamas today in the gaza strip. two other soldiers were seriously wounded. israeli forces launched a strike own a refugee camp killing a senior hamas leader and 50 terrorists conducting training. more than 50 civilians were killed says hamas be, 150 were wounded. they have launched airstrikes in gaza, west bank, lebanon,,, sir iran want backed forces launch a ballistic missile over 1000 miles away. it was shot down by israel's arrow system. this system is similar to the u.s. army's patriot defense system. over the skies of tel aviv tonight we have had three rocket barrages all intercepted safely by the iron dome system. larry: lucas, yemen houthis? >> reporter: that's right. they control yemen right now.
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they have long-range ballistic miss tills lawned one thousand miles away. today the houthis declared war on israel. it is debatable the houthis count as representing all of yemen. first time a arab country declared war on israel since 1973, larry. larry: lucas tomlinson thank you for your reports. be safe. we have retired general jack keane, institute study of war, fox news senior military analyst, medal of freedom recipient. welcome back, general keane. before we begin, let me play from this morning's senate hearing. here is general lloyd austin. >> our personnel have come under attack in recent days by iranian-backed militia groups and these attacks must stop. at the president's direction, the u.s. forces conducted precision self-defense strikes on eastern syria used by iran's
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irgc and its affiliates. if iranian backed groups continue to attack u.s. forces we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people. larry: all right, without impugning general austin, former four-star general, that is not my intent here but to talk about strategy and so forth, that was an underwhelming attack. we threw some missiles at an unmanned ammo base in syria. meanwhile the irgc, islamic republic's command-and-control center went untouched in iraq. their training center went untouched in iraq. i'm just, i'm counting, general keane, i'm counting 27 now, 27 attacks on u.s. military assets in the middle east and i don't see much of a response at all, sir. >> no, you're absolutely right. what's happening here is iran's strategic objectives are to dominate and control the
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middle east and also control the flow of oil out of the persian gulf and to accomplish that, larry, they have got two specific objectives. one is to drive the united states out of the middle east and they have been about that ever since they blew up our marine barracks in '83 and the lebanon embassy and the kuwait embassy and khobar towers in the '90s. that has been a major objective of theirs and that is what is behind these attacks. focused on syria and iraq on our bases. the second objective they have to accomplish their overall domination goal is to destroy the state of israel. these are both related to each other. the administration is attempting to separate them. you cannot separate them. these are iran's strategic objectives. what is actually happening here, they have accelerated their attacks because of hamas's penetration of israel and the actual blow that has been to the
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israelis. they see opportunity here. iran is behind all of this strategy. you just mentioned on the show luke tomlinson and houthis getting involved in this. they don't pull that trigger with ballistic missiles firing at israel without iran telling them to do so. all related to the iranians. so if you have a problem like this, shooting at our bases, you have got to get their attention. the trump administration went through an involvement in this. the first time assad violated the chemical attack in syria, used chemical weapons, the trump administration and secretary mattis responded. i thought it was a weak response, measured, deliberate, the words that were used. we predicted on fox that assad would attack again. he did. the second response was three nations bombing the heck out of assad's capabilities. that was it and it shut him down. so the administration learned something. they were they went on and took downcast seem soleimani, shut
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just about everything down as a result of that. this administration has to pay attention to this iranian behavior. you have got to hammer these guys now. what am i talking about? take away, not just send a message but takes away their capabilities. the capabilities are on the table. we know where this is, their command-and-control, they have multiple bases about 10 of them in syria and iraq. take away their command-and-control, their rockets, missiles, drones, logistical infrastructure. we have the capability to do that. you begin to shut down even the ability for them to do it, given they still have the will. and then if that doesn't get their attention and they continue to do it you tell them listen, you have a training center in iran that where all of these proxies go to train. larry: right. >> 500, listen to this larry, 500 hamas were there in september training. we're going to take that training center down. tell them that. larry: yes. >> listen if that doesn't work,
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your headquarters for the irgc is in iran. we'll going to take that down. for those, i heard a commentator today say on fox, listen we shouldn't do anything against iran directly because that will just arouse the people against the united states, that is not true. all the tough sanctions that trump imposed on iran and put them in the tank economically the people blamed the regime for that. why? because they are spending all the money on these proxy wars. they hold up signs saying stop the proxy wars. larry: right. >> so if we hit them in iran because, they won't even respond to what we're doing in iraq and syria, taking the capability away they will not blame the night for that. they're going to put the signs up again in the streets saying stop the proxy wars. larry: that's it. >> that is where we are and we've got to have some spine here, larry. larry: yes, sir. that's where precision bombing, precision bombing for the command-and-control in iraq, precision bombing for the
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training center in iran and by the way, general keane, we got to go, stop a ship. i keep saying this night after night after night, stop them from selling oil to china. stop them from selling drones to russia. interdict, impound. if you see a false flag you know darn well it is an iranian snip. interdiction and impoundment stop a ship. send a message. i'll all for it, general keane. i'm sorry i don't have another half hour. i got to go. >> go ahead. larry: i'm sorry, sir, i got to get moving on but thank you for your input. thank you for everything as always. folks moving right along, joining us benny avni for ineditor at "new york sun." you wrote in "the new york sun," this is an important article. in the arab world many want israel to finish off hamas. they may not be saying it publicly but you're suggesting privately particularly those working on the "abraham accords."
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can you tell us some more? you have a very important article. i cited you this morning on stu sarni's show and here we are again. >> well, as jack keane said a lot of what is going on in the middle east is a competition between the shall we call them pro-american and pro-western arabs and iran and its proxies, that missile that was shot today by the houthis. remember, the saudis fought the houthis for the last eight years and the houthis hit them with everything they had. that was pretty, you know, so you know which side saudi arabia is at. halid bin salman, the prince's brother, is in washington today. what i hear he told the
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white house after the war is over he is still interested in continuing the negotiations over a peace treaty with israel. so there is a whole bunch of arabs, the abraham accord participants, others that are not participating in the "abraham accords" yet, and most importantly saudi arabia just don't want iran and its proxies to be that strong and the war in gaza, the war against hamas is very important for them because unless israel manages to do what it wants to do which is end hamas's ability to control gaza and more importantly as far as israel is concerned to be able to threaten israel again, as long as israel doesn't appear as the big winner in that war, they're in trouble too, the arabs. nobody likes hamas, when i say
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nobody, egypt, hamas is an offshoot of the muslim brotherhood which -- larry: nobody likes the muslim brotherhood. egypt doesn't like them and the saudis don't like them. that's a key point in your article. >> right. larry: that is what this is all -- nobody wants -- it is all about iran. iran is a power center that the saudis don't want. isn't that the bottom line here? >> yeah. that is the bottom line and the bottom line is, look, the palestinians absolutely rise a lot of tensions, passion in the arab streets and arab demonstrators that are going to flood the streets the more this war carries on, but, they know that it's not, it's no longer their, i was talking recent hi with a friend of mine -- larry: i got to jump benny. i'm sorry. >> used to visit --
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larry: we'll, no, i'm sorry, we're always short of time. covering the war. we will visit another time but your article today in the arab world, many want israel to finish off the hamas, "new york sun," benny avni, thanks ever so much. quick break on the other side, senator marsha blackburn, she will lambaste our colleges and universities, terrorist supporting anti-semites cannot exist in the united states. stick around, i'm "kudlow." senator blackburn up next. ♪.
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had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. larry: all right, dhs secretary mayorkas let the cat out of the bag today. said there is another 600,000 got-aways on tom of at least 2.4 million encounters. over three million people came into the country illegally. we bring in senator marsha blackburn of tennessee. senator blackburn, thank you, ma'am. over three million this year. the other years are out of control. here's the thing, i know this story is bad enough, you have commented on it many, many times, but, but, but, there are potential terrorists in here and also, senator blackburn, as you know, there are a lot of chinese nationalists coming into this country. this is one unprotected border. boy, there is part of the war.
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>> well, you're exactly right, larry, and you gave the numbers for 2023. so far in the month of october, which is the first year of fiscal year 24 we had 30 iranians, 35 pakistanis. we had over 100 russians and we had 2000 chinese that came into the country. now in 2023 we had people from 180 different countries. we have had 250 something known terrorists that have been apprehended at the southern border. we know there are thousands of people that are termed, a person of interest, that has, they have come in, they have claimed asylum. they have been released into the country. this is a really bad soup in the making and if you're looking at all of these individuals that --
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and we don't know about what is happening with the unknowns, the got-aways. the terrorists that might be in those numbers. larry: and, they want to put a billion dollars into it, for what? it won't stop anything. it won't close anything. it won't wall in anything. it won't remain in mexico anything. it won't time 42 anything. it is just more open borders. they will give a bill dollars in to expedite open borders. there is insanity here, senator. that is insanity. >> that is insanity. a billion dollars to help pay for expenses for the sanctuary cities who declared themselves sanctuary cities and now that people are coming there, after they illegally entered the country, then the sanctuary cities are saying we don't have room for you. we can't handle you. how about if we buy you a plane ticket to wherever else you want to go on the face of the earth? but we need you to get out of
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here. that is what is going on. you're right. there is one way to fix this. you start by building the wall. you go ahead and you put up that barrier, border patrol for 30 years said they need a barrier. there was one person that said i will give you a barrier, we will build a wall and that was president donald j. trump. that is exactly what we need to be doing. then where you cannot build a wall, they need better technology. they also need more agent and officers. we have to secure our border to know who is coming into this country because if we can't, you've got terrorists cells that are in this country. larry: yep. >> what if these people are coming in and going into those cells? what if these cartels and these terrorists and these ms-13 gangs are all linking up. larry: yep. >> this could be a very bad situation in the making. larry: i got to jump. senator blackburn. you're totally right. that is all i can say.
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