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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 12, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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ashley? ashley: not a clue. i will go with 42. number 3. stuart: murph? >> i'm going to say number 4. 45. stuart: i will say number 3, 42. this is 1900. the answer is 45. murphy got it right. 45. oklahoma, new mexico, arizona, alaska, hawaii were the last five states that joined the union in the twentieth century. in 1900 there were 45. >> i will go first next time. ashley: thank you. it would help. stuart: hope to see you again soon. "varney and company" is done for the day. coast-to-coast starts now. brian: fury on college campuses.
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the you pen president is out. she's holding onto her job even though her testimony sounded like you pen's president. billionaire ackman says it will cost harvard a billion bucks. all the breaking news on this story. ukraine's president back in dc pleading for aid. a year ago he was met with a hero's welcome but he's working in the shadow of us border press. could the ukraine's president convince democrats to fund america's own border security to get some of his own. lawmakers looking to put a end to those holiday steels, examining a mess of retail theft, the latest on this. i'm david asman in for neil cavuto and you are watching coast-to-coast.
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our top market story, consumer prices up a take a but not enough as you can see in the one hundred 30 point gain, dashing expectations for a rate cut next year as the fed kicks off their last two day policy meeting. let's get the read from portfolio manager adam johnson. great to see you. we are not in deflation. prices are still going up, not just as fast as they were. affordability, that's what consumers feel. >> wages going up 3 or 4 but still getting squeezed. here's the catch. when prices start to go down, be careful what you wish for, things are not good. to your point, we are seeing disinflation meaning inflation
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rising at a slower rate but not deflating. david: what will the fed make of this? we should mention tomorrow we have another inflation indicator. the producer prices. >> steady as she goes. we have come and long way. the fed's target for inflation is 2% where they want to be long-term. at the height, when covid was at its craziness and all those containers were stuck in the port of los angeles and long beach inflation cpi was 9.1. it is down from 9.1 and now it is 3.1. we have come a long way and producer prices as high as 11.9. let's step back and recognize this is going the right direction, taking longer than we thought. people are getting raises to as
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one third of the cpi calculation. david: the fed would deny on a stack of bibles that any of their decisions are political. it is happening in the past. in 1972 was a reelection campaign of richard nixon. arthur burns was the fed chair and he has been accused by historians of fiddling with the numbers to make knicks look good to guarantee reelection. could the same happen now? >> you are a student of history. i respect that. the answer to your question is yes it could. something you have to be wary of. jerome powell was accused of that when mr.
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trump was seeking reelection, that he was lowering rates. david: since then he fired the guy. couldn't be happy to see trump in another term as president. >> what the fed is trying to do is to weave a fine line between controlling inflation and doing the right thing for the economy. we keep using the expression soft landing, bring down inflation. i think they are doing that and i give jerome powell the benefit of the doubt. he's imperfect, subject to politics. but so far so good. i'm also an investor and i'm invested so i have a vested interest in the fed doing the right thing. david: a lot of people when they saw interest rates going up 5%, where you guarantee your principal went there, are they pulling back and getting back into the market?
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>> there's money coming back into the stock market. david: people's buying today, the dow is up one hundred 40. >> the nasdaq was up 10% last month. yet we are still well below the all-time highs. the small caps lag by 50% the past 5 years so there's still money to be made. david: we were talking about my 401(k), the past 3 months i realized it is about back to where it was a year ago. >> everyone's 401(k) became a 200 one k and then to a 3001k and we are getting back to 401(k). david: i like your optimism. ukrainian president zelenskyy in washington pleading with lawmakers for additional aid. republicans are refusing to sign off on more aid for his border until president biden secures our border,
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negotiations are in a stalemate. hillary vaughan has the latest on capitol hill. >> reporter: the ukrainian president zelenskyy is hoping congress get him $61 billion but he might leave empty-handed because the fate of ukraine aid hinges on whether the white house can work out a deal with republicans on the border. zelenskyy, he's not budging on keeping the two tied together, republicans in the senate that met with zelenskyy feel the same way. >> the only thing that's holding this up at this point is willing, simple white house to acknowledge that they are going to have to deal with the border. it is unlikely we will get this done before the end of the year. that is regrettable. i think unfortunate. it has created uncertainty by president zelenskyy. >> reporter: today zelenskyy tried to win hearts and minds but also warned congress if they don't give them cash fast
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there could be major consequences. >> it was a powerful meeting. president zelenskyy made it so clear how he needs help, he needs the aid quickly. if we don't give the aid quickly, several things will happen. the military, secondly, europe and many other allies will say what is going on here? they are not giving them the aid. >> reporter: republicans are hearing from the wrong president today, they don't want a meeting as much as they want one with president biden, to hash out a deal with major asylum policy changes but all they have heard so far is crickets from the white house. the top republican negotiator, james langford says they've not heard from the white house and four days. david: thank you. florida republican congressman mike waltz is here with more on this, great to see you.
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we heard schumer say europeans will say what is going on? americans, looking at our border saying what is going on right here in our country? that has to be solved before anything else is solved? >> a couple of clarifying points. one, the president introduced border into the massive package with taiwan, ukraine, israel and other things, introduced it in the wrong way. she wants to throw more money behind bad policy. it wasn't republicans who introduced border, it was him. we are just now republicans trying to fix bad policy one, this isn't about politics. it's about national security in a secure border is national security, it biden's fbi director is saying it is only a matter of time until we are attacked by one of the hundreds
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on the terrorist watch list they are trying to track down. that alone would be enough for the biden administration to change policies and when it does come to ukraine what is the strategy? what is it? i just left a closed-door meeting and even behind closed doors we cannot get a clear articulation of where this is going, how many times they have to come back to the american people to ask for money and how do we get out of the stalemate in ukraine that biden's dithering has backed us into, border strategy, before you just talk about blank checks from the american people. david: he was the conquering hero, had a charm about him and the the near of invincibility that led to billions being spent on this because in ukraine. now that charm has worn off,
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doesn't seem to have the same spark that he did, or am i missing? >> i will remind everyone that it was biden that offered zelenskyy a ride out of town. i think he should be commended for taking a stand. ukrainians are doing the fighting and dying, asking for the bullets and i think putin had every intention of slicing through ukraine and hitting a nato country but we stopped in an emergency situation. we have successfully stopped putin. now we need to have a real debate about what is in america's interest moving forward and what is the strategy to get there. biden saying trust me, don't ask tough questions, sign a blank check, hell no, we are not going to do that. for jake sullivan and biden to say if you ask questions on behalf of the american people, you are pro russia is frankly insulting and not helping the
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cause. david: americans want accounting for the money. not that they don't appreciate the cause, they don't want russia and the old soviet union taking over europe again but over $100 billion has been spent. i don't know there's been accounting for that, has there? >> the american people don't look at this through a soda straw like washington does. they are looking at gas prices, 8% mortgage rates, inflation that is killing their paycheck and our out-of-control border and saying what is your priority here? republicans made it clear that we have to secure our border first, not either or, it's a matter of priorities number one and number 2, by the way, it is failed energy policy that has kept russia and iran rich and now we are spending against ourselves with double bad policy so we need to talk about
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policy changes, not money. washington loves to talk about money, let's talk about goals and strategy. david: before you go, talk about another priority, the impeachment inquiry. when are we likely to see a vote on that and will you be in favor of the inquiry are not? >> this is not impeachment of itself, this is to give us greater standing in court because the administration isn't giving us the answers that we need to. there are so many questions. did biden co. mingle his funds with hunter? did they pay taxes? we don't know because we have whistleblowers from the irs saying they have been obstructed in that investigation and more policies change, as vice president biden was in charge of ukraine in china and where did the money come from?
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ukraine, russia and china. more policies affected because of the money flowing into his family. those are fair questions to ask and this inquiry will give us standing in court to give us the answers. david: do you have enough evidence to prove charges of bribery? >> that's why we want the inquiry to give us more evidence. this is very serious. i think there is so much smoke i think we are going to find the fire but we need to get the bank records and the things we need that we have been asking for. david: great to see you, thank you for your service. appreciate it. looks like the controversial testimony by ivy league presidents last week is only going to shake up harvard and mit's presidents, are expected for the moment to survive the back lash.
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we will have more on that right after this.
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had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. david: harvard president claudine gay will not be fired despite outrage about her congressional testimony on anti-semitism.
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>> reporter: harvard's governing board decided president claudine gay will keep her job amid pressure on the board from faculty, black alumni and the harvard alumni association executive committee to not fire her. the harvard corporation writing our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that president gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the serious societal issues we are facing. president gay will remain in office despite complaints that she has fostered an unsafe environment for jewish students by allowing anti-semitic protests to go unchecked. over the last couple months headlines include harvard shrugs at june hatred, student groups call israel responsible for the hamas attack and is really harvard business school student harassed amid gaza -- on campus. congresswoman elyse stefanik reacted to the decision.
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>> this is a moral failure of harvard's leadership in higher education leadership at the highest levels. the only change they have made to their code of conduct, where they failed to condemn calls for genocide of the jewish people, the only update to the code of conduct is to allow a plagiarist as the president of harvard. >> reporter: this morning harvard revealed it has been investigating allegations of plagiarism against president gay since late october including her 1997 phd dissertation writing on december 9th but they reviewed the results which revealed a few instances of inadequate citation. the analysis found no violation of harvard standards for research misconduct. she is requesting four corrections. i would note that over the last two years, 39 students have been forced to withdraw from harvard for violating their academic code of conduct. david: thank you very much.
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appreciate it. politico, the magazine politico has come out with an article that essentially says former purdue university president, former governor mitch daniels calling representative stefanik higher ed's a bud light moment, goes on to say where they prepared? they were un-prepared by a lifetime of being cloistered in an ideological bubble and groupthink so what happens now? let's get reaction from fox business correspondent charlie gasparino. you are writing a book about the woke world. this is a bombshell. it is a bud light moment for colleges isn't it? charles: it is called go woke go broke in spring or early summer, here's what i would
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say, this is not a story that's going away because as a journalist i don't -- i'm a news reporter. i'm a bloodhound when it comes to breaking news. i do it anywhere. that's my main job. i do it here, i do it there, i move the markets, i break news. i will be looking at claudine gay not so much for her plagiarism. i looked at some of that. it's not really plagiarism. she forgot to put quotes, she attributed to the person. it's a mistake but i will go back because she seems like a target rich environment in the sense that she is so woke, so insanely woke that she actually equates something like kill the jew with free speech and essentially says under her leadership that you could be thrown out of harvard if you say there are two sexes. you can't be thrown out of harvard if you say kill the
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jew. she actually said that on the hill. she has been public about that. david: obviously she didn't say kill the jew, she said from the river to the sea. it is essentially saying get the jews out of the middle east. words are important. charles: you cannot question at harvard the notion of two genders. you can be thrown out of school. if you are a professor and said that you would be fired immediately. it is against their code of conduct. if she's going there, my guess is claudine gay because reporters like me will look, will be out soon. she will probably retire to a tenured professorship or whatever she's good at. david: you put your finger on it. the hypocrisy of on the one
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hand claiming because of free-speech we need to let people say things when despite the fact they have a history of censoring political views, an organization called foundation for individual expression have a listing of colleges which have more or less free-speech at the very bottom of 248 colleges comes harvard. that bottom. charles: you are the president of harvard talking about free speech when it comes to murdering a class of people. when you throw people out of school for saying all sorts of stuff that's pretty benign. it is really comical. i don't see how she lasts. the real question, how was i able to get a bead on this story? my sources are people who graduated from wharton. my sources are people who graduated from harvard as well. my guess is at some point you will see someone like jamie
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dimon, harvard business school graduate, say enough is enough. david: so far sitting on the sidelines. charles: he runs a big bank regulated by the biden administration. at some point when your stuff comes out about your students being harassed, threatened, you can't question whether there are two genders or not, he will say something. and enterprising reporter. charles: saw it coming, thank you very much. crime on capitol hill, what lawmakers are doing to stop the rise in retail theft.
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elevate your portfolio with reyna silver. harness the enduring power of silver, a vital industrial medal and inflation hedge. backed by strategic projects and a seasoned team. secure your silver investment. reyna silver. >> organized retail crime has
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been growing significantly going get into the pandemic, during the pandemic and post pandemic. anytime you have lack of consequences or an opportunity when you can get away with things without the threat of being caught, that emboldens bad actors to be out there. david: home depot's vp scott glenn testified on capitol hill today is lawmakers look to address retail theft numbers, the national retail federation saying organized retail crime is a serious problem impacting retailers of all sizes in communities across the nation. let's bring in matt shea. this is organized crime. what is happening, because you have minor penalties, a traffic ticket in most places these organized criminals put together gang does of 10 or 20 individuals none of whom will
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go to jail for their crimes but to gather they are stealing hundreds of thousands worth of merchandise. >> thank you. this is a serious problem, a growing and persistent threat. it today's hearing in addition to hearing from major retailers and a number of trade associations like the national retail federation, the fbi, homeland security, secret service are talking about this because they recognize this as an enormous problem impacting not just retailers but communities in which our members operate and it impacts customers, it impacts those communities, when they don't have the goods in stock or when stores close, that makes an impact on the community. it is a problem for communities and our country that needs to be addressed. david: i know you are not in law enforcement. because of the fact that these
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organized criminals put together the stash they collected from these shoplifters and sell them online it is illegal to purchase stolen merchandise, is the fbi cooperating with retailers to find a second source of sales where the kernels are selling this stuff. >> this problem has a variety of dimensions and different approaches to solving it. last year we were able to pass the inform act which addresses the issue of marketplaces to ensure that we can verify and validate the seller of goods, the providence of the goods and ensure that those are authentic, what we are talking about it today's hearing is another piece of this problem with combating organized retail crime act. that bill will make sure homeland security and other federal agencies are coordinating is effectively as
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possible with state, law enforcement, local law enforcement, these are sophisticated criminals and complicated cases and requires additional information sharing and additional resources. david: americans are fed up with it, city like houston just voted for a guy who's tough on crime. is a democrat but an old-style tough on crime democrat against sheila jackson lee. americans are turning on the anti-police mentality, getting criminals to stop what they are doing. glad you're working on law enforcement on the retail front, great to see you, appreciate it. forward hitting the brakes on electric vehicle production because people aren't buying them. what that means for biden's green agenda after this. ♪
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david: another blow to the av industry, ford announcing it will cut production of its f 150 lightning in half in the new year. let's bring in former white house director on what this means for biden's green agenda which is getting more expensive day by day. americans aren't buying evs and car companies can't make money if people aren't buying their products. >> that's the nub of the issue. inventories are bloated, the cars stay on the lot, not because the biden administered in hasn't pushed this policy to the extent carmakers want to go in this direction.
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they just can't sell the cars, this is putting a break with the enthusiasm consumers don't want these cars. david: we are spending billions on ev chargers and only got one in ohio but we could end up with ev charging stations all over the country and nobody using them. >> that is what consumers have concern, you want me to pay higher prices to purchase the cars and this level of uncertainty that comes with these vehicles which is how long can i go? what is the presence of the charging stations, the subsidies the going to these cause it to look like they are cheaper over the life of the vehicle but those subsidies are government policies, they can change overnight so there's a lot of uncertainty with regard
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to consumers that i don't think exists enthusiasmwise outside the coast, people want certainty and the ability to have reliable vehicles and that is not where the biden administration is. david: biden administration. government is a great investment, bureaucrats and politicians can invest as well if not better than people in private business. we just saw in dubai where we had a conference on climate change and at least we had the host of the conference, oil sultan saying if you think you can phase out fossil fuels we are going to have to live in caves again. >> this is the most could go point. this news by ford will not change the biden administration bureaucrats one iota at all. they have an ideological viewpoint that of a market has not caught up. it will not change.
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they will expect they can keep pushing government coercion to get to their green new deal purposes, which electrical vehicles are such a critical component of that. david: thanks for being here. happy holidays. lawmakers are investing the biden administration's $3 billion loan to our solar company over allegations it took advantage of some of the most vulnerable people in the population. ashley webster live with the latest on this. david: this will leave you scratching your head. the largest federal loans to a solar company in history. the company says they did nothing wrong other than becoming a target of green agenda critics, the company's founder and ceo released a statement saying unfortunately we have become a political football in an environment where the energy industry is increasingly caught in the
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crosshairs, remains dedicated to delivering the goal of providing clean, affordable and reliable energy services. the company receives an unprecedented $3 billion loan from the biden administration, republican lawmakers want to review documents after reports surfaced that they had been scanning elderly dementia patients into paying for their products, the daughter one alleged victim spoke with jesse waters claiming and 86-year-old father diagnosed with dementia was conned into signing a 25 year lease by a door-to-door salesman. listen to this. >> they are getting billions for being criminals. that is how we reward them. we reward them with billions of dollars. when i found that out i was sick.
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ashley: the complaints that have been filed, the investigation found the state has received 80 complaints from customers ranging from faulty equipment to outright lies from salesman. one complaint read simply they lied to us when they told us there was no contract and they lied to us that they were free. i am feeling hopeless and stuck. the loan deal was finalized in september despite the overwhelming majority of those complaints coming before them. republicans, house energy chair kathy rogers and senate energy chair john barrasso leading the charge to get answer some of the barbed of energy giving the agency until december 21st to provide documentation. david: very important report. adam johnson is back with us. looks a lot like solyndra except it is worse, if these charges are true, preying on
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older people who can't defend themselves that well and it is four times more expensive than what we got from solyndra. >> headlines are bad and to be clear, i own this stock and so do my clients. this is one of the best solar installation companies out there in the best margins which is why i was attracted in the first place. if in fact there were several dozen people who were misled, you can't really know without having interviewed each of those people. we heard one report from the woman talking about her parents, that is upsetting. solar installations are expensive. they cost anywhere from 8 to $35,000 and what these loan guarantees were supposed to accomplish was to help consumers finance the conversion of their homes to solar or installation of solar
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to help argument traditional heating and to be perfectly clear they actually can sell excess solar production back to recoup some of that money but it takes time and it is not easy to understand that. david: not like we haven't been here before. we saw government spending in the obama administration, green energy projects that did not pan out and in some cases lost a lot of money for taxpayers. goldman sachs suggested we may be spending as much as $1.2 trillion on green energy, that is our money, we don't want it to be spent on things like this if the stories are true. >> what's difficult for clean energy is government subsidies. that's the problem. david: for your sake i hope it's not true. president biden saying at a campaign event that is real is starting to lose support around the world calling on benjamin
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netanyahu to, quote, change the government. edward lawrence has more on this. i wonder what that means. >> reporter: the president just got back from the political reception he was at in washington dc. he said benjamin netanyahu needs to strengthen and change his government. this after the president said the israeli government is the most conservative government in history there. the president says they have to change the government to find a solution. a long-term solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict, president saying is really starting to lose support and there needs to be a two state solution to this and the president making the point israel is moving away from the 2 state solution and needs to get back to it. this was at a campaign event that happened 30 or 40 minutes ago. he said this is a changing message we heard regionally from this white house, 100%
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behind the israeli prime minister, now we are hearing the president at least behind closed doors start to talk about their needs to be strengthening and changing of the israel government to find that long-term solution. david: remember a time in history of israel when a us president called for a change of government in the israeli government system. it is new to me. >> historically shy away from any government, no president says that about any -- david: to come out publicly and suggest our closest mideast ally has to change its government, that is extraordinary. time to check in with brian brenberg. brian: they are not interested in changing. that the response to the handling of anti-semitism.
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keeping claudine get at the helm despite losing a billion in donations plus endorsements keep rolling in for nikki haley but doesn't move the needle for her in taking on donald trump. we will ask bill hemmer. more coast-to-coast after this. ♪ (adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia.
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david: this extraordinary breaking news story, president biden saying is really starting to lose support around the world because of what he said is indiscriminate bombing and netanyahu, the prime minister, has to change his government. former delta force commander, lieutenant general jerry boykin joins us now. in the 75 years of israel's history i have never heard a us president call for change in the israeli government. have you? >> i have not. unless it is behind closed doors. we have got to think in terms of the damage this has done. people need to rally around their leader.
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our president just indicated he was not happy with him, didn't think he could do the job and ought to be replaced. i think that is a terrible thing to do at this point in this war. david: i have emphasized we don't know if that is what he meant. i hate to say it but we have a president who has misspoken on several occasions many times. he may have meant perhaps there should be a shuffling of netanyahu's cabinet, even that is unprecedented. 's comment that israel is engaged in indiscriminate bombing, i understand too many civilians have died in this war against hamas. it happens in wartime. it is awful. but i don't think israel has been involved in these in discovered bombings. we have to really focus on specifically what he was saying. the indiscriminate bombing is
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going to get a lot of criticism as well. >> it will. that is why the israelis are very careful not to bomb a target that has civilians. go after infrastructure that might ultimately kill innocent civilians their too but this is something they pooled out of the air. show me the proof if you can. that's the truth. david: what happens now particularly with regard to israel's campaign against hamas, they were making great gains in undermining its political authority in gaza. does that come to a end? are they in defiance of what president biden said? >> i don't know what to think of what president biden says and you may be right. i don't think it plays very well in terms of what he said
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there and let me go back to this collateral damage. i have lived with the israelis. i have watched them. i've watched them fight. i have seen the length that they go to to prevent collateral damage. it still happens. but they are so sensitive about collateral damage, the world media is going to say about them that they go to great lengths and i am very disappointed what has been said here with regards to benjamin netanyahu. david: they are now depending on congress and that's a big depend. we don't know whether congress will work these things out but we have three measures in a bill that is pending, one dealing with money to israel and another with money to
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ukraine and very contentious money going to our own us border. what happens now? israel really is dependent on these new funds for the us. we have ten seconds. >> what happens now is we give them what they need and congress has to make hard decisions. david: we appreciate you coming here. more cavuto coast-to-coast right after this.
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david: we are getting more breaking details of what the president said in dc about his real. he said, quote, this is the most conservative government in israel's history adding the government doesn't want to two state solution. is really starting to lose support around the world. president biden said netanyahu has to quote to strengthen and change israeli government to find a long-term solution to the israeli palestinian conflict. very interesting comments by president biden. it is not affecting the markets terribly. the dow is still up 100 points lose the other indices are up as well so it looks like they are more focused on what the fed is going to do than what is happening and foreign policy. brian brenberg and "the big money show" are here to take you through the next hour. brian: hello, everyone.


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