tv Kudlow FOX Business December 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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industrials like the caterpillar of the world and boeings but then at that point towards april of 24 that made might be over, six month trade. liz: six month? that is a short one certainly. as we finish up, do you like this market or would you just leave a portfolio in place as we head toward the end of the year? >> well towards the end of this year i don't see a lot of upside or downside. we had said in october when the s&p 500 was close to 4100 and the nasdaq was down similarly, we said the market would bounce towards year-end and go back to where it was in the middle of the year and that's what it's done. [closing bell rings] liz: it is great to have you, barry. tomorrow, palantir ceo alex cart is here. the markets close lower. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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nobody puts out the economic growth message better than donald trump, nobody. last night in his interview with sean hannity he was asked about the biden accusation that if elected he would be a dictator. without batting an eye mr. trump comes right back and says, okay, on day one, i will dictate that we close the border and then we will launch drill, baby, drill and unleash america's great oil and gas resources, which will power the economy forward. he calls it liquid gold. who else would think of a catchy phrase like that? anyway, take a listen to it all. >> going to close the border, day one, the border gets closed. [cheers and applause] day 1 1/2 we drill. you know we drill, baby, drill, drill, drill, drill. [cheers and applause] and probably on day, on day two we'll get rid of this ridiculous electric car mandate.
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larry: all right. terrific stuff. then he goes on to say, quote, we gave you the big tax cuts so everybody had incentive and everybody was happy and everybody was working. now, this is music to my ears. in fact what mr. trump did was link economic growth with the value of work and that equals happiness and that is exactly right. when you look at today's polls over and over you see how unhappy americans are, how fearful of the future they are, and that there is no confidence but president trump did it once to promote growth and peace and security and confidence in the future. and having done it once, he is saying he can do it again even better than the first time. there is no other candidate in either political party who has the gift and the substance of clearly and bluntly communicating a growth and confidence message and that is
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why he has such a big lead in the polls, both in the primary and in the general election. actually, trump seems to be lengthening his lead over biden. according to most of the polls out it is an interesting point here because in 2016 he rarely polled ahead of hillary clinton but of course he won the election anyway. in 2020, he was never ahead in the polls against joe biden. so what's happening here a year ahead of the election is very interesting. and don't forget he is polling well ahead of biden in the swing states, most particularly in many of the industrial swing states. now of course polls are not votes but they are snapshot of what folks are thinking and mr. trump's polls are something of a a phenomenon and democrats are in denial about this phenomenon but i ought think they ought to take it seriously. biden's messaging on "bidenomics" has been a complete failure. now the democrats are eraising
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the word "bidenomics" because prices are still too high, real wages are falling, the economy looks shaky, people are sick of socialist green new deal mandates like electric vehicles being jammed down their throats. this is a point trump made several times in the hannity interview. americans like choices, not mandates but the socialists central planners in the biden administration are trying to tell folks how to think, where to live, what to buy, et cetera, et cetera. lastly, mr. trump continues to emphasize peace through strength. he is correctly concerned that the american decline abroad which has spawned wars in ukraine and israel following the cut and run catastrophe in afghanistan could conceivably lead to a nuclear war and i can personally attest to the fact that during his first term mr. trump frequently mentioned his concerns about the potential for nuclear war but he knows
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that the way to stop the axis of evil dictators in moscow, tehran, beijing, pongyang is to be tough, not appeasing and that's one more reason why trump is ahead in the polls. and that's my riff for the sean hannity interview. now with great, great, great, pleasure joining me is kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, fox news contributor and author of the excellent book about 2020 and other things. here's the deal. kellyanne, welcome back. appreciate it. i mean just point number one, he is communicating an economic growth and prosperity message. he is speaking directly to the middle class workers, drill, drill, drill, you know, tax cuts, deregulation. he is non-stop about it and i really believe he is the only one in either party with that message. what do you think? did he get it done last night?
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>> he got it done and he gets it done every day, larry, because president trump long ago pivoted to a general election strategy. he is taking on joe biden. he is skipping the presidential primary debates. he has got the undercard there tonight in alabama and he is skipping, i think that has actually been a pretty wise move. i'm a big fan of debates and a big fan of the democratic process, not tipping the scales one way or the other, people that can't afford to go to a fund-raiser, and have access to candidates seeing them shoulder to shoulder battle it out, with president trump he is making sure people compare the policy prescriptions and actual records. on foreign policy, on crime, on the border you name it he is willing to go toe-to-toe with joe biden. what is the net effect of that. you point out trump ahead of biden in the horse race question in some of these polls. larry, it is more fundamental than that.
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joe biden's loss of trust, his inability to be seen as competent tent or inspiring is all over the polling. there isn't a single issue joe biden's handling of that issue as president is favored more than disfavored. you name the issue, he doesn't own it. why is this important? it is important because biden seems to want to battle trump on personality, on maga, on style. trump's making it about policy, which are i think the american people, they accept and they expect and they deserve it because they're suffering. people are living paycheck to paycheck. they can't afford the rent. can't afford to retire. young people in the cnn poll 33% have favorable opinion of joe biden. a lot to do with the middle east, but a lot to do more, larry, their american dream is elusive. when will they get out of debt, afford a home, afford to get married and to have children. larry: there is one sound
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quickly, on liquid gold. i love the liquid gold thing, it is a fantastic communicating message. let's play the sound. >> we were doing energy taking our liquid gold out of the ground at a rate that has never been seen before and it was going up. we have more liquid gold than any other country in the world by far. we have a thing in alaska auld anwr. i got it approved. i was so proud of it. they ended it in the first week. they ended it. we'll get it back but we have more than anybody. we have more wealth than anybody but we don't use it. larry: here's another one, one more kellyanne, on taxes and deregulation. he has the whole message last night. let's hear this one. >> we got rid of regulations, tremendous, no president got rid of more regulations or close and we gave you the big tax cuts so everybody had incentive and everybody was happy and everybody was working. i remember groups came to see me that wouldn't normally like me and they said we never seen
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anything like it. larry: so, kellyanne, i think, you know, peace and prosperity run general elections. i think "bidenomics" is a failure. as you know democrats now are trying to erase the term "bidenomics" because it has failed. failed as a message and failed in reality. here's trump across the board, not missing a beat, right? anwr, liquid gold, tax cuts, deregulation, especially for small business, you know what i'm saying? here is i did it once, i will do it again. if he stays on message, kellyanne, if he stays on message, he is just got to be odds on favorite. >> he is the odds on favorite to be the next president and but i will say two things. one is republicans as a party had the same advantage going into the 2022 midterms, larry. they were seen as the party that was better on the economy and think came up short in the senate and only one a handful of seats in the house, thankfully. why? because you have to finish your sentences.
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you have to, you can't just say biden's is old and frail and his ideas are terrible and more socialist than capitalist. you have to tell people, complete the sale. why is the republican prescription better than the democratic prescription on the economy? i think with trump as a messenger it will be easier to do. ironically head-to-head against biden but the other thing is, when trump is talking to people, people say he is talking to the base, he is on fox news, it is not a base election. he is going to get so many more voters of color. he is going to get more young people. he will get more females than he did last time. it all goes back to mainly the economy. if he can keep talking as he did in the white house where you and i worked about deregulation, people understand what that means. they understand that they end up benefiting from fewer regulations on individuals and employers and he has got a good message but republicans can't just say we have an advantage on the economy, ignore all the other issues expect that to be
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enough. we have to inspire people to come out to vote. we have to tell them when to vote where to vote, how being which form. the democrats own the mechanics and the philosophy and policy and i think the better message for sure. if it is the presidential records in comparison without third parties coming up the works, joe biden is clearly a one-term president. larry: well-said, kellyanne, well-said. i'm just very happy with where the former president is. you and i, we're not always very happy but, right now he is on message, which makes everybody concerned very happy. kellyanne conway, best of the best, can't thank you enough, appreciate you coming back on the show. >> thanks, larry. larry: coming up now on "kudlow," senator katie britt will tell us why she is endorsing donald trump for president. want to hear that. it is very, very interesting. she put out a good column on the subject today. mr. trump not perfect, nobody is
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but on "hannity" last night he got it out, he got that message out. i bet you a lot of people saw it, growth, growth, and confidence and national security. good for him. somebody has got to say it and he is doing the job. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back with senator katie britt. ♪. ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care
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♪. larry: all right, welcome back, folks, a little more on the trump decision and this special treat, joining us is alabama senator katie britt, author of the terrific book, "god calls us to do hard things, lessons from the alabama wiregrass." katie, senator britt, thanks for coming back on. we've been talking about trump and the sean hannity interview last night in various iterations. i have one for you. take a listen please. >> we have people going around destroying our country. they're destroying our country at the border. they will allow in my opinion, you don't hear the real numbers, 15 million people into our country by the time biden gets out which hopefully will be very soon. larry: there you have it. senator britt, i read your editorial in the local newspaper. mr. trump put part of it out on his make america great mailing list.
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tell us what you think about what he just said, is that a key reason why you're announcing your support for mr. trump as president? >> absolutely. there is one candidate that we know will secure the border and do it on day one, and that is president trump. if you look at what's happening right now, larry, here we are on a day where yesterday there were over 12,000 encounters at the border. over 10,000 between the ports of entry. you saw the crowds reaction to president trump when he said on day one i will secure the border. he then went on to say we will drill. people were responding to that. people were on their feet, they want those policies back in place and they know when donald trump is back in the white house, that is exactly what is going to happen. larry: was there any particular trigger for you, pick now to endorse him? we're thrilled to have you on our show first of all anytime. >> thank you. larry: but i mean was there a special trigger or maybe it is just that this border problem is
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now boiled over. it is just gone too far and you know, people like yourself with strong principles and strong backbone have to stand up and be counted? >> absolutely, we do. i will tell you president trump has an insurmountable lead and it is for the reasons you just said. people are looking at the chaos there. we know it is not only a humanitarian crisis. as i mentioned to you i when to the border three times during my first months in office. i heard about women being raped. indentured servants. they're not living an american dream. they're living with an american nightmare. we've seen what is happening with open borders. we see what is happening abroad. you know president biden doesn't have any idea who is coming over the border. you heard lindsey graham ask where are the terrorist most this nation. he couldn't answer the question.
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we build physical barriers, build the wall, put you up technological barriers that will keep our country safe. at a time we have more fentanyl deaths than ever, the leading cause of death of ages 18 to 45. i for one am sick sitting across of moms and dads who lost their loved ones to fentanyl poisoning. president trump will put an end to this. he will do it on day one. larry: day one. what is going on this subject in the senate? i hear biden today blowing smoke at us, i hate to say it, i don't mean to be personal, i'm interested in principles not personalities but majority leader chuck schumer, i have known forever and ever, still blowing smoke. you have to have a border piece. mitch mcconnell is standing up. i would not exactly say he is a far right republican but mitch mcconnell standing up saying there has to be a change for on border policy. you can't hand out money for
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more babysitters and paper pushers. what will happen in your judgment. >> that is exactly right what the biden administration is asking for. they're asking for more money to facilitate mass migration. that is what they want. that is their goal. it is not to secure our border. we believe americans deserve more. americans deserve better. they deserve the safety and security of a border. we have to fight for that. and but it is really unconscionable we're having to fight for that. the fact that you see chuck schumer say he is unwilling to secure our own border and put our american people and our children at risk is absolutely a disgrace. larry: is there vote tonight? is there a cloture vote tonight? >> there is. about to go take i. we i will be standing unified as a republican conference and voting that down, standing for the american people and saying they deserve better. that is exactly what we're going to give them. larry: thank you, senator britt, honestly, thank you very much, for all the things you're doing. terrific stuff. all right, folks, coming up on
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"kudlow," why are the bidens trying to handcuff israel and then appease iran? i think that is a very bad combination. we'll ask trump former national security advisor robert o'brien. plus we have senator tommy tuberville. he is going to tell us why he owned his hold on military promotions in the senate, even though, even though i think mr. tuberville was right on the principle and a lot of people agree with that. anyway senator tuberville coming, national security advisor robert o'brien coming. me, i'm just sitting around hanging out. i love economic growth. growth wins ♪. l to a physician specialist about axonics therapy. you can even try it first to see if it works for you. visit to get started. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee!
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>> reporter: and, larry that is one of the hot buzz topics at the white house, talking about the supplemental budget trying to get that passed as well as the ability of israel to root out hamas of the gaza area. let's start with the $106 billion supplemental budget request, aid for ukraine, israel, humanitarian aid for palestinians and more money to help process migrants crossing the southern border. president joe biden adding in his speech today he pleaded with republican senators to pass the supplementary funding for ukraine. president biden: this has to be a negotiation. republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise. that's not the answer. that's not the answer. and now they're willing to literally kneecap ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process >> reporter: so the white house followed that with nsc spokesperson john kirby says the president wants to see all of
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the supplemental priorities passed together. so i wanted to know about the need for money right now, specifically on the u.s. border? what is the leveled of concern of the president who is walking across our southern border with those 1.7 million got-aways over the past three fiscal years? >> the president is always concerned about threats to the safety and security of american people. whether those threats come from the southern border area or from elsewhere around the world. >> reporter: specific about the southern border, why not cut that flow? stop that flow? >> we, as the president said, he is all about border security and that's why he added money in the supplemental to increase border security. >> reporter: republicans want this all broken out because they want to make sure the money for the border to secure it actually goes to secure the border and money for israel actually goes to the israelis. back to you. larry: edward, key point here, listening to bide, they want, he
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wants money on the border to process migrants. the republicans do not want processing. they want strong measures as you said to stop the flow! >> reporter: right. larry: really, processing? >> reporter: you nailed it, larry. they will add judges. they want to add processors to get things in. there is a little bit of money there for border security but mainly too get the flow into the united states faster it. larry: it will never wash. we had senator katie britt on. gop in the senate, mitch mcconnell!, not exactly a far-right conservative is putting his foot down, so this battle i think will go on. edward lawrence, thank you as always for great reporting. now we're going to turn to the ground in israel as idf forces are moving into gaza's second largest city, yunis. nate foy has the latest from northern israel. nate, thank you ever so much for helping us. what can you tell us, sir?
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>> reporter: well, larry you said it, idf forces are in the heart of hahn yunis. they have encircled hamas fighters there, clearing them out in close combat going going door-to-door with air support from above. they have taken out 30 tunnel shafts today, as well as a mosque used by hamas fighters to store weapons. tonight israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says idf forces are closing in on the home of the senior hamas commander. listen to this. >> translator: last night i said our forces can reach anywhere in the gaza strip. now they are circling his house. his house is not his fortress and he can't escape but only a matter of time before we get him. >> reporter: so, larry, an idf spokesperson said tonight sinwar is rather in the tunnels. he is not above ground. speaking of those tunnels, the
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idf will not reply to reports that they plan them to flood them with seawater. this would cause them to come above-ground. the flooding would take weeks. this is something egypt has done multiple times in the past years with smuggling tunnels coming into gaza. at the northern front, idf took out other hezbollah command center. it is the most active this conflict has been since the second lebanon war in 2006. as for what comes next in gaza, the u.s. state department said today it would reject any buffer zone in gaza and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says gaza will need to be demilitarized when this war is over. we'll send it back to you, larry. larry: nate foy, terrific stuff. be safe nate foy. to continue this conversation why is the biden administration trying to handcuff israel and
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trying to appease iran? maybe i'm being too harsh on them but i don't think so. let's bring in robert o'brien, former national security advisor of the trump administration. robert, thank you for your time. robert, you heard what nate foy said, hamas they hide behind mosques, schools, hospitals, all that is illegal under international rules of law better than i know, and yet, and yet, i don't hear that kind of criticism from the biden administration or the qataris or the egyptians. they would rather go after israel which, in my opinion has done a great job upholding the law. why is this? why are they always finding fault with israel? >> you know what? it really amazes me, larry you listed off a series of what are actually war crimes. i was a jag officer in the army as younger man, storing weapons in a mosque, taking hostages, using civilians as human shields
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those are war crimes. they're all being committed by hamas. anyone killed as a result of those that responsibility goes to hamas. and yet we hear vice president harris, we hear the president, we hear kirby, we hear lloyd austin lecturing incessantly israelis that they have to follow the law of war, international humanitarian law. if i was an israeli i would be really annoyed at a minimum and insulted, probably more likely. you know after 9/11, when we took on al qaeda and eventually had to take on isis, in syria and iraq, eliminate them, had to go into afghanistan, the israelis didn't lecture us making sure we followed the rule of law, they knew as jag officers we had democracy, rule of law. for us to incessantly lecture israel and turn a blind eye to the rule of law violations humanitarian law violations by hamas is really ridiculous and starting to get very annoying.
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larry: another thing that troubles me, robert o'brien, here is israel with tremendous momentum, they stopped for whatever, five, six, seven days, now they're back at it. they're going great guns in the southern part of gaza. they have the momentum back. i think it is quite remarkable. they will catch the top commander of hamas so forth, so on, and yet, robert, i hear the voices coming from the same people, u.s., qatar, egypt, et cetera, et cetera. let's have another cease-fire. let's have a permanent truce. i mean why don't we have a let's have letting the idf do its job and the whole thing could happen a lot faster than people think? that's what i would like to see but they don't? >> keep in mind, larry, there was a pause and that pause could have continued if hamas would continue to release the hostages. hamas was getting the better part of the deal.
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they were getting three terrorists for every innocent hostage taken. no equivalence on hostages taken. innocent israelis and americans being traded for terrorists. for hamas that wasn't enough. they were the one ended the cease-fire and shot rockets at israel, that is number one. number two people criticizing israel understand how the israelis are feeling. i talk to a lot of israelis, government leaders and former government officials i worked with. israel is the different place. biden administration doesn't understand them. after the rapes and murders and be heeds and infants being killed and pregnant women having stomachs ripped open that will be forgotten by israelis and go bark toe business as usual and hamas can go back to governor earning gaza, that will never happen. that is not bibi netanyahu thing. that is every israeli. the government is unified. they will not put up with that noon sense anymore. we need to get on board to support our ally and stop making
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excuses for the palestinians. larry: i agree. nobody knows it better than you do. >> we have to care more about our border better than the ukrainian border. i'm all for helping ukraine, i'm afraid watching earlier segment, military age males coming over without females, without kids we'll have an an october 7th here in america because this border has been wide open. i'm for supporting ukraine, supporting israel, supporting taiwan. i want them to get all the weapons they need. we better well defend our own border because we have hell to pay when there is attack from terrorists in america. larry: president biden wants money to process illegal process. how about money to stop illegal migrants. >> it is absurd. how about rebuilding the wall? larry: how about remain in mexico? trump was right. let's give trump some credit. it came up in last night's interview with hannity. trump has been right. why i think he is leading in the polls. anyway, i got to jump, robert
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o'brien, national security advisor in the trump administration, terrific stuff. >> great to be with you, larry. larry: let's move on, let's talk to one of my favorite senators, senator tommy tuberville of alabama. look, senator tuberville, so you have relented holding up the military promotions but i just want to read you something because i think your principle was correct. this is in "the wall street journal" editorial which chided you a little bit but they make this point here, the pentagon was the aggressor and wrong on the merits of public financing for abortion. insaner times the biden administration would have dropped its travel policy underwriting trips for an abortion but the biden crowd is bloody-minded enough to subjugate military promotions to their culture war priorities. that saying, "the wall street journal" editorial page is pretty powerful, stuff, they were basis saying senator tubber develop,
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you were right, maybe had to cave in after a develop but on the principle you were correct sir. >> executive overreach, larry, changing something from the white house, playing dictator the pentagon is dead wrong. taxpayers, it is against the law for them to pay for anything to do with abortion. they knew that. chuck schumer knew it. they held all those promotions hostage. all i wanted to do was negotiate. they wouldn't even sit down to negotiate. in my last line of defense was ndaa, the military budget which will come out this week but we had it in the ndaa but chuck schumer had a sham going and when we got into conference he pulled it out himself and instead of us voting for it. i had democratic votes. we had it going in the right direction but he could not allow this to happen. it was just a sham. all along again. i hate i had for people that needed promotions but chuck schumer is one that held promotions here.
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i'm 110% military. they do not like the unborn, talking about the democrats, nor do they like the military. when they're doing to our military is just a shame like what they're doing down at the border. larry: but public financings of abortions is a long-held view we oppose this. back, you can go back to henry hyde, former congressman from chicago, or illinois. i mean, we don't, this country does not just public financing for abortions and yet with respect to the military side, that is exactly what they want to do. >> well, exactly, 40 years ago joe biden himself voted in the senate for this policy in the military, rape, incest and health of the mom for abortion only. that was it. it has worked perfectly for 40 years but when roe wade went down, larry, we want all federal employees to have opportunity for abortion so we can pay for it all. we started with the va. i lost the vote. they brought the vote to the
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floor. some republicans voted against me but this time i couldn't get them to vote on the floor because it is bad vote for democrats, it is coming up to election year. that is how this ends. it is all about votes. it is all about power around control. we have to get trump back in the office where we can change this next year. larry: your colleague, senator britt, just endorsed trump today. she did it on the show and did it on a op-ed piece she wrote. that is terrific. for alabama. what is the outlook on the border debate as part of ukraine, israel, taiwan money? i'm reading a briefing yesterday. people were yelling at each other, being a senator is a contact sport but what is going to happen here, senator tuberville? going to get something done, something that doesn't process illegal immigrants, it actually stops illegal immigrants? >> most dangerous thing in our lifetime is happening right now, larry. it is worse even then all the catastrophes we've had.
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tornadoes, hurricanes, all these people coming across yesterday, 12,000 came across in one day. we've got to have some of these republicans on our side stand up and fight for the american people. we have the power now to block any money to go to ukraine or even israel. we have to stand up and i'm concerned about this. we have too many that could go the other way but if we don't, it is going to cost us in the election coming up and we need to stand up for the american people. this is a disaster that people are coming across. tell you one thing on the senate floor two days ago, dick durbin said we got all the people coming across, let's put them in the military. put chinese immigrants we don't know, russian immigrants, iranian immigrants, give them a gun put them in the military, the military is not as strong as it was we're losing recruits because of what coach it it tube
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did with holding promotions this craziest thing i've seen. larry: the terrorists will come here to do harm and damage. fbi director wray said the same thing. i don't want to debate the fbi, that is another segment. even he said there is a big problem with that and he would know something about it. everybody knows outside the democratic party in the white house, everybody knows, something has got, the gop has got to stand tough that is it what you're saying, last thing, senator tuberville, the gop has to stand tough, right? >> we have to, larry. it is the only chance we to do anything right at the border. we are overwhelmed. i talked to some people in mexico last week. it will double next year because of the election. they know there is only chance to get back in. when trump is going to get back in, he will stop it and send people back. they know it is their chance to get across the border. it will double next year. it will be a catastrophe because of the democrats.
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larry: senator tommy tuberville. i would just say again, on the merits of the issue, public financing for abortion is wrong and you were right, sir. thank you. anyway, folks coming up on "kudlow," president biden says, 50 other democrats can beat trump in 24. so i say, really? name one. by the way it is not going to be joe biden. we have co-hosts of "the bottom line". dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. sparks will fly. remember "kudlow" is available as a podcast. episodes are available every weekday after our show on spotify, apple, and fox business podcast.come on. we're just a podcast. you want to hear us every which way, podcast me, go ahead, try it. ♪.
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♪. larry: all right, my friend, my long-time friend, kevin mccarthy, former speaker announced today that he will resign from congress at the end of the year. fox business's hilary vaughn live on capitol hill. hilary, run it down. i'm sorry he is doing it but not unexpected? >> reporter: larry, former speaker kevin mccarthy hinted this might be coming. he said there would be a
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decision made in december with whether he was going to decide whether or not he would run for re-election. but today, "wall street journal" op-ed he made it official he is leaving washington, not running for re-election. this decision follows mccarthy's dramatic ouster where a few republicans joined democrats to fire mccarthy from his job as speaker. mccarthy is not leaving the fight, starting to get republicans electing the majority, he is leaving republicans with a slimmer majority. now republicans can only lose three republican votes to get any of their agenda passed on the floor, a predictment that means republicans who fired mccarthy as speaker because he had to work with democrats may have made working with democrats a requirement on the house floor. things have gotten trickier for republicans. larry: hilary vaughn, how
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ironic. thank you so much for running that down, we appreciate it. first up, riddle me this, biden claims 50 democrats could beat president trump, really? take a listen to this. >> do you think there is any democrat who can beat donald trump other than you? president biden: probably poo of them? >> you do believe? president biden: i'm not the only one to beat him but i will defeat him. larry: you have to have words written below like a chiron because nobody can understand him. special segment, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy, co-hosts of the great new show "the bottom line" on fox business, 6:00 p.m. eastern. be sure to watch the show. dagen, 50 democrats could beat trump? you think biden included himself in that list? >> we know where he got that number, his ass. larry: oh, god. >> no one can bet president
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trump because all liberal policies are exactly the same regardless who the spokes okay at octogenarian is. he is the mouthpiece other the mumble piece for this left-wing ideology, whether it is the huckster with a haircut out in california, it's all the same grift. it is to take choice away from all of us. larry: yes. >> and bankrupt the united states economy. larry: no, no. you're on the right track. i don't like to get personal but i am so tired of kirby, john kirby, every day blowing smoke at us and spewing for the not facts but the political arguments of the biden administration. he is not supposed to do that as national security council and some former national security people are calling him
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"baghdad bob." you remember bag dodd bob? >> oh, yeah. larry: our troops were already in baghdad and then "baghdad bob," who supported hussein would say how great things are. i'm tired of kirby to dagen's point. >> but, larry, this is the standard of the biden administration. karine jean-pierre does the same thing. they have to lie about all these different event whether it is foreign policy or in the country because it is so bad. if you tell the truth that is a really horrible police conference if you're on the the biden team. by the way joe biden thinks he is the main guy can beat donald trump. that is why he is running because he can beat donald trump. he is the worst candidate to run. he has failed economy, failed border, failing crime policies, failing mind setting himself up for a run against trump. if you brought in the governor of california, probably a far better chance of beating trump than joe biden running on these policies. at least he could get a fresh shake and fresh look with a new
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candidate. you don't get that with joe biden. larry: one thing, trump has a big lead in the polls. let me go back, in 2016, trump was seldom ahead of hillary clinton in the polls, very, and in the main not. in 2020, and he won of course. in 2020 he was always behind in the polls. this year he is way ahead in the polls and that includes biden, from two point to five points, some of these polls have trump up seven points. what do you make of that? this is a phenomenon that we have not seen before. democrats scoff at it i know that, but it is happening anyway, what do you make of it? >> it all comes down to the trump economic policies that people already experienced. as my friends coco say, i love you, when trump is in there we're all making money but it is beyond that. it boils down to drill, baby, drill. larry: yep. >> we know this, our energy policy is our foreign policy. our energy security is our
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national security. if we, if nothing had changed when joe biden took office, that iran would not have been enriched. russia would not have been enriched. russia would never have invited ukraine out the riches of the oil revenue that it was getting because oil prices spiked. larry: because we're not producing enough. we're not producing enough. >> the same with iran. larry: we should be at 17, 18 million barrels. you have -- >> it is hopeful, it is optimistic, shiny city on a hill like your old boss. larry: yay. >> he is taking the country in a different direction. he talks about where we are now, where we can go under his leadership. that resonates with independents and democrats. that is why he is popping with the polls. >> can i say? larry: i have to jump out, growth and optimism. you two know about heart breaks. dagen mcdowell, sean duffy, you must watch them, folks, "the bottom line" 6:00 p.m.
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eastern here on fox business. it is a hot show. you can hear their wisdom. i'm kudlow. we'll be back ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪
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