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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 16, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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what they're trying to do, they want to tie donald trump so he is spending the bulk of electoral cycle, general election cycle or republican cycle in court. >> they're effectively giving mr. trump a platform, not having to pay for advertising because they're doing it all for him. >> when americans look at that, we long for the days we had president trump when he did what he said he would do and made things so much better in our great country. >> everything that comes out of xi's mouth is a lie. ask people in taiwan if they feel comfortable he is not a bully. >> this meeting should be about america looking strong, imposing certain demands, guess what? we're the big economy, we're the big military. we're in a position to make demands on china. ♪. stuart: playing a lot of sounds like 1950s, 1960s music. lauren: why? stuart: i don't know why we're
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doing that? celebration of my age? a nudge at me. bobby darrin. you remember his song, things? lauren: keep going. i need a little more. stuart: i will tell you about that later. 11:00 eastern time. quiet on the set. thursday, november 16th. check the market. dow down 90, nasdaq 46. red ink starting to appear not that much of it, show me big tech. alphabet, amazon, microsoft up, meta on the downside. where is the treasury yield very important question you have to ask every day? it is down 4.4%. now this. not to be too simplistic about it but the latest fox poll is very easy to understand. biden down, trump up. look at this, the president's approval level sinks to just 40%. break that down. 63% of men don't like the job he
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is doing. 62% of voters under age 45, they disapprove. 60% of hispanics, 57% of college educated people, 41% of black folks. you cannot win if all these voting groups are against you. it is not like that in the trump camp oh, no. he is now the preferred candidate of 62% of republican voters. that is a 48-point lead over desantis, 51 points over haley. wait, it gets worse for biden when he is up against the leading republican candidates. this is a sensation. trump, desantis and haley all beat biden in head-to-head matchups. how about that? a couple points here. trump's popularity has gone up just as he appears in a new york courtroom, being smirked at by hostile attorney general letitia james. republicans know an unfair, politicized show trial when they see one. biden's popularity has gone down as his cognitive abilities go
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down. with numbers like this, you know the democrats are moving heavy enand earth to change the ticket before it is too late. they really don't have much time. for the republicans the field has to shrink. trump has an insurmountable lead. third hour of "varney" starts now. ♪. welcome to the show, jason chaffetz the gentleman on the rye hand side of the screen. the standout, trump, haley, desantis, all beat biden. what say you? >> oh, i think you're exactly right. i think there is panic over on the democratic side of the aisle because he is not getting any younger. his cognitive capabilities are not increatessing and everyone of his policies are making america worse. he is selling "bidenomics" but nobody is buying it. it ain't working. it is as simple as that america
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knows it is off track. they want to get back off track. i think thanksgiving, christmastime, a good time for the biden family, sit down, thank you for the service since 1972 i personally was five years old at the time and it's time for him to say i'm no longer going to be the candidate. i'm not going to be -- i will serve out my term but i'm not going to be on the ballot. if they don't make that turn by the end of the year they're wasting time. stuart: look at the other side of the fence. do you think trump is gaining ground, getting an advantage from his court case in new york? >> yeah. particularly with minorities. you look at those community who feel like they have been oppressed. the government comes after them. they sympathize with donald trump when they see him in the court. they know he is being harassed. they know he is being treated unfairly. the former president of the united states and they're bringing him to court about the valuation of real estate in
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florida? seriously? with no victims? america sees through this and it works in favor of donald trump. ironically, it is the strangest thing but trump is handling it right at this point. he is showing frustration and people are sympathizing it. they also know they need a fighter in this country to bring down the deep state and all the other impediments to the growth and prosperity of the united states. stuart: jason earlier on the program we had congressman jim jordan on the show. listen what he had to say about the hunter investigation and possible impeachment of the president. roll tape. >> to do those final depositions and then make a decision on the whether we have impeachment inquiry, do we move forward with actual articles of impeachment. we'll present this to the conference. we'll make a decision the conference if the facts warrant going to actual articles and moving to full impeachment of the president. stuart: it will take a while though, jason. there is a long delay here.
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taking it slowly. >> yeah, you need to be able to get the documents. i do think you will have to do a series of public hearings to bring america along to what members of congress and former member of congress able to see along the way. i don't know that the public is totally there yet. stuart: right. >> you don't want this to backfire. you want evidence to play itself out and they have got to lay that out in front of american people. you can't go from deposition right to impeachment. you have to have a series of public hearings. stuart: i think we have impeachment fatigue. thanks for joining us. have a great thanksgiving. >> you too. stuart: back to the markets, please. still red ink, getting a bit more of it. dow down0, nasdaq down 76, shawl loss for the s&p. elizabeth quorum with is us this morning. we had a rally last couple weeks. a little selling today but does this rally have real legs? >> i think it does.
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i think in early november we got a signal to start putting money back to work in the market with institutions showing they were going to support a move higher. i think that is what stands out to me, versus the attempts at rallies in september and october. this one felt a little different. we have been running for a couple of weeks. the momentum's been there. i think a lot of technical traders are saying okay, when is the market going to rest. it hasn't wanted to rest yet. i think the barely budge down we're seeing today shows how strong this market is. could we be due for a pause? yes. we haven't gotten it yet. stuart: let's talk walmart. i believe you think the report, the company itself lacks what you call oomph? you want to explain that? >> it discuss. if you look before today we have this gap down on earnings. they barely beat on earnings and revenue and growth is slowing and the earnings guidance even though they raised guidance
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below expectations there, so this selloff today in heavy volume definitely puts it in the avoid category for me. like i was saying even before today the stock has been an underperformer. putting the money in the index you would have been better off. stuart: i know you like about netflix. what is so good about it? where is the stock going? >> i think the recent performance has been strong. we saw a nice move a couple weeks ago, a gap up, that momentum has continued. so i think the tech sector, that's where a lot of the money is flowing right now but like the broad market, could this one need to chill out a little bit? yes. if you're an aggressive trader, i think seeing the stock clear highs from september is a strong sign, maybe want to put a little bit of money to work but just be aware we could see a little bit of a pause, or even a pullback here because it has been so strong in recent weeks. stuart: got it, alyssa koram,
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thanks for being here. have a great week. >> you too. stuart: i want to know what is going on with macy's the stock is up sharply. lauren: stronger profits, better than expected and improved inventories and lower freight costs. that's it. gross margins rose by 168 basis point. investors are running with it. macy's has been a dog of the market. down 46% for the year. a nice gain today. stuart: department stores have had the problem since the pandemic, have they not? lauren: that is an understatement. stuart: advanced auto parts. lauren: retailer down 8%, reporting a quarterly loss, slashing their guidance for the year. bank of america one of several brokerages to come out to downgrade the company. they're taking the price target to the lowest of the street of $43. stuart: generac. lauren: they are popular. leading market share when it comes to backup generators, home stand by generators with the bad
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weather over the summer. it is good for their is about. the stock is up 2%. stuart: thanks, lauren. this is coming out of this, republican congressman george santos announced he will not run for re-election. this after a house ethics committee report released this morning said santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal benefit, end quote. he is not standing for re-election. coming up, citadel's ken griffin says new york city will lose its title as the financial capital of the world. he will tell you where he thinks the new capital will be. a recent survey found 38% of people under 30 get financial help from their families when buying a home. nahb jim tobin addresses the inequality that causes. a tale of two very different demonstrations. 300,000 peacefully supported israel tuesday. 150 pro-hamas demonstrators attacked the democratic national committee headquarters in d.c. last night.
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griff jenkins has the story and he is next. ♪. invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. ♪ is it possible to fall in love with your home... ...before you even step inside? ♪ discover the magnolia home james hardie collection. available now in siding colors, styles and textures. curated by joanna gaines.
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i don't want you to move. i'm gonna miss you so much. you realize we'll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? oh, we know. we just like making a scene.
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we'll sign you up. done. and. done. the annual enrollment period is here. so, let's do this. give us a call today and speak with one of our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. and say hello to an easier way to do medicare. ♪. stuart: anti-israel protest in d.c. took a violent turn last night. griff jenkins is in d.c. right now. griff, you take us through the chaos, please. >> reporter: it was quite a scene, good morning, stu and my cameraman just push in to the doors of the dnc. you can see the police barricades still up there. it is obviously calm today but it all began when 200 pro-palestinian protesters locked arms blocking doors to the dnc. they knew members in there were
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having a meeting. it devolved into somewhat of mayhem. for contrasts we had a few protests this week. on tuesday nearly 300,000 on the mall. pro-israel peaceful protests and last night's small group, they were demanding a cease-fire while punching and cursing at the officers, really tangling up with them. forced the u.s. capitol into lockdown and evacuation of lawmakers inside of the dnc headquarters. one of those members, debbie wasserman schultz was quite shaken. take a listen. >> it was a very disturbing, troubling situation. when you engage in tactics that are in a sense intimidating, certainly blocking access or exit from a building, i think crosses that line. >> reporter: now the u.s. capitol police issuing a statement stu this, saying we handled hundred of peaceful protests but last night's group
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was gnat peaceful. the crowd failed to follow proper or thes to move back from the office. protesters claim they pepper sprayed their officers. one protester was arrested. 24-year-old man from new york was arrested for assault on a police officer. although protest organizers had a very different take on what they saw. here is what they had to say, listen. >> the folks in that building tonight, the folks in democratic leadership have not been listening to the 80% of us from diverse communities stop genocide of palestinians. instead of being met with leaders engaging with us, instead of being met, again our peaceful protests, we were met by police. >> reporter: in the protest organizers issuing a statement as well, saying that they were violently attacked by the police, injuring 90 of the protesters in the melee. stu, back to you.
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stuart: oh, please. jason rantz with us now. jason, looking at all the protests, what have you, looks like there is a real split among democrats over hamas, right? >> there clearly is a split. you have on one hand progressive act at thissist base of democratic party. they're pro-israel not siding with hamas. older democrats who understand the importance of standing with israel and what is going to be really interesting just politically speaking you have got president joe biden running for re-election, he is obviously from american-jewish perspective. if you're a democrat you're pleased with how he is handling this so far but you're not pleased with the congress, not pleased with the "squad" how they're treating this. you might end up still having some loyalty to biden when he runs but not necessarily to members of congress. the reverse is also true when it comes to the activist base. you have the activists who
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really dislike joe biden right now and they're siding with the "squad" members. now the base of the ones, those are the ones who vote, they vote very passionately, they get involved, get their friends to show up. you will see some interesting dynamics where members of congress in places where you hope they don't get too much traction may end up getting some traction but it will hurt joe biden in the long run, vice versa with the older voters. stuart: here is a story that you brought to us and i'm going to have to get into it. i have difficulty with this one. here is the story. you know what i'm talking about here, you know it. the port of seattle has put tampon dispensers in men's bathrooms. would you care to explain that one to me? >> yes. although we'll have to dispel any notion of science and biology and men versus women. the port using their budget to effective live put free tampon dispensers and bins in all
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bathrooms including the men's. oddly enough they started with the men's bathroom before going into the women's bathroom this is part of a goal a some point this will happen at the airport bathroom. these are the private-facing bathrooms. now we'll get public ones. the reason they're doing this, they want to normalize idea that gender is fluid. pretend men need a tampon frankly they're biological women but we're not supposed to acknowledge that. they're taking a debate, that isn't a debate from the average person's perspective. we understand there is a difference between men and women. they don't want to engage in that conversation. they will move forward and pretend it is settled science, that a man might actually need a tampon. we know this is ludicrous but it is political. stuart: just straighten me out, will you please? a man transitioning to a women, surely cannot have period pains, am i wrong here or what? >> well, if you go on some of the tiktok videos they will tell you they're feeling it but
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obviously they're making it up. it is reverse of that it is a biological woman who presents as a man, identifieds transgender man using men's bathroom. if you need a tampon because you are a woman, you are now in a position where you will be able to get one where previously there haven't been any because, again they're men's bathrooms. stuart: we like to pride ourselves covering it all on this program but i don't think we ever covered tampons in a men's bath room before. we have given a first. are you proud of yourself. >> i feel like there is first for everything. i'm going in the history books. i love it. stuart: jason, that is interesting. thanks for joining us. i know you will be back. if you're not back before thanksgiving have a good thanksgiving. >> you as well. happy thanksgiving. stuart: how do you transition from that? okay, a hair salon in michigan that's not too keen on transgenders. they're being charged with discrimination. all right, ashley, the burden is
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on you to explain this, please. ashley: thanks for letting me follow that. the salon owner in traverse city, got in trouble after she posted a statement on social media that said in part this, if a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at a local pet groomer. you are not welcome at this salon, period. there is the segue. michigan's department much civil rights says that is unlawful discrimination. three people filed a complaint saying they were denied services based on their sex. the salon owner, christine geiger, filed her own complaint now, claiming that the city and the three complainants are violating her first amendment rights. by the way the salon owner could be facing a fine or have her business license suspended. back to you. stuart: okay. let's move on to get back to the markets. let's see what we're talking about here. dow industrials are now sinking, down 140 points. nasdaq down 53.
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s&p down 11. the slide southward started just about a half hour ago. big tech probably most of them are down at this point. yeah, not so sure about that. apple at 188. microsoft's up three bucks. the rest of them are down this morning. coming up target's ceo, chief executive officer, he says customers are happy that items are being locked up in their stores. really happy? i don't really believe that but we'll bring you the full story in just a moment. the president of the richmond fed says buying a home has become unattainable for too many people. jim tobin from the national association of homebuilders on that next. ♪.
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carries oil from prude dough bay in north to valdez in the south. now you know. december 16th. don't forget to watch "american built," mondays 8:00 p.m. eastern only on fox prime minister prime. look at target. the the stock is down a bit. but like many other retailers they locked up items in an attempt to fight retail theft. got it. ashley is back with us. the ceo says customers are happy that items are locked up. i'm not sure i believe that, ash? ashley: i don't think people are buying it literally. target ceo brian cornell claims many shoppers are grateful to see toiletries locked up behind plexiglass. who can't remember, oh good i have to find someone to get me the product. during the third quarter earnings calls, cornell said shoppers are happy the fact that items are being protected and in stock. hmmm. on social media shoppers expressed frustration about the
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inconvenience of waiting for store employees to unlock a case to get a product off a shelf. target blames theft for the its decision to close well nine stores across four states including in new york and california but it is very unclear how many sales have actually been lost from shoppers who are just frustrated with having to wait for employees to unlock cases in the store. if you can find an employee as well. stuart: so what you do, you go to amazon. don't you? isn't that the -- ashley: order online. stuart: thank you to you, ash. back to you later. this is for you. ashley: i'm not going anywhere. stuart: thank you very much. billionaire citadel boss, ken griffin, he sees a new city taking over from new york as the finance capital. what is this new finance capital, ash? ashley: that would be miami, florida, thanks to its business-friendly climate and lower taxes and the weather ain't bad either. griffin who says miami's current economy is vibrant and he says
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it could represent the future of america. he left chicago by the way and moved to miami last year. so he is talking up his own move. he joins a long list of financial titans who moved south in all. in all 160 wall street firms have now moved out of manhattan in recent years. 56 of those took their business to florida, taking a whopping one trillion dollars in financial assets under management out of the big apple. it's why miami is known as wall street south and griffin says, you know what? it's only getting bigger and richer. stu. stuart: that's fascinating. thanks, ash. let's get back to the nahb housing market index. it was down six points to a reading of 34 in november. that folks is very, very low. nahb ceo jim tobin. this is keeping your business in absolute limbo. >> limbo. we've erased all gains.
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members very pessimistic about the future of the housing market right now. remember we're starting to see what i think is the crest of mortgage rates. we're down below 7 1/2%. 10-year treasury rate fallen below four 1/2, five 1/2. there is optimism on the horizon but right now it will take a while before these rates really unlock the market. stuart: let me quote to you something from richmond fed president tom barkin, he says homeownership is becoming unattainable for far too many people. you gave me a statistic earlier. only 30% of people earning median income in america can afford a home, that price? >> afford a median priced home. homeownership and the fed president is exactly right. homeownership is getting less and less attainable for more american families. american homeownership is part of the american dream. being a affordable apartment to get you there, we're taking that farther and farther out of the reach of people. stuart: have you seen a
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situation like this before where so few people can afford a home? >> it has been a while. late '90s. of course we had the great recession but that was a much different dynamic piece than that but there really is the cost of homes. then of course interest rates are not helping out either. stuart: that's for sure. >> we have to unwind this. stuart: but 38%, this is a survey taken recently, 38% of people under 30 got help from their parents to make the down payment on a home. 38% under 30 did that. occurs to me lots of people don't have rich parents. if they can help their own children like this, they're locking in inequality. >> that's right. if you can't save for your down you will be forced farther and farther out of homeownership. those luckily enough to have the bank of mom and dad for the down payment, good for them. but you're absolutely rye, the more inaffordable housing becomes the more wealth gap increases for those who have homes and who can't afford
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homes. stuart: i remember buying my first home late 1970s in california a long time ago. in those days you couldn't have people give you money for the down payment. you had to show you got it yourself. they went back three months into your financial records to make sure nobody give you a bunch of money. that is gone completely. >> you can still have some help there but it will erode the ability whether or not you're ability to pay in the future, right? stuart: that's true. >> it is all complicated right now. stuart: tell me about cash buyers. i'm thinking of people who made a lot of money in the stock market and they use their stock holds as collateral against a loan from their broker so there is no mortgage. bought the thing outright, pay back their broker, charles schwab, do you see a lot of that? >> i see a lot of that. people moving out of high cost states. ashley's story about wall street moving down to florida speaks to that. people moving out of high cost states like california, new jersey, connecticut,
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new york, coming south where they can sell the high home prices here. turn that into cash and buy a new home in a better climate and they're able to do it. so the custom home market right now that continues to flurish because of all these cash buyers. stuart: the rich get richer, don't they. >> happens that way. homeownership is a great equalizer. gateway to the middle class. we need more homeownership. stuart: take a long time but it is a worthy he effort. jim, see you later. don't for get to send in your "friday feedback." here is a possible question for you. has buying a home become un@tannable? we want to hear your thoughts on that issue. there is this, automakers struggling to sell electric cars vehicles so how will they drum up demand? kelly o'grady has the story from the los angeles auto show next. ♪.
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stuart: over two hours worth of trading and the dow is down 160, nasdaq down 64, s&p down 13. some selling today. the 10-year treasury yield had been going down. still going down. you're at 4.46 as we speak. you know the vote between, the vote on a deal between general motors and the uaw is coming right down to the wire. kelly o'grady joins me now. is this going to go through, kelly? >> reporter: it is looking like it is going to go through, stuart, if only narrowly. you find me of all places today at the l.a. auto show. according to the vote tracker getting close 55% saying yes. we reached out to gm. they don't have a comment yet.
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when it is officially ratified they will have a statement. that is good news for folks looking to get behind one of these babies. for context, i'm looking at silverado ev. evs a huge focus at the lar auto shows. 400 miles to a full charge. 0-60 in four 1/2 seconds if you have a need for speed. i know you like your truck, stuart. this is $200,000 all top of the line trim. this price tag is not for everyone. consumers are reticent to adopt evs price being a big factor. average for a ev in october ran 20% higher than the industry average. that is about 11,000 more. we're seeing ev market share increase but at much slower rate than hybrids which is interesting. that is over 11% right now. industry experts say hybrid allows more flexibility for drivers but that means ev
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adoption is not picking up fast enough to meet those deadlines. here is what they had to say. >> infrastructure is still not in the place that it needs to be. that is putting a lot of people off. price is still too high, that needs to come down. in order to get the penetration that it needs to be successful we'll have to see cheaper evs and a much better infrastructure. time is running out. we need it now. >> reporter: now, stuart i know you like your trucks personally i'm more of a corvette girl. i wanted to show you this one. but when we have any information about the gm deal we'll bring it back to you. stuart: take a look at it right there, looks like a nice corvette. thank you very much, kelly see you later. earlier this week we told you how al tesla will not allow sigher truck vehicles in the first year of ownership. are they backtracking on this? ashley: very quietly. tesla said if the owners didn't get permission to sell their truck they could be sued for
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$50,000. oh, by the way. sometime this week tesla quietly deleted that clause from the contract. so there you go. apparently it went away. the ev maker wanted to stop people from buying the cyber truck and immediately reselling it online for a profit. what people do apparently. with supply chains improving prices are coming down, it is not such a problem. deliveries of the cyber truck set to begin this month by the way. elon musk signaled that the production ram-up will be slow but he claims there are one million reservations for that truck, stu. stuart: here is another one for you. backlash against bud light continues. are there more shakeups at the company? ashley: there are indeed. anheuser's u.s. chief marketing officer, gone. stepping down after the company reported a slump in bud light sales. of course it all comes following the backlash over the partnership with transgender influencer dylan mulvaney and beer makers as many would call
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it botched response to the controversy. anheuser says sales to u.s. retailers declined nearly 17% primarily due to the volume decline of bud light. in response the company has cut deals with whole salers including writing checks to distributors, increasing marketing spending, all of that by the way contributing to a 29% decline in u.s. earnings. they took a huge hit but the company says its own research shows more than 40% of lost bud light customers said they are willing to give the brand another chance. as we like to say in television we shouldn't, time will tell, stu. stuart: that is always the favorite out, stu, isn't it? thanks, ash. show me the dow 30. get a sense where this market is. a lot of sellers entered the field. we have 2/3 down. less than 1/3 up. walmart and cisco are dragging, taking 130 points off the dow. so if it wasn't for those two stocks the dow would be only down about 20 points.
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>> >> we're three years out from the pandemic. many people are still working remotely and it is killing or seriously hurting restaurants in new york city. the owner of bobby vann's steakhouse, says if this continues the city will crumble. we'll be right back. ♪.
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stuart: here we go, time for our annual segment which we estimate how much the holiday meal is going to cost you. ashley, you know i hate this particular story but you've got the numbers. ashley: yes. stuart: you collected the numbers. you will go through it. go. ashley: yeah, quite an intro, stu, should be sponsored by butterball, right? good news, as you throw the old feedbag for turkey day, the cost of a holiday meal for 10 people will cost 4 1/2% than last year's roared.
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61.1. down from just over $64 last year. in 2020 by the way the total was less than 47 bucks. inflation certainly continues to bite. survey shows most ingredients less expensive than last year, including the star of the meal, cost of a 16-pound turkey down 5.6% from last year at $27.35. the item with the biggest price drop, nearly 23%, one of my favorites, half a pint of whipping cream, just a buck 73. so make that a pint for me, stu. stuart: i got it. thanks very much, ash. you know remote work is really hurting businesses in midtown manhattan. it is estimated that just 25% of midtown office workers go into work on mondays and fridays. only 25% show up. the own letter of bobby vans steakhouse is joseph smith. he joins me yet again on this program today. what is that doing to your business? >> i don't think it is even 25%,
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stuart. i think it is less than that there because we're down on mondays and fridays we're down at least 70%. stuart: 70% down? >> we're down 70%. stuart: compared to the pre-pandemic days? >> yes. the reason being mainly, is that they have set up satellites in westchester and connecticut and new jersey and if there's 10 or 12 guys would have been going into the bank doing their usual stuff, they're not driving two or three miles to that satellite and are quite comfortable there doing that work or they're staying home. stuart: okay. >> but there is a lot of satellites set up. if you look in all these buildings that we have surrounding us here, 40 to 50% of those are empty. stuart: yep. >> and the landlords are trying to make deals to give them away. i know three or four companies that have moved off fifth avenue over to lexington avenue where
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they're getting cheaper rents but they don't need as much space. they had 40,000 square feet, now they have 20 or 15 because to put those satellites out. if you take it, if it you live in westchester to get into new york by train and car to the station it is an hour 15, an hour 30 where you can get out practically in your pajamas drive, 1015 minutes to the satellite and you do your job. stuart: what about the people who do come into work? i know it is a smaller number but they do come in, are they still spending the way they used to? >> no. because they're not my customer. they are, for the wont of a better word the low-hanging fruit. they go to get a salad for their lunch. stuart: okay. >> they go back to the office. they eat it at their desk or get a slice of pizza. they get a burger, stuff like that. the bosses come in tuesday, wednesday, thursday. you get lunch, tuesday,
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wednesday, thursday. you get dinner, monday, tuesday. thursday is a maybe. the last couple of weeks we've been sold out all three days but the monday and the tuesday, on the friday, and the saturday business coming in for the theater is not coming in like it used to. stuart: you got a lot of negatives here. >> yes. stuart: are the migrants who are crowding around new york is that a negative for your business? i would have thought so? >> it is, it's sad because i feel for them. they were sold a bill of goods, come to america, there is gold in the street much like you and i were when we were told it was the promised land. stuart: you and i arrived in the same year 75, '75 you were a waiter. >> i was a waiter. stuart: you were a waiter. those were the days. >> like i said these people are coming here. there is no work for them. there is nothing. they thought they were going to get housing and medical and,
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then of course everybody wanted to come to new york and, i don't want to use the word gangs but there is groups of them roaming the city. we must get at least, each one of my restaurants every day at least 10 visits from four or five in the little group that are looking for work and there is no work there for them. stuart: sad thing. >> they have been used and abused by being told, now i hear on the newsom of them are going home. stuart: that is true. they have had enough. stuart: last question, how much, you're bobby vans steakhouse, how much is a top of the line steak at bobby vans steakhouse? >> 69.99. stuart: 69.99? >> yes. as you and i said earlier back in the old country, back in the old days that would have fed a family of 10 for the weekend. stuart: yes. >> it is different times. it's different times.
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stuart: whoa. what the cheapest steak i can get at bobby vans steakhouse because i'm a cheap kind of guy. >> i don't think so. it is about $55. stuart: really? >> for a filet mignon. keep in mind the mark-up in that is 45%. 45%. food costs, then you put labor on that, electricity and insurance, rent. it is not a big profit on meat. i much rather sell you an omelette. stuart: unfortunately joseph, we're out of time. >> always a pleasure, stuart. stuart: come on back, tell us how your business is doing. we hope it will thrive in the future. >> thank you much. stuart: joseph smith. bobby vans steakhouse. look it is time for the thursday trivia question. whats with the first stated a mitted to the u.s. after the original 13 colonies? vermont, florida, tennessee or maine. i should know this. i'm not sure i do. we'll be right back.
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stuart: i thought this was a good trivia question. what was the first state admitted to the us after the original 13 colonies? your first, ash. joseph smith will play this with us.
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you go first. ashley: good, to english minette an irishman answering questions, i will go with vermont. stuart: joseph. >> i would go with maine. stuart: me too. it is vermont. i was going to go with maine because it is closest on the eastern seaboard but so is vermont. you looked up? we would never do that. ashley: i'm just lucky. stuart: it became the first state in 1791 after receiving approval from president george washington. now you know. señor friday feedback to us. "varney and company" is about to close. seven seconds left. coast-to-coast starts now. neil


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