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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 6, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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are. say hello to an easier way to do medicare. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at tin is in our home, our office, our cars, and even our phones. eloro resources game changing discovery at the world class silver-tin property could be one of the largest operations in the world. eloro resources. ♪
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stuart: i remember this. this must be 40 years old. certainly 30. good morning, everyone. it is 10:00 eastern. you will like what you see, the dow is up 130 points, the nasdaq was up one hundred, now it is up 35. we've got green on the left-hand side of the screen. the 10 year treasury yield is down 9 basis points. 416 is your level on the 10 year treasury and bitcoin, $44,030 bitcoin. we have this coming at us. google has officially launched a brand-new ai program called gemini. take us through it.
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>> this is a soft launch for the highly anticipated ai, some say this is the product that could beat chat gpt's popularity. they launch a version called one. 0 that will come in three sizes, ultra, pro, and manoh. this will depend on the complexity of the task the ai can compete. it will begin leveraging gemini today, available in english in one hundred 70 countries and the plan is to support new languages in the future. and 1-week developers and enterprise customers are going to ask ice, if you're curious about ultra you are not the only one. you have to wait a bit longer. it's coming soon. the reason this is so anticipated is it is described as nexgen ai. we expected to be multimodal
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which means it is not only going to be able to understand but produced text, images, and other types of content. this launch is a surprise. why craft the number of in person launch events around gemini? over concerns the ai wasn't reliable when responding to non-english prompts but for it to be a success is an understatement. they bungled its ai ventures for shareholders, to get gemini into the market quickly, and share with me that google is still going ahead with the soft launch to take advantage of this. google has the built-in partnership base, put bernard in contention with chat gpt. ashley: stuart: google is up $0.15. they are taking a wait and see you. thanks very much, see you again
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soon. now this. where are the feminists? where are the women's rights organizations? when it comes to the mass rape and torture of israeli women by hamas, they are nowhere to be seen. please read brett stevens's column in the new york times. he spells out what hamas did. i am not going to read it out loud. stephen's point, eyewitnesses to the brutality of the event. you and women, a group that supports women's rights around the world took 8 weeks to say anything about the mass rapes. the national organization for women denounced rape as a weapon of war but did not mention hamas. human rights watch has a lot to say about gaza but not a word about hamas. in congress representative joni paul said this had to be
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balanced by the outrages against palestinian. women who were raped and tortured by hamas, women's groups rights can't condemn immediately and totally, they are failing on the mission. second hour of varney just getting started. lose peak joins us, why is it so hard for women's group to condemn totally the mass rape by hamas? lauren: they are progressives in the wrong side of this war and it exposes the hypocrisy, and they try to deny it. they are trying to deny the
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whole thing. if you listen to palestinian protesters in the streets none of this happened. it is all fake news and propaganda is for israel, promoting these ideas and narratives they are horrible things that happened and i agree 100% the fact vote women's groups did not come out loudly condemning everything that went on is shocking but not surprising. stuart: donald trump blasted john kerry during last night's town hall saying he is destroying the country. >> our country can be rich again. john kerry has to be stopped. he is destroying our country. i mean think of it. he goes all over the world in a private jet, goes all over the world talking to these people about getting rid of coal plants, they all laugh at him, treat him with respect and when
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he is gone what i need to get, what a jerk. stuart: liz peek is still here. you wrote about cop 28 and you say the cop 28 is doing real damage. what damage? liz: it is tempting to dismiss it, it's being held in abu dhabi, a great oil-producing state and the theme of the conference is phasing out fossil fuels for john kerry has chosen to represent the united states as our climate czar and negotiate away our greatest geopolitical advantage which is cheap abundant fossil fuels. how is he doing that by basically saying we are going to shut down all our remaining coal powered plants, 20% of electricity comes from call, there is no backup plan, very badly organized movement, wise it damaging? he is also committed to cutting methane emissions which means another down take in allowing
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oil and gas producers to prosper. wise it important? since biden became president, one data point, electricity costs have gone up 24% for americans, during trump's time in office they went down and over a long history of our country we have had very cheap electricity because we have reliable, cheap, abundant fossil fuels and the people in the white house don't care, they are trying to interfere with our lives in a way that is unproductive. in germany which passed a green new deal in 2010 the precursor to our green new deal, they put through the program which has driven their power costs for industry to be twice what hours are. germany is in recession. they cannot compete any longer. they are hobbled by exorbitant power costs. it is not all the worn ukraine. it is the green new deal. that is where our white house
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wants to take us. stuart: that is what is hurting us. thank you very much. a new poll shows third-party candidates are pulling young people away from both parties. lauren: they are increasingly independence. 18 to 29-year-olds. in a head to fight matchup biden beats trump by 11 points. the under 30s pick biden because they hate trump. flip it. 5 way race, biden will get 29%, trump gets 25, rfk junior 10. 3, joe manchin 2%, biden is still winning but only by four points, not 11. young people don't love biden, they give him a 35% approval rating endless than half plan to vote. in 2,020 we had record turnout. what do you do with of this? for young voters up for grabs, they have to be wooed, they have recorded. 38% are independent. stuart: how do you court them?
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lauren: they need to trust their leader. there's lack of trust in leaders on climate change, gun violence, war in the middle east and artificial intelligence. may they meet them where they are in the social platforms. stuart: who has to? biden or trump? lauren: all of them. lauren: are today doing that? lauren: they are not creating trust. lauren: i feel a sense of exasperation but maybe that's because i'm old. lauren: young people aren't automatically democratic, they have an open mind. 80% are independent. 35% are democratic and 26% republican according to a harvard poll. stuart: very contentious show. lauren: unintentionally. stuart: back to the markets. eddie ghabour, are you still not in stocks?
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>> we are 10% to 30% equities, not fully invested in equities. we have been bullish on a 52-week high about we will not get fully into our equity position until next year and the main reason why is we feel there' s a new game in town with fixed income. we believe we are getting 6% to 8% yield of corporate net space. if you are retired or approaching retirement you have a decision to make. you have to figure out if bidenomics is going to prop things up next year and be bullish for equities or would you rather get a 6 to 8% yield on fixed income and wait things out to see if we have a recession or not. we don't have a recession we would be wrong in our analysis, probably get back to the s&p, and extra point at 30 one, 4200. if we are right we will get lower. the interest rate environment right now is very attractive
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for many investors and that is a more cautious approach, that's my conservative nature. stuart: you do still think there's a chance of a recession next year? >> i really do. i was wrong on calling a recession this year. i underestimated how much money our government was going to spend. the market is starting to break down. they are celebrate in bad labor data. laborers last break when you go into a recession. i don't believe, on borrowed money this is major debt that continues to get ignored. all fundamentals are out the door. i'm a fundamental investor. stuart: you made your case. coming up, that time of year when parents urge online and in stores for hard to get christmas toys. watch this.
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>> i'm trying to find a doll. these guys are looking for terminal man. >> hey, everybody, these two are looking for a turbo man. >> turbo man is the hottest selling christmas toy ever. stuart: remember cabbage patch? that was 30 years ago. we are going to tell you the hottest toy of the year and how much it will cost. christopher wray says the terror threat reached unprecedented levels. we will tell you about that. israel has moved to the third phase of ground operations securing many hamas strongholds in northern gaza? is israel winning the ground were? keith kellogg will try to answer it next.
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stuart: is really forces ramberg up attacks in gaza onto the third phase of ground operations. the latest, please. >> reporter: amid outgoing rocket fire from the gaza strip the israelis launching more strikes against hamas targets, they had 250 different locations over the past day, israeli forces continue to locate different weapons storage facilities, tunnel entrances and explosives. israelis also targeting launching sites responsible for the barrage of rockets the targeted the is really city of tel aviv yesterday. inside gaza the death toll continues to rise. and israeli strike in central gaza killed multiple palestinians. you can see the level of destruction here in this aftermath video from the second largest city as the war rages
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on, israel still gathering intelligence on the hostages, one hundred 40 of them inside gaza. today, he added this in a statement this morning. >> we can say with absolute certainty, this endangers their lives. the international community must take action, the red cross must have access with hostages in the hands of hamas. >> we interviewed a man whose sisters were held hostage by hamas 50 days, they were release for a deal and they face psychological terror as hamas said the israelis would kill them. stuart: thank you very much indeed. we are joined by lieutenant general keith kellogg. is israel winning the ground war? >> thanks for having me, yes
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they are. doing a pretty good job with it, moving south, look, where they are not being helped is by a lot of the alliance nations. the united states needs to back off. a tough fight for israel. to the it is an existential fight for them, the eradication of hamas. here's where the united states can help. the president can pick up the phone and call qatar where the hamas leadership is there. he can say we don't have access to the hostages, 9 americans, 8 or 9 americans ari hostage. they killed 31 americans on 7 october. and actually penetrate the leadership and say tell us what's happening. my concern is we won't see a lot of these hostages come out
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alive especially those who have been abused and you've seen the videos. my point is back off, let the israelis finish the job. it's a tough job. they need to eradicate hamas and figure out a way in the future to build not only gaza but any type of relationship with palestine. it is a tough and hard fight. they are doing quite well. stuart: if there was another cease-fire of any kind, doesn't that allow hamas to come back? >> absolutely right. there should be no more cease-fire. this thing, don't go anywhere with the cease-fire or the pause. that is why the president needs to call qatar. they host the hamas leadership the is conducting these strikes in israel and needs to get involved. they need a complete listing of the hostages, not only the americans but kept in captivity by hamas.
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back off from criticizing the israelis, it's a tough fight. anyone who has been in the infantry knows how hard it is to fight, the israelis are doing it and doing quite well. i say back off, let them finish the job. this is a biblical fight, a fight to extinction and they -- we need to support them getting there. let's be clear. what hamas did on 7 october to the crossed amoral line. they crossed a line we thought we would never see again after world war ii and we said never again. what happened again. we need to let the israelis finish the job. stuart: i hate to say this but hostagetaking is a very effective strategy when fighting a conventional power like israel. it is effective. i hate to say it. that is reality. >> you have to block that out. hate to say that. it sounds harsh.
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it is very hard. if you are a military officer conducting a campaign like the israelis are you can't think of the hostages anymore as a primary effort. you need to consider eradicating hamas is the prime goal and that's why i am concerned we won't see those hostages come out alive. especially the women. they have abused those women, they don't want to release those women. we have to turn a blind eye to the hostages, hard to say, it is a tough fight but has to be done. stuart: thank you for joining us. we hear you and appreciate you being here. fbi director christopher wray says terror threats of elevated to an all-time high. i guess this is all about october 7th. ashley: it is. christopher wray says the terror threat has reached unprecedented levels. here's how he explained it to senator lindsey graham during a
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senate judiciary committee hearing. >> i have never seen a time where all the threats, so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. blinking red lights analogy about 9/11, all the lights were blinking red before 9/11. oliver smith it. >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. ashley: that says it all. the fbi leader saying since the massacre in israel a rogues gallery of foreign terrorists has called for attacks against the united states. the actions of hamas serves as an inspiration, the likes of which we haven't seen since isis launched its so-called caliphate several years ago. somber words from christopher wray.
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stuart: panera bread's charged lemonade is charged with the second death. we will tell you what you need to know about this highly caffeinated drink. a new drug that detects alzheimer's with one hundred% accuracy and could hit the market by early next year. i am interested. doctor nicole saphier joins us next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: on the markets the rally has faded especially the nasdaq, we were 100 points on the nasdaq but we are down two points, the dow was up 100 and up 87 points. show me zuma. is up, down or sideways? lauren: is up one% or 2. they are enhancing their ai tools and announcing new pricing the plans if you want to use their ai assistants, those plans started $69. stuart: and -- lauren: they expect to launch a new ship called the mi 300, the
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competition to bh 100 by nvidia. when this event launches you might see microsoft there. that's the speculation. they are using this chip or plan to use it. stuart: a shake shack. what with them? lauren: not only are they are by but a strong by. and unchanged price target of $78, 2,024 will be a good year for traffic and stronger margins. everything is coming down. stuart: now this. scientists developing an antibody treatment that could target fentanyl. is this a fentanyl vaccine? >> it's a monoclonal antibody treatment but researchers say worked with the vaccine. it is a prevention against
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overdose deaths. he double of monoclonal is injected intravenously into the bloodstream where they bind with fentanyl molecules and prevent them reaching the brain. >> the toxic effects, ultimately lead to overdose death, he bind it all up late pac-man and prevented getting there. >> the treatment, see xx104, locked the drug's euphoric affect, last someone before you need another injection. it is intended as a preventive treatment for drug users at high risk for overdose. to reverse overdoses already in
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progress the way people use narcam. for tracy woody these efforts are very personal. >> they have been severely impacted by the opioid crisis. last year i lost a sister to a fentanyl overdose. >> reporter: a sad story and a personal one. the company hopes to bring it to market in 2026. stuart: a new blood test the predict alzheimer's could hit the market earlier next year. the test has 100% accuracy in identifying patients with the brain disease. doctor nicole saphier joins us. is this going to hit the market? does this thing work? really?
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>> when i read the literature, what they did was 25 controlled people, 13 people with diagnosed all dimers, six people had mild cognitive impairment, and what they found the 100% of their patients with alzheimer's, they are self free dna in plasma samples, when they find that is when they are nerve generation and neurons which happens in cognitive impairment. the one hundred% sensitivity meaning the ability to detect 100%, that's great for screening study, to improve their specificity and predictive values, if you have
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the presence of dna, it doesn't mean alzheimer's disease. you have some impairment, cells that are dying so they have to increase their specificity but it's a great way for early intervention. so we try to decrease or slow the symptoms of alzheimer's. stuart: glad to hear it. eli lilly's new drug available at pharmacies is an alternative facing supply problems. this is an injection. this is a prescription to this. lauren: it is the competitor to will go be which is the higher dose of the medication ozempic. they work the same but are different names. they are magic weight loss injection, weekly injection that essentially slows the emptying of the stomach so you
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feel full longer and suppresses the feeling of hunger, the signals that go to the brain, and the long-term side effects of taking higher doses, we don't have the data on that but they should stop taking these injections, a large amount of patients regain the weight so it has to be coupled with aggressive diet, exercise, lifestyle changes. it can't just be the infection -- injection. stuart: if a patient needs to lose 10 pounds to doctors prescribed this kind of weight loss drug to lose 10 pounds? >> i don't think you should jump to these injections for losing 10 pounds. we as a society have a chronic illness problem and a lot of it is preventable, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. you need to do everything you can to reduce weight. these medications are only approved for those patients or
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overweight, obese, with a medical condition associated with their weight, not just for people who want to get ready for bikini season. eat a little bit healthier. stuart: i hear you and thank you for filling us in on important stuff. doctor nicole saphier, see you soon. now this one. panera bread has been blamed for second death late to one of the company's popular drinks. tell us all about it. charged lemonade is what we are talking about. ashley: highly caffeinated charged lemonade being blamed for the death of a florida man. according to the lawsuit, dennis brown drank three charged lemonade from a local panera and suffered a fatal cardiac arrest on his way home. the suit claims the beverages, quote, are very dangerous energy drink and panera has failed to appropriately warn consumers about ingredients
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which includes a stimulant that follows another lawsuit filed last year after knife league student with a heart condition died after drinking that charged lemonade. panera says any risks to consuming the lemonade are clearly stated and it is standing by the safety of its products. stuart: congresswoman alisa stefanik went after the president of harvard university because of the rise in anti-semitic incidents on campus. watch this. >> a harvard student calling for the mass murder of african-americans is not protected free speech at harvard, correct? >> our commitment -- >> it is he is or no question, is that correct? stuart: we will show you the full exchange. it is all about a dual standard. americans are getting so
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desperate to offset housing costs that some divorced couples are opting to stay under the same roof. watch this. >> i don't know what to tell you, kid. my hours are starting to get pretty strange. >> why what i, i'm not moving anywhere. stuart: madison alworth has the full story after this. (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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stuart: what happened to the rally? very modest, that was up 80, nasdaq 24, higher than that. many people are getting desperate to keep the cost of housing down and affordable even if that means living with your ex. madison alworth is with me. seems drastic to me. >> reporter: people i spoke to are not that excited by living with your ex. things are getting bad. we see people moving back in with mom and dad, taking on the
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roommates or considering living with their ex after a divorce. home prices at highs, mortgage rates above 7% for the end of the year. millennial's that are buying their homes, they are home hacking. that is when a homeowner rents out a portion of their house to supplement their mortgage. according to the low --zillow 50% of millennial's are doing that. another is having someone move in, sometimes someone you know. the amount of americans living in multigenerational homes has exploded. 60 million americans live in a multi-general home, and from 1971-21, the number quadrupled. 's the part you are excited about, some choosing to live with an ex-husband or wife after a divorce is finalized. we talked to american family therapist who told fox business how two mortgages, paying a divorce lawyer and living separately can be really expensive. we talk to the street and asked
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people what they had to say. they drew the line at living with the next. >> like a live in babysitter. >> help to have a roommate. >> i would pay any amount of money to not live in the next. >> i live with my parents. just to save money. liz: hard for potential homeowners. stuart: no further comment required about that. you've you got out new fox nation special out entitled country christmas in gaylord opryland. >> winter wonderland right here in nashville, tennessee, i am taking you along for the ride. grab your cowboy boots and join me for country christmas at gaylord. blue and you have to purchase cowboy boots.
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>> pack two pairs of boots, that's why made the final cut, not required but i do wear the boots the whole time and it is really fun. christmas is the best time of year and fox nation folks asked if i wanted to go in nashville for the patriot awards, spend an extra day and see about the hotel so it was an easy yes for me, watching the special out now, it is so much fun. it has an ice-skating rink, entire indoor ice arena called ice, 2 million blocks of ice that you can walk through, 9 °, and i look cool and collected. i am freezing. very cold. it is like christmas packaged in a quick, 16 minutes of just christmas fun. stuart: it is on now. >> it is on a right now. when you're done you can watch,
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wait until the end of "varney and company" but it is on fox nation right now. stuart: it has been a tough show. christmas is less than three weeks away. what is the hottest toy of the year. lauren: cookies, bakery, oven, it is $35. so excited, finally a hot toy. there were no hot toys issued. i bought them on amazon for $37 so got so got a deal. i've seen them on ebay far $125. keep checking. here's what it is like. stuart: how do you know it's the hottest toy of the year? >> it sells out quickly and people start bloging about it. it is real though, 90 seconds
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later. you backup up your stuffy, make an animal that smells good. can you do it all over again is the question or do you spend 35 or $125 to bake something once in 90 seconds. stuart: can you do it again? lauren: it is really for the one experience. now i feel a little different. stuart: the kids will love it. next case, some schools cracking down on cell phone use. is that a smart move? carol moscowitz in the next hour. and domestic terrorism, jim jordan says it was more expansive than that. is the government out to get pro-life catholics. theologian jonathan morris next.
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tin is in our home, our office, our cars, and even our phones. eloro resources game changing discovery at the world class silver-tin property
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could be one of the largest operations in the world. eloro resources.
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stuart: you are looking at puerto rico. it it is 83 ° there right now. we are playing this song, they are ditching reggae and devoting his life to his religious faith. the singer says he found widespread fame, part of him felt unfulfilled. the singer says he will take on a new beginning as ramon ayala which is his birth name. let's change the subject. fbi director christopher wray was pressed on recent attacks on pro-life catholics. wall tape. >> fbi agents did approach a priest and acquire director to ask them to inform on parishioners, where you lied to when he gave his testimony over you lying to congress? >> neither. >> your question conflates two different things. there was an investigation of a
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specific individual who was amassing molotov cocktails, boasting about killing people, does not surprise me there were people who knew that subject in that investigation. stuart: that seems legitimate to me. resident theologian jonathan morris joins us. is the government out to get pro-life catholics? >> the problem is we don't know because we've lost trust. because the fbi, cia have over the years been politicized. when you lose credibility, we can say you did this. it must have been for this nefarious reason. that is why this questioning has to follow this line. that's the problem. that is why our intelligence agencies have to remain independent. stuart: not be politicized.
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>> including the irs. stuart: how do you get rid of politicization? this is the deep state. >> take leadership. going to a choir director, going to a priest because they think there's somebody who might be making good weapons, if a choir director knows that they are already going to be calling 911, don't have to do any surveillance, the 5 that you are going to find a church that is somehow harboring somebody making these dangerous weapons is a real mistake and a bad use of resources. stuart: the dhs says it will announce new standards to protect churches. >> let's see what that means. let's not get involved with churches and run churches, protect, that sounds a lot like our constitution. sounds a lot like making sure government stays out of the
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leadership of religion and allows a free exercise of religion. we don't want government involved in running things. stuart: that is why the pilgrims came here in the first place. congresswoman elise stefanik went after the president of harvard for the surgeon anti-semitic protests on catholics. quite an exchange. watch this. >> harvard student calling for the mass murder of african-americans is not protected free speech at harvard, correct? >> our commitment -- >> it is a yes or no question. is that correct, is it okay for students to call for the mass murder of african americans at harvard? is that protected free speech? >> our commitment if -- >> it is a yes or no question. stuart: i think there's a double standard. >> it is racial but also religious. what is happening in this case,
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calling for destruction of the jews by hamas but also by these students at harvard who are calling for intifada. that is religious persecution. we want to kill jews because they are jewish. that is not only racial, the first question the representative was asking, but really about religion. here's the problem. you heard of moral relativism, moral equivalency, there's something called religious, anti-religion is equally true no matter what they say. that is simply not true. if one religion says god is telling me to kill another group of people because they are another religion, that is not god speaking get. religious relativism is as dangerous as moral relativism. stuart: thank you for being here. texas congressman tony gone dollars for republicans holding a paid for ukraine to get more border security.
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the new york post, john levine on educators in oakland, california teaching pro-palestinian messages, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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