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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 11, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: we asked how long is the sunset when the sun hits the horizon totally two minutes, eight minutes, 22 minutes. >> i thought it was different it was a different amount of time. >> doesn't vary from where you are in the world. >> apparently not. what is your answer. >> 15 minutes, number three. >> i am doing eight minutes. two minutes it's 1000 miles per hour or 60 miles a minute. but "coast to coast" starts right now. ♪ >> we told you crypto was not for the faint of heart it is volatile very volatile. under $42000 per claim late last week it was well over 44000
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smackers it is taking a whole lot of crypto plays with it, crypto says do not obsess, deal unless you up except the fact tt this is not disney it is a small world ride, stocks in general have had less crazy as we kick off the new week and what is a pretty good december after really good november and the really good 2023, technology is a big reason for that and a little less so today, well, i am neil cavuto let's get right to it to market watcher, the pressure on the magnificent seven to continue to deliver the goods, will they? >> it's great to be here, thank you for having me today's been a great day i put out the post earlier were seeing the mark avallone 2023 hi while the magnificent seven is trading lower and magnificent seven last a combined 300 billion market cap alone but i don't think this is a sign of new leadership in the market i think tech and the
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a.i. will lead higher, were seen some profit-taking into year-end and were going into the fed meeting on wednesday and around the board everyone's tried to take risk off because is a ton of uncertainty in the market. >> what happens smart guys like you are trading on this and ahead of this and you factor in the last couple weeks of the year, there are some that want to lock in good gains for most folks, others will take more chances, where are you on this? >> we definitely been securing our gains and put on hedges in the market is very optimistic going into the fed meeting on wednesday and it seems like were seeing another call for a said pivot as we seen many times before which is a little bit premature the most recent communication for the fed chairman powell himself they're not even thinking about rate cuts they are premature now we see features pushing as soon as march 2024 for rate cuts we
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believe are looking into q2 of next year and i think the s&p is due for a pullback maybe 3 - 5% especially as the fed hammers home that rates are higher for longer or high for longer i think we have a long pause and markets are just getting ahead of themselves again. >> normally that is something that jerome powell likes to slap down and pass unequivocally and you guys are thinking i'm going to be cutting rates, how will you receive that if that is indeed. every time that we've seen the fed pivots get priced in days and weeks ahead of the fed meeting it's almost to solve the news event. if you look at the annual rise returns in 2023, it's double-digit negative territory, the fed the meetings are wednesday and were buying into the type that rate cuts are coming, then they say were seen core inflation and headline in the 3 - 4% range and they made
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it clear, they want to present inflation and anything that would risk and surgeons including cutting rates too soon is the exact opposite of what the fed wants they would rather see a mild recession and get inflation to 2% then risk every surgeons a cut rates too soon. i think that will continue to be their mindset going forward. >> i started talking about the magnificent seven and apple getting close to an all-time high, not so much today but what you make of how tech will perform particularly the group that disproportionately is caring not only in the nasdaq with the s&p 500 if you think about it. >> tech has been the leader if you look in the s&p seven or the magnificent seven is up over 80%, the rest of the index the remaining 9400 stocks are up for - 5% and we actually see those stocks negative from a lot of the sure what the market was up sharply. i think going into 2024 the tech
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leadership is still going to be the theme in a.i. added fuel to the fire is definitely disrupting industries in here to stay but i think we cannot move the ministry line in either direction. it's consistent with our call that with tech leading in the fed taken a hawkish but cautious approach we still see markets aren't heading for a big crash but i think we still see volatility and dip buyers will capitalize on the dips but i don't see a huge tech crash or market crash coming just choppy price until the fed figures out what's going on the a.i. trends play out a little bit and ultimately dip buyers are buying the market as we sing for the entirety of this year. >> we will see what happens. rate catching up with you, we appreciate it. the biden administration has been calling about the economic numbers and market performance that you will feel it and nevertheless the popularity even
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with the own base, these days a lot of that has to do with the can't win situation that he finds himself in in the middle of the war in israel. let's go to edward lawrence, heather navigating all of that. >> i'm feeling a sense of urgency at the white house. were going to philadelphia to talk about the money that he is spending specifically over the firefighters. the wall street journal pulls puts the nail on the head, former president trump four-point ahead in a head-to-head matchup with president biden that is outside the margin of error, voters are looking at major conflicts as you mentioned around the globe under president biden's leadership that were not there before, one of those with ukrainian president at the white house tomorrow to push for another round of aid, most republican support ukraine but protect ukraine's border must come with the same vigor as protecting the u.s. border. >> right now were looking at
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funding obviously israel and ukraine and were looking at all of the funding and a has to include changes in how we treat the border or this country is lost as a separate nation. >> cbs news poll shows the support of eroding from democrats from the president support of israel, 28% of democrats all too much support in october today, 38% the deputy treasury secretary says with the sanctions and allies together on board it'll get iranian proxies like hamas to back off. >> do we need to go after iranian oil to get them to stop this picket so to speak. >> we got a lot of action over the course of last year to go after iran's illegal oil change in the strategy is not changing we will continue to do that but the most important thing that we have to do is make sure the money that iran does have today they cant used to fund to organize nations in the region
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and going after america's interest. >> the white house says the pressure is working on the front, the polls as you know going to the wrong direction but we're still 12 month away from the next election for president. >> my friend edward lawrence at the white house. i want to get the pros and cons with the economic backdrop of the war, the complexity of trying to fund our help with ukraine and israel, how that is so far boomer ringing on the president is not helping in the economy with the numbers to statistically stand okay but america's perception, they don't buy the, republican strategist extraordinaire, david carlucci, the new york state senate, senator, democrat, welcome both of you. david with you i want to get a sense from you how the administration is improving economic numbers that its use of the market is doing fine and the american people don't buy it, to
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concentrate just on that part the economy. >> it's a difficult situation and the buck stops with the leader, that is the president, while republicans it's easy to throw bombs and make complaints about president biden he's been moving in a positive direction in terms of bringing down inflation and increasing jobs whether it's manufacturing or low skill jobs. >> not giving them credit yet it's good to take time for people to feel that in the optimism is there and what president biden is doing is juxtaposing, it's one thing of politics we know negative campaigning is so popular because it works and nobody believes it. that is the problem with bidenomics, that's why they're shifting and you might not believe all the stuff, if mackinaw makes takes control and your healthcare and other types of things it's good to be a real problem. able to oppose that instead of building up and saying i'm so
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great and never works in politics, it's caught up to the biden administration and say stop boasting and contrast yourself to your opponent who looks like donald trump and all the things he's talking about would be devastating to make his economy. neil: you pretty much a agree. >> i would agree there is a reason why they get paid more than demolition, you throw stone to build a house. the truth is quite clear bidenomics is not working the truth is also clear the people who told us to trust the signs during covid now want to ignore the reality that covid brought to the american people. people were driven off of their jobs due to government mandates in a one-sided generational pandemic. we had 7 million jobs were created under the trump administration, we should focus on the facts, we should contrast. neil: the covid response happened initially out of the trump administration. you can get some biden a credit
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for a soft landing of the end but obviously as it relates to the economy, the economic aspects of that it was disastrous. i think anyway you want to slice and from the foreign policy which is become a disaster and secretary ruben on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision for the last 40 years i think the street continues unabated because ukraine if you look at what happened in the south china sea in our southern border everything that he touched is not just a mess it's endangered. neil: is not getting much help from other either party how to help ukraine or israel. >> this $14 billion ready to go for israel and has been there chuck schumer is standing in the door well and he will not pass it. >> that the problem. >> is the problem of his own making he would be a fool to believe he is not stonewalling the aid at the behest of the
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body to administration. as you watch debbie walsh. neil: there's a large contingent of democrats. let me pursue that with you. for whatever reason i almost get the sense that democrats are turning on the president. they seem to be sensing that he is the guy with less than a year out you cannot switch horses right now, maybe they can but the getting frustrated, the administrations ten year, they stop mentioning bidenomics and how much help and support he's been to deal with those who are opposing evil guy like vladimir putin and will have president zelenskyy at the white house. the fact of the matter is it is not helping him, does that surprise you? >> the democrats it's a big tank that is whatever strengths and weaknesses. but unlike the republicans, we both have the extremists in our party but the democrats don't let them steer the ship. >> i don't know about that. >> it we don't like the speaker
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of the house would lift them up when they do crazy things like vacate their speaker and all of that. >> they're not firing on all cylinders. >> the democrats are united, there might be some polling. >> look at the primary. >> we have a majority of independents that want to see someone else. >> democrats are lighting up behind president biden. >> young democrats are leading. >> there is a poll about young voters that shows harvard institute for politics and it shows specifically geared towards young people that young people are frustrated but that is more on the republican side, young republicans independents are likely to stay home the democrats. can i ask you about that, real quickly president trump is leading in the polls but nikki haley is leading by 17 points against the present occupant. what is that telling you.
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>> i think there is a bipartisan nonpartisan desire for new voices. i think having said that there is a greater run for the republican side to win and a large portion of republican. >> when it they want to gravitate. >> i think there's a large portion of republicans who believed president trump was wrong and he has the opportunity or earn the opportunity to go back and get the job but i would have to push back a little bit. the democrats and their extreme portions of their party are not given a seat at the table is obscene we basically have a hamas caucus in d.c. with people finding common ground and common purpose with the terrorist organization. >> i did not interrupt you. >> they're not to the fringe of the party there prevented us from delivering the $14 billion of aid directly to the people in israel when they needed the most. >> this is because congress cannot agree. >> including within the democratic caucus. >> all around. >> is responsible for the reason there is no aid in israel and
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there's only one party that has found common ground with hamas in the democratic party, 7000 people on the brooklyn bridge from the river to the sea are not red hat wearing. >> you republican vote against the resolution. at some point. >> you can always find one. neil: both argue very eloquently, actually no, but you are very good. we'll see what happens, it's still early in the trying to shift the boat and get back on to get the package for aid not only for israel but ukraine. anti-semitism rampant on college campuses has picked up anew. you heard the university of pennsylvania, the president has been forced to resign, the same effort being taken over at harvard where they even have a bus in the van going back and forth to say she has got to go, what is next after this.
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classes sitting next to them and teaching them. there is no room for terrorist being taught in the classroom with myself or other students who are leading this battle leave, then we leave stranded all of the other students in the future students and the alumni who have dedicated so much of their time and effort to the universities. neil: i talked to him on saturday and is probably relieved to see the president of the university of pennsylvania has indeed stepped down growing pressure for the president of mit and harvard to do the same both schools are wrestling with the issue, let's go to grady trimble in philadelphia with the very latest. >> the governing body at harvard met yesterday and bill ackman tweeted that there meeting again today these are part of regularly scheduled meetings but
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certainly a topic that is going to come up what do they do about the university president claudia nk after capitol hill also growing present under pressure for mit to step down the harvard crimson is reported that the faculty at harvard, 650 of them actually want claudine gay to step down. mit's president also got a vote of confidence from the board that put out a statement after last week's congressional hearing in support of her. here at u penn you know liz mcgill is out as president but we spoke to a jewish student that tells us the resignation is a step in the right direction but not enough to address anti-semitism on campus. >> there are students and professors that said anti-semitic things and nothing
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happened to them in jewish students including myself would like to see a punishment because if you don't punish people like that, other people are going to keep speaking up and being anti-somatic. >> u penn says liz mcgill will stay on until it's able to find a name an interim president. she will also remain a tenured faculty member at the law school at the university of pennsylvania. some students say a step in the right direction but more needs to be done to tackle anti-semitism on this campus and others across the country. neil: keep us posted on that, jacob miller is a harvard student and kind enough to join us. where do you stand on claudine gay and her future as university president, should she go? >> thank you for having me i think it's a tricky question, claudine gay really stepped up her testimony was appalling as a jewish student i was made to see
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my university president refused to condemn calls for the genocide of jews of the code of conduct i think the absolutely should be in the students on the campus chanting death to the jews would be unthinkable that a university president would allow that speech to happen. i think claudine gay really messed up the testimony, does that mean she should go, i think that the difficult question and having her reside with the click of capitulation to donors and politicians. in the optics of that it could impinge on the university's commitment to academic freedom. i think this is a really tough question and i think that's with the corporation and the board of overseers are considering today but frankly there are no good options and having her leave would not be great by having her stay is not great either i think this issue is much broader than that one university president can't fix the ink doesn't cause that were seen anti-semitism across college campuses across the country and that's reflected in national hate crimes, this is
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a broader question than just the question of one university president i think. neil: obviously this whole issue of october 7 hamas attacks on israel the response of israel to those attacks obviously sparked outrage and some other issues. but i talked to a number of other jewish students at not only the schools but others is that the anti-semitism was there they felt and saw it and when it dies out another incident comes up against is invited, speaker and reignited all over again, what do you think? >> i think that's a very accurate narrative. on our campus last year we had the palestine solidarity community invited all, under no homage to speak, he has said i hope every zionist dies slow and torturous way, his poetry invokes the blood liable and he was invited to a campus by her
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peers, that happened last year end we counter protested but it shouldn't come surprising that people are at harvard chanting from the river to the sea because they see this behavior before. i was very surprised when the psc, the palestine advocacy group on our campus with a released a letter immediately after october 7 legitimizing hamas atrocities, however, in retrospect it should've been so surprising because the students have invited anti-semite in the past. neil: we will see what happens in the fate of claudine gay later today. jacob miller, thank you in the meantime, we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. neil: in the meantime for tesla to sell as many electric vehicles in the last couple weeks of the year. the problem for the industry is people don't seem to be in the ev like they were. after this.
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neil: we do a lot of talking about tvs, electric vehicles and tesla's plan to offer big incentives to get people buying these so they can boost their market share, they might succeed but all the other ev players in the car salesman are saying they have a double overtime selling these they don't know if it's going to change the dynamic for ev's not only the rest of the year but even into next year, mike is an auto expert extraordinaire out of nashville, what do you make of this. i know in the segment as rules it's doing quite well and my nap more market share but by and large it's a big slowdown if not a reverse in the enthusiasm, what is happening.
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>> thank you for having me on there is a little bit of a slowdown right now obviously gas prices are starting to come down with interest rates high people demand what it comes to vehicle starting to slow. in regards to the ev world ford motor company posted up 43%. the industry as a whole is up 8.8% the biggest apprehension from consumers right now is less about the cars and more about the infrastructure, with flying jm pilot making the big announcement over the last week in regards to the charging station they opened up 17 across the country that will have 25 up by the end of this month and what that means there will be more than 100 stations for you to pull your ev into. the slowing market has to do with demand and right now as consumers head into the holidays there starting to slow their purchase power as they head into ev's. neil: the purchase price has been coming down but it's not enough obviously to get people to think better of them and when the major auto giants are pushing back their own ev
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expansion plans and a number of states that were mandating this, they still are but they're pushing that back as well, what is going on the. >> are pushing it back for a couple of different reasons if you look from a infrastructure standpoint when you think about the numbers as it relates to electric vehicle, $50000 was the average price and it's starting to drop in consumers want to have their cake and eat it too they want luxury and range and right now the ev's are offering the luxury that they have not caught up with the range. as we start to see more than 30 new vehicles hit the market that are all electric, consumers are starting to gravitate but we're still another year to half or two years out with questions looming from consumers on how, when and if they will buy electric vehicles. neil: one thing that i notice and you're the expert but i read a prompter so i think i qualify i wonder whether hybrids are the future and whether toyota's approach to this where you get the best of both worlds and i
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know hybrids can vary in a plug-in with regular gas power or something else that mimics gas power, that might be the way to go and provide the industry cover and something else that they need, sales. >> i'm glad you brought that up, hybrid sales are up 75% last month, month over month, 75% that tells us consumer want gas, range and willing to dip their toes into electrification and that comes through hybrid, toyota made a statement that the former chairman saying for every single electric vehicle i make 50 hybrid vehicles and put them on the road in the market it's an easy steppingstone for consumers to go from gas to hybrid and the best part you get a ton of range at an affordable price. >> always good to see you, thank you so much. following all of this, i want to go to susan li, a lot more promising and intriguing from macy's, right now the shares are moving up 15% entertaining a buyout offer.
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>> this dovetails into the vote in 2024 the reason we should care about the macy's deal and iconic retailer we should care about the health of the u.s. consumer heading into elections next year since the power 70% of the u.s. economy. as you saw macy's what are the best performers today after the $5.8 billion takeover offer from brigade capital, 30% premium let me see stock is a dollar off the $21 share offer which means wall street is exactly convinced that this deal will go through, that is because we have tried this before, hudson's bay tried to buy macy's in 2017, that went nowhere neither did the nordstrom family to buy out nordstrom's, that was a private type of a deal, franchise tried to buy cold, they gave up on that last year at the department store, foot traffic, top business in the online digital one click world even amazon which is the biggest online retailer looking over its
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shoulder you heard the discount online retailer called temu from china number one shopping up for the past year end according to bloomberg they have almost 50 million monthly users which is a quarter of amazon numbers and whether you shop online or shop in person consumers continue to spend especially in this all-important holiday shopping. deal hungry consumers are going to spend close to a trillion dollars in november and december according to the national retail federation, that is back to prepare endemic levels in the consumer matters heading into next year's vote, historically if there is a recession within two years of the boat the incumbent president has lost every single election since 1951 and we discussed this it is still 50/50 whether or not we will get a recession next year according to the economist but biden has favorable tailwinds heading into next year, he saw
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gas prices sub three per gallon since the first time since 2021 it if the consumer continues to spend jobs remain strong and maybe we will escape a recession. neil: the biden folks are hanging their hats on, the improvement will be felt, people will catch up and feel in a year from now or 11 months whatever it is but that is kind of hoping for a lot. >> you heard a billionaire and best mers like ackman, jones, they all predict a hard landing next year which is why the fed will be pushed to start cutting interest rates pretty soon. neil: we shall see, susan li, meanwhile let me bring your attention to the board what is going on, you see these images of migrants trying to get through and it worries you but this is a big reason why we don't have going through ukraine or israel for the time being. were unable with theirs. after this.
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ongoing struggle between the administration and others. many democrats are concerned about a blanket pass on these aid programs. aishah hasnie has more on capitol hill and were that all stands. >> so far no deal on any border policy reform but over the weekend lead negotiator for the democrat side chris murphy senator chris murphy said on camera that he believes the white house is going to be more engaged in this coming week while the congressional hispanic caucus which includes members from both chambers say basically they are demanding more from a seat at the table when it comes to the negotiations. i am told they're asking for a meeting with president biden immediately and urgently over fears that the president is not only going to cave to republicans demands but also fears that he may have given up some of his leverage last week
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when he said he was willing to make significant compromises in order to reach a deal over border reforms to get the important ukraine aid. hispanic caucus members want action for dreamers and what work permits for the migrants coming across the border and they do not want negotiators to target asylum-seekers that's very important to them, republican negotiators including the lead negotiator for the gop senator jim langford said the gop is not trying to prevent asylum-seekers legitimate asylum-seekers from seeking asylum in this country but he said the process is broken and it does need to be fixed. >> the administration would say it's double now are screening a thousand people a day and still releasing 9000 people into the country so that does not manage the actual issue. >> we don't want to shut off the united states of america to
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people who are coming here to be rescued from dangerous miserable circumstances in which their life is in jeopardy but we are willing to talk about tightening some of the rules so you don't have 10000 people arriving a d day. >> were expecting talks to really intensify tomorrow because as you know the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will be here in d.c. meeting with all senators tomorrow during a briefing and meeting with house speaker mike johnson and that will be his one and only final chance to make a plea for ukraine aid before he meets with the president. >> i imagine he's getting alarmed over that, thank you very much, great reporting. of course you remember john national security advisor for cheney, good to see you. obviously president zelenskyy must be concerned what he meets with this president, he's getting news out of europe because of budgetary issues and snafus that aid might not be forthcoming from there, where you think this is going.
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>> is a good question neil i'm sure zelenskyy is very worried as my because of our inability to produce a functioning solution to some of our problems here at home we are playing to vladimir putin's long-term strategy in which he thinks through a grinding wore out last ukraine and outlast the west and support for ukraine will flag russia and at the end of the day enormous cost to the russian people, the russian academy is going to be able to prevail in this war over ukraine and that would be very bad for american interest in european interest of course. neil: of course republicans have been arguing if you seize the moment and tie border security do something similar to what australia is doing to have them
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migrate and take into that country tightening student visa rules and those for low skill workers and the rest. that you will be off to the races, that might be well and good but it could take some time. >> it would take a lot of time, unfortunately it is holding hostage to other major national security interest of the united states ensuring that ukraine stays on the battlefield and able to withstand putin's offensive and it's israel in the work to eliminate the genocidal terrorist group on its border hamas it would be a shame if those held hostage to what is a very, very serious problem that sober people in congress on both sides of the aisle you would think ought to be able to resolve this enormous crisis on our border without holding other national security interest of the united states hostage but that does not seem to be the case and now were in a game of chicken to the end of the year
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to see weather weekend cool our heads in more seasoned statesmen can prevail on both sides of the aisle. neil: may be beyond the end of the year to your point, we always learn a lot, thank you very much. john hannah. in the meantime we have jackie deangelis on what's coming up at the big money show, 13 minutes away. >> good afternoon, the u penn president resigning but the question is is that going to affect change the way people wanted to on college campuses the way people think in the way that they teach we are on the ground life. it's been a bad week for the president and were just getting started on a monday not just his polling but possible impeachment inquiry, mr. wonderful will be here, you don't want to miss it. more "coast to coast" after this. ♪ you can't buy great conversations
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so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. neil: donald trump on truth social, that's a lot to read, let me get you the just he will not be testifying in the civil fraud trial today, what's the significance, let's ask the
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former deputy assistant general. you ought to pursue this legal thing because you're a genius and he took my advice and he had the remarkable career he does, always good to see you, thank you. >> absolutely. >> what you make of the fact that he's not going to testify. he often talks about what is going on in the courtroom outside of the courtroom outside of the doors to the courtroom but not taking a stand, what did you make of it. >> that decision did not surprise me, one thing that former president has already testified in this case you will recall a week or two ago he testified he gave his version of events and he and his lawyers decided that testifying again was not going to move the needle with this judge and he said what he had to say the first time around and going back on the stand and testify and more would not advance the ball into your point he's already been commenting and i'm sure he will continue to comment publicly on the proceedings as a whole, he will get his say in just not on
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the standard ". neil: wouldn't have made a difference on the stand in open court? >> i don't really think so, for one thing you know this judge has already rendered a decision even before the trial began that the trump organization had been engaged in fraudulent practices in the president has taken the stand in this case already and answered questions from the attorney general's office for hours on the stand. today if you testified it would've been a more friendly questioning from his own lawyers but i think his team looked at the record and said he made his testimony and got all the information it evident that he wants to in the record already and there's not much to be served by putting them back up there again. neil: were separately learning that i don't want to hit you roadside but jack smith is asking the supreme court to consider donald trump's immunity claim and the 2020 election case and i'm wondering where that goes it seems like things are
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added or because the president's behavior or what he's been claiming it compels him to make these type of recommendations all the way to the supreme court, what do you think. >> i was be surprised if the supreme court wanted to jump in in this case at this stage i think there's a good chance down the road if there is a trial or conviction that at some point the supreme court would get involved. i would be a little surprised if they wanted to jump it at this early stage even to decide the threshold question like immunity, the supreme court likes to say let's let the case play out and see the verdict and that will decide if we want to get involved rather than do it on the front-end. neil: obviously much of this is on how much progress donald trump makes trying to capture back his old office in the belief that he paid does all of these cases go away, even convictions all go away he would essentially pardon himself or able to punt on some of them i don't know the legal terms but
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the way to save himself from this is to get back in the white house, what do you think. >> i think there's a lot of wisdom in that, if the former president wins election next fall the world is very, very different for many perspectives but particularly a legal perspective, to your point if he is convicted he could try and i think the supreme court would weigh in he could try to get himself a pardon which is a lot clearer if he wins he could direct the justice department to drop all of the federal criminal proceedings against him there is no question that the president would have the power to do that so the whole jack smith the case of mar-a-lago if it's still pending and had not been tried that can go away in an instant. neil: the civil case, that does not go away does it. >> the civil case would stay it's in state courts of the federal pardon power and the power to direct the justice department would not be affected by that one way or another i think he will have to battle
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left the civil case in the courts of new york before the trial judge does not seem favorably inclined to him and appeal a whole new slate of judges in a different perception on appeal. neil: if we don't chat again have a wonderful christmas, thank you for all of your help with so many legal issues, tom dupree the former deputy assistant of attorney general we will have more after this the dow moving ahead, not so much bitcoin. after this. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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neil: we have been following this alert but all of the cases facing donald trump the charges he tried to overture the 2020 election are the most omnibus. special counsel jack smith is asking the supreme court to rule on whether the former president can be prosecuted because donald trump has said no he's not and he can't and immune from that. it appeals court has said not so fast, now it goes to the supreme court if this guy gets his way, we shall see. we have jackie deangelis and company, let's go. jackie: thank you so much, hello i am jackie deangelis. lydia: i am lydia hu in particular riggs. brian: i am brian brenberg, welcome to the big money show. jackie: exposing


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