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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 7, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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to mike my -- like pompeo. you think he should have done that. >> should have waited, sat and out until 28. >> desantis was the winner. i think he had a great showing, he touted his policy accountant, chris christie was the loser. the first question is why are you still in the race you know it's not a good start. >> desantis was the winner of this debate, underperform are in the first three. he gained a lot of confidence after his bludgeoning of gavin newsom. >> my winners chris christie. he defended nikki haley and called out the elephant in the room which was donald trump not being on stage. vivek look like a jerk in my opinion. maria: we will have you tomorrow. thank you so much. have a great day. "varney and company" picks up.
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stuart: the debate, plenty of insults, plenty of in finding, nikki haley was attacked frequently and responded thanks for the attention. christie called vivek ramaswamy the most obnoxious blowhard in america. we take you through the highlights in a moment but i have to wonder how many people actually saw the debate. it was staged on news nation, a somewhat obscure channel but hard to find. it has been a bad week for the president. 40 white house interns signed anonymous letter demanding a permanent cease-fire in israel, that an internal revolt. the president just lost a fight in congress, republicans beat back aid for ukraine in israel because biden wouldn't consider serious border reform and a cnn poll showed his approval rating hitting a new low just 37%. to the markets. bitcoin had a great rally and no real selloff this morning,
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$44,000 yesterday, 43-3 today. interest rates at recent lows, the 10 year treasury yields 4.14%, a little bit. the two year treasury 460, 459. not much change for stocks, the dow industrials up 6 in "the opening bell," s&p up 13. solid gain for the nasdaq close to one hundred points. as for oil it broke below $70 a barrel, back to 70-27. gas edging lower again down 70, 320 for regular and still have 11 states below $3 a gallon. diesel edging down off of 170, average is 116. a year ago diesel was well above $5 a gallon. on the show today the border issue explodes. record 22,000 crossed in the last two days. mayor adams goes to dc. you wants federal money for the 150,000 migrants in new york,
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the president doesn't want to see them. what is wrong with oakland, california. it's looking more like san francisco, drugs and crime taking over. a restaurant owner just. trying to stay in business. in 15 minutes nikki haley joins us fresh off of last night's debate. did she win? thursday december 7, 2023. "varney and company" is about to begin. stuart: what is that? >> you bang your head and get all fired up. you are on your a game. a when i like the sound of that. are off to a good start. we start with the debate ridgeview didn't see it, where can you find it? lauren as the highlights.
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lauren: four candidates took the stage for debate number 4. everyone at our role. chris christie play the truth teller, ron santos and rebecca -- vivek ramaswamy tagteam to. >> this is the fourth debate you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in america so shut up for a minute. foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york so do everybody a favor, walk yourself off the stage, enjoy a nice meal and get out of this race. >> a police station, trump didn't do anything about it. >> this is rich. when she was governor of south carolina she was the number one ranked governor of bringing the ccp into her state. >> you have a corruption problem and that's what people need to know. nikki is corrupted. this is a woman who will send your kids to die so she can purchase a bigger house.
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>> nikki haley coming up at 9:15 am and we are all going to weigh in on who gained momentum last night in the catch up to donald trump who is ahead by 48 points in the rcp average but voters decide this and they do so starting january 15th and i will. stuart: ted cruz joins me now. thanks for coming back to the show. dollars a pleasure to have you on. who do you think won last night? trump maybe? >> i think the field continues to narrow and it is more and more battle between desantis and haley for who is going to be the chief alternative to trump. you view this something like an ncaa tournament, this is essentially the plate and rounds, the winner of it is going to go head to head with trump starting in iowa. i think you saw last night the process accelerate. the two of them are the leading contenders. they were both taking shots at each other and i think they
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were both speaking to their supporters. you could tell they have different strategies for who they were going after. stuart: you voted down ukraine aid because it didn't include hardening border security. can you now force biden and schumer to get serious about border control if they want help for ukraine and israel? >> it is stunning where the democrats are on border security, two days ago we were having a classified briefing in the capital on ukraine and all the senators were in the briefing and that erupted into a screaming match with multiple senators screaming at the top of their lungs, several senators storming out of the room. the reason was it was chuck schumer that prompted it all because he sat there, smugly, condescendingly saying that we are going to do nothing on border security, they don't care about border security, they are not going to do it, have no interest and it is amazing, the democrats seem to be believing republicans are
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just bluffing when they say enough is enough, we are going to secure the border. so yesterday we had a vote on the administration supplement will, it got resoundingly voted down and i will tell you, i'm not encouraged. i think there's a good chance that this funding package stays dead for a long time potentially for months because i see no indication the democrats are willing to move at all on border security. they want this invasion. they want this crisis, they want more illegal immigrants and if they don't move i think the chances that this bill passes the house are 0%. i don't think will pass the senate either. stuart: what do you want for border security? want to change asylum rules? the way you can apply, whether you can apply legitimately, what do you want to change? >> a lot of things we need to change. i filed in the senate, the equivalent of hr 2 which is the strongest bill in the house, i filed the same bill in the senate. there are lots of rules and policies we could change but it
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comes down to one thing. what happens when the someone is apprehended? i spent a lot of time on the border, i was there two weeks ago. when you go out on midnight patrol as i have done many times, within minutes you encounter illegal aliens and you don't have to go looking for them and catch them. they find you and they turned themselves in to you. here is what matters and what determines if the crisis happens or not. they are apprehended, you put them on a plane and fly them back home or do you let them go and say welcome to america, when donald trump was president we put them on a plane and flew them back home and we produced the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. when president biden was president he immediately reversed that policy and what happens now is they file catch and release. when they turned themselves in the biden administration puts the monoplane or a bus and send them to every city in america
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and as long as they are doing catch and release the numbers will keep going up and up and up. it is deliberate, president biden could literally stop it tomorrow. stuart: he's not paying a political price. i don't see votes shifting away from democrats because of the border, do you? >> i do. i think people are very concerned about the border. in south texas, the rio grande valley has historically been bright blue, has been a democrat stronghold, south texas is turning red every day because they are seeing the human misery, the dead bodies every day, there are dead bodies of migrants who die, farmers and ranchers abandoned by the traffic, they see the children who have been brutalized, they see the women who have given violently sexually assaulted, they see the drug overdoses and the death and the crime all of which you cannot see this and defend it. there's a reason president
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biden won't go to the southern border, kamala harris won't go to the southern border, none of the democrat senators will go to the southern border because if they came the tv cameras would come and they don't have an argument on the other side. there only hope is the corrupt corporate media will hide it and as you know i have a new book that just came out called on work, how to defeat cultural marxism in america. it discusses how the radical left has taken over just about every major institution in america, each chapter is on a different institution so it discusses journalism, how the corporate media has become corrupt. that's why the democrats don't go down there because they know cnn will never discuss the crisis at the border. stuart: i'm out of time but i've got to go, thank you for joining us, see you again soon. thank you. let's get to the markets, 20 minutes from "the opening bell," looks like the nasdaq is going to have a good morning.
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it up 100 points. interest rates down, inflation cooling, stocks eventually backing. >> that's the formula. if you can accept the fact that it was high inflation and higher rates that took stocks down, then the opposite should be true. we have inflation coming down, the fed effectively off our back. we are now pricing and no more rate hikes but we are pricing in three rate cuts next year and that's why stocks are up to 11%. stuart: are we going to get three rate cuts next year? >> we may. i feel comfortable saying we probably get two rate cuts in the middle of the year. call it from april to june/july and my guess is because we already know j powell is a gradualist he's going to stop as he stopped on the way and in the reason he's going to lower rates is effectively inflation is beaten. other going back to 0 carico of
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course not, they went to 0 because of covid, we flooded the system with money because we were desperate so they are not going to 0 but having beaten inflation they could back off somewhat and that's good for the economy. stuart: you always have stocks. >> fully invested. fresh cash. stuart: stay with me for the hour. senate republican's block ukraine and israel funding because it didn't include series border control. president biden is set to compromise. >> president biden: i made it clear we need congress to make changes to fix what is a broken immigration system. we need to fix the broken border system. it is broken. so far i've gotten no response. stuart: maybe it is too late. 22,000 came across in the last two days. nikki haley quickly emerged as the target of last night's debate, she doesn't appear to be sweating it. she will be here after this. ♪
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talk to your doctor. find something that works for you. serious allergic reactions. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. stuart: new polling shows young people less likely to vote in 2024. grady trimble is with us in tuscaloosa, alabama. what are young voters saying about the debate? >> mixed reaction. a lot of them said they are looking for an alternative from donald trump but haven't made
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up their minds yet on who that would be. >> i wouldn't necessarily prefer to vote for donald trump. i would hope we could get a new candidate. >> i'm going to be voting for donald trump. i think despite his age he will still be effective. >> you interest you ny? >> i would say nikki haley probably because of her experience with the un. >> speaking of the former un ambassador, even as the candidates try to close the gap with donald trump it was knives out for nikki haley last night as she surgeons in the polls, governor ron santos and vivek ramaswamy going after her for her newfound financial support. >> her donors, these wall street liberal donors make money in china. they are not going to let her be tough on china and she will cave to the donors, she will not stand up for you. >> larry fink, the king of the
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esg movement, the ceo black rock, most powerful company in the world supporting nikki haley and to say that doesn't affect her is >> reporter: haley fired back saying ramaswamy and desantis are just jealous that they don't have those wealthy donors support. she says they wish they had it and that is why they attacked her. stuart: pretty good response and now presidential candidate nikki haley joins me now. welcome back to the program, good to see you this morning. you clearly had a target on your back last night but you seem to like it. >> i think it's great. when you start getting attacked to that means you are searching and we know that. we see it in the polls in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. people relate to the fact the we need an accountant in the white house, the fact that the economy is out of control, there is lawlessness on the border, we need to get our kids reading again and we've got wars around the world and they
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want to stop the chaos and want to some civility and that's what we want to bring, to make sure we get a new generational leader that will get america back on track and people see that and my opponents saw that last night. liz: they went after you because you are creeping upon them and are in the lead but you got a lot of criticism from your competitors because of your big donors rallying around you. watch this for a second. >> you have other candidates appear like nikki haley. she caves anytime the left comes after her, anytime the media comes after her. the only person more fascist than the biden regime is nikki haley. we know from her history nikki will cave to those big donors when it counts. >> they are jealous, they wish they were supporting them. i love all the attention. thank you for that. stuart: very good response. you took 1/$4 million from reid hoffman. why take his money? it seems like you are cozying up to the corporate elite.
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>> i've never met him, we have 150,000 donors. i don't know all upon. i haven't talked to all of them but our goal is every one of those guys would love to have the endorsements. americans for prosperity endorsement, the largest grassroots group in the country endorsed me last weekend ron desantis hit them afterwards when he was trying to fight just as hard for it, they want these endorsements. what i do know is we have a country to save and republicans have lost the last seven of 8 popular votes for president, that's nothing to be proud of. i want to win republicans, i want to win democrats, i want to win independents which i was a conservative governor. i was a tough un ambassador and i'm going to be a good president that serves the people in our country and makes america strong again. i'm not going to push supporters away. i want to bring people in. we've got to bring america back on track. that is why i crush president biden 10 to 14 points in every
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paul. it didn't come up last night. would you tell us where you stand on abortion? that's a very divisive issue to some republicans? >> it is and it has been demonized for too long. it is a personal issue for every woman and every man and i personally am pro-life but i don't judge anyone for being pro-choice any more than i want them to judge me for being pro-life so now we have an elected justices, right or wrong saying this should not be handled by them, should be handled by people in the states and i think that's the right thing. it should be close to the people as possible but when you are having this conversation about a federal ban which is what the debate is, in order to do that you have to tell the american people the truth, it would take a majority of the house, 60 senate votes and the signature of a president. we haven't had 60 republican senators in over hundred years, we may have 45 pro-life senators. the only way to do something is with consensus so let's agree
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we are going to ban late-term abortions, let's encourage adoptions and good-quality adoptions, doctors and nurses who don't believe in abortion shouldn't have to perform them, contraception should be accessible and let's make sure no state law says that if a woman gets an abortion she goes to jail and gets the death penalty. let's start there. let's stop demonizing this issue and humanize it. i had a roommate in college who was raped. i wouldn't wish on anyone they go through what she went through wondering if she was pregnant. everybody has a story. let's be respectful of their story and do this in a way that brings people together. stuart: we are out of time. i could speak like this for a long time to come, thank you for joining us, hope you can come back soon. >> go to and join us. we see some green for the nasdaq up one hundred points. a little green for the dow and the green for the s&p, "the
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opening bell" is next. ♪
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stuart: three minutes to "the opening bell," green for the nasdaq up 120, dow is up 30, gary, the economy is slowing a bit. what does that mean for the markets? >> 100% certainty. hope we end up with a low gdp or flat, that is fine for the market but if we head into recession i think 15% or 20% drop because that will be all about earnings and we have high valuations in the market but i am not there yet and the good news for your viewers the market will tell us if we are going into recession because we will start to see the truckers and airlines and cruise lines and financials get splattered and right now they are in shape and acting well. stuart: you brought some stock picks with you. let's start with the
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homebuilder lennar. >> we bought the exchange traded fund for the homebuilders and home relieving stocks. simply, interest rates come down, these stocks do better. we owned it may to august, got out and as soon as interest rates topped out, we started looking at them again and a few of them are at highs. pulte is acting well and a few others. they are in good shape. stuart: you like cruise lines. really? cruise lines? >> the earnings are normalizing. royal caribbean is the number one by far as far as stock at yearly highs, they are coming on stronger, carnival and norwegian, the word is normalized and cruise ships are packed right now if earnings get normalized these stocks could go back to their old highs for covid and they could
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be on the way, watching them very closely. blue when i was thinking cruise lines the same way i think about airlines, wouldn't touch either, do you touch airlines ever? >> rarely. i never understood the business and i must tell you i never thought people would spend $11 billion on baggage and seats and things like that. more power to them. maybe they are able to extract that type of money. as far as cruise lines they keep putting out more cruise ships. the last when i heard would have 6,000 passengers and 2,000 crew. i'm not sure i want to be on that ship but they are selling out right now. stuart: 6000 passengers. good stuff, thanks very much. we will see you again soon. ten seconds to go in the market opens. the bell is ringing. here we go. it is thursday, december 7th, pearl harbor day. the dow is now open. markets open, the dow is up 74
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points. that's a fair proportion of winners in the dow 30, only four losers so you've got 26, 25. >> up for the first time in four days of the dow and the s&p. stuart: we got a series of losses so that's the stock market. let's look at the s&p 500. that's open up nearly half of a%, modest rally, the nasdaq composites, nasdaq is up 0.64%. pretty solid stock this morning. show me big tech. let's have a look where they are now. alphabet, amazon, apple, meta-up. microsoft is down. it had a big -- okay. never happy. a question for you. meta and microsoft. are they snubbing nvidia?
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lauren: they are getting cheaper prices from an nvidia competitor, those chips are equally comparable to nvidia's. amd has a big ai day yesterday, they unveiled as we said the mri 300 x. it ships early next year for its customers. microsoft, meta, open ai, and oracle. we don't know the price but i can tell you it competes with nvidia's h 100 and that cost per chip, $40,000. amd said there's cost less then that. if you look at the market for ai chips, amd is saying it is worth $400 million in the year 2027. they admit nvidia has most of this but we are fine with just taking a small but growing share of that $400 million, they have to take nvidia's customers by offering them something just as good at a cheaper price. stuart: i see microsoft just
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turned around, well done. the discounter dollar general reported before the bell. lauren: their sales fell, their sales fell. everyone is pinching pennies and worrying about the high price, how is the dollar store not doing well, we are prioritizing what we purchase, going into the dollar store and buying essentials over other things and that shift hurt the dollar stores, that is why if you look at general -- dollar general it is down 45%. %. stuart: it is down 45%? lauren: earnings are stronger than expected but realized the climate they are in, the shopper, they are pulling back on the number of stores they open, the number they remodeled considering the climate. stuart: there was a pharmaceutical company that has been making some big moves just as the year comes to a single. lauren: they are buying
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cerebral, that stock is up 11. 5%, making this $8.7 billion bet on a drug candidate called cerebral, a schizophrenia drug. they see it as transformational, and a blockbuster if they are able to bring it to market because the issue is they have humira which faces tons of generic competition so they have to replace that lost revenue so they are looking at ways in which they can do in and americans are also aging and cerebral makes a lot of drugs for neurological conditions that happen when people get older. alzheimer's and dementia and parkinson's. they are paying a 73% premium. a one someone like me should invest in that. >> don't even go there. you don't need anything they have to offer, mister varney. for crying out loud. i speak the truth.
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stuart: i'm going to move on, chewy, the pet food and all that kind of stuff. lauren: why don't you like it. third-party marketing, somebody else's stuff is not interesting. i would never want to buy a company that only just delivers stuff. american ingenuity is my thing. >> delivering pet stuff. i thought americans paid an arm and a leg, we love our pets. there's a problem. >> the letter makes drugs for cats and dogs. stuart: wiser down 10%? lauren: they have more autoship customers, to me that means royalty lose nonetheless fewer customers, cut therefore your outlook, they said things were encouraging on black friday and cyber monday but the ceo called the consumer opportunistic.
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i translate that as they are not going to purchase the best brand, they are going to downgrade. stuart: show me game stock please. i think of that is a meme stock, down 4%. the report was this morning, that report. what's the problem? lauren: the turnaround under their ceo has stalled, ryan cohen is top investor and was ceo. so they say it is intense competition from amazon and ebay where people purchase and download and have huge brick and mortars which i wish i had more to say about this, there is no guidance. it is often called a meme stock, it's down 20% this year. it was down 50% last year. >> this is just a company that sells other people's stuff. it's not that exciting. it's not that you're a third-party marketer. that's not that exciting. stuart: stuart: it's a moon stock up and down up and down all over the place and down is the operative word. are meme stock still around? are they still traded?
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>> they got pummeled. >> when you have a little bit going on on wall street everyone is looking to get into the market, seems to continuously go up. the meme stocks are popular. stuart: only time will tell. you got stock picks. alexandria real estate. >> i know we talked about it before but in the commercial break, lauren said i don't know what to purchase. it is up 15% since then. did you buy it last week? lauren: i looked into it. >> these guys developed properties for companies that specifically focus on healthcare, making drugs et cetera, very specific built to suit. occupancy is 96%, they are renewing leases up 6% and it pays 4. 5% dividend. wonderful wonderful company. people who have written not real estate as dead, not a company like the alexandria real estate. a one the next one, coin base. >> the last man standing with crypto. it does all the back office
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work for the largest money manager in the world. allah blackrock's customers who trade crypto. if you are looking for another way to do it, this is it. stuart: this is it. coin base. coming up, don't forget to send in your friday feedback, since it is a i week at fox business i want to know if anybody actually is using ai and can you tell us how you are using it, be specific please. e-mail your email your responses to biden not happy to be asked about his alleged involvement with hunter's foreign business associates. watch this? >> president biden: blue i'm not going to comment, i did not, it's a bunch of. >> business associates -- >> i did not, those are lives. stuart: the chair of the house ways and means committee jason smith holds the purse strings, very important guy. has he found a link between chinese money and president biden? i will ask him. he's going to be here.
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biden announced another 4. $8 billion in student loan forgiveness, the full story on that after this. ♪ ♪ there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya,
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stuart: president biden has announced another $4.8 billion in student loan forgiveness despite the supreme court shutting down previous attempts at canceling student debt. edward lawrence at the white house, how is he sidestepping the courts to push the new giveaway? >> liberal rule changes basically. he's expanding the definition of rules of programs that are already out there and the latest, up to $20,000 in student loan forgiveness affect 80,00,000 people, $4.8 billion,
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president biden sent this e-mail to millions of people already with student loan forgiveness, named prominently at the top, this is a voting block president biden has yet to energize this election cycle according to polling. steve moore, an economist, says this sends the wrong fiscal message. >> i hate this about young americans, they think somebody else has to pay off their bills. as a taxpayer i don't want to pay other people's and i think i speak for most americans, don't want to pay other people student loan debt. >> the most recent announcement brings the total student loan debt forgiveness to one hundred $32 billion, all of that casting taxpayer money, forgiveness extensive. 6 million americans, president biden pledge to get around the supreme court ruling against him when he tried to push the entire forgiveness package through at once. >> president biden: i said at
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the time, the court's decision to strike down my student debt relief program was wrong but i wouldn't give up. >> now he is he stealing together this plan to try to get a lot of the student loan forgiveness past through with the liberal rule changes. a one thanks very much indeed. nikki haley sounded the alarm on the nation's debt last night. >> we have to grow our economy so people have more money in their pockets, look at the supply-chain and make sure we are funneling that so builders don't have to go overseas to find things and then make sure we really start paying down this debt, make sure we stop a borrowing, stop the spending. stuart: bake sure we pay down this debt, stop the borrowing and stop the spending. peter morici with us this morning. if we did that, stop the borrowing, stop the spending wouldn't we go into a straightforward recession? >> i think we would. if you cut spending a lot right now, the economy slowing down,
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we surely would. the real challenge going forward is to meet our needs. to do so by cutting spending in some places us so we can expand in others. i don't think we can dramatically reduce spending with the aging populations that we have. that kind of rhetoric sounds good when you're in a debate, not when you have to govern. stuart: the aging of the population, more spending on medicare, social security, that means inevitably spending has to go up in some way. has to be cut elsewhere but can't we cut their? >> we pay a great deal more for specific healthcare services than rich economies like the germans, they do it by regulating prices. that's an anathema to republicans and they want to talk about controlling spending. we spend about 18% of gdp on healthcare, the germans had a similar system to ours but with
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price regulations. unless the republicans are willing to emulate the germans i don't know how we cut spending the way they would like to. i can come up with ways to cut spending but none of the consequences nikki haley is talking about. it disappoints me because she's the most attractive alternative to trump. stuart: did you see this? if you want to get married, purchase a home, raise children, have healthcare and retire, that's the american dream. to do all that, to meet the dream you will need your told $3.4 million, more than ever before. are you going with that? >> absolutely true. that's why president biden is in so much trouble getting young people to vote for him. many younger people basically say have kids, i can hardly take care of myself. my generation pulled a cynical trick on young people. we continue to live well and borrow but not in our own
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names. we made our kids borrow to pay for their college educations why we let the president of harvard run costs through the ceiling and conduct irresponsible programs that leave many unable to support themselves. take gender studies, you don't have a lot you can sell in the market place later on. a lot of these young folks really can't pay that kind of bill so that is why we have a fertility problem in america. it's too expensive to raise a family. stuart: tell me more about this, as an aging baby boomer i like to hear this. peter morici. you are not an aging baby boomer. >> i am 75. stuart: you are? >> i will be 75. stuart: take this as a compliment, you don't look it. >> neither do you. we are the same age, look it
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up. stuart: happy birthday. see you soon i promise. you talk about challenging, what is this? talk a lot, what is this? about challenging -- lauren: how challenging it is. stuart: that froze me off. we talk about how challenging it has become to purchase a home but when democrat how we are told, that really is obsessed with home ownership. >> it's millennial's. i find this the most encouraging story of the day. the american dream is alive. we don't want to rent forever and pay $5,000 a month. we want to but down roots and own something but the question is why in the answer is the american dream of homeownership is just so hard to achieve and human nature says we want what we cannot have. stuart: millennials are interested. >> bank of america report says homeownership for millennial's
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today is more important than it was for their parents, boomers, at their same age so when you say what defines success, more millennial say owning a home over retiring early. stuart: i could say that. thank. coming up, the president's bad we got worse, white house intern signed a letter demanding a permanent cease-fire in israel. that is a revolt from within. that's "my take" at the top of the hour. it is a i week at fox business, it's being used everywhere from the boardroom to the battlefield. we have a preview from the ai summit after this. ♪
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stuart: we've been covering the ai revolution. what ai technology are you seeing? >> reporter: the question is what ai technology am i not seeing? what i'm impressed with is the breadth of industry groups that
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ai advised it to. you might just think it cybersecurity, technology, whatever, if there's an industry there's an application for ai and that is why the big money is chasing this. where i am standing, this is a graphing robotics. a robot that will take you order, we use these touchscreens before. this one actually talks to you. i'm not going to do it now. she literally is using ai to read my reaction. not just the exact order but really fascinating when you watch this. consumers worried about the dark side of ai, fraud, the credit card in here. here's what a representative from mastercard had to say. >> fraud losses has declined year-over-year from years,
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decades in a row, now we have much more sophisticated enabled by ai. >> reporter: i had my own experience last night buying get christmas gifts online. the ai technology, i don't usually spend that much but i get text messages and fraud alerts. it is working in practice right now. stuart: thanks to adam for being here for the entire hour, see you again soon. still had on this program, senator james lahngees a ford will tell us what he wants on the border. he will be here. will there be any accountability for teachers union chief randi weingarten who kept schools closed for a long time? cory deangelis on that. did anyone score points against trump or is he uncountable now? i will ask jason chafefchaffety
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