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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  November 8, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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let's go with 8 minutes, 10 seconds. number three. stuart: tepper. >> 7 minutes, 30 seconds, number two. stuart: i'm going with 6 minutes and 40 seconds, number one. the answer is -- did you get this right? >> no, ash did. good job, ash. stuart: when the earth is farthest from the sun, it takes nearly 8 and a half minutes to reach us, 8 minutes, 10 seconds when we're close together. mark, thanks for being with us. appreciate that. ashley, we'll see you again tomorrow. on the market, we're looking at some red ink but not that much. we're also looking at microsoft and apple in a race to be the most valuable company in the world. right now apple is ahead by $16 billion. microsoft may catch up. that's it for "varney & company" today at least, "coast to coast" starts now. ♪ ♪ neil: who knew in maybe it is not the economy, stupid. the morning after the last big election before the really big
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with election, we can now say another issue is really giving the economy a run for its money or lack of money or whatever. i'm talking, of course, about abortion. consider abortion right supporters winning a key ohio ballot measure, a democratic governor holding on to win re-election in kentucky, a democrat picking up an open seat on the pennsylvania supreme court after pledging to uphold, you guessed it, abortion rights. and democrats taking control of the virginia statehouse, presumably blocking republicans from a passing, stop me you've heard this before, new abortion restrictions in a blow to the governor glenn youngkin. you see a pattern here? no wonder democrats see hopeful signs for next year. and not because they'll be focusing on the economy, but precisely because they will not. that isn't a winning issue for them, abortion is. and we're all over it on "coast to coast" now. ♪ ♪
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neil: welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. very glad to have you. this is that perfect moment when politics, the economy and, yeah, abortion all intertwine. and for republican presidential candidates getting ready for their third debate in miami tonight, sobering lessons they will likely bring up from what happened last night. let's go to bryan llenas. he's there in miami to sort of tet the -- set the table for us. hey, bryan. >> reporter: hey, or neil. good afternoon. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley and florida governor ron desantis the are wasting no time capitalizing on republican losses last night in virginia, ohio and kentucky. both campaigns making the argument that it's now time to move on from former president trump. the desantis campaign manager posting this on x, quote: last night was a sweeping loss for republicans. it was the eerily similar to last november when the anticipated red wave never came. but ron desantis won by 20 points and turned the swing
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state into florida solid red. we need a new leader that can win again for america. haley and desantis will be at the center of tonight's debate, both candidates have been attacking one another as they jockey to become the alternative choice to trump. now, haley especially has momentum, rising in the fox news power rankings as a real challenger in this race. recent polling has her ahead of desantis in new hampshire and south carolina primaries. senator tim scott has sharpened his attacks against both. >> nikki's running in the moderate lane of the never trump lane and, frankly, that will not unite our party. ron has done a good job as governor of florida, but his campaign has been stuttering and stammering. >> reporter: a new cnn poll shows haley fares the best against president biden in a general election, beating him by 6 points compared to trump's +4
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and desantis who is virtually even with biden. now, expect foreign policy to play prominently at tonight's debate as well. last might here in miami vivek ramaswamy held a stop world war ii rally urging less interventions in wars in israel and ukraine. abortion should also play prominently after ohio voted to enshrine abortion rights in their constitution last night. >> i think it is a sign that the republican party needs to graduate in how not only we talk about this issue, it should be driven by the states. it's up to the people to speak up at the state level. >> reporter: and once again former president trump will not be on the debate stage tonight. he's holding a rally 30 minutes away from here instead. neil? neil: bryan, i like how you set the table for us. bryan llenass many miami for us. hal lambert watching this closely, a very big ron desantis the donor, point bridge capital founder and ceo, a very good read of what's going
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on in the economy. hal, is this a make or break event for ron desantis? it's home turf for him, but sometimes that can be added pressure. what do you think? >> i don't think it's make or break, i think he'll do extremely well, and he's very prepared. i think foreign policy, look, he stepped right up when the attack happened on israel, he sent planes over, brought american citizens back, sent supplies over there and did it all -- didn't charge people. he was there before biden's state department could even get it together. shown leadership already even from the governor's mansion on issues of foreign policy, so i think he'll do extremely well tonight. neil: we were talking about last might's race, you don't want to read too much into this, but i was sort of connecting the bread crumbs on abortion and how it was integral not only in virginia that assured the statehouse is in the going the governor's way, but now all democrat, both of them. a similar playing out in new jersey. they weren't expecting a red wave, but they certainly didn't
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get it, and a lot of that had to do with support on the part of voters there for abortion exemptions and all the rest. and i talk about ohio and making it constitutional on the ballot there. do republicans appreciate that this issue might trump, 40 many pun intended, the economy itself next year in. >> well, i think the candidates just have to do a better job of explaining their position on abortion. and, you know, governor desantis has done a very good job on that. he ran with the support of a 15-week abortion ban and and won by 19 points in florida. so it can be cone. look, i think the biggest red flag last night was kentucky where we lost that governor's race, and former president trump stepped in this if and endorsed, you know, dan cameron, and he lost. trump was saying he was going to win. that's just another example -- and, by the way with, kentucky won all down ballot on the state level. and all those candidates at the state level were supportive of abortion bans. it wasn't the abortion issue. there was something else there, and i would say it was president trump's endorsement that really
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sank the candidacy of the republican governor challenger there. neil: well, it would have been an uphill battle money theless, but chris christie has said that cameron sold his soul to trump, and it was a huge mistake, and we see what it brought. we won't know, you know, it is a ruby red state. it's gone blue for a governor now twice. i'm just wondering whether that signals it could possibly go blue next year for president. >> no, i don't think so at all. it's going to be a red state next year for president. beshear is a popular governor there, but they hold super majorities in both houses in kentucky. neil: you're right. >> they have all the down-ballot races, so it's a red state. look, the outlier was the fact that trump stepped in and endorsed, and that happened in all these close races in 2022. look at the senate races, herschel walker, dr. oz, arizona, north dakota, we lost hose senate races, they were all trump endorsements, and we got swept. and here it happened again in kentucky.
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neil: you're also a big donor, so you influence other donors and whether they give to desantis or whomever, but that the republicans were caught off guard again on the magnitude of this abortion issue. they laid the supreme court decision that shot down roe v. wade as an opportunity for states to weigh in on what they want to do, and ohio just the latest last night. and i'm wondering if they have to crystallize that more, whether ron desantis has to, because he's taken some extreme positions not to allow it after 6 weeks, what have you, and that he might be on the wrong side of history. and someone like a nikki haley is on the right side of history on this issue just politically. what do you think? >> well, now, i think it is a state-by-state issue, and florida has a different view than, say, new jersey would have. so they're going to have different laws on the books, and that's perfectly fine. we're going to have states that have 6 weeks, 15 weeks, we're going to have states that have viability of the fetus. so it's going to be across the
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board. and then there's going to be statements that have no are restrictions and, again, i think that's actually problematic because there are going to be the states that want to have abortions up until birth, and that's the democrat position. their fallback so the say it's between the doctor and the patient. look, that is -- [laughter] that's not really a palback position because there are doctors out there that will perform abortions up until the moment of birth, and that's just not acceptable in this country. no one agrees with that prettily, only the extremes do -- politically. of it's only been done in this country. we're going to have to find that mid point, as you said, neil, and it's going to vary by states over the next couple election cycles, and i think at that point it'll be settled. neil: you just know, and you're a good read, nikki haley is going to go after desantis on that issue to see how far right he is on it. again, remains to be seen. hal, thank you very much, my friend. good seeing you. >> thank you. neil: all right. well, the first big contest is a few months away, the iowa
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caucuses x and you often hear polls about how iowans view things. their governor backing ron desantis, whether that changes anything. erin, how do you see things shaping up since governor reynolds' endorsement of ron desantis? she's very popular but so is donald trump in the state. how do you see this all sorting out? >> yeah, you laid it out perfectly there, neil. i think we'll find out. i think that's the interesting question moving forward. most political experts you talk to say endorsements in general don't move the needle a whole lot. but when i talk to people in iowa, the one caveat that they add to that is if there is anybody who can do that in iowa in the republican party, it's governor kim reynolds. she's very, very popular. we'll be able to see that. i think this is a big moment, a big week right now when you have governor's endorsement of
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governor desantis on monday, the election results last night and how republicans view them and then the debate tonight. this could be a big moment in this caucus campaign. i'm very entered to see what happens over next couple of weeks. neil: you're good at this, aaron, you eat this stuff up. you can teach us all something. let me ask you about the religious vote in iowa, much more important than, for example, in new hampshire. that's no slap at new hampshire, it's just very important in iowa. and i'm wondering how iowans feel these candidates have to address this abortion issue after the drubbing, you know, some republicans took and the party took largely in this sort of tentative, you know, view on how to play this post-supreme court decision. it hurt them last year, it seems to be hurting them again this year. how do you think it goes down? >> yeah, that's the balancing act that those candidates having to play here in iowa because you
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mentioned that voting bloc in iowa is critical, and it's largely because they turn out in great numbers -- neil: you're right. >> -- and percentages. they are very engaged. and so they have to walk that line. those folks want to hear these candidates' position on abortion. they would like to see a federal ban at whether it's 6 or 15 weeks. and then you have candidates like ambassador haley, as you mentioned, kind of taking a more middle of the road approach saying we'll never get that in congress, so it's a balancing act that those candidates have to the try and work through here in iowa specifically. neil: maybe you could educate me on something, aaron, on where we stand in polls at this juncture versus other polls at this juncture and whether they've panned out. i know we've seen leaders switch, but donald trump has such a big lead. has anyone enjoying a lead like
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this ever lost it, you know, even this many days out? >> yeah, i don't think not this late in the cycle finish the. neil: right. >> you mentioned, you know, we've gone through waves before. in fact, the last competitive one was famous for scott walker had his moment and then ben carson had his moment. neil: right. >> ultimately, ted cruz won. so we've seen that in the past but not where the difference is 27 points like it is the right now in iowa. now, the one thing i will add as a caveat is you don't have to win iowa. candidates, ron desantis and nikki haley, whom afterit's going to be, doesn't have to beat donald trump necessarily, because the iowa winner doesn't always necessarily go on to become the nominee, but you have to show you're at least competitive. one of those candidates needs to have some kind of a surge here, show they at least have closed that gap and they are worth
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keeping an eye on as the process moves to new hampshire, south carolina, etc., etc. they just have to close the gap. they don't necessarily have to catch and beat former president trump. neil: that's interesting. and you mentioned the importance of looking at winning in perspective and not winning in iowa. what you need is momentum. of course, the state provided that for barack obama going into new hampshire who ends up losing to hillary clinton in new hampshire, and then they were battling it out straight to the convention. can you see a scenario like that whoever wins the state? it's not a guarantee that he or she mix if -- picks up new hampshire, it could be a long grind. what do you think? >> yeah, no, as it looks right now, no. but there's time for that, rain and that's why i say this week is big. if someone can capitalize on the things that are happening right now and if those, you know, anybody but trump for lack of a better word, term for it iowa republicans start to coalesce around one candidate whomever it is, if that person all of a sudden goes from being a 15, 16
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like they are right now and they finish at a 25, 30, they still finish second, but that's a big movement. that's big momentum. maybe they could capitalize that and be successful in the next few statements. so there is still time for it to happen, it's just going to have to look a lot different than it does right now. neil: aaron, you cursed yourself, young man. i want you back again and again as we get close to iowa. thank you very much. hopefully, you guys don't get too snowed in in the days ahead. >> appreciate it. neil: aaron murphy, uncanny read of the that state. where do things sand in the markets? you might have noted a selloff picking up steam, the 10-year note briefly touch anything about 3.49 and 3.5%, now it looks like we are closer to 4.5%. i think i said 3, 4.5. but closer to 4.5. i don't know whether that was the catalyst here, but even the slightest backup in rates, even
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timing, you can see it factor down in stocks. that seems to be happening now. we'll have more after this. ♪ (vo) while you may not be a pediatric surgeon volunteering your topiary talents at a children's hospital — your life is just as unique. your raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you give back. so you can live your life. that's life well planned. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions...
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neil: you know, i love having lou basenese when he comes by, but it's a love-hate relationship because he's a young guy, he's really gifted at this stuff, and he can explain in english in ways i cannot. this is all just sort of looking at the fed, looking at rates, and we're still doing that, aren't we, lou? >> i'm nothing but love for you. neil: back at you, my friend. what's going on here? >> i think everyone's waiting for certainty that the fed is done. we had wells fargo's chief economist say put a fork in it, they're done. i don't think so. jpmorgan's jamie dimon -- neil: one more rate hike this year in. >> i think this year, december meeting then the fed gets out of the way and we get back to the the market, santa claus rally and a rally in january to start out the year. i really feel this way because analyst sentiment is souring, so it's a contrarian indicator. neil: well, you've done, you've been contarian to the lot of points of view, and you've
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proven right. i'm really praying for the time you're wrong. [laughter] in all seriousness, why are we so obsessed what the fed does? hasn't the market already taken care of a lot of this by backing up rates in and we're down from the highs, but -- >> right. neil: you could say that's done the fed's job right there. >> yeah, and the fed gave a nod to that, right? powell said in the haas -- in the last statement that would do some of the work, but i don't know how long it's or persistent, right? what qualifies as long enough for the ped to say we don't need to hike one more time. the gdp number is really strong, 4%, plus the job growth. navy thee very generous -- neil: very generous union deals, yeah. let me ask you about that. it's a wildcard, i grant you, but given what the democrats did last night in a lot of these states, a smattering of them and they're not all connected, but this a abortion issue that seems
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to be a winning one for them, and a lot of people are saying it's the economy that will be difficult for democrats. now you have an issue that might make it very difficult for republicans to pull that off. i know we're sill a year, you know -- still a year, you know, ahead right now, lou, but do the markets factor the possibility republicans are going to botch it again? >> i mean, i think i can speak from the people i speak to regularly, i think it's a given right now. i think it's baked in, that the republicans are going to stumble and fall again. the economy should undermine the incumbent, but it's not because the abortion issue has become front and center in yesterday's election and the elections before that. republicans haven't stepped up to overcome that and given a strategy. people are voting very clearly. i say you usually vote on 1-3 issues, people are voting on one issue, and that's abortion. neil pale that's a big one. let me can ask you about the work going on, it's nothing like
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i can remember the yom kippur war that the led to oil embargoes, long gas lines, that's not materializing. in fact, the market's higher than it was when the war started a month ago. this disconnect, do you see that that continuing? >> i think i do, and i was speaking, i can't remember where, a couple days ago that it's a sad reality that we've gotten used to wars, right? the russian invasion of ukraine, we thought it would be a week, a month, and now we're a year plus. i think people just expect this middle east crisis to continue to just labor on with no end in sight, and that's a sad testament to diplomacy, right? neil: but it's a sad testament too that it can't even hit gas prices, or oil prices. they are down from what we were at the start. >> and i think that's the impact, the economy's starting to roll over in certain areas, weakness in commercial real estate and in the housing market, obviously. so you're seeing indications of that but with nothing yet that's going to tip us into a deep, dark recession which i think people were fearful of, and now everyone's kind of firmly in
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that soft landing camp. knead knead meantime -- neil: meantime, fed hike next month. >> that's my prediction. and if i'm wrong, i'll be here to eat crow. neil: oh, never admit that. [laughter] great seeing you, lou, thank you very much. i want to go to hillary vaughn, another development, this hearing in the house looking at anti-semitism popping up in schools, popping up everywhere, i guess, hillary. what have you got? >> reporter: hey, neil. well, the hearing today kicked off to a rocky start. multiple pro-palestinian protesters shouting over those testifying about the threats students are experiencing on cam discuss but found today it was just as hard to express their views here on capitol hill as it is on campus. >> my hope -- >> [inaudible] anti-semitism how is that [bleep] -- >> meeting will be in order. >> [inaudible] >> you are offering
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partisanship, and you are offering murder to more gazans! free palestine! >> reporter: republicans on the chief saying these massive organized pro-palestinian, anti-israel protests are being funded by somebody, and they want to follow the money. >> the protesters who have all been escorted out to probably don't understand that they are playing into the hands of iran. we need to fully fund investigations into the funding that goes to anti-semitism. >> reporter: but democrats say republicans knead to put their money where their mouth is if they really want to fight anti-semitism. they need to fully fund president biden's request for more money for the office of civil rights. one democrat said if the gop supports free come of speech, theyup wouldn't have cent sured congresswoman rashida tlaib -- censured. >> last night maga republicans and others censured the only
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palestinian voice in the house of representatives because they didn't like what she had to say. she didn't threaten anybody, she did not advocate for violence. >> reporter: but, neil, of course tlaib was censured in part for using the phrase from the river to the sea which is in the hamas charter, it's used by terrorists to call for the destruction of israel and also the genocide of the jewish people. that'll? neil: there is that. hillary, thank you very much. hillary vaughn on capitol hill following this. in the meantime, following ivanka trump. she's testifying right now in new york city at that trial that's looking into the family business. we'll tell you how it's going and what she's saying of after this. ♪ take it easy, take it easy. ♪ don't can let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy ♪ salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling,
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neil: all right, well, donald trump has his son donald trump jr., eric trump, they've all testified in this ongoing fraud trial on the family business, all things trump, but the big attention today on ivanka trump taking the stand in that same trial. guy lewis, we haven't had -- heard too much about what she's saying, and an appeals court essentially exonerated her from any of this in the cases against the company. i don't know the details of that. i do know several times she's said i don't recall. but what do you make of this whole thing and her, you know, performance today, what you know of it? >> so, neil, i think this plays into the, to the argument that, hey, i'm just being prosecuted, my family's just being prosecuted. listen, in my view as an old, worn-out trial lawyer, ex-prosecutor, it's not a good move. the recall is you start big -- the rule is you start big, you
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end big. how can you end big when you're calling the defendant's daughter who now you know, neil, you know is not going to get up there and point her finger at her dad. she's going to get up there and say he was victimized, i was victimized, this whole hinge is a political prosecution, it's a bunch of hoo by. and that's not how you end big. neil: so what does it mean? the judge has already said, all right, you committed illegal actses here in the way you run -- so he's already let it be known how he feels. and the other day when donald trump himself was testifying, i'm not interested in what he has to say. he's going to eat those words because that's certainly grounds for appeal right there. so where is all of this going? >> i think you hit the nail on the head. they're going to the continue to the try to pull information, a statements, things out of this judge that shows that the trial sort of borders on the ridiculous, that he's prejudiced, he's biased and no matter what's being offered and
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said, it's wrong and that's the ground for appeal. i just think it's an overall -- i would have rested, neil, i would have rested after donald trump's testimony, maybe moved in a few more if documents and gotten this thing to the judge for a decision asap. neil: so whatever happens in this case, i'm wondering what you make of stepping back from all of these cases, civil and otherwise, mostly the criminal ones, the big ones, you know, the federal documents and his role in the january 6th dust-up on capitol hill. there's a lot of stuff here that could stick, but nothing is sticking to him at least politically. do you see that continuing on the case? are enough of these cases able to be pushed back enough or the punishment that would probably be meted out enough that he needn't worry? >> well, i gotta tell you -- [laughter] throw out any traditional rules. neil: right. >> like, okay, you get indicted, you get charged, and you think that's ad bad thing.
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every time i start of -- sort of watch this from an observer to see politically, which i'm not very good at, not very good at politics, but he seems to be doing better and better. so i don't know. he, again, it sort of plays into the argument that, hey, the government's out of kohl, and i'm a -- out of control and i'm a victim here and, oh, by the way, vote for me. neil: you're very good at law, my friend, you're brilliant at it. a dumb law question i can ask here. if he is convicted on my one of these other cases, in most cases even if you are appealing, you have to the stew in jail. i can't see a former president stewing in jail through that. maybe he would have to and maybe he cut does even better running for president from jail. but do you see that as a possibility? >> well, i don't see -- i do see as a possibility him getting convicted on one or more counts.
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that that's -- in one of these cases that occur between now and the primary, certainly now and the election. i don't see, i don't see him going to jail during that period of time. in fact, i think a lot of people are arguing his play so to try to get elected and then use his position to get rid of many some way, shape or form some of these cases, and that's what he's playing for now. toole that'll got it. guy, thank you very much. my friend, guy lewis. i want to craw your attention to the left side of the screen, has the courthouse in manhattan. whether vanning -- ivanka trump talks to the press is anyone if's guess. her father has routinely cone that, her father is not there today. following these developments. we'll have more after this. >> thank you.
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neil: all right, want to the show you a massive fire right now that's going on at a packaging facility near shepherd, texas, about 60 miles east of houston, i'm told here. don't know what caused it, but u.s. highway 59 around it is closed this both directions. as you can see, this has spread considerably far, over a 5-mile radius. we don't know how it started. we do know it is far from ending. we'll keep you posted on that, no reports on injuries or anything worse and, hopefully, it stays that way. all right, in the meantime, we're following other developments now tracking down hamas and, of course, the push on israel's part to eradicate hamas certainly from gaza, but they have set up shop in other lower ceals, qatar and other governments that are very sympathetic and openly hospitable to them. eric shawn has been following all of that.
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everything. >> neil, those two pictures say it all. the people of gaza suffer under the her records of hamas, but for the terror group's leaders, well, it's the hamas high life. reports of private jets, lavish them suites and fancy mansions. israel says the hamas leaders are billionaires. take a look at khalid and ishmael, they are the two leaders, worth $4 billion each. the guy on the right, i've interviewed him, he's worth $3 billion. this video from the israeli embassy to the u.s. says hamas itself earns more than $1 billion a year. ab take a look at these photos provided by the israeli embassy. one shows ishmael, chairman of hamas' political bureau, he's there on a private jet with his pals. looks like you could pick one of those up for $20 the million, neil x. there's a luxury hotel in qatar. and khalid, the former hamas
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chief, well, he's dining out on a delicious looking middle eastern meal, also playing table tennis. there he is, table tennis. if you can do that and need a workout, gotta stay in shape, squeezing in that workout on the treadmill in qatar. the u.s. treasury department says hamas' global financial network includes cryptocurrency, real estate, legitimate businesses and taxing and extorting money from gaza residents. >> i think it's just really the numbers that are shocking looking at the sheer amount of money that some of these terror chiefs have been able to sock away. and there is no accountability because, of course, there's no accountability in these countries that support terror terrorism. >> reporter: reports say that hamas leaders have also enjoyed the luxury of the four seasons hotel in doha, qatar, where rooms go for as much as $1500 a night. but the company tells us, quote, four seasons confirms that ishmael is not living or staying
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at four seasons hotel doha. we've asked about whether or not the other hamas leaders are saying there now, and the hotel company hasn't gotten back to usen on that yet. qatar and turkey are blamed for coddling the hamas leaders while turkey says it -- qatar says it will revisit relations with hamas after the war, turkey is still backing hamas. neil? neil: everything shaun on all that -- eric shawn on i all that. qatar is playing a crucial role in the, you know, passageway that's been provided to allow those who want to get out of gaza to come out and aid to come in. congressman tim burr with chet with us -- tim burchett with us now. when i've had israeli representatives on my show, they've talked increasingly about not trusting qatar and not working with qatar after all this is settled in deciding gaza's future. before we get into the weeds of
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hamas here, do you agree with that? that that would be a bad partner to have deciding, ultimately, what gaza would look like and be run like? >> i wouldn't want to be around any of these folks, mr. cavuto. thank you for having me on. their top three leaders are worth at least $1 billion that we know of -- $11 billion, and their people are a starving in the streets literally. they pulled up their water pipes to make missiles k if their water table's all jacked up because the sewage is involved in that. these people have no daughter for their people. all they care about is themselves. now, it goes much deeper than that though. you have to look at our own state department which has been using american tax dollars that have been funneled to some of these groups. we discussed it many in a committee a couple weeks ago, and we don't hear mig from the media or anything on that. and so this, you know, they're in bed with washington, and and washington's in bed with them. we heed to mix pick our side on this thing, and and our side is
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israel. we need to stay as far away from hamas, we need to freeze any assets they have in this country because with we know they're going to be funding a war against our enemies x this white house is talking about negotiating with folks like iran, you know, and giving them a nuclear deal and the $6 billion? these are people that throw gay people off of buildings and treat women like cattle, that infiltrate israel and cut the heads off of defenseless little babies. and if these are the people this white house thinks we ought to have a ceasefire with. i would dare say on december 7th of 1941, about december 8th, this bunch would be negotiating with ceasefire with japan and nazi germany. this is beyond the pale. we need to let israel do their business, and we need to let them have some old testament style judgment. neil: they don't call it a seizefire as you know, sir, they're talking about a temporary disruption to allow people to get out of that region and aid to come in, and you argue there's no the difference?
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>> there is a difference because hamas is not allowing them to do that. if they were, they wouldn't be putting a military installation, one of their largest ones, under a hospital. hay wouldn't be launching missiles out of schoolyards, so that -- and they wouldn't be, and we know what's going on. they're going to let these people get out, they're going to kill hem and blame the israelis. this is a bad with deal, and these are horrible people. neil: real quickly, sir, ted cruz has introduced legislation that would also punish companies that do business with, you know, presumably countries like qatar that might be benefiting hamas, hotel chains, entertainment company and the rest. do you agree with that? >> i do. i do. and what'll happen is they'll hire a bunch of fat cat lobbyists on k street, and that bill will not go anywhere. it'll be a proclamation, and i'm sure hamas will really honor a sheet of paper because, again, this country -- this town is gutless, and we're addicted to the money. and these lobbyists have way too
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much power and too much influence. and god bless ted cruz for that. i'll be support anding that. neil: congressman, thank you very much. good seeing you again. >> thank you, sir. neil: all right. in the meantime, dow down about 103 points, what's cooking on "the big money show," brian brenberg with that. brian: hey, neil. meta knows the harm. we've got a meta whistle-blower, and he warn with about online dangers and says the company failed to act. and democrats taking a victory lap after election day. larry kudlow's with us to break down what it means for 2024. that's all at 1 p.m., but first, more "coast to coast "after this. muck you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17 ♪ l cra) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones.
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neil: all right, i don't know if you've been focusing on the argument that real estate is in a crash and, you know, higher interest rate, people are going to the stop buy withing homes. well, some people forgot to talk to the home builders about that because their stocks are just fine, thank you. maybe because of what's going on in the housing arena. existing sales aren't moving because a lot of people aren't too eager to put homes up for sale in this environment, so they go after new homes, and they're certainly facing that.
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bill pulte, pulte capital ceo, thoughs this industry better than anyone i know. what is going on, and how long does it last? >> the bill builders are eating the small builders. they're able to offer mortgage rate buydowns and move these sales and, oh, by the way, the federal reserve just increased everybody's mortgage rates, so nobody wants to sell their home. it is a field day for these builders, neil, and they're going to take market share. neil: how are new buyers dealing with these higher mortgages and higher home prices that come as a resultsome. >> in some days -- ways, they don't have a choice. neil: if you want a home, this is the only way to do it. >> inflation ripping, rental prices through the roof. i can't believe the housing market is as a strong as it is, but i think it's going to keep going, neil. neil: you do? so are you in the camp that thinks we're going to top out around this rate now? >> unless inflation keeps ripping. again, there's only so much housing in this country, and is
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we've talked about this before, the big problem in the housing space is from the an affordability standpoint is zoning, these local zoning laws. people do not want new developments in their areas, so i think, neil, you know, ten years ago the big builders had about 8% market share. that number now is about 40%. i think it's going to 50% market share. neil: well, they have the -- behind them to do this. >> correct. pulte, you know, when i say we, i'm not with the company anymore, but we have about $2 billion -- neil: what do they do with it? >> we'll see. i'm very active in that in terms of pushing for the right thing, but these small builders don't have that. neil: d the r horton and all these in and out of all-time highs, that almost seems like froth other way around a. what do you think? >> a little bit, but they are able to knock ball off of these small builders and not feel the effects of inflation. the small builder feels the effects, dr or horton doesn't. they just hiked their dividend,
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increased their share buyback, they made a billion and a half dollars in the quarter -- neil: where is it happening the most in country? >> all over. neil: is the south still hot? florida still hot? >> it depends on the market, but i'd say the southeast is hot. we have a big rental platform in the southeastern united states, we're very bullish on that long term. florida is just, it's hot. neil: the rental part is hot as well because rents have been going up. they've gone so far that it's prompting more new home sales activity. do you see that dynamic? >> i think rents will ease up a little bit. i think there's enough supply coming on. i was just in orlando the other day looking at some of the pulte subtuition dos, and the amount of -- subdivision, and the amount of multi-family supply coming on the market is staller -- staggering. this is so much money. you say isn't this another 2009 two or something like that? i don't think it is. the or mortgage market is very strong. neil: people swapping homes sight unseen, buying them like, you know, casino chips on the
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table, i don't see my of that craziness. what do you think? >> i agree. i think the mortgage market is healthier than it's ever been because we got staired -- scared to death in the great recession. you have to have some real income and real cash to qualify for some of these mortgages. that's why i think the rental has gotten so good, because the mortgage market has gotten so stringent. neil: what do you think happens now with ratesesome i know you hope hay cap where they are, i had a guest on earlier in the show saying i see one more hike, i think he was saying december, and then that's it, they close up. >> i think they could go higher. neil: you do? >> i think they could. we've seen some alleviation in home prices and in the building products that go into the home. but if we start to see that rip again, the fed's going to have to no choice. just when does it hit the labor market. neil: all right. i hope you're wrong on that part. bill, always good seeing you. news developing right now outside of houston, texas, this packaging facility -- i thinks it is a packaging facility --
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about 60 miles east right now of houston. we don't know how it started, we do know they are a long way from stopping it. it has shut down highways in the area both ways. we have no report yet of injury ises or worse there, and we hope it stays that way. but again, we're calling it a chemical plant, but it looks like a packaging and and processing plant. but, again, no one is giving a clear indication just outside of the fact that, or you know, fire departments from all over the area have been called into the area to try to get this sucker down, and right now they're losing that battle. but they're trying their damnedest. say with us. tending hives of honeybees, and mentoring a teenager — your life is just as unique. your raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you help others.
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medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. neil: all right, ivanka trump leaving that fraud trial in manhattan that start her father and all things trump organization, her brothers have testified, of course, her father testified. her testimony today. an appeals court had dismissed the case e against her, so she was initially a defendant pretty much like her brothers but technically not now. we don't know the details of what evidence or material she's offered that she did come up with a response, i don't recall, to a number of questions. but bottom line, they're taking a little lunch break now and she will return. we'll keep you posted on that. "the big money show is now." brian: hey, neil, i'm brian brenberg -- jackie: i'm jackie deang lis -- dagen: and i'm dagen mcdow


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