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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 16, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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>> one of the moments in his command he is most criticized by those closest to him, something ha is not a military necessity, that is personal. >> there is no doubt at first benedict arnold is ready to by in battle for the american cause. but unlike true patriots his loyalty has a limit but a price. instead of a here o hero, werarnold is remembered add america's biggest traitor, on his death bed, some believe that he shows remorse. they report that with his last words he asked to die in his
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larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. president biden met with chinese's xi jinping today in san francisco. let's go to our own very own edward lawrence who is there with all of the details what's cooking? reporter: larry, they picked a nice spot south of san francisco, that meeting is still going on, this is the first time president biden and president xi jinping sat down face-to-face in almost a year, the message is same, president assuring chinese that he wants competition not conflict and for president biden this was a big reason he came to the apec summit. >> our meetings have been candid, straight forward and useful, never doubted what you told me. and critical goal of whic challenges we face from climate change and counter
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narcotics and artificial intelligence. i look forward to beginning this discussion. reporter: in about 3 hours, we will get a chance to ask president biden about his conversation. for president xi jinping the meeting was a chance to size up his counter part, china agreed to crackdown on companies making and exporting fentanyl, u.s. will ease sanctions on chinese forensic police institutes in exchange. >> i think we have achieved, the proof will be in the pudding, we'll see how had is. but so far we believe that chinese will take con sequential steps that will help us get a handle on really one of the more terrible drug epidemics that u.s. has faced. reporter: so the moment we are lacking substantial deliverables out of this
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meeting in is a dance when you get to this level, i am curious what you think what is president xi jinping looking for in president biden and what is he seeing. larry: i was curious. if president biden asked xi why he is financing two wars against the u.s. by buying oil and russia and iroiran, then the 350 billion dollar trade deficit from unfair trading practices, this is all too friendly for me, i don't buy it. reporter: and that is what some critics are saying, we talked with some who said that president is not standing up enough publicly against president xi jinping, almost apologizing to president xi jinping for you know u.s.'s portion of this, when it is china ha is the aggressor we heard that from the other side of this argument. larry: yes, sir, edward
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lawrence thank you. >> just to comment on this, president biden sitting down with president xi jinping and france at this apec conference. and talking about plain va vanilla things like climate change or maybe better military communications or a.i., just a friendly sit down with a couple of old-timers, they were some of the topics our edward suggested. >> so me? i could scream. i am screaming. who is joe biden kidding? climate change? really? here is what i would like to talk about chim climate change china is financing 2 two wars again u.s., by buying russian and iranian oil that is a climate change change, and also an issue
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that is damaging american security. it is also an issue that reveals xi jinping's desire to replace the united states as dominant power in the world. of course, whic oil purchases are violated american sanctions. but in fact, not enforced. remember ukraine? neither the u.s. or third party country or private businesses were to purchase oor ensure russian oil, what happened, the trump-irairanian suntions are fill in place. where joe biden is enforcing them. have been abandoned. that is an international political climate changer. as in, whic xi jinping wants to displace america, and new green new deal climate bunnies, i doubt if any of them advised
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president biden to ask xi why he is building 250 cold plants every -- coal plants every year, someone should have xi, why he is using those dreaded fossil fuel purchases to reek havoc on the world, into him in public with numbers? okay? china purchasing 1.45 million barrels a day, roughly $70 a barrel that is 37 billion dollars for the iranian mullahs to destroy israel and the united states chinay is buying 2.6 million barrels a day from russia around same 70 a barrel. coming to 65 billion dollars in fresh cash for russia to slaughter ukrainians. those are facts but biden won't ask about him he lacks moral clarity and personal
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convictconviction to ask. do you think he will ask xi? here has anyone told joe biden that trade gap with china is gets worse, because of the greeny ev batteries solar panels and air earth minerals for biden's green new deal army will be made in china. former trump adviser robert lighthizer notes all u.s. cash echanged for those huge trade defits has been used by china. to help finance terrorism. and mayhem in the world. to build up their military. including all chinese fighter jets buzzing tyrant that came on order to 1700 times last year. or -- or je genocide against uighurs or technology in the spy
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balloons hovering over the united states or money spending in our backyard, cuba, central and south america and cash for all matters in the world the belt and road infrastructure they are building in africa. to breadth thei spread their brand of chinese communism and up end american influence in every corner of the globe, why doesn't mr. biden ask xi jinping 'those issues, because biden's foreign policy from top to bottom on build on an architecture of arc peasi appeasing our adversadversaryys and enemies. no diplomacy of america first, no toughness, near peace through strength. -- never peace through strength this foreign policy, trying to ignore the massive chinese threat, has
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made the world's vastly more dangerous place. that is my take. my riff. all right. >> did let's move it joining us a great friend. montana senator steve daines. scmy wife is from montana i were married in montana you know that. i know you are busy. there is a huge issue out there, they are not addressed at this meeting, let me begin with the 10 billion dollars asset unfrozen assets that are being discussed. i know have owrk pined ab opined about it, really. we'll unfrie unfreeze that give that fungible money to iran to kill more? can you do something about
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that? >> larry just when you thought it could not get worse it did in last 24 hours, biden administration lifted sanctions. you can't make this up. i was watching that meeting in san francisco, he should have taken a turn south, gone to the border it has been a year since biden has been there. and if you want to stop flow of fentanyl secure the southern border. this is a national security threat, with terror threat as well. and il illegals and fentanyl, china is number one customer for iran for oil. they are funding terror in the world, funding hamas, funding hezbollah, funds th ing the houthis if i were
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president biden top of my mind, would be how to prevent a world war. and how do we protect our southern bored ebut he goes to san francisco look who was in meeting with joe biden, john kerry, his climate czar. and janet yellen who kowtowed in beijing, you heard biden's own remarks, he started with climate change. larry: i think john kerry should be there. because climate change is a big issue. but not issue that they think it is. x rick i xi jinping using fossil fuel purchases to finance two wars against the united states russia and ukraine war. and iran, israel's war. now, my question is can you not either do something or talk about this i'm not seeing it. i saw your press conference today. i don't know everything that you said, but you are not raising this point.
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xxi jinping is using oil purchasing which are to be sanctioned to fight two wars against the united states. one of his puppets is russia and the other circran, senator daines talk about that you have to did to the well of sip of senate and give a speech or go on tv,ing this has to be done this is key to the meeting in san francisco. >> layer there i is a reason why with election in 24 is so important we have to get vote in u.s. senate to stop this nonsense, put the nation back on course, that is very important in 2 24. the biggest issue is not climate change. it is the fact that you have china as you mentioned, through buying oil from iran, funding two wars. larry: they want too displays america we all know that. they believe in their
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chinese communist system. you know that and i know that let's take a minute. to iran. are you are important guy, running republican senate campaign committee, i heard you speak in new york a bunch of months ago, give us a quick pencil sketch. this is very important. and you are right in the middle of what you said, republicans need the senate we needed white house and we need the house, to stop this crazy you know. damage to america. how does the election look to you? >> i'll talk to u.s. senate, the best map we had in 10 years, with three red states. tell crass hademocrats. west virginia, montana and ohio, every state, is a republican. that is why you saw joe
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manchin walk off battlefield last week. now we have montana, and we have ohio. we have out right majority if we pick up one of those two, beyond those 3 have 5 more in nevada, arizona, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. and michigan. senate battle ground states, president at, and the reason so important, if you look at future cycles in 26 and 28 election we have 3 ri red state with democrats up, this is fo for all of the marbles in 24, we have to get the majority back. we don't get another map like this since 2030. larry: how are donors? >> golly, we need those who are watching, to get behind our candidate, make small contribution on-line. across critical states, we're had what concerning me 5 key states, democrats out raising republicans 4 to 1.
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in the big states, they know this is for super bowl, we know we are to goa to get our people motivated to support our candidates to overwhelm them. larry: do you want my wife to above mato -- to move back to montana. >> and you, your both back. larry: senator, steve daines, you are a great sport. thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: for more on iranian funds, we didn't get to talk about enough, but let's bring in richard goldberg, who knows a lot about it. former white house nsrerk nsc director, walk through the mechanics of this. this is iraqi money, not for human dwrai humanitarian or food and medicine this is
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for oil, food, gas and electricity. they are lying through that. and why is this money foing there and way? in a time of war? >> thank you, larry. if inch remembers 6 billion dollars ransom payment we made iran for 5 hostages, and moved out of south korea to qatar and u.s. senate and house on a partisan basis after october 7 said fries thfreeze that money, we saw 10 billion just opened up for iran on top of 6 for the accounts that were frozen in iraq, iraqis were paying into an escrow account. until now, the biden administration we said ir iraqis had to keep that money in escrow, now we're opening up those funds, letting iran get it.
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and my goodness, after october 7, after 55 attacks on u.s. forces what are we doing. larry: this is a biden executive decision. to be clear, no magic, no the reason why the money has to go any place but stay there in the frozen account, is it an oman bank in iraq? >> we originally required them to put in escrow in trade bank of iraq, now we don't know the names of the banks used in europe or oh oman but it is moving around. larry: there is a discretionary act by biden administration. at a time war, any -- all promises are off of the table. we know that iran is puppet master and financier of the
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hamas war. what happens now? steve daines didn't answer the question, we had steve scalise on maybe the house can vote on 6 billion to not -- they will not be in session. i want to know is there something that can be done to absolutely stop this? by sides public or give them more to kill more israelis? >> i will tell you right now senator mcconnell and senate republicans go to floor with a bill, that says we're locking down the 10 billion and 6 billion. erase the waiver and licenses. say we'll not allow the business until we get an up or down vote, you will get
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this passed in u.s. senate. it will pass u.s. house of representatives we'll end this. larry: all right, have you talked to mcconnell or people who talk to mcconnell? i need an action plan. i'll do it after the show. i'll start getting it. someone has to stop this. money is fungible no matter what the state department people are saying. all right, just to finish it, we appreciate your time, this is a discretionary executive branch decision. there is no law, no rhyme no the reason why this has to happen but are about biden's stupstupidity or foolishness. >> correct this is broc broke back iran. larry: thank you very much. richard goldberg, we appreciate it. >> coming up. on rest of the kudlow show,
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talking about a hostage deal in the israeli war, is there a cease-fire? is there a deal? we'll talk about that with benny with new york son sun. we'll come back to chinese story and politics, steve daines was bullish on republicans taking senate, i am kudlow i'm not in a good mood about any of this as you might have realized.
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larry: too the war in israel. jeff paul in southern israel, thank you, about what can you tell us. reporter: yes, we can tell you that from here in
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southern israel, we have continue to hear out going artillery that israel is still firing into gaza, that is happening as israeli forces work in and around the al-shifa hospital where idf said its shoulders -- soldiers found weapons and military equipment. after entering they engaged with militants killing them. hamas released a statement to fox news saying that hospital waspying quote swarmed and idf of putting the lives of vulnerable civilians inside at risk, and idf released videos of delivering medical supplies to the hospital by the idf.
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netanyahu universities w visited with soldiers. >> there is no place in gaza we will not reach. we will arrive and eliminate hamas and return our hostages. reporter: to the south for first time since october 7, united nations fuel shipments were alowed to enter gaza. these are images from the rafah crossing. some aid worker says it will not make up for lack of fuel that right now is making life difficult and desperate for people who call as i gaza home. >> thank you, jeff paul be safe. >> is there a hostage deal in the works? a ceasefire? where did this story come
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from? came from left fields. let's bring in benny abny, i don't know, is this first, is there a deal, is this cease fear three or five days? and where did this deal come from? benny, i don't want to second guess, but, this is not what prime minister netanyahu was messaging. >> well, i think that problem has always been at least publicly, that the pressure on making the deal is on israel, rather than on where it belongs which is on qatar, qatar is the mediator, and if you hear the u.s. talk they always praise qatar in it is diplomatic efforts. while they say, israel must
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do more to add to the efforts in humanitarian efforts and all that. more humanitarian goods to gaza to hasten the deal, reality of this is that i don't know. it is all done secretly, head of the shabbat. -- was in cairo yesterday, this is the air. you say the idea was 70 as of yesterday tod today they are talking about 50. the reason was supposedly israel was demanded that rather than 5 days, ceasefire it will be three. and other reason could have
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been what biden said yesterday, which is hang on. we're coming. and indicating that the deal is close. now, when you say that publicly that also ways helps those who hold the hostages. >> yeah. >> hamas, add to their bargaining power. larry: we don't know there is a deal. >> to remind everyone. >> right now. this moment, we don't know that there is a deal. we don't have a deal, this moment is that fair? or do you think there is a deal that is not announced? >> there is no deal until a deal is completed. that is in every deal, you are a businessman you know that from business. the same here. and it is ways because here we're talking about terroristing o organization, to remind you,
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we talking about people in their 80s, talking who need all kinds of medications that are not supplied. we're talking about women, talking about 9 month old baby who was kidnapped when he was 8 months. -- sorry 9 months now 10 months, a woman who was 8 months pregnant and gave birth while in custody. can you imagine having giving birth in custody? anyway, that is the situation, you are dealing with these kind of people, you can't expect mercy from them. they just released a video yesterday of a woman who -- >> time is always short. but, israel continues to fight. they have a lot of momentum.
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and this thing still up in the air, it broke out. 36 hours ago. but still up in the air. qatar, bunch a cutthroat murdering terrorists, israel, joe biden is ahead of the curb. but it is -- >> to add to that. larry: there is no deal at-this-point. >> to add to that. >> got to go. >> real quick. >> part of hamas' object to create a situation in which israel will be pressured to have a ceasefire. because they need that to replenish their forces, that is their negotiations. larry: all right, benny avni we appreciate it. >> welcoming up. -- coming up why did democrats block aid to israel last night? we'll ask kansas senator roger marshall and joe biden's politics of appeasement, kellyanne
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conway will tell us how that will play on the presidential election. i am kudlow, no deal just yet, no deal just yet on this hostage, we'll be right back. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. (adventurous music)
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larry: why and democrats block aid to israel in a vote last night, joining me now kansas senator roger marshall. you thought hard for it israel needs it, hamas is trying to kill them. why did the democrats block it, what is going on? >> a great question, we got to show them their true colors, we showed america the democrat's true colors, we called their bluff they have been calling for stand alone legislation, saying we want to help but they always want to leverage it for ukraine funding to make the
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border more open and bring more people across border, we found a way to seize control of the floor and demand the vote, 51 democrats, they all voted gain funding for israel. at 2 p.m. chuck schumer on national mall saying we'll not rest until israel gets its aid, but 6 p.m. he voted against it. i think that they their base is calling to support not israel, not want to support israel, but they will support palestine, we made them show their colors. larry: last night, the jewish rally was fabulous there was some bipartisanship, i saw senator schumer make his case, i knew he would stop you, they want to tie it to ukraine, and i don't think that -- they are afraid to give up a couple of irs
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agents. you know, the speaker's idea of a pay-for, that is not the worst thing in the world, they have not started using the agencies yet. >> right, they had ever alternative, i asked find another one, but give us a vote for israel aid, time is of the essence, we need to send a message to iran and proxies that enough is enough america will not tolerate the brutal savage attacks there is a war for human kind. chuck schumer sent a message last night to iran and proxies go ahead. there is no ri red line. larry: is there a new vote or what? israel needs the mean, they need to replenish. the iron dome, ammunition, the whatever it takes. they could utes t use the
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14 billion, next vote? >> it will be months, because joe biden insists toker tyion tying it toy is it to a supplement at vote. even within democrat caulks they are divided on what to do with each of the issues, what senate does, is dead on arrival in house, we need stand alone israel funds passed yesterday. larry: john tester in montana voted with schumer? >> say that again. larry: senator john tester of montana. >> yes. larry: we had steve daines on talking about elections coming up. >> last one, can you get a resolution on the floor of the senate that says, no money for iran. we're not giving money to
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israel how about no -- not giving iran 10 billion of unprosunfrozen aso thes. >> just the opposite is happening yet we found out biden administration is letting go another 10 billion. we don't stop any of their ships, their ghost fleet is increasing, they sell a billion dollars of oil of week to china, just the opposite is happening with joe biden, you have to choose your team, joe biden said he is with israel, but everything he does says he is for iran. larry: thank you si senator marshall. >> thank you, larry. larry. larry: continue with kellyanne conway talk about politics of appeasement. a big deal. fox news contributor. author of a very good book, kellyanne welcome back, i
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don't think that this biden weakness is playing well. i don't think that appeasing iran or china oh, russia, you know, i don't know, you tell me. i'm reading reports. i know he is dead in the water on bidenomics, but foreign policy is not helping them. >> larry, in all latest polling includ including quinnipiac, joe biden scores worst on handles of the border followed by his handles of foreign policy, he has about 6 in 10 americans saying they disapprove handling on the economy, but foreign policy numbers are perplexing. the sales pitch that so many independents and others voted for expwroab jo joe biden made at least we'll get back to someone with experience on world stage and can broker deals.
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turns out he is as partisan as anyone in washington and for someone in joe biden who is vice president for 8 years, he was foreign relation committee chairman for announce of years in the swamp for over a half decade, you would think the one value he would bring to table foreign policy, and america is giving him his worst scores, it started with chaotic pull out of afghanistan that was with his honeymoon was over. his numbers have been eroding since, in the same quinnipiac poll they have trump beating biden for first time all year, in presidential politics in 2024 there st no confidence in scwhro joe biden ability to handle the crisis and chaos. now there are crisis everywhere you look, south
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of the border, look at ukraine and israel and iran. iran was dead in the water when we left that administration, they were begging to make dealed now they are a huge oil experts and funding hezbollah and hamas. larry: i am reading the polls. i think the republican party under donald trump is party of the working class. does not matter whether you are white or non-white, working class people want trump. you have all these left of center, columnists writing about that, these folks, people that you know, may not have a college education, they don't have a phd they make work with their hands and slug it out to make ends meet, they can barely afford it. they want to see a president who stands up to, whic
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xi and to iran and to putin. not back down, not you know ignore it or na nampy pam bee. >> toughness is important, opposite of strength is weakness, we have grown from strength peace through strength through appeasement through weakness. in 2015 and 16, how did donald trump beat 17 other republicans and hillary clinton, when majority of voters were female, part he took on tough fights, he said china is eating our learn lunch, we have to put back, he stood up to china and recalcalibrated the treaty deals. here is the key, he took issues that were mired in
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single digits in polling like illegal i'm fraction was 5 5%, trade was not on most polls, and he said trade is an issue of fairness and patriotism and workers and bringing back manufacturing base, when you connect that together, and talk to people about things that are already bothering them, other thing larry, you were a big part. not everyone should push to 4 year colleges to fradia tbra. >> we will do that another topic. i am saying, people may not be very sophisticated about this foreign international stuff. but, i think they just want an american president who is tough. stand up strong. >> strong. larry: right word that is what they want. >> it is simple. larry: i have -- >> they are not seeing it. >> simple. larry: it is. you are right, are right.
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>> they are seeing opposite, in opened question. larry: peace through strength. >> you hear weakness, and all of that. >> kella kellyanne. >> world is a dangerous place, china included. we have to spend more on military and have a strong leader in house but we have to spend more on military, and we can't let china eat our lunch in the world migrate pal steve forbes will talk about it i'm kudlow we'll b
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larry: has appease ament ever worked, joi joining me now steve forbes. very dear friend of mine. steve, welcomed to the shows. >> good to be here. larry: has appeasement ever worked? okay. >> no. and we should have learned that lesson from 1930s when chambclaim. >> no. weakness begets aggression, they don't realize today,
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the ayatollahs are revolutionaries, xi made it clear his vision, china will dominate the world, putin made clear in writing, he wants to recreate soviet empire. and bring back baltic states under his rule and go after poland. and out the window. they made it clear, there is nothing secret. they refuse to face reality. this thing with xi jinping, why is he met meeting with biden in he knows that biden will give him stuff. larry: he is a piece of cake abide up will biden will not into questions. >> no nothing, and what are we doing forcefully to counter what china is doing against the philippines in
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the fishing ships in an open international sea, freedom of the sea has been a corner stone of american foreign policy for 200 years, we letting that go by. larry: we have to spend, yee never have enough time, we have to spend more money, wisely on the military. >> absolutely. that means' strong economy, low toxes and deri deregulation, america will rise again so will the free word. larry: a great message, we need growth, and principles of growth and a strong dollar that will produce revenues. >> it will change the tone of the world when they see america is back in the game. larry: xi is getting a free ride in this meeting, he it bothered th the hell out of me and you too. >> he better enjoy his free
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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