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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: again, i'll say the u.s. must stand. they must. and then let the idf take care of hamas. this story should work. then meanwhile, everybody's going to welcome liz macdonald i
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special forces operations veteran aaron cohen now serve in elite idf special ops unit and both have counter terrorist and background. good to see you, gentlemen. how should the u.s. deal with iran and the white house said iran enabled houthis in yemen. the houthis just hit three commercial ships in the red sea with air strikes and they worshiped carney shot out four drones. how do you deal with iran? >> good evening, liz. first of all, you hold iran accountable. and we're hearing some of that from the u.s., but not just taking care of their proxies.
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obviously iran is behind hezbollah, they're behind the shiate my slish supra aural headphoneses and we must -- militias and hold them responsible and ramp it up what we can do to iran. elizabeth: what would you do? >> a number of things. first, against the proxies, you would attack but then make sure that you're attacking where there's iranian advisers and forces. that's the start of that. then threaten iran itself. if iran continues. elizabeth: aaron, one of the first things president biden did was remove the houthis from the list of foreign terrorist organizations and then had a press conference about this,
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watch. >> america is back, diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy. as i said in my enall rale address, we'll -- inaugural address, we'll repair our alliances. elizabeth: attacked ships and sent drones into the red sea. should they put the houthis back on the terrorist watch this? >> they should put the houthis on the terror list and time for iran because iran is a fundamentally motivated terrorist-led regime that countrcountries is run by mullad isn't not anti-muslim but time for an honest look of what their strategic goal is and that is the spread of supra aural shariw throughout the entire west. if we don't start looking at them as actual service connected
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pant, head of the serpent, we'll find ourselves in the u.s. national security problem that's greater than anybody understands right now. we're seeing right now is the tip of a potentially global war with radical islam and this is going to continue to spread and it's going to spread from hamas and spread all the way across europe as it's been happening and it's time to get serious, and it's time to potentially consider putting air strikes into iran and start getting our intelligence agencies wrapped around iran and put the squeeze on them starting with special ordinary personses and surgical operations against their supply lines and against all their money and against every military asset they hold, but it's time to put the message out, iran is a terrorist state and not only are they funding all these little proxies, but they are the main terrorist serpent and need to start getting addressed seriously. elizabeth: they're terrorizing their own people, general, what aaron is just saying. they brutalize their own people
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and accused opportunistic human rights abuses by amnesty international and un watch dogs. show the gallop polls what's going on with the voters. they do not like what the president is doing in the mideast. you'll see that in the gallop polls. is the issue this, israel is a democracy, it is a beacon of light and freedom in a dark region of the world. tiny israel, 10 million against 22 arab league nations of 420 million so iran and the terrorist organizations see israel as a threat and want to wipe it out. is that the story? so why is the biden white house appeasing iran? >> i'm not sure they're aspeciesing iran buzz -- appeasing iran but they're not doing enough to combat iran. iran is the number one sponsor of terrorist in the middle east, period. we should be raching that up. we should be looking at sanctions diplomatically and rat
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muching epiour -- ratcheting up our military and not taking off the tablier attacking iran directly if they continue to attack our troops through proxies. elizabeth: got it. watch senators lindsey graham and home games cotton. tom cotton. aaron, i want your reaction to this. >> i would put more pressure on iran. hamas doesn't exist without iranian help want our soldiers are being hit in syria and iraq by shiate controlled militia and go to iran and say you need to tell iran to -- hamas let the hostages go or you're paying a heavier pipe. qataris one thing is deep internal divisions and allowed an anti-semitic wing to fester inside their party. that's the divisions inside the democratic party because they know that the american people are deeply opposed again. there's going to be political consequences for the democratic party and joe biden. elizabeth: aaron, your final
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word. >> well, liz, the worship god doesn't really understand, especially this democratic party right now with these divides how dangerous iran is and what they're fundamental motivation is, which is the deplete destruction of the west and it's time to cut off all the money to iran and stop appeasing this country and tell them and make it very cheer if you guys don't get in line, then it's time for military action to head your way. that's where i come out. elizabeth: got it, general and aaron cohen, thank you for your insights and smart takes on everything tonight, and thank you, general, for your service to america. thank you, aaron cohen, for your service to america. >> thank you, appreciate you, liz. elizabeth: joining us now is they took out hamas' entire court system and its own supreme court. they took out a senior hamas
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commander behind the -- who helped orchestrate the 10/07 terror attacks in israel. eight americans are still held hostage. what would you do to get them out? >> well, liz, look, hamas clearly unbelievably dangerous terrorist group and israel of course is completely justified in how it's handling things and it's certainly taking civilian life into consideration and then some putting israeli soldiers at risk. in fact, losing their lives to save the lives of civilians and we've got a big problem and the problem is iran and the biden administration, this ideology of appeasement is running rampant and running at our border, running rampant on the streets, and running rampant globally, including the middle east. while we try to soft step this, we are up against terrorists. and there's only one way to deal with terrorists. president trump prove it had,
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mike pompeo proved it, that's how he dealt with isis, we wiped them out. that needs to be the focus and just as just stated a moment ago, all roads lead to iran here. iran needs to, if they want to is any sort of relationship with the rest of the world, they need to come down on hamas and get the american hostages and the other hostages out. elizabeth: that's the story. to release the hostages, come down on iran. what you're saying, you know, hamas leaders over and over and over again say they would do again and again the same brutal massacre that killed 1200 innocent civilians and that was just the beginning. ceasefire would keep the brutal terror regime in place in gaza. there's moments where we're called upon to bear witness and step up for the humanity. step up for israel and it's a democracy that's a threat to dictators and iran and terrorists worldwide. the president and vice president
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they're offering word salads and congrcongressman offering nothi. >> i was working closely with saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region. i was able to get a resolution and statement as pass that had we were going to build a railroad from rihyad into the middle east and europe. >> i spoke with the mayor and their work and commitment to this work is ongoing as it ours and our work is ongoing to support some ability to reopen the pause, and to have a deal going forward where there will be a pause. >> with respect, i was just asking about the women, and you turn it had back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas in fact.
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>> i answered your question. i said it's horrific and i think rape is horrific and sexual assault is who horrific and happens in war situations and hamas is using them as tools and we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. elizabeth: biden is talking about railroads in the middle east and democrat richy and hamas does that. what do you think of the mollie give lens here? moral equivalence here. >> it's one of the biggest problem and iran and the biden administration. there's a tremendous amount of nondecision making, indecisiveness in our chain of commands. that's one of the reasons we're so slow because our president frankly is so slow. look, from leon pineta to richy
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torres and the list goes on. these comments are outrageous and hamas is the enemy and they're getting more warnings and secretary austin gave more warnings to israel than he did hamas and didn't even mention iran. it's upside down and backwards and hopefully gets corrected or we need a new president in the white house. elizabeth: democrats have been criticizing the comments being made. they don't like it. congressman, you're terrific i have, thanks for joining us. congressman jeff van drew and former texas governor and energy secretary rick perry, former acting u.s. attorney matthew whitaker and americans tax reform president grover norquist and chicago voters threatening to disrupt and protest against joe biden at democrat 2024 convention in chicago. house democrats even voters in biden's hometown say no to bidenomics. we'll reveal why it's not pretty
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what they're saying and revealing. bank records indicate joe biden was getting monthly payments from a hunter biden bank account that took in big bucks from china despite biden's denials of not knowing anything. that's next on "the evening edit". >> i'm very excited about a public hearing with hunter biden and abby lowell can have both of his clients. robert menendez and hunter biden on the other and talk about how innocent they are in their influence peddling schemes. ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. elizabeth: congressman, we're a big fan of yours and straight shooter and honest and have a lot of integrity and james comer released subpoenaed bank records that appear to indicate hunter biden did set up monthly payments in 2018 for his father, joe biden, from one of hunter's business bank accounts that got big bucks from china. but joe biden has been denying any knowledge of what hunter was doing. >> well, we know joe biden is not telling the truth here. it is obvious he was very aware of hunter's business rips and for god sake, he was in on the phone calls with burisma, which
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was the company that hunter biden was on the board of and shouldn't have been because he knew nothing about energy but was receiving a whole lot of money and found out that burisma had real concerns because victor shocken, who was the prosecutor -- shokin, who was the prosecutor in ukraine was going after them for being corrupt, joe biden made sure victor shokin was a done deal and was out. same thing with his brother, jim biden is gets hundreds of thousands coming into him the same day he gets from a failed hospital corporation and immediately write as check to joe biden. and this account, this account used to actually in any way subvert paying taxes and the account involved with all the tax fraud and now we find that money was going to joe biden. let me tell you, ukraine, russia, china, kazakhstan, all these countries, romania, all the countries have hi levels of
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corruption and the biden family and associated received up to $20 million from the companies. is that normal, liz? are you receiving money? what normal american is receiving that kind of money if they're not doing something wrong. these countries, some of them are enemies of our and we're receiving money from these people. that's not right. elizabeth: hunter biden testifying publicly before congress december 13th. we saw an e-mail released by house lawmakers and indicating that a bank -- we don't know who the bank is or the name of the money laundering official and aver saw money laundering problems and i'm going to read when the e-mail says and the bank official was saying that he was raising internal red flags about hunter biden getting
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$5 million from the cefc without "any business renders or any purpose and payment appeared erratic and china targets children of politicians to buy political influence through sweet heart deals. biden was in obama white house and how did he not know or did he ignore for family profits? >> he knew and the people around him knew it was bad. i feel like i'm in a bad fictional spy movie and so much is corrupt and bad. this president needs impeached and we neat the impeachment going. elizabeth: when will it happen? >> nobody can say it's not legal. it'll happen this week or early next week. if not this week next week.
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if you remember, mccarthy, our former speaker went forward with the inquiry and didn't have a vote in the house and i'd like to see that vote. elizabeth: got it, congressman van drew, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: merry christmas. are the tides turning on this? we've got head of un climate conference in dubai in a big rebuke to john kerry and he says there's "no science, nothing to do -- no evidence to faze out fossil fuels". saying don't do that. we have grover norquist even voters in biden's hometown of scranton, pennsylvania, speaking out and getting really critical of bibbings saying everything ig everything is going up in price except wages on "the evening edit" next. >> bidenomics, that's investing in america. bidenomic is bidenomics. bidenomics. bidenomics.
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elizabeth: reports are coming in that democrat par think leaders are bailing on the term bidenomics. they're ditching that term, thayton like it but it's a lynch pineta in biden's 2024 campaign and falling flat with voters. theaters have not convinced life in america is better under biden's leadership. hillary vaughn with the latest. reporter: hi, turns out no one is buying the catch phrase bidenomics and the term has been retired for now and it was scrapped for the president's speeching and naming the slogan and going in polls behind the competition was not the best selling point and others felt the phrase was off putting considering their own financial situation. many feel the economy is noting in so celebrate but complain
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about even in the president's hometown. tough for people. how can he see it through our eyes if it's gotten tougher for everybody. >> this economy subs and everything is going up but paychecks. >> i'm a registered democrat but i'm not happy. reporter: that's not what the president's campaign wants to here two months out and they're forging ahead and no clue what they'll do if biden drops out. >> is that a good strategy not to have a plan b? >> he's our president and the nominee. it's system of articulation it's all plan a. it's all joe biden. >> if you don't think there's a risk to putting all your eggs in one basket? >> no, no risk. reporter: liz, dismissing a plan b means democrats are stuck with biden for better or worse.
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if he steps out of the race, replacing him would be a lot trickier and it's unclear who would be their plan b. elizabeth: hillary vaughn, you're terrific always in washington dc. thank you so much. reporter: thank you. elizabeth: grover norquist is joining us now. merry quest mastoyou. good to see you. merry christmas to you. what's going on? biden repeatedly touted bidenomics from june to october and now they're going to dick emberd it? >> here's a person that drove up inflation to where cost today are significantly higher than pay increases and pay increases up 17.5 purse and the average american is poorer today than when joe biden got in on their
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income because of joe biden's decisions. elizabeth: more americans saw does poseable income drop in 2022 more than the prior seven years and families paying almost $1,000 more for ment for the exact same goods and services they bought in 2020 and now the washington post is saying, oh, the biden team is going to go on social immediate jaire and go after social media to correct all this stuff that's misinformation. really? >> it's a problem when you're arguing with all the signs people drive by at the gas station every day. that's not social media, that's reality. elizabeth: the media is like why is this a problem for biden when voters have been saying this for years. also more biden whoppers that's an issue. watch that. >> by the way, with other golden globes and a prime time enny.
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mast me. enemy. that's me. prime time emmy. >> i taught at university of pennsylvania for four years and taught law school. elizabeth: no he didn't. he was paid $1 million and never taught a single class and he's constantly making things and you happen gallop says his approval rating again hit another low. we'll show it. americans need an extra $11,400 just to afford the same standard of living they had when biden was elect elected. what's their fix on social media and claiming the border is secure when biden collapsed the border. they're going to falsely claim the biden economy is in a tail spin when he inherited a growing economy growing at 6%? what's their strategy? he killed energy independence and spent and overregulated our economy into stagflation. biden did that. >> it gets worse. what's he proposing for the
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future if he got reelected with a democrat congress? he pes to take the corporate tax on american businesses higher than china's. trump and the republicans brought it below china's. he wants to make us uncompetitive with every chinese firm on taxes alone. he's announced which industries he's trying to destroy. if you live in new mexico, how do you educate your children? the money for their schools comes from the oil and gas industry. biden says new mexico, i'm going to kill you. elizabeth: so tell me what are the other industries beside u.s. energy he wants to destroy. >> well, all of the various energy ones and people that make products that use this sort of energy like automobiles. that are electric and ones you can go up and get your gas in five minutes not over hours. >> again, and again and again the plastics industry has decided to destroy, take a look
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at that. and now the new thing with the international folks say we should be eating insects instead of beef. elizabeth: yeah, a lot of tax revenues fund schools and fire departments and fund police departments and more. grover norquist, thank you for coming on tonight. good to see you. elizabeth: we have rick perry and he's here. this news coming in the head of the new un climate ken presence in dubai in a rebuke to john kerry don't get rid of fossil fuels. if you do that you're going to "put everyone back in caves". john kerry is at that conference. former president trump in iowa says biden is the real threat to knock schism we'll take all this con -- democracy. we're going to take all this oncoming up.
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elizabeth: look at irony, climate ex-pers were stuck frozen oturu the runway in munich, germy, trying to flight -- germany, trying to fly climate polluting jets to the climate conference in dubai but lecturing us on not eating meat or causing coal. john kerry wants the world to get rid of coal plants and edward lawrence has the story. edward. >> yeah, climate czar john kerry not shy about the fact that the unit and biden administration wants to end all new coal plants and eliminate those comes out. kerry believes that the future of energy is solar and wind. listen to what he said at cop28 over the weekend. >> we don't need that
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necessarily to tell us we should be transitioning out of coal. there shouldn't be anymore coal fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world. that's how you can do something for your health. and the reality is we're not doing it. reporter: but this poses a number of issues when nigh and and india refuse to sign on to the same anti-coal pledge the u.s. si signed and those countrs can cheaply produce energy as president biden forces a transition americans might not be ready for and economist steve moor said this means higher energy prices. >> we have more coal than anywhere in the world and not use that major form of energy is sinister. we still get about a quarter of electricity from coal. reporter: that's actually 20% of the energy coming from coal in the united states and it's a hole you have to file with something else that might not immediately be able to be filled
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by wind or sore larra, liz. solar. liz. elizabeth: thank you, you're wonderful. china firing up the coal plants to make car batteries and more. >> we were working on coal plants and i was suggesting it's always been american innovation that's led the way to allowed us to tap into the 200 year supply of clean burning natural gas. let american innovations, smack give incentives to person innovation to lead the way and why we're not trying to sell american american developed liquid natural gas into china
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and india and this administration is stopping the west permitting of any new l g exporting facilities. it's back ward. elizabeth: yeah, we've got this story coming in, scientists at this un climate conference reportedly have found the world is heading for considerably less warming, less warming than projected a decade ago. it's not a 3.5 degree celsius increase in goal average temperatures. now the number is 2.7 degrees. the president of un climate conference and has the abu dhabi oil company and said there's "no science indicating a faze out of fossil fuels is need need. a faze out of fossil fuels does not allow sustainable development unless you want to take the world back to caves". what do you think? >> he's correct and the message
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that net zero is making to african con innocent is you're not ever going to have anything but abject poverty and die an early death and not going to have access to electricity that allows for incubators or any of those types of quality of life issues. and to me that's incredibly tarik hearted and the environmental community has to stand up and say, you know, is this science that keeps changing and moving around the number they want to put their finger on, is it really important enough to go tell an entire continue net you are just going to live an abject poverty and one way to get them out of poverty is through the use of toes 'til fuels and -- fossil fuels and delivering small moderate reactors and they don't want to ever talk about it and i'm intrigued if cop28 has a panel on small reactors and zero emication and walk away safe. that's the irony of all this from my perspective.
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if you really care about the environment, why aren't you out promoting smrs every day? elizabeth: interesting, rick perry, you're wonderful. thank you for joining and yous merry christmas to you. coming up, mark penn, we love mark penn, he's so smart and i love his -- reading his stuff, he's a good writer toto and get his take on the gop race and why the deputies are increasingly outraged and check in with buddies day and sean. what's coming up -- dagen and sean. what's coming up? >> yeah, the white houssaying they're running outs of money for ukraine and ashley hinduson here on that and michael shellen
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shellenberger and climate hypocrisy. >> and romani here to weigh in on congresswoman jayapal and condemning the sexual violence against women and got something to say about that. and we will single handedly bring back bud light? that's a question mark. stay tuned to see how we'll do that. stay tuned top of the hour.
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>> joe biden is not the defender of american democracy. joe biden is the destroyer of american democracy. elizabeth: trump is throwing down and welcome mark penn. thank you for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. what's your take on the state of the 2024 gop race now? we had trump in iowa saying biden is the threat to democracy and then the hill magazine reporting john thune like nikki haley because of independent and suburban women voters. what do you think? >> i think there's a ground swell of support out there for nikki haley. whether or not it's going to amount to anything or just kind
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of be a passing phase, i don't think we'll know for another 30-45 days. i thought ron desantis did incredible showing in his debate, but really, you know, people i speak to, donors and elites and people i'm surprise that had supported trump in the past i've been asking them who's their choice and they all come back nikki haley so there is a ground swell and it's urn the surface. i think either she's going to win new hampshire and upset this race or, you know, it'll just be another 15 minutes of fame. elizabeth: mark, what's this about? senator republican whip john thune and he's repeatedly stressed the importance of appealing to moderate and voters beyond the gop phase. >> nikki haley comes in in some of the polls she handedly defeated biden by even a larger margin and doesn't carry a lot of the baggage that trump
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tarries, and i thought -- carries and i thought ron desantis made a mistake going after very conservative voter when is he should have consolidated the somewhat conservative republican voters and moderate republican voters. there's no liberals, but he didn't do that so he left them wide open and she seems to be doing exactly that. like i said, with the primaries, we never really know till the actual primaries occur. if she comes off incredible in iowa and wins new hampshire, it's a new day. elizabeth: interesting. let's get your take on what was said on abc this weekend and hear from senator lindsey graham and hbo's bill maher. >> i would take joe biden over donald trump every single day of the week no problem. where this country has gone and how far we've gone downhill in the last three years is a place that most republicans aren't willing to go. democracy was on the ballot, democrats wouldn't be sitting there with a candidate that has
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the worst numbers since they've been taking polling. >> i think a continuation of the biden presidency would be a disaster for peace and prosperity at home and abroad. >> getting ready for the next trump term already. he says under his administration, his next one, students will teach students to love their country and not to hate their country like they're taught now. when i see is the kids demonstrating for hamas, the most liberal people in the world, oh, good, we're going to give america its come up pence [bleep] they've been indoctrinated that way. elizabeth: biden is a weak candidate and senator lindsey graham saying people are really worried about the border collapse and don't like it. then bill maher saying wait a second, middle of the road saying what's going on with the indoctrination of students that support -- appearing to support
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hamas. this is adding a new wrench to the race, no? >> well, look, biden's numbers are not strong. he's polling -- my poll came up from 45, anywhere from 37-45% in terms of approval, which is weak. and in my poll and most other polls, trump is ahead by a point or two or four. in the horse race and no question but there's a area to go and can't judge them this early and the next couple of months are absolutely critical and in terms of college campuses and my polls show 85-58% that support israel, it's only 50 had/50 or 55-45 and it's off the
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wall. elizabeth: hamas is a terrorist group brutalizing innocent st.s of israel and it's a war tactic and attack innocent civilians and the polls, you see it, emerson, ecommerce, u gov and biden is continuing to trend down. gallop, he just hit a record low. mark, we're so sorry. we just ran out of time but i love your insights. come back on the show soon. good to see you. >> thank you so much. elizabeth: coming up, former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker is here and this news coming into the studio and now chicago voters, they're really angry and upset. they're now threatening to disrupt demonstrate and protest and joe biden for the convention in chicago and why they're increasing on "the evening ed edit". and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved,
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dagen: joining us our former acting newsom attorney general matthew, the stories coming and coming is good to see you the voters in chicago, we see these reports that they're issuing a stark warning about the party that they will disrupt in protest democrat 2024 national convention in their outrage or bidens border collapse, saying that it is drained of the city's resources for housing, healthcare and food you know,
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last time that we saw chicago residents right in front has, present 1960 democrat convention bodie thing of the story mat matthew. matthew: yes villages printed back to the '90s he did in the chaos the conviction of the events that your that ultimately led to more people in writing and instructing the convention i think in 2024, that is the same thing, because the chicago residents whether it is the tent the city being built by the mayor of the house that whethers just joe biden's policies that are filling in the citizens of chicago and on the southern border of horses policies they are driving low-wage workers that are granted and the ability to work because there often times fraudulent, southern flames and some quiz, this is chaos is been completely caused by this administration and so the voters in the citizens of chicago still have a depressed what is
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happening. >> "fox news" reports of the protest are continuing across chicago they are about to read you do is costing them and they say president biden in the democrat mayor there, prioritizing, illegal immigrants the voters repay pythagoras with them in office they believe it is a billions of taxpayer dollars each month is spent on illegal activity the illegal aliens of the coming go towards neglected neighborhoods in the knights of chicago. >> you are actually writing this is a really a violent crime crisis that we simply out up until this point and so you know a lot of the citizens that pay taxes and work hard, they want those services news are being diverted now to illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers on the filed often times fraudulent claim and for claims. >> sought about personal just $451 million per year in housing and they care for julio and vincent medicine all over the
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foxbusiness reported that the last week that is a big deal. >> this huge you'll at the bottom line will send it right over to da when they apart showr you and watch the bottom line. dagen: thank you. >> is good to see yo


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