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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 27, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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featuring a robust growth strategy that aims to double its mining capacity while accelerating gpu-on demand business. hive digital technologies. larry: it is an absolute outrage that joe biden is not demanding the release of american hostages or else firing a shot across iran's bow until those hostages are in fact released. and it's an outrage if no one watches my pal david asman. david: i was wondering how'd how you'd make that transition. good stuff, thank you very much.
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well, a truce between israel and hamas extended for two days. 11 hostages just freed and israelis revealing the hell they went through while being held captive for seven weeks barely any food waiting to be executed and many not realizing their relatives had been butchered by hamas. the middle east war reaches our own seats and comparing israel to the kkk and a mob of students at a new york city high school chased down a jewish teacher. and at a time of great uncertainty for our nation, our own commander in chief appears to be wobbling in his support of the mideast allies while a former president who is running for that title again seems to be gaining strength and support. plus, hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars being funneled into president biden's green agenda through a mysterious fund run by a man that appears to have a potential conflict of
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interest running what many are call ago slush fund and you're paying for it. as americans keep saying, they're hurting. a top biden adviser keeps repeating that the economy is moving in "the right direction". who's got it right? i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts right now. as i mentioned, 11 more hostages were released from hamas today so far only one american has been released, a 4-year-old girl who was released sunday just discovering both her parents had been murdered by hamas on october 7. as of now, 8-9 americans are still being held hostage by hamas. meanwhile u.s. forces continue to endure iranian orchestrated attacks in the middle east. iran-backed militants attacked u.s. forces iraq and syria over 70 times in the last few weeks and in a clear escalation, houthi rebels fired what's being
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described as ballistic missiles from yemen towards a u.s. destroyer responding to a distressed israeli-linked vessels laning and he will the missiles missed the ship and landed in the gulf of aid and many asked if and when and how the white house will respond. general boykin is a general force commander and deputy under secretary of defense and great to week with you. >> thanks for having me. me. david: how big an escalation does this ballistic missile attack towards the forces seem to be to you? i mean, these are houthi rebels and thought they were kind of a hag tag group, but clearly they're better armed and better trained, possibly by the iranians than anybody knew. >> yeah, and clearly is an escalation. i can't sort out my own mind exactly how much of a escalation
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it is or what it's going to lead to. what i would tell you was if you'll indulge me, this is an example of what happens when you have no leadership in a country or you have poor leadership. in 1980, i was part of the group that went into teheran to rescue 52 american hostages. after 444 days, we had tried previously and we had failed. we didn't have to go back in again because the people who were holding our hostages there were actually ready to give them up as soon as they found out who got elected in the united states, and that was ronald reagan. they were afraid of ronald reagan and they were not afraid of jimmy carter and that's what you have here today. you have these people who are --
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have no respect for nor fear of our administration and this is going to on until we get tough and start fighting back and putting something in their mailbox i guess i should say that's not going to be very friendly for them. david: and clearly the evidence is on your side for all of our supposed counter actions against the houthis and other iranian forces, the attacks keep -- not only keep coming but keep getting escalated and not only sending over mystic missiles, they're taking over ships and they're doing so with helicopter entry onto that ship. again, if anybody had doubts about these houthi rebels which by the way, one of the first things the biden administration did when coming into office was a list of terrorists for some reason trump put them on the terror list and biden took them off the list and they're acting
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like pirates and commanded by by iran. >> you're right. i tell you something else people haven't focused on, in the speech that the president gave the other day, he started talking about a two-state solution. now, what does that -- what message does that send to the -- to hamas? it's not the message we want them to say. we want them to know that we're standing with israel until this is over, until they have defeated them and driven them out of gaza, and the president, here he is up front, he's talking about wanting a two-state solution. it has never worked. it has been tried, it has never worked and all we're doing is setting ourselves up to see another one of these kinds of situations. david: general boykin, it's so
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frustrating with you know what's going expugn they continue repeating the same mistakes again and again. thank you for being here and thank you so much for your service to our nation. we really appreciate you coming in to see us, sir. >> thank you. david: unrest in the mideast is spreading to unrest in the rest of our nation. the new york public library was just vandalized by anti-ziti railly protesters that -- anti-israeli protesters that caused $75,000 in damage to that building and now they're spreading to our schools. a mob of high school students rioted outside the door of a jewish teacher that attended a pro israel rally and karol markowicz is with me now. karol, this says so much about what's happened to our nations and schools and all of our institutions. i would include the police department in new york city to that list, which has had a disastrous decline in membership. cops having early retirement,
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recruitment is down to new lows. what are we do to about all this? >> it's very similar to what lieutenant general boykin was saying, if you keep sending the message we're going to be weak and not going to punish anybody and everything is okay and you can attack our institutions and buildings and teachers and our everything, then you're going to get more of it. exactly the same thing that's happening on the global level where we're not fighting back or send ago strong message that we won't stand for this. it's happening on a local level. all of this is being accepted in places like new york city. i think if they sent a harsh message to the people that wrote up the library who tagged up the library of new york city to protest who knows what at this point. obviously it's not going to help free palestine or whatever they think it is. i think you get a very different outcome, but what we continue to do in places like new york is
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accept this bad behavior and the longer that that is accepted, the worse this is all going to get. david: going back to the school, we're looking at street demonstrations and a lot to say about that for example where the heck do these people get their money? working people can't spend their days out in the street protesting, but back to the schools. the first thing i thought of when i saw the attack on the jewish teacher, luckily they didn't reach her so she was safe, but clearly an anti-semitic attack and there was a similar attack against a school guard a couple of weeks before in that same school. where is randi wiengarten and talking about leadership and she's the head of one of the two major teacher's unions. she has succeeded in pushing an agenda above pushing the education. she's more interested in indoctrination of our children with a certain mindset and radical mindset than she is in productive training of our kids.
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>> that's of course absolutely right. nobody has done more damage to our schools and turned them into little indoctrination factories where nobody is learning how to read or write and randi wiengarten and even putting aside the fact she targeted the poorest children with the school closures during covid and the curriculum is that she pushes and the way that she makes sure that these kids have to stay in these failed schools is really a big part of this problem. i think the number was 27% of people kids at this school in queens can read at level and the fact is that this is a failing school. this is a failing school because the curriculum is, you know, really dumbed down because of teacher's unions and randi wiengarten is at the top of that list. i think we need to really look at what these kids are learning. books still in youth and tide
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property test movement and indoctrination of the schools and it's the latest iteration of the protest movement and it's climate and now palestine. who knows what it'll be next. david: you're absolutely right. they're all part of the same challenge if you will and being encouraged in the classrooms by teachers that feel far more comfortable in the crowd comparing israel to the kkk than in the classroom teaching reading, writing and arithmetic and same folks with occupy wall street and blm movement and now this and they all have that same ajean data committee of wanting to drink -- agenda of wanting to bring down the entire social system. it's all connected. karol, i wish we had more time. thank you for being here. appreciate it. karol markowicz. >> thank you, david. thank you. david we have an unemployment rate below 4% for 21 months. that means in a period of inflation coming down by two-thirds, it peaked at 9% and now 3.2. >> wages have not capped off.
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>> real wages have grown. wages are beating prices now. so is disposable income. >> starting to, for most of that time they have not. >> correct. i'm talking about the last four, five months and that speaks to my argument and perhaps your argument. my argument is that we are moving on the right track but we have a lot more work to do. david: okay, that's white house council of economic advisers jared bernstein claiming bidenomics is on track but is the bidenomics sales campaign working? people don't seem to be buying it. with me now is treasury commissioner michael faulkene, r. 78% say the economy is not getting better and what they're experiencing and feeling and it's not attaint seizure disorders. what they continually -- not a fantasy and what they see in the grocery stores and fill up gas tank and price haves come down a little but they're way more than they were before. that's the bottom line.
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you're spending about $200-$300 a week for groceries now. it was about $100 a week for the same amount of groceries three years ago. >> that's the issue, david. just to feed on what you said, prices have not come down. it's just that they're growing at a slower pace. sot american people remember what prices were like prior to the pan democrat and i can during the pandemic when biden took office and they compare them to where they are today. they see that price haves risen 17% since biden took office and wages are only up about 13.5% and american people have fallen behind and what's hilarious is watching jared bernstein trying to take correct for the fact inflation has come down and real wages have mortgagally gotten better in -- marginally gotten better in three to four months and that has largely to do that opec didn't cut as much as we anticipated and energy prices have come down despite the american war on energy. if the american people had an
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energy policy continue like what we had during the trump administration, you'd see oil prices significantly lower than where they are today. that permeates the rest of the economy and macro-wide inflation would have been a lot lower over the last three years. for the bidens to claim credit for the reduction in gas prices we've seen and had nothing to do with their policies and yet to say that's a reflection of bidenomics working, i just think that's hilarious on jared's part. david: jared had the same old lie, hate to say it but it is. it was the russian invasion of ukraine. came out with that during the same interview and in fact we can put a graph on the screen showing the rise and real spike in gas and oil happened right when he was elected and oil traders are always trading for the future knew that a war on fossil fuels would mean less supply and higher prices. you see where it began and that was long before the russian invasion of ukraine.
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>> that is right, david. if you go back and look at monthly inflation series, inflation really picked up in march of 2021. that is a full 9-10 months prior to the invasion of ukraine, prior to putin accumulating forces on the boarder and inflation took off with the plan and not upon the invasion of ukraine and inflationary effects that people have done and result of government spending policies and not that attempt to deflect to the war in europe. david: michael faulkender, great to see you. >> thank you, david. david: tim burchett and he recollects representative pat fallon and james comer blasting the biden family's business schemes threatening the national security in a scathing op ed.
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and former arkansas governor mike huckabee on a former white house doctor saying president biden's cognitive abouts are in sharp decline. he says "this man can't do the job". and how does that compare to candidate and former president trump that looks more fit and able to run the country. that's next on "the evening edit". >> like you've said, i've taken care of action in three presidents and there during the bush administration and i know firsthand what it takes to be the commander in chief and head of state and it's a grueling job mentally and physically and he can't do this and proven to us he can't do the job and that's thornhill tore is going to get worse. ♪ my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i used my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. [laughing] get a little slack on pump three!
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in nantucket and donald trump seemed in fine shape attending a college football game if south carolina and was met with as you can hear, mostly aaron rodgers and roberting cheers, a couple -- aaron rodgers and roberting cheers and -- roaring cheers and a couple of nay sayers and not good for biden who's fall in the polls. with me is former presidential candidate and arkansas governor
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mike huckabee. issues are important and in this race and perception of leadership and in a presidential race in the time when the nation and whole world is in such a bad shape right now and more capable of running the country. >> well, one candidate, joe biden when he lit the candles on his birthday cake set often a four alarm fire in dc. this was just amazing and i can't believe they let that picture get out. it's not about the birthday candles and how many he has and it's whether he's cognitively able to do the job w. you watch him and -- when you watch him and listen to him and see him shuffling off the stage, you see a person that has to be told which way to go even though there's marks all over the stage for a president to tell him which way to go. he can't remember the names of his cabinet members when he's at the podium. this is a president that clearly has some impairment issues. donald trump goes out on the field and, you know, some people
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say, he was booed. others, oh, he was cheered so widely. it probably had a lot to do with the perception and walked out and looked like he was having a great time. and i think he was cheered. quite frankly every politician gets booed at an athletic event. it's the american way. it's what we do. he got a lot of cheers and in itself simply remarkable. david: what i harpe harken backd compare the two men in public was the late 19 1970s and illinoismy carter run -- and -- jimmy carter was running and the perception of weakness and weakness of economy and america's role in the world, the perception that the rest of the world had of what america was capable of, particularly our enemies. it's that perception of weakness i think that really sticks in
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voter's minds. >> there's no doubt about it. people want to believe their president is strong for them and strong against our enemies and that when he flexes america's muscles, the world leaders believe that he means what he says. they don't believe joe biden means what he says because they don't know what he's saying. joe doesn't know what he's saying. that's a real problem and it's a serious problem when the president is perceived to not be in complete command of what he's doing and we saw the failure in afghanistan and that exit and seen the mixed messages even with ukraine and now somewhat of a mixed message of israel and i give the president credit and overall he's been very strong and support for israel and then you get the perception that he's pushing israel to step back, let hamas have more time, and we're watching hostages come out but not one of them has been an american. one with dual citizenship but
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that's it. david: he apologized correctly for originally calling out hamas and the bad information the press was reporting from hamas mouthpieces about how many people were killed and we all remember what happened with that hospital and turned out the missile was fired from inside gaza by islamic jihad and not by israelis and fell on a parking lot and not on the hospital exist a few dozen people were killed and it's bad enough but not 500, he's now apologizing for criticizing hamas propaganda and i can't figure that one out, can you? >> no, i can't. we've got to keep the focus on the fact and even the hostage exchange and innocent people were taken hostage and the people being let go, the palestinians were all in jail because they committed crimes. serious terroristic crime and bombers and it's not a situation
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of equivalence and we need to stand firm and clear with israel on this. david: no equivalence between psychopathic killers, which is what hamas is and the state of israel. that's absolutely clear. governor huckabee, good to see you and appreciate you being here. president biden's green push faces renewed scrutiny. why the change didn't even make the list of top ten issues for voter, in the last fox polls. when do we stop pouring money, your money, into this and focus on the real issues? and in a new op ed chair, comer blasting the biden family's business schemes and merky non-disclosures on where the money is coming from and where it's going. all that's coming next on "the evening edit". >> proven that the biden's have received over $25 million from these foreign nationals and can't explain one single thing they did to earn the money and over and over again that joe
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biden hasn't been truthful. a the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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david: in a new fox news op ed, house oversight accountability chair warning president biden's handling of documents and his family's business schemes threaten our national security. far cry from the messages coming from the white house, of course for more on this, let's welcome congressman tim burchett, he also serves on the same oversight committee as chairman comer. thank you for being here. appreciate it, congressman. of course now it appears that president biden will not be indicted for his mishandling of the documents that he took out before he was president by the way. lord knows how he got them out of the skiffs when senator and vice president. do you think he should be indicted for the way he handled those secret documents? >> i do because a lot of those document ifs you've seen them and i've seen some not necessarily the ones he's had but they're national security
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issues that are folks that you can put people's lives in danger and they're just a whole mere idea of other things -- myriad of things to be involved in and lax dazeically they're sitting behind his corvette and they went after donald trump and everybody see it is and knows it, but this jus dis-department in my opinion is -- justice department in my opinion is so compromised and cannot do what's right. david: particularly when this picture was taken, hunter biden, his son, was living in that same accommodations. he could have walked in the garage and taken a peek at anything dealing with ukraine or china or the other issues that perhaps he would be interested in looking at some of the classified documents. chair comer said the following in his op ed about these documents, president biden's
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mishandling of classified material and involvement in the family's business schemes threaten our national security. we owe it to the american people to determine whether biden used these classified documents to enrich his family placing our nation in even greater jeopardy. so you mentioned you've seen some of the documents that are not exactly the ones that the president have. should congress have access to the documents that president biden had in his garage and had at the biden center at university of pennsylvania? >> i think so. i mean, obviously they're already in the public domain obviously. the thought that hunter biden's anywhere near anything, nobody keeps him of doing anything shady other than $30 million of payments that nobody knows who they went to. this family is for sale. all they're doing is selling access and what better access than classified documents that could show special thing withs china, russia, other things and defense issues and other things
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and other dirt bag countries that hunter was involved with and the father was involved with. it would easily have a backdoor to all that information. i think it's a, you know, you see people go to jail for that. cia operatives have been going to jail for that kind of thing and trading off information for a lot less than $30 million. one just got out yesterday that was in for 20 or so years and he didn't make $300,000 in his whole scam. his family -- they're not paying any taxes on any of it. it's ridiculous. it's the al capone defense. david: congressman burchett, thank you so much for being here. really appreciate it. biden is pouring more money into his green agenda, his green push. also riots erupting in dublin, ireland, amid unconfirmed reports that a knifeman is a foreign national there and
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anti-immigration mobs chant get them out. what lessons can we learn for our border state side here in the united states? that's next on "the evening edit". ♪ it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management.
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udavid: billion of taxpayer
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doll l lori harmons go the bides green new -- dollars going to biden's green new deal. david lawrence at the white house. reporter: voters seem to be concerned about other things right now as opposed to climate change. the latest fox news polling
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shows 89% of voters very or worried about inflation and 82% go to higher crime rates to the bottom of the list and 58% ryan higgins very or extremely concerned about climate change and president biden plans to have the energy department loan program pass out the $400 billion in loans and grants. critics say the money should not be used to force a change. >> this is absolutely atrocious but in a lot of ways, we should not be surprised here because this slush fund. it's nothing more than legalized plunder for the taxpayers. it's a way for dnc to transfer money from taxpayers to the public purse to campaign funds through these different corporations that are all beholden to democrat politicians. >> the administration ignore hag the market is saying and ford and general motors receive money from the energy department's program both companies have now cut back investments and projects because of weaker ev demand and president biden telling top advisers the u.s. needs to speed up the forced
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transition. >> we can't be complaisant. we have to keep going. above all, it shows us that climate action offers a opportunity for the nation to come together and do 1078 really big things. i've seen firsthand what the reports made clear. >> he has no plans to change course seeing this transition as one of his top priorities. david. david: edward lawrence from the white house. thank you very much, edward. the washington free beacon reporting that biden's energy loan czar, the guy in charge of the huge $400 billion fund for green new energy projects, founded a trade association that may be selling access to him. talk about conflict of interest. with me now from house oversight and house armed services committee, congressman pat fallon. congressman, great too see you. talk about the possibility of conflict of interest in a second but first of all, this $400 billion slush fund on green energy. we've seen this before with the obama administration and on a
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smaller scale. they never went above $100 billion. but all those failures that those slush funds funded, face keystone lake, they were the -- fisker, they were the car company. a123 and they all failed. any indication this slush fund will be more successful? >> no, david, a failure on a grand scale and like so many people have pointed out, this is a redistribution of taxpayer wealth into the coffers. this is the same section and department that failed with solindra and that was a half a billion price tag and folks are doubling down because of inflation, "inflation reduction act" and infrastructure act because it's absolutely mind boggling because that program from obama on steroids. david: the man in charge of the $400 billion fund is a guy who
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may have a conflict of interest because he started a trade association that is acting as the gate keeper between the fund itself that he's in charge of and the many lobbyists that want a piece of that pie. isn't that a conflict of interest and what are you going to do about it? >> it's the definition of a conflict of interest because this fellow when he goes back to the private sector, i'm sure the struggle has been more than happy to give him their cut if you will and he also was the board of director and a clean cut and they got a $3 billion, with a b, $3 billion grant and what we do in divided government is a slim majority in the house and we can have oversight committee hearings on this and expose it. if we can expose it, maybe the people will demand some accountability. david: we'll help in exposing. i want to switch real quickly to the military readiness, which is of great concern right now. thousands of military recruits,
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we are under where we should be in terms of getting them. one reason might be because of the military's insistence of the woke dei sort of courses and also mandates that a lot of people didn't join the marines for or didn't join the air force for. now the dod actually wants to double down on that, super size their dei program with 114 million of our tax dollars. what do you plan to do about that? >> i think we should defund it, absolutely. sitting on the armed services committee as well as i do. what this diversity, equity, and inclusion is, david, at the end of the day is divisive garbage and marxist garage and a lot is this hue of being antiwhite. guess what, americans of all races, creeds, and ethnicities join the military to protect our country and to better their own lives because you learn skills and leadership and then you can either go career and then get a
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pension then -- or learn as i did, serve for four years, help with my education, and it bettered me and then i can go out into the work force and be a productive member of society. this -- the left is just using the military as a social experience and that's not what they're for. david: the folks in the military could teach everybody lessons about dei. they don't have to be taught by any bureaucrat about what dei is. congressman fallon, thank you very much if being here. appreciate it and appreciate your service as well. elon musk in israel battling accusations of anti-semitism on x formally known as twitter joining israeli prime minister bench press anyone netanyahu this morning -- benjamin netanyahu to tour the devastation after the october 7 terror attacks and jason rantz is here on the immigration mob and a 5-year-old girl seriously
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hurt. check in with the dagen and sean for the next hour on the bottom line. >> hey, david, we have a great show coming up. only one american hostage released from hamas and members of congress leaving the institution at historic rates and former speaker of kevin mccarthy with us live in person as well as americans paying off last year's dead, 25% of them -- debt, 25% of them and this year's shopping season off to a strong start. >> we have deroy burr dock and jimmy -- deroy murdock and z jimmy fail failla to discuss the christmas tree in sean's home state and the big money donors. who are they getting behind? nikki haley? do they matter? the american people are the really ones who matter. the big money? well, n they sometimes might as well throw their money on a big
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bonfire. top of the hour. ♪ you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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so set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. oodavid: so when this white house is pressed about former president trump's immigration plans, biden campaign spokesperson kevin munoz call it had "scary".
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what is scary about dramatically lowering illegal immigration and enforcing the law. over 1,000 migrants died due to president biden's open border policy and bomb shell reports revealing human smugglers using "rape tents" for girls they're bringing north. for more on all this, welcome talk radio host jason rantz. how can anybody call trump's immigration policies scary when we see what's 457ing under the biden administration? >> yeah, we're suddenly not hearing from the progressives that pretended to care about the lack of compassion from tram and you hear victim after victim after victim and they're not saying anything. they're not stepping forward and saying, hey, maybe things are not working. you can have -- i get politically why they don't want to go after president biden and his immigration policy. politically, i understand. but you can still step forward and say maybe we can make tweaks so we don't have as many victims
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as we currently have, but they're not going to do that because even the hint of criticism gets significant pushback from the biden administration i think a lot of people fear that, especially going into an election cycle where certainly seems like former president trump is going to be the nominee. david: then there's the result of american citizens dying of the fentanyl that's coming through because of the open boarders. the president sent out a tweet or x over the weekend saying that -- calling fentanyl an american tragedy. a lot of people including roseanne barr wrote back saying if you feel that way, close the damn border. it's so simple. >> it really is. i have a piece for fox news out about about this very issue. you've got fentanyl coming in in record numbers and they want to pretend on the left it's not coming through the border but through ports of entry. it's also true, both are true and it's coming into the cities. unfortunately instead of taking this seriously, we have a lot of peep running the cities who are democrats asking for a lot of money to tackle this crisis that
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they helped create. it is absurd. but the good news is, it's actually a pretty simple solution to at least stem some of the fentanyl that's coming into this country. they refuse to acknowledge the crisis. david: yeah, taxpayers all over the world realize how important boarders r. in fact, there were riots in dublin, ireland, over the weekend about their immigration policies and all kinds of politicians being elected around the world in holland and hungary and poland and putting up walls and realizing the whole world in fact realizes they want clear boarders, they want walls to keep immigrants out from not entirely, but in an orderly fashion except president biden. he seems one of the few that doesn't get it. >> yeah, we're clearly seeing the consequences of allowing folks unvetted to come into the country. with it cops crime. that's an unfortunate reality. i don't think the majority of people in the country illegally
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are committing crimes like what's been going on elsewhere. at some point, you have to step back and say we have to consider our safety. david: that's right, jason rantz, good to see you, my friend. appreciate it. coming up, we have tesla and tae on elon musk and netanyahu speaking to victim's families in israelisrael and agreeing ziti l should use -- israel should use the star link communications system. that's next on "the evening edit". ♪
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>> so as to america's pursuing held by hamas and president biden reportedly issued an apology, the muslim american leaders every openly question a, the dental figures from because our but even the bbc is not defending the false reporting on the gaza hospital bombing duties there, fox news contributor, ta, what the heck is going on here , he was right by saying that i must was coming out with be a summer so my name is right when he said that the hospital had been bombed by israel and he came from gaza he was right by saying that the obama fell on parking lot hospital and so therefore 500 people could not have been killed nice point back from what he was right about. tammy: and everybody else has acknowledge of those numbers were incorrect and that hamas lies was not live beyond that, the effects of the matter on the ground, photographs of the videos, the spirits of the
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ground, suite to the fact that he was right when wondering also, please he apologizing to muslim american leaders because you're muslim cup does not mean you have some special connection or love for a terrorist group you love that is so why would he say that as though muslim american leaders need to be patronized in some fashion of the numbers of people and felt that with the nature of this more this is an issue about a crime against humanity against muslims and jews everyone in the region as of the so-called palestinians, evan the first victims of hamas for generations and for muslims that i don't i think many who know muslims, they are also appalled by what is going on in the middle east and general on the quality of life and so for the president of the united states and provide income to sit out, i think it shows chaos and white house and
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pandering because of the election and the nature of who is directing for the white house is doing with this more and perhaps cutter. i just seems like. >> is been on salted to the truth and that is about him but he's been going on for a long time. tammy: will he was running the first place and there is no debate now about this was hard. >> the associated press reporter betty freeman, has called on hamas in the past were doing this for using civilians, not only is it cover for their operations, using the information again he broken hamas fighters were dressed as civilians in east talking about in 2008 at this for a long time there is dressed civilians and they were being counted as civilians in the death toll that is a very important piece of information particular since we were making the civilian death toll in gaza center of the story in any honest reporter the press corps, here in israel understands that hamas is
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shaping for coverage through both intimidation and ideology of the president of the united states is doing their bidding. tammy: and that is why we are in such trouble at this point and americans having problem with the direction of the country and whether they can trust the president, but the federal government is but of course hamas everybody is not in uniform. this is an ideology and a terrorist group you have the manson family and uniforms. betty convinces really common sense is a shame president biden does this. >> will talk about elon musk next on his way to see you in thank you and i'm david and for elizabeth mcdonald, and morris coming tomorrow right now, it is time for my friends, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. >> thank you david. dagen:


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