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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 7, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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(dramatic music) - [eyewitness] he was an evil individual. - [detective] his crimes were some of the most grizzly i had ever seen. (dramatic music continues) - [commentator] gary heidnik is perhaps one of the most interesting and scary serial killers that this nation has ever known. (handcuffs click) - i don't take the case lightly because i'm the one that's accused of killing 33 young men and boys. - [reporter] he killed six young people and wounded seven others. - [commentator] they referred to the shooter as the .44 caliber killer. (gun fires) - [commentator] how could someone commit such horrific crime against others? (mysterious music) larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. all right, israel now in the
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fifth week of war against the barbaric, hamas, hezbollah, iran backed ter iftds terrorists, to owe edward lawrence. reporter: president biden feeling pressure from very left wing of his party to put pressure on israel to ease up on their ground operations, as the parks services removed the graffiti that was put on the fence of the white house, happened prints -- hand prints painted in red, calling joe biden genocide joe. president said he spoke this morning with the israeli prime minister and brought up a tactical pause to help hostages getting release and aid in, his administration walking a line, supporting israel while calling for a humanitarian pause. >> we're engaged with the
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israelis on particular aspects. that is something we're focused on. we believe that a pause could help advance that proposition. reporter: 58 democrats signed a letter to the president, representative lisa mcclain said all of the international issues, lead back to president biden. >> unfortuna unfortunately, this is what happens when you project weakness, this is why we need to action swiftly, we need to close our border, we need to stand with israel. and we need to make sure that genocide and hate and any attack on any american needs to dealt with swiftly and justly. reporter: president joe biden back at white house,
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he did not take questions from reporters as he came into the white house, he did speak about bidenomics, he wants to talk about the money he is spending for rail infrastructure. larry: thank you edward lawrence, got it thank you very much rail infrastructure. joining me now, great pleasure our friend bret baier. he has two books out, not one but two. a very special thing. author of the to rescue the constitution, george washington and fragile american experiment. and his new children a book. the history club. that is due across time, shelves november 14, i want to read them both, might have to go to kids book first. we'll sell as many bookin books for our friend bret baier. talk to us if you would for a moment, your impressions, this is antony blinken's
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henry kissinger's best imitation of shuttle diplomacy, but the question, in a serious matter, what is he accomplishing? is he telling people he can do things we can't do and not telling people be he needs to do one thing he must do. >> good afternoon, i think it tough to walk through the tulips for this administration, they can say in the beginning with clarity they stand by israel, israel says we have to go after hamas after what happened on october 7. a humanitarian pause does no favors to go after those hamas leaders. why people are not leading with how about free the hostages first. you know, that is a you know where republican lawmakers saying, let's see this there pressure in the democratic party and you are seeing this fracture that is
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visible. if luke at latest poll -- if you look at latest polls it is not good situation for president biden here, is seeing a lot of political shedding of his base. even black voters have shifted now in the latest "new york times" poll toward the former president, there is a big issue, part is what they are seeing overseas. larry: you know bret baier, come back to the polls this is important. i just want to read you politico covering this, i don't know if politico has the story right or not. i just want to quote, u.s. officials believe that netanyahu might soften his opposition to a pause if he can be convinced that it is in israel's strategic interest to ease the plight of palestinian civilians in gaza. that is different from what you hear from the israeli sydor netanyahu's -- side,
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or netanyahu's side, they want full release of all hostages then work on a pause, you saw the "wall street journal" headline, what one of leaders on of hamas said about a pause, thethey say they will not pause at all, i don't understand is blinken digging himself into a hole, is this stupor fishal, this is -- supe superficial that is serious stuff. >> there is no pause on the other side to your point, hamas has not stopped saying they want to eradicate israel and have not stopped saying there i is a an infa at that tan infa tadda that will wake out israel, i think, it is you know pretty stark in the what they are facing they are hearing from inside of their party, arab-americans,
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muslim-americans who in each one of the battle ground states make up a portion of voteing bloc more than biden won by in 2020. larry: all right. let's come back to some of the polls, they are discouraging for mr. biden, better for trump. trump wins in 5 swing state polls, nevada, georgia, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania. , wis wishin wisconsin biden wins by 2. an interesting thing, "new york times" sienna polling, people feel that mr. biden has personally hurt their situation. personally hurt their situation. i think thinking groceries and gasoline or mortgage rates or you can't have a gas stove. or a gas powered car. but personally hurt is a strong category. what do you make of this? >> it is how they feel. at the kitchen table, how
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they do the math on the back of the envelope it is not adding up, not adding up for groceries or for the car payment that went u up with interest rates going up, they are personaly hurt and they are expressing it in the polls, i think this poll in particular, remember, just one poll, but it is still tracking with other polls that show the shift. and here is a former president, that is in middle of a ton of legal issues, including in new york today on the stand, and yet, more and more people are going his way, not because of the person or what me says but because they remember the policies, how they felt about the economy during the trump years they felt that the world was not falling apart in the trump years, that is reflected in these polls, one other thing, each wortwore -- one of these swing states president biden does worse if it is less -- worse if it is more diverse. if the state is more
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diverse, president biden does worse that suggests a racial shift in numbers. larry: that is interesting, i was going to refer you to a couple of essays over the weekend. republican pollster patrick ra rafini writing and judas saying nonwhite working class folk, nonwhite, swinging away from the democratic party. and toward the republican party. judas and teixeira pick up on that the issue of immigration, it is an open border policy, that is moving people toward the republican column in droves. >> i, agree, i think that border will be a bigger issue than it has been, i thought it would be bigger
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in 2022, but it turned out abortion and threat to democracy was bigger, i think that safety concerns on the border, in sanctuary states that don't want to be sanctuary states anymore, they will be affected by this issue. larry: and the other thing, this real surprised my, voters under 30, now about even biden and trump. i never thought i would see the day. >> no. and you know listen, one poll. again there is a year out, we have to have the caveat in there, i agree. larry: really. you have the kids they are returning to donald trump? i never thought i would see the day. [ laughter ] >> you never know. larry: i'm sorry, i don't mean to laugh this serious business, but you have a sense of humor, you know what i'm talking bi don't know. you pick up the "new york times" now, you never know what you will read, i'll have to start reading it after all again. [ laughter ] anyway, bret baier you are kind to give us your time,
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and if i get this out, first. catch bret every night special report weekdays 6 p.m. eastern, on fox news. and his new book, history club. on november 14 and constitutional boo book sell all books for my friend bret baier. >> if you. larry: new, my riff. there is someone named gazai hamad. editorial page on october 24 interview. on lebanese television, mr. hamad said, we must teach israel a lesson, we will do this again and again this is the al-aqsa flood, this is from the "wall street journal" editorial. it was editorial was written on november 2, and the title
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of the how hamas defines ceasefire. what hamad said was about a week earlier, hamad said, we're the victims of the occupation. period. therefore, nobody should flame us for the things that -- blame us for things we do on october 7, october 20, october 1 million, everything we do is justified, secretary of state an antony blinken goes flew h through his shuttle diplomacy, is he repeating this definition to all parties involved, i out the it mr. blinken seems to tell everyone, what they may want to hear. this is not the best way to go about clear effective diplomacy. better to have one big point you can deliver on rather than 5 or 6 secondary
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points over which you have no power. the big point in israel, hostage release, prime minister netanyahu suggested a temporary pause if all 240 hostages are released. okay. truive el, trouble, is that is not the way hamas defines a cease fear, so, that doesn't look much like a deliver irablable for mr. blinken or mr. biden, a politico article believes that blinken may get a ceasefire without a hostage release, they believe netanyahu may soften his opposition to pause idea if he can be convinced it is in israel's interest. seems to me that is what
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netanyahu should not do. but also seems to me this is what biden and blinken are trying to do. they are trying to put the handcuffs on israel. no matter what the rhetoric, trying to trap israel to some kind of a spider web of middle east negotiations, but "new york post" editorial got it right, saying biden's call for israel's pause means he is really jumping ship on our allies, and telling pla they can take over gaza sometimes after the war, and then till turkey president erdogan, telling him there will be more gaza aid, that is not delive deliverable, and telling folks in u.s., he is committed to legittization
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of establishment of a palestinian state, that is not deliver able, he is telling everyone -- that u.s. can restore calm to region, and bli blinken goes to baghdad and tells iran to stop widening the war, 38 attacks on u.s. military assets later biden has not lifted a finger to fight back, and, of easing flight of civilians in wartime is an -- fligh plight of civilians in wartime, by mr. daniel pomerans, he is also the ceo of reality check. which is a nonprofit, ngo, dedicated to clarifying global conversationses verifiable data. now hear this out, he argues
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israel's ca koram pain against hamas -- campaign against hamas demonstrates incomp hencomprehensible restraint, israel struck over 11 thousand terror related targets in gaza since october 7, and gaza ministry of health, if you can believe them, claim that israeli strikes have killed over 10,000 people in gaza. over the same period. that would mean that israel has killed on average, less than 1 person per streak a strike and 10% of strikes have killed no no people, he argues that represents an astonishing degree of precision and restraint. war is hell. war is costly. but there are just wars, and this is one of them. i would suggest that israel reject the voices of defeat
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or so-called strategic priorities that might work for other centuries but not israel first, idf has great momentum, they have plate split gaza in two, don't let anyone interrupt this battle this is battle for right of israel and. >> youesh peoand the jewish people to exist. all right that is my riff, we will talk about israel moment up on battlefield with aaron cohen. our prince of a friend, when kudlow returns.
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larry: all right israel is gaining momentum on the battlefield in gaza, cutting the country -- gaza city in half, captures hamas commandos and terrorists left and right, why would they stop? joining us now aaron cohen, former israeli counterterrorism operative our favorite prince, aaron thank you. >> why would they stop? they are doing well it reads well, i know war is headline, i know there are -- war is hell, inthere are costs of war, the cost of this war is small. israel has done a great job trying to be precise. why should israel stop? >> there is no reason for raise to stop. thank you. always a pleasure. there is a combat rhythm that can't be broken that sets a operational tone focus on cutting down heads of hamas, as you mentioned gaza is surrounded, the gaza
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city is in two pieces israel has all of the hamas terrorists that perpetrated that october 7 attack that were not killed by idf special ops responding to kibbutz and other regions in south, they are singing like parakeets, israel has a layout of that tunnel system now, they are doing, is chopping off heads of the snakes for purpose of being able to get the hostages, israel has no problem with the ceasefire. where is our hostages bring them back, let's get our 220 hostages we'll talk turkey and talk about realistic deliverables, i will say, palestinians have a golden angel, and that in hebrew that is one of three tier one special operations units that are quarterback if you
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will, if you took russell wilson and tom brady and turned them into a command or that is israel's joint or j-tack commando unit they are trained to faa grade standards, federal grade aviation administration controllers who are on the ground providing j-tack or selective pinpointing of everyone one those munitions hidden in those buildings, the units are responsible and are the mvps of forward operations, because they can put a missile on the third hair of a georgia pine nut at top of a tree, reducing risk and -- with highest degree of selective tiity to civilians, keep in mind. keep in mind, that over 700,000 palestinians have
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been moved to the south. safely, those who are hanging out less than 30% are held against their will. or choosing to stay after millions of leaflets have been dropped this is the golden angel unit which is -- will pull an open mid -- op, mid flight if they see a child running across the street there is a ton of misinformation i am here is set it straight, they do it at risk of their own command ors the idf. larry: that is what this fellow said who wrote this piece, he runs an ngo, he looks at data and said israel has been precise. and he said israelis are giving their lives to protect palestinian civilians, such an acts is extraordinary in history of human civilization. his name is daniel
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pomerains, he teaches school in israel and runs a nonprofit, and he uses day daidata points, he said, at the moment hamas saying that 10,000 have been killed 11 thousand i reall israeli attacks since october 7 that slows than one -- that is less than one person per attack, war is hell, i get that, it is a just war. these are the costs of war, israel is keeping those costs very low. despite the fact that certain people in this country won't acknowledge it. >> you are right, we -- and idf took out al-saif, he was one of aat the tim architects of october 7 massacre. the cooperational team
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leader of the raid that unit was spawned from general staff, nut, t uk unit, they are quarterbacks of of the operations, we have special opens troops going building to building, regarding hamas and propaganda this is nonsense we've seen nonsense videos that have been out there. you know, actors and fake you know people jumping to the scenes to get footage and puts it to media and bbc reporting without any confirmation, this is nonsense people know it. the fact is that the amount of selective tiity and risk to idf to act assure highest level of safety to palestinian people is unheard of.
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we care about the palestinians, they matter to us, and they are good people, we're going to save every one of them, but, your ceasefire is coming, where is israel's hostages? larry: that is the key point, nobody should force them do otherwise, aaron cohen. >> we'll get them either way. 10 yards at a time. larry: aaron cohen, a principal ways thank you so much. >> all right, coming up on kudlow, president obama said nobody's hands are clean in this war. yoyou know what that is a munch of malarkey and utter nonsense. okay. and nobody has hands dirtier than the former president obama. sorry to say. we have former director of national intelligence, mr. john ratcliffe, and incredible today, down at new york city courts, judge
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engoron does not have the grace to let the former 45 president one donald trump even speak out in court. he is interimming him all of the time -- interrupting him all of the time, we have donald trump's attorney. when kudlow returns, stick around. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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larry: all right, you may have seen this today, but left winning new york jdoesn't have the grace to let 45 president of u.s. peak ispeak in court. he changed face of new york real estate, joining us now one of it is key attorneys alina habba welcome back. i don't get this. he has an agenda, everyone has one in this courtroom.
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they will not let donald trump speak his peace. i will ask you, is donald trump being rude? is he yelling? here is he just trying to get hisl let's say two cents in. >> none of the above, they would show him two paragraphs on the screen, say here is two paragraphs mr. president did you certify to this, he would say, they discuss insurance. they discuss value, and they discuss how i can rent certain property, 40 wall street let me hit the value, first let me hit insurance, and this and that. he would go into explaining to them, maybe you have alon-- loan document that said i have to have a nit wornet worth of 50
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million, okay, but there are step downs, if i have to be honest, they should have thought about legal team questioning, someone a really mogul. he don't get it. they are trying to attack and criticize him, you better be an expert. larry: look, as machine who knows him rather well. he is trying to explain what i'll call the science of real estate. >> right. larry: accounting of real estate, the economics. okay. he knows it very well. you might disagree with some of it but he know its well. this judge as i understand will not let him finish the paragraphs. >> no. larry: i don't understand. and i think this showed up you were on the your pressure during sandra smith and john roberts, has the president ever testified like this in court. >> no. this is a disgrace. larry: they won't give him the grace. >> they are cutting him off, i objected there was a fiery
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exchanger with the judge, i can't say with the judge and i, i am polite, and very professional in the courtroom, but the judge did not like him finishing our explaining it was not good for their case, he sinister fearing, -- he is interfering, he made his decision on summary judgment found l liability already, we're wasting taxpayer dollars, 450 thousand for an expert the ag paid, we're wasting this time he will not let the president, who is the person they are trying to get to explain why he is sor certified to certain values, why because that ruins their case, he was worth more than his statement of financial conditions and miss letitia james her politics are not aletting other backtrack. larry: he looks like a damn fool. put, that aside, same story with mar-a-lago property.
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everyone is laughing at tack assessors assessment. every realtor knows what trump is talking about in the courtroom, the guy that does condition know what he is talk -- that does not know what he is talking about is a politically bias left wing judge who will not left the president make his case, that one of the worst parts of this story, you call a trial, you make the charges, and the president who does not have to comes in and really? you could do it justs well he came in they won't let him finish the paragraphs. >> and in the beginning this is not reported but in the beginning the judge kept trying to say if you do it again i'm going to tell you to leave and have a negative inference, you can't do, that he is an elected official, letitia james is elected official. you can't have an an elected official on the with
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the left side, we can't put our case up. >> you know. i know, there are a lot of left wing judgings in new york but there are also good judges, a court of appeals in this state, appellate. you have the new york bar association, i know it leans left but they are not crazy people, there are a lot of great law firms, law firms, whose chief officers are republicans believe it or not. so i am waiting for people to start to speak out regarding the injustice of the way that this judge is treats the 45th period. someone has to stop the circus, and say, this guy what is his name. >> judge engoron. >> he is a bad apple. we don't want to stand behind him he is making us in new york look bad. >> that is truth. larry: just step up step up say it, democrat, republican does not matter that is
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ruining legal establishment of new york, the guy is a clown, and everyone knows it, he has a clerk, a law clerk who is you know you have a mile long list of left wing causes she has donated to. >> i have been dragge gagged and not permitted to talk about it that says it all, i'm not permitted to sit here and talk about it. i'm legal spokeswoman for president. >> he is gagging the president. >> he gagged my as well. larry: he can't gag me. >> you can say what you want,. larry: ha is next -- what is next. >> this week they will rift the restaurant their case we are -- they will rift therest their case, we will move for a mistrial. bias in general this this is judicial code of ethics they
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extent to entire courtroom, there a bar that is why there are ethics and rules regarding people's ability to believe in an impartial system, i believe as an american it is my mission to bring to light when there is not, that not everyone is donald trump, not everyone can pay for a time of 20 lawyers -- team of 20 lawyers, if we don't stop it now we'll be in deep trouble, i could we already are. larry: i think calmer heads have to prevail with respect to new york legal system it looks like a clown show to the rest of the world, also people -- whatever your opinions of my former boss, the facto the, remains he is 45 testify he did not have to testify -- 45 president he did not have to testify in court, but he did. >> he did give them a lesson. larry: hang on, he might have learned something, you can imagine, a judge learning something. >> i would invite that judge
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to see some of these property, step on mar-a-lago tell me that is worth 18 million. this is absurd that the country is laughing, and if he has self respect you have an opportunity, to turn it. larry: west side of new york was changed by donald trump. >> the skyline. larry: east side, anyway. >> true. larry: alina habba you are terrific thank you. >> always. larry: terrific. >> joining me now, moving right no, from talk with john ratcliffe. i am sure you enjoyed this real estate seminar from miss habba, now to what former president barack obama said about this war between israel and hamas. >> if you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. and you then have to admit
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nobody's hands are clean. all of us are complicit to some degree. larry: yeah, nobody's hands are clean, no right no wrong. and in is more o moral confusion, john ratcliffe, you have been around for a while. what do you make of what obama is doing he is just covering his keister or what? >> no, i think he is showing people who he is, one thing this war in middle east has shown is the contempt that the democratic party or the progress of wing of the party has for israel. it is becoming revealed. barack obama a has always
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had that contempt, he has done a better job of hiding it in the remarks he is trying to hide it like almost trying to sit evenly on the fence, he talked about what hamas did was horrific but occupation by israel certainly played a role. and you know, he went on to say, look, we need to speak to the other side, talking about hamas as other side as if people who baked israel's babies in front of their parents and holding american hostages are you know, he is creating this false equivalencey between hamas' actions and israel's. and you know he plays this -- concluded his remarks with a gosh. larry: technical problems there we lost mr. john
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ratcliffe, he is may say blaming social media. we'll never know, john ratcliffe is a great friend. we'll catch him another day, i certainly think that president obama has a lot to be accountable for in this remember he gave iran well over 1 billion dollars not so long ago. >> you get all these democrats calling for a ceasefire, don't know it we have iowa senator joni ernst, she will come in, all these democrats, house dem chats, senate democrats, seek fire. not even temporary, i don't know if it is. incredible story. like something happened. october 7. 1400 people at a peace concert. any in gaza killed, murdered by hamas. cutting off babies heads putting babies in event,
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ovens, killing grandmothers, civilians and palesti palestinians and americans, can we please not forget that, senator joni ernst up next i'm kudlow. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪
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snow al larry: no discussion of israel-hamas war would be complete without iowa senator joni ernst. 14 of your democratic colleagues are calling for short-term secession of hostilities i don't know why, only people who have motte signed off on that are hamas, we read what the happen the -- hamas fi said they want to keep on killing. judge should the idf stop. >> right. thank you my friend. i am glad to be with you. you are correct. why on earth would hamas agree to a ceasefire? they won't, these of the individuals as you just stated they are the ones that killed babies, they beheaded babies.
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they injured and maimed and killed innocent israelis, the only ones that would be slowing down would be the idf if this were to be true, hamas would continue killing their goal is to wipe the jewish nation state off of the face of the planet, we should not be advising idf how to run their war as we would not expect other nations to tell us thousand run our wars. >> -- how to run our wars. >> senator, "wall street journal" editorial page quotes this guy from hamas bureau, they want to keep on killing, they make no bones about it i don't think tha ant aantony blinken with quoting him in the peace tour in middle east, but that is what he says onal z aljazeera and lebanese television, they have no intention of stopping their
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kills. killing. >> right, they will not stop. i hope you are still there. larry: i'm here. >> okay. great. yes, they will not stop killing. as long as they keep receiving funds from iran, we know 93% of that funding hamas comes from iran, they will not stop, this is a iran, they pant dea chant death to america and death to israel, they have to know that hamas will not stop period until all. >> youe jewish people are wiped out and america is held accountable, we can no cannot allow a ceasefire. larry: how fast can we get attract ammo money to israel to replenish the iron dome and other matters senator joni ernst? >> i hope quickly, my man
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ramantra is weapons not welfare, focus on what israelis need to defeat hamas we should not be sending joe biden's 100 million to gaza there is sieve ririsk of those dollars funding terrorist operations, we need to focus on weapons and munitions, let's do it and stop aiding and assisting the terrorists. larry: question, for you, will the democrats and senate hold this up because they want a deal merg merg merc emergency funding for this and open the border will hey hold it up. >> i hope they do not, they should go back and watch the une unedited hamas videos
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they put on the web. larry: thank you senator joni ernst, we'll be right back las i'm going to sell my life insurance cuz i don't need it anymore. my kids are grown, my wife is great, let's settle up the score. it's time to travel to paree, spend retirement per 877-sell-easy. 877-sell-easy, and sell your policy. you can sell
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(fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. maria: good tuesday mornin


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