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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 12, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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story to the money. not much movement at all, nasdaq is up 6. the 10 year treasury yield is still heading higher to the tune of 0.8 basis points. the nasdaq doesn't like that. the price of oil $70 a barrel, up to 6902. bitcoin coming in this morning at 41. down a little bit. down from last week's high. that's the market, now this. the great climate conference is over, cop 28 is ended in division and anger. on one side the purists who wanted it phased out, the realists who believe we need fossil fuels for a long time to come. the realists won in the greens are furious.
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they should have seen the writing on the wall before the climate conference started. in germany much of its green deal has been abandoned. britain rolled back its electric vehicle mandate and britain plans more oil and gas production. in the netherlands and new zealand farmers objected to draconian green rules enforced a complete change of government just as cop 20 it started, sultan l jaber said ending fossil fuel use would take the world back into caves. that was the defining moment of the crisis. there's an enormous price if we end oil and gas out right and voters are not prepared to pay it. droning on about the accidental threat to the planet didn't work. we are not prepared to sacrifice now because of the perceived threat in the very distant future. cop 20 it is delivering a message to the green new deal,
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won't work, voters won't by it. stuart: there is brian brenberg. do you think cop 20 delivered a blow to biden's green energy? brian: it was a huge success because it was a huge failure. it was the best things that could happen. you said division, anger, they leave not happy, they should, the self-appointed saviors of the world went to this conference and realized they don't know a thing about reality and came home mad. they should stop doing them, take a ten year break from cop 28 and let the innovators and entrepreneurs make the world a better cleaner place. stuart: does it affect biden's green energy program?
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doesn't show our program here, don't have the votes. brian: didn't need them to show this program is a failure. what's going to happen is he's not going to stop because the entrenched bureaucracy in the us, cop 28 people, they want what they couldn't get at cop 28 and they will keep working on it until someone says to them or voters say to them no. next election. stuart: not going to meet the target, i'm getting beyond myself. another story. a professor at former irani and regime official was just removed from his position at oberlin college, and extremely liberal college. he has been accused of war crimes and anti-semitism and sexual misconduct against students. then there is harvard. the school board stands by their president, claudine game. what is your response? brian: i don't understand how
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these professors get hired in the first place. profiling what they stand for, they should never hire him. a harvard grad, i care about the school, had a great experience. they will never ditch the dea i infrastructure corroding the school and they will not change. this is a bad sign for harvard getting better. stuart: you say they i has to be abandoned? brian: 100%. it cannot coexist with a free opening quarry that defines college. you can have a college or have ide i institution but can't have both. stuart: got more for you later. you are with us for the hour. we now know many people are having a hard time in this economy. will affect holiday spending? lauren: it is unlike we will
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spend more money. these numbers are from forbes advisor survey 47% plan to spend the same. 18% less. six ins we 10 people can find a way or a reason to open their wallets wider. that is depressing and i would say inflation bites. stuart: an interesting story, a standout story that tells a lot about the electric vehicle market. ford announced they are cutting their electric f150 production in half over the next year. this is a real blow to biden's green energy policy, isn't it? >> of course and the biden green energy policy is garbage, this is a farce foisted upon the american public and europeans and everybody involved that has been put under this mandate and as you said a lot of these mandates have been pushed off, let the next president or prime
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minister worry about it. let me say where i came from, when i talk about subsidies which is government money to change the behavior and spending patterns, where i came from that's called a bribe and they are trying to bribe americans to get behind electric vehicles, and when it comes to making those cars, $50,000 all in. so now even with these bribes/subsidies these things are staying on the lots between 12 and 18 months, no one is buying them so americans are voting with their feet. it is not hard to understand. common sense isn't that common anymore. back in the day when we had guys getting off of horses and getting into cars for the first time how many subsidy/bribes do you see back then? none. it was just a better idea. they haven't made the sale to the american people so they are
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not going to do it. when they try to shove stuff down their throat, how many people flew to the cop conference talking in electric jets, that is the world we are living in. we are abandoning things that work for things that sound better. stuart: in the cpi report investors seem concerned about the rise in the core rate of inflation year-over-year. if you look at the core, inflation went up. have i got that right? scott:that will be a worry. it will be a blow. those folks going to get rate cuts, to calm inflation, inflation is not going down. it is going up at a slower pace. when gaining weight, not as much as i gained last year, am i gaining thinner, you are just getting a little better and at
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a slower pace, that inflation summed up and that is the case, if they think about cutting rates, that will reignite inflation. we get the fed funds rate at the range of 5.5 right now. we did a study to 1961, 5.42% -- stuart: thank you, see you again soon. one of which happens to be, microsoft which is moving very much. lauren: microsoft backing a nuclear power to meet their needs, nuclear will help deliver the juice they need for all the artificial intelligence on the supercomputers they are working on. that would require regulatory
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approval, moving a mountain to make nuclear sites up and running again. think of the data centers and the power, the electricity, where is that coming from? lauren: then we have mode dharna down how much? lauren: 5%, the second biggest loser on the s&p down on this reorganization plan no one is buying soma dharna will sharpen their focus on their covid vaccine sales. they do have an rsv vaccine they hope to launch next year. stuart: sharpen their focus on covid vaccines. does anyone get covid vaccine these days? lauren: i can't provide details to this. may maybe they are thinking of a new marketing campaign. maybe phase it out a little bit. i said that is why the stock is down. stuart: do you know anyone -- >> they are going to focus on
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the vaccine nobody thinks works and that is where they are going to go at this. stuart: stock is down 5%. lucida. lauren: their cfo is stepping down. this is an ev company, they started the year saying they expect to produce 12,000 vehicles. now they say it will be closer to 8,000 vehicles. cfo is out, stock is down 9. 4%. %. they are facing slower demand for evs. more competition at higher interest rates. stuart: i don't know about the cfo leaving but ford cuts production the other evs suffer. where are we now? another big company announced layoffs. lauren: kirstjen young, major consulting and accounting firm. the workers they are laying off. 10% of partners in their
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consulting division are going to be laid off. what is consulting, when you provide services to other companies, an economic indicator, it is less demand. that ernst & young provides. now you have workers that make a lot of money. >> if they are laying those guys off what they are saying is we can't -- nobody wants these services. consultant is losing its cash or the economy is doing that. stuart: reaction to that. let's move to ukraine. president zelenskyy is leaving his closed-door meeting with senators, he's about to leave. he leaves later this afternoon. she wants you wants more military aid and he wants it now. will republican stifle it?
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biden won't help out on the border. the house is expected to vote on the impeachment inquiry into president biden tomorrow. i will ask house judiciary chair jim jordan what that does for his case. china ramping up cyber attacks on critical infrastructure like transportation systems and gas pipelines. julian turner has the report from the state department next. after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation.
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china's cyber army has reportedly attacked 2 dozen critical us services. julian turner, what was hacked and what are we doing about it? >> reporter: alarming new spate of attacks is what we are learning about. china's army of cyber warriors is ramping efforts that of the 2024 presidential election ahead of a potential us versus china military conflict in the pacific. the state department says they are facing the chinese threat head on including chinese monetary actors drying the 2024 presidential election. listen. >> this is an issue we raised on a number of occasions with the chinese government. we've always been concerned about cyberespionage and intrusive cyber techniques. >> reporter: what intelligence
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is calling china's new disruption centers around appending americans daily lives to the greatest extent possible, they had some success, hackers from the people's liberation army attacked 2 dozen this year, successfully includes water utility at a west coast port and one oil and gas pipeline we know of. experts are warning china's plans are much bigger. >> what china is trying to do is cyber intrusions and at the right moment attack water supply, attack energy supplies to prevent the united states from projecting a terry power forward. they are preparing for war. >> reporter: in response to all this the national security agency, the nation's premier intelligence organization, is launching an election
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intelligence monitoring group ahead of the 24 campaign, they will focus solely 24 was a day 7 days a week on combating threats to the election out of china. stuart: thank you very much. lee steinhow are joins me now. before we get into this can i just ask, if china can hit us, surely we can hit them, can't we? >> absolutely. we have extensive cyber capabilities, we definitely have the means to attack china the way they are attacking us. do we have the will to do it? we will see. stuart: do we ever show them what we can do? just to say don't get out of hand? >> i don't think we announce it. i would imagine we are and have in the past given them a taste of their own medicine and if not, we sure as heck need to be
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doing so especially after the reports we have been hearing in terms of what they are doing to us. stuart: an attack on a power plant in america, act of war by china? >> certainly an act of warfare. what they are doing, what china is doing is setting these cyber time bombs incredible infrastructure, power plants, utilities, looking to set off whatever they please and in the event of a conflict with taiwan and the effect of these time bombs would be to incapacitate our infrastructure and if we found physical bombs in our physical infrastructure we would call that an act of war and this level of seriousness needs to come here as well. stuart: is hacking into our infrastructure preparation for war?
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>> it is a preparation for war. what china did in the past was more commercial type espionage, stealing our technology, intellectual property et cetera but they certainly escalated to the point they are going after our critical infrastructure and setting these cyber time bombs lying in wait, in preparation for a conference in taiwan. stuart: i believe that sounds ominous to me. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. you may have seen zelenskyy just walking out after a meeting with senators, mitch mcconnell with men senator schumer, to a meeting with president biden, that will take place this afternoon. zelenskyy is here to ask for more military aid. is he going to get it? we don't know. >> the meeting with the speaker of the house, mike johnson. stuart: he will have that meeting today with zelenskyy.
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gina raimondo looking into the ai chips that nvidia is making for china. good morning to you. what is she saying about this? ashley: the us doesn't want to give china any advantage at all. the biden demonstration vowed to restrict any new us chips the give ai capabilities to china. the commerce department looking into specifics of three new artificial intelligence accelerators nvidia is developing for china. nvidia itself says these new processes are in line with stricter guidelines announced by the administration. china says this contradicts the principles of market economy unfair competition. according to the wall street journal, american companies trying to reduce exposure to china turning to factories in places like vietnam, indonesia, mexico. the problem is a growing number
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of factories are owned by chinese companies. hard to get away from the chinese exposure but trade data shows the reliance on china is starting to wane. the first six months of this year, 13.3% of us goods imports came from china. that is the lowest level since 2003. stuart: that is really a turnaround. the uk, as in britain, has started seizing american candy and soda that contains what the brits believe are cancer-causing chemicals. us watchdog says this should be a wake-up call for america. emergency reached the highest level since february, respiratory viruses on the rise. doctor kaundaceaseable join us next.
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stuart: not much going on in the stock market, bitcoin down 41-numtwo, show me the 10 year treasury yield. going down a fraction. 422.
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show me the two year treasury yield, 4.72%, that has gone up. lauren has some movers starting with meta. lauren: kathy would is buying more meta start. it is another ai play, cooking up 10,000 shares of meta for the first time since summer. stuart: airbnb. lauren: a downgrade, truest cut their price target, the online growth story slows from here as pent-up travel demand gets exhausted and consumer while it is under pressure. stuart: it is up this year. >> 740% up on the year giving back five of that today. the news i have is used car prices close after several months of decline, rose in november from october by 1.6% because the uaw's to write come more demand for cars, not as
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many cars to purchase but a lot of debt. higher used car price would be good. stuart: i would have thought so. stuart: who knows? stock is down 4%, 700% so far. tiktok, the first non-gaming apps to hit a milestone. what milestone did it hit? ashley: the apps become the first nongame mobile apps to generate $10 billion in consumer spending across the apple apps store. the only other apps to achieve this are games including candy crush saga, $0.10 of kings. data shows tiktok began this year with $6 billion in consumer spending and added another 3. 8 billion through the course of
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the year, 60 one% growth since january. according to a pew research center report, 20% of teens say they are on youtube or tiktok almost constantly. 9 out 10 use youtube making it the most popular channel for teens. followed by tiktok, snapchat, instagram at all the way down, meta, meta, facebook 3%. a separate bowl by gallup found teens spent an average of 4. out hours on social media every day. thought it would be a whole lot more, maybe 23 out of 24 hours. stuart: 4. 8 hours a day on social media. what do you think? brian: it kills kids's social skills when they are on these apps all day. the videos they watch are weird. people behave weirdly.
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lauren: those kids are making millions of dollars for unwrapping a toy your kid is watching. brian: that's the most innocuous. when they get to be teens, the videos they may, these weird social ticks and all these things that perpetuate and what happens is you meet these kids in college and they can't look you in the eye and have a conversation. i had great college students but so many couldn't sit across from me and look me in the eye. they lost the ability because of this thing all the time to look at somebody. stuart: you remind me of my parents in the 1950s telling you can't watch television, it will ruin your brain. exactly the same. look at me now. brian: you are on television. lauren: a lot of parents keep our kids over occupied,
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overinvolved in this sport, that sport. why are we doing this? they can't play safely on the street anymore but we don't want them sucked into social media and obsessed with their phones. we are creating a new generation by having a kid that is like so busy. stuart: deal with it, that's the message. lauren: you couldn't carry an old-fashioned tv around with you. brian: you were out and about. brian: that was you. stuart: turning to something serious. in britain they are seizing a dozen types of popular american candys gone jolly ranchers, swedish fish, mountain dew, they say the additives are linked to cancers, infertility and other health issues. what is the evidence that these additives cause cancer?
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>> good morning can. i'm happy to talk about this important topic. this report by consumer reports which everybody knows from product testing, a lot of these ratings come from an organization called the international agency for the research of cancer, a division of the world health organization which i don't always go along with what they say but a lot of this agency research is very valid and a lot of these people don't realize our fda allows food producers to put a great number of additives and ingredients into our food that were banned in europe, a lot of these companies when they sell their products can use the same formula because they include all these poisonous additives, colorings, preservatives that are allowed to go into our food supplies that they don't allow into theirs so i'm glad to get this out because certain states are looking into this,
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california is on the cutting edge of banning these ingredients. stuart: you think these ingredients should be banned in america? >> i do, these chemicals, not only cancer, there are colorings that have been shown to increase adhd behavior in students and children. mineral oil in tweezers, what makes them soft and chewy is mineral oil which comes from petroleum. it's a petroleum product, that's not good to put into our bodies. they are seeking greater regulation but i'm not a regulation guy but in this case the fda is falling short of protecting our food supply. of the one different subject. 5.4 million people have already had the flu just this fall alone. emergency room visits for respiratory illnesses reach their highest level since february.
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i have to tell you everybody i know has a cough. it goes on for a very long time. they are starting to call it the hundred day cough. i don't think it is the flu. what is it? >> it is not. you know how to tell the difference between the flu and other repertory -- respiratory infection? when someone has the flu is that i got hit by a mack truck illness. when you can't out of bed to function. if -- you have a moderate cold, if you have something important to do, you can shower and get yourself together and function and be miserable, when you have the flu there is no function. you are in bed. your hair hurts when you have the flu. there are other respiratory infections going around. it is the season. there's coronavirus is, covid out there, that's run-of-the-mill colds, this time of year we see, we are seeing more. they last longer where you have a lingering cough or couple
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weeks. that's not unusual. stuart: 14% of people who used eli lilly's weight loss drug gained the weight back one year after they stop the treatment. what do you say to that? >> this is a conversation i had with a lot of patients on a daily basis because people are requesting these drugs whether it is ozone pick, this makes me lose weight. it is not as easy as that. you do lose weight, you don't make lifestyle changes to go along with that, you plan on taking this drug? i don't want to but if you stop the drug, the weight comes back unless you make those lifestyle changes, i was not surprised by the result of the study. stuart: a useful steppingstone, take a shot, lose the weight, change your lifestyle and then quit the shots and you will be okay. could be a steppingstone to a healthy lifestyle. >> it can be.
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you have to choose your patients carefully for this drug. it is not a side effect free. it is a heavy duty injectable endocrine drug that the great diabetes drug about for the person who just needs to lose weight, there are people i will give it to. and otherwise healthy person who wants to lose weight, there are better ways. there are better ways. lifestyle management always works. stuart: we covered three interesting subject and covered them very well. see you again soon guaranteed. homeland security says the us is releasing 5,000 illegal migrants into the country every day. will the trump era remaining mexico policy help stymie the flow? border guy brandon judd deals with that in the next hour. 3 billion from the biden administration, now under investigation.
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it is accused of scamming elderly people with dementia. ashley will have that story next. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪
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stuart: climate advocates issued a warning to the cop 20 climate summit. what was the warning? ashley: that the climate summit is on the cusp of failure, of breaking down. climate advocates say a new draft of the agreement removes a call to phase out fossil fuels, instead it uses watered-down language in a concession to oil-producing countries like the middle east. it calls on countries to take actions to reduce planet warming pollution that could
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include the reducing of the production of oil and coal and gas. critics waited including the climate warrior al gore who said the climate and the world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible. of the current draft doesn't get widespread support negotiators may need to return to the debate. cop 28 has been a failure through and through. they held in saudi arabia. stuart: a related story. lawmakers are investigating the $3 million loan to the solar company accused of scamming elderly dementia patients. that sounds shocking. what's the company's response? ashley: a real head scratcher. the largest federal loan to a solar company in history, that would make you stand up alone. the company says it has done nothing wrong it has become a
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target of green agenda critics. the company's found around ceo released a statement saying we become a political football in an environment where the renewable energy is increasingly caught in the crosshairs. despite this, they are dedicated to delivering on our goal of providing clean, affordable energy services. i asked the company to receive an unprecedented $3 billion loan from the biden administration. republican lawmakers want to review reports that it allegedly has been scamming elderly dementia patients into paying sunup or product, the daughter of one victim spoke with jesse waters on fox news claiming her 86-year-old father who was diagnosed with dementia was conned into signing a 25 year lease by a door-to-door salesman. listen. >> robert my parents and getting billions of dollars for being criminals.
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that is how we reward them, and i found that out, i was sick. ashley: attorney general, 50 border complaint since last year and the better business bureau issued an alert about the company. despite all of this the loan file was finalized in september with the department of energy telling fox business, quote, some in congress would rather see our competitors succeed in the race to capture the clean energy future the department of energy loan programs office is moving diligently to forge ahead as good stewards of taxpayer dollars helping borrowers to her due diligence standard. more stringent than what is done in the private sector. kathleen mcmorris rodgers, john barrasso, leading the charge to get answers from the doe giving
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the agency until december 21st to cough up and provide documentation. pretty shocking story. stuart: bad pr. brian brenberg, what you make of this. brian: i hate loan from the department of energy 20 green energy company. the problem of scamming has become such a huge issue. hard to have sympathy for that. the company is denying it but you have seen it before and you knew it is out there. blue one as an elderly person myself, trying to avoid this kind of thing. the best story of the day, the legend of tommy devito grows, we will tell you have a giants quarterback taking over the nfl, this is the feel-good story of the day and we have got it. congresswoman elyse stefanik fires back at saturday night
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live after they mocked her, brian kilmeade is livid about this next.
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stuart: kilmeade time. looks like he is speaking to someone else. you are on. congresswoman elyse stefanik not happy after saturday night live poked fun at her. you are fired up about this. what have you got to say? brian: she's demanding an apology, no doubt about it, there is something going on here, not defined yet. one of the biggest names on snl, don't think she's part of the cast, one of those situations i think she was asked to come back and play elise stefanik because they look similar. she did the rehearsal but didn't do the show. i don't know if -- one would assume after the last -- the lack of laughs maybe she sighed and thought i don't want to be
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part of this. the thing is you are marking the fact that she was identifying anti-semitism as a problem on college campuses so they mock the woman that's trying to find out what is with anti-semitism on college campuses, not the ridiculous responses from the president of the institutions who have apologized for their comatose appearance. stuart: they got it completely wrong. i would like to know why they are so liberal they go after conservative -- because she's a conservative -- i don't know. i want to move on to my favorite story of the day, the new york giants, tommy devito makes $4000 again, lives with his parents and is taking new york by storm after the big win against the packers. you are a giants fan. how do you feel, they call him tommy. brian: he says his mom makes
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great chicken and so his call him tommy cutlets. if you haven't seen it, the best way to watch football, they had to scroll back and forth between the miami dolphins game, and the giants game while having guests at the same time. to see his agent with that had, looks like the quintessential italian from new jersey. i can say that because i'm half italian from long island and i thought to myself imagine if he was and they got word that he, his agent, you see the agent in the stands, he says i live at home and you probably can't wrap your head around this because you have 6 kids and you like them all but you want them out on their own and he says i go home because my mom is a great cook and does my laundry and make my bed why would i go anywhere else? i don't know. it is a strong pitch. he has launched, hasn't had an nfl career, doesn't want to get rid of it.
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stuart: what is with this hand gesture i keep seeing from italians and the crowd? what is that? get lost? brian: we are looking at the first generation wave of italian immigrants. they did this and said mama mia a lot. now he's marking the fact they say that in new jersey. when he says this, it is a salute to his italian heritage and given back to him by his family in the stands, the other story is this. you are such a sports fan. don't care if your team is bad but when it is supposed to be good and the coach got coach of the year you sign your quarterback to $106 million contract, you are ready to go to the super bowl this year, you are terrible, that is the worst and that is what happened to the giants. now with tommy devito they have won three in a row. tommy devito, one game from
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tying for the wildcard spot, the wisest guy screwing up the draft pick, they can actually beat 500 in the playoffs. of the one i knew you wanted to talk at length about this. brian: you did for me. you sacrificed your show for me, thank you. stuart: see you soon. it's that time that i have to thank brian brenberg for joining us. it was really interesting. still ahead, house judiciary committee chair jim jordan on growing support for biden's impeachment inquiry. marilyn judd reaching the breaking point, thousands of migrants being released into the us every day. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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10:59 am
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11:00 am
(adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. muck life is a beautiful thing as a lon


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