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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 3, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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we thank you for watching this special edition, elizabeth macdonald is up next my old "wall street journal" buddy. >> that was a great show, good stuff. thank you so much. we got the sound, hamas says it will exploit any cease-fire, the white house wants to destroy
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israel and more on sam bankman-fried found guilty in one of the worst bras in u.s. history. the biden campaign now is moving to distract voters from that by economics with the tax hunt maga voters. plus the smoke and mirrors and new jobs numbers and hunter biden command d.o.j. robe is x business partner tony bobulinski. house lawmakers signed the as a witness tampering in the impingement inquiry and the new york judge on a trump civil fraud case expanded a gag order two terms attorneys. trump says it will take the fight to the supreme court senators hammered biden judicial nominee for demanding the release of all prisoners in connecticut during the pandemic. also, democrat adam schiff once again misled america. i am elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ >> guys from a we can hear
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direct impact, a rocket slammed into the building that shows you right here. shrapnel tore right through. it's all over the side -- it cut through a car so if it can cut through the car, it certainly injured and killed people. >> has the courage and bravery of fox news trey yingst. fox news reporters doing a heckuva job. trey yingst reporting after i rocket exploded 100 feet from where he was reporting in southern israel. again, this is courage. joining us now, keith kellogg, he is a former national security advisor under mike pence, israeli special forces officer veteran aaron cohen, but get to this. general has blocked is threatening to escalate troops out of lebanon on the north and iran supported leader ayatollah that and address to i meant
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death to america is not just a slogan, is the country's official policy. what you make of this? >> thanks for having me. your is something i am concerned about. brian concerned about his lack of parity going forward when you hear comments made today or supreme leader same we need to be clear. i'm not sure where they are and we are not speaking with cla clarity, that should be clear. you harm an american, you kill on these attacks, he got to the top of the hit list. we proved that and we need to make sure they understand what they are to carrier strike groups in the mediterranean. about 48 ships total, we can reach out and touch anywhere, touch iran, lebanon we need to make it clear. i don't think we have done that and they keep making comments and they are right on the edge. if they do something dumb and we should respond strongly.
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i don't see that message coming across. >> what is the red line in the sand for the white house? >> i agree with you, let me tell you right now, israel doesn't have the time for the what if's, could be's and maybe spirit israel is a forward operating base. hamas in the south, has a lot in the north, i rocky terrorists groups firing away and they work we are facing right now. the fact is, israel will provide every piece of intelligence needed to be able to get the information to the americans to be able to preemptively strike about the meat of israel's survival. we did it in 67, israel is in the fight for survival right now, no time or what if, could be and maybe. what we seek to the general's., i will say it in arabic -- it
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means everybody is within israel's region the u.s. and israel are as connected and thick as ever and it time to start putting the teeth into iran. >> what aaron that, secretary of state antony blinken is in israel pushing for a pause for the release of hostages and humanitarian aid but hamas official is not backing down thank hamas will exploit any cease-fire or pause to continue to annihilate try to destroy israel. watch this. >> how can you ask for cease-fire how can you ask to stop aggression when you go on television in lebanon here last week and say you will continue your aggression? >> he's not going to stop the why is he asking for a pause?
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>> i think it's foolish, they should stop that. thought stop it. don't give anybody an opening and that's what they are doing. have a clear message will not tolerate this but every time you bring up cease-fire or pause, a pause is cease-fire, don't go there because it detracts from the overall message whether we support israel and we are going to go after these terrorists if they attack. i think it is foolish. admin@netanyahu smart saying we are not going to do this but i like about what the prime minister has done, almost in biblical terms, when he talked about ecclesiastics three in the old testament, there's a time for peace and a time for war. this is a time for war, past the clarity you need. >> speak to what the general just said so adequately. the white house is battling to rescue hostages out of gaza. the pentagon flying drones over gaza to help, trying to get humanitarian aid in so can they
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do that without cease-fire without a pause? >> like the general said, cease-fire is a very critical tactical mistake and what it will allow hamas to do is continue to bring supplies to the front line terrace buyers. two major tones from south to north and israel we have uncovered, we've been able to neutralize those tunnels as we have continued to surround gaza city. all the critical pieces and special operations forces clearing every one of those structures so they can't fire antitank round at elite infantry unit. there's a combat rhythm right now that cannot be broken and will not be broken and the reason why is because anybody questioning israel's strategic operations right now needs to understand the only cease-fire or break in fighting is when hamas is broken. >> lieutenant general, aaron cohen, thank you.
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thank you for your service to america, it's great to have you on. sam bankman-fried found guilty on all counts in one of the biggest financial frauds in the u.s. history. kelly o'grady has been breaking news right and left on this, live in new york city but the story. >> it's great to see you and we were live outside the courthouse when it happened last night. it took the jury only four hours to come to a verdict. for context, a jury took four days to convict varney made off and he confessed to take you inside the courtroom when the verdict was read, spf remains emotionless, his mom and dad were erect. his mom choking back tears, had her head in her hands, very hunched over. both of them have been under suspicion of being involved in these crimes. his dad was an employee at ftx at the time. what may have proved final mail was is decision to take the stand. this case ultimately came down
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who did the jury believe? spf or the free intersexual measures that pled guilty. i spoke to a number of prosecutors with artists and they say it comes to credibility and spf seems like two different people understand unable to recall details of project termination if the client. he was credible. next, the defense will likely file an appeal in racist wonderment behind large and potentially large trial that would seek campaign finance charges come into play the sentencing wrinkle the emerging the question is, he will he get? elizabeth holmes the 11th, does the judge choose to make an example because this is the first major crypto case? i take away, the jury came to a quick decision last night because whether it crypto or cash, they sent a message, fraud is fraught. >> what a story, human terrific, great journalism. joining us now, ceo of tango
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investments, nancy and fox news contributor, a great writer. liz peek. love having you on. anti, u.s. october jobs report less than expected among 150,000, 180k expected and now reports are coming in the biden campaign expects 2024 raised to be a close race and wants to distract american voters from economics rent attacks on market photos. what you think, nancy? >> i think the jury in the sam bankman-fried trial saw through rock unlike many in silicon valley and americans will see through it as well but we seen a job numbers moderate about 200,000 over the last three months 300,000 the beginning of the year, labor force participation rate take down the average hourly earnings are down inflation remains. i think that's what americans
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that marks to president biden on the economy. >> you and nancy are like human calculators, very smart, i can't keep up the both of you but the smoke and mirrors and government jobs report, we are tracking eight out of nine months, the initial jobs never reported sharply down. hundreds of thousands of jobs the race later on. you saw august and september job revisions down, 101,000 jobs actually. every month the government is creating 50000 new jobs, edward lawrence pointed that out. without government jobs, jobs numbers will be way worse. >> and this month was no exception. if you look at the government direct jobs and other jobs and probably connect to government funding, most of the increase came from not the private sector but the government and this is
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the big story, bidenomics economy is government spending, but what is driving the economy and growth and our deficit and interest rates higher. all the mess we are in is because democrat too much money and they are still spending too much money which is incredible to me but stephen's side effect, the economy is slowing down and we saw it in the job number. >> i love talking to you because when you listen to the white house, it's falling through alice in wonderland near and you are on the other side of the mirror. nancy, a record for 47 thousand americans are working two full-time jobs. the number of fully employed workers lunch 350,000, that's the biggest drop since the pandemic lockdowns. this signals a recessionary. >> larry kudlow developed the cpi, just food and energy and that the 6.6% so i think we have
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to realize once again when government intervenes and the fed is trying to fight a battle with one hand tied behind his back and the government has been spending and that has driven inflation numbers up as well as the economy and the peak of spending is going to be 2026 this is stuff already approved so one think we have to think about it who gets host, is the lower income cohorts and kudlow cpi proves that up with food and energy up 6.6%. it is a shame. >> wrap this up. >> the reason people aren't buying bidenomics and approval ratings on the economy are incredibly low, the price of everything that i buy, but you back seems to have gone up way more than 4% a happy talk from the administration. people start buying it.
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>> nancy tinker, liz peek. no one is fine. it's good to see you, have a good weekend. former d.o.j. attorney hans von spakovsky gop strategist ford o'connell and brad polumbo, we are excited. "wall street journal" columnist bill hooker fired up and ready to go. hunter biden today demanded justice department probe hunter former business partner tony bobulinski, he said he does have receipt on the biden family influence peddling plus senator tom cotton on how to pay israel, to cause endowments after anti- israel endowments. fearless journalist hilary vaughn getting house democrats on the record dissembling on tape why they voted against a resolution to condemn anti-semitic protests at colleges. it's all coming up. stay right there. ♪
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>> i ask you, why couldn't you condemn anti-semitism? >> i did, i do everyday. >> why didn't you vote for the bill met i do everyday. >> why didn't you vote for the resolution to condemn anti-semitism? >> i didn't agree with the resolution. ♪
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have back "wall street journal" columnist, former chief speechwriter for george w. bush, bill mcgurn. did you see this late breaking news, hunter biden now demanding the u.s. attorney in d.c. matthew grace investigates hunter's former business partner tony bobulinski claiming tony bobulinski make statements about the biden family influence penalty but he has a receipt, what do you think? >> i think it is sideshow. since this came up from the biden's happen trying to change the topic every time. my probably kim strassel did a great piece today and point out movie the goalpost. during the election in 2020, especially during debates, joe biden flat out lied about hunter, he said he knew nothing about his sons dealings wasn't involved, they got not a dime
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from china and repeated the falsehood by 51 intelligence officers that the laptop was russian disinformation and he did that to get through the debates. one thing joe biden and hunter biden no is the president look at this unless they have to. it is stunning to me the actual influence, the scale of hunter's business. two, how many in the press will avert? the contradictions between the reality, joe said deserves a follow-up but it's like see no evil, speak no evil in the press corps. >> house oversight, gop says this is witness tampering in the biden impeachment what they are getting ready to ramp up subpoenas soon for the biden family. speaker johnson says the
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impeachment vote comes soon. the timing of the bill comes after house oversight showed $40000 check, a check paid to joe biden which says was biden's 10% cut for the big guy tony bobulinski already talked about. hunter biden joe biden sideshows repayment of loans, what you make of this amy bobulinski retired naval officer, hunter biden's eagle team saying he's just doing this to boost his own self-worth by maligning hunter biden, really? >> i think it is an example of the best defense, good offense, they are trying to discredit, create a distraction but hunter's chest really questions answered. the only time he answered truthfully was in court when he was asked to confirm, did you get money from china? he said yes contradicting his father. the influence peddling.
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i am of the view joe biden didn't get done, this was corruption enabled and i think we still have a lot of ques questions. >> there dissembling. house gop leaders are saying the biden family make $24 million cashing in on presidential job. you wonder what then president obama knew about all of this. involved hunter biden, subpoena james biden, there nine family members who got payment from the biden families visit overseas. we still don't know what exactly they were selling and why would joe biden's demanding payments? >> one reason we have had to wait so long as they ignore subpoenas up until now but impeachment subpoenas have greater power than regular subpoenas because regular
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subpoenas have to be tethered to a legislative purpose. that's not the case with impeachment subpoenas. while i think the american people really need to know is the truth, what a story it. i'm not interested by the hunter goes to jail or biden is impeached, i want to know what happened and why. so far, the white house and justice department, everyone involved seems to not cooperate or throw people off the trail. the journal but the special counsel decided we said that was likely to try to hide it even further. i think they have one that. >> thank you for joining us, have a great weekend. >> have a good weekend. >> , justice department attorney hans von spakovsky, he is here and ready to go. the judge in the $250 million trial against former president
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trump and his family and the trump organization now wants to gag order on trump's attorneys. lawyers are now talking mistrial. trump is indicating he will take a fight over these gag orders only to the supreme court. we are taking this on on "the evening edit" next. ♪
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this news, new york judge of the new york civil fraud trial
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against former president trump, his family and business expanded is gag order to trump's attorneys we got fox news nate foy live outside the courthouse new york with more on this $250 million civil fraud trial. good to see you. >> good to see you today justice arthur expanded the partial gag order to include attorney doctor one of former president trump lawyers made a comment about the judge's principal law clerk. he believes they appear biased well passing notes to each other during testimonies. under this expanded gag order former president trump as well as any lawyer participating in the trial will not be able to public statements in or out of courtroom about communications between the judge and staff. the judge maintains unfettered right to consult his clerk. eric trump backup testimony today and told the court he placed a small -- raising
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properties of the organization but said it was never part of his daily? responsible this. while leaving, eric criticized new york attorney general letitia james and said she only attend the trial in person, one high-profile witnesses like members of a trump, take the stand. she does not for political gain and the trial is embarrassing our country on the world stage. >> she's come after my father ruthlessly. everyday trump is in the court, she shows up because it's her present moment. it's collateral damage. because if you can line up as many times as you can, she is it important an extra couple of days and fundraising e-mails everyday toward donor facing in going after trump. >> former president trump posted on truth social broke our country is under the highest level of threat ever yet the d.o.j. and fbi to go after donald trump and his family. sad. unlike her brothers, ivanka trump is never in the trial but
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she will be a witness. she denied her request to avoid taking the stand so she will testify wednesday of next week but before that, on monday former president donald trump himself will take the stand. >> always great, thank you so much, have a great weekend. joining us now, former justice department attorney on von spakovsky. your reaction to this gag order, a mistrial. >> i tell you, the judge and manhattan, a first-year law student constitutional law, he doesn't seem to understand the first amendment. the quote you gave, he said he had unfettered right to speak to his law clerk. the attorneys in this case and donald trump have an unfettered right under the first amendment to criticize the judge and attorney general and the fact
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that the judge is violating their first amendment rights is shocking. even liberal constitutional scholars, urban, the dean of berkeley law school, aclu and liberals are coming out saying these are violated the first amendment. >> breaking news from a federal appeals court temporarily put a stay and freeze on the gag order in the 2020 federal election case. a freeze on trump gag order, what do you make of fox news? >> that's exactly what they should do. the gag order and the federal case and the district of columbia do, they are also the federal judge trying to prevent donald trump and lawyers from speaking, she can't do the under the first amendment and it's unfortunate the appeals court stepan to stop that.
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>> there was a big crowd in houston to see president trump, but will the take on that. eric and donald trump jr. getting pushback for trying to they they know nothing about the financial statements saying they are blaming accountants, that's what accountants are saying. the former president is getting pushback were crawling january 6 writers quote hostages. many it with long prison sentences what you make of this? former president indicated he will take his fight over gag orders all the way to the supreme court, possibly for the two weeks saying he might do that if he lost of the appeals level but now the federal appeals court an emergency state and gag order. do think he should still take the fight to the supreme court? >> no. he got what he needed from the appeals court. if the justice department tries to appeal it, then yes, he should fight it up the supreme court but this is exactly the
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appeals court should have done and hopefully that will finally teach a lesson to the federal judge in the d.c. case she can't violate the first amendment right of defendants. >> okay, hans von spakovsky, thank you for breaking this news. this story, look who's back. california democrat senator hopeful adam schiff is in hot water for misleading voters this time it's not about trump russia for which he was censored. also former federal prosecutor fred, gop senators really going after biden's judicial nominee for u.s. district court in connecticut for writing a letter she cosigned about yes, letting all prisoners out of connecticut prisons during the pandemic. why did she write a letter? coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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♪ on y
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the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender. - call the number on your screen. from a personal prosecutor, it's good to see you again. thanks for coming on the show, senator ted cruz and doctor biden's nominee to the u.s. district court in connecticut, sarah russell, she hid the fact that cosigned a controversial letter in march 2020 urging the governor of connecticut to let anyone out of business during the pandemic. predicable wife which she not disclose the letter? not even sign it just three years ago, what you think? mckay watched the testimony and found it incredulous best. you can't make this stuff up.
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they seem to take it as a challenge. she should have turned the letter over and i don't know where the senator's office was from connecticut who put her name of to the white house for appointment. it should happen i watched her testimony say i haven't seen the letter, it sounded elusive, evasive and condescending. this is a woman we are trying to put on the district court before appearing countless times and as a prosecutor would present a case and it was there job and i think the senators asked the right question which is if you are a judge and what you think of our criminal justice system and prisons in this country, how can you in good conscience send anyone to prison? this regardless, she's not going to. >> i love it. [laughter] here is the thing.
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it is she talking about letting out murderers and rapists during the pandemic, letting them out of prison? let's watch this. >> here is your signature back here. why didn't you turn this over to us when you were asked to submit documents? mckay made every effort to search for everything i have ever signed. that's not a letter i remember but i will certainly take a look at that. >> we found it a search on the internet and you are talking once again about. the global covid-19 pandemic is growing in the sharper leaf on our system. the need for sustained action to shrink it. you sound like the district attorney and san francisco. if you believe that, how you sent anybody to jail?
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>> all people means murderers. it means serial rapists, child molesters. do you think it is remotely reasonable to call upon the governor to release every murder in the state of connecticut prior to conviction to essentially eliminate pretrial incarceration? >> i think senator releases should be consistent with public safety. >> the letter doesn't say that. >> the letter doesn't say that. she doesn't remember calling for the release of rapists, murderers, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, she doesn't remember any of that? are we supposed to believe -- how did biden put this nominee up? >> they said it's not a rhetorical question. a u.s. senator past her name onto the white house, laptop she got to where she was. it is one of two things, it's either saying a statement every
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detain irrespective of the crime in prison and thereby threatening health and safety of the citizens in connecticut is something she would say as a matter of course without giving it a second thought is even more dangerous and more damaging more damage than her saying i don't remember which i also think is equally unknown so as i said earlier, this isn't some sloppy cute little dog thing, it's a big giant tiger looked at her quite frankly, should have. >> federal district court -- she is not fit to be a judge. go ahead. >> you are nominated for life, talk to. other than impeachment in the late 80s, she's there now until the invention of time travel and the citizens of connecticut deserve better than that but you are seeing this from the biden administration.
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>> you are terrific, love having you on. he's ready to go, fired up, ford o'connell, democrat adam schiff again misleading voters but it's not about trump russia. he was already censored for that. he's running for the senate in california but lives in maryland. first, let's check in with our panel jackie deangelis and forth dagen and sean duffy, let's see what's coming up. >> joe biden finally decided to do something about the work but not closing the border, he's shipping american migrants to other countries. we have charlie hurt and sarah carter on the. >> alex epstein talking about the president postponing another offshore oil lease why are we using sanctions on venezuela and iran? also, john carney is here to talk about president obama and his inclusive capitalism initiative. can't miss it. stay with us. ♪
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he's been living in maryland for two decades. it's based on reports based on his mortgage records, how is likely to play with california voters plus is unclear they even knew about this. >> there pubic politics in the congress job shift. disqualifies him for running the senate but it does not. what it does allow is katie porter and barbara week to have great campaign democratic primary and they should hit him over the head for not banning california while trying to represent california mcadam primary residence through the details, apparently march 3, 0400 square-foot home based in a ritzy section in montgomery county maryland and maintains a tiny little 650 square-foot conduit bank california is another primary residence and takes home owners tax exemption in that laney that is his primary residence because it cuts by seven grand when he's been living in maryland. >> there is no question california residents know everything about adam schiff and
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the fact that is not living in california but under article one united states senator, he only had to be 30 years of age, u.s. citizen for nine years and a resident on the day of the election. anything other than that, out of shift would be from louisiana back is up against katie porter and representative barbara lee. congress voted to center congressman schiff earlier this year for repeatedly misleading america about trump russia. by the way, senator dianne feinstein replacement beutler lives in maryland rather than california. she was registered to vote in maryland last year, what is going on? >> gavin newsom is essentially taking orders about what is going to try to do. if i am barbara lee or katie porter, i went back them over the head for this but
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unfortunately i don't think that will be the case, i do think adam schiff will win the seat and the reason is because nancy pelosi putting her finger on the gail. >> this report coming in from a separate story. democrats rightly put internal house rules that gives lawmakers access to an optional $34000 annual subsidy at taxpayer expense to pay for washington d.c. housing and meal expenses, apparently something like one 13th democrats and 100 for republican took a combined $1.4 million from taxpayers during the first half of this year, what you think of this story? >> i think it is insane. we have inflation driving utilities, gas, rent, everything you need 20% higher somehow members of congress, the people who control, the people who can rain and joe biden's policies getting a subsidy, under nancy pelosi that makes it so they
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don't feel america's price paid, this is why no one is trying to rein in guidance inflation on capitol hill because they don't feel it. >> at least reports 17 lena democrats like katie porter gupta money and house minority, catherine park. they -- catherine park has 13 and a half million dollars but she took the subsidies, too. it was passed after alexandria cortez and others complained salaries insufficient to maintain a home in the districts of taxpayers have to put their home expenses in d.c.? >> that's exactly what happened, this is what happened under nancy pelosi when this was passed and that is the whole thing. when you look at the squat, aoc and democrats, they just want to spend your money on themselves, they are not interested in making america a better place. >> we appreciate your. coming up, senator tom cotton
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says he is a brilliant way to pay for a two israel congress is fighting about tax college endowments. she endowments are tax-free the size of hedge funds. there anti- israel, anti-semitic protests. taken on next with brad polumbo. ♪ >> atul think it's possible for public pressure to change a deeply rooted anti- jewish client that exists in the university and therefore translated to flagship newspaper. one that i will note is a pipeline to other major outlets, the new york times, washington post. ♪
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elizabeth: we welcome for the first time to the show from the foundation for economic education, brad mom e bow. it's good to have you on. we wanted you on this story. okay, the president, he's threatening to veto this new house aid package, $14.3 billion for israel. the house wants to pay for if it with cuts to irs funding, but what do you think of senator tom cotton saying, you know what? i know how to pay for it, charge a 6% tax on on the endowments for the top u.s. universities. what do you say to this idea? >> well, it's an a idea, and they're going to have to come up with an idea because revoke
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ising irs funding might not actually cut it if it leads to lower revenue, which it might, many which case it wouldn't be much of an offset at all. the trouble you run into with tom cotton's idea is before you could tax endowments, you'd have to revoke universities' tax-exempt status, and in order to do that, if you did that in response to the things that are being said on college campuses right now, you know, the pro-hamas demonstrations, if the congress were to come together and target them and revoke their status, hay might end -- hay might end up with a first amendment lawsuit on their hand- elizabeth: wait a second. >> it would also open up the door for them to go after conservative universities. you think of liberty university, you think of hillsdale -- elizabeth: i understand, but here's the thing, a lot of people are angry about, you know, by the way, 16 universities are already being sued for alleged price fixing and colluding to unfairly, you
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know, limit student financial aid including columbia, university of pennsylvania. it looks like cornell. they've been living off the taxpayers' nickel tax-free for generations. open the book says harvard and u-penn, the scene of many student protests, they get more than a billion dollars a year in tax breaks and federal contracts. i mean, this is stretching the tax code's definition of a public chair i the. >> oh, absolutely. elizabeth:9 isn't it time for congress to redefine them as profit-making entities, not the hotel business model that they're patterned after? >> well, you certainly could do that across the board, and maybe that's something they should consider, revoking these federal grants. a lot of them have backfired and led to tuition inflation and all sorts of largess on campus. i think it's a dangerous path to go down to the target specific universities. elizabeth: understood. >> because we're not always going to be in power, and i don't really want hah keep --
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hakeem jeffries or joe biden cracking down on particular universities. so i always try to hi of what will happen when the shoe's on the other point. elizabeth: that's a fair point. >> i completely agree these colleges are out of control, and parents should be reconsidering sending their kids. because we can respond as market participants as well. stop sending our kids to these universities where they're surrounded by some of the most hateful and extreme ideologies. that's become incredibly clear in recent weeks. elizabeth: good stuff. brad with, come back soon. have a good weekend. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. thank you so much for sticking with us this week, we're going to continue to bring you the hard-hitting headlines and analysis. now it's time for the the hit show "the bottom line," jackie deangelis in for dagen mcdowell, and sean duffy coming up. jackie: thank you so much, e-mac. great show as always. have a wonderful weekend. ♪


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