tv Kudlow FOX Business November 13, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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been oversold. the rsi has been way overdone n there there are some diamonds in the rough. there are some companies there, veer or zai. in biotech they're also starting to level a.i. which is mass computing and they do that in two areas. one to stein therapeutics and drugs and deliver them faster. we lived that with covid. with a.i. you can go after more than one target at the same time, and with better development deliver them better. [closing bell rings] liz: wolfgang, thank you. we have celsius ceo tomorrow joining us in a exclusive interview after a choppy session. see you tomorrow.
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♪. larry: hello folks, i'm larry kudlow, welcome to "kudlow." let's get straight to the war coverage. jeff paul live from southern israel with the latest. thank you, jeff. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, larry, here we are more than five weeks into this war and we're still seating the fighting going late into the night. from where we're standing in southern israel you can still hear all of the outgoing artillery israeli forces are firing into gaza. we're seeing the iron dome working to intercept rockets reportedly fired from gaza to places in southern israel. the intensified fighting is no down having the biggest impact on civilians that call northern gaza home. 2002 thirds of gaza's 2.3 million have fled their homes since the start of war. gaza health ministry says more than 11,000 palestinians have been killed. one of the hardest hit areas is
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the shifa hospital has been without power for days. idf have tried to evacuate babies and attempted to deliver fuel but they say hamas won't let them do it, won't let them help. today israeli defense minister gallant had this to say about the state of hamas in the recent update. >> translator: the hamas terrorist organization has lost control of gaza. terrorists are fleeing south. civilians are looting hamas bases and they have no confidence in their government. >> reporter: the idf also just released some new video. they say it shows one of the many intranses to the vast hamas tunnel system. they also released images of a newly discovered basement area below one of gaza city's hospitals where they believe could be an area where hostages were held. we're keeping an eye on northern israel. that is where we've seen this exchange between israeli forces and hezbollah. the defense minister you heard
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from, gallant was asked about that we will warn lebanon here. what we have done in gaza we can do in beirut. larry? larry: wow, that's an interesting throwaway, jeff. just real quick we lost control of gaza. hamas has lost control of gaza. in brief what does that mean to you? >> reporter: well i think it means that the israeli forces are just tightening that grip. you know you think about the circle and it is getting titler and tighter and hamas can move pretty freely when the idf isn't there. now 2459 idf is in northern gaza, their operations obviously slowed down a lot. we haven't heard or seen as many warnings about rockets being fired from gaza into israel. they are definitely still happening but not at the rate at the begin of the war. larry? larry: jeff paul, as always, thanks and be safe. coming back home if i didn't know better i would say there is
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no common sense left in america. there is craziness, not normalcy. there is insanity replacing reasonableness. i want to go back to new york city, last friday night on the eve of veterans day weekend that honors all those who serve in the u.s. military to defend the cause of american freedom. now to remind you, take a look at these absolutely, utterly awful pictures of what happened in this once great city last friday night. first, a huge protest, palestinian supporters ripped down the american flag in new york city and replaced it with palestinian flags. okay. you can see it very clearly this is awful. this is an insult to our country. and to the veterans that served it. frankly to an insult to every american. most unfortunately, you will see nypd cops standing around doing nothing. now in the end, give them credit, they hauled off thefy who did it.
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what about all the other protesters? please don't get me wrong. i am a huge supporter of the companies but i don't understand why they're mostly just standing around doing nothing here in this picture. there were no proper parade permits. the protesters could have all been arrested and should have been arrested, but then again tearing down the american flag on the eve of veterans day, this is part of the insanity that teams to have taken over at least some of our cities, some of our fancy elite colleges and last friday night, it hit the streets of new york. why did mayor eric adams allow this to happen? he didn't do anything. he is a cop, or at least a former cop. there is the banner. take a look at this. palestinian supporters rip down the flag in new york city. then, there is the grand central station insanity. let me read the banner on
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tiktok, no bless, tiktok, chinese social media. the banner reads hamas supporters in new york city have surrounded grand central station and attempting to breach the outer doors to reach police officers sheltering inside? police officers sheltering inside? i don't get it. the police are supposed to keep law law and order outside, again i want to say i love the cops. almost every time i see a police officer on the street, out in front of our fox building here i go up to them. i thank them for their service. so it breaks my heart on veterans weekend or any other time for that matter, they couldn't keep the order with crazy people tearing down american flags or closing grand central station? where were the arrests. i will say this, in defense of the police they probably know that from the mayor on down they're not going to get any support for making these
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arrests. in fact, let me suggest that the blue line knows from president biden all the way on the way down, they're not getting any support. all right, folks, remember, hamas murdered 1400 people on october 7th in cold blood. that included over 30 americans. we hope nine americans are still being held hostage in gaza by these cutthroat terrorists. they attacked our country. they are attacking american jews. they are attacking israeli jews and jews from other nations as well. back to new york city in places around the country this is the worst period of anti-semitism since the nazi era of the holocaust. president biden, listen to this, president biden sets up an inneragency group to do what, investigate islamophobia? huh, really?
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where's the national commission of honorable and wise men and women to investigate anti-semitism? what happened to that, mr. biden? where is your response? when do we say enough? when do we say this is america? when do we restore law and order, when do we restore common sense, where are the adults in the room? where are the civic leaders? where are the college presidents. where are the ministers of all faith? where are the elected officials? who is going to restore the moral difference between right and wrong, between democracy and tyranny, between murder and safety? somebody has got to do it soon because we are running out of time. the insanity is growing, the common sense is shrinking, and that folks, is a very bad place
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for a great country like america to be. and that's my thought. so a little while ago i spoke about this with israeli minister berkat. later in this show we'll speak with professor alan dershowitz too. we'll pick it up in some places in between. but that's my riff. all right, folks. joining me now we welcome to the show, israel's minister of economy and industry. he is a former idf paratrooper major and a former i.t. entrepreneur and if that weren't bad enough he is a former mayor of jerusalem. minister, welcome to the row, we appreciate it very much. >> thank you very much. larry: i want to begin, prime minister netanyahu said very important things jed on our sunday talk shows, if you will. take a listen to the first one. >> there could be less i say about it, more chances it materializes, the as a result of
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pressure, military pressure, the extraordinary work the idf is doing putting pressure on the hamas leadership. that is the one thing that might create a deal and if a deal is available, well we'll talk about it when it's there. we'll announce it if it's achieved. larry: i think that was a terribly important point because you've got people in and out of this administration nitpicking how israel is conducting the war and what the prime minister is saying is, the more success you have, the more pressure you're putting on it, likelier it becomes you get a hostage deal. can you talk to us about that thinking because i think it is very important? >> well, we woke up october 7th totally shocked. we had hamas isis come, rape our women, put the children in the oven, killed innocent people, took hostages, 239 to count today, that we have no idea
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what's happening to them. four-month old babies. over 30 children under the age of 16 abducted and held hostage, we don't know where they are. we don't know where they are. on the plane here to the united states i spent sometime with one of the fathers that his son is a hostage. he has no clue if he is alive, if he is healthy? where is red cross? where is the world asking, pushing, hamas isis to give us answers, humanitarian answers, where are the 239 hostages? this is a question we should be asking. larry: the best way, what the prime minister seems to be saying, the best way to discover some of this, any of this, all of this, is just keep the pressure on. you have got tremendous momentum. we had a lot of military experts on this show and maybe there is a deal in the works, can you tell us anything about that?
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>> larry, you have monsters basically saying imagine that your neighbor says he wants to kill you, wipe you out and he just demonstrated that he did that to the neighbor next to you. we believe them. their charter is to wipe israel off the map. there are worse than isis. now we got to wipe them off. we cannot exist with people that want to kill us and they just demonstrated how they took, 1400 lives of israeli innocent people, okay? now we had to wipe them off -- larry: and americans i might add. >> of course. larry: killing americans and some europeans and holding us hostage but please continue. >> we're not negotiating with monsters, with people. we're negotiating with monsters. by the way they showed how they care about our citizens. they don't care about their own children. they don't care about it. they know our weakness. our weakness is the u.s. weakness. we care about people. we see, if god forbid we see an
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innocent child hurt we care. we don't want to see that but that is exactly what they're doing. they're putting the children on the top floor and underneath them they probably have some of our hostages and that's their protection. larry: yes. >> when we come to the table to talk about the pressure put on us, not to hurt innocent children or women, you don't need to tell us that. we know. we care about -- larry: so the most important thing as i read the prime minister, the most important thing is not some lengthy cease-fire. the most important thing is to keep the battle momentum going on and that might yield some pressure to get hostages out but of course you have to annihilate hamas anyway. he is being nitpicked by people in the administration here are saying, cease-fire one day, two day, three-day, et cetera, et cetera. prime minister says no. it is just the reverse. the tougher we are the more
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successful we are. >> exactly. larry: likely we'll get our hostage. >> then we finish the job. god forbid, larry if we don't finish the job. it is not only israel's problem. all over the world, in europe, the united states, people will do the same because they understand if they get their way, and we don't finish the job, like nazi germany, you know or imperial japan in the second world war, we have to make sure that that thinking or that ability of hamas isis, we have to remove them off the face of the earth and then we talk about an administration that will deal with us but doesn't have the charter to throw us to the sea. that's the main goal and while doing so we have to do everything we can, everything we can to get our hostages back. we're willing to negotiate and so while the hamas monsters -- larry: from a position of strength, right? >> right of strength.
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we need the help of the administration, the american people, this is the best time to say thank you. israel is -- larry: let me play, i don't mean to interrupt. >> one thing, when the president did and what the american administration and american people, support we get we don't take that for granted and we're always forever be thankful for the support we get. very meaningful for us. larry: let me play a second clip what the prime minister said on sunday, i call finishing the job. take a listen. >> if you want peace destroy hamas. if you want security, destroy hamas. if you want a future for israel, the palestinians, the middle east, destroy hamas. we're absolutely intent on achieving it and what i can tell you, kirsten, given the extraordinary performance of the israeli army the last few days, the last few weeks we're going to achieve it. larry: so the way i read that, what you've been saying, what the prime minister has been saying from day one there is no
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going back to a hamas government or even presence in gaza, period. >> full stop. larry: right. >> like the world eliminated nazi germany, we will eliminate hamas monsters, isis, off the face of the earth and they will not be replaced by anybody that has the same charter. we will never be able to live with somebody that says he wants too destroy us and once they have an opportunity, they america all these horrific killing, raping, we will not allow that. nobody on earth would agree that a neighbor will behave like this? larry: and people should be disabused of the notion whatever new government or arrangement occurs in some postwar period, which is still aways away hamas will not be part of it? >> 99% of israeli public is aligned on this. larry: yes. >> we seek to have peace with our neighbors. we have 40 years peace with
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egypt, 25 years peace with jordan. now with the abraham accord a few years and we seek peace. we are peace-seeking people. we demonstrated we know how to collaborate with our neighbors but we know how to defend ourselves against those monsters and we need the support of the u.s. and the global world and especially don't hesitate. we'll finish the job. we must not stop. larry: all right. >> this is one of the biggest requests things that we want. we need your support, not to stop at any condition unless it is for the reason of negotiating for our hostages but an our terms. larry: let me ask you one more, minister, we appreciate your time. we appreciate you coming on the set. >> thank you very, very much. larry: mr. blinken, the secretary of state, is complaining there are too many casualties, far too many palestinian casualties in gaza.
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i don't understand that complaint. war is hell. there are costs to it. i have seen studies that show the israelis have been very precise and efficient by the way but you know you have to win this thing and what is response to those kind of criticisms? >> i don't remember comparing the casualties of war of the germans or the japanese versus how many people killed by the brits or the americans. i don't think the number of people hurt is relevant at all. we target the militants. we don't want to hurt innocent people. they're using that, they're using innocent people to hide behind them. larry: yes. >> and take our citizens, our civilians as hostages to protect themselves. okay? we never do that. we will never do that. we will do everything we can to enable them to cross, to have a corridor for humanitarian help on the southern part of gaza because we don't want to hurt
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innocent civilians. larry: yes, okay. >> there is collateral damage in every war. we don't like it but we're committed to finish hamas and take them off the face of the earth. larry: minister nir barkat, thank you for coming on. >> thank you very much. larry: in kinder, gentler times. >> it is huge opportunity for people to invest. larry: i knew the prime minister when he was finance men sister, helped change that system. we wish you all the luck, godspeed, victory in your quest. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. larry: that guy was awfully good spokesman from the heart. you could see the energy and intensity. coming up on kudlow, so, so, u.s. warplanes take out a couple of iranian terrorists. guess what? it didn't solve a thing. they will be back. how about stop a ship? or how about bomb an iranian oil field. that might get their attention.
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♪. larry: so u.s. warplanes finally took out some iranian terrorists. good, but is it going to really matter? why not stop a ship? why not sink a ship? what about bombing an oil field in iran? that might get their attention. joining us now general jack keane, retired four-star general, chairman of the institute of study of war, fox news senior strategic analyst, presidential medal of freedom recipient. general keane, this is kind of an update, they look half a point bolder. we're not hurting iran.
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these things are pinpricks. yes, we killed some terrorists. we don't know who they are. it is up to you, general, but i think you need to do a whole lot more? >> well i suspect so too. this attack by the united states is different. it is focused on people versus weapons, ammunition and storage sites. when the iranians look at this they're willing to trade a significant number of their proxies in terms of the objective they're attempting to achieve here. you know, for our audience benefit, their strategic objective for 43 years has been to dominate, control the middle east and also control the persian gulf flow of oil and to do that they need to push the united states military out of the middle east and that is what the pressure on our 13 bases is all about here and they also need to destroy the state of israel. this is something they talk about every single year. so the tradeoff here, larry, is,
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look it, there are people in the united states questioning why we still have troops in iraq and syria that seem to be vulnerable to being killed on these bases by the iranians. that's exactly what iran wants to hear. the second thing is, we're sending a message, i think, by not stepping up here and stopping these attacks, to our arab partners and other allies in the region, iranians, certainly they are communicating this. look the united states can't protect its own troops, what makes you think they will be able to protect yours? yes, what i think we should do a comprehensive attack against the proxies, leaders, fighters, weapons, storage infrastructure, et cetera. larry: oil fields. oil fields. >> even that -- larry: oil fields. oil fields. general i'm putting in, i'm putting in my bid for oil fields. i mean it. i don't mean to interrupt, general. i don't mean to interrupt.
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>> you're doing a pretty good job of it. larry: i'm sorry, you know why i want to get it in? because their source of money, iran's money for financing all these terrorists is oil. they are selling oil to china. we're going to talk about it in the next segment. why not hit oil fields? >> i think if we go, the point i'm trying to make is, we have to go after the iranians. we have had two american presidents who figured this out. reagan who suffered through the marine barracks bombing, two emba i is destroyed all in the same year and he figured out a few years later as the iranians were shooting at our ships, interfering with the flow of persian gulf oil, obviously we were trying to escort that oil out of there, he attacked the irgc bases and also an oil platform or two to get to your point. the second thing is president trump. after they were attacking again
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u.s. presence in the region, president trump decided to go after the person that was ordering those attacks and that is quassem soleimani, the head of the irg quds force. i think the united states is capable of selecting the targets once they make up their mind they have to move towards iran. if i was recommending to it i would stay in the chain of command of the irgc that is supporting these proxies. that is their training center in iran. also their bases as reagan took on and also their headquarters but there are plenty of targets that are available to the united states. you have suggested a couple of them as well. the real decision and the issue is, unwillingness to deal with iran because of fear that that would provoke a direct conflict and a war with the iranians. larry: right. >> 43 years of history with the iranians tells you that is not the case. the whole issue of having
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proxies is to avoid that. iran does not want a war with the united states directly. would they respond if we attacked them significantly like president trump did or like reagan did? likely but it also stopped the escalation after that. larry: right. >> that is exactly what is needed here. larry: i was in both of those administrations. i will never interrupt you again, general keane, never, ever. i apologize i will not interrupt you. no more. please forgive me. please forgive me. >> i'm not going to hold you to that. larry: [laughter]. general jack keane we appreciate your thoughtfulness every time. thanks for coming back on the show. all right, folks, coming up joe biden meets with china's president xi this week. may i remind everybody china purchases of iranian oil, all right, china purchases of
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iranian oil and china purchases of russian oil are financing russia's war in ukraine and they are financing iran hamas's war in israel. it is all about china. money is the coin of the realm. do you think biden is going to call president xi on that? xi is financing these wars against america. we will talk politics with the great gordon chang. then we'll talk some politics with the great steve hilton. i got pinheads to the left of me and pinheads to the right of me. i know there is a way out. i know there is somehow or other. all when "kudlow" returns. ♪. ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently.
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meet in san francisco this week? let's take bets. joining us now gordon chang senor fellow at the gatestone institution. you know, gordon, we did a little homework for this. you know i love to prepare for you. china -- let's do iran. china is buying now 1.45 million barrels a day. iran is up to 2.3 million a day total. china is buying over half of it at a slight discount. so we did a little a rig ma tick. brent crude is about 80 bucks plus. i put it down at $70 a a dollars a barrel. that comes to $37 billion a year of assistals assistance china is giving iran to finance this war against israel and the united states and our allies. gordon, do you think president biden will ask xi about this? >> i don't think so. i would hope so and here's
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another statistic, that china this year, first nine month, was buying a volume of oil from iran that was 60% in excess of 2017. larry: right. >> 2017 is significant because that was the last year before the u.s. reimposed oil sanctions on iran and i heard in the last segment when you were talking to general keane about hitting their oil fields and we should absolutely do that, to make sure that iran can't sell a single drop of oil. we do that, the war against israel ends. larry: that's you know, that is my thought and you know, by the way, gordon, we're buying -- china is buying a ton. let's see, they're buying, i don't have the exact numbers from russia. hold on, i got it here. two million, they're buying two million, 2.1 million barrels a day from russia. that is a lot of money use the same discount, $70 a barrel.
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that is 2.1 million n is like $45 billion a year. china is financing wars against the united states. joe biden has to step up. stop appeasing gordon. i heard a briefing from jake sullivan. i heard stuff on the weekend news report. they think -- here is some sound, let me give you sound from the briefing today. hang on a second. >> one of the most fundamental elements of the u.s. prc bilateral relationship including the continued importance of strengthening open lines of communication and managing competition responsibly so that it does not veer into conflict. larry: doesn't that just you know, make your spine tingle with fear? >> yes. well you know there already is conflict. it has veered into conflict because china wanted to. as you point out it is not only iran, it is not only ukraine but it is also in north africa where china has been funding the wagner group and they have been fueling insurgencies that look like wars. if that weren't bad enough, you
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have china conducting operations against the philippines, sometimes committing acts of war against manila. they have been doing that just a couple days ago and you doesn't hear very much from the biden administration about that because that actually could start world war iii. larry: gordon, talking about managing a competitive relationship. i mean that is such silliness. it is a cliche. they are our adversaries. they are our enemy. they want to run the world. they just don't want to -- you've been writing about this forker. >>. they are our adversaries. why don't we deal with them in adversarial relationship instead of appeasing them? >> you know, i don't know the answer to that question because i don't know what is in joe biden's mind but china is behind the fentanyl gangs for instance. larry: there you go. >> that is 70,000 american deaths last year. china run as near total surveillance state. they know what the fentanyl gangs are doing.
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chinese diplomats provide cover to the gangs. though launder proceedings through the chinese bank system. we don't have honest conversation in our own country. we don't have an honest conversation with the chinese about their killing americans. larry: we're still running $350 billion of trade deficits a year. it is not helping the middle class. it is hurting the middle class. it is hurting manufacturing. even if you wanted to do electric vehicles and solar systems that stuff all now being don't in china. the batteries are being made in china. the solar panels are being done in china. no one is talking about trade. yellen meets with them, yesterday, i don't know, day before, over the weekend, who knows where she met with them. never mentioner ad word about the trade problems. they're not living up to the phase one trade deal trump put in. >> yellen says we need healthy economic competition with china but china's competition is predatory. you mentioned solar panels. there is not very much left to
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the u.s. solar panel industry because of predatory chinese pricing which violated all sorts of its world trade obligations yet we have the chinese continue too do this because china won't actually impose costs for putting american workers out of work. larry: all right, gordon chang, thank you, i know you're on the road. thank you very much. we'll talk more about the u.s.-china meeting. oh, my god. anyway let's turn back to some domestic politics and i will just preface this no wonder republicans are losing elections. so we're going to bring in our favorite british commentator steve hilton. he actually lives -- you're a citizen. >> i'm an american now, larry, how dare you. larry: you're a tamm good american. no wonder republicans are losing. listen to this this goes back to the debate. nikki haley, play the sound please. >> i can tell you what we're seeing now in america the rich are getting richer and the poor
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are getting poorer, we have to start beefing up the middle class. you changed retirement age for them. instead of cost of living increases we should go do increases based on inflation. we should limit benefits on wealthy. bernie markets says he hates getting that check. limit benefits on wealthy. larry: limit benefits, attack rich people, have class warfare. she would fit nicely in with the left-wing of the democratic party. let's cut benefits. committee to unleash prosperity hotline widely read, nikki haley does her version of the bataan political death march on social security. i will use bill o'reilly's old term, that is pin hid. don't we have a better way out of this? >> it is amazing, isn't it. why don't we put something out there that will punish the people who vote the most, who tend to vote republican?
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let's really attack them. larry: who succeed the most. make the country great. by the way they're not all rich people. they start out un-rich and climb up the ladder. >> it is amazing. say one thing before we continue. there was something very important in that previous conversation, you asked why do they do this appeasement. there is actually a through line. what you see on the left is ideology of appeasement that goes through everything. they really believe, it is their ideology, if you are nice to bad people they will become good where as what we see you're nice to bad people they actually get worse. the same ideology of appeasement. you are see it here with crime in america. the same mentality. let's be nice to bad people and they will be good. larry: coddling never works, coddling never works. senator tim scott, lovely guy. i'm sorry he dropped out. i'm not sorry he dropped out. he helped us on tax cuts years ago but he wasn't a strong
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player. my other pinhead nomination today is ronna mcdaniel. the numbers show the republicans were badly outspent in these local elections. now, even so the gop beat some george soros prosecutors, had a good day in suffolk county long island in new york by continuing, basically throughout virginia and i think kentucky too, badly outspent, not a good election day operation. that is what a republican national chair is supposed to do. she shouldn't have a tenured faculty position at the rnc. this is another pinhead thing. left's get the gop moving again. >> virginia were particularly important because the whole, whole framing of that virginia election this year, nice to see you're throwing stuff -- larry: come -- i'm losing it too many pinheads. i'm sorry. >> exactly the virginia elections were framed this is the way we win election on the abortion issue and so on t was a
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disaster, actually. a completely opposite result. you have this argument going on, you have ronna mcdaniel arguing with the virginia party. they never asked me for help. they said we asked. what are you talking about, if you're having that kind of argument within the party after election day something is badly wrong. larry: you know, i think the gop could talk about the catastrophe at the border, think about that. parents in the schools. cops running the streets. economic growth. >> exactly. larry: lower taxes and regulation. >> exactly, for businesses. there is a lot to talk about than just sitting there and laying back like my beautiful puppy dog who is 18 months old and scratch my back on abortion. >> exactly. larry: not even fund the debate about abortion. >> exactly. larry: i think you have to have changes. i think it is time look -- >> can i say something? larry: time to end the debate. take us out of our misery, you, steve hilton, take me out of my misery, if i watch another
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debate i will lose it. >> very simple way, turn it off. don't watch it. larry: oh. >> you're right, larry, the point is on every single issue the polling is clear on this. larry: got to go. >> republicans are ahead. why do they campaign on the one issue -- larry: close it down, not the only one issue, the best communicator with the best issues you know who is. his name starting with a t. steve hilton doesn't start with a t but one of my favorite american citizens. >> there you go. larry: why are we letting prohamas protesters to tear down our flag, put up a palestine flag on the each of veterans day? how did we get here? isn't the bidens going to do anything about it? we have professor alan dershowitz i think. he will talk about it some more. i'm horrified by them. i'm steve hilton. he is a very smart guy.
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that is available december 5th. i will play the tape, professor. you've seen the pictures before. last friday, it is veterans day weekend, a an an incredible sig. protesters tearing down american flags and protesters surrounding grand central station as police officers shelter inside. this infuriated me. that is why i'm doing this. i'm glad you come on the show. there is no moral between good and evil and obama would have a commission on islamophobia. i honestly don't get this and it grieves me. >> let's be clear what hamas is doing right know. hamas is deliberately murdering palestinian babies in hospitals. that is what they're doing. they are denying the babies, the food, the resources, the gas,
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the oil, they are purposely putting them in harm's way. they hope israel kills babies so hamas can show the babies on cnn. they call it the cnn strategy. this is mass murder by hamas of palestinian babies deliberately in order to get the world to turn against israel and unfortunately president biden is playing into their hands by telling israel not to attack the hospital. he ought to be telling hamas not to put their fighters, their rockets, their tunnels underneath hospitals and denying these babies the opportunity to live by denying them the fuel necessary to keep their generators going. people are pointing the finger at the wrong defendant here. larry: i don't understand, maybe i do politically but i hate to rest on dirty political arguments. we don't have a islamophobia
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problem, professor. we have an anti-semitic problem. >> on college campuses. we certainly don't -- you're right. and bureaucracies called diversity, equity and inclusion are designed specifically to help muslim and arab students and specifically to discriminate against jewish students and that's what they're doing. there have been no anti-muslim or anti-arab, or anti-palestinian demonstrations around colleges. these kids are not being harassed. they claim they're being doxxed. they're not being doxxed. nobody is revealing their sexual preference, they're being named. i'm part of that. engaging in harrassment or discrimination whether they be a professor or student i name them on my podcast. i name them in my articles. i name them in my book. that's consistent with the first amendment. the open marketplace of ideas. we need to know who these people
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are. who is funding them and where they're coming from. larry: thank you, professor dershowitz. we'll talk the book next time on the show (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (avo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar, and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it,
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5:00 pm
- [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) larry: just want to say, appeasing and enabling iran, appeasing and enabling china will make the world a more dangerous place. u.s. must take actions to defend itself and everybody's got to watch liz. that's all. liz macdonald is up next. everyone's g
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