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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 13, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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should see the rally continue. today i expected it we had a nice friday rally that was a new thing the sentiment change to me it was a little shaky usually we go into weekends risk off and this week shorts covered and people kept their long position the cpi will be telling and once we get through that if things are all clear i think we valley for the next few weeks. stuart: extended the move in november markets up 7% just in november so far. cheryl you have those numbers in the ppi on wednesday. >> cpi working at walmart, target, home depot, i can't wait to see walmart's numbers how many people are going to buy groceries at walmart. that is big story. >> taking market share for everybody else. liz peek, j woods, cheryl casone, thank you so much we are going to be back tomorrow, "varney & company" picks it up, take it away. stuart: good morning maria, good
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morning, everyone watched check out how your money is doing decent weeks for stocks here's how we start the brand-new week. first off the dow got about 60 the nasdaq at about 60 not huge selling. the bottom line moody's downgraded the credit outlook to negative but no selloff and premarket action despite today. interest rates ever so slightly higher, tenure 467 this morning the nasdaq is not going to like that, the two-year coming in at 507. an elevated rate there holding his recent gains, 368 is where we are roughly $77 a barrel 77.14, gas $3.36 for regular. and by the way ten states are now below $3 a gallon. diesel is down to $4.34. politics, senator ten scott dropped out of the race for the presidency. he made the surprise announcement on fox last night. he said voters have been telling them not now tim.
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the president is getting ready for his meeting with xi jinping happens on wednesday in san francisco. my opinion the danger that biden will offer trade concession in return for empty promises of action by china on climate. and this is a spectacular break to further weight loss drugs not just taking off a few pounds a clinical tribal of a 10% decrease for artifacts, deaths and strokes. we'll show you what happens with blue cities tax the risk to assess. new york has lost ten billionaires in four years. new york has city, state and federal income taxes and estate tax on top of that. in florida. it is really very difficult. monday november 13th 2023. thanksgiving next week. "varney & company" is about to
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begin. ♪. stuart: is not a reference to senator tim scott that just judropped out of the gop lease. stuart: that is clean. another one bites the dust. politics 358 days out from the election and the herd is thinning. senator tim scott is now out. roll tape. >> unsuspended by campaign i think the voters who are the most remarkable people on the planet have been really clear telling me not now tim. i do think that there's a not now. i get respect the voters i'm get a hold on and keep working really hard and look forward to another opportunity. stuart: that was a surprise to trey gowdy he was not expecting that neither were the staff as
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well. that leaves a republicans competing for the 2024 nomination. sean duffy with me this morning. we are down to seven challenges to trump a denomination. who do you think is the next dropout? >> we really have three vivek ramaswamy nikki haley those of the three challengers, tim scott is a great challenger a good policy guy but he was it catching fire, think it's important to recognize when it's not your time. good for him for stepping out of the race. i mentioned this before, these three that are in the running are playing for second place should something happen to trump should the voters have a hard turn away from donald trump they want to be waiting in the wings to be the next person to get the mantle. again that is a hard place to be, and i don't see trump going away. i think trump is going to win. stuart: about or what happens you don't think anybody's going to catch trout, that's what you're saying. >> only unknown if he is convicted of one of the crimes
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does he get sent to jail how did the voters react to that had of the soft republicans were angry about how democrats have been prosecuting them, how did they react, that the real question we don't know that we've seen indictments only make president trump poll go up but what it does a jail sentence do, none of us know that. i've a hard time believing that voters will be president trump but again if you what are the three in the running that is what you're writing for that's what you're working for. when the play the best line is vivek ramaswamy he has not dissed or pushed back in president trump he is he channel to president trump and cut his own lane. should he go away to go to vivek ramaswamy. stuart: i cannot see vivek ramaswamy winning this race. possibly vivek ramaswamy could be vice president would trump but that is a long shot. >> maybe i'm talking personal feelings. again i think the one that has
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the best shot in the best organization, the best record is ron desantis. again he's not the most lovable guy on stage or in events. the personality is lucky but the policy and the results have been really good with ron desantis. ron desantis has to leave trump alone, stop ready to get donald trump run on your own record and what you did in florida stop hitting president trump and try to separate yourself, run on your own record and should trump go away you should be the next guy. i don't think that trump is going away. >> hold on a second ago to turn away to something as i'm switching years as we like to say. moody's lowered their outlook from negative to stable and we have a looming government shutdown. the market is not reacting desperately down 60 on the dow, down 60 on the nasdaq. david bahnsen with me this morning, what would that do for the market a government shutdown as downgraded the debt. >> the debt was not downgraded
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aaa change outlook to negative we have $32 trillion of debt we had a trillion dollars of debt 30 years ago so the debt is up 30 times since then and now they go to negative outlook. the moody's s&p doesn't mean anything to anyone i managed was $5 billion and i could not care less. the government spends too much money and it takes away future growth but were not going to miss a payment or a principal payment we have it in 250 years and were not going to now, the s&p cut the rating 12 years ago and the stock market is up 400% since then. stuart: i think you make a good case it's not that big of a deal, stay with me president biden dominated trump in 2021. when it came to the youth vote polling shows that might be treated a little new york times poll shows biden only leads by one point among voters younger than 30. we have another pull emerson college, trump leads biden two points, come back and with these
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numbers the democrats should be in panic mode, are they? >> you don't see good news for joe biden anywhere in the poll numbers and i don't see them getting better. you mentioned at the top of the block that concern because of the poll numbers and the campaign in the next year that he could sell america out even further to china, listen to these young voters go to the republican candidate, they care about climate change and they care about the palestinians and they love hamas. i don't see republicans winning these voters over. the best that republicans can hope for that the youth vote stays home or they vote for bobby kennedy junior, again lisa been indoctrinated little marxist and they want to progressive agenda and republicans don't offer that to them do i see republicans winning the vote, no but joe biden losing them. >> overhead.
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>> your painting youngsters with a broad brush there marxist, come on how old are you, you are you 75 looking to the younger generation. >> i'm not your age i'm a couple years younger but listen they have gone to universities and high schools and then doctor nation machine is running strong and again, that is why you have so many of them that believe in the ideas that the left has fed them in the school system and again, a few that break away but as a majority the pretty leftist and progressive so yes a broad stroke that is not my kid my kids are good little conservatives but a lot of them fall in the camp that they want bernie sanders. >> if you're not a socialist by the age of 25 you have no heart. if you're still a socialist afafter 25 you have no head. i'm paraphrasing winston churchill for the umpteenth
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time. yet 30 seconds left. >> i love that i wish that was true but the indoctrination is so strong that used to be true but no longer i think these are believers who are bought into the ideology because these are the kids that are afraid that panic attacks about climate change because they have been fed the fear in the schools. i think it's hard to roll that back with a 30 and 35 which gives me a bleak outlook for the political future of america. i wish i was optimistic as you but i'm not i see these kids too often into radical. >> i was a socialist. >> don't wipe a tear for me right. stuart: i was a socialist when i was 25, look at me now. >> you're a man of a different era, this is a new era. >> a different century actually. >> we're going to be watching you in more of the discussion of the bottom line with dagen and duffy 6:00 p.m. on fox business,
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thank you so much will see you again real soon. >> it seems jen psaki former press secretary is worried about trump, roll tape. >> if elected to a second term donald trump would prosecute anyone he deems an enemy unleashed troops on protesters and unravel the role of laws as we know it joe biden is three years older and trips over things, there is a lot to be concerned about right now when it comes to a second trump term trump is warning us in his own voice with a microphone and a camera rolling he is telling us exactly what he plans to do. we all just need to listen. >> it seems that concerns over biden's chances in 24 are mounting among democrats you would agree with that, david bahnsen. >> there's no question they should be concerned, joe biden is the only democrat that i think could lose to trump i also think trump could lose to biden, i don't think very many other republicans could lose to biden, there is a lot of pulling the indicates trump is going to win the nomination and biden is
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going to win the nomination and no one is not happy about over 50% say they don't want either candidate i do understand the primary process not getting into what voters are looking for is very frustrating. >> it's a strange election year. stay there thank you so much indeed. monday morning 19 minutes to go to the opening bell down 60 on the dow and 6553 on the nasdaq, covenant democrat strategist david axelrod's cities not too concerned with biden's logging poll numbers, watch this. >> polls are a year out you have to look at them and analyze and adjust but one number in the pulling that was concerning had to do with age that's one thing you can't reverse. >> i thought it was last week the axelrod called for biden to jump under dropout. president biden will meet china's president xi jinping wednesday i see a danger in this
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meeting and biden will show weakness, all ask ashley hinson how she sees the biden president xi match up right after nv♪ but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. if your child has diabetes, you'll want the most accurate cgm, dexcom g7. it's on. and, he's off. you can see his glucose numbers right on your phone, so you can always be there for him with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪
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>> future show a loss on the dow, 64 on the nasdaq, not a huge selloff but you don't know how things are going to close out president biden meets china's president wednesday here's what the white house had to say in advance of it. roll tape. >> the u.s. and china are in competition president biden is trying to manage a competition responsibly so it doesn't tip
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over into conflict and is looking for areas where we can work together with chintan armitage under mutual interest to do so would it consummated you the relationship ties and communication between our two militaries are critical the chinese have basically severed those committee occasionally president biden would like to reestablish them and he will look to the summa as an opportunity to try to advance the ball on that. stuart: sullivans is reestablishing the military ties with china will be the top priority on wednesday. congresswoman ashley hinson republican from iowa joins me now. you are on the house china select committee. my opinion i see a danger in this meeting china will promise to make progress and we will ease up trade sanctions, how you see it playing out. >> i share your concern, it's very clear appeasing china has failed we have decades of appeasement policy behind us and president biden has really fallen through without again any
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set official after official over to china bending over backward to appease the genocidal regime there has been no accountability so far for the spy balloon that they sent over our country. they set up a police station in new york city to spy on chinese-americans and they continue to plan a military exercise around the world and in cuba very close to our country i think we should focus on less photo ops, no smiling for the camera let's start speaking strongly in carrying the big stick in my mind we should be tough on china sanctioning our ccp officials for human rights abuses for example and start protecting our technology and focus on protecting trade and intellectual property of the united states. >> you introduced a bill that would pay rural telecommunication companies to stop paying technology with ties to china. my question how far do you go and severing all ties with china like tiktok, farmland that they
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cannot buy is a total rejection of any involvement with china at all. >> i don't think that's possible what we need to do is make sure were being strategic about how we go about that. my bill is focused on protecting america's communication. when you look at china and we continue to have technology from huawei in gte, that the ccp dock under backdoor to americans communication only a personal privacy issue but a national security issue for our country as well. you talk about the backdoors that china has it's about making sure were stopping blatant disregard for making intellectual property blatant disregard for america's pop under privacy and protecting her military top-level communication those are the priorities we should be focusing on i don't think complete divestment or d
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risking is going to be possible but i think we need to go and eyes wide open and listen to the chinese about what they're doing not necessarily what they're saying. stuart: i got it, congresswoman ashley hinson, thank you for joining us we will see you again later. china's economy has fallen into deflation that is the news of the month. dave is with us, what does that do to our economy what is the relationship like. >> is not the news of the month this could be the news of the decade and ten year story china is going to have a smaller population they have excessive indebtedness that has been too much government money trying to stimulate same thing japan did in the u.s. and european union and br puts downward pressure on growth so they will work it until we can the currency in the disparate in japan did that for 30 years you'll end up pushing on a string the monetary policy doesn't work anywhere after period of time people think it's inflationary and obviously was not for 30 years in america it just stagnates growth china is going to do it to us.
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>> and you see the end of the deal between the comet's party in the people if you keep political power make us prosperous. if our prosperity falls to pieces so does the legitimacy of the communist party. >> it doesn't happen quickly it's a very long process sometime several decades they have a lot of tools available because they are a creditor nation they have a lot of things that they can do to keep that from happening. i don't know if they will they will hold tight to a communist control. i think it will affect u.s. economic growth for china to export their deflation in all of this idea that it's a good thing for government to spend too much money is terrible economics we've been living in a for decades. >> taiwan says china sent seven planes and five ships near the island over the weekend the chinese foreign minister say nothing to worry about taiwan as part of china's territory, we have war in ukraine, were on israel what happens to the market if there is a military flareup between china and
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taiwan. >> i think very likely it would be disruptive almost all immediate military escalation has disrupted the market usually does not last very long markets in-depth seeing through the other side there is a lot of uncertainty i cannot say right now when that would start only when it would end but the military escalations generally disrupt markets, add volatility and we come out on the other side. >> were not there with china taiwan yet. a quick check of features down 70 for the dow, down 60 for the nasdaq, the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: we have read on the screen as we approach the opening bell, the right hand side of the screen, keith fitz is about to appear. you said moody's downgrade is just a joke. have you been listening to david bahnsen who seems to agree with you. >> no i have not. but i'll tell you what if you put this in terms everybody can
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understand why do you have a fire alarm in your house at the dang thing does not go off until after it's burned to the ground that's at the rating agencies are doing that's not forget they gave everybody aaa coming into the credit crisis in 2008 and nine. stuart: it is irrelevant your investment guy, you pay no attention at all. >> i really don't, all joshing aside these guys are trying to remain relevant there filled with a lot of smart people who do great analysis but there stating the obvious, interest-rate the everybody talks about our assessment of risk the market is taking care of that function the rates have been going up. stuart: what about a government shutdown that doesn't bother you at all. >> it does bother me because i think it's an absolute disgrace but as an investor i've got to see through that i don't the luxury of taking sides i have to believe cooler heads are going to prevail and how things are going to survive whether they shut down or not.
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>> let's turn to my favorite subjects, microsoft, the stock is up 54% so far this year. it is at 368, how much higher do you think you can go. >> were taken on my target right up against the. i'm starting to think about $500 a share and/or a new split within the next 2434 months. stuart: hold on a second david bahnsen is sitting next to me $500 a share to a ratio of 70. >> about 60. >> would that be rich for you. >> not of the stock goes along for the ride here is the thing for everyone hundred - $120 in spending i think were putting another 50, $7500 in a.i. generated revenue on the line. if i am right then that talks about another 100 or $110 billion into the business
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unit alone given that 50 or 60% of bikers are products is going to be a.i. involved in the next three or six years. i think that number is actually kind of real. >> we will ask david for more input, and 40 seconds left, what do you expect to come out of wednesday's meeting xi jinping in joe biden you have concentrated on asia. >> i spent an awful lot of time, i think the west will perceive it that the chinese perceive as geopolitics in a think they know biden is weak so it's going to be about setting boundaries in russia and ukraine with regard to taiwan not about trade like the u.s. will position. stuart: my take away from this meeting the downgrade does not matter and microsoft is going to $500 a share that was a terrific performance and we appreciate you being with us. it is 930 on the dot, press the button, he is very pleased, the
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dow is open with a small loss, 50 points a lot of selling to get the dow 30 bring them up full-screen yes six or seven winners, the rest are losers 48 pointer 50 points a fraction of 1%, the s&p 500 opening on the downside a quarter% down four points the nasdaq composite down i believe because of the ten year treasury is going up up over 31% for the nasdaq composite. big tech all of them down apple, microsoft, alphabet, meta and amazon all on the downside let's have a look at the stock up enormously this year, down this morning. novo nordisk a new study says their weight loss drug wegovy cut serious heart problems, death and stroke by 20%, the stock is up almost 60% but they don't pay a dividend much. >> to pay half a percentage of dividends. i want to point out we were
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talking off air 20% decrease of death risk it usually a big deal stock is on what and how% why is that this is what i want viewers to understand stocks are pricing in expectation to get results for a test but they thought it would be better but the market was looking for quicker and bigger response then all of a sudden bad news, good news becomes bad news when it was already baked in. >> it looks like a real breakthrough. >> is a very promising drug and more test to be done another ramifications, the question is what is priced in, the stock is up 50% this is not paid a dividend that we can get excited about but a great opportunity. >> boeing i'm pretty sure that is up it is a down stock it is up 3.2 percent, china may end its freeze on buying boeing planes this may come up in san francisco, emirates order 95 boeing planes that does not hurt at all. >> of course not you want to see
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the order flow go when it's diversified company. >> disney's the marvels under marvels and opening weekend at the box office 47 billion of sales, domestically expecting 75 or 80 million your comment. >> on the wrong guy to ask this entire genre of movies bores me to tears and even though having three kids i figured it might've played out may be a hazard seems to be a genre overdone but a documentary watch over like me is hardly a movie critic for commercial evaluation. >> i'll get you out of this really easy. tyson down, up after the reports they took a hit i thought they were taken hit from rising interest-rate tone higher food prices, i'm not sure i explained that neither can you. >> i don't think it's down i think it's on the margin and expectation but people say ticket is higher so we order more beef so do they say chicken or beef or higher so more quinoa i do believe that people still
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eat chicken, you have to eat me the. >> bitcoin this has been on a rally recently but is holding its own 368 only got a little bit. you would not touch any crypto with a 10-foot poll would you. >> most crypto went out of business last year you talking about bitcoin and the people that are in jail and everything there is still crypto industry. >> and barely being sarcastic. >> he would not touch bitcoin. >> it speculative and right now some attempt to sue patient proving the sec and etf are bitcoin, that is fine the people are playing the trade on other people playing the trade it does ever last fundamentally what would make it go higher because they have an instrument treating. what about the thing worth more value to customers.
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>> was it an alternate investment? >> is a currency that goes from 70000 to 10000 back to 50000 back to 20000. >> in an alternative investment. >> is a gambling chip. >> i personally like sports i would rather bet on affable team on sunday than bitcoin. at least i get to watch the g game. >> hewlett-packard were calling them the computer people on the screen right there they have an upgrade to buy from neutral by citigroup and the cdc has continued improvement from the ecosystem for the upgrade, you are laughing. >> i think analyst upgrading it's always interesting hewlett-packard as been dead money when we look at it they are a dividend payer i don't disagree with the thesis i think there are a lot of people buying pcs and there's an upgrade need for hardware. >> when i came to america i lived in san francisco hewlett-packard was down the road they were king of the hill at the time.
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tripadvisor the good upgrade for bernstein they outperform they think the key headwinds for tripadvisor have cleared is this a proxy for book travel bookings. >> that's what it does i don't know the headwinds that have cleared it doesn't make any money, i always look for a path to profitability this is an online travel company that does not make any money. >> is my favorite part of doing an interview you bring your dividend pics in your going to start with kenvue that is old johnson & johnson. >> johnson & johnson spun out the consumer products business and separate company called kenvue when you look at the baby shampoo and you look at band-aids and tylenol these are big name brands that j&j owned and has exhibited over 4%, j&j's dividend was only two at half or 2.7% they took good dividend and
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a separate entity and has not got a lot of traction with a consumer staples in 2024 will be a great sector. stuart: you are in it? >> i don't how to pronounce this. >> lyondell brazil we done this a few times in their pronunciation changes but it's always wrong but is a complicated company not only is the name hard to say they do plastics, chemicals and people don't know what it is you make up your consumer products in every thing people touch have something in the production. but it's a big dividend payer growing like crazy and we really like them. stuart: are they of an american company. >> based out of houston and reformulated 12 years ago and wildly profitable huge in europe and the united states. >> tell me the dividend. >> right now 5.4% and grown 8% per year for 11 years. >> your etf pdg. >> the bahnsen group easy to remember. >> now i know.
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>> now you get it. >> we talk about the dividend names and you try to penn me down on the biggest dividend players we created one etf with the 33 names we own 25 to 35 at any given time we've been managing for a long time so we put into one ticket together reflecting dividend growing stocks. stuart: a nice commercial very good commercial with tbg, coming up "saturday night live" mocked the third gop presidential debate, watch this. >> can you believe it, 91 indictments, four trials and i'm the best choice. is it is sad none of them can be joe biden the worst president since frankly me. joe biden he is so old the mentals are clearly in decline. stuart: that's pretty good joe concha is coming on my question will be how will the biden trump matchup look if rfk junior were involved. a bloomberg headline with covid back in winter approaching is it
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safe to dine indoors. are we really going to go back to this. doctor siegel is going to be here talking about precisely that. moody's turned negative on u.s. debt, why, we cannot cut spending. steve moore on that next. local liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie!
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(sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently.
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it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ stuart: this is just coming out as secret service agents were protecting president but his ggranddaughter open fire after they tried carjacking their vehicle last night naomi biden was in the georgetown neighborhood when the suspects came up to the cart and broke the window investigators do not believe that naomi was a target. will bring you more as it develops. check the market 13 minutes in
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we have red ink but not that much the nasdaq on the downside because the yield on the ten year treasury has gone up a lot down 95 on the nasdaq. we have a new study and it shows something worth predictable economic activity is poverty to blue cities the biggest decline minneapolis, seattle, chicago, san francisco and new york city, steve moore is with me no coincidence that the democrat run cities. >> you better believe it's all these blue city san francisco, oakland, minneapolis my home city of chicago these numbers are really distressing it shows one third less economic activity in the downtown area of the cities. another question why is that i think it's because of just what you are talking about, the carjacking, the crime, the fact that you have the high taxes and areas and when you have fewer
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people going into the city think about the impact on the stores in the restaurants and so on. stuart: i think you dropped your microphone. you figured that one out you know get it back it will be fine and dandy. tell me when you're plugged in. >> sorry about that. >> use my next question moody has lowered their outlook to negative. my opinion this is because we cannot get agreement on spending and we cannot agree to cut spending, am i right? >> were running $2 trillion annual deficit everyone but the republican, independent or republican knows this is a massive problem for the country and by the way i have to say a lot of the republicans don't want to cut spending this is a big, big problem when you spending to trick in dollars more than you're bringing in i would take a chainsaw to this budget and go after $380 billion
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green energy slush fund. have a recapturing 200 twomac to a $50 billion that was stolen from the covid funds. nobody in washington is doing anything about going after these programs. it's really problematic that there is no talk about getting the spending programs under control. we could save 200 twomac $200 billion out of the healthcare programs if we simply have healthcare price transparency where you knew what things cost as a patient. when you go to the doctor do you know what things cost. >> i don't. >> they don't tell you. >> that's what you have accelerated cost of healthcare. isn't it interesting the two areas of economy were the most inflation over the last 25 years have been education and healthcare in the two industries run by government. stuart: i see what you're talking about. i gotta run, at a time. steve moore.
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bidens democrat challenger dean phillips says bidenomics is not working, roll tape. >> bidenomics is not working. i respect the president want to make it very clear he's a good man and savior country in 2020 was only democrat that could be in donald trump and i think 2024 he may be the only ones that lose to him. >> bidenomics not a good brand name. >> is a terrible brand-name democrat should never get political advice from a movement conservative advice like me but a terrible branding marketing political decision but from a policy standpoint i really don't understand what they think it is is it industrial policy supposed to be hard on china they play both sides of that fence, is a big taxes they didn't get bill back better approved what is it that they think bidenomics is. stuart: agree new deal. >> ultimately that's what they want to go to voters with, they will lose the election is a
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terrible idea. >> thank you very much indeed. over the weekend weight loss drugs turned out to be useful than taking off a few pounds and also opens up the healthcare to something very new and very promising that is my opinion it might take coming up at the top of our president biden china xi jinping officials are making a push to clean up the city we have a report from union square of all places. right after this. ♪ businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operations
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san francisco is on cleanup duty. edward lawrence is there, how do things look. >> a little stinky i would tell you were sitting in front of some poop that has been left in front of the sidewalk but some of the stores have survived a lot of the stores in the area i want to show you it looks like a lot of them look like that were outside of the famous union square the homeless and enchantments in the area have been cleaned out because of aipac overnight the crime element has been moved away the
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homeless has been moved away and took the international summit to clean out the city. listen. >> in san francisco the bay area up and down the whole west coast as well, your disapproval in the economy and the list of issues that are turning underwater. the thing in san francisco the bay area always vote blue no matter who, that is the issue. >> , sides over 9% from last year robberies up 14%, auto theft is up more than 8% stores are closed in droves because of the major employers move their headquarters out like oracle, human packard, charles schwab left the bay area crews put up metal black fencing at the site were 21 world leaders will meet the administrations of the discussion will allow the city to shine. >> a lot of crossover, there are certain government in the end of
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pacific looking how closely they manage the support to ukraine in israel and may be divinely certain lessons from that it's all the more important that we have this discussion as inferences go. >> president biden will be here tomorrow he will not see the true san francisco city, back to you. david with me for the next couple minutes you have anything to say about the meeting. >> i share your concern that biden will show the strength that we want and i don't want to give it away something for climate concession but i want to be clear in the most nonpartisan way you want this meeting to happen you don't want our leadership not meeting with them nobody wants is escalating with china i don't have a lot of confidence to get a better deal but we will see what comes out of it and i do hope that you are wrong. >> is better to employ the stick than the ^-caret. >> there needs to be statesmanship and conversation will see where it goes.
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>> a sheriff blasting target uses the retailer has blocked offices from apprehending leaves, recently we tried to help target with property crimes detective were contacted numerous times by target to help them with shoplifters we were told they did not want to create a scene they did not want negative press the sheriff spoke about the situation with fox this morning, watch this. >> this is happening at the corporate level the employees, law prevention they want to work with us, corporate does not as a conscious decision by them it's an opportunity they have been complicit. >> david is with me target close some stores and big cities because a big crime, was their reaction because of the liability problem. >> is liability it's a hurt business, extra cost of dealing with it and we don't on target but we own walgreens and in nevada city locations this is a
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big problem some of the cities that is codified is not against the law up to $949 they're not going to enforce until 950 it's absurd. >> the locked up convenience stores in new york city and elsewhere that's the best commercial for amazon that could possibly imagine. >> were free-market guys they cannot work without the rule of law. >> that's very true. thank you very much indeed. i say there's danger in his weakness with his meeting with xi jinping. kt mcfarland agrees without won this story is big novo nordisk weight loss drug no wegovy slashes heart disease, death and stroke by 20%. all asked doctor marc siegel what he thinks of that. moody's cut their outlook on the credit rating to negative, kevin o'leary is here he's coming shortly, joe concha on megan rapinoe she says her injury proves god does not exist. the 10:00 o'clock hour does not
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