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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 27, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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now pay later at an all-time high this cyber monday contributing to $782 million of online spending up 18.8% year-over-year. don't tell me it was a great holiday season and people are using buy now pay later to get through it. look at this video with no sale, it is a scam. >> i am shocked because the discounted i saw online were pretty significant and i think to attest to what you're saying retailers are concerned about the man going into the holiday season. maria: real quick. >> not a good look for target, another bad pr move just like the bad when they made over the summer. maria: a great point. liz and mark great to talk to you. thank you for being here, that will do it for us, have a good day "varney & company" picks it up. >> good morning everyone. what is the price how many times have we've been told the consumer is tapped out but now
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we find we were willing to spend big time. black friday went up from last year, online shopping was very strong up 7% to 8%, that's how we buy stuff these days. today is cyber monday many of us buy a christmas present online the forecast for a solid gain 5 - 6% up from last year. tomorrow is travel tuesday which is supposed to deliver travel bargains for the holidays. let's get to the market strong gains of the last couple of weeks. here's how we started out, the dow on the downside, 47 points down, sap down five and nasdaq 1017. interest rates around four to half% on the ten year, 444. while under 5% of the two year, i was looking at 449 i'm sorry 494 earlier that's where we are now. oil down in the $70 per barrel range, $75 to be precise, gas drifts lower $3.25 for the
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regular, texas has the cheapest $2.70 a gallon. bitcoin holding onto the mid 30s now and 369. i should tell you about gold hitting a six-month high $2032 per ounce that's up half a percentage point. several development in israel. more hostages released in a lopsided exchange. hamas released children, israelis released car bombers and rioters. elon musk is in israel and battling anti-semitism, x known as twitter. he met benjamin netanyahu and they could use his startling communication and that has been useful to the ukrainians fighting the russians. politics of former white house doctor says the cognitive ability of the president are in sharp decline. he says this man cannot do the job. on the show today, students at a new york city high school chased
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down a jewish teacher. the students were overwhelmingly people of color. the pro-palestinian demonstrations this weekend israel was compared to the kkk. this is the ritualization of anti-semitism. biden versus trump, who looks capable of running the campaign and running the country. personal reflections a little later, monday november 27, 2023, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: shop around. i suppose that was an easy choice. well done producers. you hit the spot. the numbers for black friday are in and they are strong. sales climbing from last year, the consumer is still buying. >> there was a noticeable uptake
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and by now pay later, you can spread out your payments over an extended period, they saw 47% increase and by now pay later from last year to $79 million, overall we spent a record $9.8 billion online on black friday and 5.3 billion on our phones. typically a phone is an impulse purchase, not all the time but typically. shoppers are trying to maximize discounts and black friday was popular for electronics like television and smart watches and that brings us to today. did you buy anything. >> i bought a pair of boots, they came i tried them out i don't like them and i bought a different pair at a different discount. cyber monday will be the biggest retail event with a record $12 billion in sales, tmi. i'll show you my rain boots when i get them. stuart: everybody wants to know what you been buying the last couple days online. what was the discount the second
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pair. >> 114 it originally 170. the producer said let's go. >> i agree. stuart: the former white house position ronny jackson sounded the alarm on biden's cognitive decline. >> like you said hi taking care of three presidents in there during the bush administration, i know firsthand what it takes to be the commander-in-chief in the head of state. it's a grueling job mentally and physically this man cannot do the job he's proven everything but that he cannot do the job. this is going to get worse. stuart: charlie hurt the man on the right-hand side of the screen, you are on. where are democrats going to admit that biden cannot do the job? we talked about this before. i cannot see a five more years with joe biden. >> i can't either. it is kind of shocking even now
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if you go back to a year ago or two years ago and compared clips. he's noticeably more feeble today than he was at the start of his term and at the start of his term he was fairly feeble. it's a problem for democrats in the window is closing very quickly in terms of trying to do something in any orderly primary fashion. once you start primary voting it's going to become nearly impossible that's why every four years people recover politics like to talk about a brokered convention and it never happens. this is the kind of thing where it makes you wonder if something bad happens or something becomes so unavoidable that democrats decide they have to go somebody else between january and the democratic nominating conv convention. it might give them a way to do it more in a more tidy way to do it at the convention.
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in terms of doing it with any input whatsoever with actual democrat voters that window is closing very quickly. stuart: the crowd at the south carolina football game exploded at the site of donald trump on saturday. watch this. [cheering] [cheering] [shouting] stuart: all i got to say reverse trump, frail biden. >> it's quite a position. whatever you think of donald trump, the guy is a showman. his ability to sniff out opportunities like that to go to the home state where one of his rivals in the primary hails from was governor is on the board of trustees at usc. to go down there and draw that kind of an applause in that kind
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of crowd. it's truly extraordinary. i get it there are people that are not trump fans. i happen to find a lot of his antics very enjoyable and amusing. you cannot take it away from the guy, the guy knows how to work a crowd. we will probably never see the likes of him again. stuart: some would say that's a good thing. some would say he's going to be the president again. thank you very much. >> i will be sad when he is gone. the degree to which he is able to get people involved in politics who otherwise would not be involved in politics is a very good thing. i would say that on either side of the aisle, i think it's a healthy thing for our country. stuart: thank you for being with us on a monday morning. a quick check of the market, red ink, not that much, jeff sica with us is wordy. you think the federal reserve will cut interest rates early
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next year? that seems to be the hope that's motivating the rally. >> that is the hope, we had a tremendous november, this november was probably the best november we have had in history with the market up over 7% in there is a lot of optimism but there is a number that i focus on it is called in to the money supply, the cash that people have on hand or savings account or checking accounts. that number during the pandemic increase by 40% that means a lot of money chasing fewer goods and services. the fed has proven themselves incompetent at every term especially when they came out with the word transitory when they were talking about inflation, they have a dilemma right now nevin unsustainable level of debt. the corporate and personal debt is at historically high levels with a higher interest rate that people cannot afford the payments and have a money supply
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number that they are attempting to purge money out of the system to decrease inflation so they are in a quagmire. they're going to have a hard time figuring out what the next move is. i don't think they can lower interest rates until the end of 2024, not the beginning. stuart: there terrified of making another mistake they call it transitory inflation, it wasn't it was strong. they're afraid of making another mistake now. >> i squandered my education. one thing i would tell you when you. that much money and put into the system you are going to inflate everything and everything has been inflated. now they're trying to deflate it. they're trying to put a farce fire out with a water pistol. that's why they're having 70 problems. stuart: jeff sica on a monday morning. first lady jill biden unveiled
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the white house christmas de. >> christmas to the eyes of the child which i kind of like. 98 christmas trees, 142,000 lights, 33000 ornaments, you're looking at some now. also 200 anniversary of wasn't i before christmas. 1923. >> i'm on tape doing the night before christmas with my kids. >> i thought so but he would've brought it up, what are the producer. >> weekly every year. you have to stay tuned for that. coming up president biden's approval rating keeps on declining. that did not stop the atlantic magazine coming from his defense. we will get into that with steve forbes. hamas hostages expected to be freed today, the latest from israel. wait until you hear what the israelis have to give up to bring back children. we will be back. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter,
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♪ ♪. stuart: we are in the fourth day of the truce between israel and hamas. more hostages expected to be released today. trey yingst is at the schneiders medical center over there. you been speaking with some of the families, whether they tell you? >> good morning it's a mix of emotion for the families coming here to the schneider children's hospital outside of tel aviv, many are coming to see their loved ones and more than 50 days, also family members that were killed. they have to inform their loved ones that their parents or their cousins or brothers or sisters are no longer here it is a challenging task but we've been talking with doctors who say
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they have been preparing for this moment for weeks. 14 israeli citizens were released as part of the broader cease-fire deal with three thai nationals. we understand according to reports there is disagreement in the list for tonight's but officials are hopeful on the fourth day of the cease-fire between the two sides it will move forward. we know 4-year-old abigail the american israeli citizen was released last night as part of the larger group both of her parents murdered on october 7. it cuts through all the noise of the story to the people that lost so much and left without parents or loved ones. we spoke with one grandmother they came to the hospital today. she lost her son during october 7 attack. we visited her grandchildren for the first time in 50 days. take a listen. >> again and again, and again. we cry a lot. we laugh a lot.
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it was like a wave. like a storm. all the feelings flow up. it was amazing. >> a true mix of emotions for so many that are here today. as this is taking place there reuniting families at this hospital. israeli leadership trying to show the world what happened during the massacre today. it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with elon musk in the small committee that was hit so hard during that attack, elon musk getting a firsthand look at the atrocities that took place here. stuart: kt mcfarland joins us this morning. may i offer an opinion here. many hostages have been released the war has not widened into lebanon or the west bank. i hate to use the word but israel is winning or have a firm grip on a hamas, what say you.
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>> i think that one momentarily up until this point are doing a very good job of rooting out hamas leaders and the soldiers and fighting the tunnels and destroying ammunition but hamas has flip the script, here's how they done it by releasing the hostages they will dribble out a few at a time and anybody who is connected to any of the hostages any national leaders or families will say extend the cease-fire a few more days let's get our people out, how could you not want that, what's going to happen going forward hamas is going to stretch out the cease-fire as long as they can, they use that time to regroup, rearm, to get the bad guys out of the crosshairs. then hamas will come back a few years from now, resupplied by rhiannon and do it again. meanwhile president biden and others say the cease-fire should continue.
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it should be extended in war should stop. what will israel do, israel will look like the aggressor is after the cease-fire ends they going to finish the job. a long explanation for my answer but at the end of the day israel is not good to do what it needs to do which is to eradicate and eliminate hamas. stuart: we will leave it there we should debate labor until later in private. i was thinking public relations for holding children hostage and exchanging for car bombers is disgusting of the world to see it that way. i want to move on to this tom cotton a conservative guy calling for stronger response to the attacks on u.s. troops by iran. roll tape. >> i would target iranians that are operating in iraq and syria and send a message to iran if they don't stop immediately we will begin to threaten their assets like ronald reagan when he sank half of iran's navy for attacking a u.s. navy ship.
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the president talks about fear of escalation, fear of escalation ensures escalation, the way to stop is establish dominance over a terrorist supporting regime like iran. stuart: what do you say to that? the way to counter is by real force, what do you say? >> i am a reagan person i worked in the reagan administration and i worked in the top administration. the way those presidents dealt with iran is economic stimulation. for example the top administration iran was broke couldn't export oil, oil prices were low even if it could speak out the oil. what was happening hamas was complaining to the iranian leader saying where's our money wears our stuff. iran had to cut off the terrorist because it cannot afford to do it. i believe in economic strangulation and i believe we have to have a strong military deterrent and i don't think president biden does either of those. he's enriched iran. he allowed them access to 100 billion, nearly $100 billion
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since biden administration began through higher oil prices, failure to enforce the sanctions, giveaways to iran. were paying for both sides of this war. stuart: always good thank you for joining us, we will see you later. here is a shocker of water system in pennsylvania was hacked over the weekend. was this done by iran? >> absolutely iranian hackers took control of the water station intricate and alarm and flashed a message it is down with israel. the water facilities equipment is owned by an israeli company. the hackers were able to shut up about supply line but the water committee said it use the backup in the water in the town is safe. stuart: they reached right into our water supply. a quick check of futures, red ink on a monday morning after a couple of weeks of significant gains. will take you to the opening bell on wall street. right after this. ♪
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large networks of doctors and specialists. so, if you want more from medicare, call now to see if there's a humana plan in your area that will give you extra benefits. including coverage for doctor visits, hospital stays and prescription drugs. plus, dental, vision, hearing and more! look, with so many options, it can be hard to find the plan that's right for you. so, call now and let a knowledgeable, licensed humana sales agent explain your coverage options, answer any questions you have, and if there's a plan in your area that will give you extra benefits, help you enroll over the phone. it's that simple! call now and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. stuart: on the market this monday morning, red ink.
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left-hand side of the screen, keith fitz with us today. you predicted a violent year end rally, that was your word violent year end rally, that we were going to get? >> we are on the cusp of it, the marketer position for that, traders know the good have to get ahead of the fed and rates are going to come down and the data is reflected it. now is the time to buckle up, be in it to win. stuart: is is predicated on the fed lowering interest rates in the early part of next year, it may not be the early part of next year they bring about a be tthe end of next year. >> that is true in a valid point. something i think a lot about. don't forget microsoft, apple and many of the names are continuing to put up good numbers. the choice of investor is very simple do i want to listen to the fed who is busy spending money for the company ceo making money. i want the ceo every type. stuart: would you say microsoft has won the a.i. battle?
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>> that is music to my ears, no doubt about it they have a commanding lead, every 100 bucks that they are spending will result in 50, 75, $100 in a.i., 50 or 60 or 70% of the products on board, 25 or $30 billion on the top line. stuart: explained to me how a.i. drives the club business. >> every business, imagine this, every business will use a.i. from customer service, products, rolling out products, everything. that begins to generate more sales and effective customer service and higher profit margins, better sales channels. there's not anything that i won't touch. that's how we get to the revenue and ultimately the bottom line. stuart: do you think microsoft and apple. microsoft 376, apple 189, do you think they will go up to record highs? >> i do it's only a matter of time before microsoft is out $500 a share i think he 12 or 24
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months, apple easily into the mid to hundreds, a little higher late this time next year. stuart: i would like you to repeat that, microsoft live hundred dollars a share within 12 or 24 months, what did you say about apple in the mid to 50. >> mid to hundreds even substantially higher a year from now at this time. >> you realize you're on videotape and we can roll this back as the year goes by. you understand this? >> i sure attack hope so. this is a tough business and we are fortunate to get a lot right. one of these days i'm going to be horrifically wrong but i hope it's not tomorrow. stuart: what about other big tech companies, do you like any of them? >> crowdstrike i'm watching carefully, on a tear that is a no-brainer in a point in history where we have to have what they make. i'm expecting a 30% growth on the bottom line may be on the top line 80% growth in earnings
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if they come out on the bottom line. many executives, 60% have got to spend in cybersecurity to keep the company's home. stuart: consumers are spending we saw that black friday and over the weekend. when it does help amazon as we go toward the holidays. >> i think it would but the interesting play is going to be around the walmart and the costco's. what i also saw the number of buy now pay later purchases went up 45 or 50% of my memory is correct. what that tells me consumers are stretched and were good have to look to the bargain retailers, the big-box stores if we want to buy the product. stuart: keith fitz, thank you for joining us you are on tape and we will replay it in the future. opening bell, 70 pushes a button, push the button please. okay, there you go. the market is open slightly lower for the dow industrial, down 12 points, a fraction of
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1%. half the dow 30 up in half are down. s&p 500, the dow is on the plus side. s&p 500 on a tiny fraction. the nasdaq composite same story, down a tiny fraction. big tech where are we, it just opened up, amazon, awful, awful but up microsoft up, better platforms down a buck. it is cyber monday, what is that doing for those online retailers. >> amazon is doing the best in big tech they will get a chunk of the sales online today. adobe puts out numbers for the entire holiday season and they see gains of 5% 2,022,000,000,000 for all overhaul holiday shopping. black friday was a record today is supposed to be a record in all these names are slated to do well it's more about the buzz
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days but there's deals for the entire season, try to look at the season in totality. stuart: then we have often cybersecurity people. i believe they use them here but they got a huge downgrade. >> october does identity management software got hacked. and jeffrey says those bridges have degraded the brand and the value of the brand for customers so customers trusted less they go to neutral and downgrade to market perform, is down one and a quarter% today but keith was talking about crowdstrike they report and so zscaler, cybersecurity are popular names in this environment. stuart: then we have teva, an israeli company. they have an upgrade for three and half percent. >> 4%, ubs says by them they like the brand pipeline and to key clinical trials, the stock is up 4% almost at $10 and ubs
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is $13 a share. stuart: here is something unusual, sitting the investment firm just issued a sell order to footlocker, they don't often do that. usually rebalance but when they say cell that is unusual. >> especially when sneakers are so popular, they said it's a tough environment for them to turnaround. that too much inventory, to any promotions. the third problem is nike, nike is giving more of their merchandise to companies like dick's sporting goods and selling direct to consumer themselves not as much to footlocker so they don't have inventory the people want. then said he said we have our own data that looks at credit cards or debit cards and if you look at the athletic category overall it is struggling a decelerated in the third qua quarter. stuart: a big a few movers over the holiday weekend. who did what.
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>> hunger games, that's reliant a cayman number one, $42 million apple and sold sony have napoleon 32 and half million. we have to talk about which 31.7 million over the weekend i did not see the ice all universal trolls they came in fourth place in the second week and it did not do much in the second weekend in disney wish. what does that say about disney turnaround trying to get popular with moviegoers. if you look at thanksgiving, the five days of the box office $172 million in sales of 50 million from last year but still down from the record hi highs. stuart: it must be pre-covid, the box office over the thanksgiving weekend was much bigger. >> 260. stuart: the pandemic we change things. >> in the strikes, less to see. stuart: where are we with the dow industrial, monday morning we know where a tiny fractional loss, down 60 points, 35372,
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show me the dow winners, these are winners as of this morning, salesforce, unitedhealth, travelers, merck and company. s&p 500 winners, crown, castle international, what do they do? producers can you look that up, paypal i know what they do, at see. >> at cyber monday you can imagine paypal and sc will be doing good. >> it's on the leaderboard for the nasdaq composite. >> amazon is on there as well. crown castle is internet, say that again. communication infrastructure, that is, castle. >> i will never forget. ask me live on television to put the camera on me. stuart: i am not picking on you. the ten year treasury yield below for an half percent, 445 to be precise. gold six-month high, $2033 per
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ounce. bitcoin rallying recently 368 this morning. the price of oil mid 70-dollar-barrel range, 75 as we speak. not gas, down a bit to dollars and 76 cents. i'm interested in gasoline always have been a bit away for a week and i come back in the price of gasoline on the national average is only $3.25, that's all we got. that seems cheap. the cheapest gas is in texas, regular averages $2.70 per gallon, look at diesel edging lower, $4.22 is average there. coming up democrat congresswomen eric swalwell came to president biden's defense over the world and israel and he had to bring it up, former president trump, roll it. >> of donald trump is reelected president at this time could you imagine what the scenario would
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be in the middle east it would probably be the united states and israel and a world war iii scenario with iran, hezbollah and hamas. stuart: that's a famous eric swalwell, he should remember there was peace throughout trump's entire presidency. biden screen push faces renewed scrutiny, climate change did not make the list of the top ten issues for voters in the latest fox pulse. when do we pour money into this and focus on the real issues? stephen more on that next. ♪ (adventurous music)
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stuart: on the markets after 11 minute of business, dow is down 60, nasdaq 1020.
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hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars funneled president biden screen agenda. edward lawrence, what is the money being spent on? >> president joe biden sitting on this war chest for the green push. most pastor the inflation reduction act, 740-dollar bill. a lot of it going to the forced transition, $400 billion to the energy department loan program which is picking winners and losers related to the green agenda. the program has handed out billions to gm and ford and both of those pulling back the ev programs because of demand and ford dealerships pushing back against the investment to become a ford certified ev shop, forward allowing those dealerships not to make the move because of slower sales and e ev's. jeff van drew said elected democrats need to stop forcing things. >> we don't want the electric cars it if you do you can buy them but by and large most people don't want them there more expensive and we don't have
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the capacity to drive them all, we're going to have brownouts. >> president joe biden telling his top advisers to speed up the forced transition to electric. >> we can't be complacent, we have to keep going, above all it shows is that climate action shows an opportunity for the nation to come together and do some really big things. i have seen firsthand what the reports make clear. >> and the latest fox news polling, 89% of registered voters extreme the concern about inflation 82 about crime. bottom of the list 58% very or extremely concerned about climate change. there are other things that voters are worried about about the transition to ev, back to you. stuart: thank you very much. stephen moore with us. polls show voters don't want this. when do we start pouring money into green energy, can we stop
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pouring money into green energy or is it set in concrete. >> start tomorrow, do you remember solyndra, remember that company. that was under obama when they tried the same scheme to subsidize the solar and wind panel companies and many of them went bankrupt and were likely to see that again. the only difference biden is spending ten times more money than obama did. obama spent 50 billion, biden is talking about 400 billion. when i talked to republicans i say the first thing you should cut out of the $2 trillion deficit is 400 billion-dollar what i call slush fund. all the money is going to liberal groups that are advocating for the stuff. meanwhile, there is a new climate change conference going on in the middle east right now. i think this is a 28 conference and they've had.
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china is not showing up for that one. they are the biggest polluter in the world. they will fly in on their private jets and have champagne and lobster and caviar. but do you think it'll do anything about changing the climate? stuart: no it's not. and president biden is not going it is called, 28, he's not going either. >> there have been 30 of these in the last eight or 20 years they've accomplished nothing. last year the amount of oil, gas and coal use globally with the most ever. they sure will break that record. meanwhile carbon emissions continue to increase. somebody has to show me with all the tens and hundreds of billions in all trillions of dollars that have been spent on the climate change industrial, what are they accomplished. stuart: nothing. they're not even close to meeting the co2 reduction targets, not even close.
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>> we are, we are doing it because removing mormon natural gas, the left doesn't even want to see his natural gas but china is accounting for 40% of the pollution and are doing nothing there building coal plants not closing them down. stuart: you have an op-ed, team biden's war on cigarettes will only end in tears. are you talking about the war on mental flavored cigarettes questioning. >> yes. the biden administration wants to make cigarettes illegal. you've known me for a long time have you ever seen me with a cigarette. stuart: no. >> i am not a smoker, i don't like smokey did i do like when people smoke. but i don't want to make it illegal. the fact we should learn with prohibition without while in the war on drugs. if you do this you will create a black market for cigarettes. i think it's a terrible idea. if people want to smoke they should do in the safety of their
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own home. we should not make it illegal it'll be organized crime that will take over the cigarette market. stuart: i am right the same mental that they want to target they want to ban mental that's what they're trying to do. >> that is right there very popular, the mental cigarettes of the popular ones i'm told because i don't smoke. i think this is the first act and step towards making cigarettes illegal. i don't like smokey did i don't think people should smoke but this is a free country the last time i checked. stuart: i understand entirely, thank you very much indeed. i was about to take you on about being a free country. >> everything is free in this country now. stuart: yes it is especially if you come across the board illegally, that's the way we are these days. see you soon. many people struggling with high cost at a pennsylvania mom has gained some popularity after posted a video on tiktok to tell you her financial struggles.
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she and her husband worked full-time. >> her name is mackenzie mont and she's a registered nurse, her husband is a security guard in a personal trainer in the clean office buildings. for jobs between them, they have two kids she was so frustrated she broke down on tiktok. >> my husband and i are doing everything right. it is tuesday, we have 200 or $300 to last us until next friday. i work full-time, he works more than full-time he works overtime every week. somebody has to do something to change this. >> she showed a video of her house, i live in a ranch, 1100 square feet, we don't live large. were doing everything we were told to do and we cannot get ahead. what does this say about middle-class america, i think a lot of people feel like that,
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were making more money but we can't get ahead. stuart: i think she's articulating what many people feel paycheck to paycheck even though you work like the devil and you have more than one job. >> and not living extravagantly. you don't blame those people you play what's going on in the economy for this. inflation does not help. coming up i've been away for a week but i kept a close eye on the news, what i saw is a continuing decline of our president. that is my take coming up on the top of the next hour. we know swift is have bad blood with the ticketmaster and the live nation is not out of the woods. lawmakers issued a subpoena over the ticket prices and thieves. a report on that is next. ♪
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) stuart: the senate wants answers from ticketmaster parent company live nation they were subpoenaed over the ticket prices and fees. what is live nation saying. >> they have been cooperating saying they produce 10000 pages of dyke under documents to the senate subcommittee.
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they say some of the information that the lawmakers want is highly sensitive about the artist and the venues that they do business with. they don't want to disclose their moneymakers how much taylor swift makes. they provided this information in the past but usually a confidentiality protection around the data. richard blumenthal is not having a he is chair of the subcommittee on investigations he is defending his use of the subpoena writing live nation has stonewalled my subcommittees inquiry into this abusive consumer practice making the subpoena necessary. the subpoena demands of the company probably comply with our request for documents essential to understand the business practices. consumers complained that tickets are expensive and the fees are outrageous. live nation is questioning blumenthal's word choice saying our limit in this process at the subcommittee chair has chosen to call stonewalling is simply that we value our artist relationships in interest of other stakeholders we work with,
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too much to betray their trust by turning over the information without adequate protection. that is one battle, the other one live nation is an the crossers of the justice department. the wall street journal says the d.o.j. investigation is focusing on anticompetitive practices to book the top talent but also serve as a ticketing provider for their concert. i became a hot topic with taylor swift. ticketmaster crashed during the fan presale and some of this fan taps soon for alleged violation on antitrust laws, here we are. stuart: her friend travis kelce, her friend, her bf. stuart: he had a very good game last night. >> i'm sure more people watched it because of taylor swift. stuart: that is right. we better check the market, in business for 25 it is. the dow is down 50 nasdaq down 21-point paycheck the crypto
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coinbase chief executives as a crypto industry can turn the page after the historic finance settlement. both ethereum and bitcoin are down, 368 on bitcoin, the ten year treasury is 445 today, not that much change in two-year treasury should be low 5%. 4.94%. still ahead the continuing decline of our president, can he run the country for another five years? is hamas losing the pr battle because of the treatment of the hostages, michael waltz reacts to that. next whitehouse doctor ronny jackson warns the pace of biden's cognitive decline is putting the u.s. at great risk. doctor frank takes it on. and lawmakers are ditching congress at a record pace, why are so many leading, alaska bryan steil. the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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