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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 27, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪.
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stuart: the producer came in my ear as if i frank sinatra, your fan aren't you questioning spin back i love frank sinatra. stuart: 10:00 o'clock eastern, not a lot of selling a little bit of reading down seven on the nasdaq six on s&p and 40 on the dow. the ten year treasury not moving very much 4.4%. the price of oil $75 a barrel, not that much change, bitcoin is down a bit but holding to the mid-$30000 range 368. we got the latest read on new-home sales, new home sales different from existing. >> discipline 5.6% drop to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 679,000 in the month of october. the median sales price went down
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it was a most $419,000 in september, moved onto $409,000 so the price came down month-to-month but sales came in at a lesser pace than anticipated. stuart: only 679,000 on annual basis new-home sales sold. thank you. now this. i have been away for a week but i kept a close eye on the news and what i saw was a continuing decline. i watch them try to deliver an inspiring message on fentanyl. it was not inspiring, his voice was weak and you trouble keeping his train of thought even though everything was on the teleprompter he was not fully aware what he was doing or where he was he seemed to think it, terrible thing to say. the people groaned and turned away. they are americans, then what is he there president, my president and obvious decline.
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i asked him can joe biden get out there and campaign? can you be president for another five years, the answer was a universal know he cannot. then i watched donald trump at a football game and south carolina, it was played on his rival nikki haley's home turf. he watched from a private box and marched on the field at halftime. a big reaction. a few boos, a lot of college kids in the audience but totally drowned out by the rest of the crowd which was clearly pro-trump, he walked with vigor and knew what he was going in new what he was doing, the people did not look away, they were intrigued that this candidate in an out-of-court could still stride onto the field and command everyone's attention. trump can do that. president biden cannot. will cain with me this monday morning. to me that was a tale of two presidents, do you see it the same way? >> yeah, it is in part as you describe what the two candidates for the two presidents can do.
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and also what they inspire. when you describe the scene of the south carolina cleansing game is reminiscent of what i saw week and a half ago or two weeks ago at usc 295 when donald trump came out in front of the crowd it interrupted into chance of usa, usa. there has been nothing or no one in his political career where joe biden has inspired chance of usa, where he inspired anything like what you see when donald trump. there is a vigor and the ability to do the job which is a laydown easy to win debate for donald trump. the real question is the ability to get elected president, this is why people questions are 2020 with no inspiration how does joe biden get 80 million votes. the answer in part it is a referendum on donald trump. the only question remains, how much hate as compared to you and i both noticed, how much love for donald trump. stuart: i think that's an accurate description of the two
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verses each other. i want to look at this anti-israel protesters shouted at new new york city police officers on saturday outside of the american museum of natural history. watch and listen. >> nypd kkk, nypd kkk there all the same. stuart: you saw that the protesters prevented from entering the museum and the and is really flag on fire and chanting kkk. to me this is a racialized agent of anti-semitism. i think it's terrible. >> i don't know if you and i individually talked about this, how do we end up in a place where the crowd burning israeli flags is talking about kkk as the ones opposing them are kkk. the answer to that they bought into the marxist ideology for many years, either because they
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believe or totalitarian of seeing the world the oppressor and oppressed. that's how this is becoming distinguishable on the blm protest a few years ago, tactics and in their inspiration, meaning there smashing up st stores, they're looking at the same type of riotous behavior, violent in some cases as we saw with bla with the same slogans. it's because they see the world through oppressor and oppressed. for what they believe israel to be the oppressor and the palestinians to be depressed. this is how american college students end up on the side of the protest chanting the same things year after year. stuart: it is extraordinary there supporting a brutal terrorist organization that uses children as hostages. that's incredible the young people get out there and support that tear, shocking. last word to you. >> they somehow have twisted the entire concept because they and
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their minds are the victims, the palestinians and any tactic in support of the victims is justifiable, you can see it this is why they were trending osama bin laden two weeks ago and therefore terrorism is not terrorism it is a fight for the oppressed. stuart: you got it. thank you. good stuff we appreciated. will cain. you got to see this a flash mob ramp sacked a nike store in los angeles. one question how much did they get away with. >> $12000, take a look sunday night the big blue bags mostly men between 15 and 20, 17, they grab whatever they could that was not chained down and they get away with five getaway cars if you will. if you look at some of the people in the store the shoppers and customers are looking like really. how is this happening again. the police are looking into this, this is grand theft
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because it's over $950 worth of items. as far as i know no one has been arrested just yet. stuart: $950 isn't that extraordinary. >> you get a slap on the wrist if you steel less than 950 and there is an lapd trailer right out outside of the parking lot they know this has got hit before the area gets hit all the time it's nothing new in los angeles and they're still doing it it's organized and they get away with it over and over again, california has a multiple million dollar grant to help cut down on retail crime, why isn't it working? stuart: governor newsom wants to be the president of the united states inflict california on the rest of the country. god forbid i digress. monday i'm trying to stay cool. back to the market did i see a moment of green for the nasdaq, i think i did it is down a point, the dow up 50 points not much at all. ryan payne with me.
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what were you about to say. >> it went in green because they knew i was going to be on with an optimistic message. the market can feel it. stuart: do you think that that is going to lower interest rates anytime soon. >> at 30 looking to be probably underpriced and 50% odds by may not that far away we should see her first rate cut and i think this week on friday you will get the pce number which is the preferred measure of inflation that should come down again which will be very optimistic. stuart: that is what has been driving the november rally a terrific rally in november it was predicated on the fed lowering rates at some point in the future. >> that's correct two weeks ago you had the inflation of a better-than-expected so one would think the fed is closer to putting the brakes on any more rate hikes and cutting next year. if you take shelter cost out of the inflation number you're almost down to 2% shelter is a lag, that's one of the reasons i seen a huge rally in the last two weeks. stuart: refer to the holiday
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shopping. not the one to come but the one we just had thanksgiving, black friday it seems consumers were out there prepared to spend it was not a huge record spending. they are spending, how does that factor into your equation. >> that's with the u.s. economy is all about american spend money they're doing in droves better-than-expected they have been spending this year and the estimate over the holiday was like $966 billion, spending this year is a record 4% better than last year. i think the big story, everyone has been a little dour on the american consumer and the americans consumer has done well that's why the market is up in gmp has been at an all-time record high. the news has been good. stuart: this is your optimistic forecast, and optimistic situation optimistic for the market and were going higher from here. >> you should position for optimism as rates go down next year end markets go higher you don't want to sit in cash at 5%, the rate cuts next year, the 5%
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goes away real quickly. stuart: position for optimism. >> yes. >> it out of 5% cash and get into stocks. >> lock into bonds longer-term it was at 5% and it's at 4.4% today so you're missing out on a decade plus higher and interest-rate. stuart: i just wonder how much the fed will cut interest rates in an election year. >> there are political undertones. >> the pull out all the stops i think it's a political position i think the fed will cut in if they be inflation which it looks like they are it will come down to where they wanted to be why when it they cut. stuart: i'm getting out of the 5% treasury i'm getting back into the market. >> free advice. stuart: thank you very much. you're looking at movers i'm intrigued. a buy now pay later stock. >> with a view the numbers for buy now pay later for black friday but six and half billion dollars in sales in the month of
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november has been put on by now pay later this is popular and how americans are covid with inflation in getting by. i'll worry about it later firm shares have tripled so far. >> you can spread it out you don't have to worry about the money up front you can spread it out before christmas or whatever. >> if you pay when you're supposed to believe it's interest-free, i believe i have to check that. >> you are correct. stuart: $30 a share on a firm of 14% today, very good stuff. amazon. >> a to be delivering all the items, what were you going to say. stuart: i was going to read you a script. there wouldn't have%. the wall street journal expects amazon will deliver 6 billion packages this year of 13 and have% from last year and that is more than ups and more than fedex and look at ups and fedex, down then 1.5%. stuart: domino's pizza. >> they look forward to the investor day next week they're
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calling it a turning point, stock is up 3.3% and they say shares are going to 430. stuart: there is money and pizza. >> of course every friday night. >> today do that every friday night? >> of course. stuart: plain cheese? >> i like super roni. >> is the cupped pepperoni and you sprinkle hot honey. >> its new. >> thank you lauren. let's get serious the san diego airport which i'm very familiar of is overgrown with illegal migrants, hundreds have moved in. we have a story for you. elon musk met benjamin netanyahu and agreed to provide startling services in israel and gaza. that's an important development, kelly o'grady has information on his visit. former israeli hostages friedberg in the number 240.
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that is over the last three days, congressman michael waltz not happy he says the u.s. is allowing terrorists to dictate the terms, congressman wallace is next. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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stuart: ago nowhere monday, the dow is down 34 the nasdaq is up 1.3 we will tell you if things change. elon musk has agreed to provide israel with spacex starlink services. kelly o'grady is with us, are there conditions attached to this?
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>> yes there are everything has to be done with israel's approval. the minister of communication announced the agreement on x. starlight satellite can only be operated in israel with the approval of the communication including the gaza strip. startling provide satellite basd internet services they have orbit satellites that equates to 50% of the market, elon musk says he hopes to reach 42000 eventually and israel is not the only country leveraging the network. it's been a lifeline for soldiers and civilians in ukraine and becoming increasingly more important to u.s. national security. spacex one another one point to billion in government contracts. in september the pentagon agreed to pay tens of millions which is a defense communication system that relies on starlink. they're more resistant to chinese hacking attempts and despite the scrutiny of elon eln bond company stray biden administration, they seem to need starlink. >> there's a benefit to private partnership when it comes to
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those kinds of national security threats and security challenges pre-there's innovation in the private sector that we would be foolish to walk away from. >> the increasing reliance comes as china is launching its own satellite network next month are aiming to rival musk but they will have 300 and orbit by 2030 ~ satellite is smaller and cheaper so it's attracted to other companies and countries long-term. spacex capabilities and the reliance on elon musk become more critical of china jumped into the space. stuart: very interesting. staying on elon musk. he's in israel, what is he do doing. >> he toured a neighborhood with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, there they are together. he was shown pictures of the atrocities of the october 7 attack by hamas. he will meet with israeli president and families of the hostages later this afternoon. there could be discussing ways to combat anti-semitism online.
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stuart: he's been accused of fostering not on x known as twitter. >> you can call this is apology to to her. he's not apologizing but the optics suggests is not anti-semitic and willing to learn more and truly understand. stuart: congressman michael waltz joins me, good to see you again. you don't like the truth, you don't like it, why not. >> let's take a step back and look at the situation. hamas is presenting as a humanitarian for releasing hostages that they brutally took in the first place on the world stage as though they are a nation state with israel and the united states. they are dictating the terms and how many are released and when they are released. i guarantee they will seek to drag this out because the longer they can the more they can reposition, rearm, resupply and
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get ready for the next round of fighting. i do not like where this is going and if their goal is to turn global opinion against israel, i think they have the upper hand, the un has been horrible, they are seen protest on the streets. had a relative over thanksgiving that was doubting that october 7 was as bad as being presented. i had to send them the videos and you president biden standing on the global stage not knowing whether we have proof of life of all the americans and the national security advisor on the sunday show not having all the information. hope they have a behind-the-scenes for the sake of all americans. but i think hamas is winning the global propaganda war and we need to retake the initiative and retake the upper hand. stuart: could you make the point that israel is actually winning on the ground? after all, they smashed gaza,
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they destroyed what looks like hamas leadership. the war has not extended into northern israel and lebanon and not extended into the west bank. on the ground militarily israel is looking pretty good, would you accept that question with. >> yeah, in the short term, absolutely they will destroy hamas militarily but in the long run as long as iran is flushed with cash, to be like mowing the grass. we have to reverse our iran policy and dry up iran's coffers. otherwise they will continue to rearm and resupply. stuart: your colleague mike turner says additional aid to israel and ukraine unlikely to happen for the new year, roll tape. >> it be difficult to get it done by the end of the year. impediment currently in the white house policy on the southern border. the white house in this package including as a national security package recognizing the southern border is a threat.
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putting funding but is going to be policy changes. congress is going to require balls changed to make certain the border returns to the prior state and other types of provisions that would secure the southern border. stuart: congressman turner implies you cannot enforce border change policies, can you do that? >> that is the leverage that we have, the power of the purse. i cannot combat to my constituents. they understand that we have to stop food and. they understand that we need to slow down the march of china and we need to support israel. this is about priorities and as long as we have 2 million people a year that we know whether another million at least of god ways pouring over our southern border, the fbi director is ringing the alarm bells, it is about priorities and this president has got to prioritize our border before others. that's what i constituents
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demand. i don't know what is going to take aside from god help us, another catastrophic attack in october 17 in the united states. a pulse nightclub, san bernardino or god help us a 9/11 style attack. when you have hundreds of people on the terrorist watch list pouring over our border that we know what in the fbi director is trying to track them down all over our inner cities across the country, that should be the number one priority for the white house. if it's not going to be for them we're going to make it the number one priority and congress. stuart: always a pleasure, michael waltz, we will see you again. on a related note. migrants are moving into san diego's airport. how many. >> more than 300 camping out at the airport waiting for their flights. it appears as a winter border patrol processing after illegally crossing the border into san diego. now they're waiting at the airport for their flights to the cities they requested to go to.
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>> there waiting for the flight so they can go wherever, they could be here for days there's more than 300 we don't know all the details. more and more states and cities are spending money to move the migrants out, get them where they want to go. texas leads the charge and get the bulk of the migrants. midcentury cities like new york and blue cities and states like denver and arizona are spending money to move them where they want to go after taxpayers expense. if you show up to the airport, what is a crowd of people doing, hanging out waiting for their flight to wherever. stuart: the world turned upside as pima because the city prepared for them that is insane. stuart: crazy stuff. thank you. the atlantic goes to bat for president biden in a new op-ed why americans hate a good economy. we will try to explain it. democrat congressman eric swalwell says the situation israel will be much worse under
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trump. media guy joe concha on the democrat's deflection. that is next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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stuart: here we go, the dow is down 15, nasdaq down seven. monday morning one hour into the trading session not much movement so far. lauren is looking at movers, there is significant movement shopify. >> canadian company they help small businesses build their website and they say the merchant drove a 22% increase in sales from black friday from last year end 15% were international crossed orders. stuart: i used to follow gold-mining nic goal that is six-month high today, that's why they're up. >> gold is $60 away from an all-time high which was hit in the summer of 2020. as gold pushes higher the minors are all up. stuart: crown castle i was asking what they did but i'm informed they are wireless tower
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owners. >> now we know why the lead in the s&p 500, elliott investment management is pushing once again for changes that the company has a $2 billion steak and crown castle shares have lost 20% of the value this year. stuart: earlier an hour ago or whatever it was we had crown castle actively traded and i said what did they do and at the moment the camera was on lauren who did not know what they did. then the camera comes on me. stuart: we know now. >> there are wireless tower owner. >> now we know. check that the opinion piece in the atlantic, why americans hate a good economy. joe concha is with us this morning, the magazine is blaming americans high expectations, have at it. >> is utterly amazing how many of these pieces that we see in
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the atlantic have emerged in the last few months of the press. the echo exactly what this administration is attempting to spin. don't look at your bank account, don't look at your savings account or your credit card statement or gas or electric bills, this economy is strong damage and were here to tell you why despite what you may be feeling or seeing on a daily basis. let's take the opinions out of it, it's an easy exercise by looking at the numbers and asking simple questions. is inflation more than double than what it was when mr. biden took office? the answer is yes 1.3% it is over 3% now, almost approaching triple of what it was when biden took office. question, are gas prices nearly 1 dollar higher per gallon than when biden took office, the answer is yes. our home sales at the lowest integrate depression, the answer is yes. his credit card debt at all time high, the answer is yes. many americans are chasing interest just to stay afloat.
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as is disposable income of americans rapidly declining or increasing, answer disposable income is rapidly declining. you get the idea if you ask the basic question that ronald reagan asked when he ran against jimmy carter, are you better off than four years ago or two and half years ago. in this case most americans with the i am not better off than two years ago and most blame the policies and spending of this administration. stuart: you are a young guy i happen to remember the debate of ronald reagan and jimmy carter where reagan delivered the famous line and immediately won the election. i think that one the election, the answer was that not better off than i was. i think this in question could be asked this time around. were not better off. case closed. >> it's very simple. stuart: you are familiar with eric swalwell, he says the situation in israel would be much worse under trump, you have to watches. roll tape. >> of donald trump is reelected were president at this time,
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could you imagine what the scenario would be in the middle east. it would probably be the united states and israel and a world war iii scenario with iran, has a lot and hamas. it lacks credibility doesn't it, all that you have this one. >> if ignorance is bliss then eric swalwell must be the happiest guy on the planet. he is simply lying which proves practice makes perfect. here are the facts are in dispute will, under donald trump we were at peace we were not fighting to proxy wars, the isis caliphate was destroyed, soleimani, the iranian terrorist for killing american troops was taken out in baghdad, we did not see the ineptitude that we sold during the failed withdrawal of afghanistan as we did in 2021 in china was in flexing the posture towards taiwan as it is now. the whole argument by eric swalwell who only had relations with the chinese spy is not
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based in reality clearly buddies on with jen psaki who used to work with joe biden, a nice conversation between friends and that's what we should expect. stuart: that was a stellar performance i must say on a monday morning after thanksgiving. i will see you soon. >> i'm a young guy. stuart: now this is you when says iran has enough enriched uranium for several bombs. gillian turner at the state department. what is abiding administration saying about this one. >> tony blinken just departed for europe or he's going to meet with the native allies in brussels. this trip was scheduled a while back but it comes at a crucial moment as you mentioned, the u.s. is helping to defend israel against iranian backed terrorist at sea. the u.s. navy sailors over the weekend aboard the uss mason
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responded to a distress call from an israeli ship after it was targeted by hijackers off the coast of yemen. five armed gunmen sees the tanker it's called the central park they were arrested by the u.s. military. after the arrest, who they forces fired two ballistic missiles at the uss mason that attacked described by sources as a major escalation. the u.s. coalition tells us in response maritime domain security is essential to regional stability and we will continue to work with allies and partners to secure the security of trooping lanes. we seen an onslaught of aggression since last month. 73 attacks by iranian proxies and american forces inside of iraq and syria since october 17. >> we have seen several more attacks on our troops in recent days. that is unacceptable to present a biden and unacceptable to secretary of defense.
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we will do what we have to do to protect ourselves. >> this comes amid fears of the gaza work could be a bigger regional conflict. the biden team walking a tight rope with tehran according to the un nuclear watchdog iran has enriched and off uranium for several nuclear bombs had you mentioned off the top. a few days ago the international atomic energy agency the big nuclear watchdog met in vienna and they decided against condemning iran's nuclear program despite the major violations all the military analyst say this is just more evidence of the u.s. in the entire west really is walking on eggshells when it comes to iran during the war. stuart: you can only shake your head, thank you so much, we will see you soon. a jewish teacher at a high school in new york was forced to hide in a locked office as a mob of angry students went after her for supporting israel. we have the story in the next hour. winter weather causing trouble
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for those traveling back home after thanksgiving. chicago o'hare airport 500 flight delays yesterday. mike tobin is that you will find his report after this. ♪ (adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf.
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get in and out with dia.
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stuart: as we speak the dow industrial are down 40 and now it's up 13 points, i have to say this, not that much price movement, then there is this half of the flights leaving chicago's airport was delayed half of them, mike tobin is there for us, what is it like today, that is cleared up and with all the flight delays due to weather yesterday there was only one cancellation with a big holiday weekend the airlines are
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pleased with how it went and things are wrapping up, to handle the highest load factor in the company's history for the thanksgiving holiday weekend moving 6.5 million people from one place to another and they report the fewest cancellations for the same time. in the airlines history. they had 53000 flights and only 49 cancellations. of the cancellations, 95% were due to the weather. yesterday was the busiest travel day and things are lighter and things are moving along. whether should not be a major factor yeah blake effects, snow of the great lakes east of lake erie and lake ontario with snow coming down. in the middle of the country are primarily looking up blue skies. >> it's really not going to be an impactful day as far as precipitation goes. however, it will be windy in the eastern seaboard behind the cold front if you see a lot of wins northwesterly winds will impact
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flights as far as crosswinds. otherwise not a whole lot going on with impactful weather today. >> one of the things that travel expert notes with a high volume of people going from one place to another the impact from covid is behind us. i cannot show you the american airlines board because it would be a bumpy camera move there is a total of four cancellation or delays up on the board, if you're traveling today probably going to be okay. stuart: a little positive news on a monday morning. mike tobin you're alright. today is across cyber monday, let's move it forward, what is travel tuesday. >> you get deals on traveling anywhere, air, land, sea extended the black friday cyber monday. >> i've never heard of this before. i feel like we haven't spoken about it. i was thinking i'm so shocked
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the holidays are hectic can you plan a vacation, yes and new year's deal that can be immediate. check out tomorrow jetblue, the cruise lines, one in three people are going to take a vacation for the holidays. travel tuesday is tomorrow. >> you might have to sign up with an airline today to get the e-mails about the deals so that you can take them tomorrow, i think that's how it works. , they are detecting 20 deals per per second tomorrow, it will refresh all day long. it sounds amazing. coming up 31 house members and seven's editors are not seeking reelection next year, why are people ditching congress. i will ask bryan steil later in the show, former white house position ronny jackson says president biden's cognitive
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decline is happening quickly and will only get worse. i will ask doctor frank contacessa how bad it really is. that is next. ♪
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stuart: the dow is down 50 the nasdaq is up eight-point as we start out this monday morning. we have new data that reveals diabetes drug euro is more effective for weight loss than ozempic, eli lilly puts out montero but eli lilly is down more than normal no disc. president biden wants to produce the medical supplies, what is that all about. >> it is about medicine today will be the first meeting of another task force, the first meeting of the supply chain resilience task force, the eye roll, the white house will unveil 30 new actions to ensure drugs and other medical supplies are more available and industrial supply chains are
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stable, they want to intrude reliability and affordability for americans, that includes access to medication, hard to get adderall for instance. but also medical counter countermeasures, think of people will be treated after potential nuclear or chemical attack this is in the white house sheet that they sent out about the task force. the president is running for reelection, does this show that he is working to lower prices for americans? or to prepare them for a chemical attack. >> 's sound like the latter. did you know the first sign of divorce is the eye roll. did you know that. i like to check these things and just to liven up the audience, keep it entertaining. it is true i read that 20 years ago. >> no experience you just read that. stuart: greatest lightning things up on a monday morning. i've been away i lost my touch.
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concerns about president biden cognitive ability, growing concern, former white house position ronny jackson says is going to get worse, roll tape. >> is happening quickly, taking care of three president xi was there during the bush administration so i know firsthand what it takes to be the commander-in-chief in the head of state, it is a grueling job but mentally and physically this man cannot do the job he is proving everyday he cannot do the job, this is going to get worse. stuart: doctor frank contacessa joins us. do you agree with jackson once cognitive decline starts it cannot be reversed and it goes south quickly, is that accurate? >> good morning, first of all i want to thank you for the tip on the eye roll i have to have a talk with my wife after the comet thank you for letting us know about that. i do agree with doctor jackson. we have all watched the steady
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decline of president biden and i think it's undeniable to is most supporters and concerning on a lot of levels, a lot of people forget that president biden had to open brain surgeries in 1988 to repair a bleeding aneurysm which is a blood vessel that leads into the brain that causes a hemorrhage, these are very dangerous conditions, once the brain has been open and has surgery, not only does he have age-related cognitive dementia but he probably has aftereffects from the surgeries as well. >> how quickly can we see for the decline. i think were seeing it now and it's accelerating in front of our eyes if you go back and look at tape from the last campaign he's a different person from when he took office, look at his inauguration speech he's a different person now, i think the speed of decline is
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increasing and happening right now. stuart: in your judgment can he be the president for another five years. >> obviously i never examined him i'm going by what i see in the media it'll be an enormous challenge, don't forget the presidency is the most difficult job on the planet as far as stress and the complexity of issues that you're dealing with on a second to second base is, i don't see how he can do it. stuart: the next one for you, a new study found a plant-based diet may lower diabetes and heart disease, what do you think is it worth it? >> this is an interesting report, this was a bunch of other studies where they put them together to come up with conclusions, i think what you can draw from this, we need a more balanced diet, i think converting to a plant-based diet is not necessary. this study looked at the risks of process needs.
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in highly processed foods, they didn't see the improvement in outcomes with whole needs and lean meats and poultry and chicken and things like that. and i don't think it's to push it into entirety plant-based diet. >> it away from the process stuff. you dealt with very interesting stuff we appreciate it. see you again soon. still ahead wisconsin congressman bryan steil, why somebody lawmakers are retiring next year, steve forbes on a jewish teacher being forced to hide from angry students in new york city. jason katz on the year end rally, the 11:00 o'clock "varney & company" is up next. ♪
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