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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 6, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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in a place that was not yet the united states of america. that colony was jamestown, virginia, and that factory was built not to make textiles or rope or brick or iron. that factory was built to make glass, and here we are, 420 some years later, still cranking it out, over 2.8 million pounds, in fact, since this episode officially began. the opportunities over at arc americas and every other glass maker in this country are real. you can check 'em out over at in the meantime, here's to hoping that your glass is always at the very least half full. see you next week. ♪ ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow.
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israel intensifies its strike in southern gads a saw, and the state department -- gaza, and the state department now apparently believes hamas committed atrocities. good for them. our own edward lawrence live from the white house with more. edward, i don't mean to front-run you with, but that's the way i read it. you can straighten me out, please p as always. >> reporter: no, you hit it exactly on the head. , and in fact, president joe biden, he's not here. he's at two fund raising events, the second starting right now, in boston. meanwhile, the state department is walking that tight rope trying to support israel but also trying to get the israelis to slow down in gaza. the places where civilians are going are overcrowded. they need more humanitarian assistance, food and water, and in that respect, we don't think israel is doing enough. we think they need to do more to allow humanitarian assistance in. that's why i said we want the number of trucks to increase. 100 enough is not enough. 70,000 liters of fuel going in -- >> reporter: so smokesman
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matthew miller or -- spokesman saying hamas refusing to release all female hostages is the reason that the pause ended but declined again to say what exactly the u.s. knows about allegations of current rapes committed by hamas. >> we have seen the evidence that the atrocities that hamas committed on october 7th, including sexual assault, there was incredibly compelling firsthand accounts from eye witnesses and first responders and physicians about hamas' sexual violence against women and girl on that day. >> reporter: also over the weekend the u.s. struck first on an iranian approximate if city about to attack u.s. troops. at least 75 times now if iranian proxies have attacked u.s. targets or vessels in the red sea. this is a change in response eau though in waiting until it happened to stops it -- stopping it before. >> we're going to do what's necessary to protect our forces in this particular case, again, you know, it's what i would consider a dynamic strike in the
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sense that they saw this attack about to happen, took appropriation action to eliminate the threat. >> reporter: but there are no additional moves being made by this president against iran. we'll have to wait and see what happens there. larry? larry: that's the part, edward, i don't understand. we know it's iran, we know they're the paymaster, we know they're the puppeteer, we know they're the orchestra leader, and we don't seem to do anything about it. gee whiz, i don't get it. edward lawrence, as alwaysing, great reporting. we appreciate it. all right, folks, just a moment senator roger hard small's -- marshall's going to tell us about joe biden's $106 billion foreign aid plan and whether there east going to be any meaningful border security changes in it. but first off, i want to upstate date on a number of -- update on worrisome economic headlines. the recent survey shows 50% expect recession and the rest
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expect only 1 percent growth next year. mean while, the november fox poll found that 78% of voters rate the economy negatively, and inflation remains a top concern. meanwhile, other at investors business daily, the tip poll which has been rated the most accurate and objective of all the polls, that one says 50% believe we are currently in a recession. 64% believe recession is likely in 024, and 80 -- 2024, and 80% are simply concerned about a recession next year with. and interestingly, 4 # #. of democrats think we're in a recession, 58% of republicans do, and 52% of independents. so it's across the board. politics don't matter. and the new york fed interest rate model now predicting a 52% recession probability over the next year. meanwhile, manufacturing has been contracting for and straight months -- 13 straight months.
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the index of leading indicators has fallen 19 is straight months. the money supply is shrinking, business investment is falling, and the yield curve is upside down and topsy-turvy with short rates higher than long rates. now, on the plus side, the stock market has been doing very well, and market interest rates have is fallen significantly even while the fed is standing pat. but a resilient labor market may have shown some important cracks in today's jolts report. job openings fell precipitously. inflation has come down, but prices are still the high and real wages are still falling. and the biden administration foolishly continues the purr saw it big government -- pursue its big government, socialist green new deal that is keeping fossil production lower than it should be and ifs sell prices still too high even though they have come town a bit9 since early 2020, listen to this, since early 2020, federal spending has
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increased $9 trillion, and 60% of that has been monetized by the fed. that from former federal reserve governor kevin war,. now, that's your basic fiscal and monetary inflation which, unfortunately, has washed out much of the product it and wage gains -- productivity and wage gains of the trump tax and job act of 2017. so almost surely the economy's headed for a significant slump. now, it's suffered recessionary inflation -- inflationary recession in the first half of 2022, maybe headed for deflationary recession next year in 2024. but there is a way out, there is a cure can. how about spending less, taxing less, regulating less and fracking more? how about putting big government socialism into a deep-dug grave and replace it with economic freedom where free market capitalism is the best path to
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prosperity? if growth mix people happier -- makes people happier, america could use more growth and happiness. and that is my riff. we're going to talk more about all of this economic stuff later in the show with steve moore and michael faulkender, but first up, kansas senator roger marshall. senator, welcome back to the show. i'd like to dive in on this $106 billion package. chuck schumer's out bloviating about it one way or another. i have it great -- i think if we have the sound from mitch -- yeah. we have mitch mcconnell's sound which will interest you, and i think it'll make you happier. anyway, please take a listen. >> i'm advocating and i hope all of our members vote no on the motion to proceed to the shell the make the point, hopefully for the final time, that we insisten on meaningful -- insist on meaningful changes to the
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border. larry: so, senator marshall, that's pretty good. mitch is digging his heels in, and i think you'll approve. but give us the state of play on this whole story, please. >> right. well, certainly i do approve leader mcconnell's statement there and huh strong he is on this particular issue that this supplemental bill is going down, that we are a hell no on this cloture bill that we're going to be voting on probably wednesday. i expect all rep palins to vote against it -- republicans to vote against it. we're sending a very, very clear message to chuck schumer, it's the border. if we don't secure the border, nothing else is happening. we can debate ukraine until the cows come home. look, israel needs our help, but if we don't secure our border, nothing else is happening, and i'm so glad that our own leadership has, indeed, dug hair heels in on the issue. larry: senator, or what would you like to see as regards to change in border policies? what would you like to put in there, sir?
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>> well, look, i think h.r. 2 is a great starting point. and for the folks at home that haven't read it, it starts with fixing our aa sigh lumbar process. 50-75% of the encounters at the border are getting 4re9 into this country. next, this president has hurled $1.7 -- 1.7 million people, furloughed, so we need to fix asylum and parole. we need more border patrol officers and, guess what? we need to build the wall. we have possible -- to be able to fund these people -- funnel these people into locations. we have no ideas how many gotaways there were, but there's been 1.7 million gotaways since joe biden was sworn in. so that's the start of it, some type of accountability on the president. we know he lines to break the law, so we need to do some type of teeth to this. when he doesn't enforce the law, he's going to be punished. larry: these are the biden
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illegals but, senator, i was listening carefully, and i i know i'm old and slightly infirm, but i didn't hear remain in mexico. >> well, to me, the remain in mexico policy would be part of the asylum fix in my imagination as well. so, yes, remain in mexico would be tied -- would be part of it. none of this catch and release as well. i think when we fix the asylum process, that would be part of it. larry: all right. i was just trying to offer a helpful suggestion -- >> thank you. larry: -- in my clumsy way, senator, you know. it's such a pleasure. let's switch gears. this wussy state department -- listen to this, i want to get your take on this, because i don't know what the heck this guy's actually saying. happening on one moment, senator. >> what we have said is we are sending every signal we can to iran that they should not want this conflict to be expanded. we have made very cheer it is not in anyone's -- clear it is not in anyone's interest in the region for this conflict to be expanded. united states certainly doesn't
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want it expanded, but at the same time, we will take the measures necessary to protect our personnel and interests in the region. larry: what is he saying? we've been hit 75 times. they're all iranian approximateties. -- proxies. he's sort of, kind of acknowledging they're iranian proxies, but we don't do anything. we do not do anything except appease them, senator. what's -- i mean, we should be hitting them back. they hit us, we should hit them five times. hit their oil fields, okay? take one of their ships out, i don't know, something. >> absolutely, larry. so why don't we just send them some more blankets, right? that's what the previous administration, they were sending them blankets. as i see the score, it is 76-6. they, the iranian proxies, have attacked american traps 76 times -- troops, we've retaliated only 6 times. i've got a suggestion for you. iran has over 3000 ghost ships -- 300. those are running russian oil illegally to china.
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how about let's start the intercepting those ghost ships? you're exactly right. an eye for an i eye. heaven forbid if we have american soldiers die, there better be significant retaliation. but let's be proactive. we need to start holding iran accountable, a whole lot more we can do on the sanction side as well but, yes, let's start seizing some of their ships. larry: i mean, it's the also -- look, iran is outside of the agreed upon congressional- mandated sanctions. they're outside them. so we have every right to interdict ships, for example. we have every right to stop them on the high seas. but we also in terms of hair hitting us and we hitting them, we have a right to knock out an oil field. it's got to hurt. maximum force is what they understand. they don't understand diplomacy, they don't understand, you know, nice looking kids from the state department blowing smoke at us.
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they understand force like saking out soleimani, what donald trump did. and i think that's what -- where you have to go. i don't know where -- what they're waiting for, these bidens. >> we need a change in the white house. it all comes back to that. until there is a change in leadership, a person that's going to make america secure, that's going to secure our border, going to make us a strong force on the world stage again, that doesn't bow the world opinion as well, until we have a strong military that's more focused on lethality than we are on social issues, none of this matters right now. our enemies are laughing at us. we're enriching iran. we've enriched them to the tune of $60 billion under this administration. this is why people are going to get up and vote and elect donald trump as the next president of the united states. larry: i suspect so. senator roger marshall, thank you ever so much. we appreciate it, sir. idf spokesperson daniel
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hageri says israel is kicking butt in south gaza, but hamas still has 138 hostages. we're going to talk about it with aaron cohen, israeli special ops counterterrorism veteran. stick with "kudlow" right here. don't stick with the state department, stick with account cud low." we make more action. we'll be right back. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too.
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larry: so israel's kicking some butt in south gaza, which is wonderful, but hamas still has 138 hostages and, of course, the state department continues to try to slow israel down. not good. joining me now to parse through all this, aaron cohen, israeli special ops counterterrorism veteran and founder of cherries which specializes in counterterrorism training for law enforcement. is so, aaron, let's start -- i mean, they're kicking butt by all reports. that's the really good news. the bad news is that the state department can't keep its ya a p shut. and -- yap shut, and here's a question, you can confirm they're kicking butt, but what is it that a people want israel to do? why don't people put conditions on hamas? why don't they have hamas operate through the so-called global rules of war or whatever? why is it always israel? >> you know, larry, i don't even
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understand why hamas is even part of the conversation. they're a terror organization. it's not even legitimate warfare. 1400 israelis burned, massacred, slaughtered, sex yawl assault finally coming out after 50-plus days, weaponized as a tool of war. it's not a tool of war, it's terrorism. my contention, larry, here's where i'm at with this. as far as biden and the administration not coming out or trying to keep the cuffs on israel, i think it's fear. i think it's fear of what israel could have easily done on october 8th which is turned gaza into a parking lot. and if israel wanted to destroy gaza and every palestinian within gaza -- [speaking in native tongue] we could do that in one second, but we won't. israel won't. and the reason why is because like we've said, palestinian lives matter. u.s. cannot dictate the terms of how israel operates. blinken went down there. i think his eyes were opened.
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he saw the destruction, he saw the carnage. he was at the kibbutz, the death kibbutzes, which is what i've been calling them. again, an election coming out, i think they're trying to do the politics. but and -- at the end of the day, bibi's going to do what he's got to do. israel's been using the same rescission they were using -- precision they were using on day one. it's the special ops grounds cheering these structures. it's dangerous work, but we're going to continue to be super careful -- larry: every time -- all right, no, no, no, right, right, right. amen. but every time some state department bureaucrat or whatever, u.n. bure or accurate or whoever -- bureaucrat or whoever starts on israeling we want you to observe the rules of international war -- >> where's our hostages? larry: that's it. not only that, but they use the hostages as human shields. in other words, roars or somebody should just -- reporters or somebody should just say that, wait a minute, why is hamas breaking, this is a
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clear breaking of international law by using hostages as human shields? and why won't they return the hostages, 138 hostages? >> larry, let me tell you what i think it is. i think it's psychological warfare that's been used very cleverly by hamas as i've said to you before. i think the gaslighting, which is really powerful, has managed to weasel its way into the white house. and it's the been pulling at the entireler national community's heart strings, very powerful stuff. the fact is using the civilians as a smoke screen is the only piece that hamas has to play in this situation after the atrocities, and it's creeped its way into the oval office. but again, at the end of the day, israel's going to do the job. and they're going to do it better than anybody if else because nobody's more precise than israel. when you get to that chapter in my book, send me an e-mail. larry: i started reading that. >> i appreciate it.
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it gives context, and it explains the amount of training that we go through to make sure that our muzzles are never crossing civilians and that we're not killing -- dead to terrorists don't do us any good either to. we prefer the capture them and interrogate them to prevent the next attack. i feel bad for the idf if spokesmen, they're getting beaten up, but they're handling it and, fortunately, i get to say what i want with you, uncle larry -- larry: that's it. we're going to keep finish. >> keep telling together -- larry: march tell 'em to send me another minister onset. the economy minister was fabulous. give me another minister. aaron, you and i are going to keep talking like this, very frankly and in the open. >> that's right. march best thing we can do. i believe it's the best ipg thing i can do -- >> uncle larry, we appreciate you with. larry: aaron cohen, the prince, the best of the best. all right, folks, come back to "kudlow," we've got another prince, the great sean hannity who's on a roll, is hosting a
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town hall tonight with president donald trump in davenport, iowa. 9 p.m. very interesting. and we've got katie pavlich and charlie hurt. they're going to give a briefing. their advice to the former president and to the great hannity. and they'll probably give me advice too, and i welcome it. plus, folks, this is not a good story. recess is in the air -- recession is in the air. we need a growth model from super guests steve moore and michael faulkender. we need a growth mold. we'll deliver it when "kudlow" (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money,
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gotcha. take that. whoa! bruh!
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i'm fine. that smack looked bad. not compared to the smack down i'm giving you. you sure you're, ok? you know you're down 200 points, right? lucky, she convinced me to get help. i had a concussion that could've been game over. in actual reality, you've only got one life. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. larry: so the pathetic presidents of ivy league universities were grilled on capitol hill today about the rise of anti-semitism for which they've done virtually nothing. fox business' hillary vaughn has more for us from the hill. of hillary, i don't know, maybe
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i shouldn't use that add a jekylltive, but you tell us what they said or didn't. [laughter] >> reporter: hi, larry. well, college students say that college campus presidents are not doing enough to respond to these anti-israel protests. they said so far the response has been at times negligent, and a lot of times these anti-semitic chants have been met with deafening silence from the college presidents. but today college presidents declare ared -- declared here on capitol hill what many would not say to their students face to face which is that israel has a right to exist. but when asked if calling for the genocide of jewish people violated their colleges' code of conduct, the answer was not is so simple. >> this is the easiest question the answer yes, ms. ma gill. >> if the speech becomes conduc- >> conduct meaning committing the act of genocide? i'm going the give you one more opportunity. does calling for the yen side of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to
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bullying and harassment, yes or no in. >> it can be harassment. >> dr. gay, at harvard does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bully eking and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context. >> reporter: students say college leadership has tiptoed a delicate dance around not upsetting pro-palestinian protesters, but it's not just their fellow peers that are parting this offensive -- parroting talk, it's some of the professors who still have jobs. >> why did penn let professor ahmad amala off the hook who led hundreds of students in chanting there's only one solution, intifada, revolution? why does that professor still have a job at your university? if the same goes for penn professor ann norton who's preetedly denied hamas' worst aprocess -- atrocities on october. th. >> i'm very troubled by what you're describing, congress marne, that kind of --
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>> you're speaking out of both sides of your mouth. you're defending it. you allow these professors to teach at your college. >> reporter: and lawmakers are looking, of course, at a number of ways, larry, to hold these colleges accountable, withholding federal funds or taxing their billion dollar end endowments. larry in. larry: i'm glad i called them pathetic. i don't like to front-run reporters like you, because you're all great reporters, and i have such great respect, but i'm sorry. they were pathetic. i listened to it, and they were just pathetic and should be fired. really. was that guy from indiana a democrat or republican, hillary? banks sr.? >> reporter: republican. larry: he's a republican. first of all, hillary vaughn, great report. great report even though it's kind of turning my stomach. >> reporter: thank you. larry: we've got katie pavlich, fox news contributor, editor of, charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and a fox news contributor. kids, i want to get to sean
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hannity and and former president trump, but, katie, listening to those ivy league presidents was stomach-turning and pathetic. that's what i think. i mean, how the hell do they still have their jobs? awful. >> it's horrible. and i think what was very clear today by the republicans asking these questions that these administrators and the faculty that they oversee don't live up the their own standards of conduct and discrimination. i've been on dozens of college campuses where i've been protested and there are safe spaces for all kinds of groups. but when it comes to what we're seeing now with these pro-hamas, pro-violence against jewish students, somehow the safe spaces for jewish students who are, you know, really actually under threat and mobbed in calf cafeterias and told to hide in attics, there doesn't seem to be any room for them in the handbook of non-discrimination at universities. larry: right. incredible bl.
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charlie hurt, if my memory -- a couple of weeks ago the head of mit, for god sakes, how many government contracts do they have? the head of mit wouldn't let the jewish kids in the front door of the university? because it was going to cause trouble? really? i mean, what -- this is worse than the civil rights movement years ago. >> yeah, no, it's utterly, totally, completely indefensible, and, you know, sadly, we've known for a long time that these colleges and universities were peddling poison. i had no idea it was just this bad, and if it was so bad that you actually have university presidents who are, like, it's like they don't actually see how disgusting this stuff is. but the second thing, larry, that is really depressing about all of this is that it's a poison that has leeched into our politics or maybe it's -- it comes from our politics. but the only people who are lightening these people up are republicans. and this should be, like, it's a
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pretty low bar -- larry: yeah. >> -- but condemning calls for genocide ought to be sort of a bipartisan issue. larry: it's pathetic. >> up until, like, yesterday, it was. larry: elise stefanik is exactly right, this should be the easiest question for them to answer, the easiest question ever to be faced as a college president but, no, no, you're right, they have to parse through lord knows what. you know, katie, with the great sean hannity and former president trump, i mean, they ought to talk about that. trump ought to talk about that. this anti-semitism thing. >> yeah. larry: because it's clear to me the tide has turned, okay? the cupping is in favor of israel -- the country is in favor of israel, but the country is opposed to this horrible hate it-filled anti-semitism. and i think trump would be wise to put that on his agenda. what you think? >> yeah. i think the country for the most part -- [laughter] the majority of the country is opposed to terrorism. larry: yeah. >> especially when it comes to
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islamic terrorism that we've seen in a number of these chupts, in michigan in particular, people coming out in favor of what happened on october 7th which was one of the worst terrorist attacks we've seen and, certainly, the worst terrorist attack that israel has ever seen in its history since being founded as a country in 1948. the president should absolutely talk about that, talk about how joe biden is actually trying to waver on this issue for the sake of those people in his party's base who want him to pull away from the morality of backing israel and and anti-terrorism and the national security implications that would have for the united states of america. larry: we have an islamophobic -- i'm sorry, an islamophobia interagency group in the white house, charlie, but we don't have an antisemitism interagency group in the white house. i mean, i was going to say how trump needs to stay on his economic growth message because a lot of experts are talking recession, and i've got two ec eberts sitting up here --
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experts sitting up here right onset. but this thing, report if hillary vape who's a fabulous reporter, hillary vaughn, i'm burned up. i'm, i'm just burned up by it. i suppose i'm losing my cool. but how can these overeducated ivy league college presidents not give a simple yes or no answer to hate crimes and indiana semitism and -- anti-semitism and related matters? give you the last word, charlie. >> and think of all the ways these huge universities are protected and enriched by the government, by the federal government. larry: oh, yeah, absolutely. they're on the payroll. >> -- politician, who could get in there and actually make an issue out of something like this. and i agree with you, i wish donald trump would. he should absolutely light up these universities and come up with real plans to target -- because, you know, whether it's student loans, all the ways that these universities are, you know, benefit from the largess
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of taxpayers and are protected in ways that regular, you know, regular corporations and nonprofits aren't protected -- larry: these places -- >> i think that a guy like donald trump could actually make a huge issue of it. larry: yes. he could cut off the money. these schools are on the government dole -- >> larry, one more thing real quickly. larry: real quick, katie. >> these schools are also getting foreign money especially from places like qatar. larry: i know. >> also address that issue, in addition to the iranian issue where we're getting attacked dozens of times without any response. larry: yes, ma'am. you're right. >> we're paying them to attack us. >> yes, we are. larry: katie pavlich and charlie hurt. please come back soon. miss both of you. all right, be sure to tune in to sean hannity,9 p.m. eastern -- 9 p.m. eastern, fox news. trump's town hall in iowa. it's going to be very cool. now, let's do a little work on the economy. joining us, we've got the geniuses here, michael flag
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ender, former assistant treasury secretary for economic policy, now chief economist at america first policy institute, and he also moonlights as a professor at the university of maryland. and the great steve moore from freedomworks which committee to unleash prosperity and most of the -- host of the moore money radio show on wabc radio. we all came from the committee to unleash process prosperity events today. but, i mean, i read in the riff, i don't know if you heard or saw the riff, you've got investors business dale -- daily polling, they're probably the best pollsters in the country and the most objective, they're showing bipartisan recession, okay? if they med yesterday, business economists, 50% of them look for recession. the fox poll shows how concerned everybody is. what is it, 78, 80% worried about recession. the new york fed interest rate model which is the yield curve model shows over 50% probability
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of recession. so i'll begin with you, mike fall kenneledder. we need -- faulkenderer. we need models here and talk about growth models. i'm not opposed to impeachment discussions if the evidence is there, but like laffer said on set last night, we need a growth model. to we have one? >> under this administration, no. the problem that we've got is you've not the private sector economy which looks like it's heading into recession if it's not already been there, but then you got the government side that's borrowing money and spend anding hike there's no tomorrow. if you look at the jobs report over the last number of months, the growth has almost entirely been in sectors related to the economy. and i think that's why there's this divide amongst economists and amongst practitioners looking at the economy. you've got is is the government side going to overcome it, but, of course, the problem we've got is the one you mentioned, government-driven economy is not sustainable growth. you need private sector inknow if vegas, productivity
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improvements that are going to lead to real wages for that inflation, and that's not going to come from massive government spending and regulation. >> by the way, the jolts report really tanked today, very interesting. you know, steve, i was talking about, look, we need less spending, less regulating, less taxing. that's easy. we need more fracking. that ease easy. -- that's easy. kevin warsh, who was on our panel, said a great stat which i used in my riff and attributed to him. since early 20 # 20 they've had $9 trillion increase in federal spending. 60% of which was monetized by the fed. so that's your basic -- >> there's where -- larry: fiscal and monetary inflation. some of that's trump but not all of it. >> so a couple observations. number within, you cite these, well, we might face a recession next year. we also show some polling, most americans think we're already in a recession. larry: yes. >> the middle class, one of the
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things that came shining through, the middle class got screwed by this biden inflation. they're feeling 15-20% increase in prices and just because inflation has come down doesn't mean that higher prices, they are permanent. and so they're getting really screwed by this. number two, the first chart we showed at at this conference was i'm tired of people saying we can't grow out of these problems. we can grow out of these problems. larry: sure we can. >> if we get back to the, i think you said 3.2 -- larry: 3.5. 1947-2000. 3.5% per annum. >> even if we get 3, let's be modest here -- larry: screw it. 5% in tax cuts. screw it. [laughter] 5% during the reagan tax cuts. >> i know, but just give me 3. you're going to see that curve on the debt fall, and you're going to see, obviously, prosperity. so we don't have to be root canal republicans as jack kemp used to say. don't cut social security, get
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the economy growing through, you said it best, lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulation -- larry: and -- >> and more trade. that's something fred smith talked about. larry: more fracking. more liquid gold. >> yes. leash the liquid -- unleash the liquid gold. larry: it permeates, you're the one that said it a year ago a on this show, it permeates every aspect of the economy. it's like the most inflation their thing. but it's -- you can't grow the economy without power. that's what this is about. 80% of the power is in fossils. >> larry, did you see that in just the last three or four days the biden administration over at this crappy cop28, they say -- first, they said we're not going to build another coal plant ever again, and they're going to shut down every coal plant in america. that's 30% of our electricity. and then the vice president, kamala harris, says we're going after methane right now. methane is natural gas.
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larry, you've reduced half of our energy supply in america. these people are serious as a heart attack. larry: kevin o'leary was on this show, he was at that conference, or and he said the trouble with, you know, the trouble with all these climate crazies is there's such a thing as clean coal and clean oil and -- of course, natural gas is very clean. i mean, they're already doing scrubbers and sequestering into the ground to help the coal story. and, of course, john kerry, the hypocrite that he is, never talks about the biggest coal player in the world -- >> china. larry: -- china. india, incidentally, a close second. >> and they forget to mention, of course, we have reduced our carbon emissions because of the shift from coal to natural gas, all the while china is emitting something like two and a half times the emissions we are doing, and they have no plan to abide by the paris climate accords until 2030 maybe. so the idea that we're going to spend trillions of dollars paying american companies to cut back on their activity, ship a
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bunch of jobs and wealth abroad all so that china can continue to unleash all the carbon emissions it wants the just going to destroy our national security and puts at a comparative disadvantage -- enter china didn't even show up at this -- [laughter] larry: they're way too smart. mike, steve, terrific stuff. thanks very much. all right, folks, republicans are trying to stop joe biden's $10 billion transfer to iran. really? the bidens should be bombing iran, not giving them money. we've got senator roger wicker. he's the reactioning member of the arm -- ranking member of the armed services committee. he's going to join us next. i don't want a recession, i want a growth model. remember, folk, "kudlow" is now available as a podcast. episodes are available every weekday right after our shot on spotify, on apple and on fox business pod don't miss a thing. podcast it. ♪ you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey!
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larry: all right. republicans trying the stop joe biden's $10 billion transfer to iran. wow, we should be bombing iran, not giving them money. joining us now leading that charge, mississippi senator roger wicker. he's the ranking member of the senate armed services committee. senator wicker, welcome back,
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sir. it's unbelievable to me, truly unbelievable to me, that the administration would actually go through and unfreeze $10 billion which, as you know, is all about electricity. it's not about medicine, it's not about humanitarian aid, it's about a electricity. but it's about war. iran is waging war on us, sir. can you stop it? >> well, you know, i've to got a great idea, larry. let's put it to a vote in the house and senate and and let the elected representatives of the people vote on that with less than a year ago before the election the see how those of us who have to answer to the voters feel about that. yes, we can stop it. yes, we should stop it. now, it seems that the administration maybe has the legal authority to do that, but i was happy to go in with senator hagerty and others and point out the fallacy in this. whether it will go through, i don't know.
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finish but we hear it hasn't gone through yet, and i hope we can stop the it. larry: i mean, if your point about putting it up to a vote, probably worth a try. i don't know if you can do that or not. but i think, senator, if you kept the drum beat going, make sure the public knows exactly what's going on here, you might be able to turn this around. >> maybe so. and really it should be an election year issue. and it's just part and parcel, larry, of the weakness that this administration has shown with the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, the half measures that we've given to our allies when they really need our full support. it's just part of that. and i really do think it's a sign of weakness that china watches, that iran watches and that, certainly, vladimir putin is looking at. those three powers are in all of
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this together, and you can rest assured that xi jinping is smiling about this as bell as the -- as well as the russians. larry: that's a great point. the other thing is, and you've been leading on this too, so they're shooting at us, all these iran a-backed terrorist groups, hue houthis, whatever, when are we going to shoot back? i don't mean taking out some depot in the middle of syria. i mean, when are we going to hit back something that would really matter? if you know, the way trump took out soleimani. hit something. when are we going to do that? >> absolutely. i can tell you we just had a classified briefing, and i can't tell you what the testimony was, but i can tell you what some of the senators said, and it was exactly that. when are we going to actually hit back in some meaningful way. and it's not just some aspirin factory somewhere. it's something that will really hurt.
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and you can rest assured republican senators were making that point. we'll let the administration tell you what their classified answer was to that. larry: i mean, also, senator wicker, as you know, the sanctions themselves have been broken. i don't just mean this $10 is billion thing. i mean, there's $35-40 billion of money coming from iranian oil shipped to china, for example. now, that breaks the sanctions. we'res supposed to have -- mitch mcconnell has made, you know, membership has said where's the interdiction? you know, why don't we take it out? why don't we stop the ship on the high seas, that kind of thing? senator keane, jack keane, has said why don't we bomb a training center or a command and control center? why don't we take out, bomb an iranian oil field? something to show american strength. >> their energy infrastructure, absolutely. that's what ronald reagan would
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have done. and the result would actually be a more peaceful planet. ronald reagan believed in peace through strength, and if he didn't mind showing it when it was necessary. larry: senator wicker, thanks for leading the charge, sir. hope you stay with us. >> thank you very much. anytime. larry: thank you. all right, folks, i'll be right back with my last word or two. ♪
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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♪ larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪ maria: good wednesday morning, thank you for joining us thi


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