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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 27, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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tribute for more days, welcome. as always. john, i know you probably covered this on your show, you can update us. we have sounds from john kirby talking about how ceasefires could be extended longer. let me refresh. >> in order to extend the pause, releasing another 20 women and children over next two days, we would hope to see that pause extended further that would depend on hamas continues to release hostages. larry: besides extra two days, i understood that to mean, beyond that he hopes to see pause further. i am sure you saw the we "wall street journal"
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editorial. >> that is why hamas did what it did. on october 7, it needed bargaining chips, it would have cards to deal to get a ceasefire, then extend it as long as possible. we spoke with former ambassador to u.n., danny danon about, that he said it is great to get the hostages back but at some point israel has to get back on a military footing, they cannot allow h hamas to survive and run the risk that october 7 happens again. 11 hostages were released this evening or earlier in israel. it was 9 people, age 18 and younger, then two one was in their 30s the other a 51-year-old woman, that is always good news, but larry, you know that ha hamas is playing this for all it
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can be trying to build a sympathy, for a cease-fire. if israel agrees that means that hamas survives and israel has to live with hamas at its doorstep again, with idea that hamas has said that another october 7 will happen again and again. larry: a peculiar kind of war, as though the enemy is calling the tune. tsome extent. netanyahu has put himself in that, there are some rumors some reports. talking about how democrats want conditionality, placed on any new aid to israel. i don't know if i heard anything of that on capitol hill. but none of this sounds like
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-- sounds like the israeli momentum is in danger of being stopped. >> it is. and that is what netanyahu is concerned about and danny danon and gallant and rest of leadership in israel that international pressure will grow to point it will be difficult for people to get back to the military operations, danon said, we don't care what international community says we have to go after the hamas, the question is, when do you restart militarirmilitary operations and under what condition. do you still with 100 people held hostage, do you wait to get out as many hostages as you can and hope for the best? do you put israeli forces, special ops in a position to rescue hostage that would come into extraordinary risk to military lives on the israeli side. there are so many unknowns at-this-point. that is why hamas did what
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it did. on october 7. capturing the women, the children, helpless people. and holding them for more than 50 days now, if hamas did not have those hostages, the leadership of hamas probably would have been eliminated by now, but israel had to go slow and had to precede cautiously, now in the face of growing international pressure for a lengthy if not perform ceasefire it has to make difficult decisions, about how it prosecutes that war going forward. larry: another one, john. why doesn't joe biden and his spokespeople the whole crowd why don't they talk more about the americans still being held hostage? all right, i think that is an incredible thing, they hardly ever mention it, i think i'm buying objective about that. and why are they notish issuing strong stern threats
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not just to hamas but the paymaster, which is wait for it iran. why are they not dealing with that channel. you know among other things the ceasefires iran will -- they may resupply or refinance them. iran has been the pay master from day one. i don't hear anything about that angle to me that is a crucial angle. reporter: larry, i have no answers for you, those are same questions that we're excuse me every day on america report -- we are asking every day on america reports biden has political problem at home his stedfast support for israel lost him support among arab-americans, he is also trying to hang on to them by emphasizing need are in palestinian people to be put in safe zones in gaza and israel to be careful about symsimp -- civilian
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casualties. 12. ev. every he is got political concerns to worry about. as to why he is not tougher on iran, that is baffling to me, and probably wrapped up in his fervent desire for iran to get back into the jpcoa, iran has been cheating on that agreement to point it has enough nuke har material for he nuclear bombs. you wonder why don't you gets tough like reagan did? why not get tough like president trump did? as you mentioned, many, many times iran understands one thing that is force. they will only back off with force. larry: only when they are attacked on their turf with their people.
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and way, we're all asking the same question, john roberts you are great to help us,. >> folks you can catch john and coanchor sandra smith, america reports every day weekdays on fox news from 1-3:00 p.m. eastern. i'll give my own quick riff. it is a joy to see happiness every grandparent, parent, sister, family members, friends over release of hostages by hamas, israeli leader netanyahu made it a priority with an annihilation of hamas terrorists, many people are taking credit for hostage we release, without question, the idf has pressures hamas, that is what is stri driving the reliker but terrorist would not release hostages if they were not getting clobbered. but with the joy of hostage returns, there are costs.
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as this morning's wo "wall street journal" editorial put it well, hamas holds everyone hostage, the terrorist traffic and human being to achieve their bloody aims in snow telling how long hamas will dribble out 5 to 10 hostages per day to extend the ceasefire week after week. and as president biden keeps pushes out humanitarian aid, the terrorists are able to refuel, resupply, maybe even rearm or take in more financing from their iranian paymasters who are orchestrating this hamas story. or, perhaps, perhaps, hamas is fleeing. the scene. into egypt. or who knows where. meanwhile, i idf mem
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momentum could be slowed and intelligent could be harmed, the enemy it sitting the terms of that -- setting the terms of that pause, this is troublesome, there are still remaining america hostages held by hamas. and joe biden hardly says a word about this. why isn't he raising bloody hell about facili failure to release american hostages. ssay day after day he should could talking '. this why are they not stopping iran ran oil ships to fine or bombing iranian oil fields or hitting command and comploal or hitting iranian training centers. instead biden continues to appease iran. rather than deter it.
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the mullahs only understand force and serious attacks on themselves or their assets or l their land, american hostages are locked up in place in gaza and what is joe biden doing about it? i would say pracicly nothing that is a tragedy. that is my quick riff. let's talk about it with aaron cohen. good to see you. i had a time off, you probably have not had any time off. can i ask, what in your view is the war risk of ceasefires which may continue for a lot longer than 4 days or 6 days or 10 days if hamas keeps dribbling micro out
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hostage releases. >> it is losing operational momentum. no secrets that hamas is using this time right now to regroup. rearm, rest up. figure out where they will get dollars and funds to continue to get missiles out to israel. but here is where i am at with this, it will sting white house a little bit, here is where i am. president biden right now ispy being ma manipulated by psychological warfare by hamas, they have infiltrated joe biden's head, white house, his people and staff and they are pulling at very strings which is what hamas does, that us u usman up -- manipulation, joe biden is a product of hamas terrorism
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psychological warfare. that is why i come out. larry: i -- it makes all of the sense in the world. and biden is falling prey. >> he doesn't even realize it. larry: perhaps not, he may be a willing partner, i don't know, he has domestic political issues, the lowest form of politics to worry about. that is a year away. whereas israel is in its great time of need. israeli pressure, lead hamas to these ho hostage releases, is that fair? is that fair, to stop that now, it will be psychological warfare, they might release more hostages for psychological purposes and resupply and rearm and refinance. what about that. >> right. larry: iran is not standing by are they? they are in the middle of
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this even though the bidens never talk about iran. >> israel has every piece of intelligence on iran everyone knows that iran and mullah used reversive state of islam, their view on world as i said is a caliphate. and hamas is tip of the sp spearhead with israel, longer that president biden continued to pander, the pro at risk high will put u.s. national security interest. therethere is only so much if you see something, say something you can use. they have no idea when they are popping off bhamas is a murderous organization,ed about forward elon musk for looking at what that carnage looked like and what the death kibbutz looked like,
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president biden making a track tactical mistake for israel. they are playing biden like a puppet right now, he? southern portion of israel, it was declassified, addressed last group of hostages, that were released and said you are safe, that reads to me, t that is using hostages at human shields. only reasons why he is alive is israel is allowing him to live, pulling at psychological strings of biden and knowing that americans and western country are aligned with israel moral and value, israel has one foot on the clutch and one on the
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gas, we'll take the hostages back. our first priority. >> point is -- is -- to your po. i have said this, this i think that only reason to half thehostage thing started up because israel was getting its work done, keeping pressure on. if the pressure is taken off, i don't know if 3 or 4 days matters, but weeks might matter if they take pressure off or many weeks that will embolden hamas and iran and all of israel's enemies, lets me make it clear point, aaron, it emboldens the enemies of the united states. this is a point that i believe this current administration does not understand, we're at war with iran and hamas, but we dowe don't hear that
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language, they are at war with us, why don't we strike back. >> it is because the president is manipulated via psychological warfare, israel needs to get back to work. idf is ready to get back to work, they have done an incredible job. numbers that are put out by the w w.h.o. are given to them by hamas, the this is exacerbated, many of them if not more than 50% are likely hamas militants 40% of youth in gaza is between age of 17 and 34, which is hamas fighting age, and hamas will sprinkle those numbers in, the truth tro is the world knows that hamas is
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manipulating and twisting, i am surprised thatted by biden and his team have allowed them to infiltrate his way of thinking. it is time to get serious and honest and stop with the pandering it it is enough. larry: amen, aaron cohen thank you. >> you got a copy of my m memoir, lets me know what you think. >> i got them, i will commit them to memory, thank you for your and kind inscription. >> appreciate you very much larry. larry: aaron cohen best of the best. coming on kudlow. republican senators want a tighter asylum rules for illegal migrants as a condition for backing ukraine aid, we have alabama
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senator katie britt to talk about that. then, we're 50 days from the iowa state caucus, governor ron desantis throwing a hail mary. will it work? we'll ask charlie hurt and rich lowry. i love hail marri mary, but i'm not sure this one has much of a chance, we'll be right back after thispr. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business.
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larry: so congress has come back, now big question is on money bill, foreign aid supplement bill, ukraine, israel. taiwan, and the border. we will get any border reforms? we'll get anything that will stop the flood of illegal migrants? that is sort of front and center on the table, maybe some democrats are interested, joining us now, bamalabama senator katie britt, author of god calls us to do hard things. she said is here on set. senator britt good to see you, a "wall street journal" story. discussion, or discussions
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possibility that some democracies might be will be to make some changes at the border talking about changes the standard for asylum, which strikes me as fairly weak kneed but i want your take. you may be in middle of this. >> well, we have to do something. so i am glad to hear that some democrats are actually waking up to that you look at border we have 8 thousand people on average a day coming across the border, we have seen at eagle pass, they have to shut down legal entries, at that one entry point alone we average about 34 billion dollars worth of trade activities. every day we could lows about 100 million just by shutting that down, i guess that is the newest prong of bidenomics. when we need democrats to realize is that we actually have to have strength, to 6secure our border and
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provide deterrents, and asylum process making sure we strengthen, that from credible fear to reasonable fear and closing some loopholes we see them using is critical, that one part, we have to have a multiprong approach, but one thing to think about, is h how many children are being abused underbin biden administration asylum process, we saw in 2019, they continue to weaken it, but we saw child after child, 600 children that were retrafficked across the border because that helps them in claim asylum to get in here, there was one child in the group, that was trafficked 8 different times over the border, one in three victims of trafficking are children that is whos victims of this process, strengthening that asylum standard and closing that
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loophole, marsha blackburn is leading that. i am proud to be a part of that. larry: you are cosponsoring on the kids trafficking business that is very important had. let's me ask you, you have in house hr2, important piece for policy changes on border, i know that won't pass in senate, but, it would take 60 votes to get anything done there. you have some leverage 49 republican senators, what about building a wall, what about remain in mexico? which was so successful when the cooperation of the mexican authorities, mexican president, was i don't
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we -- see, if you will have better standards for asylum that is weak-kneed to me, just leave them in mexico, let them wait there, okay. before any asylum decisions are made, is anyone talking about that on other side of the aisle. >> i can't speak on the other side of the aisle, but we're continuing to sound alarms on republican side, we believe should san american issue. -- this is an american issue, to the point hr2, senator cruz has a companion bill here, that finishes building the wall and tightening asylum standards puts back in remain in mexico policy and defunds ngo's with biden, he has put forward a disaster, all it does is encourage more illegal my operation to our nation and rolls out a red
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carpet for them, we need to actually spend money on securing our border, which means toki in addition making sure we have more i.i.c.e. officers, spending money on removal and transportation, you have about 1.3 million of people -- 20% that have been given due process under our laws and to be removed biden administration needs to remove these individuals, we werey itt -- if we were detaining people on border and sending people back that would be a deterrent. it seems thatbinbin bin biden administration does not understand deterrents. larry: senator on that point. when is joe biden going to direct let' direct l direct --
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directly talk about american hostages taken by hamas, there -- somewhere around 10 people or fewer, i don't know how many, no body of has a straight answer, when will biden start threatening iran okay, the puppeteer and the paymaster of hamas about these americans held hostage, they are americans, that is an act of war as you well know. >> absolutely, 93% of hamas' finding comes from iran, we know how to fix this. we have got to put back in bone-crushing sanctions on iran and mean business, we're seeing hostages come home, i was watching footage, as a mom, and seeing the babies come home wrapped in loving arms of family members. some of their parents have been killed. the hamas terrorists, they
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are brutal. the save savagery must be stopped, i want him to demand americans come home, we have 10 or we don't know but we know where they need to be that american soil. larry: he is not even talking about it that is my beef, un, because, he has -- you know, he has to put the fear of god into these people, only language they know. he has to take an action, trump took an act, and reagan did many years ago, that is only language they understand, they have to be hurt to respond, senator katie britt thank you so much for come back on. >> folks buy her book. okay. one click, amazon or whatever your favorite click. larry: here on kudlow, coming up, woe, how about this 50 days from iowa states caucuses, 50, not much time. as i understand it governor
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ron desantis is throwing a hail mary. everything betting on iowa. everything. i don't know about this one. i love hail marries but i don't think this has much of a chance of gee wiz we'll talk with charlie hurt of washington times and rich lowry of national review about hail mary and hail mary pass and iowa caucus, all that when kudlow returns. different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larry: all right, 50 days from iowa caucuses, governor ron desantis seems to throw a hail mary. i love hail mary. but i don't think that it will work. but, we'll ask charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor, and rich lowry before we get out our beads if you will, our hail mayor hail mary beads,
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want to play robert whatever his name in, what he said in endorsement of governor desantis. >> i am thrilled to throw my personal endorsement and support behind governor ron desantis of florida. >> we need to find someone that can win in 2024, we saw in 2022 the -- >> all right, someone who can win in 2024, polls have over taken that assertion. but we'll talk about it, before. rich, how about your worry beads, what beads will work for ron desantis, sh he is throwing everything he can into this his whole staff when little money he has, his foe is trump, who is he running against, trump or nikki haley? or who?
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>> every public indicator that we're aware of says this not a competitive race, donald trump is dominant in national polls, in the head-to-heads again desantis, and haley, and in a strong position in iowa and new hampshire, not as strong nationally but. one caveat, is iowa and new hampshire can break late, desantis, i think he is doing right thing, if trump is not stopped in iowa he will not be stopped anywhere. desantis stronger in iowa, he has done everything right on the ground, visiting 99 counties. endorsement of governor and social conservative leaders, but, can his number budge? he is stuck in high teens, tied with nikki haley, so, it is break late, but the breaking has to start, you know 5 or 6 weeks left. he has to start moving. larry: let's see, real clear
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politics, in iowa, trump 47-desantis 17. haley 14. i don't know if vivek ramaswamy is in that one, but charlie there is a tough hurdle, i think rich has put it right. if he doesn't -- if desantis doesn't win in iowa, he is finished. but i'm t tillerson trying to figure -- trying to figure out what a win is it desantis in iowa running gain trump or haley or vivek or worry beads i don't understand who he is running against. >> well, i think that is kind of the whole problem is that when you know whole purpose of ron desantis' campaign to was an alternative to trump, he failed at that, back to moment he announced, you know ron desantis numbers
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were never higher than before he announced. once he announced they were tumbling down since. and people are not buying what he is selling, and because he is has done such a poor job of being that alternative to trump he hoped doorways for opened doorways for others, to swoop in. and pick up and splinter a lot of that alternative to trump vote, it is not working. you know. these hail mary passes, the you know going all in on a state, you know, there are few examples where you can point to where it worked, only one, in modern times was john mccain in 2008 in new hampshire, but he say different -- old political hand. he had a real genuine support in the media. maybe not so much outside of media, but, you know, he was
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a smart techtician, i don't see evidence of that out of ron desantis. larry: rich, i'll come back to, that i don't mean to be redundant but look, there are options, none are palat able for desantis, if he loses to trump that that is no fun, but what if he loses to haley, that snow fun -- that is no fun either, trump has a 30. led in iowa. that will rec desantis, seems that anyone that happens, short of actually beating. there you, and desantis is gone. he is gone. tell me if him wrong. >> he has to -- i don't think you are wrong, he needs to iowa, he has to win
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it or very strong, but he had to win, subject of football, talking about hail mary passes did you see the video of trump at the clemson, south carolina game last weekend, politicians are not greeted kindly by sports fans and football fans, he is out on the field, treated as a hero, this is how he is political and cultural phenomenon does not matter, we can say desantis should have done this or that, how do you beat, that same with nikki haley, how do you compete with that? that is when they are up against. it does take a hail mary pass, a minor miracle. larry: i would you would use the church analogy, but, you know football is close. >> we were thinking football, you are 4 holier than we are. larry: a bill buckley catholic church. >> i was thinking -- what is
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more than a m hail mary, i don't know, i think that is you have run out of all of your options if you tried to hail mary and god does not smile on you in that moment. larry: hail of the mary is top of the line,ure right. i don't want to bring religion into this gee wiz. the other thing, to ask, there is a debate on the sean hannity show. newsom versus desantis. i hope millions and millions and millions people watch, also like an also-rans group, i was talking with steve moore on the phone over the weekend, what if desantis clobbers gavin newsom? in this sean hannity debate? you know, could desantis redeem himself, everyone is leaving california. they are moving to texas and
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florida. because of the taxes and illegal ill immigration and crime and the rest, we have this church theme what is desantis seeks salvation in debate with newsom. >> yeah. >> i like that. i like that. how amazing is it that -- gavin newsom not even running, yet, ron desantis is the one that can benefit the most out of a debate with a guy who supposedly not even running that is how bad of a situation that ron desantis is in. i also think it is interesting that you know, this does not necessarily benefit gavin newsom. gavin newsom has to run his campaign with all of the democrat superdelegates and big wigs and fat cats who sit you know smoke filled back rooms to assure that -- insure any hope of him wanting to be a nominee, i don't rule that out at-this-point, with -- you know every time lu
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you look at joe biden you think how will he last another month, this is interesting where we are. larry: maybe, desantis can find someone he can beat in a debate, i don't know. i'm not sure how that will play out. >> nice. larry: talk about hail maries. >> nice. >> charlie hurt, and rich lowry, football, xand o . >> listen that -- third string giant's quarterback went to don bosco, a catholic school. >> biden's turkey was expensive bua biden recession will be worse. art laffer still ahead on cud kudlow, kudlow, monday, friday, 4 p.m. every day on fox business if you can't you can text your favorite 90 y -- 9-year-old, she will teach you thousand dcr cvr the
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show or catch a replay at 7:00, i am reading all of stuff to teleprompter, you can do anything you want, art laffer is coming next up, i am kudlow, we'll be right back. are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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larry: all right, so joe biden's turkey was expensive this year biden recession next year could be more costly, joining us art laffer, former reagan economists. author of taxes have consequences. art, joe biden could not let this rest. here is joe biden today, several days after turkey day, take a listen. >> you know, from turkey to air travel to tank of gas, costs went down. they went down, people making a lot of money that does not matter a lot, they are small compared to wealthy incomes, as share of earnings this thanksgiving dinner was the fourth ch cheapest on record, i want y'all to know that. larry: you know art h my response is gobble, gobble, turkey meal is up fr 41% compared to 2020.
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ham up pie shells up. you know. how dumb can he be, those are the numbers from american farm bureau. bury. larry:. >> how can me pick turkey and ham. that begs analogy to how much more e expensive is he than he was in 2020, amazing, i don't understand. the economy is not doing well, prices are very high, he is not doing well' in your last segment, you talked about trump versus the republican primary candidates. but, trump is a phenomenon. that i have not seen since reagan in 1984. it just amazing, he was on football stadium there. and they were cheering and welcoming him, this is a
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phenomenon, i i don't know know how anyone stands up to a battle against donald trump in election and given the facts of with biden and the economy and inflation and prices, this is just, it should be a 70-30 eel eligible for trump. >> -- election for trump. >> okay. >> it may not be that high. larry: i understand. you always talk about wholesale prison deck, ppi . as important indicator that leave. that ppi falling like a stone. it is falling like a stone. inside that oil prices, despite the war in middle east and production cuts from opec, oil and energy falling like a sp stone and the index of leading indicators falling 19 straight months, is this deflation, is this recession
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coming? >> this is a recession, a slowdown in the world economy, it is happening everywhere in world, china and all countries are slowing down that is the reason you see oil and leading indicators that way and u.s. will be with them proprobably not as pad but there is a problem we falling with a more slow growth period than we have been in. and those prices will be coming down at least for some time. we're not over inflation with you they will come down as a slowdown in the economy. larry: you can see the in open market commodity prices, the indexes are rolling over. i am just saying. >> way down. larry: as you said, inflation is not over yet, level of prices is till high but it may not be that case next we're, we may see a recession, that is a possibility. >> yes that is true, and gold rising is problem too for the us.wh larry:at art laffer.
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i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom!
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if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. the holidays wouldn't be worth celebrating without my family. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (tense music) - we must take action now. - but our troops are green, sir. - you are all green alike! (tense music continues) - i must go and prepare the army. (tense music continues)


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