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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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reliq health is a digital health company targeting the $100 billion virtual care market. reliq is rapidly growing with customers that include several of the largest and most highly rated health care organizations across the nation. reliq health technologies.
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♪. stuart: i can't believe you're playing this this song is the man and the band is the killers need to play that on the christmas tree on fox where, good morning, everyone it is 10:00 o'clock eastern were getting get sprayed with the money away from the killers and the dodge on 90-point it was down 200 the nasdaq taken on the chin down 153-point check at the ten year treasury the yield had been going up it's still going up maybe that's what's hurting the nasdaq, the price of oil down $72 per barrel as of right now and bitcoin the star performer it is rallying at 41650 on bitcoin that is the markets on a monday morning, now this. another example biden's weakness encouraging and emboldening our
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enemies this time venezuela and adil anthony bleecker negotiated where venezuela could sell oil if they held free elections, that hazarding been broken, the dictator maduro promised in time for elections next year he reneged on that he also promised to release critical prisoners, forget that dreaded 70 including 300 americans are being held, close to 1 million venezuelans have migrated across our southern border many coming to new york where a little caracas has been established in queens and mayor eric adams has cut police and school funding to pay for the migrant surge how about that, a dictatorship is allowed to sell oil and bring in billions, it exports its port to america while we take care of it and pay for, then the dictator keeps his dictatorship going by walking away with biden steel in the world get some of the dirtiest heavy oil anywhere on the planet, biden's weakness did
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this, our enemies looked at the debacle in afghanistan and concluded this president could be pushed around. putin invaded ukraine, iran attacks our troops, hamas slaughters israelis and venezuela throws out biden steel and laughs at us, the danger that weakness breeds contempt, in turn breeds more aggression, like him or not would we be in this foreign policy massive donald trump was the president, a decent question second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪. stuart: sean duffy with me, let's go at this would be different under a trump administration? >> 100% my take was outstanding, venezuela walks all over us and we have the dirtiest oil coming from venezuela they are dictators in the biden administration is cozying up to them, it is outrageous and good
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for you for calling them out if we are common sense policies like we had a president trump to say if you're going to make a transition let's see if they can compete against oil and gas and will go after america oil and gas here before we looked at the rogue radical nations. stuart: woke leaders when trump was president never knew what he was going to do, always to some degree intimidated by him because they did not know what he was going to do, nobody is intimidated by joe biden, nobody at all, not even venezuelans. >> and that is the problem you have so many of the never trumper's these used to be republicans who are looking for a different candidate because they don't like that donald trump was unpredictable but they don't understand the unpredictability of trump was useful as a negotiated on the world stage. again causing political problems as part of his base in america which is too bad. stuart: you have to deal with is house speaker mike johnson says democrats should condemn james
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carville after he said the kristen nationalists are a bigger threat than al-qaeda. i don't think the left with other condemn carville for this, ever. >> don't hold your breath. this is what the left is doing there trying to other rise america to disagree with the radical transformation of america to this progressive ideology that we never noted this country. if you look at the roots of the foundation of america it is based on christian principles and christian values and christian people who built it and now the guys like james carville to come out and condemn those who have the traditional values is outrageous, this is what is frightening, listen to carville whether the democrat party, the media, social media, corporations they will work in an effort to demonize and other rise christians in this country so this is a real threat and you see the fbi going after christians themselves, i think
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you cannot just brush this off and laugh it off, this is serious instead of having to debate in america instead they use the power of institutions into completely sidelined a whole group a big part of the america population. stuart: we have to talk bitcoin, as you know it hit $41600 the highest since may of 2022. i know you are a big fan, obviously bitcoin is making a recovery and i want to apologize for talking down bitcoin and other crypto's all those months ago when they seem to be in the trough, i do apologize and i won't do it again. >> i'm smiling, your apology is accepted, this is been a big run, there is a lot of hyper on whether the sec is going to approve an etf, they think that will happen, after the first of
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the year that is giving a lot of juice to bitcoin and i have an event for bitcoin which means the minors will get half of the reward for all of their mining that happens in may and after that happened in the past you see a rally in bitcoin, those two things combined has been a lot of the jews behind the $42000 bitcoin rally, again i'm still bullish on this, there are some that will say it will collapse going back to 15000 or 20000 you have other saying to a 2000. again this is a pathway for people who maybe want a different kind of investment and also think the dollar is not so great with $33 trillion on the way to 50 trillion, a lot of excitement and energy around bitcoin, i've been right and i think you told me to sell it if it is a 24 and i said no you should buy. stuart: one more time i
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apologize. you are alright, congratulations on your bitcoin investment i wonder if you ever tempted to sell at any price, we will find out and watch on the bottom line, dagen and duffy 6:00 p.m. eastern. we will see you again soon. the tax underpayments are soaring much higher price, how much are we talking. >> the penalty would be 8% in two years ago it was 3%, 12 million american taxpayers underpay each year, sometimes they don't mean to, it's typically a gig worker or someone who doesn't have their taxes withheld automatically from their paychecks, the higher penalty for the payment is going to shock a lot of them with the tax bill comes. 8% for underpaying and sometimes you didn't even know. >> you got it, thank you so much, let's get back to bitcoin, look who's here now mark grant
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is a legend in the investment business and a veteran investor and i'm walking maine back to the show. are you investing in bitcoin you touch it with a 10-foot poll and where is it going from here. >> the answer i do not by bitcoin or have any of my clients in bitcoin, what's going on right now as sean pointed out correctly people are hoping an etf in bitcoin which means that the fcc is going to approve it, to problems the regulation of it there's been a lot of trouble with words being held in a number of firms belly up, the other big issue with bitcoin if the united states congress or any other major government outlaws it because it's a direct threat to currencies around the
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world and you could see bitcoin fall precipitously and also there is no income in bitcoin and i'm vastly in favor of her right now of the strategy using income to deal with the market. i think that the strategy. stuart: i think he dealt successfully with bitcoin and wash them away that is interesting stuff. i want you to tell us, what is the best investment right now to hold for one year, give me the one your best investment, what you got? >> i think it is income and i think for instance the closed in funds base there are rates that are paying monthly, they pay every month and they're yielding over 20% i find this very interesting, i think income strategy where you get money every month and you don't take the money out that compounds is
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the best strategy for the market at this point in time. stuart: let me interrupt, you closed end fund, nothing comes out and nothing goes in except closed investment. real estate investment, you can get some of them a pay you every month and they yelled what he% on the year, is that accurate? >> closedown funds are like any stocks or any other kind of closed-end fund they can bring in other assets and sell assets it depends on the board of directors. i think the key is a steady stream of income. i think the other major way to deal with the world right now and investing is appreciation, we certainly have it in the magnificent seven and a lot of stocks as you know especially smaller ones are down substantially with no dividend.
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i admit to be a conservative investor. i just like the concept of income every single month and you can use it to buy a dishwasher or something or reinvested. stuart: i am out of time but we're going to leave it at closed end funds that pay income monthly. we got it, thank you for being with us have a great christmas and will see you again soon. you have the movers, watch this block chain, walk to look at that go bitcoin encryptor related stocks are surging can i offer a different take on why we are seeing bitcoin about 41000. wall street has selective hearing, jay powell said many things on friday but one thing that he said this is what the market keyed into rates are well into restrictive territory we are seeing everything that would go up go up because investors think the rate hikes are over and the cuts are coming in the coming fast that's one reason
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the crypto's are up in a big way today that we start to get data particularly on friday with the jobs report is the data backup the fact that rates are restrictive. >> job stay friday this week. meta ceo mark zuckerberg. >> he sold shares. >> the stock is down 2.4% he unloaded $185 million worth of stock but aside from nvidia when you look at the big tech the momentum companies meta is the second best performer among them this year. >> carnival. >> we see the cruise lines go up in a big way, look at norwegian 4.2%, record 35 million passengers are expected to cruise in 2024, troost looked at some numbers and they said bookings when you're out, go to november of 2024, they are 20% higher than they were in november of 2019 before the pandemic. stuart: the cruise lines go up i see it, there you go. the white house has been pushing bidenomics for months but now
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some house democrats are ditching the messaging altogether, steve forbes takes that onto the next hour, president biden says he's pushing for a cease-fire and israel but according to the wall street journal the u.s. sent bunker buster bombs to israel. kt mcfarland on biden's war strategy the u.s. strikes iranian fighters overnight after houthi rebels attacked an american ship in the red sea, trey yingst has the latest in southern israel for us. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice?
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stuart: is really forces are
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advancing deeper into gaza they took out 200 hamas targets overnight, trey yingst in southern israel, the latest from their. >> good morning it is day 59 between israel and hamas overnight the israelis say they hit 200 different targets inside of gaza bringing the total number of 10000 since the war began, we know the heavy air campaign is spiking the death toll inside of the strip you can hear the explosions behind me to continue to target northern gaza with air strikes and artillery units authorities of the hamas -controlled help ministry same whether it's evident her people were killed and a 24 hour period over the weekend, israel is going after hamas leadership telling the commander the battalion over the weekend that they killed the commander of hamas battalion. he was responsible for the death of seven soldiers during the 2014 war and participated in the plated of october 7 massacre,
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israel is expanding the ground operation started to target positions near gaza southern city, the development of the ground, as regional threats continue to expand, yesterday three commercial vessels were attacked by houthi rebels, the carney shot down three drugs that were in the area highlighted the role that american forces in the region are playing, back in october the same guided missile destroyer shot down missiles and drones headed toward israel, as we speak you can hear the explosions and activity increasing here tonight, we also understand that hamas and islamic hard tarc under targeted in the last few minutes with rockets, siren sounded and the northern part of this country. stuart: thank you very much indeed, an american warship in multiple commercial vessels were attacked by iranian backed rebels in the red sea over the weekend. kt mcfarland joins us, is the were spreading?
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>> frankly it is a miracle that no american's have been killed so far, iran does not have a ford military it has proxies, hezbollah, and has the who these and that is who is attacking american interest and vessels and american installations, until the united states goes to the source, not iran but the source of all of these attacks and blows them up, it's going to continue until americans die and that we do have an escalated situation. stuart: the wall street journal details 2000-pound bunker buster bombs that we are saying to assist israel as they move in on gaza. biden says they're pushing for a cease-fire, were giving them the bunker busting bombs and at the same time cease-fire, seems like a contradiction doesn't it. >> schizophrenic, i one hand were giving them the bunker buster to go after the tunnel sets with her therefore to destroy the tunnels but we say don't use them or if you use them make sure no civilians get killed, so israel killing
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civilians as hamas killing civilians hamas is killing its own civilians, that is a narrative that they have managed to blame it all on israel, it's not israel it is hamas they want their own people to die so we can show the world it is israel, they could say israel killing all of them in the real goal is to divide hamas and divide, hamas wants to divide israel from the united states and that biden is walking away from them in urging a cease-fire, urging israel to stop the fighting before israel has its chance to finish the job. stuart: you think israel will back off? i don't. it looks like they get crushed hamas and do it no matter what. >> i agree i think israel has no choice, it's not if you get rid of hamas for a while and hamas comes back again and kills more civilians it is called mowing the grass approach which hamas builds up and attacks israel,
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israel goes back and destroys hamas military sites, everything is fine for a year or two until the grass grows up hamas does it again after the october 7 attacks, israel is not going to do that, nowhere mowing the grass they have to eliminate and eradicate hamas is not only for israel's sake it is frankly for the whole region sake and the palestinian people, how are the pennies enter palestinian people aided by an organization that controls them and wants them to die. it makes no sense but then finish the job of doing the world a favor eradicate hamas and let's talk about what is next. stuart: exactly what is next when israel is eradicated hamas, who runs gaza. >> that is a question for not only israel but is a question for the region and it's a question for the world, is there going to be a cease-fire, you and protected cease-fire, probably not the has not worked fast in the past, is it going to
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be the wealthy arab countries in the region, the saudi's, qatar, the others say were going to take palestinian citizens into her own territory where are we going to have an oversight government that helps to develop the palestinian economy, nobody knows the answer to this and frankly as long as hamas is in charge, nobody will address the issue, it's gotta be sold by the region the one thing that would be worst of all, the united states, the biden administration says come on in to have the palestinians come to the united states and spread the violence, it is got to stop and it's got to stop in the solution is in the region whether egypt take some of them or jordan take some of them, whether some remain and given a livelihood to make a viable palestinian state, anyone of those can happen but nothing happens is august hamas is in charge. stuart: you don't think a lot of palestinians would come to america, do you? would they like and to let that would biden do that.
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>> thing about it, really, look at how they have an open southern border, they are encouraging by their open southern border by turning it over to the hands of human traffickers we have an open southern border, i don't see why the biden administration and their crazy thinking is going to say don't come here or were going to back them, you cannot bet them hamas controls whatever record when you try to bet and you see other administrations you try to bet is committed to the united states, unless you have a reliable source back home that is saying this is john he lived at this address and uses background it is livelihood and easily connections, unless you have the ability you don't know who you're taking on that is taking them and legally how many people will come in illegally. stuart: good question, kt mcfarland, good stuff, thank you for joining us. see you again soon. as cnn host confronted democrat congresswoman pramila jayapal, why do progressives refused to
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condemn hamas when it was a fiery exchange, you will see it, very interesting stuff, "saturday night live" attacked elon musk after he was accused of being anti-semitic, watch this. >> it look like the ghost of a guy who died in the 1850s drag race. it was asked if he was anti-somatic and philo somatic. another answer would be no. >> media guy joe concha deals with that next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills
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>> one hour's worth of business the market has not settled down it is still down nasdaq and 2025 points, that is what it happens that, big sellout, lauren is looking at the movers we better start with general motors, it's at $32 a share. >> up 1.7%, it is time to buy the uaw strike is in the rearview mirror and they have a more realistic approach to
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electric vehicles and sentiments on the floor the only way out is up at the 42 how the ibm. >> old tech has a new way to do quantum computing in the next decade. in connecting chips together inside of machines and they connected those machines together that can produce quantum machines by 2033. stuart: one of these days i'll find out what that's all about. >> assaults problems to regular computers. stuart: shoemaker jim galactic, that is falling out of bed, tell me why. >> out another 16%, their founder richard branson is rolling out further investments towards the company, santa barbara because they're not turning a profit obviously you would imagine they need cash, why are they ruling it out. >> i think is going down by the looks of it, down 16%, thank you, progressive congresswoman
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pramila jayapal is under fire after she dismissed the crimes against israeli women by hamas. gillian turner and the state department exactly what did jamila jaya pase. >> to start with the terrorist groups using rape as a record of work, normally something politicians unequivocally, it looks as though some folks are playing a false equivalency against hamas sexual atrocities and was happening on the palestinian side of things, former house speaker nancy pelosi is punching back against democratic representative i should have to say this in 2023 but here we are really please rape, minimize excused balance in both sides sexual assault. that is victim blaming and victims to undo, yesterday
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pramila jayapal appeared to equivocate, take a listen. >> are being told that the show does not have a soundbite from pramila jayapal but she was pressed on the state of the union on another network to condemn evidence that has been seen around the world including the u.s. lawmakers which shows that hamas on october 7 the part of the terrorist attacks did rape women and girls, she acknowledged that hamas doesn't terrorist groups use rape as a weapon of war but she would not condemn that, maybe you will get the soundbite and complete later in our. stuart: hamas is a terrorist organization. i guess that is some degree of progress in her thinking. that is the best i can say. i get for being with us, we'll see you again real soon. "saturday night live" bashed for the answer to a question about anti-semitism. roll tape. >> elon musk met with benjamin
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netanyahu this week and agreed that israel must destroy a mosque. i think elon musk could destroy hamas becoming the ceo. >> elon musk look like a ghost who died in the 1950 drag race was asked if he was anti-somatic and said in fact he was philosemitic. another answer would be no. >> i think we need joe concha to get into this, fortunately joe concha is here. he is not exactly popular on "saturday night live" is he. >> he is not when 70 asked you are you an anti-semite use and please say no. to avoid any ambiguity, that was an unforced error by elon musk although i don't think it means is anti-semitic he met with benjamin netanyahu and said hamas should be destroyed. with all the blatant anti-semitism that we seen since october 7 and the massacre carried out by hamas and israel
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i find it interesting that there's so much focus on elon musk from the likes of "saturday night live" international media and general he's a threat for those like twitter and the way it was before he purchased the company, platform that need a platform of a sitting president while censoring and suppressing information harmful to the party that he serviced the pleasure of the democratic party. musk cannot be controlled so is braided and anti-semite and dishonest, disgusting actors like an algorithm to make it look like advertisers our next anti-semitic content on that site. he now says he's going to sue them out of existence, good for him but let's not focus on elon musk like is a problem with anti-semitism when we see what's going on on campus is a major cities on a daily basis that is anti-semitism and what should be called out. stuart: the fourth republican primary debate is wednesday of this week, nikki haley, ron desantis vivek ramaswamy has been on the stage so far, does it matter try is running away
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with it, what do you say. >> the old saying the bigger the better, generally that is true many things it definitely does not apply to republican primary debate, honestly the only people that should be on stage after month of campaigning are donald trump, ron desantis and nikki haley. if the bar is the bullet 6% or higher, that bar needs to be raised, as far as those willing to debate which means no trump we should only see desantis and haley everyone else should be excused. to your point trump's lead his secretary proportions at this point and we seem very little debate after the first three debates. without trump is playing it safe it's hard to see haley or desantis gaining in any serious way on the guy that they're trying to catch if he's not on stage with them. we will watch but you wonder where is the movement if the champion isn't in the ring so to speak. it will come in the iowa caucuses january the 15th and then new hampshire. and if there's any move to drop people out and select trump,
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it's january the 15th and iowa and later in new hampshire that's how things are going to move, what do you say. >> i said ted cruz one iowa in 2016 when donald trump decided right before the caucuses, can it be done? it can be serious core trump supporters are unshakable and they will stick with him to better what as we have seen until as a one-on-one with haley versus trumper desantis versus trump, as long as the votes are being split and turned to see him losing even if he only gets 35 or 40% of the vote. stuart: that's the way it is on this moment in time. thank you for joining us we will see you again real soon. the governor of texas sounding the alarm on the number of chinese nationals crossing the southern border, governor abbott says opposes an s essential threat to our country, pretty strong words right there. residence in chicago outraged
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with the handling of the migrant crisis, people say he's prioritizing migrants over the voters who are putting in office. garrett tenney has the story after this. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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stuart: on the market we have a lot of writing especially the nasdaq composite done 230-point, the dow is down 157, not a great way to start a monday morning, the governor of texas greg abbott sounded off on chinese nationals entering our southern border, did he really call the chinese migrant, that is an existential threat. >> use the words he was talking about the afghans coming into, if you look at the 2023 with a 52000 chinese nationals were encountered at the southern border, that is a drop in the bucket compared to the millions that have been encountered from other countries, many of the chinese are military aged men
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and that's not sitting well with texas governor greg abbott. >> we have people from china coming here and we also people on the known terrorist watchlist to her coming across the border, there is extraordinary danger because to her country by bidens open border policy, obviously biden is doing nothing about it. this is a very serious existential threat to our country caused by joe biden and that's exactly why texas is taken extraordinary steps to try to crack down on it. stuart: texas put the buoys in the water the red or orange buoys in their fighting and say they should be doing that, the governor was talking about those for a while he says will take this all the way to the supreme court, how do we keep these people away we don't know who's coming and there is millions of them. >> he said he will take over the job of closing the border, the feds say no, that is our job and were not doing it.
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>> that is ridiculous, were getting to the migrant crisis in chicago the mayor is blaming right wing extremist but residents say he is to blame the mayor, garrett tenney in chicago the mayor supporters have turned against him, is that what's happening? >> they blame politicians at every level but the deep blue city and state their most upset with democrats who they say have allowed and encouraged migrants to come to chicago. when we spoke with the leading voices of the protesters we learned many are far from the right wing extremist the mayor has described, instead lifelong democrats who voted yet even campaigned for brandon johnson like lyndon johnson who told us the mayor is trying to blame others for problem his party and his progressive policies created saying i don't know who you're trying to please you not try to please your constituents at all, also saying at the end of the day it is the leader of the city of chicago whose face is on the crisis, the mayor and his allies
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are trying to block a referendum that would give voters a say on chicago sanctuary city status and put limits on how much the city spends on the migrant crisis currently is around $40 billion a month, and they said if that doesn't happen and if democrats don't step up and listen who put them in office this could be a reckoning and they're going to have to reevaluate their affiliate way should and thereby far not alone in their expressing the sentiment that they are hearing across chicago. the mayor is also getting serious blowback over a large pop-up tent shelter that is now under construction despite protest from the community it'd environmental report that found high levels of toxic chemicals in the soil which are being removed the neighbors filed a lawsuit to stop construction and the judge will hear their case today. stuart: what a mess, thank you very much indeed, venezuelan migrants living in chicago were caught stealing from a retail store, tell me more.
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stuart: it is the macy's in oak brook illinois, to venezuelan migrants 18 and 20 stone together $665 worth of goods, one put the items in a bag while the other was a lookout, the police come, one tries to get away, both were apprehended one after a foot chase, both migrants were charged, each with one count of felony retail theft, they were ultimately released. the oak brook police chief's wording of a spike in criminal activity from migrants were then 22000 migrants in chicago since august of 2022. stuart: thank you very much. now this today the supreme court will hear arguments over purdue farmers controversial $6 billion settlement of the heart of the case which is should the drug giant be shielded from future lawsuits link to the opioid crisis, that's what this is all about and we have the story for you, china's health expert blame western media and disregard facts when it comes to the
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reporting of rising respiratory illnesses in china, are we, the media hyping concerns? doc siegel has the answer next. ♪ reliq health is a digital health company
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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stuart: on the market plenty of selling the nasdaq down to 20, the dog on 169 points, look at microsoft, it is down $11, nearly 3%, microsoft declined this morning it is shaving 72 points off the dow industrials, here is the star of the morning bitcoin rallying to $41000 per coin, 413 to be precise, then there is this china's health experts are slamming western media over coverage of the rising respiratory illnesses in china they claim the west is disregarding common young fax, doc siegel joins us in the studio this monday morning, are we hyping these concerns about respiratory illnesses which are broken out in america.
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>> not you and me but some people might be mischaracterizing it, i will give them that, here is the problem we never have boots on the ground, they did not like the cdc and the beginning of the pandemic, nobody is there to verify why young children are going to the hospital we have every right to not trust on public health issues or the world health organization does that mean this is a new pandemic and a new strain i think a lot of people myself have said that repeatedly probably not a new pathogen but we don't know for sure because we cannot see it, what is it likely probably the result of the ducati lockdowns that they had some little babies were not alive in their suddenly seeing viruses for the first time they don't have the immune response that you would expect kids encounter viruses on a daily basis, if they don't encounter them they get sicker, that plus micro plasma is
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resistant in china, there is a lot of resistant micro plaza so that means it about x don't work and end up getting sicker, we figure that out from a distance but how about letting us look. stuart: why not, it's a simple as that they don't want you to see, almost everybody that i know has a nagging cough it is sticks around for a long time i have had and a lot of other people had it, what is going on. >> it could be allergies, could be a post infectious cough from a virus you had or post covid cough there is a lot of that going around. or it could be an infection, there is a lot of strap a lot of rsv, there is a lot of micro plasma there is a lot of infections around, here's the point i want to make when you had an infection you can have a persistent cough for a while, it is the rotation in the lungs irritation and the tubes. stuart: one more thing you have to deal with this, new study it says renting ages you faster than smoking and obesity.
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can we please call this utter nonsense. >> it comes out of australia and the united kingdom, that's what you read away from them, it's utter nonsense it depends on who the realtor is if there nice to you and they make it easy for you and is a plug-and-play situation you could be happy and not stressed, smoking is bad for you i personally like home owning but i wouldn't necessarily blame renting. >> they say it ages you two weeks every year. >> renting? >> you never know about how on earth do you come up with this. that is nonsense. >> utter nonsense. >> maybe in australia. >> you know essex. stay there for one moment, this is for you millennial's are feeling abandoned by their parents, why are they feeling that. >> my parents are boomers they are rich in living it up and
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traveling and dining out and we are struggling and are not staying home to watch her children and their grandchildren, that is making millennial's resentful that they have to shoulder the burden while their parents live it up, this is nonsense. >> that's how much wealth that baby boomers have, $78 trillion in assets that is half of all wealth in the u.s. >> so what what does that have to do. >> my peers and from the greatest generation they did not babysit. i used to say there's no such thing as grandparent rights, it is an elective thing if you are a grandparent that likes the grandchild and likes her own children you come out and you help i don't hear this whining from millennial's, nobody help me. >> you get to a certain age and you find it difficult to look after young children you are exhausted is that not a legitimate thing. >> that's a great point you
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cannot catch a 2-year-old if you're using a cane. >> speaking of why millennial's are resentful i will say this when you pick up your kids from school there is nannies, parents and a lot of grandparents doing it in its appearance the don't have their parents, the grand prince picking up the kids they get a little bit mad. it's a great favor. >> if you're really not doing anything with your retirement and the kids are killing themselves at the job maybe you can help out. >> that is a voice of reason, not bad, next case, steve forbes on the divide over banning fossil fuels over the cop 28 summit morgan ortagus on the proxies in iraq is the were spreading, brad polumbo on the real cost of the student loan forgiveness program the 11:00 o'clock hour is next.
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