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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 13, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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♪ ♪. stuart: cold as ice. it is extremely cold in new york today. when i was coming into work it was 35 or 36 degrees very cold. good morning it is 10:00 o'clock let's take you straight to the money red ink not that much, down 30, s&p is down 18 but the nasdaq is down 92 points that is because of this the yield on the ten year treasury looking to go up you are now at 4.69% the nasdaq stock don't care for that rising interest rate not good for big tech the price of oil $77 a barrel and bitcoin holding onto its gains 36800 as we speak. that is the market, now this. >> over the weekend weight loss drugs turned out to be far more useful than taking off a few pounds read novo nordisk released the results of a wide ranging study wegovy drug.
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i'm no doctor but i can tell something big is happening, try this. wegovy cut the risk of heart attack, death or stroke by twitty% among people with heart disease or overweight or obese and it cut the risk of kidney disease by 22% and obesity going on to diabetes by 70%, all call that spectacular a clinical trial of 17600 got weekly injections that size confers legitimacy on the claims of these drugs do more than slimmed-down, novo nordisk makes ozempic and wegovy in eli lilly makes mond euro and that now, there are ripple effects, kidney dialysis copies have been hit hard so food companies have claimed lower sales because these drugs cut your appetite. next question will insurance company cover the cost is it shown that serious illness and desk under death that insurers
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will be pressured to pay, protecting future health beats costly treatment of serious illness. demand is so strong that novo nordisk and eli lilly cannot produce enough of it, that would open up the market to other players, it also opened up the healthcare system to something very promising and very new. the second hour of "varney" just getting started. >> jeff sica joins me, these advancements seem promising to be, how does it look to you. >> it seems promising, to me every time i see the results, anytime i see anything come out of the fda i really have to question the accuracy. >> you're such a skeptic. >> the fda has not been a great friend to consumers and pat patients. there's been a lot of drugs we
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can remember throughout the years that were touted as being the miracle drugs and a few years later all the side effects. i do think and very optimistic with drugs that do something about the massive obesity problem that we have in this country which is the cause of a lot of illnesses. there is progress. let's be honest there is a lot of good coming out of the medical industry in the pharmaceutical industry but we have to be very suspect on everything that we see. stuart: jeff sica we are less than two weeks away from black friday, you know i read your stuff why do you think this will be the worst holiday season on record. jeff sica. >> i was so reluctant to talk about this, i want to be happy sometimes. >> you're never happy.
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>> i don't know if you heard but they made loansharking legal because now the credit card company are charging north of 25% interest on credit cards. we put on 152 billion in credit card debt this year alone, the credit card company are robbing people by charging this exorbitant interest not just for people who carry a balance this interest is for anybody who takes out a credit card new credit card users, 25 or 26% if you carry a balance you could be up by 30%. when i look at holiday sales in the higher interest rates when i look at the fact that people aren't able to pull out their home equity loan to cover expenses. when i look at how indebted people are and how wages have not grown. what i've seen i've seen
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apocalyptic spying meaning that people are so concerned about the world that the using purchasing things to deal with the stress around them that is why the consumer has stayed resilient but that is going to break there is going to come a point where there's not enough money saved and what will see with the retail earnings people whether the study what they need or what they want and i guarantee there to be spending a lot more on what they need and refraining from buying what they want. stuart: you're a barrel of laughs on a monday morning, here's the next question is there anything that can be done to save the holiday season. >> i think it's aside psychological way to save the holiday season and i think people have to look at their spending habits and i have to look at my spending habits and i think people have to realize
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they're being inundated with advertising or social media and they have to learn how to delay gratification and tell they can get their wages to appoint that they can afford this. when your greatest stress and life to a four day today you not buying expensive christmas gifts. >> delayed gratification is not the american characteristic. >> it is everybody's quick fix even the stock market, the way i look at it, the consumer is 70% of the economy is driven by the consumer, the consumer has been resilient and has been listening to the government and keeping up their spending. >> the clock has run out we all have to be smarter and we have to get to a place where everybody's making more money not spending as much in interest rates come down. stuart: you're going to new jersey shortly i believe, we will see you again.
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more than 40 looters ransacked the gas station in memphis over the weekend, do you want to take us there will happen. >> you can see there is a mob of three dozen smash and grab suspects vandalizing and shopping from two gas stations in memphis saturday night with a swarm of looters that took off with more than $17000 worth of merchandise while causing thousands of dollars in damage those videos showing them knocking over stands carrying out boxes of goods, that is awful but that was not all the same night in memphis at fedex tractor-trailer was blocked off added intersection before others and multiple cars broke into the back and stole a large quantity of packages, that was one saturday night in memphis but it's not just that city, crime in washington, d.c. that one local cvs store has replaced its
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shelves with framed photographs of the products, can you believe it if customers want to make a purchase they must tap a buzzer to a store employee who will retrieve it from the back room. robbery reports of 68% in 2023 compared to last year, we come to that, framed photographs of products. >> it is ridiculous. what do foreigners think of it, you're looking at some of the movers on the stock market and plug power is way down again. >> look at that the hydrogen fuel cell company is stopped falling after morgan stanley slashed the price target to $3.50 which is more that it stands out for $9 the analyst saying that they expect evaluation pressure will remain in the company at a minimum improves its liquidity position down to $3.38. a share moving on looking at
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micron it is facing a lawsuit from the chinese chipmaker technology, the lawsuit claims that micron use the patented technology to protect market share and fight off competition from the chinese copy itself that stock down 2% let's take a look at walgreens the chicago tribune reported that their preparing to lay off 5% of the workforce in chicago about 267 jobs walgreens posted a $6.4 billion loss in the first nine months of fiscal year 2022. i wonder how much was shrinkage. >> otherwise known as shoplifting and theft. i have to update this story secret service agents protecting president biden's granddaughter who fired shots after they saw three people trying to break into an unmarked secret service vehicle that is a developing
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story. kaylee mcghee white from the washington examiner is with us is morning, tell us how you feel about the situation living in washington, d.c. is a deteriorating, can be scary. >> absolutely motor vehicle theft like the one that secret service agents caught the perpetrators trying to do and from in front of naomi biden's house those are only about 90% compared to last year violent crime is up by 40% compared to last year, living in the district it really does feel like you're waiting to become a statistic in large part because of residents including myself have no confidence in the city officials to adequately prosecute criminals and put them behind bars there is a recent study that found that most of the perpetrators are released within a month's time and go on to commit the exact same crime months later these are the same people committing the exact same crimes and there are never any consequent this.
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stuart: let me move on from the situation in d.c. i read your new op-ed called the biden administration latest student loan heist can you explain that for us. >> this is about the latest loophole that the biden administration is attempting to use in order to cancel student loan debt. we remember the supreme court struck down biden's efforts to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt unilaterally but ever since then he's been working to find any way that he can to do so even if it means circumventing the intent of the supreme court decision the latest example is a fine that was awarded to grand canyon university for allegedly failing to inform its students of the true cost of their doctorate programs. the facts in the case are not the biden administration side there was a recent wall street journal editorial that found that the grand canyon university program are very upfront and
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explicit that there could be additional cost to tuition in order to complete the dissertation programs. again as a biden administration made it clear the intent is to force grand canyon to give up the student loan debt so the biden administration could go when and forgive those affected student student loan debt. stuart: data heist, thank you very much indeed, good to see you. brutal cold, no jobs and no shelter. illegal migrants who went to chicago are now fleeing they want to go back to their home countries. what a story. the white house as president biden will push china with military ties to the u.s., kt mcfarland gets into what we can expect from the high-stakes meeting which xi jinping the u.s. launched three more strikes on iran linked facilities in syria and israeli forces ripped up airstrikes on the gaza strip overnight. trey yingst in southern israel with the latest right after this. ♪
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stuart: about 15 minutes worth of business there is a significant loss for the nasdaq down 81 points a small loss for the dow and s&p, we have a downside move for the nasdaq and an upside move in the ten year treasury yield we are now at 4.68%, got it. israeli forces pushed deeper into northern gaza overnight they've taken control of the port of gaza. trey yingst in southern israel the latest from where you are right now. >> good morning is day 38 of the war between israel and hamas you can hear the outgoing artillery the israelis are putting pressure on hamas using artillery along the border and also airstrikes that they ramped
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up overnight not just targeting the northern part of gaza but also the central part of the strip palestinians are pretty new airstrikes near gaza second largest city on the ground infantry troops are working to push deeper into gaza the idf announced they've taken control of the gaza port with the help of the navy, the desk under death toll has risen to 44 soldiers since the ground operation began. we have new video from the israeli military showing the hospital in the northern part of gaza is really say this illustrates the battle that they are facing you could see hamas militants and playing close there carrying an rpg in the fired from the 188th brigade the israeli said the fire back killing 21 members of hamas, they said these militants were firing on their soldiers and running back into the hospital grounds it gives you a sense of how difficult the urban battlefield is in their civilians and northern part of gaza who've not yet been able to
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evacuate. stuart: thank you very much indeed the u.s. launched three more strikes on targets in syria used by iranian proxy forces it was in retaliation for the 48th u.s. bases that a bit attacked in the mideast since mid-october, kt mcfarland joins us. are we not taking a much more aggressive stand against iran? >> come on word is given iran the equivalent of a billion dollars in oil revenue and sanctions relief and stopping sanctions do you think we're going to get tough on iran at this point. i think a lot of this is pounding sand, the united states is retaliated but now many attacks against u.s. facilities five times as many as a u.s. response, i don't think were getting tough on iran at all, the problem that we're going to get tough on israel which is the wrong thing to do if united states looks like were walking away from israel or abandoning israel or slow walking any cooperation with israel like ammunitions or intelligence
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sharing that we star have any dangerous period of escalation, other countries or other terrorist in the region decide if america is going to be a little bit queasy about israel the squatter israel to then the worry that israel feel so isolated that it takes things into his own hands and escalates. stuart: is impossible to biden is afraid i hate to use that word but it doesn't want to provoke a wider war in an aggressive attitude to iran would provoke a wider war that is the calculation isn't it. >> that is probably the way that they think at this point but if they really wanted to stop iran, bankrupt iran do something about the oil american energy production do something about iran's oil and the sanction that the biden administration is now facing and about talking on wednesday with the chinese president to say that we want you to start enforcing the
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sanctions we don't want you to buy iranian oil that's blacklisted, you're doing it illegally and we want you to enforce it were not using the economic weapon that's the most powerful weapon that we have and we just don't use it. how do you expect iran to act even richton president biden but do you think a pullback, you keep throwing carrots at them about getting a couple of sticks in their. stuart: at the state department and president biden staff are there holdovers from the obama administration who are favorable towards iran and that explains the soft policy that biden is now putting forward, is not the explanation. >> are we talking about the same people in the obama administration, who can laugh about these topics but is the same people in the problem it is the same people including some who were pro-iranian and the obama administration to did a lot of negotiating. the back of the biden administration inseam positions. if you see the state department couple of days ago criticizing
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israel, criticizing israeli atrocities, you know where they stand they've long since forgotten about what hamas is done to israel that was only done a month ago. stuart: president biden meets xi jinping in san francisco on wednesday listen to what jake sullivan said ahead of the meeting. roll tape. >> president biden is trying to manage the competition responsibly so it doesn't tip over into conflict and is looking for areas where we can work together in our mutual interest to do so the chinese have basically severed those communication links, president biden would like to reestablish them and he will look to the summit as an opportunity to try to advance the ball on that. >> i'm going to throw out my opinion which i been using all day long, i worry the president biden will make concessions to china and return for easy promises on the climate, what do you think.
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>> i think he's made concessions to get this meeting and the meeting has to be a photo opportunity for president biden to talk to the american domestic audience and see them doing something about china, the ambitions that one up at a medication between the chinese and the american military, how about everybody gets a phone put a phone on your desk, where dino each other's funds the issues with china are really significant in the biden administration refuses to addresses like fentanyl, and across the u.s. border it is china binary and in russia's oil it is china and the trade war with united stealing american property in the police station the new york city taken american citizens, chinese-american citizens and trying to intimidate them it is all of those things the president biden refuses to address. my worry is get it gets worse not that is going to make more concessions, my worry is the photo opposite bad one joe biden in the last couple meetings he trips he stumbles he doesn't know how to get an and out of the room what happens if there's
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a picture of shoes and pinion president biden and biden looking like he's confused, old and doesn't know what he's doing, that picture is going to be sent all over the global south all over the world to say look at america that is the american leader. stuart: i never thought of that particular angle, the optics never thought of that. kt mcfarland, thank you very much indeed we will see you later. the first batch of migrants have arrived at a new shelter in brooklyn, new york this weekend. ashley i understand they didn't like it. >> i think it's best described as thanks but no thanks dozens of migrant families arrived at the makeshift tent city in brooklyn yesterday they looked around and hopped back on the bus to return to the previous shelters about 2000 asylum's scheduled to be housed at the site despite widespread criticism for its remote location and fire safety concerns a spokesperson for mayor adams said migrants rejected the site but claims
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that a second busload opted to remain, meantime a growing number of asylum-seekers who made their way to chicago are turning back to clearing the american dream does not exist for them the migrants say the city is at a breaking point and nose left in shelters and also angry residents who are upset that they are there, more than 2000 people have gotten monetary help from the state through catholic charities to relocate to other states with family and friends or in some cases migrants have decided to return to their home countries, interesting development. stuart: a very strange development. when you take about it. back to you later. listen to this with covid cases on the rise of bloomberg columnist questions whether it is safe to dine indoors this winter, a fear mongering perhaps, were going to get into it, it's been called the king kong of weight loss, wegovy has
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helped people lose 50 pounds. a new study says it cuts the risk of serious heart problems as well, how about that doctor marc siegel will join us as a surreal medical breakthrough. ♪ (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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stuart: one hour with the business down 40 on the dow, down 61 on the nasdaq, we come back from earlier losses. ashley is looking at the movers start would lift down another 2%. it is indeed, lift is working to make sure that those for the holidays can do so without a hitch they announced a new pledge as part of the on-time pickup promise when they see any customers who schedule rides in advance to the airport are going to get a $20 lift credit if the driver is more than ten minutes late. okay, let's take a look at booking holdings up today after bernstein upgraded them to market perform from underperform in their up nearly 2% they say the company's evaluation appears to be quite favorable that stock
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is benefiting from the comments, last one nike appointed a new chief technology officer the stock is down one half% according to an e-mail to the former amazon fashion executive is now being named to that position but in the tough environment protect stocks or thereabouts certainly the growth stocks bring nike done almost wanted how%. stuart: back to the lift story you cannot afford to be ten minutes late when you go into the airport, that is a no, no. >> it makes you worry that the lyft drivers if they're getting stuck in heavy traffic they're going to gun it. >> thank you ash, let's get to this interesting story. a new study is a clinical trial. novo nordisk wegovy the weight loss drug can reduce the risk of severe heart problems, death and stroke by 20%, that sounds sensational to me, doctor siegel
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is with us this has benefits outside of weight loss is a real medical breakthrough? >> this is a huge study of first of its kind 17500 patients over a five-year period published in the new england journal of medicine the top journal and it discovered a 20% decrease risk of heart attack and stroke and fatal outcome over five years mostly heart attack 28% down on pre-existing heart disease or obesity very high risk group i'm very impressed with this, the stock prices hovering around 100 i would expected to pounce on this but we will see that is your neck of the woods, this is really important for obese people with heart disease and probably with people who have not yet developed heart disease and i'll tell you why there are two reasons one at a microlevel inside of the bloodstream this drug decreases inflammation to the body and inflammation leads to heart attack. on a macro level it is
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decreasing your weight which is decreasing inflammation which is decreasing the risk of heart attack and stroke is helping to lower blood pressure in getting a better control of diabetes to or tendency towards that. both are big wins in this drug is taking a lot of attack on side effects small risk side effects this is a major major breakthrough study it doesn't mean everyone should be on it were talking about people who are obese with heart disease or high risk. stuart: that was my question are not obese you're not terribly overweight but you take wegovy, without lower your risk of heart attack and stroke? >> that is to be determined that as a next step now we know with high risk we knew this but this was dramatic what about people at lower risk. i'm not ready to say that everybody should be honest i'm ready to see those who are obese, truly obese body mass
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index approaching 30 or heart disease should be on it or risk of heart disease. stuart: real fast on the sub subject. >> and you take the drug wegovy can you take them without an injection is it in pill form? >> not yet that's a few months away when will that be in the doctor's office, pfizer is working on a pill and it will probably be out over three to six months. another point to make this is a 2.4 milligrams. that's more than a lot of people take most people are taking in o parse hairs we don't know if we would have the same effect that a lower dose that i suspect we would. stuart: a bloomberg headline for you to look at with covid back in winter approaching is it safe to dine indoors. surely were knocking to get back to this are we.
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>> i was saying the one thing that is recovering in new york seems to be the restaurants we don't have the garbage picked up and we have the rats in the streets but the restaurants are doing well 250 cases a day, that is down from 1500 cases a day in september. i think were heading in the right direction and i think people want to dine indoors. if your not comfortable and you're worried you could worry about other things by the way how about freezing outdoors you want an outdoor table you might freeze than you, with hypothermia read if you're worried don't dine indoors dine at home make your own solids but i think the risk is very, very low and i'm willing to dine indoors, all dine with you if you invite me out but you are paying. >> the sting was in the tail. we'll go to mcdonald's. thank you very much indeed will see you real soon. >> researchers say that they found a kill switch that can trigger the death of cancer cells, what is this all about. >> is very encouraging news,
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scientists at uc davis comprehensive cancer center in sacramento, california have identified a protein on the cd 95 receptor that can program cancer cells to dine. he receptor is a protein within the cell that receives and transmits signals, researchers are hopeful that future cancer drugs can boost the 95 receptors to create basically a new weapon that gains cancer tumors, the kill switch as it's called could terminate tumor cells while also helping to make immunotherapies more effective. in other words it's a potential one to punch against tumors, scientists and thanks to the developments of the targeted therapies which continue to go on cancer rates overall in the past decade have decreased significantly, slowly but surely we seem to be getting there, hopefully. thank you, some sellers on
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amazon are selling anti-israel merchandise in jewish people say it's clearly anti-semitic, we do have the story. with a diner on long island is boycotted after the israeli flags and posters of hostages taken and held by hamas, some staff quit, will speak to the owner of golden globe diner next.
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stuart: we had a couple of good weeks on the market we started out the new week with a little bit of sally not that much the dow is down 19 points, the nasdaq down 50 it had been down over a hundred coming back for the market this morning massive pro is really protests broke out in france over the weekend thousands of anti-israel demonstrations march through london. greg palkot with this take us to
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the protest. >> it was a tale of two cities into very different protest, let's start yesterday in paris and france, 180,000 people were out on the streets marching against rising anti-semitism attacks in the wake of the israel hamas war. political leaders were out even far right finger taking part it was well police, not many incidents france had the biggest population of jewish people in europe, saturday in london in the uk that was a very different story 300,000 pro-palestinian marchers came out. a big event through the heart of the city including the prominent u.s. embassy building there were a lot of police out as well but there were square missions far right protesters duking it out with the cops and other participants in reports of abuse hurled at jewish residents in london they require police
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escorts, probably the biggest fallout was interior minister getting the boot today by uk prime minister rishi sunak and other reasons this is part of a cabinet reorganization but she did get a lot of heat for branding the pro-palestinian rally a hate march. i tell you firsthand i was in the streets of london this weekend and there was a lot of hate and anger on both sides on the streets about the mideast congregation as a plus miles away. back to you. stuart: greg palkot, right in the middle of it. one restaurant long island new york facing a boycott after the owner hung up israeli flags and posters at the hostages taken by hamas several staff members q quit. peter is the owner of the golden globe diner on long island and joins us now. what is a community response like so far. >> after people noticed our
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flags and or posters of all the hostages we had a great response from the local jewish community and were very humbled and overwhelmed we are very gra grateful. stuart: you say some staff members actually quit, did they quit to your face and say were not working for you. >> some new people the cayman asked to take pictures of the hostage posters and people wanted to pose in front of the restaurant as soon as they saw the posters they walked out. others did not appreciate the flags going up. this was a work in progress it happened over the course of three weeks and every day we would do a little more to show her support. stuart: why would anyone be outraged by a display of hostage posters.
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>> i was told they do not want the attention they feel it is depressing i guess it's old news, i don't know i'm not sure. stuart: did doordash take your diner off the app? >> we had a couple of instances of drivers coming here and telling us they won't pick up food because we were pro-israel and promoting hate and baby killing but doordash shut us down from the 22nd of october to the 29th we have not received any orders and they did not turn his back on until i tried to file a lawsuit in the next day we were back up and running. stuart: is this. and simple anti-semitism on long island, is that it. >> absolutely. >> people don't want to face the truth didn't want to face the facts of what is really going on out there and they only want to face if it's happening to them.
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if it's not happening to them they want to swipe away and move on. >> thank you very much for being on the show we would like to present our viewers with an accurate picture of how america looks at the moment and you helped us do that we appreciate it. >> by brad guy stopped delivering the bread after three years. that should tell you as soon as they sent him pictures he decided he would not deliver to me he did not tell me to my face and it is what it is, i know w why. >> is happening everyday. >> it's a disgrace. it is a shame to see america come to this. thank you for joining us, we will see you again. come back soon. >> thank you very much. >> there is the sellers on amazon are pushing anti-israel merchandise what is being sold. >> that's a good question there selling a variety of merch merchandise. the pro-palestinian phrase from the river to the sea which critics say calls for the
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destruction of israel, that slogan from the river to the sea palestine will be free can now be found on a large variety of merchandise on amazon reaching from facemasks, t-shirts to banners, flags, stickers, pins and notepads palestinian activist claimed that the slogan is a cry for peace and equality, squad member rashida tlaib was censored in the house over use of the phrase another rhetoric deems critical of israel amazon by the way has not responded to fox news digital when asked about pro-palestinian merchandise it is on amazon. stuart: a former obama advisor says democrats should be worried about biden's age. >> no matter how effective joe biden is behind-the-scenes. in front of the camera why he is projecting is causing people concerns. but the age issue is difficult. stuart: to austin like here,
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stuart: disney's the marvel revered over the weekend blockbuster brought in 47 billion. kelly o'grady joins us, this is not the first to underperform this year how is it affecting the company. >> it is not great and raises the question does disney have a marble problem or a franchise problem in are they pandering to the wrong audience this is the worst domestic opening for a marble film ever pulled in 47 million compared to 153 million for his 2019 predecessor for some context and met the marvels was the first movie the actors were able to promote that was a meaningful
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loss but disney also has alienated core consumers with more woke content recently yet the little mermaid, lightyear, elemental all of these did worse than expected but on last week earnings call bob geiger the entrance of the company has pumped up too much content we were learning into a huge increase in how much we were making today felt that the quantity can be actually a negative when it comes to quality i think that's what happened we lost focus, prior to streaming disney would release marvel films it was an event they have been doubling down on disney+ and that is necessitated more content tv series movies, now the market is oversaturated and that is a franchise fatigue and i'll give you an example the same thing happen as star wars i used to work at disney and worked on the acquisition we dated a barrage of movies and tv series even then asking the question if it was too much if people would care about the characters you would need to tap into for all the content.
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the same thing is happening with the marvels and disney is struggling to convince them to care about the characters and convince them it is not a money grab. back to you. stuart: it's a tough job thank you very much. the beatles broke a record in the uk now and then. actually, they really are the goats aren't they the. >> i think so it's hard to dispute it, the latest on the uk charts number 42 just one week later it reached number one that means that the beatles set a new record coming back 60 years and six month after the first uk number one from me to you that came on 1963 also by the way the ages of 81883 respectively mccartney made the beatles the oldest man to claim uk number one single, john lennon recorded the song in his home in new york city in the late 70s the demo handed over to the remaining beatles in 1994, almost 30 years
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later thanks to a.i. and also added a guitar solo from the late george harrison the song was completed. i'm hearing the news paul mccartney called it mind-boggling adding it is blown my socks off, also an emotional moment for me, i love it and why not. >> why not indeed. still ahead the wall street journal says the path to green energy is getting messier. steve forbes takes on the shift from oil and gas. joe concha on megan rapinoe her injury is proof that god does not exist. kevin o'leary on moody's cutting the outlook on the credit rating to negative, the above o'clock hour is next. ♪
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