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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 6, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> even in super shoes. >> i cannot go 13 miles per hour for two straight hours. >> i love the promise and opportunity that new york city marathon represents. unfortunately we have so much problems and worries over terrorist attacks is not so calming anymore. the market were 30 minutes away from the opening bell you have a market that lost some of its momentum as we've been on the air the dow jones industrial ups have a place nasdaq up five, s&p up five, your thoughts. >> will tell you what i'm hoping for a santa claus rally. i want the market to continue to grind higher but some of the data is pointing in the opposite direction. >> the market correlates incredibly well with holiday spending. if it's up to be a good retail season. stuart: mark tepper, liz peek, good to see you both. "varney & company" picks it up. stuart: good morning, everyone. politics, the work, the markets,
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major developments as we start the new week. i'll start with politics because the bombshell the new york times dropped on saturday morning will likely shake up the 2024 election. the poll shows donald trump leading president biden and five battleground states in the support among young people, blacks and hispanics is tum tumbling. the democrats are in a panic they know with polling like this the biden harris team can't win. the dilemma is how to get them out. the war fox trey yingst gaza city has been surrounded 450 targets were hit by israel in the last 24 hours, american nuclear submarine. 148 tomahawk missiles has arrived in the area. secretary of state anthony blinken has been a shuffle diplomacy focusing on the hostages and preventing a wider work, at home a new low for congresswoman rashida tlaib she has produced a pro-hamas video which includes in bold letters, joe biden supported the genocide
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of the palestinian people,". to the markets 5% gain for the major averages last week that was a good week for stocks a little more ganey this week, that what ten, nasdaq close to 30 that is premarket, interest-rate creeping higher, the tenure coming in at 461. the two-year slightly lower than that at 489. it is 489 on the two-year right now. as for bitcoin, modest rally, $35000 and a little bit of change on bitcoin. gas still coming down, 3.41. diesel $4.40. on the show failure on the wind industry, projects canceled, cost out-of-control, but is rejecting biden's green new deal, former president obama popping up everywhere these d days. is he pushing michelle to
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replace joe biden, that is a speculation, just saying. monday november 6, 2023, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: we will start with the war in israel, prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects calls for a cease-fire, good morning. >> benjamin netanyahu says no cease-fire until all to a 42 hostages are returned, where are they likely in the tunnels meaning they haven't seen the light of day in a month, meanwhile gaza city is encircled in israel enforces a they could enter today, that's when they go block by block and into the tunnels to destroy hamas. the u.s. navy has dispatched a nuclear powered submarine to the region. secretary estate anthony blinken met with palestinian and iraqi leaders over the weekend he is there today said he did two fold message. the u.s. will defend our allies against iranian and civilian
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casualties should be minimized as number two. to that point a far right israeli government minister was suspended after he said new king gaza was a possibility. benjamin netanyahu says israel will defend his self but we act in accordance with the rules of war separating themselves from the terrorist. stuart: and suspend that. let's get the politics here at home. a stunning new poll that biden is in real trouble trump beats him in five key battleground states. cnn are really sounding the alarm. >> in all candor this has to be a five alarm fire in the white house. >> if you look at the trend in 2011 president obama was not in good shape, that has been a trend. we were all thinking hilary clinton is going to be president there is clearly more going on under the surface that this poll does not tell us.
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understanding not just the weapons the wife read the second thing i hope it is an alarm for the campaign. stuart: gentlemen on the right-hand side of the screen, charlie hurt is with me right now. how can biden remained the candidate after polling like this and all the gossip that they're trying to get him out. >> i don't understand how it's possible but the window is quickly closing and we talked about this the other week. if they don't get their act together before the end of the year and figure out an alternative, they're going to be stuck with the guy that they got because once you start having primaries underway is going to be impossible to go with anyone other than him or his vice president but if you go back three years ago to the 2020 primary and you have a party that is defined themselves as identity politics where
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everything is about race and gender in all the division and they divide the voters into categories and come up with candidates that are representing each one and then they want up with an 80-year-old white guy as their nominee it is absurd but i think it papers over the real division that they have in this poll is shocking later out in the open talking about it, people like the new york times who support the democrat party. this is the party that the democrats have rocked. what were seen in the streets right now yet traditional supporters who support the state of israel fighting with the free palestine rashida tlaib accusing the white house of having blood on their hands. it is just absurd but this is what you wind up with when you build a party like this and is not a sustainable long-term
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party. >> former president obama made comments on the israel hamas war over the weekend. roll the tape please. >> what hamas did was terrific and there is no justification for it and what is also true his occupation and what is happening to palestinians is unbearable. >> if you want to solve the problem then you have to take in the whole truth and then you have to admit nobody's hands are clean all of us are complicit to some degree. stuart: charlie are obama's hands entirely clean, why is he speaking out now? >> i am so glad that president obama is admitting he has blood on his hands. nobody has more blood on his
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hands than barack obama. when he handed it over to iran and iran pays for terrorism and gave them billions of dollars he has blood on his hands. i'm so glad he admits it. it's sad he did not realize before he did all this to create the catastrophe in this particularly obama that he would only admit he has blood on his hands and at the same time claiming you have blood on your hands as well, speak for yourself but the most and port question is why is he doing it now, i don't know why he's doing it now but nothing obama does is unrelated to politics, he's either doing it because he thinks that it helps the democrat party right now or he's doing it because he's afraid that this division that we see in the streets right now is hurting the democrat party and he needs to step in and paper
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over together again. if that is the case then democrats are in bigger trouble. stuart: or he's promoting michelle to step in and replace joe biden. that is speculation on my part. >> i don't think it's going to apply. >> thank you very much, see you again soon. former advisor to obama is clearly alarmed by the new york times poll, what is he saying. >> he says biden will lose is very late to change horses, lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict and biden's team says his results are run his firm he has defined conventional wisdom before but this will send tremors of doubt to the party not bedwetting but legitimate concern. if biden wants to act in the best interest of the country he would let someone else run because the stakes of miscalculation are too dramatic to ignore. >> now we have david bahnsen to
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cover the market. before we get to that i want your comment on the poll and empower. >> at the kabbalah people are talking that the vulnerabilities are brand-new when they have been there for a while the polling is validating it and it's getting worse i've had a theory that they wanted to avoid a food fight primary and for biden to say he's running freezes everyone else and goes to the whole process and at the end once they feel confident that president trump will be the nominee then they can come in fighting can step downhill have every health and age reason to do so and gavin newsom or someone steps in. david axelrod is a respected guy in the smart guy and biden is in a lot of trouble right now. let's get to the financial side of things. you think investors should move on from tech fads. are you talking about microsoft. >> arabic microsoft is a tech fad. i think the largest software company used on every computer ever is more than a fad.
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i think paying 50 times earnings for a.i. is a fad. buying into new bubbles is a very dangerous idea. some companies like microsoft and apple have a ton of earnings. you're just paying through the no's for them. i'm referring to a whole lot of other tech companies don't even have earnings and don't have the hundreds of billions of dollars of cash that microsoft and apple have. i think the overall sector has gotten frothy. stuart: stay with us. we have you for the hour. stacey abrams says vice president kamala harris faces added scrutiny because of her race. roll tape. >> is a prominent woman of color whose run for office you think she would be receiving the same critiques if she was a white man. >> no. >> not at all. we cannot ignore the misogyny and racism that remain prevalent in our politics. stuart: however, criticism of the vice president is allowed we
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will get into that. take a look at this video at 2021 israel norah covid on the front lines of israel's work, she will join us right after this. ♪ (♪) it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and where we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, our clinic shows they truly care about us. (♪)
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stuart: pro-palestinian protesters marched in washington some tried to climb barriers and into the white house ground. edward lawrence is at the white house. what is the response from the administration to the protest. >> right now not cleated of the vandalism outside of the white
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house. one arrest was made with all the protesters in the vandalism and politics, presidential politics starting to play in to the war in israel for president joe biden support among muslim americans specifically michigan is slipping for the president and that could be a battleground state next year. the pro-palestinian protesters spread across d.c. and specifically the white house. many college of the president to free palestine and for a cease-fire, some protesters painted the white house fence read which is still there this morning they shook the fence and others tried to scale the fence in front of the white house, president biden in his administration has tried to walk a line supporting israel's right to defend itself and respond against thomas but calling for a positive fighting. >> israel has raised a port question about how humanitarian pauses would work. we have to into this question, were working on exactly that
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enter teams to get together and they're doing just that. >> 58 democrats signed a letter for short-term hostilities to allow humanitarian aid in and the safe release of hostages, the former israeli prime minister says the president can't let pro-palestinian voices sway from the mission to get rid of hamas. >> we've got to do the job just imagine the 9/11. imagine if al-qaeda was in afghanistan but mexico on your border would america allow that to happen, of course not. working to complete the job and we will not appreciate anyone asking us to stop in the middle. >> president joe biden talking about bidenomics and getting more money to amtrak and then in delaware.
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stuart: jewish students on college campuses continue to fear for their safety. one student at george washington university is describing the anti-semitism she faces every single day. >> her name is sabrina soffer and she says anti-semitism on campus is running rampant. >> this is intimidated jewish students and affected the dialogue to the extent it infiltrates the classroom in a make students like myself have to change our way of life, this past week my mom told me from california by the way and my family in israel has been asking me if i'm safe which is so wrong. when my mom tells me not to leave the house with my jewish star that is scary and now i wear when where i have to open and this is worn by jews during the spanish inquisition, this is the reality that jewish students are facing today. >> is what jared kushner said a jew is more safe in saudi arabia than on a college campus. i was an undergrad to george washington a very large population many classes and opportunities for israeli studies but is embraced gei
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trade when you have the diversity equity and inclusion classes they bring anti-semitic professors and electors, that's what's going on and this is been going on at gw and they formed a task force for anti-semitism. >> i want to point out bill ackman and major hedge fund or wrote a scathing letter to harvard over the weekend coming down. mark rowe and the ceo of apollo a huge private equity going after penn encouraging to see wall street holding the ivy league to account. >> here's another one born rashida tlaib associates directly president biden with genocide in senator bernie sanders refused to condemn her comments, what exactly did they seem to say. >> he actively defended her despite her provocative comment. >> await on right now is a horror show. thousands of men women and children are being killed it has
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to end. rashida tlaib is a friend of mine and her family comes from palestine and she's been shaken as all of us about what goes on right there right now we have to address the humanitarian crisis. >> he is jewish. >> is brought up in a jewish household. >> is a leading progressive voice so is not going to go against her but what is genocide deliberate killing of a group of people. who is quibbling about words. >> is a socialist us not forget that. 2021 winner of ms. israel noa cochva is working to change the war on israel. >> with the amount of money flowing into gaza they could've taken care of their own civilians, they could've built on facilities, secure faces, a thriving economy and much more although anyone claims, he's right who's to blame that there's no food, no medicine only rockets.
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there's only one to blame, hamas, not israel. it's not free palestine it is free palestine for hamas. hamas is isis. stuart: noa cochva joined me now. this is a public relations were in your in the middle of it where is the video going to be seen and what is the distribution of it. >> i think mostly i would love anyone will watch and i believe in everything that i said in this video and i stand by everything that i said and is basically of some of everything that happened. >> essentially you blame hamas for what is happening the entirety of what's happened. >> of course. stuart: on the other side had you feel about the civilians in gaza trapped in this war. >> i know there is a lot of things happening right now in
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gaza. my heart breaks to any civilian that is dying but we need to realize what kind of enemy we are facing and were talking about enemies that are hiding beneath hospitals and their hiding inside of kindergartens. hamas uses citizens of human shields and that something we have to understand. stuart: thank you very much for joining us this morning. we appreciate exactly how things stand. thank you very much. i'm going to check the markets really fast were looking at a little bit of green, the dow up 20, nasdaq down 30 points. the opening bell is next and we will take you there. ♪
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now's the time to see what america's largest and fastest 5g network can do for your business. stuart: the markets, before the opening bell, little bit agreeing for the nasdaq, s&p. michael lee joins us this morning. are you buying bonds or stocks. >> a little bit of both. on the stock side i continue to
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like the mega caps the magnificent seven and a lot of attention has been placed on the seven names driving the market. if you take a step back and think about it with the rising interest rates, slowing economy which companies do the best those with the strongest balance sheets and most secure business model. you think about apple and meta known as facebook, these companies are massive castles with enormous moats around their business and they also have the strongest balance sheets and catalyst going forward. for meta edge dropping the metaphors, cutting cost and revenue growing over 20% while the midteens multiple. apple's apple services, what you pay for an app store, the subscriptions, applecare, apple pay that is a trillion dollar evaluation business if not more. as the economy slows you want to buy bonds. stuart: the safe stocks are the
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meta caps, apples, microsoft, they are safe. >> it seems ironic because for so long and so much of our careers these abednego growth but they've almost transformed into defensive because are sitting on piles of cash in extremely secure businesses almost anticompetitive monopolistic that regardless of the economy slowing it's good to be harder for competition to come in and take market share away so these are the most secure places as equity in the market and i think interest rates on the long-term bonds got sold off way too much, he says is good by ten year end 30 year bonds because he thinks there oversold. as we go into a recession we know the bonds with the greatest duration or interest rate sensitivity to the most so i like tlt which is the etf or the long-term treasury bonds.
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stuart: we hear you, thank you very much indeed. david bahnsen safety in the mega caps, what is your response. >> the idea of a name that went down 70% last year when interest rates started going up. a selling point may be there getting rid of a thing that they put $30 billion in two, i don't agree but understand apple and google have a lot of cash but these are highly expensive stocks that get hammered when you go through tough economic times. stuart: a little bit later we're going to talk about warren buffett and his cash at an all-time high of $150 billion we will get into that later ten seconds of opening market on a monday morning. remember a very strong week last week with the major averages went up 5% that was a good week for stock investors. the market is open on this monday morning for opening with a modest gain the dow is up 30 points and even split winners
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and losers that is a mixed batch, the s&p 500 on the upside but only nine points higher, point to percent the nasdaq composite on the upside we are up a quarter percentage point not that bad 135 on the nasdaq. shall be big tech a few minutes ago, apple the only loser meta, microsoft, amazon, alphabet adding slightly to last week's gains apple is down 18 cents. how about citigroup citigroup opened virtually unchanged but considering big job cuts is not significant. >> reports a and could be 10% with details coming out in january. internally calling it project bora-bora. i think that's terrible i think a pleasantness of bora-bora. the ceo frazier needs to do something big and there's a good chance these cuts are more severe than anyone anticipated cities doctoring nothing today is down this year by 6%. >> what is your input.
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>> i was a managing director for morgan stanley through the financial crisis they bought smith varney from citigroup. you know who ran that, jamie dinan, the ceo of j.p. morgan. j.p. morgan has a great businesses even when banking is struggling. citigroup got rid of the big businesses that's why the layoffs are there they had to cell. it's a hangover effect. >> thank you david, elon musk debuted in a.i. chabad to take on chat gpt. >> i tell you it is not pc politically correct it is informed by acts. much like elon musk he has a snarky bot that works closely with the social media site that used to be twitter has access to real-time data and available for the premium subscribers, let me give you an example. hey grok how do you make cocaine
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and it says you get a chemistry degree and a dea license. >> it makes a quirky, snarky, just like elon musk himself, it's a separate company by having access to the social media where you have all this information up-to-date i think that's where he gets a win over the others. >> you have not tried it? >> i'm not a premium subscriber. >> this is what the world needs more snark. stuart: leave it at that. tesla they're building a low cost model. >> it would cost 26 or 27000 u.s. dollars and they say it'll be built in germany leading toward shanghai on that one. it's a 25000 euro that is 62% less than the average retail price of an ev in europe. it is really cheap and is being done to the model two. elon musk described it when he was in germany at the factory as
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utilitarian and it could be made in high-volume speed when he visited the factory and he gave workers a 4% raise, let's take a look at the stock 1.3%, five days in a row. stuart: here's where i wanted to get to warn buffett they reported their earnings the stock is down $1000. >> half a million dollars of berkshire hathaway, interesting to see. >> what is your verdict on the report. >> they took investment losses because of the stake that they have an apple, coca-cola, bank of america although stocks were down in the quarter but the operating profit hit a record and so did the size of the cash pile. berkshire hathaway 157-point to billion dollars, is that a good story or a bad story, it's dried powder maybe he doesn't know what to do with it, it's fuel for an investment or a purchase but what.
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>> judgment time. >> it's a little over a 500 billion-dollar market cap so they have a lot of cash and with that size you can't move the needle that's a you find the greatest investment for $10 billion is nothing it's a tiny fraction. >> what's he going to do. >> a very large acquisition if we go into recession. >> after the financial crisis he bought the largest cavity in north america he loves the industrial companies he tripled his money on that he did huge money into goldman sachs and general electric. >> recently chevron. >> it's kind of interest to the left of the talk about that a lot. >> $157 billion and we don't know what is going to do with it. beyond tech they reported this morning let me look at the stock they did well. >> this is pfizer's vaccine partner, i thought covid vaccine sales are down and everybody's losing money, they had a better report card because they're spending less money and they looked out for the year and they
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said our annual revenue expectations cut that by 1 billion euros. >> i think it's time for stock picks you brought them which are dividend payers. this one blue, i will, capital. >> we always like dividend growers and blew our will is in the private credit world a lot of banks not lending money and big wall street firms, blue owl is on park avenue in new york that have raised billions of dollars where banks won't lend. a lot of money in the get a the dividend double digits every year for the three or four years ahead. >> next one is truest. >> is a huge regional bank that got hit when first republic went down. we love the story of truest being judged as a regional bank but it's a lot bigger.
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the stock is up for $5 a share in the last couple weeks. we think the worst days are behind it. 7% are covering the dividend with cash flow. >> 7%, take it. verizon. verizon is another story, cap ex $31.2 weeks ago it's up to 36. the best quoted last week that they've announced in a couple of years. definitely a huge expense of 5g is past them and now they have a lot of profits to bring it ahead and need to execute well but verizon we think the worst days are behind it. stuart: last week you told us about a moral operator that was well paced seven or 8%. i forgot the name. >> simon property group. as pg 272 models one of the finest real estate country under companies in the country. >> it pays 7.5%. i'll take that, coming out a white house official says the u.s. does not see the end of the israel hamas were anytime soon, rotate.
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>> i don't want to speculate how close we are or not to the end of the war but w what i will say president biden has been clear whatever the conflict is over we cannot go back to the way things were before october 7. either in gaza or the west bank. >> a little later in the show i'm going to ask ambassador nathan sayles how he sees his were dragging on. former levi strauss president jennifer sey says she watched awoke mob cancel an influencer for being is really. she's here to tell the story. there's this, one year out from the election, new polls have trump in the lead in key states oklahoma governor was the first to support desantis is he still supporting him or the front runner, donald trump, way to see stand. i will ask him next.
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stuart: the presidential election is one year away biden got a wake-up call and the new york times poll he is behind trump and five crucial swing states. brian llenas joins us, what is a reaction to the spool. >> good morning the trump campaign is bragging about the poll numbers sending out an e-mail same democrats are panicky because the poll numbers show that former president trump will defeat president biden next year, take a look at the numbers from the new york times cnn college pull it shows trump winning five of the six critical battleground states against biden, trump wins nevada, arizona, pennsylvania, georgia and michigan by an average of four points, biden only has a slight lead in wisconsin these are all states president biden one and 2020. the more diverse the state the
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better trump performed the former president has 22% black voter supported swing states that the highest by republican in modern times he also has the support from a high of 42% of hispanic voters. the polls showed trump performs better than biden then for the governor ron desantis in every battleground state. ambassador nikki haley who has gained momentum fares better against biden then trump does and four of the six swing states, trump over the weekend says the other candidates need to drop out. >> it is time for the republican establishment to stop wasting time and money trying to push weak rinos and never trumper's that nobody wants on the ballot. >> there is no sign of that happening. sources familiar tell fox news i was republican governor kim reynolds will endorse desantis over trumpeter valley tonight in des moines, iowa ahead of the
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caucuses. it's a surprise given governor reynolds said she would stay out of it. >> i've said and did remain neutral i want to help talk about events that they should participate in and let them know what is happening in the state. >> trump responded to the endorsement on truth social saying i did not want or need her to campaign and 41 plus points in iowa. five of the republican candidates will be here in miami on wednesday for the third debate trump will not be he is hosting a rally across town. stuart: thank you very much. kevin stitt is the governor of oklahoma, he joins us now. you were the first governor to endorse ron desantis. after the new york times poll came out on saturday morning are you still supporting desantis or the front runner? >> i am still supporting desantis, i know him very well and i watched how he led through
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covid that god never backs down he thinks like we do and he believes in strong borders, energy independence, safe communities. i'm 100% behind him and i'm excited about what you said we got a defeat biden and ron desantis can do it and be there for eight years. in 100% behind him. stuart: tell me why not trump he so far ahead in the polls were most polls that i've seen in way out in front of iowa, what is your problem with trump. >> i don't have a problem with trump. if he wins he can only be there for four years and i saw how desantis led through covid and i know desantis better but is nikki haley, trump, desantis, we got a defeat biden and we gotta get back to energy independence, border security, get our economy going, inflation is crushing oklahomans and i know americans around the country and you look at the middle east right now it is a train wreck of what's
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happening so we have to get back to conservative leadership in the white house and i would like it to be there for eight years. there's another reason that desantis is the right guy. stuart: in your judgment seen the poll in the new york times, on saturday, do you think the democrats will be able to get biden and harris out? >> i hear a lot of talk about them very, very nervous about biden and i think they should be i think he will lose next november but i don't know how he can do it. i think biden's team will protect their own jobs. they want to keep pushing them forward even though we know as americans that it seems like we need to turn the page on some of the 80-year-old leading our country. i don't see how the democrats are going to be able to get
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somebody else to replace him, i think biden will be the nominee and the republicans are going to defeat him next november. polling is a long way until the caucuses in iowa, new hampshire, the polls in my governor's race were showing a dead heat were i was going to lose i went by 15 points yet to be a little cautious about the polls who's doing them it is a long time until the iowa caucus in january. stuart: thank you for joining us, don't be a stranger we love oklahoma. >> thank you so much. what are the most republican states in the nation after utah, oklahoma. ukraine's president zelenskyy invited trump to ukraine why does he want him there. >> to show him how difficult the war against russia is to win after trump said he could into in the day. >> former president trump said in 24 hours he could manage it and finish the work so i invite president trump. if he can come here i will need
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24 minutes, not more, 24 minutes to explain president trump that he can't manage this war. he can't bring peace. >> the two of them have had no contact since trump left office. some candidates for the republican presidential nomination have gone to visit zelenskyy in ukraine. >> i don't think it's helpful to say things can be done in one day there clearly more complicated. no matter how he feels about this issue is complicated and i think people have different opinions on how we should or should not support ukraine but the idea to build a wall get mexico to pay for infix ukraine in one day i wish we would talk more realistically. >> putin may not have invaded ukraine of trumper president.
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stuart: a lot of the bad stuff would not have happened if trump was still the president of the united states and i think that is a fact. democrats know what biden harris can't win and they have little time to get them out and they know if the president is incapacitated in any way we will have president harris, that will be my take coming up at the top of the hour more businesses closing the city location not just about money it's about crime. jeff flock reports from philly after this. ♪
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election and make america great again but we have to take away from the thugs but we will work very hard for a country, thank you very much everybody. stuart: donald trump speaking he saying this is political law fair a war against him using the law to do it. we look like a third world country. target has abandoned for a new school and philadelphia, jeff flock is there, they stopped building because of crime is that right? >> that would be a good guess they have not said for sure what the reason is the construction continues and they plan to lease it another not going to, retail crime is a big time in philadelphia take a look at the numbers 15000 plus cases this
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year alone almost up 30% target has closed nine stores around the country because of crime seattle, portland, inferences go, portland not just target the number last year retail theft losses $112 billion in the should the chamber of commerce says s&p 500 companies is 43% increased and losses as well in many states passing tougher new laws and a lot of prosecutors are not prosecuting, you have to steal a whole bunch before you get prosecuted and apparently that's not working very well. stuart: i hear you thank you very much. i want to thank david for being with us. more "varney" after this.
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10:00 am
stuart: good morning, everyone is 10:00 o'clock eastern time at tiny amount of green on the left-hand side of the screen. last week was great for stocks. the major indicators went up 5% each, that was a rally last week continued a little this party. the ten year


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